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Security Council
TOPIC A: Maritime and Territorial control in the South China Sea

The South China Sea is part of the Pacific Ocean, has an area of 3,500,000 km2, exceeding
the Mediterranean Sea by one million, the strategic importance of this oceanic region, is
mainly due to the fact that more than a third of the world's maritime traffic passes through
it, which is why the United States has begun harassing China by disputing its control, this is
why the states concern important to know how to solve this problem cause is not just a
problem for china is for all the world that have been affected by the traffic passes.

TOPIC B: Iran: Agreements, sanctions and reactions

The Islamic Republic of Iran over the years has been the epicenter of controversy due to its
clashes with the international community, and in particular with the United States, all on
account of nuclear development that has undoubtedly been a deterrent and pressure on the
geopolitics of the international system, which make the complex interdependence between
states more critical. It’s important for the international community ensure that they are
using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, approved in the resolution of 2015 by the UN
Security Council.

Proposal: Our proposal is to know how are going to be the para parameters of the control in
the China Sea, looking for a control by the UN, and for Iran for Poland is important the
purposes of the UN that is to maintain international peace and security, this is the objective
for Poland and the security for the international system,

Pacto ribbentrop-molotov alemania

El Pacto Ribbentrop-Molotov se presenta como el hecho histórico seleccionado para

representar el “antes” de la Guerra, siendo el medio a través del cual dos de los regímenes
más poderosos de la época acordarán estrategias de cooperación decisivas para la futura
persecución de sus intereses. Este acuerdo toma su nombre de los dos ministros de asuntos
exteriores de las partes firmantes: Joachim Von Ribbentrop, por parte de la Alemania Nazi,
y Viacheslav Molotov, representando a la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas.

La relevancia de esta reunión, entonces, consiste en que la estrategia general para

prepararse, responder y actuar ante los hechos coyunturales que empezaban a gestarse en
Europa trazada por la Alemania de Hitler y la Unión Soviética de Stalin requerían
forzosamente realizar acercamientos entre sí, a fin de disminuir la incertidumbre que uno
representaba para el otro dentro del contexto de entreguerras.

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