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Management and leadership

differences require levelheadedness
by Joe Colonna

\Miat would a materials people. Based on Kotter's definition, are you for how to contribute to that vision and rally
manager have to do to be recognized as a leader^ Keep in mind; Mr. others to participate or surpass that objective.
perceived as an effective Kotter's books make the point that there aie Facilitation and communication should be-
leader? many types and styles of leadership. You have come extremely important to you because these
First and foremost, the opportunity to develop our own. To get skills are two of the drivers for your success.
they must have an infec- there, however, you need a map. Frankly, until now most materials manage-
tious passion for what In thejim Collins book, ^'Good to Great,"he ment departments have rarely been recognized
they are doing. Second, WTites about five levels of leadership with Level for their potential. In fact, they have been pre-
they must be willing to Five being the most effective. Rased on an in- vented from being allow ed (as the commercial
commit the time and en- formal survey I conducted with industry ex- says) "to become all that they can be." Since
ergy to study transition theoiy well enough to perts, the responses indicated a materials the position was introduced into healthcare
preach, teach and live it. Third, they must un- manager must be at least a Ixvel Three Leader more than twenty years ago, materials manag-
derstiind themselves well enough to know their to be considered effective. According to ers have struggled to receive the authority to
shortcomings. Fourth, they transfoim Collins, a Level Three Leader is a "competent exert more control over greater portions of the
their weaknesses into strengths; personally or non-labor expenditures of their org:mization.
by utilizing the resources of employees or Therein lies the crux of (he problem.
peers. Healthcare has evolved in such a way that de-
For a variety (jf reasons, the healthcaiT in-
"Leadership coinplhnetits partment majiagers and physicians actually
dustry perceives materials managers as cus- mauagemetit; it doesn't resist and resent anyone who tries to exercise
tomer service personnel who manage "things" replace it." control or authority over their prerogatives.
and "people" for the purpose of saUsfying the Ix)ok again at some of the words used to de-
desires and wishes of department managers, - John P. Kotter scribe Level Four and Level Five leaders; "cata-
physicians and executives. lyzes commitment," "clear and compelling
It is also important to distinguish between vision," "personal humility and professional
leadership and management. In his book, will." These are not words that describe the ste-
WhMt Leaden Really Do,]ohn P. Kotter writes, manager" who "organizes people and re- reotypical materials manager who may sit at
"I.^adership is different from management, sources toward the effective and efficient pur- the bar while attending an AHRMM meeting
and the primary force behind successful suit of predetermined objectives." Odds are and brag that their exam gloves are one dollar
change of any significance is the former, not that, if you are at Level Three, you will be per box cheaper than their GPO contract or
the latter." In another of his books. Leading viewed as being competent and proficient in want to compare "cost plus" numbers. This
Change, he explains that leadership drives the role tradiUonally associated with a materi- does not describe the materials manager that
change while management controls it. In that als manager. considers the O.R. supervisor "she who must
book, he also added "Management is a set of But compare this to the Collins Level Four be obeyed." These words would not describe
processes that can keep a complicated system Leader who is an "effective leader" that "cata- others in the organization ;is being adversar-
of people and technology running smoothly. lyzes commitment to and vigorou.s pursuit of ies.
The most important aspects of management a clear and compelling vision, stimulating They would, however, describe someone
include planning, budgeting, organizing, staff- higher performance standards" and you see who recognized the value of establishing win-
ing, controlling and problem solving." the room for advancement. Or you can com- win processes, foctised on outcomes rather than
While you may fit that description or agree pare that level of effectiveness with the Level control (not who did something but uhv, what
vou will strive to achieve the objective, it is Five Executive who "builds enduring great- and how the result was achieved) and spent
critical to fully understand the true meaning ness through a paradoxical blend of personal ample time recognizing others for their contri-
and magnitude of what leadership really is. humility and professional will." butions toward meeting or exceeding the ex-
Kotter added, "Leadership is a set of processes Clearly, while you can be an efi'ective and pectations of the orgiinization. In essence, these
that creates organizations in the first place or highly I egarded materials manager when y ou words would be used to describe a "graduate"
adapts them to significantly changing circum- achieve Level Three status, you will still be manager; one w ho made the transition to lead-
stances. Leadership defines what the future perceived as a manager and, by the Collins ership. Ai^e you ready to follow the patli towjird
looks like, aligns people with that vision, and definifion, may not be recognized as a leader leadership?
inspires them to make it happen despite the in your organization. Careful study of the principles of effective
obstacles." Effective leaders facilitate more then they team building clearly indicates leaders focus on
Until now you may have been recognized dictate change. They communicate the vision outcomes, not on being a chairperson of com-
as a great manager of materials and even of the organization, their goals and objectives mittees. For example, what if you perceived a

