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The field of psychology emphasizes understanding the dynamics involved in the

human mechanism of processing information. Though the available literature accounts for the

process of encoding and decoding data, little research has been performed to explain the

mechanism of forgetfulness. Forgetfulness is a serious problem among many humans, but

few people yet less psychological accounts have been developed to explain the mechanism of

forgetting as it pertains to information processing in humans. Various authors have reacted to

the dynamics involved in the mechanism of incidental memory and level processing theory.

Hormonal activities are attributed to the occurrences of incidental memory and the

application of information processing level theory.

Incidental memory is an involuntary response that is caused by hormonal activity in

the human neurotransmitter. Hormone adrenaline facilitates the secretion of dopamine

hormones into the human neurotransmitter. The sudden change in the levels of dopamine

cause the unanticipated incidental memory. The variations in the levels of dopamine,

noradrenaline, and norepinephrine hormones in the human neurotransmitter account for the

involuntary memory resurfacing. Hormones also have an effect on the interpretation of the

levels of processing theory. High hormonal activities influence the deep processing of

information, while the opposite is exact. The mechanism of forgetfulness is explainable using

the hormone influence ideology. Age factor affects the secretion and performance of

dopamine, noradrenaline, and norepinephrine hormones and therefore influencing the overall

information processing mechanism. The relationship between age and hormonal performance

can be applied in understanding forgetfulness or the loss of memory.


Research method research paper

In the realm of understanding the humans’ mechanism of processing formation,

experts in psychology have established that both incidental memory and levels of processing

theory play a role in explaining the process of information retention and retrieval. The

available scholarly literature postulate incident memory as an impromptu memory of an

object or an incidence without a deliberate intent to remember. While the theories are

credibly sufficient in understanding the dynamics of the human information processing

mechanism, little research has been performed to explain the cause of forgetfulness of

information. The available literature depicts that incident memory, and the levels of

processing theory are relevant clues is establishing the psych-cause of forgetfulness in

humans. Numerous authors project the role of hormones in controlling incident memory and

levels of processing as a reliable hint to understanding the mechanism of forgetfulness. This

paper shall major on scholarly logic in developing a credible research proposal to study the

role of hormones in controlling incident memory and levels of processing and their

relationship with the mechanism of forgetfulness.

Research Statement

This research proposal will analyze the available literature on incidental memory and

levels of processing theory in identifying the causes of memory loss. Psychology experts

have developed various unestablished accounts on the dynamics of forgetfulness, yet little

information is still available on the same. This proposal seeks substantive clues that can

address the stated literature gap.


Literature Review

Hauser et al., (2019) performed a research process to establish the role of hormones in

incident memory and levels of processing theory. The authors concluded that hormone

Dopamine is responsible for short term memory storage and the shallow process level of

information. According to scholars, Dopamine is released involuntarily to stimulate the

activities of neurotransmitters. The study shows a sharp relation between the mechanism of

short memory and the mechanism of forgetfulness. Besides, Hauser et al., (2019) argue that

the occurrence of the two processes is dependant on the level of adrenaline secreted. The

findings of this study imply that varying the levels of hormone Dopamine released in human

neurotransmitters can set reliable precedence of understanding the mechanism of


Hale et al conducted a similar study., (2019) to understand the dynamics involved in

the levels of processing theory. The authors used two sets of samples to investigate the

involvement of hormones in the two different levels of information processing. The first

sample is a 19-year-old male who is explained casually to the concept calculus. After the

casual explanation, his level of memory was evaluated through a question and answer forum.

The study also recorded the level of hormone factors in his neurotransmitters. Sample two is

an 18-year-old female who is explained to the concept of calculus keenly and cautiously. Her

level of memory was evaluated, and the hormonal involvement recorded. The study

established that varying levels of hormone dopamine between the two samples account for

the difference in remembering the calculus concept.

