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Sacrosanctity was a right of tribunes in Ancient Rome to not be harmed physically.

Plebeians took an oath to regard anyone who laid hands on a tribune as an outlaw
liable to be killed without penalty. The term comes from the phrase sacer esto ("let
him be accursed") and reflects that violation of a tribune's sacrosanctity was not
only a secular offense, but a religious offense as well.

he plebs were the general body of Roman citizens (as distinguished from slaves) in
Ancient Rome, consisting of about 93-95% of the Ancient Roman population. They
were distinct from the higher order of the patricians. A member of the plebs was
known as a plebeian (Latin: plebeius). This term is used today to refer to one who is
or appears to be of the middle or lower order; however, in Rome plebeians could
become quite wealthy and influential.

In Latin the word plebs is a singular collective noun, and its genitive is plebis.

The origin of the separation into orders is unclear, and it is disputed whether the
Romans were divided under the early kings into patricians and plebeians, or
whether the clientes (or dependents) of the patricians formed a third group. The
nineteenth century historian Barthold Georg Niebuhr held that plebeians began to
appear at Rome during the reign of Ancus Marcius, possibly foreigners settling in
Rome as naturalized citizens. In any case, at the outset of the Roman Republic,
plebeians were excluded from magistracies and religious colleges. Later on, after a
general strike by the plebeians, the law of the Twelve Tables was promulgated, and
Tabula XI explicitly forbade intermarriage (which was eventually reversed by the
Lex Canuleia). However, before the Twelve Tablets plebeians were forbidden to
know any laws, but were still punished for breaking them. Despite these
inequalities, plebeians still belonged to gentes, served in the army, and could
become military tribunes.

Even so, the "Conflict of the Orders" over the political status of the plebeians went
on for the first two centuries of the Republic, ending with the formal equality of
plebeians and patricians in 287 BC. The plebeians achieved this by developing their
own organizations (the concilium plebis), leaders (the tribunes and plebeian
aediles). When the plebeians felt the situation had become dire, they would
instigate a secessio plebis, a sort of general strike where plebeians would literally
leave Rome, leaving the patricians to themselves.

In Great Britain, Canada, France, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South African
English pleb is a back-formation; a derogatory term for someone thought of as
inferior, common or ignorant. The term is somewhat, though not always,
synonymous with prole."Pleb" also has usage as an insult toward others for doing
something "plebish" and acting in some way like an imbecile.
Plebes may refer to freshmen at the U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy,
Valley Forge Military Academy, the Marine Military Academy, the U.S. Merchant
Marine Academy, Carleton College, Georgia Military College, California Maritime
Academy and the Philippine Military Academy.

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