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(adjustments toward relevant practice)

Teacher Candidate: Haley Klunk Date: 11/7/19

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Huber Coop. Initials: ________________
Group Size: 16 Students Allotted Time: 50 minutes Grade Level: 5th Grade
Subject or Topic: ELA: Parts of Speech and Sentence Structure Block: 4

Standard - CC.1.4.5.F Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard
English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Learning Objectives
SWBAT identify the different parts of speech while engaging in physically interacting with their sentence structure
game boards and accurately creating a complete sentence.

Teacher Observation will be used to assess the level of individual student mastery of identifying the
different parts of speech when playing the game.

An Exit Ticket will be used to assess the level of individual student mastery of their knowledge of the different
parts of speech and completing a complete proper sentence.

Instructional Materials
 Noun Video:

 Adjective Video:

 Action Verbs:

 Two of the games: “Miss Bernard is a Wild Card”

 Laptops

 Smart board

 Timer

 Pencil

 Rule book for each partner pair

 4 Matching Guides

 Noun: a person, place, or thing
 Adjective: a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to
modify or describe it.
 Verb: can express a physical action, a mental action, or a state of being.

 Get the students in partners
 Group together students once they are in pairs to have three groups (a verb group, a noun group,
and an adjective group)
 Have them get out their laptops and log onto Schoology
 As a group the students will watch their assigned video (give them about 8 minutes)
 Make sure to let the students know they are going to have to as a group discuss with the class what
they learned from the video

 Discuss what each group came up with
 Have the partners go back to their seats and group together 4 groups to play the game
 Move desks around to comply with the game; should have two larger groups now
 Directions for the game:
o Each one person in each of the partners gets a game board (so each group should have a total
of 4 game boards)
o Shuffle the playing cards and give each partner pair two playing cards to start
o Place the rest of the cards face down in the middle
o Assign one scorekeeper to write down each partner pairs names
o The youngest player starts the game by picking one card from the face down pile and then
moves clockwise
o Play the card that they are handed on their board if possible
o Make sure everyone is reading aloud their cards and what they are going to do with the card
they choose
o If you don’t like the card that you choose you can or want to get rid of another card you have,
place it on the discard pile
o If you choose to play one of your cards, place it on your board and read aloud your card then
it is the next partner pairs turn
o Rhyming cards must match with the teacher card for the sentence to be complete (sheet
included with the game to identify what teacher matches what rhyming card)
o Wild card cards are put on the discard pile and are read aloud to the group before being
played, but it must be played on that turn
o The round is over when a partner pair completes their sentence, that they read aloud
o Allow the students to play for about 15-20 minutes (whatever time allows)

Clean up the game and ask follow-up questions if needed/time allows
Allow students to discuss sentences they came up with

- Give students opportunity to work with partner when discussing the video portions
- Allow students to type up or write down their sentences from each round

Student DF: Needs preferential seating close to the source of instruction, directions repeated and clarified

Student JE: provide with specific behavioral expectations for each instructional setting, preferential seating
close to the source of instruction

Student success
The students really enjoyed the game and were able to extend their knowledge from the group activity and
the videos to successfully create their sentences. They were able to fulfill the objective and I was able to see this through their
understanding of the parts of speech when it came to completing their sentences in the game.
Teacher effectiveness
1. How can I improve my lesson if used again?
For next time I would like to start out as a whole group and have the students all watch the videos
and then get into their groups to discuss what they learned. This way all the students have a chance
to get the full effect from the videos and can aid more learning styles. I could also add to the
lesson by having them come up with a story using one of the sentences that they came up with in
their game to further extend their learning and their writing skills.

2. How can I manage to complete the lesson if a technology problem arises?

If the students weren’t able to view the videos on their own laptops then I would play the videos
for the whole class and then have them get back into their groups to discuss. Another way I could
is if the videos just weren’t playing then I could have the students work in their groups to come up
with what they already know about the part of speech they were assigned while I tried to fix the


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