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Open Practice Test Series
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Read the following instructions carefully

1. This question paper contains 33 MCQ’s & NAQ’s. Bifurcation of the questions are given below:

2. Choose the closest numerical answer among the choices given.

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Multiple Choice Questions : Q.1 to Q.10 carry 1 mark each

Q.1 A certain number of trucks were required to transport 60 tons of steel wire from a factory. However it was
found that, since each truck could carry 0.5 tons less than its capacity, 4 extra trucks were needed along
with initially planned trucks. The number of trucks initially planned to be used is ________
(a) 10 (b) 15
(c) 20 (d) 18

1. (c)
Let the number of trucks to be used initially = x
Let capacity of one truck = y
x y = 60
(x + 4)(y – 0.5) = 60

xy + 4y – 0.5x – 2 = 60
4y – 0.5x – 2 = 0 ∵ x y = 60
⎛ 60 ⎞
4⎜ ⎟ − 0.5x − 2 = 0
⎝ x ⎠
240 – 0.5x 2 – 2x = 0
x 2 + 4x – 480 = 0
x = 20, –24
By neglecting the negative value, we get, x = 20.
Q.2 By giving a discount of 25%, a shopkeeper earns 25% profit. If he sells the item at 10% discount, then his
profit will be
(a) 40% (b) 50%
(c) 60% (d) Information insufficient
2. (b)
Let the cost price of the item = ` x
selling price = x × = 1.25 x

discount = 25%
100 5
⇒ marked price = 1.25 x × =` x
75 3
New rate of discount = 10%
5 x 90 3x

New selling price = × =`

3 100 2
3x x
New profit = −x=
2 2
Profit percentage = × 100 = 50%

Q.3 Ajay and Vijay undertake to do a piece of work for ` 200. Ajay alone can do it in 24 days while Vijay alone
can do it in 30 days. With the help of Pradeep, they finished the work in 12 days. How much should
Pradeep get for his work?
(a) `20 (b) `50
(c) `100 (d) `180

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3. (a)
Let Pradeep alone can do the work in x days.

1 1 1 1
+ + =
24 30 x 12

1 1 1 1
= − −
x 12 24 30
x = 120
Payment is in inverse ratio of number of days they required to do the work alone.
Ratio of payment
Ajay Vijay Pradeep
1 1 1

: :
24 30 120
5 : 4 : 1

⇒ Pradeep gets the amount = × 200 = ` 20
5+ 4+1

Q.4 How many numbers between 2000 and 3000 can be formed with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ?
(Repetition of digits is not allowed)
(a) 210
(b) 254
(c) 336 (d) 440

4. (a)
The number of digits possible


1 × 7 × 6 × 5
= 210

Q.5 Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank space in the following sentence:
I am always the first to admit that I have not accomplished everything that I ________ achieve a decade
(a) went to (b) thought of
(c) thought to (d) set out to

5. (d)

In order to achieve something, you have to “set out to” rather than “go” or “went” or “think”.

Q.6 Given are 4 options with a pair of words in each option. Identify the pair that has same/similar relationship
as the pair of words:
(a) assail : defend (b) death : rebirth
(c) introvert : extrovert (d) diseased : treatment

6. (a)
The second word in the given pair is a follow up of the first word. Assail (attack) is FOLLOWED by defence
i.e. ASSAIL : DEFEND is the appropriate option.

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Q.7 Given 2 statements S1 and S2 with one blank in each statement. Identify the option which can be used for
filling in both the sentences.
S1: I have a small power of ________ .
S2: Her _______ is the most creative of things she has ever possessed.
(a) illusion (b) imagination
(c) hallucination (d) misunderstanding

7. (b)
The word ‘imagination’ is the only option which will make both the sentences a meaningful sentence.

Q.8 Given are 4 options with a pair of words in each option. Identify the pair that has the same/similar relationship
as the pair of words:

(a) electricity : cable (b) ink : pencil
(c) bomb : missile (d) fly : bird

8. (a)
The relationship between Car and Road is: A Car runs/can run on a Road. Likewise, out of the given
options, ‘Electricity’ flows/can flow through ‘cable’.
Q.9 Identify the option which describes the correct situation:
(a) Ravi and Ramesh have not finished his work.
(b) Ravi and Ramesh has not finished his work.
(c) Neither Ravi nor Ramesh have finished their work.
(d) Neither Ravi nor Ramesh has finished his work.

9. (d)
In a sentence with “neither ... nor.’ Construction, the verb depends on the noun following ‘nor’. In this case

it is singular, hence the verb should also be singular.