66 October 2D04 • HLUTHCARE RirchasingNEWS.• www.hpnonlinexom

potential opportunity for significant cost reduc- nize the attributes that differentiate between
tion in the laboratory? You might bring to- these skills (see the sample compaiisons pro-
gether a team consisting of yourself, the lab vided). Second is the fact that both good lead- Seek experts Tries to be expert
director, a lead tech. a value analysis coordi- ers and good managers are needed for an
nator and a representative from finance. In a organization to be successful. Therefore, even Passion Excitement
leadership role, yourfirsttask might be to help if your skills do not currently place you in the
the team to identif^' if a real opportunity ex category of being a Level Three leader, your
Empowers Directs
isted and then how to take ftill advantage of it. role in the organization can still be a major one.
However, to be an effective leader, it would Accordingly, by merely recognizing the actions
be wise to plan ever\' aspect of the meeting; necessary to be perceived as an effective leader, Is trusted Is respected
including how vou will facilitate the process while functioning as an accomplished man-
for the benefit of the laboratory. Planning ager, you can still be able to work toward the Identifies the Drives the change
should focus on trying to build a process that goal of enhancing your leadership ability. need to change
will cultivate a relationship that can foster even Then, with study and practice displaying the
bigger opportunities in the future. How? By attributes of a leadei-, the way you are perceived Guides Offers opinions
getting the people involved in designing the throughout the organization can be enhanced.
process, to own it, to recognize its value. A After all, it is your peers who will decide Motivates and Controls and
proverb that reminds me of this valuable les- whether or not you are viewed as a leader! inspires solves prohlems
son is, "Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remem- Do not listen to comments that leaders are
ber. Involve me, I understand." Besides the bom and not made. Your actions will define leads change Prevents
need to involve "users" in the process, a key whether or not you get people to cooperate regression
to success will be explaining your role as fa- witli you. Having a positive impact on the or-
cilitator and the desire to insure credit for anyganization through credibility and respect Focuses on Focuses on
accomplishment will be given to the team, should be your objective, not whether or not strategy structure
L'nfoi tunatelv, some materials managers, in you aie refetred to as a manager or a leader.
an effort to bring more attention to their de- The following are several wavs vou can build Estahlishes Creates
partment and/or its contributions, often tout upon your levels of credibility and respect: direction explanations
the savings that "they" find to their CFO or •Leam facilitation skills. These skills will ap-
CEO. But would that decision be considered ply not only to meetings but in your day to day
one that describes leadership? In Patrick interactions with others, FISH, Stephen Lundin, Hyperion, New
I^ncioni's book, TheFiveDysfiimiiomofa Teain, •Team building is cnicial to your success. En- York, NY, 2000
he points out that, "Team leaders mtist be self- sure that you "walk the talk" by building a 77te five Dysfunctions of a learn, Patrick M
less and objective, and reserve rewards and strong, effective "home" team first, Lencioni, Jossey-Bass, San Erancisco, CA,
recognition for those who make real contribu- •I.^am the true meaning of WIN/WIN; not
tions to the achievement of group goals.'' WIN/win (a need which is seen too often in What Leaders Really Do, John P. Kotter,
Think about it this way, how much more the materials management/supply chain pro- Harvai d Business School Press, Boston, MA,
effective would you be with a commitment to fession),
participate with your endeavors by the labo- •Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Leading Change,]ohr\ P. Kotter, Harvard
ratory director and their staff? Obviously, it Only after you understand both, can you make Business School Press, Boston, MA, lfH)6
would be in your best interest to focus beyond better team building decisions.
Joe Colonna Is the president and CEO of
one project and attempt to develop an ongo- •Recognize the efforts of vour employees and
Strategic Initiatives in Healthcare, a Jack-
ing process for stimulating other opportunities your associates. Promote their accomplish-
son, NJ-based consulting firm specializing
to reduce expenses. When other department ments to others - this will be returned to you
in expense management strategies. Previ-
managers see that the laboratory is being rec- 10 times over. WK
ously, he served as one of the top execu-
ognized for their efforts, wouldn't they be more
tives at a leading regional GPO that now is
likely to welcome your involvement? Here are some suggested reading materials to help
a memher of MedAssets. Colonna also is a
There are two important factors to consider get you started:
member of Healthcare Purchasing News'
regarding the transformation from leadership Good to Great. Jim Collins, Harper Collins, editorial advisory board.
to management. First is the ability to recog- New York, NY, 2001

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