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Trigonometric Functions and

Their Derivatives

10.1 Define radian measure, that is, describe an angle of 1 radian.

Consider a circle with a radius of one unit (Fig. 10-1). Let the center be C, and let CA and CB be two radii
for which the intercepted arc AB of the circle has length 1. Then the central angle /LACE has a measure of one

Fig. 10-1

10.2 Give the equations relating degree measure and radian measure of angles.
I 2-rr radians is the same as 360 degrees. Hence, 1 radian = 180/Tr degrees, and 1 degree = 77/180
radians. So, if an angle has a measure of D degrees and/? radians, then D = (180/7r).R and R = (77/180)D.

10.3 Give the radian measure of angles of 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 135°, 180°, 270°, and 360°.
I We use the formula R = (?r/180)D. Hence 30° = 77/6 radians, 45° = 77/4 radians, 60° = 77/3 radians,
90° = 77/2 radians, 120° = 27T/3 radians, 135° = 377/4 radians, 180° = 77 radians, 270° = 377/2 radians,
360° = 277 radians.

10.4 Give the degree measure of angles of 377/5 radians and 577/6 radians.
I We use the formula D = (180 ITT)R. Thus, 377/5 radians = 108° and 577/6 radians = 150°.

10.5 In a circle of radius 10 inches, what arc length along the circumference is intercepted by a central angle of 77/5
I The arc length s, the radius r, and the central angle 6 (measured in radians) are related by the equation
s = r6. In this case, r = 10 inches and 0 = 77/5. Hence, 5 = 277 inches.

10.6 If a bug moves a distance of 377 centimeters along a circular arc and if this arc subtends a central angle of 45°, what
is the radius of the circle?
I s = rO. In this case, s = 3ir centimeters and 0 = 77/4 (the radian measure equivalent of 45°). Thus,
377 = r • 77/4. Hence, r = 12 centimeters.

10.7 Draw a picture of the rotation determining an angle of -77/3 radians.

I See Fig. 10-2. 77/3 radians = 60°, and the minus sign indicates that a 60° rotation is to be taken in the
clockwise direction. (Positive angles correspond to counterclockwise rotations.)


Fig. 10-2 Fig. 10-3

10.8 Give the definition of sin 0 and cos ft
Refer to Fig. 10-3. Place an arrow OA of unit length so that its initial point O is the origin of a coordinate
system and its endpoint A is (1,0). Rotate OA about the point O through an angle with radian measure 0. Let
OB be the final position of the arrow after the rotation. Then cos 6 is defined to be the ^-coordinate of B, and
sin 0 is defined to be the ^-coordinate of B.

10.9 State the values of cos 0 and sin 0 for 0 = 0, 77/6, ir/4, ir/3, ir!2, -IT, 3ir/2, 2ir, 9ir/4.

e sin 6 cos 0
0 0 1
7T-/6 1/2 V5/2
7T/4 V2/2 V2/2
IT/3 V3/2 1/2
it 12 1 0
IT 0 -1
37T/2 -1 0
2lT 0 1

Notice that 9ir/4 = 27r+ ir/4, and the sine and cosine functions have a period of 2ir, that is, sin(fl + 2ir) =
sin 6 and cos (6 1- 277-) = cos «. Hence, sin(97r/4) = sin(7r/4) = V2/2 and cos (97T/4) = cos (Tr/4) =

10.10 Evaluate: (a)cos(-ir/6) (b) sin (-7T/6) (c) cos(27r/3) (d) sin (2ir/3)
(a) In general, cos (-0) = cos ft Hence, cos (-ir/6) = cos (77/6) = V5/2. (*) In general,
sin(-0)= -sin ft Hence, sin(-ir/6) = -sin (ir/6) = -|. (c) 2ir/3 = ir/2 + ir/6. We use the identity
cos (0 + ir/2) = -sin ft Thus, cos(2ir/3)= -sin (-rr/6) = -\. (d) We use the identity sin (0 + ir/2) =
cos ft Thus, sin(27r/3) = cos(7r/6) = V3/2.

10.11 Sketch the graph of the cosine and sine functions.

We use the values calculated in Problem 10.9 to draw Fig. 10-4.

10.12 Sketch the graph of y = cos 3*.

Because cos 3(* + 2tr/3) = cos (3>x + 2ir) = cos 3x, the function is of period p = 2ir/3. Hence, the
length of each wave is 277/3. The number/of waves over an interval of length 2ir is 3. (In general, this number
/, called the frequency of the function, is given by the equation /= 2ir/p.) Thus, the graph is as indicated in
Fig. 10-5.

