Sei sulla pagina 1di 16


Maxinun: l00mdrks
Time : I hou and 15 mnlt€s

1. whi..h stdie oi lldia hds it! es6lariate in WRITER! BUILDINC1

(A) w€stBensal G) Tanil Nadu
(C) ?ujab (D) Bihe

2. 'NOTJOSTANACCOIJTNTANCr b a *wie wrtrEn bv:

(A) D. Msnaolu ginsl (B) Dr Thodts bsac
(C) \tno{tRli @) Dr JohnMaito

3. The well_lnsn t<uolnkulle Saivtgaha" ws l6ld in :

(A InnjalaLld! (B) Pu'jab

(q v! oo (D) Pudu

!. " cmvind. DrLh,F" * t4n by :

(A) 1,1K sanu O) SuluDt'Azld@de
(c) Dr. BahuPtd (D) AJoqPPt P"urd

5. Tt€ Magazift Yolti vidi' found'd bv :

(A) E.M.s (B) saLodod AYtrDDu
(C) rc Kelalp{ (D) A-K CoPdtn

6. 'the 6oude. of Ptuihvrl.hi R'k'ha Daiv' Stbhr

(A) vaitund'srtoilal (B) Ar/yaddli
(C) ?oikavnAppa.han (D) Mrdaih Padmana}[e

B.KS 4vyans6r @nilv passed awav sts a sEat €rps

(A) Modem Medicire @) Bharai Natvao
(c) ktbal (D) Yoga

s, IIPAC id a ilnna trcupe oI:

9. "fi&.leliyu6k.tae is th€ autobiosnphy ot:
(A) KuthrtiutuhoM8y (B) RorMrPrt!@
(c) &.D. clEri'tn (D) K& G@i

10. fh. hdnd lbbassador of i!. "Clean Canlu, Safe CaDpuB" progllEF€ :
(A) M.Dotty (B) Mohs r.r
(C) Fsh.d F tl @) M.d! Sfuic!

rr. WL.h o < , < I. $o sM of th€ Hi4

r - dr+ .o.'t- odra -. + (-r)'a.f, +-. is
(B) 146,
(o 1.cfcl
z @) -E
1r. rtu scl€ b.i{ooo the tim! , - .r = 2 aldr+J=1i!:
(A) o @);
(q+ o)'
rt lrt A B b. tD r *t!.ld.r Eatri€ tLo rbi.h of rb bLrils L bc
r x r

(A) 48 i; @thoso'.1 G) Ag i! .yodebic

(c) AB i.triangur.r @) ABi.3i!,8{d
ra Tb! sMtdt Rt qd.r !H rlit tu b. .EL€ed br' . !0 u"r.t b4ils i. ,
(A) r00 (B) ro
(c) 200 (D) 25

1l..e toqdt d tr tb. lclight li@ : . O, r = O!.d r + r = d ! :

(A) d' (B)

(c); @)a
16/S0l! 1.
1s. TIE @ltrtionof the svtt'n of !n's equarion' + t = 0' 2t + ! +2= |' ! + z = L is :

(A) l, -2, (B) 1, -1' o

(c) r,2,-2 o) 1, _1' 1

17. The vdft of (CGt6' - Sirl6')r i. I

7' i
$. me.olutio! olrh6 ilrib6ntid €qulion ('+2r)#=ti!:
6 ;.+=" (B)
," *-+-""" @) ""(c-")

(A) O = c G) ,.-"'+.
ro 'a'-c'' =c ,D -+-"
ar rf A i. 2 x2 @ttn {iih l,rl - 3, th.n lr (d4 .11 i! :

(a) 6 (B)t
lc) 4 (D) 12

t1. t'lE iisftdient ofhlicl 6adh that 3r@ Fd @lou! to hi'rt it :

G$ Alubiru (B) Ito! oddo

(c) Masf,etia (D) eiucr

2r. The st4el wbich is med in Bcc i. I

(C) Mld Et!61

29. 1'tre nost {o@4ical foundatio! when heafv strudural loads fton dlunns de
required to b€ hansfercd to a Mn ol bw bea.ins dpccitv i3 :
(A) foDodation
Pdft (B) St€Dpeit foudation
iC) Cillase foltdation (D) Pile foundation

2r. Thc basi€ pnncipl€ of sl|ftyiry is :

(A) rorting ftob qhot t tl$ part (B) worhingfod pdt to whol€
(c) Both (A) snd (B) (D) Reconnd$ance

