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Brian Buechele

Dr. Talbot
MUS 149
13 April 2020
History & Culture Lesson Plan
❏ Middle school choir
❏ On unit of form
❏ Know Strophic form
❏ Know how to read rhythms in western notation
Essential Question
❏ How do we differentiate our approach to performing contrasting sections?
National Standards
❏ MU:Cr1.1.6a Generate simple rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases within AB and
ABA forms that convey expressive intent.
❏ MU:Pr4.2.6a Explain how understanding the structure and the elements of music are used
in music selected for performance.
❏ MU:Re7.2.6b Identify the context of music from a variety of genres, cultures, and
historical periods
❏ MU:Re9.1.6a Apply teacher-provided criteria to evaluate musical works or performances.
Learning Objectives
❏ Students will ​identify binary form.
❏ Students will​ define binary form.
❏ Students will​ perform binary form.
❏ Students will​ compose in binary form.
❏ Teacher​ ​will​ visually assess students’ identification of binary through the use of thumbs
up thumbs down embedded assessment.
❏ Teacher will assess ​the student’s definition of binary form through an exit ticket.
✓+: correct definition of binary form given
✓: definition of binary form partially correct
✓-: definition of binary form not given
❏ Teacher will ​aurally and visually assess the students’ performance of binary form
through a rubric.
✓+: student performed binary form correctly, distinct A and B sections.
✓-: student did not perform binary form correctly, distinct A and B sections.
❏ Teacher will ​aurally and visually assess the student’s composition in binary form
through a rubric.
✓+: student composition was in binary form with distinct A and B sections.
✓-: student composition was not in binary form and did not have distinct A and B sections.
❏ Projector of some sort
❏ Sheet Music to ​Wangol ​arranged by ​Sten Kӓllman
❏ Youtube video links ​​ for Wongolo Wale​ for Wangol arranged by Sten Kӓllman
❏ Google Slides Presentation

❏ Form -​ The structure of a ​composition​, the frame upon which it is constructed. Form is
based upon ​repetition​, ​contrast​, and ​variation​. Certain specific forms include
sonata-allegro form​, ​binary form​, ​rondo​, etc.
❏ Binary Form - ​Two-part (A - B) structure of ​music​; usually each part is repeated. The
term can also mean any ​form​ with two ​periods​, or ​sections​.
1. Teacher will ​play the link to the Traditional version of Wangol​ .
2. Teacher will​ remind the students that this is review.
3. Teacher will​ ask the students what they thought of the song and what form it would be
4. Teacher will​ ask the students to tap what a strophic form would be in 4 for 2 measures.
The teacher will give a tempo and write a melody on the board for the students to clap
and then ultimately repeat in the 1 other measure. (This should all be review for the class,
but it is always good to review!)
5. Teacher will​ invite a student to hand out the sheet music to ​Wangol a​ rranged by ​Sten
6. Teacher will​ ​turn on the laptop and projector and present the slides on the history of
7. Teacher will ​play the new choir piece ​​ (​Wangol ​arranged
by ​Sten Kӓllman)
8. Teacher will ​ask what was heard in this piece and how it is different, structurally, than
the first strophic piece.
9. Teacher will​ ask the students to clap the new structure of form in 2 measures of 4,
teacher will give a tempo and have the students clap the first rhythm written on the board
for the first measure and for the students to create a new rhythm for the next measure,
reminding them to keep it in the restrictions of the measure.
10. Teacher will ​ask students to help compose a rhythm for the B section together as a class.
Having multiple students come up to the board and write 1 measure of a new rhythm and
then performing it.
11. Teacher will​ ask the students if they know what this new, different form is called. If the
students do not know, then the teacher will tell the students it is called Binary form. It is a
form played with an A and a B section.
12. Teacher will​ invite the students to open their score and to write in the score an A where
they think the A section starts and a B for when they think when the B section starts.
13. Teacher will​ invite students to show where they made the marks and why.
14. Teacher will ​show the students where they made the sections and explain why, and then
ask the students to make corrections based on what the teacher said and what their peers
15. Teacher will​ ask students to turn in their scores to the teacher.
16. Teacher will​ hand out the exit ticket.
If Time Allows
❏ Teacher will​ have the students try to sight read the piece with the recording.
❏ Teacher will​ have the students try to sight read the piece without the recording.
Honor Code

I affirm that I have upheld the highest principles of honesty and integrity in my academic work
and have not witnessed a violation of the Honor Code.

-Brian Buechele


“2014 Music Standards.” ​NAfME​,

“Binary Form.” ​OnMusic Dictionary - Term,​

“Form.” ​OnMusic Dictionary - Term​,

Exit Ticket
Form Worksheet

What is the difference between Binary and Strophic form? Define Binary Form.
Can you find any songs that you listen to that are in Binary form? Strophic Form?

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