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Research Proponent/s: Virgilio A. Soriano Jr.,RGC and Kareen Joy V.


Position: MT-1 & HT-1 Division: Sarangani

District: East Kiamba

School: James L. Chiongbian National Trade School & JBT Caing Sr.

Integrated School

Research Category: (Kindly check.) √ Oral Presentation ______Poster


Research Theme/Strand: (Kindly check.)

______ Theme 1: Teaching and Learning √ Theme 3: Human

Resource Development

______ Theme 2: Child Protection ______ Theme 4: Governance


This research determined the levels of skills and of need priority in research

competencies among Kiamba Public School Teachers. A total of 117 teacher-

respondents purposively selected participated in answering the survey

questionnaire. This study employed the descriptive analysis research designs and

descriptive statistics such as frequency distributions and weighted means.

The study found out that public school teachers in Kiamba indicated a low

competencies on research in terms of knowledge base, cognitive abilities and

creativity. This study further found out that respondents indicated a medium priority

level in these identified areas. Thus a research capability building program is needed

to enhance the research skills of the Kiamba Public School Teachers to become

more confident and competent in doing research.

Keywords: competencies, research skills, research capability, teachers


The completion of this research was made possible because of the help and

support of the following people:

Leo R. Huliganga and Rospie R. Maximo, Public Schools District Supervisors

of Kiamba for their inspiration and encouragement.

School Heads of the Public Schools in the Municipality of Kiamba for selecting

and allowing their teachers to participate in this research study as respondents.

The family of the researchers for their love, understanding and constant


Finally, to God Almighty, who is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, for

the opportunity to learn, to teach and to share. To Him, be the highest glory!


Man’s curiosity has led to the development of numerous inventions. In his

desire to uplift the condition of living, he continuously seeks relationships between

objects, things and phenomena, and explore his environment and the world. No one

can doubt the significant contributions of research. Research has major contribution

to improvement and development. Indeed, research is a vehicle for mobility, a

contribution to the attainment of national goals. Most of the field of disciplines, if not

all, rely on research for decision making. Decisions are based on gathered data from

systematic investigations. Education is not an exempt to this reality. Education

policies and programs are based on sound studies. Research are being undertaken

to improve the teaching and learning conditions. Hence, teachers play a great role in

this endeavor. Despite the many researches on teaching and learning, it is an

undeniable fact that there are still a lot of problems, issues and concerns which

beset the teachers and school administrators.

The Department of Education, which is committed to uplift the quality of

education, has initiated the conduct of school, district, division, regional and national

levels research congress and conferences. It is being noted, that while there are

researches presented during these events, the number of researches submitted is

very minimal. Moreover, those who have submitted their research papers for

presentations are those who have conducted research in their graduate studies. This

is the case particularly in the Municipality of Kiamba. These made the researchers

wonder why there are only few teachers who are conducting research where in fact

research output is being included as one of the criteria for promotion and Master

Teachers are expected to have research output. How competent and confident are

the Kiamba Public School Teachers in doing research? The researchers are
prompted to conduct an investigation regarding the levels of skills and of need

priority in research competencies among public school teachers in the Municipality

Kiamba in order to determine their development needs which will be the bases in

designing a training program which could help improve the research capability of the

teachers, making them more confident in conducting research to be able to address

issues, problems and concerns within the department thus improve the quality of

education not only for Kiamba but in the entire nation.

Research Questions

This study focused primarily in determining the levels of skills and of need

priority in research competencies among Kiamba Public School Teachers.

More specifically, this study sought answers on the following questions:

1) What are the levels of skills and of need priority based on research

knowledge of public school teachers of Kiamba in terms of the following:

a) Subject knowledge

b) Research Methods theoretical knowledge

c) Research Methods Practical Application

d) Information seeking

e) Information literacy and management

f) Languages

g) Academic Literacy and Numeracy

2) What are their levels of skills and of need priority based on cognitive

abilities in terms of:

a) Analyzing

b) Synthesizing

c) Critical thinking

d) Evaluating

e) Problem solving?

