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The Right Knowledge of the Full Foundation for American Law!

by Chef JeM Blog entry 8/15/17, 1:48 PM

Blog: Son of Truth of Self

by Chef JeM

The Right Knowledge of the Full Foundation for Am

The "freedom of choice" in "a conundrum of democratic capitalist societies"

Date: 7/9/2015 4:27:16 AM ( 25 mon ) ... viewed 353 times

It is now the fifth day after the 239th anniversary[1] of July 4th, 1776 - the date of the first "Organic Law"[2] (that still stands as Law throughout all of the United Sta

Tonight I unexpectedly discovered a certain citation in a search result for "Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation" By Michael Pollan[3] that I saw among my
interest with Pollan's book was: "Neurogastronomy". A very quick search now for Neurogastronomy just gave me "About 18,500 results"! I am genuinely amazed!)

The citation that I then pursued to considerable length was for an article entitled:

"Post-Pasteurian cultures: The micropolitics of raw milk cheese in the United States."

Before blogging about this at "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" I wish to comment on a single point of view that I see presented in the article at the following paragraph

"This article proposes a theoretical frame for understanding current debates over the gustatory value and health and safety of raw-milk cheese in the United State
democratic capitalist societies: 'how to provide protection to the citizenry on one hand, yet maintain freedom of choice on [the] other' (2002:27). I introduce the not
microorganisms reflects disagreement about how humans ought live with one another. Microbiopolitics is one way to frame questions of food ethics and governan

Before I state my comment I also wish to reference the author's statement:

"Over the last 30 years anthropologists have added to our notion of culture practice, politics, and ethics; so, too, do cheese makers incorporate these into their und
happens through webs of human and microbial practice
suspended in market, governmental, and microbiopolitical fields of power. Entering such fields successfully requires expert knowledge.

I agree with the author that "expert knowledge" is required in regards to the governmental fields of power.

My comment:
If people knew that the "laws" of government can only pertain only to the proprietary-based jurisdiction of the "United States" and thereby acknowledged just how l
article's paragraph now.

However, it is because of the govern-mental educated ignorance (there is no better phrase that I know of) that has allowed the Federal government to exceed its L
creation of the FDA), that I have something to respond to. I've previously responded to this particular issue for a number of years (even before becoming aware of
Truth" will indicate.[7]

If no power/authority was ever granted to the Federal government (actually written in any of the Organic Laws) to provide "protection to the citizenry" just as it is re
Federal government regarding "health and safety of raw-milk cheese in the United States". Government isn't entitled to claim that it has a right, an interest, a "nece
its Federal "field" (and distinct from the fields of any of the fifty "Free States" of the first Union).[8]

Congress can only have what the States have explicitly given to Congress. Most of the powers delegated to Congress are listed at Article I, §8, clauses 1-16 [9]

If the delegated power is on this list then Congress may make laws about it and execute those laws within it's lawful jurisdiction - a jurisdiction that is a proprietarily
Federal lands, Federal Territories, Federal buildings, etc. But if the subject matter is NOT on the list then anything that Congress does against either the Free State
Agriculture is not on "the list"! Food is not on "the list"! Health is not on "the list"! These subject matters are not powers of Congress (not to mention duties of the p

However, the Federal government is "locked in" to its "usurpation adrenalin rush" and will continue with what can be understood as a serious addiction (because it
commercial business that is dependent on sources of revenue to stay alive. It's the way "the business" was set up from the very start.

The trail can be traced to two events; the first inauguration of George Washington and what he said in the "oath" (that took place on April 30, 1789) and then distin
That is an advanced study in government law and most people will require the guidance of a law professor to point out the hidden facts. Not every law professor is

My conclusion is: stop feeding governmental "usurpation"! Firstly stop feeding it your ignorance and instead do your due diligence to gain the right knowledge of th
found only in the four Organic Laws. As soon as you understand what the first two Organic Laws gave the American people and distinguish that from what was for
underneath the ignorance) as well!

A "theoretical frame" is not necessary when we know and sufficiently understand the Law. Why theorize when a more sure understanding of our "freedom" is avail

October 27th -

The following is a review that I just submitted at Amazon on a book that perpetuates the false belief about the context of the Constitution of September 17, 1787.[1

[I've changed the footnote numbers to letters to distinguish them from the footnotes in this blog.]

Although there is no description included here at Amazon the following is at the Walmart page:

Here, in a single volume, are the two most important American documents ever written: the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States Page 1 of 3
The Right Knowledge of the Full Foundation for American Law! by Chef JeM Blog entry 8/15/17, 1:48 PM

The Declaration of Independence was the promise of a representative government;[B] the Constitution was the fulfillment of that promise.[C] Together, these docu

[A] "the two most important American documents ever written" is at best half right but in this context half right is a great error! Without any doubt the Declaration of
The "Constitution" is more rightly counted as "fourth" in importance as it applies to the property owned by the United States of America consisting of the "District",
17, 1787 all of which is known as the "United States".[13] It is possible to say that the Constitution of September 17, 1787 is the most important document for the "

[B] "The Declaration of Independence was the promise of a representative government": No such promise was ever made in that document! On the contrary this d

[C] "the Constitution was the fulfillment of that promise": Since there never was a promise made "the Constitution" can not be the fulfillment.

[D] "Together, these documents form the foundation of American democracy.":That statement is in great error at the least or a damnable lie as there was never an
best the intention was for a Constitution Republic; quite distinct from any form of democracy. One hundred years ago and before Americans knew this. Now the go
omitting the second and third Organic Laws from study.

December 30, 2016 -

(Just re-read my [A], [B], [C], [D] footnotes above and laughed at [D] Phoohie - Walmart!)

Dan Rudhyar speaks truth:

"... we can be individually free only if we have emerged from a subservience to the collective meanings and values which our race, culture and tradition have impo

August 15, 2017 - Continuing on the overarching theme of this blog: "How the Constitution Got In the Way of Your Freedom"[15]

Got inspired to search "unadopted constitution" while viewing Ted Nugent & Sheriff Mack.[16]









[8]"... Free and Independent States":


[10] See Article 4, Section 1 at:


[12] This review is from: We the People (The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America):



[15] Your access to the following link may require becoming a member of "The Organic Laws Institute" or at least a subscriber, either of which is most highly recom

[16] Blogged here:

Keywords: Page 2 of 3
The Right Knowledge of the Full Foundation for American Law! by Chef JeM Blog entry 8/15/17, 1:48 PM

July 4th 1776, Declaration of Independence, Post-Pasteurian cultures, micropolitics, raw milk cheese, Truth, war against raw milk, Organic Laws, jurisdiction, prop

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