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Not shown in lecture

Important Notes
CIVL 911: STRUCTURAL DESIGN BASED ON AUSTRALIAN These lecture notes do not substitute the recommended
These lecture notes are not peer-reviewed. They may
A/Prof. Neaz Sheikh contain errors.
Room 4.127
The lecturer is not responsible for the learning of
Email: students who rely exclusively on the lecture notes

It is highly recommended that students review the

Consultation time:
lecture materials using the recommended textbooks.
Tuesday 11:30 – 13:30
Friday 11:00 – 13:00 (Online: Moodle Discussion)
Lecture notes are based on Foster et al. (2010)

Not shown in lecture Not shown in lecture

Week 2 Essential Reading Have you completed the on-line

Foster et al. (2010) QUIZ?
Chapter 3: Beams
Loo and Chowdhury (2018)
Part 1- Chapter 5: Deflection of beams and crack control

Is it the right time for you to enrol CIVL311/CIVL911?

Very Important: Have you completed on-line QUIZ?

AS 3600
Section 8: Design of Beams for Strength and Serviceability
Not shown in lecture Not shown in lecture

Have you completed the on-line

Have you completed the on-line
The reinforced concrete beam has the cross-sectional area shown in Figure.
Determine the second moment of area for the cross- If it is subjected to a bending moment of M=60 kN.m, determine the normal
sectional area of the member shown in Figure about stress in each of the steel reinforcing rods and the maximum normal stress in
the x and y centroidal axis. the concrete. Take Est= 200 GPa and Econc= 25 GPa.

Tutorial Feedback: Week 1

Agenda for today 4000 mm

4000 mm

Recap on week 1 4000 mm

4000 mm

Topics for Today: Warner et al (1998)

4000 mm

1. Flexural behaviour of beams under load

2. Properties of cross section
4000 mm

(a) Modular ratio method

(b) Equilibrium and compatibility method wb wc

3. Deflection of beams under load

4000 mm
4. Crack Control
L2= 10 m L3= 3.5 m

Not shown in lecture Not shown in lecture

Case 1: 1.35 FG
wb =1.35FG= 27.68 kN/m wc =1.35FG= 27.68 kN/m
MB= 340.2 kN-m
MC= -346 kN-m
L2= 12 m L3= 5 m

L2= 12 m L3= 5 m
4000 mm Case 2: 1.2FG+1.5FQ
wb =1.2FG+1.5FQ=42.6 kN/m
wc =1.2FG= 24.6 kN/m
MB= 620.95 kN-m

Self Weight = [500x400 + 150x (4000-400)] x25x10-6= 18.5 kN/m

L2= 12 m L3= 5 m
Additional weight= 0.5 kN/m2 = 0.5x4= 2 kN/m
wc = 1.2FG+1.5FQ=42.6 kN/m

Total dead load= 18.5+ 2= 20.5 kN/m MC= -532.5 kN-m

Live Load= 3 kN/m2 = 3x4= 12 kN/m
L2= 12 m L3= 5 m

Not shown in lecture Not shown in lecture

Case 3: Alternative Load Combination: not as per AS300

Motivation for Week 2 Lecture
 How does a beam behave under load?
wb =1.2FG+1.5FQ=42.6 kN/m  Is it better to use more reinforcement in beams?
wc =1.0FG= 20.5 kN/m
 Is the cross-section of RC beam a composite section? If yes, how
MB= 644.18 kN-m can the elastic beam theory be applied to analyse the cross-section
 Why is the value of neutral axis depth obtained from modular
L2= 12 m L3= 5 m
ratio method different from equilibrium and compatibility method?
Is the difference significant?
wc = 1.2FG+1.5FQ=42.6 kN/m  What is total deflection, short-term deflection, and incremental
How can the cracking in the beam be controlled ? How Can I
MC= -532.5 kN-m
calculate crack width?
L2= 12 m L3= 5 m
Common Types of Beam Sections
Flexural Behaviour of
Beams Under Load

13 14
Foster et al. (2010)

Flexural Behaviour of Beam Under Load Flexural Behaviour of Beam Under Load

Pre-cracking Behaviour

Beam z

Free body diagram showing internal moment as a

compression and tension force couple
Bending moment diagram =E
M=Tz = Cz Cross-section Strains Stresses