,!- m C.lcrnlte tle E.I oftne idrruneni:

' BM. ol RL 150.205 i! 1 505
me bacl .isht o!
(A) 160,755 (B) 160.205
(c) 1,18,?00 (D) 161,?10

20. The tmins DoEeri of a t@stftLe qd€ orcrft i. doE unilorE ihl! t lou{tFte @gft

(A) Value operations 5re requiFd in fou strcle elFne, intiead part. aF u6ed in
tto.tftke e4in.
(B) In iwo+ibr. €!sis, thee i. onc po*€r sirctre in e€rv BEluiion ofib€ eHnl

(q Both siiles of the pistor ,F .fi€ciive duling ih€ opeEtion o{ a tvo 3trcke sngibe
(D) Fuel .uDply i. noF u.ifold i! t*o-dtrcle €nru€ @nDar€rl to fou€tdto 6tr3itr€

,?. BLher 6npre.6ion niio i. €Dlloyed in diesl €ngir. @Erded to p€kol €ncine b@w :

(A) elf igniiron tebperatN of di.*l fuel is hiShei lhd p€trol

(B) !p@i6c savily of dieel nrel i. hid€r th.n potrcl
(C) i6 eq{iFd to ignite fi. f{el injecd iD di$el en8irc
(D) re.idudr cass €n be red@d ai hiaher conpression ratio

t3. Tb. tuntio! sir0 ir m luroeobile it

of Dhp€Ue.
(A) to t!r.6dit pN€r fmn sEo bd to tle ilifferdal
(B) to tlanseit powor froD e4ine tn rhe gear box

(C) to vory the po{€r tton nininu6

ma}nuE lo
(D) toacturt tL. .b.nng cw Eectui6D
29. Tbc luDction of n surgo i. hvd$ eleciic Dowc! pld" rs I

rA) @ controlr\c levcl ofsaer ir th€ rcqerv'ir

(B) 10 in*ase rh€ powcr outPut rrem thc turbhe

(C) to etore ax.oF wal2r lrcd the rc&rvotr

(D) t<' @ntrcl th€ prcadurc ouciuliion in iho pendocx

!t|,. Contsl 6d i6 u6ed in nuclea. pNq plrnt, i. ordd io i

(A) ontrel the Prc66@ of

(B) ontrol the oow of@llnt
(C) @lbl tnc.u.led cLain rctchon
(D) slow.ldn &€ ndirg nouiFn' lheE cto!

8r. Th€ @di.ion Nith shich th3 Ohit hw i! hlid *h'! :

(A) voltss. i. diftilv lrororriond to cuont
(8) vdltls! i! inv€Felv pbldrion'l to Nent
(C) Cureat i. ploPurionsl ro retittsne
(D) T€DPela|uB antis @Mt'nr

12. i. Ned to d.t midc th€ diElio! of :

{A) iDtlu@d.Ff
Dynamiolv (B) Stsdollt indlea
(g) Ma$etic!6ld @) Mltu'Iv indlcd €nf

s8. rsi6ioE ol lo old snd m obE arc @nnectcd in pu'llel lf tlr 'urcnt h I0 ohd
-- Two
-"-r"i" i e *u r o'" curnt iD rh. oth.r @it@r?
(B) 3A
(A) 1A
(o 2A (D) iA
3r. Th. nsi! funcrion of Eanh t al'sB Circuit Brcair6' (ErcB) it io prct€'t ihe ciFuit
ove.{ured @) undq }Eft43'
(c) lisbrnins @) letkts' c{@n'
!6, Ths 4oss rn RLC *nor .c ciFuit v w1'tt will b' lhe voll'ge Efts ItF
"' rh..e.ishne (R) ig 8 v od rh.,nducbr 0J r r2v'
"i"l".r.ii:'iiii'" -r"ee,cru
(A) SV G) r3V
(c) 6v (D) r2v

35. The rippl€ fict r of d full 6ridee ectin€i {iibout a.y fller enne&d to it i5 :

,v rrr (8, or8l

(c) r.0{r iD) r.2r
3?. An LIJD, I k dln psistor sod a s volt dc :oure i! contecteil in scrid. A$trdo dre tliaga
do{grred adGs lhe LED is 2 V. Thc cuucnt noo thrcush the LED isl
(A) IDA (B) ronA
(() 2el (D) 3nA