Alzahrani & Roberts, (2020) set to investigate the role played by hormones in aroused

incidental memory. The authors used a survey that deployed two samples. The study required

the samples to recite the first two stanzas of the federal anthem. Sample 1 was a 34-year

female who was subjected to an impromptu challenge to recite the anthem. Sample 2 was a

55-year-old male who was subjected to the same challenge as sample 1. Further, the study

required that their hormonal activities are monitored after the challenge. Alzahrani & Roberts

(2020) argue that Sample 1 was able to remember the first stanza but could not remember the

second stanza. The hormonal activities of sample 1 show high levels of hormones

norepinephrine, dopamine, and noradrenaline in her neurotransmitters. Sample 2 could not

remember to the whole of stanza one and showed high signs of struggle to remember. The

observation of his hormonal actions showed very low levels of dopamine, noradrenaline, and

norepinephrine hormones in his neurotransmitters. The authors conclude that the level of

neuro-hormones in the neurotransmitters determines the ability to remember information.

In a study to explain the dynamics involved in the levels of processing theory,

Catrysse et al., (2019) a study using a survey method. The authors used three samples to

investigate and account for the dynamics involved in the shallow and the deep processing

levels. Sample 1 was a 13 year teenager who was exposed in three day challenge to master a

stanza of a French lullaby. Sample 2 was a 26-year female who was exposed to a challenge to

memorize a speech in a foreign language of her choice. Sample 3 was a 53 year male who

was challenged to complete a high school mathematics examination without consultations.

After the three days of study, Sample 1 succeeded in her reciting her different lullaby.

Sample 2 described her foreign speech but forgot on occasions. Though Sample 3 completed

the challenge, he got most of the calculations wrongly.

Catrysse et al., (2019) argue that age is a significant factor in understanding the

mechanism of information processing and retrieval in humans. The authors concluded in the

study discussed above that young individuals have a high ability to remember information

compared to old persons. According to scholars, the performance of hormones in the

neurotransmitters of young individuals is efficient and effective. Catrysse et al., (2019)


postulate that the performance hormones in human neurotransmitter is influenced by age.

This scenario depicts that forgetfulness is more prevalent among aged persons compared to

the young.

Thorp et al conducted a similar study., (2020) to establish the relevance of level

processing theory in explaining the mechanism of forgetfulness. The authors concluded that

human memory is able to retrieve (remember) information based on the level in which the

initial information was processed. Thorp et al., (2020) project that shallow processing of

information requires less Dopamine activity while deep processing level requires intense

hormonal activity in the neurotransmitters. The authors elude that the ability to memorize or

to remember is based on the level of dopamine activity in one's neurotransmitters. According

to the study, the strain to comprehend information intrinsically triggers the hormone

adrenaline to induce the release of norepinephrine, dopamine, and noradrenaline which are

responsible for processing of information and retrieval of previously processed information.

In a study to investigate the relationship between forgetfulness and age Guevara &

Papesh, (2019), performed a research study that majored on four samples of persons from

different age groups. The study concluded that, the age of an individual determines

forgetfulness in humans. The authors argue that age factor accounts for the varied

performance of hormones and the human neuro system. Guevara & Papesh, (2019) credibly

postulate the relationship between age a low or inconsistent secretion of norepinephrine,

dopamine, and noradrenaline which are key in determining the ability to memorize

information. Based on the logics developed by these authors, the mechanism of fretfulness in

human depicted as a product of hormonal performance in humans.




The objectives of the proposed research study are to establish the potential

relationship between the actions of hormones norepinephrine, dopamine, and noradrenaline in

influencing the human ability to remember previously processed information. This study will

also investigate on the relationship between the performances of the above stated hormones

in the neurotransmitter and the age factor or various samples. In the development of logical

arguments, the proposed study will project the relationship between incidental memory, level

processing theory, and the mechanism of forgetting.

Hypothesis of the proposed study

The levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, and noradrenaline hormone in an

individual’s neurotransmitter influences the mechanism of information processing and

retrieval. The age an individual influences the efficiency of the performance of these

hormones in coordinating retrieval of previously processed information.

Operational definition of variables in the proposed research study

The proposed study shall consider the human ability to remember previously

processed information as the independent variable. The independent variables will be the

level of hormones in the neurotransmitters and the age factor of the sample.


The development of logics in the proposed research study will depend of scholarly

and peer-reviewed articles as the primary source of information. The various statistics and

experiments performed in the stated primary sources shall be considered in evaluating the

rationale and relevance of the various findings and recommendations of the proposed study.