Elastic beam theory =My/I  Strain in the concrete and steel at the same level are almost the same
 Stress in the steel is greater than the stress in the adjacent concrete
Free body diagram showing internal
moment and shear force
MacGregor and Wight (2007)
15 16
Foster et al. (2010)
Post-cracking: service load Behaviour

cr =f’ct.f – cs

Post-cracking: service load Behaviour

Moment-curvature relationship
of a beam segment

C=T z= lever arm

Tension stiffening between primary and secondary cracks
M=Tz = Cz
17 18
Foster et al. (2010) Foster et al. (2010)

Overload behaviour

Overload behaviour
dn C

C z

T Reinforcement


stres s
M=Tz = Cz
Strain e
Changes in compression stress block with increasing moment
At all stages of loading Overload Condition-
continuity of deformation: average strain is linearly distributed the section can still
over the depth of the beam accept a small
increment of moment
Force Equilibrium: C=T 19 and Mu>My 20
Foster et al. (2010) Foster et al. (2010)
Beam Failure
dn C Under-reinforced and over-reinforced beams

Under-reinforced beam: The tensile reinforcement yields at a
moment My which is less than the ultimate moment Mu. The failure
is described as primary tension failure (My<Mu)
Over-reinforced beam: In the presence of large amount of
tensile reinforcement, Mu occurs before steel reaches yield. The
failure is described as primary compression failure (My>Mu)
Balanced failure: Tensile steel yields at the same time that the

capacity of the concrete compressive region reached (My=Mu)
Both balanced failure and primary compression failure are brittle
and hence undesirable.

21 22
Foster et al. (2010)

Analysis and Design for Serviceability

For Reinforced concrete, the prime serviceability

consideration relate to deflections and cracking of
Elastic Section Analysis
Deflection control and crack control require a study of
the stress and deformation that occur in cross-section
and local region.
Hence, we need to carry out cross-sectional analysis

23 24
Not shown in lecture


Elastic beam theory =My/I

Beams constructed of two or more different materials are

called composite beams

Flexure formula cannot be applied directly to determine

normal stress in a composite beam
Look at the formulae for the
second moment of area of a Thus a method is required to “transform” a beam’s cross-
rectangular cross-section at the section into one made of a single material, then the
centroidal axis and at the base! flexure formula can be applied
25 26
Foster et al. (2010)

Composite Beam: modular ratio method Transformed Section : RC Beam

• Height remains the same, but stiffer

portion (material 1) of beam widened
to carry equivalent load to that E1
carried by material 1. n
• Dimensionless factor n, is called the
modular ratio. It indicates that cross-
section, with a width b on original
beam, be increased to a width of b2 =
nb in region where material 1 is being
transformed into material 2.
• Once “transformed”, the
normal-stress distribution Ast
over the transformed x-
section will be linear as
shown. nAst
Limitation: only applicable to linear- M<<My portion only
elastic section analysis
27 nAst-Ast=(n-1)Ast 28
Hibbler R. Mechanics of Materials Foster et al. (2010)
RC Beams: Cracking condition Tutorial Question 1 : Elastic Analysis of a Singly
Reinforced Concrete Beam
Cracking occurs when concrete stress due to bending reaches cracking
stress cr
cr =f’ct.f – cs Calculate gross and cracked
second moment of area
Where cs is the tensile stress due to shrinkage
Shrinkage strains given in Table, AS 3600 Calculate the cracking moment
Typically *cs = 500x10-6 to 800x10-6 Calculate concrete and steel
stresses induced by a positive
cs=(2.5w-0.8 cw) /(1+50w)x Es*cs [Section, AS 3600]
bending moment of 100 kN.m.
Consider that section is cracked
Where w = web reinforcement ratio for tensile reinforcement = Ast/(bwd) but still in the elastic range
cw = web reinforcement ratio for compressive reinforcement = Asc/(bwd)
Mcr= cracking moment
 cr I g Material Properties: f’c= 32 MPa, Ec=30100 MPa,
Ig= gross second moment of area
M cr  (transformed)
Es=200x103 MPa *cs= 670x10-6
Yb=distance of extreme fibre from NA 29 30
Foster et al. (2010)

Transformed Section: uncracked Transformed Section: uncracked

Calculate Modular ratio n dn= 233.82 mm

Calculate steel area
Ast= 1350 mm2 Calculate Ig (second moment of area: gross)