3a. A hi.mpmcesso. i6 cl$6ifi.d int 3 bit nidopre$of baE€d on itd :

(A) Dst widih

bus (B) AddEs bG sidth
(C) ALti qidth (D) Contrcl brd widtn

89, Thc outlul vollase or a hlt4e 3ouc6 Pulse widlh modul,led irv€rier depon& on tte

(A) Dc br[..y rcliace alone

(B) DC b.tftry voftlse und nodllaiion index
(C) Ouipui ftequedcy
(D) Modulahodindex.lore

40. A Ripolar Ju.clion T!€nsistor is used to drire an SPm relay.14h.n the reldy is en€isiad,
tho tbnrtulo. {ill b€ operaiinC in
(A) Satu.ation resio.
(C) .{ctiv€ regioD (D) Cu|{E and laturation

41, Wlich ol the followins A@s CoDtrel Methods is preb.bili6tic?

{Al Polins (B) Cont€ntio.
(c) Tolcn Passing (D) SLi(liryWindow

42. Obo ol ihe addE*e itr ! blftI i' 167.199.1?o3t27. Wha. is rhe l,bi rdrL€o in ili6 btoct?
{A) (D 16?.199.170.96
(c) 16? f09.r70.255 (D)

43, A n.lworl layer fidw,ll wo*B s r :

(A) dahc lilbr @) pa.ketElter
(c) both( )dnd(B) (D) hone ofrh€ tuelrion€d
rE/rot6 6
both inpuls HIGlI or botn inputdLOW
!4. A logic citujt that Prcvide8 a HIOH oulpu! tor
(A) Et oR gaie (B) Ex_NoR 36ta
(O On gat€ (D) NORgaie

,!5- !!'her rcfoEins to iNlructD. wod6, a mncmoDciir

(A) ShdrthaDd for nachineLncuagc
(B) 4.hort abbrevialion for rhB data word stored ai th€ opsrdnd ailrL's'
(O A .no.r sbbFviaiion for rb€ opcrand addmas
(D) A :hort tbbreviation lor rhe operation to b€ perfoned

Bafiry lkorithn iI d ope.ltins

Deadloct (B)

(c) MutualE&l$ion (D)

{?, Crsy sdeGquivalent ot(l0oo)2 i!:

(A) (rlrl)c (E) O100)C
(c) o0o0)c
(D) None ofth€*

ivhici oD.4t!. i. u&d bY Jah ro rine impLE6nt{lion. to ie lhe n€notv o' an olid
'18. uh€n il i6 .o lo@. !4.led?

(C) New
(D) Nom of rhe oention€d

t0. Ir *hich ARQ, *her a NAL i! miEil aU fmnea snt .ine lhe lasi nane actr@l€dgeJ
@ rctrrnsEil| d?

binarv l€v€l 6ignal' \vhti is ihe s:xinuo

50, A Noi*l€$ il kEz chtnn€l lr.Dabiis bit! with

Wlen an iutructio. i6 rcad leo th€ d'norJ,

(A) Me6o.Y Read cYcls
(C) IsEuclion cYcle (D) MenorY wri€.t!tB
52. An HTML forn h lo be d.eigned to onablc Dlrch$e ot oitice srationery Required it€ns are
to bo selected (Ohecled). Cr<lir ca.d details are ro be 4ot .ed and ihen ihe subdi! bunon is
ro be pre*d. Which of rhe following oprioDs would be appropn,re 6oi *ndins ih€ ddra b tn€

Aseum€ ll8t .ecu.ity is Landled in a wrv that is to ile forn desicn :

(A) odlycm (B) PoST

(C) Either ofcmorPosT (D) N€tLer cEf nd POST

63, Comider di{ernt achvihe. €lated to E-Mail.

Dl : Send an e.nail frco a uil Client t a n,il Sce€.
a2: Dow ord d e-Mail liob nanbd to a nril clienr
n3: Checking e.d,il in E web brcws.r
Which i6 ihe appu€tion levol p.otocol u&d in €act adivity?
(B) dl SMIP n2: FT? b3: gTtP

54, In .n IP lacket, the vahe of HLEN is 5F and rne vElu€ of rhe toral lensth 6€td is 0o2sk
How many hyte. of data ar. beils cuied by ihis pad€r?
(A) 8 Byt€r (B) .toDyte6
(C) 6-{ Bra€. (D) ,oByres

56, Id asymn.trlc k€ycrrrtosraphy, tle privste keyi6lept hy: _

(B) wiv.r
(c) send€! and €oiver
(D) .Il rho @m€@d devi@ io rbe ncrwort

66, DEg €ncrlTB dat! in b|(k sraof

(B) r28
(c) 32 (D) 56

r8/2016 l0
57. lvhich i! tNc io ttTical RISC architeture?
(4) Mico tbclammcd @nttul unit
(B) t*€s Eultipl. cldt cvclc.
(C) f€w Bs'si€d in CPU
(D) Enplsi. on optioi,ing itsiruciion pit libo.