3. What are the their levels of skills and of need priority based on creativity in

terms of:

a) Inquiring mind

b) Intellectual insights

c) Innovation

d) Argument constructions

e) Intellectual risk?

4. Which of these research skills are indicated priority areas?

Research Methods

A. Research Design

This investigation made used of a descriptive analysis research design. This

will describe and analyze the current status of Kiamba Public School Teachers’

research competencies and find out their levels of need priority areas.

B) Research Participants

The participants of this study were the 117 Elementary and Secondary Public

School Teachers in the Municipality of Kiamba who attended the Municipal Research
Conference on June 23, 2017 at the Kiamba Central School SPED Center

Gymnasium. They were purposively selected by the school heads on the basis that

they are potential researchers. They are the members of their respective school

research committees.

C) Data Gathering Methods and Instrument Used in the Study

A survey questionnaire is the data gathering tool used in this study. The

researchers browsed the internet for relevant items that will be included, which will

serve the purpose of determining the current status of participants’ research

competencies. The questionnaire surveyed only the research competencies, which

refer to the Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities which is subdivided into three areas:

Knowledge Base, Cognitive Abilities and Creativity of the participants. It consists of

44 items where participants has to indicate their levels of skills in the scale of 1 to 5,

1 being very low and 5 as very high and rate its priority level with 1 being low priority,

which means not needed immediately, 2 as medium priority level, which means

needed within the year and 3 as high priority needed within the month. The

questionnaires were distributed to the participants during the Municipal Research

Conference conducted last June 23, 2017 at the Kiamba Central School SPED

Center Gymnasium and were immediately retrieved.

D) Statistical Treatment

This research employed descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution,

averages and weighted mean in analyzing the data used in this study. Tabular and

textual methods are used in the presentation of the data gathered from the study.
Discussion of Results and Reflection

Table 1. Levels of Skills and of Need Priority in Knowledge Base

among Kiamba Public School Teachers
Current Skill Level Priority Level
Knowledge Base Weighted Weighted Description
Mean Mean
Subject Knowledge 2.55 Low 1.93 Medium
Research Methods 1.92
Theoretical 2.53 Low Medium
Research Methods 1.97
2.55 Low
Practical Application Medium
Information Seeking 2.65 Moderate 1.95 Medium
Information Literacy 1.92 Medium
2.45 Low
and Management
Languages 2.39 Low 1.91 Medium
Academic Literacy 1.92 Medium
2.57 Low
and Numeracy
OVERALL 2.53 Low 1.93 Medium

Table 1 above shows the assessment of Kiamba Public School Teachers in

terms of their research competencies. In the area of research subject knowledge,

which pertains to the teachers’ core knowledge and understanding of the key

concepts, issues and history of thought, and whether they knew recent advances

within own research area and broader awareness of international and non-academic

aspects of knowledge creation, the weighted mean is 2.55, which is being described

as low is noted and rated medium need priority level. It can be inferred that Kiamba

Public School Teachers assessed themselves to have low mastery on the research

subject. In terms of their theoretical knowledge on Research Methods, which refers

to their understanding on relevant research methodologies and techniques and their

application within research area and justifying the principles and experimental

techniques used in research, the weighted mean is 2.53, which indicate a low level

skills and medium level priority. This would mean that teachers has low knowledge
on the concepts of Research Methods. In the area of Practical Application of the