(n-1)Ast=5.645x1350=7620 mm2

(n-1).Ast=7620mm2 (n-1).Ast=7620mm2

Calculate neutral axis depth

𝐴 300 450 135,000 Transformed section: Uncracked Transformed section: Uncracked

𝐴2 𝑛 1 𝐴 7,620 𝐼 + 300 450 233.82 7620 390 233.82

135,000 7620 𝑑𝑛 135,000 7620 390
2 Ig= 2.47x 109 mm4
31 32
Hence, dn= 233.82 mm
Foster et al. (2010) Foster et al. (2010)
Transformed Section: uncracked Transformed Section: cracked

Calculate cracking moment, Mcr Calculate neutral axis depth

 cr I g ( f ct . f   cs ) I g 300 𝑑 8970 𝑑 300 𝑑 8970 390
M cr   2
yb yb
dn=125.7 mm
 cs  (2.5  pw  0.8  pcw ) /(1  50 pw ) Es cs*
n. Ast=8970 mm2
 w  Ast /(bw d )  1350 /(300  390)  0.0115 Calculate second moment of area :cracked

 cw  0 (n-1).Ast=7620mm2 300 125.7 125.7

𝐼 300 125.7 8970 390 125.7
12 2
 2.5  0.0115 
 cs     200  10  670  10
3 6
=825x106 mm4
 1  50  0.0115  Transformed section: Uncracked
 2.451 MPa Foster et al. (2010)
Calculate stress in concrete and steel

f ct . f  0.6  f c  0.6  32  3.39 MPa Myc 100 125.7

c    15.2 MPa
I cr 825
 cr I g (3.394 - 2.451)  (2.47  109 )
M cr  M cr  n.Myst 6.645 100  (390  125.7)
yb yb  450 - 233.8  216.2 mm 216.2 33  st    212.8 MPa 34
 10.79 kN.m I cr 825 Foster et al. (2010)


Equilibrium and Compatibility

d Method

Equilibrium and strain stress

Compatibility Method Cracked, doubly reinforced, rectangular beam

Force Equilibrium requirement:  C  T CC  CSC  TS

Strain Compatibility:
sc/o=(dn-dsc)/dn sc=o(dn-dsc)/dn

st/o= (d-dn)/dn st=o(d-dn)/dn

35 36
Foster et al. (2010)
Tutorial Question 2 : Elastic Analysis of a doubly
Csc=scAsc Csc=scAsc=scEsAsc Reinforced Concrete Beam
Determine the neutral axis
depth and concrete and
steel stresses induced by a
positive bending moment of
Ts=stAst=stEsAst=o(d-dn)/dnEsAst 80 kN-m
Force Equilibrium:
Calculate dn from force equilibrium and strain Cc+Csc= Ts
compatibility requirements
Strain Compatibility: sc=o(dn-60)/dn
dn Known Cc= 30100x(300/2)xoxdn =4.515x106xoxdn N
sc/o=(dn-dsc)/dn sc=o(dn-dsc)/dn st=o(390-dn)/dn
Csc= 200x103x900x sc =180x106xsc N

M=Cc(d-dn/3)+Csc(d-dsc) st/o= (d-dn)/dn st=o(d-dn)/dn The value of dn obtained from

Ts= 200x103x1800x st =360x106xst N
compatibility method is different
o=M/ [Ecdnb(d-dn/3)/2 + EsAsc(dn-dsc)(d-dsc)/dn] from that obtained modular from
Cc+Cs= Ts modular ratio (dn=133.9 mm)
37 method 38
dn= 132.72 mm
Foster et al. (2010) Foster et al. (2010)

M= Cc (d-dn/3) + Cs(d-dsc)
80x106=346Cc+330 Cs

Cc  600 106  o N
Csc  98.8 106  o N Deflection of a Beam
o = 333x10-6
Under Load

 0  Ec o  10.0 MPa

 sc  Es sc  Es o (d n  d c ) / d n  37 MPa
 st  Es st  Es o (d  d n ) / d n  129 MPa

39 40
Foster et al. (2010)
Flexural Deformation: Moment-curvature analysis Flexural Deformation: Moment-curvature analysis

Flexural deformations and curvature

  0   st  0      ( x) dx dx 


  M ( x) /( EI ef ( x)) dx dx

 1 M
  
x R EI

For any beam, the mid-span deflection is calculated by integrating the

curvature along its length and applying appropriate boundary conditions 41 42
Foster et al. (2010)

Flexural Deformation: Moment-curvature analysis Flexural Deformation: Moment-curvature analysis



