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Essay / What is the best way to have a positive impact on the environment: to reduce our

consumption, to reuse what we have, or to recycle?

Why do we need to recycle, reduce, and reuse? New age society is growing up with a
conscience in recycling, reduce, and reuse, to find ways to have a positive impact on the
environment, all of this due to an amount to the waste that we have been making and that the
levels of pollution have begun to rise rapidly also the use of nondegradable substances has only
worsened it. In fact, every year we have been making and dumping tons of waste but now, we
have alternatives to do the things differently. One of the simplest yet most effective ways to
make such an impact is to look for ways to recycle, which often involves reusing and reduce

The first way that we can do to have a positive improvement on the environment is to recycle.
Recycling is a process whose objective is to convert waste into new products or raw materials,
moreover, researches demonstrated that recycle has environmental benefits such as reducing
waste. We can significantly reduce the amount of pollution our waste creates if we tend to
recycle. Therefore, we can recycle since our own houses or offices, for example, using the paper
on both sides and then separating it from the trash, this helps to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. In addition to this, we can recycle cardboard, plastic and metal products. Knowing
that plastic takes years to break down because it is not biodegradable, recycling or avoid use
plastic is the better way that we have to reduce the amount of waste, this implies that we can
use our own bottle to drink instead of using plastic bottles or we can use a cloth bags instead of
using plastic bags.

The second way that we can utilize to improve the environment is by reducing waste and
reusing items. Furthermore, by reusing items, we can decrease the necessity for new products,
thereby reducing the pollution created when harvesting the resources necessary to produce
those items, for example, for example, donating clothes that you no longer use, this implicit
that we are reusing material to make new clothes or new items such as a cloth bag or reusing
already used containers to store other objects or alternative uses. The classic example of
conventional reuse is the doorstep delivery of milk in reusable bottles, with this, we reduce the
amount of the cardboard or plastic where normally packaged milk. Reusing items does not
always require repurposing them, by taking care of our existing products and possessions, we
are helping to not create more waste. In fact, by reducing and reusing we help preserve natural
resources, this implies that we will not deteriorate more ecosystems where many animals live.

In conclusion, reducing, reusing, and recycling are effective ways that really important and we
must do for the preservation and improvement of our environment. Clearly, reusing and
recycling avoid the waste of raw materials and non-renewable resources, it also saves energy,
and pollution is avoided. On the other hand, only by reducing the number of products that we
buy and sell daily can we have a positive impact on the environment, and at the same time,
reducing the waste that is made annually. In short, we have many choices to improve the world
where we living and let us all rethink our ways of handling commodities and recycle.


Reference Source 1:”Earth Day – Reduce, reuse, recycle: Have a positive impact on the
planet “The Marietta Times, Earth Day 2018 is Sunday, April 22

Reference Source 2:” Why Is It Important to Recycle? BY Stephanie Osmanski journalist

and promoter of Green Matter, April 16, 2020.

Reference Source 3: “Reduce, reuse, recycle, but most of all, reduce” The Journal Review.
posted Saturday, November 9, 2019 1:15 am,103586

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