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Properties of New and Recycled Clay Brick Aggregates

for Use in Concrete

Fouad M. Khalaf1 and Alan S. DeVenny2
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Abstract: The testing described in this paper was performed to establish the physical and mechanical properties of new and recycled
crushed clay brick aggregates for use in portland cement concrete 共PCC兲. Various physical and mechanical properties of eight different
types of aggregates were determined and compared with the limits set out in the British Standards for aggregate from natural sources used
in concrete. The results were also compared with granite aggregate that has been proved to be a good natural aggregate for producing
PCC. The results showed that most of the crushed clay-brick aggregates tested can be used in producing PCC for low-level civil
engineering applications and that some kinds of brick aggregate possess good physical and mechanical properties that qualify them for
producing high-quality concrete.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2005兲17:4共456兲
CE Database subject headings: Recycling; Clays; Concrete; Aggregates; Bricks.

Introduction dredging. To promote recycling, British Standard BS 6543 共BSI

1985a兲 was published to cover the use of some waste products,
Because of the extensive use of aggregate in concrete, many such as pulverized fuel ash. The standard includes no reference to
countries throughout the world have tried to find other sources of using demolished construction waste as aggregates in Portland
aggregate to use in construction. One of the alternative sources of Cement Concrete 共PCC兲.
aggregate is rubble from demolished buildings 共Trevorrow et al. In Europe, surveys showed that 25% of the waste is coming
1988; Collins and Sherwood 1995; deVries 1993; Hansen 1992; from the demolition of buildings and roads and that 90% of it is
Tavakoli et al. 1996; Khaloo 1994兲. Recycling and reusing rubble recyclable but that only 30% of this waste is recycled 共RTD
from demolished buildings is not a new concept, since several info 2003兲.
The construction and demolition waste industry 共C&DW兲 is
countries have been crushing waste to aggregate for a number of
the biggest industry in North America. According to the U.S.
years; however, the aggregate produced has mainly been limited
Environmental Protection Agency 共EPA兲, 215 million tons per
to such low-level uses as pipe bedding, site fill, subbase, or as a
year of municipal solid waste is generated in the United States
capping layer 共Khalaf and DeVenny 2004兲.
from C&DW. This waste is made up primarily of concrete, as-
In Germany during the reconstruction period immediately after
phalt concrete, wood, gypsum, demolition metals, and asphalt
the Second World War, it was necessary to satisfy an enormous
shingles, which are generated from road construction and high-
demand for building materials and to remove the rubble from the
way maintenance, building renovation, and demolition of build-
destroyed cities. The quantity of this rubble in German towns was ings and other structures 共Turley 2002兲.
estimated at about 400 to 600 million cubic meters. Using this A task force acting for the International Union of Laboratories
rubble not only reduced site-clearing costs but also fulfilled the and Experts in Construction Materials Systems and Structures
need for building materials. 共RILEM 1994兲 classified recycled aggregates for use in PCC into
Similarly, in the United Kingdom, national demand for aggre- 3 main types:
gates has risen steadily since the Second World War 共Council for • Type 1—aggregates that are implicitly understood to originate
the Protection of Rural England 1993兲 because of the urgent need primarily from masonry rubble;
for houses, as well as the need for a new network of roads. The • Type 2—aggregates that are implicitly understood to originate
consumption of crushed rock and sand in the United Kingdom in primarily from concrete rubble; and
1992 was 240 million tons, obtained mainly by quarrying and • Type 3—aggregates that are implicitly understood to consist of
a blend of recycled aggregates and natural aggregates.
Senior Lecturer, School of the Built Environment, Napier Univ., Ed- Type 3 aggregates also have the following additional require-
inburgh, EH10 5DT, Scotland, U.K. E-mail: ments:
Design Engineer, JMP Consultants, 123 Elderslie St., Glasgow, • The minimum content of natural aggregates is at least 80%;
G3 7AR, Scotland, U.K. E-mail: and
Note. Associate Editor: Eyad Masad. Discussion open until January 1, • The maximum content of Type 1 aggregates is 10%.
2006. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To
The preceding recommendations were given as guidelines for
extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with
the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted writing of European standards to promote the use of secondary
for review and possible publication on March 4, 2003; approved on aggregates in construction. The specifications drawn up by the
October 11, 2004. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil RILEM 共1994兲 task force also suggest maximum allowable val-
Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 4, August 1, 2005. ©ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561/ ues for impurities in recycled aggregate 共See Table 1兲. In the
2005/4-456–464/$25.00. table, Type 1 aggregate is composed of 100% recycled brick,


