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De exemplu o persoana cu NS in Balanta si NN in Berbec are tendintele zodiei Bal

anta pana la varsta de 30 de ani: placuta, generoasa, o pers. pentru care relati
a cu partenerul si asociatii era ff importanta. Dupa 30 de ani persoana va invat
a sa asimileze calitatile zodiei Berbecului: independenta, curaj, centrare pe si
Aici e un tabel care determina NN dupa data si anul nasterii (NS fiind zodia opu
sa NN):

NN in Aries (Berbec) and NS in Libra (Balanta)

Attributes to develop work in these areas can help uncover hidden gifts and tale
Trusting one s impulses
Constructive self-interest
Moderation in giving
Tendencies to leave behind working to reduce the influence of these tendencies c
an help make life easier and more enjoyable:
Seeing oneself through others eyes
Debilitating selflessness
Being Mr. or Ms. Nice
Obsessive attachment to fairness and justice
Tit for tat mentality (returning exactly what you get)
The Achilles heel Aries North Node people need to be aware of is a preoccupation
with justice ( my survival is dependent on everyone playing fair with me; this tho
ught should signal that they are on shaky ground). These folks are very giving b
y nature, yet their need for justice and absolute fairness is a bottomless pit.
They can start playing fair with themselves by not giving beyond a point that feel
s comfortable, even if they know that nothing will be reciprocated.
The trap that Aries North Node people need to avoid is an unending search for an
ideal, committed partnership ( if only I can find the perfect partner, I ll feel co
mplete within myself ). The feeling of completeness they seek can only be achieved
individually; it will not be the by-product of a relationship, no matter how wo
nderful the partner. The bottom line is that they ll never gain enough approval fr
om others to have permission to be themselves. At some point they must take the
risk and pursue activities that are meaningful to themselves. The irony is that
once Aries North Nodes go in their own direction, the appropriate people are dra
wn into their life to support them.
N Node in the Twelfth House
The lunar North Node transiting the twelfth house. South Node transiting the six
th. During this transit, usually lasting about 18 months, you may feel a compuls
ion to be of service to other people. You could suffer from confusion and a loss
of identity until you break through to a more universal sense of self. This des
ire to be of service can take the form of activities which are intended to be he
lpful, but which may not truly be appreciated by the intended beneficiaries. You
may be tempted to work harder and give yourself up even more to serving other p
eople's needs, for that seems a natural and easier way out, rather than beginnin
g to actively engage in the struggle with your own self-concept. You can also ex
hibit obsessive behavior regarding health issues, or organizational detail. The
true purpose of such behavior is to purify the activity involved, and you should
beware of it becoming an end in itself. There is a need for transformation in t
hese areas, in order to learn how to be of actual service to others. Your proces
s involves nothing less than the subordination of your personal will to a more s
piritual outlook based on your strong feelings of a higher purpose, and a true s
piritual unity with your fellow-man.

A trait prea mult pe seama altora (sot sau public), neluând nici o decizie. A r
efuzat provocarile, fiind prea influentabil.
S-a detasat rapid de mediul sa de origine pentru a-si gasi partenenerul de via
ta si asociatii.
Era sociabil, pentru ca simtea nevoia de a fi în preajma celorlalti, cu scopul d
e a crea relatii eficiente în scopuri comune.
În momentele dificile îsi crea o lume interioara duala, antagonica, fiind mânios pe
unii, iar fata de altii simtindu-se foarte arogant.

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