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Tierra Foxworth

April 10th 2017

Bio 212-202

Case Study: Characteristics of Children with Esotropia

1. Summarize the importance of why intracranial disease is a concern for medical


Intracranial disease is a concern for medical personnel because it could lead to many things that

could kill a person, leave them brain dead, or paralyze them. Depending on what part of the brain

was affected there could be many things that could cause this. For example, if someone suffered

from intracranial vascular disease they would be someone who could have multiple strokes or

transient ischemic attacks. It is when the arteries that are below the skull are very narrow. They

have to be careful with medications that they take and how they live everyday life. (Virginia

Mason Hospital & Medical Center. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2017, from Treatment of someone who has

this disease has to be very monitored and planned out very carefully.

2. How will the information in this article be beneficial to doctors and hospital personnel who

will care for those with intracranial disease and other associated disorders?

This information will be helpful to professionals who would care for people with this disease

because it shows evidence that in children with AACE there are more needs to do imaging and

test for things that can develop from it like intracranial disease. When a patient comes to

someone with symptoms of AACE then this case study proves that there are reasons to suggest
that more things could be happening to this person and more tests need to be done to make sure it

is not something major or life threatening. Simple signs need not be ignored and every possibility

needs to be taken and looked into with depth. (Helena Buch1,2 and Troels Vinding2 1 Eye &

Strabismus Clinic, Copenhagen Private Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark 2 Eye Clinic,

Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark)

3. Are there effective treatments available for affected individuals who are still out patients?

The treatment that is known to fix the disease in surgery in early onset diagnosis. Children who

have been diagnosed with AACE early can get surgery that can fix the eyes and the muscles

behind them. This is in hopes that the cranial nerves behind them will redirect themselves into

proper position and become normal. My son has esotropia and some nerve damage was done to

his oculomotor nerve. We were lucky that he was able to get the surgery done to repair his eyes

and the nerve has been improving. (Esotropia. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2017, from

4. Determine the best next steps for researchers to prepare for accommodating those affected .

I believe that the next step to accommodating the children that are affect with AACE or

intracranial disease is early diagnosis. Although both conditions are rare it is important and

sometimes life saving if these things are caught early and treated immediately. Some signs

should always be looked into and not taken lightly even though there is a slim chance that this is

what their condition could be. This study gives professionals more insight and a deeper look into

kids with AACE and the things that can come from that. It shows them children can get other

things from having it and some of those can be preventable. They should use this study to detect

more things in younger children with AACE. Helena Buch1,2 and Troels Vinding2 1 Eye &
Strabismus Clinic, Copenhagen Private Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark 2 Eye Clinic,

Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark

5. I chose this article because I can relate a little bit to it. My son has AACE and we noticed it

around 2 months old. His eye were crossed and he could not use both of them at the same time.

He had a CT scan done at A.I. Dupont and we discovered that he had 10 cysts in the occipital

and temporal parts of his brain. We were told were totally fine and may not relate to anything so

they let us go home with only more questions. When we started going to the Wilmer Eye

Institute at Johns Hopkins about 4 months later they told us what was going on and that he would

need strabismus surgery in order to correct it. His oculomotor nerve had been weakened and he

could not use both eyes at the same time. We were told we had a short window to fix it before

more damage would be done and we immediately opted for the surgery. He still has some trouble

with his eyes but nothing as bad as it was. This article helped me get some more information on

the things that can come from AACE but also that it doesn’t always cause other things to happen

with the brain. It will help me in the medical field by allowing me to know certain symptoms and

maybe recommend to other people things that they should look at if a similar problem shoud


Esotropia. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2017, from


Helena Buch1,2 and Troels Vinding2 1 Eye & Strabismus Clinic, Copenhagen Private Hospital,

Copenhagen, Denmark 2 Eye Clinic, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark

Virginia Mason Hospital & Medical Center. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2017, from

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