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2005, 17(4): 456-464

Table 1. Classification of Recycled Coarse Aggregates for Concrete concrete had a relatively higher strength at later ages. They attrib-
关Data from 共RILEM 1994兲兴 uted this strength to the pozzolanic effect of the finely ground
Type of aggregate portion of the brick aggregate.
According to Hansen 共1992兲, crushed brick must be com-
Mandatory requirements Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
pletely saturated before use in the manufacture of PCC to prevent
Minimum dry particle density 共kg/ m3兲 1,500 2,000 2,400 the concrete from being “too thirsty.” The absorption of crushed
Maximum water absorption 共%兲 20 10 3 brick is estimated to have a value between 22 and 25% by weight
Maximum content of material with SSD 10 10 10 in relation to the material in its dry state.
⬍2,200 kg/ m3 共%兲 Khaloo 共1994兲 deemed prewetting of recycled crushed clay
Maximum content of material with SSD 1 1 1 brick aggregate to be unnecessary. He recommended first mixing
⬍1,800 kg/ m3 共%兲
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the solid constituencies of a mix for one to two minutes, followed

Maximum content of material with SSD 1 0.5 0.5 by adding the mixing water. The mixing water should be in-
⬍1,000 kg/ m3 共%兲 creased to take into consideration the water needed for absorp-
Maximum content of foreign materials 共glass, 5 1 1 tion. After adding water, the mix should be left for two minutes to
bitumen, soft materials, etc.兲 allow the solids to absorb water before mixing again for another
Maximum content of metals 共%兲 1 1 1 three minutes. Neville 共1995兲 does not recommend prewetting for
Maximum content of organic material 共%兲 1 0.5 0.5 any aggregate because the aggregate particles can become quickly
Maximum content of filler 共⬍0.063 mm兲 共%兲 3 2 2 coated with cement paste that prevent further ingress of water
Maximum content of sand 共⬍4 mm兲 共%兲 5 5 5 necessary for saturation. This practice results in an increase of
Maximum content of sulphate 共%兲 1 1 1 total water/cement 共w/c兲 ratio added to the mix over what would
Note: SSD⫽saturated surface dry condition. occur if full absorption of water by the aggregate were allowed.
It is generally accepted that crushed brick aggregate concretes
can be made with consistencies that vary from very stiff to plastic.
Type 2 is 100% recycled concrete, and Type 3 is a blend of Concretes made with recycled aggregates tend to be harsher and
natural and recycled aggregates. less workable than mixes containing virgin aggregates.
The economics of recycling are constantly changing because According to deVries 共1993兲, recycled aggregates are more
of government policies. The introduction of a landfill tax and a angular in shape and have higher water absorption than virgin
levy on quarrying and extracting virgin aggregates in the United aggregates, which demand more water during mixing to produce
Kingdom has been a big incentive for the recycling industry. Sig- concrete. He recommended that recycled aggregates be soaked in
nificant restrictions on the use of recycled materials by the con- water in a tank before mixing. However, the disadvantage of
struction industry include the lack of standards, specifications, soaking is the risk of oversaturation. Oversaturation, in turn can
knowledge on properties, durability, and performance on-site. cause problems in producing homogeneous concrete mixes. The
first of two alternative solutions proposed by deVries was to add
extra water to compensate for absorption by the recycled aggre-
Clay Brick Aggregate in Portland Cement Concrete
gates; the second was to mix 20% recycled aggregate and 80%
Concrete buildings made with crushed brick have been known virgin aggregate to avoid workability problems.
since early Roman times. An early example is the concrete chan- Khaloo 共1994兲 used crushed clinker bricks as the coarse ag-
nel of the Eiffel water supply to Cologne. In this structure, the gregate in PCC. He reported only a 7% loss in concrete compres-
binder is a mixture of lime and crushed brick dust or other poz- sive strength compared with concrete made with natural aggre-
zolans of the time 共Czernin 1980; Hansen 1992兲. gates. In addition to this decrease in strength, there is a 9.5%
Systematic investigations have been carried out on the use of decrease in the unit weight of crushed brick concrete.
crushed brick aggregate in PCC, but most of these investigations Kenai et al. 共2002兲 reported on the performance of PCC made
were carried out in the 1940s and 1950s and used the type of by using recycled fine and coarse aggregates. The compressive
bricks available at that time 共Hansen 1992兲. A review on the sub- and flexural strengths of recycled concrete were compared with
ject by Khalaf and DeVenny 共2004兲 indicated that most reports those of concrete made with natural aggregates up to 90 days of
discussed the type of bricks commonly used at that time. The age. They compared the properties of aggregates used; and results
review also showed that there was more information about the use for water absorption, water permeability, and shrinkage were
of crushed concrete aggregate in new PCC than about crushed measured. The results indicate that producing good-quality PCC
brick aggregate. Brick aggregate is different from crushed con- by using recycled aggregates is possible.
crete aggregate because of differences in the raw materials used To investigate the use of the crushed clay brick aggregate in
and the manufacturing process of clay bricks. Aggregate produced PCC, it was first necessary to investigate the physical and me-
by crushing clay bricks is very porous, and problems arise when it chanical properties of the aggregates themselves, since these
is used in new PCC. However, it should be possible to apply properties affect the properties of fresh and hardened PCC. Tests
many of the findings associated with the use of concrete aggre- were carried out, and results are presented in this paper for the
gates in producing new PCC to the use of clay brick as an aggre- properties of aggregates that influence the properties of PCC. The
gate in concrete. tests are as follows: tests on parent brick, on impurities, on grad-
Zakaria and Cabrera 共1996兲 produced concrete containing ing, on strength, on relative density, on water absorption, on po-
crushed brick as the coarse aggregate. They found that crushed rosity, and on shape and surface characteristics. The results were
brick aggregate concrete had a relatively lower strength at early compared with the limits set out in BS 882 共BSI 1992兲, “Specifi-
ages than normal aggregate concrete. The authors attributed this cation for Aggregates from Natural Sources for Concrete” and
characteristic to the higher water absorption of crushed brick ag- with the properties of granite aggregate as a control.
gregate compared with gravel, which was used as a control. How- Eight different types of crushed aggregates were used in this
ever, their investigation also found that crushed brick aggregate investigation. They included five kinds of aggregate from new


