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The purpose of the class: the student should study: the therapeutic effect of
galvanization and electrophoresis; TB when working in the electrotherapy room; indications and
contraindications; technique and methodology of galvanization and electrophoresis procedures;
the correct dosage.
Formed competencies: GK-1-is able to analyze socially significant problems and
processes, to use in practice the methods of the Humanities, natural Sciences, biomedical and
clinical Sciences in various types of professional and social activities.
PC-5-is able to work with medical and technical equipment used in working with
patients, own computer equipment, receive information from various sources, work with
information in global computer networks, apply the capabilities of modern information
technology to solve professional problems.
Galvanization-therapeutic effect of constant continuous electric (galvanic) current of low
voltage (60-80 V) and low power (up to 50 mA).
- AGN (wall-mounted galvanization apparatus);
- AGP (galvanization portable apparatus);
-ACS (a unit of galvanization dental);
- GR (oral cavity galvanizer);
The apparatus "THREAD»
Basic biophysical processes:
galvanic current penetrates into the tissues through the mouths of the sebaceous and sweat
glands, hair follicles, intercellular slits and spaces. Prolonged exposure to its penetration into the
tissues occurs across the skin. In some medical techniques, an electric current is supplied to the
tissues through the mucous membranes, the surface of wounds.
Deep into the tissues, the electric current is directed mainly through the blood and lymph vessels,
"looping" through the tissues.
When the electric circuit is switched on, the directional movement of ions in accordance with
their polarity immediately begins (Fig.1), their accumulation at the electrodes is a polarization

Rice.1 Scheme movement ions under galvanization: 1-electrodes; 2-laying a.