Research Methods, pertaining to the ability of the teachers in using a range of

research methods linking it to study area, documenting own activity and awareness

of alternative methods and analysis techniques, teachers assessment in this area

indicated a weighed mean of 2.55. A moderate level is indicated in term of teachers’

information seeking skills with a weighted mean of 2.65. This means that teachers

has average level of confidence and competence in terms of their ability to acquiring

and developing search and discovery skills and techniques, identifying and

accessing appropriate bibliographical resources, archives and other relevant

sources of information, making best use of a range of current tools and techniques,

accessing the reliability, reputation, currency, authority and relevance of sources and

seeking feedback from relevant groups to access other insights. In relation to the

teachers’ skills on information literacy and management, a result of 2.45 weighted

mean is obtained. This can be interpreted that they have a low confidence and

competence in terms of designing and executing systems for the acquisition and

collation of information using information technology, developing awareness of

information/data security and longevity issues and knowing where to obtain expert

advice such as information/data managers/archivists and librarians. In the area of

language appropriate for research including technical language, a weighted mean of

2.39 is obtained indicating a low level status. It can be inferred that teachers has low

confidence level in terms of technical knowledge on research language. Lastly in the

area of academic literacy and numeracy, a low level status result is obtained with a

weighted mean of 2.57. This would mean that teachers of Kiamba has a low

confidence level in terms of their ability to understand, interpret, create and

communicate appropriately within an academic context, preparing grammatically and

syntactically correct content for presentations and writing in a style appropriate to

purpose and context for specialist and non-specialist audiences. Furthermore, it

implies that teachers have low mathematical competence to undertake research in

their own area, low understanding of the application of statistics which will be used,

low level of skills in terms of analyzing data and using appropriate statistical

packages and information and digital technology. Overall result indicates a low

current level skills on knowledge on research and medium priority level in all the

identified areas. This implies that there is a need for trainings and seminars on


Table 2. Levels of Skills and of Need Priority in Cognitive Abilities

of Kiamba Public School Teachers
Cognitive Current Level Skills Priority Level
Abilities Weighted Mean Description Weighted Mean Description
Analyzing 2.42 Low 1.88 Medium
Synthesizing 2.44 Low 1.90 Medium
Critical Thinking 2.57 Low 1.93 Medium
Evaluating 2.56 Low 1.94 Medium
Problem Solving 2.30 Low 1.96 Medium
Overall 2.46 Low 1.92 Medium

Table 2 above shows the results of the teachers’ assessment on their

cognitive abilities in line with research and its priority level. In terms of analyzing

skills, which refer to the ability to critically analyze and evaluate findings of research

and those of other research and ability to validate datasets of others, has a weighted

mean of 2.42. For the synthesizing skills, which relate to seeing connections

between own research and previous studies, has a weighted mean of 2.44. In terms

of critical thinking, which refers to ability to understand argument, articulating own

assumptions, recognizing and validating problems and ability to recognize multiple

ways of knowing, got weighted mean of 2.47. For evaluating skills, which shows

ability to summarize documents and reports, evaluating the impact and outcomes of
studies, assessing the quality, integrity and authenticity of primary and secondary

research information and also in accepting and giving constructive criticisms, has a

weighted mean result of 2.56. Lastly, on the cognitive ability, problem solving skills,

which pertains to the ability in isolating basic themes of own research and

formulating the basic research questions and hypotheses indicated a weighted mean

of 2.30. All the five identified cognitive abilities necessary in conducting research,

teachers of Kiamba indicated a low current level skills, which means that they have

low confidence level in these skills and sees it to be of medium priority, meaning they

need training for these within this year.

Table 3. Levels of Skills and of Need Priority in Creativity

of Kiamba Public School Teachers
Creativity Current Skill Level Priority Level
Skills Weighted Mean Description Weighted Mean Description
Inquiring Mind 3.03 Moderate 1.96 Medium
Intellectual 2.01 Medium
2.71 Moderate
Innovation 2.61 Moderate 1.94 Medium
Argument 1.96 Medium
2.48 Low
Intellectual Risk 2.56 Low 1.97 Medium
Overall 2.68 Moderate 1.97 Medium

