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Design of Tension Members

1. Tension Member
A structural element subjected to direct axial tensile load is a tension member. Tension members occur as
components of trusses, bridges, transmission line and communication towers, and wind bracing systems in multi-
storey buildings. Tension members carry loads most efficiently, since the entire cross section is subjected to
uniform stress. The strength of these members is influenced by several factors such as the length of connection,
size and spacing of fasteners, net area of cross-section, connection eccentricity, type of fabrication and shear lag
at the end connection.

Figure 1: Tension members in bridges, buildings and trusses

2. Comparison of Tension member and Compression member

Tension Member Compression Member
 Net area (Gross area – hole area) is effective  Gross area is effective
 Permissible stress = 0.6 fy  Permissible stress < 0.6 fy
 No stability related issue  Members may buckle before achieving full strength
 Simple design procedure  Trial and error based design process
Theoretically, there is no limitation in slenderness ratio of tension member but IS code (Table 3) considers
maximum values due to the possibility of lateral and compressive loads in erection and transportation of tension

3. Shear Lag
The non-uniform stress distribution that occurs in a tension member adjacent to a connection, in which all
elements of the cross section are not directly connected, is commonly referred to as the shear lag effect. This
effect reduces the design strength of the member because the entire cross section is not fully effective at the
critical section location. On account of shear strain, the longitudinal tensile or compressive bending stress in wide
beam flanges diminishes with the distance from the web or webs; this stress diminution is called shear lag.


Non-connected leg C.G.

Figure 2: Shear Lag in Angle section

4. Lug Angle
Lug angle is small piece of angle used to connect outstand legs of the members to the gusset plate. The purpose
of lug angle is to reduce the length of connection to the gusset plate and to reduce shear lag effect. When a tension
member is subjected to heavy load, the number of bolts or the length of weld required for making a connection
with other members becomes large; resulting in uneconomical size of the gusset plates.

Figure 3: Lug Angle in channel section

5. Long Joint
If the length of the joint is more than 15d then joint is called long joint (Clause Bolts do not share
external load equally. Outer most bolt will fail first.
6. Splices
When the available length is less than the required length of a tension member, splices are provided. If the sections
are not of the same thickness, packings are introduced. The splice cover plates or angles and its connections
should be designed to develop the net tensile strength of the main member. The forces in the main member are
transferred to the cover plate angle sections through the bolts/welding and carried through these covers across the
joint and is transferred to the other portion of the section through the fasteners.
7. Gussets
A gusset plate is a plate provided at the ends of tension members through which the forces are transferred to the
main member. Gusset plates may be used to join more than one member at a joint. The lines of action of truss
members meeting at a joint should coincide. If they do not coincide, secondary bending moments and stresses are
created, which should be considered in the design.
8. Net Sectional Area
Clause 6.3 explains the net section area of different types of sections such as plates, rods, angles etc. The minimum
area will be considered as the net sectional area in case of staggered bolting.
Example: Calculate the net area of an angle ISA 75×75×6 which is connected to the gusset plate through single
leg as shown in following figure. Bolts used are M20 grade 4.6.

For Bolt: Dia of bolt hole = 20 + 2

Net area = net area of connected leg + gross area of outstanding leg
= (75 – 6/2 - 22) x6 + (75- 6/2) x6 = 732mm2
For Weld:
Net area = net area of connected leg + gross area of outstanding leg
= (75 – 6/2) x6 + (75- 6/2) x6 = 864mm2

Example: Find out the net area of a staggered bolted plate as shown. The plate thickness is 10 mm and hole
diameter of bolts is 22 mm.
Net area along different possible planes:
A 50
ABCD = 360x10-2x22x10 = 3160
B ABFCD = 360x10-3x22x10 + ((502/(4x60))+(502/(4x180)))x10
60 = 3078
ABFGCD = 360x10-4x22x10 + ((502/(4x60)) + 0 +
(502/(4x600))) x 10 = 2928
60 ABFGH = 360x10-3x22x10 + ((502/(4x60))x10 =3044
60 Hence, critical section is ABFGCD.

9. Design Strength of Tension Member
The design strength of a tension member is the minimum of the three conditions; yielding of gross section, rupture
of critical section, and block shear (Clause 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4).
A tension member without bolt holes can resist loads up to the ultimate load without failure. But such a member
will deform in the longitudinal direction considerably (nearly 10%-15% of its original length) before fracture. At
such a large deformation a structure becomes unserviceable. Hence, code limits design strength in clause 6.2.
A tension member is often connected to the main or other members by bolts or welds. When connected using
bolts, tension members have holes and hence reduced cross section, being referred to as the net area. Holes in the
members cause stress concentration at service loads. When a tension member with a hole is loaded statically, the
point adjacent to the hole reaches the yield stress first. On further loading, the stress at that point remains constant
at yield stress and each fibre away from the hole progressively reaches the yield stress. At the end, the entire
section is at yield stress condition.