10.13 Sketch the graph of y = 1.5 sin 4*.

The period p = ir/2. (In general, p = 2ir/b, where b is the coefficient of x.) The coefficient 1.5 is the
amplitude, the greatest height above the x-axis reached by points of the graph. Thus, the graph looks like Fig.

Fig. 10-4

Fig. 10-5

Fig. 10-6

10.14 Calculate

10.15 Calculate

10.16 Calculate

10.17 Using the A-definition, calculate

I By the identity sin (u + v) = sin ucos v + cos wsin v, sin (x + Ax) = sin x cos (A*) + cos x sin (Ax). Hence,
sin (x + Ax) - sin ;c = sin x[cos (Ax) — 1] + cos x sin (Ax), and


Here, we have used and (Problem 10.16).

10.18 Calculate (cos x) from the known derivative of sin x

By the identity cos x = sin [chain

rule] = sin x • (-1)

10.19 Calculate

sin 3x is a composite function of 3x and the sine function. By the chain rule and the fact that

10.20 Calculate

cos2 x = (cos x)2. Hence, by the chain rule,

-2 sin x cos x = -sin 2x.

10.21 Find

By the chain rule,

10.22 Find an equation of the tangent line to the graph of y = sin2 x at the point where x = ir/3.
The slope of the tangent line is the derivative y'. By the chain rule, since sin 2 x = (sinx) 2 , y'=2(sinx)-
(sin x) = 2 sin x cos x. When * = 7r/3, sinx = V5/2 and c o s x = i . So / = 2 - V 3 / 2 - i = V § / 2 .
At the point where x = if 13, y = (V5/2)2 = i. So a point-slope equation of the tangent line is y — \ =

10.23 Find an equation of the normal line to the curve y = 1 + cos x at the point
The slope of the tangent line is the derivative y'. But, y' = -sin x = -sin (ir/3) = -V3/2. Hence, the
slope of the normal line is the negative reciprocal 2A/3. So a point-slope equation of the normal line is
y - \ = (2/V3)(x - IT/3) = (2V3/3)jc - 27rV3/9.

10.24 Derive the formula

Remember that tan x = sin AT/COS x and sec x = 1 /cos x. By the quotient rule,

10.25 Find an equation of the tangent line to the curve y = tan 2 x at the point (7r/3,3).
Note that tan (ir/3) = sin(7j-/3)/cos (w/3) = (V3/2)/i = V3, and sec(ir/3) = l/cos(ir/3) = 1/| =2. By
the chain rule, / = 2(tanx)- -7- (tan*) = 2(tan*)(sec2 *). Thus, when x = ir/3, y' =2V5-4 = 8V5, so
the slope of the tangent line is 8V3. Hence, a point-slope equation of the tangent line is y — 3 = 8V3(x - ir/3).

10.26 Derive the formula

By the identity cot x = tan (IT12 - x) and the chain rule,

10.27 Show that

By the chain rule,

10.28 Find an equation of the normal line to the curve y = 3 sec2 x at the point (ir/6,4)

By the chain rule, y' = 3[2 sec x • -r- (sec x)] = 3(2 sec x • sec x • tan x) = 6 sec2 x tan x. So the slope of the
tangent line is y' = 6(f)(V3/3) = 8V3/3. Hence, the slope of the normal line is the negative reciprocal
-V3/8. Thus, a point-slope equation of the normal line is y - 4 = -(V3/8)(x - 77/6).

10.29 Find Dx
Recall that D,(csc;c) = -esc x cot x. Hence, by the chain rule,

10.30 Evaluate


10.31 Evaluate


10.32 Show that the curve y = xsin* is tangent to the line y = x whenever x = (4n + l)(ir/2), where n is any
When x = (4n +l)(ir/2)= TT/2 + 2irn, sin * = sin ir/2 = 1, cos x = cos ir/2 = 0, and xsinx = x.
Thus, at such points, the curve y = *sin* intersects y = x. For y = *sinjc, y' = x • Dx(sm x) + sin x-
Df(x) = x cos A; + sin x. Thus, at the given points, y' = x • 0 + 1 = 1. Hence, the slope of the tangent line to
the curve y = jcsinx at those points is 1. But the slope of the line y = x is also 1, and, therefore, y = *
is the taneent line.

