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Miss Isnor’s Classroom Management Plan

As I have stated in my Frame of Reference, building positive relationships with students

contributes to effective classroom management. I have made a conscious effort to create
meaningful relationships with the students in my practicum class and will continue to do so
throughout my 7-week practicum at Mountain View. I am mindful to teach and interact with the
students in a calm, kind way. When certain situations arise, I am firm when necessary but still in
a way that is gentle. I also believe that being organized in regard to lessons and unit plans will
help to make the day run smoothly.

Classroom Set Up

This is a photo of the students’ cubie area at the back of the classroom. Every morning when the
students come into the classroom they change into their indoor gear, take their planner baggies
out of their backpacks and take out their lunch kits to go onto the back table.

’s desk


Lunches go on
back shelf

Students can
work at this table

The desks arrangement changes quite frequently in my classroom; at the moment the students are
sitting in their colour groups (alphabetical order). My teachers’ desk is to the side of the
classroom which is where the ELMO is located as well.
Every morning after the students write their planner message and switch their home reading
books, we do calendar. During calendar, we go over which day, month and year it is. We also
count how many days we have been at school and practice our skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s.

There are a few students in our class who struggle with self-regulation. My teacher has created a
cozy corner at the back of the classroom for students to “take 5”. There is a couch, blankets,
fidgets as well as calming books for students to look at. Students take time here until they feel
they are ready to join the group again.
Everything in our classroom is organized by colour groups. These bins are how my sponsor
organizes student work. Each workbook is put into the appropriate bin once the lesson is over
and each subject has a bin. These bins are kept up at the front of the classroom by the calendar.

Classroom Routines
Morning Routines
The students enter the classroom each day through the back door. The morning bell rings at 8:34,
however my sponsor will let the students in early most days. The students know if they are
allowed to come in early if the blinds are open (this is typically done around 8:20). Students
know that if they come in early that the expectation is to get started on their morning jobs. My
sponsor and I greet the children when they come in.
Morning jobs are
1. hang up backpack and coat
2. change shoes
3. take out planner baggie and put on desk
4. take out lunch kit and put it on the back table
5. start planner message (my sponsor has it written on the ELMO for kids to copy)
6. write out sight words and spelling words (which is also written on ELMO for kids to
7. switch home reading books
8. put planner baggie back in backpack once it is finished
While students are doing their morning jobs my mentor teacher does attendance on the computer.
Students also bring their rainbow duo tangs throughout the week, which go home each Friday
with the weekly newsletter, recent assessments and any other notices that need to go home that
week. The duo tangs are stored in the black bins overtop of the students’ coat hooks until Friday.
This time is also used to check in with students, ask them how their night was and if they want to
share anything with my sponsor, myself or the class.
End of the Day Routines
At the end of the day students put their chairs back on top of their desks and make sure the floor
is clean. Students pack up all of their gear to go home and change back into their outdoor shoes.
Students do not line up at the back door until the floor of the cubie area is clean and there is no
gear left behind. Students usually line up in their rainbow lines and during the last few minutes
before dismissal we do a classroom draw (1 name is picked Monday-Thursday and 2 names are
picked on Fridays). Students whose names are picked can pick a prize from the prize bin.
Students are dismissed from the back door when the bell rings at 2:30. My sponsor and I wait
outside until all of the students are with their adult that they go home with.
Expectations During Lunch and Recess
Students eat snack from 9:50-10:10. During this time we either read to the students or we do our
Heggerty. Little recess is from 10:15-10:30, during this time students are expected to use the
washroom if they need to. The students have their big recess from 11:45-12:20 and come back
inside to eat their lunch from 12:20-12:45. At recess time the students are expected to be outside,
only going inside if they need to use the washroom. During lunch time we either read to students
or put a Vlook on for them to listen to while they eat. When students come in from recess, we
heat up any food for the kids in the microwave. After lunch, students are expected to clean up
everything on their desks , the floor and to zip their lunch kits back into their backpacks.

Moving Through the Hallways

Students are expected to walk through the school in a straight line, keeping their hands to
themselves, voices off and “keeping to the right to be polite”. If students, see someone they
know they are allowed to do a micro wave with one of their fingers. If my sponsor feels like the
students were not following the expectations, then we practice walking through the hallways
responsibly during gym or recess time.