Based on the above study, there is a substantive suspicion on the influence of

dopamine in human’s ability to remember. Hauser et al., (2019) report that sudden increase in

the levels of dopamine in human neurotransmitter causes incident memory. This clue depicts

that the presence of the hormone has significant influence in human memory. The authors

project that the dopamine causes unintended and unanticipated memory. Based on the

findings of the authors, induced dopamine can be used to study the mechanism of memory

and forgetfulness in human. This research proposal recommends the examination dopamine

hormone and its relationship to the process of remembering previously processed

information. The proposed study should scrutinize dopamine as an operational variable

against ability the mechanism of forgetting and remembering.

In addition, dopamine is projected as an influencer in the level processing theory.

Hauser et al., (2019) reports that the level of dopamine in an individual’s neurotransmitter

determines his/her cognitive domain to encode new information. Based on the relationship

between encoding and decoding process, dopamine poses a significant account on the human

mechanism of forgetfulness. Moreover, the factors that account for increased levels of

dopamine in human neurotransmitter are projected as the secondary factors which ostensibly

control fort fullness in humans. This proposal recommends for critical investigation on the

influence of the hormone to the human cognitive domain.

This proposal identifies further relationship between the presence of norepinephrine,

dopamine, and noradrenaline and the occurrence of incidental memory. The sudden change in

the levels of hormone in human neurotransmitters triggers an intrinsic response of incidental

memory. Alzahrani & Roberts, (2020) credibly argue that incidental memory could be

aroused. The authors give an example of samples who unexpectedly challenged to remember

stanzas of the federal anthem. Aroused incidental memory challenges the human neuro

system produce hormones that can induce and sustain the retrieval of previously processed

information. This proposal recommends the investigation between the mechanism of

forgetting and failed hormonal secretion. The rationale of this recommendation is that since

hormonal secretion facilitates encoding of information therefore forgetting mechanism could

be explained as failed secretion of norepinephrine, dopamine, and noradrenaline hormones.

Hormonal levels in the human neurotransmitters influences the mechanisms of

shallow and deep processing levels. Catrysse et al., (2019) human beings do not process

information uniformly. The authors argue that the observed disparity in both shallow and

deep processing is caused by either an intrinsic of induced hormonal behaviour. According to

the authors, shallow processing of information could be could be caused by human inability

to process the information or reduced levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, or noradrenaline

hormones in the human neurotransmitters. Further, deep processing level of information is

associated with high levels of the three hormones. This research proposal foresees a technical

relationship between the mechanism of forgetfulness and the performances of theses

hormones in the neurotransmitters.

Based on the available resources, there is an underlying relation between age of an

individual and the occurrence of incident memory. Thorp et al., (2020) establish in their study

that young individuals (samples) have high prevalent in experiencing incidental memory that

aged persons. According to the authors, the age factor is still projected in the application of

level processing theory. Thorp et al., (2020) postulate that young person (samples) have

higher ability to achieve deep processing aged persons (samples). This phenomenon eludes a

sharp relation between age factor and the performance of norepinephrine, dopamine, and

noradrenaline hormones in the human neurotransmitter. The efficiency of the human body to

effectively secret and apply the hormones in coordinating credible information processing is a

factor to age. This phenomenon accounts for the high prevalence of forgetfulness among the


Further, the effect of age in influencing hormonal behavior and ostensibly increasing

forgetfulness in humans will be clarified in the proposed research study by comparing the

results of various authors on the subject. Hale et al., (2019) rises a peculiar yet a relevant

argument by articulating that high levels of hormones in neurotransmitter does not guarantee

effective information process rather, it’s the efficiency of the hormones to perform that

determines the effectiveness of the encoding process. This phenomenon projects that the age

factor is relevant to account for variation in the human ability to remember previously

processed information.

In addition, the processing levels theory is also projected as a credible account for the

mechanism of forgetting information. Catrysse et al., (2019) a argue that human beings

exercise their ability to remember previously processed information depending on the level

with which the information was decoded. According to the authors, the varied ability of

humans to either shallow process or deep process information can be applied in

understanding the mechanism of forgetfulness. The factors that facilitate an individual to

process new information effectively should account for the mechanism of failed memory or

forgetfulness. This perceives the level process theory as a substantive clue in understanding

forgetfulness in human psychology.


The budgeting of the proposed study considers both finances and time as the primary

resources to sustain the proposed project. The budgeting of the timeframe is organized in a

broad span of a week. The various sections of the proposed research shall be performed on

different days to ensure that sufficient time is allocated to all essential procedures. The study

is budgeted to spend the first day of the week in reporting with the objectives of the study.