10.33 At what values of x does the graph of y = sec x have a horizontal tangent?
I A line is horizontal when and only when its slope is 0. The slope of the tangent line is y' = D^sec x) =
sec ;t tan*. Hence, we must solve sec*tan* = 0. Since sec x = 1 /cos x, sec* is never 0. Hence,
tan* = 0. But, since tan x = sin* /cos-*, tan* = 0 is equivalent to sin* = 0. The latter occurs when and
only when x = nir for some integer n.

10.34 For what values of x are the tangent lines to the graphs of y = sin x and y = cos x perpendicular?
I The tangent line to the graph of y = sin x has slope D^(sin x) = cos x, and the tangent line to the
graph of >> = cosx has slope D^(cos x) = -sin x. Hence, the condition for perpendicularity is that
cos x • (-sin x) = -1, which is equivalent to cos x sin x = 1. Since 2 cos x sin x — sin 2x, this is equivalent to
sin 2x = 2, which is impossible, because |sin jr| :£ 1 for all x. Hence, there are no values of x which satisfy
the property.

10.35 Find the angle at which the curve y = 3 sin 3x crosses the x-axis.
I The curve crosses the x-axis when y = | sin 3x = 0, which is equivalent to sin 3x = 0, and thence
to 3x = ntr, where n is an arbitrary integer. Thus, x = mr/3. The slope of the tangent line is
y' = 3 cos 3x • 3 = cos 3x = cos (mr) = ±1. The lines with slope ±1 make an angle of ±45° with the x-axis.

In Problems 10.36 to 10.43, calculate the derivative of the given function.

10.36 x sin x
Dx(x sin x) = x • D^(sin x) + Dx(x) • sin x = x cos x + sin x.

10.37 x2 cos 2x.

Dx(x2 cos 2x) = x2 • Dx(cos 2x) + 2x • cos 2x = ;c2(-sin 2x) • Dx(2x) + 2x cos 2x = -2x2 sin 2x + 2x cos 2x.


10.39 sin3 (5x + 4).

D,[sin3(5x + 4)] = 3 sin2 (5x + 4) • Dx(5x + 4) = 3 sin2 (5x + 4) • (5) = 15 sin2 (5x + 4).

10.40 2 tan (x/2)-5.

Dx(2 tan (x/2) - 5) = 2 sec2 (x/2) • D,(x/2) = sec2 (x/2).

10.41 tan x - sec x.

D x (tan x - sec x) = sec x - sec x tan x = (sec x)(sec x - tan x).

10.42 cot2 x.
D^cot2 x) = 2 cot x • D, (cot x) = 2 cot x (-esc2 *) = -2 cot x esc2 *.

10.43 esc (3* - 5).

Dx[csc (3x - 5)] = [-esc (3x - 5) cot (3* - 5)] • D,(3x - 5) = -esc (3x - 5) cot (3* - 5) • (3)
= -3 csc (3*-5) cot (3*-5).

10.44 Evaluate

Remember that and use the definition of the derivative.

= [D,(cos x)](ir/3) = -sin (w/3) = -V5/2.

10.45 For what value of A does 3 sin Ax have a period of 2?

The period p = 2ir/A. Thus, 2 = 2ir/X, 2>l = 27r, yl = IT.

10.46 Find the angle of intersection of the lines 3!,: y = x - 3 and 3!2: y = -5x + 4.
The angle 0, that .$?, makes with the Jt-axis has a tangent that is equal to the slope of the line. The angle 02 that
.S?, makes with the *-axis has a tangent equal to the slope of &2. Thus tan 0, = 1 and tan 02 = -5. The
angle 0 between ^ and <£2 is 02 - 0}. So, tan 6 = tan (02 - 0^ =
Reference to a table of tangents reveals that 0 = 56°.

Fig. 10-7
10.47 Find the angle of intersection of the tangent lines to the curves xy = 1 and y = x3 at the common point
Let 0l be the angle between the horizontal and the tangent line to y = x3, and let 02 be the angle between
the horizontal and the tangent line to xy = 1. Now, tan 0, is the slope of the tangent line to y = jc3, which is
the derivative of x3 evaluated at (1,1), that is, 3x2 evaluated at x = 1 or 3. So, tan 0, = 3. Likewise, since
the derivative of 1/JC is —(1/Jt 2 ), which, when evaluated at x = 1, is —1, we have tan 02 = —1. Hence,
A table of tangents yields 02 — 0, » 63°.

10.48 Evaluate


and Thus, the desired limit is f .

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