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Doro Deus Integrated School S.Y.

Second Quarterly Examination (Introduction to Philosophy of Human Person)
Name: Date:
Grade and Section: Score:
I. Write on the provided blank the best letter from the set of choices below.

____1. The philosopher who conceptualized the idea of ‘Great Chain of Being’.

____2. The philosophical belief that privileges the human species as the center of importance in
the world.

____3. The philosophy that emphasizes the value of individuality, freedom, decision, and

____4. The philosopher who said, “existence precedes essence”.

____5. The era of history where human activities are already the main drivers of changes in

____6. The culture or socioeconomic policy where people are conditioned by capitalism and
market forces to buy things they do not really need.

____7. A belief that God’s Will has already planned everything, thus human freedom has a little
much power to affect things.

____8. The philosophy which criticizes the greed and inequality under the capitalist system and
seeks to change society into a better and more humane one.

____9. The theory holding the view that every event of state of affairs is brought about by
antecedents in accordance with universal causal laws that govern the world.

____10. The view that upholds free will as a meaningfully true concept and thus necessary
condition to entail moral responsibility.

A. St. Augustine G. Marxism M. Jean Paul Sartre

B. Plato H. Anthropocene N. Martin Heidegger
C. Anthropocentricism I. Holocene O. Existentialism
D. Fatalism J. Pope Francis P. Thrownness
E. Determinism K. Ecocentricism Q. Libertarianism
F. Determination L. Consumerism R. St. Thomas Aquinas

II. Write the designated letter on the blank provided to each item that you think the best
philosophical system the given passage belongs to. Write M for Marxism, J for Judeo-
Christian, E for Existentialism, A for Anthropocentricism, E for Ecocentricism, D for
Determinism, and L for Libertarianism.

____11. Free will is an illusion.

____12. Life has no given and inherent meaning.

____13. Workers are exploited by owners of production.

____14. Human is co-equal to other species in the world.

____15. Human is the only species that has the power of reason, so logically they should rule
over the world.

____16. The human is separated from God because of sin.

____17. Human beings have the creative power to change society and history because of labor.

____19. Consumerism is a culture brought by capitalism.

____20. We are thrown in the world to situations we did not choose in the first place, but we
need to make best choices and meaning amidst meaninglessness.

____21. There is no exemption to Physical Laws of Nature so we are just biological machines
following Nature’s order.

____22. Moral responsibility requires the belief in freedom of the will.

____23. Laws of Nature exist but there are some human actions that are not mechanically
governed by those laws.

____24. Every organism has role in the natural world; all species are interdependent to one

III. Write + if the statement is true and — if the statement is false.

____25. Plato believed that the soul is imprisoned in the body.

____26. According to Judeo-Buddhist philosophy, we inherited the original sin.

____27. For Soren Kierkegaard, “leap of hope” will make us closer to God and symbolizes the
most important choices.

____28. Atheistic existentialists do not believe in existence of God but they believe in afterlife.

____29. Existentialism as a whole believes that life is an easy series of decision-making.

____30. As a philosopher against ecocentricism, Spinoza believed that God is Nature.

____31. Nine planetary boundaries are dangerous only to human beings.

____32. According the existentialism, human beings are like project that need to be created.

____33. The ecocentric argument is grounded on the belief that the whole ecosphere is more
significant, more inclusive, complex, integrated, creative beautiful, mysterious.

____34. The word ‘freedom’ can be traced back to Sanskrit word priyas which means ‘free’.

IV. Choose the letter of the closest and best meaning of each passage.

____35. According to Soren Kierkegaard, life is essentially an Either/Or.

a. Nobody could be satisfied with life.

b. Life is a matter of unending choices.
c. Happiness is hard to attain.
d. Life has no meaning if we do not choose God.

____36. According to Marx, in a capitalist society human being are alienated from themselves.

a. Human potential is given by alien species.

b. Human potential does not exist in capitalism.
c. Human potential is not totally developed because of difficulties under capitalism.
d. Human labor does not benefit the workers so they cannot be rich.

____37. Moral responsibility comes from the existence of freedom of the will.

a. Laws of Nature limit human freedom so we should try our best to choose.

b. Accountability to our choices comes from belief that we freely choose what we do.
c. We can always do what we want but Nature will limit us so choose wisely.
d. Moral responsibility can only be freed if we believe that freedom makes us choose.

____38. Ecocentricism believes in complexity and importance of each species in nature.

a. Worms should be given special treatment.

b. All animals and plants are biological creatures.
c. Plants also have rights.
d. Each species is a functioning part of the whole ecosystem.

____39. According to Pope Francis, “Listen to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, who
suffer the most.”

a. The poor deserves suffering because they are victims.

b. The poor cries the most because of pain and suffering.
c. The poor bears the problems and results of unfair society and natural disasters.
d. Nobody deserves to be poor and suffer the harshest.

____40. Because of obsession to economic growth of large multinational capitalists, the nature
and marginalized people have suffered a lot.

a. Economic growth is mostly about private profit so it puts other more important values to
vulnerable situation for the sake of money.
b. We must blame the people who buy plastic straws since they are the reason of ecological
c. Capitalists are willing to invest into environmental care if and only if they can profit from
d. Nature and marginalized people will take a revenge against the system of economic
growth so social change is necessary.

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