Figure 4: Stress distribution at holes

In block shear, failure of the
member occurs along a path
involving tension on one plane and
shear on a perpendicular plane
along the fasteners. The block shear
phenomenon becomes a possible
mode of failure when the material
bearing strength and bolt shear
strength are higher. The appropriate
model of the block shear failure is
the rupturing of the net tension
plane and yielding on the gross
shear plane.

Figure 5: Block shear failure

Example: Determine the tensile strength of a roof truss diagonal 100 x 75 x6 mm (fy = 250 MPa) connected to
the gusset plate by 4-mm welds as shown in the figure.
Area of the outstanding leg = (75 - 6/2) x 6 = 432 mm2
Area of the connected leg = (100 - 6/2) x 6 = 582 mm2
Gross area = 432 +582 = 1014 ≈ 1010
Strength due to yielding = 1010x10-3x250/1.1 = 229.5kN
Assuming average length of the weld on each side as 225 mm
and the gusset plate thickness as 8 mm.
β = 1.215, fu = 410 MPa
Strength due to rupture of critical section = 291.1 kN
Strength due to block shear = 708.5 kN, 798.3 kN.
Hence, tensile strength = 229.5 kN

Capacity of 4-mm weld = 0.530 kN/mm

Length of the weld at the upper side of the angle = (229.55 x 30.1/100)/0.530 = 130 mm, say 140 mm
Length of the weld at the bottom side of the angle = [229.55 x (100 - 30.1)/100]/0.530 = 302 mm, say 310 mm.
Example: Select a suitable angle section to carry a factored tensile force of 290 kN. Assuming a single row of
M20 grade 4.6 bolts and assuming design strength as fy = 250 N/mm2.

Approximate required area = 1.1 x 290 x 103/250 = 1276 mm2.

Choose 90 x 90 x 8 angle with A = 1380 mm2
Strength governed by yielding = [1380 x 250/1.1] x 10-3 = 313.64 kN
Area of connected leg = (90 - 4 - 22) x 8 = 512 mm2, Area of outstanding leg = (90 - 4) x 8 = 688 mm2.
Number of bolts = 313.64/65.3 ≈ 5; bolt value = 65.3 kN, assumed pitch length = 60 mm, edge distance = 40 mm.
β = 1.113; fu = 410 MPa, Lc = 4x60, bs = 82 + 50
Strength due to rupture of critical section = 325.18 kN
Strength due to block shear = 357.68 kN, 294.97 kN.
Tension capacity of angle = 294.97 > 290 kN. Hence safe.

Example: Design the gusset plate of thickness 12 mm at the joint O of a lower chord of truss as shown in the
figure below. Use M20 grade 4.6 bolts.

Shear strength of M20 bolts in single shear = (400 x 1

x 245)/(1.25x√3) = 45.3 kN
Shear strength of M20 bolts in double shear = 90.6 kN
Assume pitch as 60 mm and edge distance as 40 mm.
Member OB: kb = 0.606
260 260 Bearing strength of bolts = 77.57 kN.
Strength of angle per pitch length = (0.9x410x(60-
22x8))/1.25 = 89.7 kN; bolt value = 45.3 kN.
Number of bolts = 140/45.3 ≈ 4
140 The length of gusset plate = 3 × 60 + 2 × 40 = 260 mm
Member OC: kb = 0.606
Bearing strength of bolts on 6 mm thick angles = 58.18 kN. Strength of angle per pitch length = (0.9x410x(60-
22x6))/1.25 = 67.31 kN; bolt value = 45.3 kN. Number of bolts = 180/45.3 ≈ 4, The length of gusset plate = 3 ×
60 + 2 × 40 = 260 mm. Member AD: Net force in member AD = 300 – 200 = 100 kN, Bearing strength of bolts
on 12 mm thick gusset plate = 116.4 kN, Strength of angle per pitch length = (0.9x410x(60-22x16))/1.25 = 179.5
kN; bolt value = 90.6 kN. Number of bolts = 100/90.6 ≈ 2, length of gusset plate = 60 + 2 × 40 = 140 mm.

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