68. A bD b bolloh Ebiion.hip inobg tbe ico. in t doi.base i. c.6tli.hetl bv . :

[a) qi€ldhicql S.h€m!

(C) Bllationll s.heo.

6t. In a CSM rFt d 8TS and BSC toreth.r for:

(A) Networt.ubshti@ (B) Ba* St.tior Sub.tllon
(C) Maint (D) Op.mtion suh6J6ten

61,. Mobil. plor€ in @ins i. Egi.teed in:

(A) vititos Idtiion R€sncrr. ol tnorh€r MSC
(B) Vi.itoB l4ttion df eE. MSC
(C) HoEe Lcaiid of.nothd MSC
(D) IIo@ le.lion P€giltlY oa.d. MI|C

61. In. Picon.t, iner e! b€ up@ pa*€d rode. in th6 n.t,

(A) e3 (B) 12?

(c) 255 (D) 5rr

O!. Mininun no. otNAND s.t dquiEd io inplendt. Er'O& fuction is:
(A) 2 G)3
(c) .r (D) 5

0t. A cimii in shich @ecii@ ro AND and OR d!av6 crn b. prosained i' :

ll tE/2016
64. Coa8ider rle sclena R = (S TUY).s.d tho dependenoos:
If R = (Rl a.d R2) be a deco'npos'.ion such 116r al ,t2
= @, rrlen neompctio it
(A) N.t ^
in 2N! (B) ln 2NF but noi in 3NI
(c) In 3Nlbutnot h 2N!' (D) lnboth2NfdndSNF

{A) Combinrtional circ t

(C) Arithn.lic elenent (D) Menorr or .rithneiic

66. Wnich of tne fo|loving is TRUE?

(A) E@.y letation i! 3NT is ala. io gCNF
(B) .{ rclation R is in 3NT if every nor.priso rlhibute of R is tuily tuciionaDy
depend.nt of evcry kdy of R
(C) Evcry Ebtion in BCNF is als in sNF
(D) No elltion can b€ jh boi! BCNF ,nd 3Nl

6?. Offsetvaluaolthe Cod€ sasnelt I

(A) pointer
BlBe (B) Si&t pointd
(C) lrutruc.ionpointar (D) Norc

68. A JK flip.flo! odn be impleme"red uirs D nip.0op @lnected such that :

tN D-JA tEQ tB, D-jA xd

o D-iq+KQ (D) D=./O+KO
69. In ! softwde project, coCOMO (Cosr Oonsftuctiv€ Model) is u&d to oBrinar€ :

(A) Efforl add Du.dtion baed on tha Si* of tn€ soiware

(B) Sia d.d Durarid based on rhe Etro.r of th€ eLwarc
(q Dtroft ad CGt baed o. Durarion of th€ sdfrsd.c
(D) sib, Ufolt and Dumtion blsed on tbe cost of lhe Softwas

?0. Aiihdetic shift teft operaiion :

(A) Podu@3 the danc relurt a obrain€d qith Lsic.l .hi& teft op€niion
(B) Cowc6xhe sign bir t renain alwo,!6 uchansed
(c) Needs addilional hlrdwde to prcsew€ tle stn bil
(D) Is not applieble for s'cred 26 omplement rcprc*rrarion

l8/2016 L2
7!, Segxnoni nunher : delin€a :

(A) Dishn@ trcn ihc bcginoins to .

p{.I-icnlaf locttion in tht 3cFoetl
(B) Thc.adinsoalhesesmen.witl n the Esnorv spde
(O Tti tta.l-in3 of .hc *s!€nt *ilhin the mcdory tp..c
(D) Notrc ofthe abov.

?2. How can rlu ! no& fo! 6nnenl- i. Jav.SdiPt?