  Ast /(bd )
First f’c=32 Mpa
cracking fsy= 500 Mpa
fsu= 650 MPa

Curvature Ductility = u/y
= u/y 43 44
Foster et al. (2010) Foster et al. (2010)
     ( x) dx dx    M ( x) /( EI ef ( x)) dx dx
Effective second moment of area: tension stiffening effect Effective second moment of area: tension stiffening effect

[Section, AS 3600] [Section, AS 3600]

At service load Icr<Ief<Ig

Ief.max ≤ Ig when p=Ast/bd ≥ 0.005

Ief.max ≤ 0.6 Ig when p=Ast/bd <0.005

Moment-curvature relationship of a beam segment

Moment-curvature relationship of a In case of RC beams, the tension stiffening component is

beam segment usually small relative to Icr. Hence, we may consider Ief Icr
45 46
Foster et al. (2010) Foster et al. (2010)

Mid-span deflection of a beam      ( x) dx dx    M ( x) /( EI ef ( x)) dx dx DEFLECTION OF BEAM UNDER LOAD

     ( x) dx dx    M ( x) /( EI ( x)) dx dx
   L  10  M   R 
MM EIef= Effective second moment of area
Concrete is a visco-elastic material that creeps and shrinks with time, the
 M L  10 M M  M R  effect of which induce progressively increasing crack widths and
increased deflections.
96 Ec I ef .av
Average effective second moment of area Ief.av is calculated Total deflection: tot = s +kcss.sus
from the values of Ief: [Section, AS 3600]
s is the short term deflection due to (G + sQ)
For a simply supported span, the value at mid-span s.sus is deflection due to sustained load (G+lQ)
For a continuous beam: kcs is a combined creep and shrinkage factor
i) for an interior span, half the mid-span value plus one quarter of each kcs = 2-1.2(Asc/Ast)≥0.8 [Section AS 3600]
support value Asc= area of reinforcing steel in the compressive region
ii) for an end span, half the mid-span value plus half the value at the Ast= area of reinforcing steel in the tensile region
continuous span For a simply supported or a continuous beam Kcs is calculated for the
For a cantilever, the value at the support positive moment portion of the beam (midspan) and for a cantilever
47 48
beam at the support

Final long-term deflection is Live Load Factors for Serviceability Design (AS/NZS 1170.0)
tot = s +kcss.sus
s is the short term deflection due to (G + sQ)
s.sus is deflection due to (G+lQ) Type of Load Short-term factor, s Long-term factor, l

Domestic 0.7 0.4
Incremental deflection = total Offices 0.7 0.4
Parking area 0.7 0.4
Foster et al. (2010)
deflection- deflection due to Retail store 0.7 0.4
dead load alone Storage 1.0 0.6
Trafficable 0.7 0.4
inc = tot – G Non-trafficable 0.7 0.0

= (s +kcss.sus) - G Table 3.1 Foster et al. (2010)

49 50

Tutorial Question 3 : Deflection Calculation

Calculate short- and long-term deflection for the cantilever
beam shown in figure

Total deflection: tot = s +kcss.sus

Loading FG= 60 kN/m; FQ= 40 kN/m
s is the short term deflection due to ws= (G + sQ)
s.sus is deflection due to wl=(G+lQ)
Material Properties: f’c= 32 MPa, Ec=30100 MPa, kcs = 2-1.2(Asc/Ast)≥0.8
Es=200x103 MPa *cs= 600x10-6

[Table 4.1 AS/NZS 1170.0]
51 52
Foster et al. (2010) Foster et al. (2010)
Serviceability loads:
Short term ws=60 + 0.7 (40)= 88 kN/m
Sustained (long term) wl=60 + 0.4 (40)= 76 kN/m

Mid-span Right support
Short Term: MRS= -891 kN.m MMS=446 kN.m
Uncracked: dn=326.6 mm: Ig = 24.1x109 mm4
Uncracked: dn=425.4 mm: Ig = 17.5x109 mm4
Long Term: MRS= -770 kN.m MMS=385 kN.m Mcr= 57 kN.m
Mcr= 18.8 kN.m
Cracked: dn=160.8 mm: Icr = 8.95x109 mm4
Cracked: dn=302.6 mm: Icr = 10.51x109 mm4
Effective second moment of area

Icr and Ief at mid-span You need to

calculate Icr values
Icr and Ief at right span based on modular
ratio method
At mid-span Ief≈ Icr= 8.95x109 mm4
53 54
At right support Ief≈ Icr= 10.51x109 mm4
Foster et al. (2010) Foster et al. (2010)