Washroom Use
Students are expected to use the washroom during transition or recess times. If students need to
use the washroom they are expected to go after instructions have been given and only two
students at a time may go. Students take their clothespin off the back wall and give it to one of
the adults in the classroom and write their name on the sign off sheet. Students are to go to
washroom with a partner because we are in a portable. When students come back, they are
expected to come in quietly and to take their clothespin, put it back and sign their names off the

Distribution and Collection of Materials

In the mornings my sponsor puts all of the workbooks students will need on their desks before
the students come in. In the afternoons my sponsor or myself will hand out the workbooks or
materials needed once the students have put away their lunch materials and the classroom is
clean. Students have bins in their desks of writing and colouring tools, scissors and glue sticks. If
students need a tool there is a lost and found area in the back of the classroom where they can
take what they need
During transition time my sponsor will have 1 friend in each colour group collect their group’s
workbooks and put them on the white table beside her desk. The books will then go in rainbow
order in the appropriate bin (which is done by my sponsor or myself).
Daily Routines
As mentioned previously, one of the main routines is the students’ morning jobs. On Tuesday,
Wednesdays and Thursdays the students have their Daily 5 time. Students know that the
expectations of Daily 5 are to stay in 1 spot (not to wander around) and to do their work quietly.
If students need help, they know that I am around and to put their hand up and I will come and
help them. During this time there are 2 groups of students that go to the Student Support Teacher
for extra reading assistance. These students know that the expectations are to quietly line up at
the door, go together as a group and transition in and out of the classroom quietly. Every Friday
we have buddies with Mrs. Hack’s grade 5/6 class. Half of the group stays in our classroom
while the other half of the group goes into the school to be in Mrs. Hack’s room. During this
time students work on literacy activities and arts/crafts with their buddy.

Carpet Time
Students each have their own carpet spot where my sponsor thinks their best learning will take
place (students are sitting by students who will not distract them). Students are expected to sit
criss cross with a calm body at the carpet. Students also know that to be a respectful audience
member they should be looking at the speaker and their voices are off.
Instructions at Desk
When I am teaching or giving instructions, students know that the expectations at their desk is to
sit with a calm body and to have their hands alacazam (hands folded together). If students have a
question, they can put their hand up. If students have a connection, they can do the connection
symbol with their hands. Students know that the expectation when I am teaching or giving
instructions is to not be talking. If I feel like students are not showing expected behavior, I will
move them to the white table by the teacher’s desk.
Work Time
Students know that during work time they are to be sitting in their desk and focusing on their
own work. I have no problem with students quietly chatting and helping one another; but
students know that their voice levels should be quiet. During work time I circulate around the
room to check in with students and to offer assistance to those who need it. If students have a
question they know to sit at their desks and to put their hand up.
Gym Lessons
The expectations in the gym are to be respectful and to keep hands to self. If students are not
following the expectations, they are asked to sit on the stage until they feel they are ready to join
the group again. During gym this practicum I will use my whistle as a way to regain student
attention. When I blow my whistle, the students know to freeze, face me and have their hands
free of any materials. The expectations will be the same when I take the students out for outdoor
lessons and play.
Management Strategies

I gain student attention by using call backs, clapping sequences as well as simply waiting until
each student is quiet and looking at me. My sponsor also has a chime that I use; students know
that when the chime is struck for everyone to freeze and put their hands on their head. We also
have classroom money that we give out to students that show positive, on task behaviour. When
students have their name written underneath the apple on the top of the board, they will get
classroom money. Students whose name gets put under the middle apple know that they have to
adjust their behaviour. Students whose name is put under the last apple (the sad face) usually
have to have a conversation with the teacher after school. I also implemented a “secret student”
management strategy last practicum that I will continue to use in the spring. I write two names
down on a sticky at the beginning of the day and if those students show expected behaviour all
day, they will get a small prize. I find this strategy usually works well because students do not
know whose names I have written down, so they all want to show on task behaviour in hopes of
getting a prize. I am hoping towards the end of the practicum this strategy will not have to be
implemented as much, but my mentor thinks it is great for the time being. If students are
showing off task or disrespectful behaviour, I will first give a verbal warning, I will move
students if necessary or ask them if they need to “take 5” in the cozy corner. I will also ask
students to move to the white table by the teacher desk. If the behaviour progresses, I will move
names and perhaps have a conversation with the student during recess or center time. I will move
student to our buddy class to do work as a last resort and if I feel like the student is disrupting the
rest of the group’s learning. If there is a conflict between two students, my mentor encourages
the students to use an “I message” to the other student explaining how the behaviour is making
the other feel. I will listen to both sides of the story and be a mediator for the students in conflict
to see if they are able to solve the problem themselves.

I am hoping with the knowledge I have about the classroom setup, routines and expectations that
my final practicum will run smoothly. I think that because I have made strong connections with
the students in my class as well as always having a friendly and calm approach to situations that
arise management issues will be minimal. What is important for me to remember is that wait
times are okay and to always follow through with consequences and expectations that I give the

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