The first day will be spent in forecasting on the various activities of the study and laying

sufficient structures to facilitate the study. Besides, the one week plan is ideal for affording

extra time for travelling during the study.

From the second day two the fourth day, the research activities shall involve critical

analysis of the identified primary sources of information. During this time, the various logics

raised by the authors in the literature works will be critically reviewed and analysed to

establish the rationale of the study. Further, the two days will be spend in identifying any

possible inconsistencies in the various soures which can possibly mislead the study. The firth

day of the schedule shall be spent in harmonizing the various findings of the literature review.

Credible harmonization will facilitate formulation of effective recommendation on the sixth

day. The final day of the research project will be spent in editing the format of the research


Financially, the proposed study is budgeted to spend a total of $50 thousands. $20

thousands is budgeted to facilitate the accessibility of the proposed primary sources of

information. $5thousands are allocated to facilitate mobility during the study. The intensity of

the proposed research topic will necessitated intense mobility in as semblance clues. $10

thousands are allocated to cater for editing of the overall report. Credible reporting will

require the deployment of reliable grammar and formatting structures. The extra $10

thousands shall be spent on hiring expert opinion to confirm the findings from the various

sources. Consultation of expert opinion is important in writing the report as it updates the

logics of the applied information.

Conclusively, the occurrence of incidental memory and the application of the

information processing theory attracts much interests from psychology experts as it provides

relevant clues in understanding the mechanism of forgetfulness of memory loss. Incidental

memory is depicted as an involuntary action of the brain to resurface unsort memory.

Humans occasionally remember issues which they do not to remember because of hormonal

activities in the human neurotransmitters. The available literature attribute the occurrence of

incidental memory with increase in hormonal activity in the human neurotransmitter. The

anticipated increase in the level of dopamine in the human transmitter causes sudden

responses such as incidental memory.

Moreover, the ability of human brain to process new stimuli is influenced by the level

of dopamine in the system. Increased concentration in comprehending new information

causes the adrenaline hormone to initiate the secretion of dopamine, noradrenaline, and

norepinephrine. The increased activity of these hormones in the neurotransmitter improves

the processing of information in the human cognitive domain. Deep level information

processing in humans is facilitated by increased hormonal activity. The action of the

dopamine, noradrenaline, and norepinephrine in the human neurotransmitter accounts for the

mechanism of memory loss or forgetfulness. The available literature postulates that the

variation in the levels of dopamine, noradrenaline, and norepinephrine hormones in the

neurotransmitters accounts for the mechanism of forgetfulness or loss of memory. Age factor

is depicted as a significant influencer to hormonal activities and therefore ostensibly

emerging as a determiner in the mechanism of memory loss. The aging of a species

compromises the performance of hormones in influencing various processes in the body.

Aged persons are more forgetful than young persons. The justification of the stated

phenomenon is that aged persons experience reduced hormonal activities. Forgetfulness or

loss of memory is therefore caused by inconsistencies in the perfoamnece of dopamine,

noradrenaline, and norepinephrine hormones.



Alzahrani, S., & Roberts, L. (2020). Exploiting Vocabulary CALL Interventions to

Operationalize and Test the Depth Levels of the Processing Model. In Technology

and the Psychology of Second Language Learners and Users (pp. 63-82). Palgrave

Macmillan, Cham.

Catrysse, L., Gijbels, D., & Donche, V. (2019). A Systematic Review on the

Conceptualization and Operationalization of Students' Levels of Processing in

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies. Mind, Brain, and Education, 13(3),


Guevara Pinto, J. D., & Papesh, M. H. (2019). Incidental memory following rapid object

processing: The role of attention allocation strategies. Journal of Experimental

Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(9), 1174.

Hale, A. C., Tolle, K. A., Kitchen Andren, K. A., & Spencer, R. J. (2019). Cross-validation of

incidental learning tasks from the WAIS-IV as a measure of memory. Applied

Neuropsychology: Adult, 1-8.

Hauser, T. U., Eldar, E., Purg, N., Moutoussis, M., & Dolan, R. J. (2019). Distinct roles of

dopamine and noradrenaline in incidental memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(39),


Thorp, J., Clewett, D., & Riegel, M. (2020). Two Routes to Incidental Memory under

Arousal: Dopamine and Norepinephrine. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(9), 1790-1792.

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