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2005, 17(4): 456-464

Table 2. Types of Brick/Aggregate Used in Investigation with Results of Tests on Both Materials
absorption Water
of brick absorption of
units 20 mm lumps
Full-brick Coefficient Half-brick Aggregate Aggregate 共%兲 共%兲
compressive of compressive Coefficient of impact relative Aggregate
Brick/aggregate strength variation strength variation value density porosity 5-hour 24-hour 5-hour 24-hour
type 共N / mm2兲 共%兲 共N / mm2兲 共%兲 共%兲 共SSD兲a 共%兲 boil soak boil soak
Common 39 6.6 43 3.2 31 1.97 25.04 12.9 10.3 14.1 11.5
solid-solid brick
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5-slot 59 5.8 65 7.3 25 2.22 20.08 10.7 9.5 13.8 12.4

perforated brick
3-slot 68 5.2 79 9.0 19 2.20 17.39 5.8 5.3 7.4 7.4
perforated brick
10-hole 81 3.3 84 7.3 19 2.25 16.75 6.2 4.6 7.4 7.2
perforated brick
Eng B 92 6.6 106 7.8 14 2.41 14.85 6.0 5.2 6.3 6.2
solid-solid wire
cut facing brick
Recycled wash — — — — 24 2.18 14.49 — — 12.7 10.4
Recycled — — — — 33 1.94 24.44 — — 19.8 16.2
Granite — — — 9 2.85 6.15 — — 2.63 2.55
SSD⫽Saturated and surface dry condition.

bricks, a recycled washed aggregate containing predominantly

masonry material, a recycled masonry aggregate, and a proven
natural granite aggregate. The granite aggregate was included in
the experimental program for comparison.

Experimental Program

Brick Used in Investigation

Five types of new clay bricks of 215⫻ 102.5⫻ 65 mm working
sizes with varying compressive strength were crushed to produce
aggregate. Before they were crushed into a coarse aggregate, their
compressive strength was required so that it could be compared
with the mechanical properties of the aggregates produced from
them. To find the compressive strength of each brick type, tests
were carried out in accordance with BS 3921 共BSI 1985b兲 and
ASTM C 67 共ASTM 1989兲. The only alteration made to the pro-
cedure was the number of bricks tested. Instead of testing 10
samples, only 5 were tested. The brick types and compressive
strength results are given in Table 2.
The results in Table 2 indicate that the different bricks used in
this investigation represent a wide range of strength. The reason
for using bricks of different strengths was to study and compare
their mechanical properties with aggregate from natural sources
that is suitable for PCC.
Fig. 1 shows the relationship between the average strength of 5
half-bricks, as tested using the ASTM C67 method, versus the
average strength of 5 full bricks, as tested using the BS 3921 共BSI
1985b兲 method, for all the bricks used in the investigation. The
figure shows that a good linear relationship exists between the
average results of strength produced from testing half-block and Fig. 1. Half-brick compressive strength versus full-brick compressive
full-block samples. strength


