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Experiment No.


(Hopkinson Test)


This is a regenerative test in which two identical dc shunt machines are coupled
mechanically and tested simultaneously. One of the machines is made to act as a motor driving
the other as generator which supplies electric power to motor. The set therefore draws only loss-
power from the mains while the individual machines can be fully loaded. (Compare this test with
Sumpner’s test on two identical transformers). The losses in a dc machine comprise of (a)
resistance losses in the armature and field circuits, (b) Hysteresis losses in armature iron, (c)
eddy current losses in the armature iron and pole faces and (d) mechanical losses due to friction
and windage. This back-to-back test is also known as the Kapp-Hopkinson’s test.

Advantages of Hopkinson’s test:

i.) The two machines are tested under loaded conditions so that stray load losses are
accounted for.
ii.) Since it is a regenerative test, the power drawn from mains is only needed to supply
losses. The test is therefore economical for long duration tests like a “heat run”.
iii.) There is no need to arrange for actual load which apart from the cost of energy
consumed, would be prohibitive in size for large-size machines.
iv.) By adjusting the field currents of the two machines, the load can be easily changed and a
load test conducted over the complete range in a short time.

Some drawbacks of this test are:

i.) Both machines are not loaded equally and this is crucial in smaller machines.
ii.) Since a large variation of field currents is required for small machines, the full-load set
speed is usually higher than the rated speed and the speed varies with load. The full load
in small machines is not obtained by cutting out all the external resistance of the
generator field. Sufficient reduction in the motor field current is necessary to achieve full
load conditions resulting in speeds greater than the rated value.
iii.) There is no way of separating the iron-losses of the two machines, which are different
because of different excitations.

Thus this test is better suited for large machines.


To plot efficiency versus load current curves of a dc machine for both motoring and generating

ASSUMPTION: The total iron and mechanical losses are shared equally between the two

If Rm and Rg are the armature resistances, Ima and Iga are armature currents and Imf and Igf are field
currents of machines M and G respectively, then

Motor armature resistance loss = I2maRm

Generator armature resistance loss = I2gaRg

Total iron and mechanical losses = V1(Ima - Iga) - ( I2maRm+ I2gaRg)

Iron and mechanical losses (Pc) per machine under the stated assumption is given by

Pc = ½ [V1(Ima - Iga) - ( I2maRm+ I2gaRg)] (1)

Total motor loss Pm = Pc + V1Imf + I2maRm (2)

Total generator loss Pg = Pc + V1Igf + I2gaRg (3)


Motor efficiency (4)

Where Im=Ima+Imf

Generator efficiency (5)

Where Ig=Iga-Igf


(1) Construct the circuit as per the circuit diagram. You will find the motor and the
generator on the same bed. Use the equipment that reads generator as generator.

(2) First start the motor. Although not shown in the diagram, you need to connect a
resistance in series with the armature branch of the motor. It is a must whenever you
start the motor to keep this resistance at the maximum otherwise a high initial current
will damage the motor. This resistance should finally be cut off to allow the motor to
attain the rated R.P.M as mentioned on the motor panel.

(3) With the motor running at its rated speed and the armature series resistance brought
down to zero all speed adjustments here forth shall be made using the field resistance
(rheostat) of the Motor.

(4) Generator G is excited from the lowest possible current value, the field current so
adjusted so as to give a reading of ‘0’ across switch S2 (measured by V2). Incase the
reading of the voltmeter increases rather than decreasing, with increasing Igf, turn off
the system and interchange the generator’s armature terminals and then repeat steps 1
to 4. While switching off the system it is a healthy practice to go in the reverse order
so that when you start the system there is no chance of the armature resistance being
at it’s minimum (By reverse here we mean decrease Igf then increase the armature
resistance i..e. exactly reverse the previous steps.)

(5) Now increase Igf and decrease Imf in steps so as to vary the motor armature current to
a maximum of 25% overload. During all this time the motor’s speed should be
maintained at it’s rated value and any change due to the above variations should be
dully nullified by adjusting the external field resistance. Take about 8 to 10 readings
for the motor armature currents between its’ minimum and maximum permissible
values and record the same in the table shown below.

(6) Next measure the armature resistance by drop of volts method i.e
(VNL −VL )
Where VNL is the no load armature voltage (of the generator)
VL is the load armature voltage (of the generator)
IA is the respective armature current,
all the quantities being measured at the rated speed.

Fig.1: Connection for Hopkinson Test on a pair of identical D.C shunt motors.
Test data and losses

Rm= ______ohms, Rg=______ohms

Terminal voltage=______V

Sl.No Motor Generator Motor Generator Iron and Motor loss Generator
field field armature armature mechanical Pm watts loss Pg
Current Current Igf Current Ima Current Iga losses of (equation watts
Imf amp amp amp amp each 2) (equation
machine Pc 3)
(equation 1)

Table 1: armature and field currents of motor and generator and their losses

Sl No Motor Generator
Current Output Efficiency Current Output V1Ig Efficiency
Im=Ima+Imf V1Im-Pm Ig=Iga-Igf watts
amp watts amp
Table 2: Output-input and Efficiencies

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