(A) @nm€nt0 G) ce'bconbcr( )
(c) Comn0 (D) Nole or the n€nrioned

?t. Wtuch piD !rc !*d to Equest lnd aclbwtedse 6 DMA tamf€f?
(4) rcady
rc&t6nd (B) reldy and wait
(C) HOLD.ndELDA O) Nore ofthe*

?1. Cotuidor the foU@iw JAVA posEn *sbcni :

gy.t€n.out.priddnC ErePtion')i
c.t b(AtithE.ticEreption.e)
Srlt n.our,prittlnc'Alntaeiic E@tiion);
wl'at sill be th€ outpur of !h. @de .c8n€nt?
(A) !i!i.b.d (B) Erption
(C) Conp'lation&iL (D) Arithm€ric Dtcoplion

?6. Whic} &tivity d@s not Dlae du.itrg €tesiid ctde?

(A) ALU psrforn. ihe .rithnetic & lo{idl op€dtiotr
(B) Efiective ad.lEs n ctlclLted
(c) NeIl isEqcti!. i. l€Lhcd
.D) &a@h tddre* i. c.lcut ed & Bmnchins &trdiii@ a€ ch*t€d

It r8/2015
?6. SD RAM refe.* to :

CD Sy.chm.oBDMM (B) Staric DRAM

(C) SoniDR,M {D) Ssiond DRAM

77. A sy3ten ha3 3 plGs$ shdins a re$urc$. If .acl pl@* n*is a Elnmud ot 2 u^[e,

(A) mcur
Derrnock can never (B) D€sdlocknay(cur
(c) Deadlahh$to€cu (D Noho .t rhe abovo

74. Cade Denory worb on the pnnciple of :

(A) Lcalityordata (B) Localiry olreferencc

(c) L{alityofnehory (D) Ldality of rererctue & nenory

79. Coaider logi€l sddr€$ .pre of A pagEs of I02,I *ord6 n.ppeil inr. b€no.y of 32 naned
How nlny bit. are t]l€ft in the logical address?
(B) 1l bit€
(D 15 bit!

80, h a virtnal Eenory sysr€n, ihe aitdrcs&s u$rl by rhe prot.arner belong. t :
(A) M.norysp&e G) Physical addftse.
(c) Addtsepae (D) Maia Deeory addrss

8r. Wtai win 6e fie ortput ol th€ followire ?tlP @d€?


(A) 5===5 (8, emr

(c) I (D) Fabc

42. Det€mire the nunber of Pas! flult. when rcften€. b paaed o@u in th. lolding order I
l, 2, {,5, !, 1, 2, ,t. Asude ihat the Eain nesory @n a@mno&t 3 pag€. ad tha nain
Ee@rr slEady ht5 the Pa3$ I and 2, sith iase t hrvinc b@. bhuah! e.dier thin p4! 2.
(LRU aboritlE i6 u.d)
(A) 3 (B) 5

(o) { (D)

8t. Wnicn ofthe foUowils i! FAISE?

(A) SesDent3tio..uffeE 6on ert mrl fagn€ntstio!
(B) P.s'nc .ulfer. frgE irr€.ntl tlsh.nbtion
(C) Sesbent d EeturY dn b€ P4.d
(D) Viriud @!o!t is u.od onrv ir ddti_u*! .v.leM

84. R.ady Din ol a ni@!@e! i! led :

(A) To indictt€ th{t tb. nicdp@s i! rtdv ro t@iE ilpur'
(B) irilicea tb.t the DicroPt@isr
To is eailv to reei@ output!
{C) To pevide di@t b€EdY re$
(D) To i..Fdc wait !t{te.

85. w! Short€.t RcMiting Tiie 6Ei (sn'D prem *heddins rkdittn-

lue. ad mtion timd fot ib. fo[owing Dr@st :
Pd@ Ers{tio AEie.t
TdG Tino
PI tu
P2 26 t6

P3 10 30

P4 ,16

Wb.t i. tho totd waititg

(A) 6 (B)

(c) 10 (D)

l6 !812016
36, t2t ll(,,b,c) ,nd S{d,e,/) be t$o relations in vrricl d is lh€ 6.eicn ley ofS ihat FG6 to
thc prinary key olR CoDBidcr the follo*ins four opeEliont R and S:

l. In*ri R
ll. ln*n inbS
Ill Delete lroD R
rV. Del€i. fron S
Wlich of tle followins crn €u& viololior of tle refeEnti.l int€srity oNirainr
(A) Boihl andlv (B) Boihllatdlll
(c) AI ot.he abov€ (D) None oftne.bos