Q.10 In this question, choose the option which is closest in meaning to the word PENSIVE
(a) unhappy (b) precise

(c) reluctant (d) contemplative

10. (d)
The literal meaning of ‘pensive’ is ‘introspective’ or ‘dreamy’.
Contemplative is a synonym of PENSIVE and it means ‘thoughtful’.

Numerical Answer Type Questions : Q. 11 to Q. 16 carry 1 mark each


Q.11 Three numbers are such that the second number is as much lesser than the third as the first is lesser than
the second. If the product of two smaller number 85 and product of two larger number is 493, then the
middle number is ________ .

11. (17)
b–a = c–b
b =
a ×b = 85 = 17 × 5 [Only factors]
b ×c = 493 = 29 × 17 [Only factors]
a = 5
b = 17
c = 29

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Q.12 If a man saves `4 more each next month, than he did the month before, if he saves ` 20 in first month, then
the minimum number of months required for his savings to be more than ` 1000 is _______ .

12. (19)
First month’s saving = ` 20
Second month’s saving = ` 20 + 4
Saving after n months = ` 20 + (n – 1)4
(2 × 20 + (n − 1) × 4) ≥ 1000
40n + n(n – 1) × 4 ≥ 2000
40n + 4n2 – 4n ≥ 2000
4n2 + 36n – 2000 ≥ 0
n ≥ 18.30, – 27.30

⇒ n = 19
⇒ After 19 months his savings will be greater than ` 1000.

Q.13 A railway ticket for a child costs half the full fare but the reservation charge is same on half ticket as much
as on a full ticket. Aman make reservation for a ticket between two stations for ` 362. Pratima makes
reservation for one and half ticket that costs her ` 554 between the same stations. The reservation charge
per ticket is ` _________ .

13. (22)
Let, The full fare = ` x
The reservation charge = ` y
x + y = 362
x + 2y = 554
From here, x = 340 and y = 22

⇒ Reservation charge is ` 22.

Q.14 Two planes move along the circle with circumference of 1.2 km with constant speeds. When they move in

opposite direction, they meet once after every 15 seconds and when they move in same direction, one
plane overtakes another after every 60 seconds. The speed of the slower plane is ________m/s.

14. (30)
Let the speed of planes are v1 and v2 (v1 > v2) in km/sec
(v1 + v2) × 15 = 1.2
(v1 – v2) × 60 = 1.2

From solving these equations, we get,

v1 = 0.05 km/s = 50 m/s
v2 = 0.03 km/s = 30 km/s

Q.15 The present age of A and B are in the ratio 4 : 5. Eighteen years ago, this ratio was 11 : 16. The sum of their
present ages is ________ years.

15. (90)
Let their present ages are 4x, 5x. Eighteen years ago, their ages were = 4x – 18, 5x – 18
4 x − 18 11
5 x − 18 16
64x – 288 = 55x – 198
9x = 90
x = 10
Sum of their present ages = 4x + 5x = 9x = 9 × 10 = 90 years

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Q.16 A school has 378 girl students and 675 boy students. The school is divided into strictly girls sections and
boys sections. All sections in the school have the same number of students. The minimum number of
sections that can be formed in the school is __________.

16. (39)
378 = 2 × 33 × 7
675 = 33 × 52
HCF of 378 and 675 is, 3 3 = 27
The minimum number of sections is given by,
378 675
= +
27 27
= 14 + 25 = 39 sections

Multiple Choice Questions : Q.17 to Q.26 carry 2 marks each

Q.17 The product of a 2 digit natural number and number obtained by reversing its digits is 2430. The smaller
of the two numbers is
(a) 25 (b) 35
(c) 45 EA (d) 56

17. (c)
Let the number is 10x + y
number obtained by reversing the digits is 10y + x
(10x + y)(10y + x) = 2430
100 xy + 10 y2 + 10x2 + xy = 2430
101xy + 10(x2 + y2) = 2430
Since unit digit of product is a single zero,

⇒ either x or y is 5 and another is multiple of two

Let x = 5
505y + 10(y + 25) = 2430

10y2 + 505 y – 2180 = 0

y = 4 or –54.5
⇒ The number is either 54 or 45, of which 45 is smaller.

Q.18 From a wooden block of cylindrical shape with diameter equal to its height, a sphere of maximum volume
is carved out. The ratio of volume utilised to that of the wasted wood is
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 3 : 2

(c) 3 : 4 (d) 4 : 3

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18. (a)
Volume of total wood = πr2 × h
= πr2 × 2r [∵ h = diameter = 2r]


The radius of largest sphere possible = r
volume of sphere = volume of wood used

4 3
= πr
4 3 2 3
Volume of wood wasted = 2πr 3 − πr = πr
3 3
4 3 2 3
Required ratio = πr : πr = 2 :1
3 3
Q.19 The six faces of a dice have been marked with alphabets A, B, C, D, E and F respectively. This dice is
rolled thrice. The three positions are given below.