Negatively charged ions (anions) are concentrated at the positive electrode (anode), positively
charged (cations) - at the negative electrode (cathode). When in contact with the electrodes, the
cations get the missing electrons, and the anions give away the extra electrons. As a result, the
electrodes are the process of separation of substances - electrolysis. At the same time, such a
significant amount of alkali and acid is released on the electrodes that cloth pads with a thickness
of at least 1 cm are used to eliminate their cauterizing effect.
On the way of ions when moving to the electrodes inside the tissues there are cell membranes
that have significant resistance to electric current. Ions accumulate near the membrane, forming a
polarizing area and the fields inside the tissue. The polarization potential measured by an
electronic voltmeter reaches a maximum value (200 - 500 mV) after 25-30 minutes from the
beginning of the exposure. When the electric current is turned off, it decreases in hyperbole,
being lost in physiological oscillations of the tissue potential after 3 -5 hours.
Equalization of the concentration of ions in tissues after switching off the electric current is due
to diffusion processes-the movement of ions from a place of greater concentration to a place of
lower concentration. In this alignment, osmosis processes are also important - the penetration of
a solvent (in this case, water) through the membranes from a place of lower concentration of ions
to a place of greater concentration. Consequently, the processes of diffusion and osmosis, taking
place in living tissues and in physiological conditions, under the action of a direct electric current
are intensified. The permeability of the surrounding membranes, which determines the intensity
of these processes, increases.
Main physiological reactions and therapeutic effect
The idea of physiological reactions arising under the influence of direct electric current is based
on the ionic excitation theory, to the development of which academician P. p. Lazarev made a
great contribution. According to this theory, the quantitative ratio between monovalent ions -
potassium and sodium, and divalent ions-calcium and magnesium is important for excitation
processes. The mobility of ions largely depends on the size of their hydrate shell-attached to the
ions of dipole water molecules. Divalent ions, which have a more powerful hydrate shell
compared to monovalent ions, move more slowly. Since all of these ions are positively charged,
they move from the anode to the cathode. After some time under the cathode will be observed a
relative predominance of the concentration of more mobile ions of potassium and sodium,
"ahead" of the less mobile ions of calcium and magnesium. Under the anode, on the contrary, the
concentration of less mobile ions of calcium and magnesium will prevail.
The concentration of these ions and their ratio are of great importance for the excitation
processes. The change in the excitability of tissues under the action of an electric current is
called an electroton. At the moment of closure of the electric circuit under the cathode, the
excitability of the tissue increases, the permeability of the membranes increases and their
electrical resistance decreases. This change of excitability under the cathode is called
catalecticant. Under the anode, the excitability of the tissue decreases, the cell membranes are
compacted and their electrical resistance increases. These changes are called anelectrotonus.
After some time in the process of continuing exposure to a constant electric current, the
excitability under both poles returns to the initial values. At medical application of a direct
electric current consider features of changes of excitability under a cathode and under an anode.
If the purpose of exposure is to reduce the excitability of the tissue, this area is affected by the
anode. To increase the excitability of the tissue is affected by the cathode.
A direct electric current is supplied to the tissues by electrodes placed on the skin. A significant
amount of skin resistance leads to the fact that almost all the voltage supplied to the electrodes
falls on the skin. On this area of the skin there is a feeling of crawling goosebumps, a slight
burning sensation, which is associated with irritation of the sensitive nerve endings. Under the
electrodes there is hyperemia of the skin, swelling with swelling of all its layers. These changes
are in no way related to heat exposure. The galvanization method uses an electric current of such
a small force that practically a significant amount of heat in the interelectrode space is not
released. The mechanism of hyperemia formation is neuro-reflex. Irritation of sensitive nerve
endings causes reflex reactions that have a local segmental character. Their consequence is the
expansion of blood vessels. The degree of severity of the response depends on the saturation of
the skin receptors. From the corresponding skin zones it is possible to influence internal organs
through vegetative nerve fibers and spinal centers, causing in them by reflex the same changes,
as well as in skin: increase of permeability of membranes, intensification of diffusion and
osmosis. The intensity of metabolic processes in the affected area increases.
A constant electric current can also affect the Central nervous system. In the brain and spinal
cord, there is a functional polarity of the descending direction: the overlying centers are
positively charged, the underlying ones are negatively charged. This condition, called
physiological anelectroton, ensures the normal functioning of the Central nervous system. It can
be amplified with a direct electric current by positioning the electrodes accordingly. For
example, the positive electrode in the forehead, the negative-in the blade space. This impact
contributes to improved coordination and regulatory functions
of the brain, which may be useful in cortico-visceral diseases.
As a result of exposure to a constant electric current, stimulation of the system of phagocytic
macrophages (RES cells) is observed. which increases the effectiveness of protective reactions.
The main indications for the use of:
1.Inflammatory processes (without suppuration) in the stage of resolution.
2.Diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system.
3.Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
4.Psoriasis of the internal organs.
5.Cortico-visceral diseases; functional disorders of the Central nervous system.
The main contraindications to the use of:
1.Acute stages of inflammation, purulent inflammation.
2.Violations of the integrity of the skin (scratches, abrasions).
3.Acute and subacute eczema, other dermatitis in the area of electrode application.
4.The presence of signs of skin irritation after the previous procedure.
5.Acute pain syndrome caused by damage to peripheral nerve trunks.
1) according to the electric current density (0.01-0.1 mA per 1 sq. cm of the gasket area);
2)according to the feelings of the patient (slight tingling, burning);
3) the duration of the procedure (from 15 to 30 minutes)
4)the multiplicity of procedures (daily or every other day);
5) the number of procedures per course of treatment (10 -15, maximum 30).
Control questions
1. Types of current used in galvanization and electrophoresis, its physiological effect.
2. What devices are used for local galvanization and electrophoresis? Tell us about the methods
of these procedures.
3. Indications and contraindications to the use of galvanization.
4. What do you know about pulse currents of low frequency and voltage of direct and alternating
direction in electrotherapy?
5. Name the equipment used for electrotherapy pulse and alternating currents, and its purpose.

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