Table 3 above presents the results of the participants’ assessment of their

creativity skills. In terms of inquiring mind, which pertains to willingness and ability to

learn and acquire knowledge, flexibility and open-mindedness and style of

questioning and questioning technique, the weighted mean is 3.03. With regards to

the ability to absorb and appropriating idea and creating idea and opportunities by

investigating/seeking information, the intellectual insights, the weighted mean is

2.71. The weighted mean result of 2.61 is obtained for innovation, which refers to

understanding the role of innovation and creativity in research and engaging in an

inter-disciplinary research. In terms of constructively defending research outcomes

and providing evidence in support of ideas and structuring arguments clearly and

concisely, a weighted mean of 2.48 was obtained. The Last item for creativity, which

is intellectual risk pertaining to the ability to test boundaries and willingness to

expose ideas to a critical audience and ability to appraise other research, a weighted

mean result of 2.56 was obtained. Overall, the weighted mean for creativity is 1.97.

This indicates a moderate level of creativity skills. Which means that on the average,

Kiamba Public School Teachers are moderately confident and competent on the

skills identified, and indicate these areas to be of medium level of need priority.


Based on the results and findings of the study, it can be concluded that

Kiamba Public School Teachers of has low level confidence and competence on

Research Knowledge and intellectual Abilities in terms of subject knowledge,

cognitive abilities and creativity skills on research which necessitates the conduct of

research capability building program.


Based on the findings and conclusions formulated, it is highly recommended

for the development of a strong Research Capability Program in Kiamba Districts.

Kiamba Public School Teachers should be provided with a wide array of research

trainings and activities like research conferences, focus group discussions and

research congress to further enhance their research capabilities making them more

confident and competent.

Action Plan

On the bases of the findings and conclusions of the study and the

recommendations made, below activity proposal is prepared.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sarangani


A) I. Title of the Activity Capability Building Seminar-Workshop: Developing A

B) Culture of Research in Kiamba Districts

A study on the current level skills on the knowledge and

abilities on research of Kiamba Public School teachers
II. Rationale indicated a low level. This informs that teachers has low
confidence in conducting research thus necessitates
research capability building program to enhance their
competence in doing research.
Towards the end of this activity, Kiamba Public school
III. Objectives a) develop understanding on the key concepts of research
b) enhance cognitive and creative skills in conducting
c) deepen love for search of knowledge
d) build a culture of research in the districts of Kiamba
1. Seek approval from the SDS, PSDS to conduct the
IV. activity
Strategies/Procedure 2. A memo will be sent to schools
s 3. Invite excellent speakers
4. Arrange booking for the venue.
5. Implement the Activity
School Research Committee and School Researchers
V. Participants (5 pax per school)

VI. Responsible ASDS
people Chief CID, SGOD
Division Research Focal Person
School Heads
Municipal Research Comittee
Sound Sytem Bond Papers Certificates
VII. Materials/Supplies LCD Projector Laptops
Needed Manila Papers Printers
Pentel Pens Meals and Snacks
Food and Snacks for three days plus venue rental,
VIII. Budgetary materials and certificates and honoraria
Requirements Food and Snacks P 250 x 3 x 132 pax = P 99,000.00
Venue P 2,000 x 3 = P 6,000.00
Supplies and Certificates = P 5,000.00
Honoraria = P 10,000.00
Contigency = P 5,400.00
Total P 125, 400.00
(A registration of P 950 per pax will be collected
chargeable to School MOOE)
IX. Target Date October 25 – 27, 2017
X. Venue Woodbridge Resort, Kiamba, Sarangani Province

Proposed by: Recommending Approval:





Approved by:


OIC Schools Division Superintendent
More, Kristen H., Morris, Katie. Research Skills Assessment. Northern Arizona

TheBigChoice; Research Skills;

skills.html; London

IOP Institute of Physics; Key Skills of Researchers;


Student Development and Support Service (2010). Research Skills


DMMMSU MID LA UNION CAMPUS. Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State
University Mid La Union Campus, San Fernando City 2500 La Union,

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