(i) (ii) (iii)

The alphabet opposite to A is

(a) F (b) E
(c) D (d) C

19. (b)
From figure (i), (ii) and (iii), we conclude that B, C, D, F are adjacent to E and A both. So face opposite to
A is E.
Q.20 If r, s and t are consecutive odd integers with r < s < t, then which of the following must be true?
(a) rs = t (b) r + t = 2t – s
(c) r + s = t – 2 (d) r + t = 2s

20. (d)
Let the integers r, s and t are n – 2, n and n + 2 respectively
(a) rs = t
LHS (n – 2) × n = n 2 – 2n ≠ n + 2 [not true]
(b) r + t = 2t – s
LHS n – 2 + n + 2 = 2n
RHS 2 × (n + 2) –n = n + 4 [not true]
(c) r+s = t–2
LHS (n – 2) + n = 2n – 2
RHS n+2–2 = n [not true]
(d) r + t = 2s
LHS n – 2 + n + 2 = 2n
RHS 2 × n = 2n [true]

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Q 21 In the question given below, the main statement is followed by 4 sentences. Select the pair of sentences
which relate to the given statement.
Raja gets a swollen tongue whenever he eats foot longs
S1: Raja gets a swollen tongue.
S2: Raja does not get a swollen tongue.
S3: Raja does not eat foot longs.
S4: Raja eats foot longs.
(a) S1, S2 (b) S3, S4
(c) S4, S2 (d) S3, S2
21. (d)
This is a typical case of “When ‘A’ then ‘B’ OR when NOT ‘A’ then NOT ‘B’”. The given statement is When
‘A’ then ‘B’; therefore the statements that can follow should be in the sequence When NOT ‘A’ then NOT ‘B’

which is exhibited by S3, S2.
Q.22 Each statement has 3 parts. Choose the option in which the third part is a logical conclusion of the
first 2 parts of the option.
S1: All Ts are square. All squares are rectangular. All Ts are rectangular.
S2: Some fat are elongated. Some elongated things are huge. Some fat are huge.
S3: All Idiots are bumblers. All Bumblers fumble.
EA Idiots fumble.
S4: Water is good for health. Health foods are rare. Water is rare.
(a) S4 only (b) S3 only
(c) Both S1 and S3 (d) All of these
22. (c)
If all Ts are square and all squares are rectangular, it follows that all Ts are rectangular.
Also, if idiots are bumblers and bumblers fumble, it follows that idiots fumble.
In S2, there is a possibility that fat and huge sets need not intersect which means the 3rd part of this option
is not true.

S4 plays with words leading to uncertain conclusion.

Q.23 Fill in the blanks in the sentence given below to make it a most appropriate sentence:

The _________ regions of Spain all have unique cultures, but the ________ views within each region make
the issue of an acceptable common language of instruction an even more contentious one.
(a) different, discrete (b) distinct, disparate
(c) divergent, distinct (d) different, competing
23. (b)
The word ‘disparate’ means ‘divergent’ or ‘contrasting’ or simply ‘different’ which makes option ‘b’ to be
the most appropriate pair of words to complete the sentence.

Q.24 Given below is a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options,
choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.
Federer’s fifth grand slam win prompted a reporter to ask whether he was the best ever. Federer is certainly
not lacking in confidence, but he wasn’t about to proclaim himself the best ever. “The best player of this
generation, yes”, he said, “But nowhere close to ever. Just look at the records that some guys have. I’m
a minnow.” _______________
(a) His win against Agassi, a genius from the previous generation, contradicts that.
(b) Sampras, the king of an earlier generation, was as humble.
(c) He is more than a minnow to his contemporaries.
(d) The difference between ‘the best of this generation’ and ‘the best ever’ is a matter of perception.

24. (c)
Option ‘c’ is the most appropriate way of completing the given paragraph.

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Q.25 Identify the option which can be used to substitute the given words/sentence:
“Words uttered impiously about GOD”
(a) amoral (b) blasphemy
(c) philosophy (d) logic

25. (b)
‘Amoral’ means ‘having no moral standards’ whereas ‘blasphemy’ means ‘impious utterance or action
concerning GOD’.

Q.26 Which of the sentence(s) given below are correct?