87, Civsn a clas nam€d siudeni, shich of the follosi4 ft a v.lid construcior$iio. lor th€

(A) l)
srudenr (s.u{tent 6) G) Stud€ntstud.ni0{}
(C) Priveie6derstudeni(){} (D) void stud€nio {}

a& A binary tf€ T ha. r leaf nod... TL€ nub.r of nod$ of ds€Ee 2 in T n :

( ) Ireln (B) 22

(o) r (D) 2',

89, Follosi.s *qu€ne ol op€ra.iom b perlormed on . 6trcl pu.h(r), p$t(2), poro,

push(l), pusL(2), popo, po!o, popo, prrh(2), popo. The 8equ.n@ of polped out valued

(A) 2,2,r,1,2 (B) 2,2,r,2.2

lc) 2.1,2,2,1 \D) 2,L,2,2,2

90. relat cu b€ ejd about the rday rpeeriaiiotr of ! circqlai q@. ihen ii @|ai& only

() RDAR+1
(C) FRONI=RLAI=NuII (D) None otth€*

l€i/2016 10
91. In thc SpiRl of Soiis a re de!.lopnts I, thc prnn€rv detcfminant in sle'ins
'hodel 'ctivitie;
in eaoh it hlDn
(A) ltcrdtionsve

(C) AdoplcdDr@ess sucLacnektionRl Unilicd trcccss of Extrcmo frosrlnmine

(D) Risk

92, A sotsarc dguialion hasben dsscssd tt SEICIL\I lere] 4 ulriicn Df ihc follosing des
iLe orsaniaiion n€ed b practe 6esidc &@* ch'nsc \Ian'gehont nnd Tecb'orocv
Chance l|..nagtnent in otilet to acLiev€ li!€l 51

(A) Dctccl DeEctio. (B) D€f€ctPsention

(C) Deldct Islation {D) De{ect !'opasalion

93. me exiehi t which a software csn coni$l ro opcrote conectlv de3pite tlr inrrcduction of
i.vatd irput i6 called ,s l
(A) nslability (B) RobNtncss
(c) Irauli rol€.a.e (D) ?ortabilitv

sr- consid€r l-hc f6llo{'ne @de *smen. in J,\VA :

cllss X implcn.nb Rundbre

Dubtic stttic vojd min(Slri.R tr36ll)

nnich of tne tollo*ing lin€ of code ; suitebl€ r' ara't


(A) 'thrcad t = nev Trread(X);

(B) thrcrd i = new Tbrcad(x)r t 8lR.tor
(c) X run = ne* x( ); Thread r = .ew ThrcadGD)i t sie't0i
(D) fhrcddt=lew Thrcado;x !un0l

t7 \a!t016
05. C.sider t[e dtllosns k :

If the p$t order tEv€rsll sives ob .d' + ihen alhe lab€l olth€ nodes r,
(A) +, ,',, a, b,c, d iB) a,-,b,+,c,r,d
(c) a,b, c. d, -,', + (D) -,a,b,+,t,c,d

96. llF SQL €rp.6don

S.let dishlct!rchNaoe n m bmh T, bElch S *lEE T tet3> S s*ts and
S.b.ancloity = "COCHIM
Finds tn€ n,nesoll
{A An b.dnch€s lhat have great€! d.sets thd soile bnnch located in COCHIN
G) AI h€. lhat have creai€r agset. ihd all brdche. locateil it COCHIN
(C) The bran h that has the cEat€si !641in COCSIN
(D) Ary brdncn that has sEaier a*! rbaa dy bralcb in COCEIN

97. R€ldiolship prc.t@<l ftoo e E-R Dodel witl alwits b€ in :

(A) INT (B) 2NF
(q 3NF (D) BCNT

9a, Wlich syntax i6 u*d to css?

(A) PrcrectoF
(c) Both (A) lnd {a) (D) None ofihc m.ntio*rl

99. mich obje.t i! the tuir enrry point to dl cUent"aide Jawasdipi feates ,nd AP&?
(A) stsndlrd G) rdatioo
(C){ (D) P@itjon

lO0, nE L, lerrord in J.v! &iipl ce b€ ed :

( ) iLa lotot lo ialdry, & a.ub.tiiute rd B.
(B) a o oetrr, b denF new vaEabt€
(C) to de6rc vad.bles .h,t @ ffip€d 6 a silcle expesioD
.D) An ofih€ deation€d

rE/2016 la

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