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Marissa Willox

Grade 5: Number the Stars- Chapter 9

Lesson Essential Question(s):

How do the details that Lois Lowry reveals in Chapter 9 fit in to the entire novel’s
plan for the Rosens’ escape?


Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives Assessments
SWBAT explain why it is easier to Participation; Chapter 9 HW
be brave if you do not know
everything using details from the

 Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
 NTS NearPod
 Chapter 9 Journal Doc (Google Classroom)
Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge:
 Read chapters 1-8 of Number the Stars
 “Delving into the Main Character” activity- have investigated Annemarie
 Background knowledge on WWII and Holocaust
 SWBS review
 Discussed the internal and external traits of Annemarie, Ellen, Kirsti, Mama
and Papa
 NearPod: Chapter 6 Discussion Questions and Poll
 Geography lesson using Google Earth
Lesson Beginning:
 Review the events that occurred in Chapter 8; ask students to share their
predictions based on the title “Why Are You Lying?”
 Mrs. Stadler will share screen and present Number the Stars pdf
o Ask students to raise their hand on Zoom if they want to be called
upon to read- I will transition between readers so there is enough
time to finish the chapter
 Start at Chapter 9
o Let students read 1-2 paragraphs before calling on another
 Page 76: Do you agree with Uncle Henrik?
 Page 77: Hearse: a vehicle for carrying a dead person to the grave
 Page 78: What would you have done in this scenario?
 Page 81: What are your predictions for why the Rosens came back from
Instructional Plan:
1. Have students type in code and access NTS NearPod
2. Share screen
3. Discuss Literal Questions:
a. What did Annemarie learn about Aunt Birte?
b. What does Annemarie learn about bravery in her talk with Uncle
4. Discuss Inferential Questions:
a. Why did Ellen make a sharp cry when she went outside with Henrik?
b. Why didn’t Annemarie tell Ellen the truth about Aunt Birte?
c. Why was Kirsti send to bed before Aunt Birte’s funeral?
5. Collaboration board:
a. Who do you think the people arriving for the funeral really are?
b. Allow time for students to respond
c. Discuss similarities and differences between responses
d. Call upon a few students to explain their answer
6. Open-Ended:
a. Why do you think Mrs. Johansen and Uncle Henrik create the “death
of Aunt Birte”?
b. Allow time for students to respond
c. Discuss similarities and differences between responses
d. Call upon a few students to explain their answer
 Call upon students who want to read
 Different types of questioning
 Discuss Chapter 9 HW
o In Reading Google Classroom
o Can be written like a RACE
o Audio link will be included in assignment

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