S1: People have good reason to care about the welfare of animals.
S2: Ever since Enlightenment
Enlightenment, their treatment has been seen as a measure of mankind’s humanity.
S3: It is no coincidence that William Wilber and Sir Thomas Buxton, two leaders of the movement to

abolish the slave trade, helped found the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in
S4: An increasing number of people go further: mankind has a duty not to cause pain to animals that
have the capacity to suffer.
(a) S1 & S4 (b) S2
(c) S1 & S3 EA (d) S3 & S4

26. (a)

S1 and S4 are correctly formed sentences.

Sentence S1 S1: Correct
Correct. In this sentence, correct use of the idiomatic expression reason to do something
has been made.
Sentence S2 S2: Incorrect because it fails to use the definite article the before Enlightenment
Sentence S3 S3: Incorrect
Incorrect. The correct verb pattern after the verb help is to found (to-infinitive) and not
found (bare infinitive). The expression ‘to
to help (someone) do something’ is in informal contexts.

Sentence S4 S4: Correct

Correct. The natural position of the adverb not is before a to-infinitive or after the first
auxiliary verb in a verb group, when modifying the whole clause. This sentence correctly uses not to
cause e.

Numerical Answer Type Questions : Q.27 to Q.33 carry 2 marks each

Q.27 A platform is made in the shape of a sector of circle. The platform is to be completely bounded by the
safety wire thrice. If the area of the platform is 80 cm2 and the radius of circle is 10 cm. The length of the
wire required is___________cm.

27. (108)
θ θ
The area of sector OAB = πr × 2
= π(10)2 × = 80
360° 360°
O θ
⎛ θ ⎞ 80
From here, ⎜ 360° ⎟ =
⎝ ⎠ π × (10)2
Length of arc AB = 2πr ×
= 2π × 10 × = 16 cm
π × (10)2
Perimeter of platform = 16 + 10 + 10 = 36 cm
Length of the wire required = 3 × 36 = 108 cm

9 • GENERAL APTITUDE (Basic Level) © Copyright : MADE EASY

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Q.28 The concentration of alcohol in three wines are 10%, 20% and 30% respectively. These are mixed in the
ratio 2 : 3 : x, to get a cocktail with 23% of alcohol concentration. The value of x is ___________.

28. (5)
According to the given information,
23 10 × 2 + 20 × 3 + 30 × x
100 100 × (2 + 3 + x)
20 + 60 + 30 × x
23 =
5+ x
23(5 + x) = 80 + 30x
7x = 35
x = 5

Q.29 The sum of all the two digit numbers, that give a remainder of 3 when they are divided by 7, is________.

29. (676)
The numbers are 10, 17, 24, . . . 94
a = 10
d = 7 EA
94 = 10 + (n –1) × 7
n = 13
sum = [10 + 94] = 676

Q.30 A man speaks truth in 90% of the cases and another man speaks truth in same act has 80% chances. It
is known that one of them is exactly lying, then the chance that he is first one, is ________%.
30. 30.77 (30.60 to 30.90)
Probability that either one of them is lying
90 20 10 80
= × + ×

100 100 100 100

10 80
Chances that he is first one = 100 100 × 100
90 20 10 80
× + ×
100 100 100 100

= 30.77%

Q.31 The missing number in the following table is _________ .

7 6 9
2 8 4
4 3 ?
36 42 26

31. (2)
(7 + 2) × 4 = 36
(6 + 8) × 3 = 42
(9 + 4) × x = 26
From here, x = 2

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Q.32 To do a work independently B requires six days more than what A requires. If they work together, it will
take two days less than what A alone takes. B alone can complete the work in ________ days.

32. (12)
Let B can do the work in x days. A can do the work in x – 6 days.
1 1 1
+ =
x x−6 x−8
x−6+ x 1
x − 6x x−8
(2x – 6) (x – 8) = (x2 – 6 x)
2x2 – 22x + 48 – x2 + 6x = 0
x2 – 16 x + 48 = 0
x = 12, 4

x ≠ 4 because for x = 4, x – 6 will be negative which is not possible. So, x = 12.

Q.33 In a school, there are 1000 students who are studying from class 6th to class 10th. The following pie chart
shows the distribution of students in the school.

EA 6


10 15%
18% 22%

If the ratio of number of girls to number of boys in each class is 2 : 3, then the total number of boys
combinedly in 6th class and 9th class is __________ .

33. (228)

The number of boys in 6th class

20 3
= × × 1000 = 120
100 5
The number of boys in 9th class
18 3
= × × 1000 = 108

100 5
Total boys in 6th & 9th class = 120 + 108 = 228


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