Average effective second moment of area for a continuous beam:

for an end span, half the mid-span value plus half the value at the continuous span
Typical Deflection Limits for Beams and Slabs
Ief.av= (8.95x109+10.51x109)/2 mm4= 9.73x109 mm4

Creep and Shrinkage factor: At mid-span Type of member Component to be Deflection Deflection limit
considered limit (/Lef) (/Lef) for
Kcs= 2-1.2x(2170/3720)= 1.3 (>0.8 OK)
for spans cantilvers
Mid-span deflection 
M L  10 M M  M R  All members Total deflection 1/250 1/125
96 Ec I ef .av Member Deflection component
2 supporting that occurs after the 1/500 1/250
s  10  446  891106  10.3 mm articulated brittle construction of the
96  30100  9.73  10 9
partitions (e.g. partition
Members Deflection component
𝑤𝑙 76 supporting non- that occurs after the
∆𝑠. 𝑠𝑢𝑠 ∆𝑠 10.3 8.9 𝑚𝑚 1/1000 1/500
𝑤𝑠 88 articulated brittle construction of the
partitions partition
tot=s+Kcss.sus=10.3+1.3x8.9= 21.9 mm (Span/ 410) Table 3.2 Foster et al. (2010)

55 56
Cracking in concrete structures shall be controlled so that structural
performance, durability, and appearance of the structure are not
compromised [ AS 3600]
AS 3600 Section 8.6

# Crack control of beams without direct calculation of crack width

Crack Control

57 58

AS 3600 Section 8.6

Crack control of beams by calculation of crack width

AS 3600 Section 8.6

# Crack control of beams is based on limiting the spacing of

longitudinal bars, and on placing reinforcement in the side faces and
around opening.

Spacing ≤ 300 mm

# Minimum reinforcement  in the tensile zone of the beam

59 60
AS3600 AS3600
Design Requirements
Serviceability Design
Crack Control Important Take Home Activity- Very Important
Permissible crack widths (ACI Committee 224, 1972)
EXAMPLE 3.5: Proportioning of a
Exposure Condition Minimum allowable crack width (mm) Rectangular Beam for Deflection

Dry air or protective membrane 0.40

Humid air, soil 0.30 Important Reading
De-icing chemicals 0.20
Sea-water and sea-water spray,
wetting and drying
3.3.6 The tension chord model for
Water retaining structures 0.10 calculating crack width

61 62

Tutorial Assessment Feedback


 Qualitative description of the Brief Solution of the tutorial Assessment

behaviour of beams under increasing load Task will be uploaded on MOODLE as

 Properties of cross-section Tutorial Tasks will be assessed mostly

based on effort to solve the problem
 Deflection calculation together with the accuracy of calculations

63 64
Design Workshop Assessment:
Tutorial Question 4 Note: Except the Design Workshop
A. Determine the neutral axis depth
and the concrete and steel stresses assessment question, no other
induced by positive bending moment of
80 kN.m. Adopt modular ratio method tutorial question solution is available
and consider that the section is
cracked under bending a moment of 80 with the lecturer or the tutor.

B. Determine the neutral axis depth Students are encouraged to solve

and the concrete and steel stresses by
adopting equilibrium and compatibility the tutorial questions and discuss in
method. Design
Workshop groups or post the solutions to the
C. Explain the reason for the
differences between the two methods
MOODLE discussion space.
f’c= 40 MPa, Ec= 32800 MPa, Es= 200 x103 MPa; *cs = 670 x 10-6

65 66
Foster et al. (2010)

Tutorial Question 5 : Elastic Tutorial Question 6

Analysis of a T-beam
Simply supported beam
Calculate the stress in the
concrete at the extreme UDL FG=12kN/m
compressive fibre and the FQ=15kN/m
stress in the reinforcing steel 9m
for an applied positive moment 1250

of 450 kN.m
700 (a)Mcr
(b)Icr, Ief at mid span
Material Properties: f’c= 32 MPa, Ec=30100 MPa, (c) s short term deflection
Es=200x103 MPa *cs= 600x10-6 6N28 (d) tot long term deflection

f’c= 32 MPa, Ec= 30 100 MPa, Es= 200 x103 MPa; *cs = 600 x 10-6
67 68
Foster et al. (2010)
Additional Practice Question 2
Additional Practice Question 1 Details of a cantilever beam in given in Figure APQ2

A simply supported rectangular beam, 340 mm wide and 630 mm deep (with Under the given loading, compute the total maximum deflection an check
d=568 mm), is part of a floor system that supports a storage area. The steel whether the design satisfy the requirement of span/depth ratio according to
ratios t=0.008 and c=0.0025; Es= 200,000 MPa and f’c= 32 MPa. For FG= 8 AS 3600.
kN/m (including self-weight) and FQ= 8 kN/m, what is the maximum effective
span (Lef) beyond which the beam is not considered by AS 3600 as complying You may assume that self weight is the only sustained load, f’c= 32 MPa and
with the serviceability requirement for load deflection Ec= 30100 MPa
Loo and Chowduhury (2013)
Note: the deflections at the tip of a cantilever are =wL4/8EI and
Practice Questions based on =PL3/3EI, where w is the uniformly distributed load, P is the concentrated
‘Reinforced Concrete Analysis and
Design’ by Loo and Chowdhury (2013) load and L is the span

Practice Questions based on

‘Reinforced Concrete Analysis and
Design’ by Loo and Chowdhury (2013)

69 Loo and Chowduhury (2013) 70

Figure APQ2: Details of a cantilever beam

Additional Practice Question 3 Properties of standard grade concrete

The cantilever beam shown in Figure APQ3 is to support a dead load FG=10
Standard Mean in Mean Flexural Uniaxial Modular
kN/m (including self weight) and a live load FQ= 30 kN/m. Take f’c= 32 Mpa.
strength situe com. insitue tensile tensile ratio (n=
grade f’c Strength elastic strength strength Es/Ec)
a) Compute instantaneous deflection (MPa) fcmi (MPa) modulus Ec f’ct.f (MPa) f’ct (MPa)
b) Does the design satisfy the AS 3600 requirement for total deflection? (MPa)
20 22 24000 2.7 1.6 8.3
25 28 26700 3.0 1.8 7.5
32 35 30100 3.4 2.0 6.6
40 43 32800 3.8 2.3 6.1
50 53 34800 4.2 2.5 5.7
65 68 37400 4.8 2.9 5.3
Loo and Chowduhury (2013) 80 82 39600 5.3 3.2 5.0
100 99 42200 6.0 3.6 4.7
Figure APQ3. Load configuration and section details of cantilever
Es= 200 GPa
beam (Note: all dimensions are in mm) Poisson’s ratio  = 0.2 (AS 3600 Section 3.1.5)
Practice Questions based on
Coefficient of thermal expansion 10x10-6/°C ± 20% (AS 3600 Section 3.1.6)
‘Reinforced Concrete Analysis and 71 72
Design’ by Loo and Chowdhury (2013)
Properties of reinforcement Properties of reinforcement

Details of normal ductility reinforcement Design areas of various numbers of reinforcing bars
No of Area (mm2)
Designation and Nominal area Calculated Calculated bars
diameter (mm) (mm2) area (mm2) mass N10 N12 N16 N20 N24 N28 N32 N36
(kg/m) 1 80 110 200 310 450 620 800 1020
N10 80 79 0.617 2 160 220 400 620 900 1240 1600 2040
N12 110 113 0.888 3 240 330 600 930 1350 1860 2400 3060
N16 200 201 1.58 4 320 440 800 1240 1800 2480 3200 4080
N20 310 314 2.47 5 400 550 1000 1550 2250 3100 4000 5100
N24 450 452 3.55 6 480 660 1200 1860 2700 3720 4800 6120
N28 620 616 4.83 7 560 770 1400 2170 3150 4340 5600 7140
N32 800 804 6.31 8 640 880 1600 2480 3600 4960 6400 8160
N36 1020 1018 7.99 9 720 990 1800 2790 4050 5580 7200 9180
N40 1260 1257 9.86 10 800 1100 2000 3100 4500 6200 8000 10200
73 74

Design areas for reinforcing bars at various spacing

Bar Areas per metre width (mm2/m)

Table B.6 spacing
Foster et al. (mm) N10 N12 N16 N20 N24 N28 N32 N36
100 800 110 2000 3100
120 670 920 1670 2580

140 570 790 1430 2210 3210

160 500 690 1250 1940 2810

180 440 610 1110 1720 2500 3440

200 400 550 1000 1550 2250 3100

220 360 500 910 1410 2040 2820 3640

240 330 460 830 1290 1870 2580 3330

260 310 420 770 1190 1730 2380 3080 3920

280 290 390 710 1110 1610 2210 2860 3640

300 270 370 670 1030 1500 2070 2670 3400


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