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2005, 17(4): 456-464

The best-fit equation for the relationship shown in Fig. 1 is as Table 3. Percentages of Impurities Present in Recycled Washed
follows: Aggregate
Percentage by weight
f hb = 1.09 f fb + 2.19 Impurity 共%兲
共1兲 Paper 0.08
R2 = 0.95 Plastic 0.11
Timber 0.12
where f hb⫽half-brick compressive strength 共N / mm2兲; and
Glass 0.45
f fb⫽full-brick compressive strength 共N / mm2兲.
Asphalt concrete/felt 0.47
The relationship in Eq. 共1兲 is useful in converting the compres-
Metal 0.76
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sive strength of half-bricks tested by using the American standard

test method to full-brick compressive strength tested by using the Ceramic 1.21
British standard test method and vice versa. Testing half-bricks is Total 3.2
more convenient because of the lower ultimate load required for
crushing. However, preparing half-brick samples requires more
work, time, and machinery because half bricks are sawed from
full bricks.
Impurities in Recycled Washed Aggregate

Types of Aggregate Used in Investigation A sample of the recycled washed aggregate was taken, and impu-
rities were removed and weighed so that the percentages of indi-
Seven different kinds of crushed brick aggregate and one type of vidual impurities could be determined. The results of this analysis
granite aggregate were used in the investigation. They include the are shown in Table 3.
following: As indicated in Table 3, even after screening to remove metal
and timber with magnets and flotation devices, some of those
New Brick Aggregate materials still remained in the aggregate. A percentage of mortar
The new brick aggregate was produced by breaking down whole was also present, but estimating it was difficult because the mor-
new bricks by smashing them on a metal plate with a hammer. tar was mainly adhered to the brick particles. With the addition of
The large brick pieces were crushed again to smaller sizes and the mortar, the total percentage of impurities in Table 3 would
sieved until the grading of the aggregates complied with the grad- probably be around 5%. The types and percentages of impurities
ing limits set out in BS 882 共BSI 1992兲 and BS 63: Part 1 共BSI in recycled aggregate are really dependent on the composition of
1987兲 for 20-mm single-sized aggregate 共that is, fractions passing the construction and demolition debris that has been processed.
the 20-mm sieve but retained on 14, 10, and 5 mm兲. The recycled materials sometimes contain a large percentage of
plaster, but in this case no plaster was found; however, the large
Recycled Washed Aggregate percentage of ceramic tile that was present is uncharacteristic of
The 20-mm recycled washed aggregate required no preparation, recycled material. It is evident that a standard is needed for re-
since it was supplied as a 20-mm single-sized aggregate by the cycled aggregates. The standard should include maximum allow-
producer. This aggregate had been screened at the recycling site able values for named impurities that could be harmful when the
to remove impurities, but the material still contained a percentage material is used as an aggregate.
of such impurities as timber, metal, glass, paper, rubber, and
Sieve Analysis
Recycled Masonry Aggregate A sieve analysis was carried out on all types of aggregate before
The recycled masonry aggregate was produced by crushing larger their use in the experimental work. The appropriate nest of sieves
masonry pieces supplied by the manufacturer as a 40 to 60 mm used for each analysis was in accordance with BS 410 共BSI 2000兲
aggregate. The crushed aggregate contained brick pieces from at and BS 812: Part 103.1 共BSI 1985c兲 for the grading of aggregate.
least six different brick types. The only impurities present were Table 4 displays the results of the sieve analysis for all the coarse
pieces of mortar that had adhered to the bricks before crushing. aggregates used in the investigation. The results of the sieve
When the bricks were crushed in the laboratory to a 20-mm analysis for coarse aggregate were then compared with Table 5 to
single-sized aggregate 共that is fractions passing the 20-mm sieve determine whether the aggregates complied with the grading lim-
but retained on 14, 10, and 5 mm兲, most of the mortar was re- its for 20-mm single-sized aggregate from BS 882 共BSI 1992兲.
duced to dust and removed when sieved but some of the mortar Table 4 indicates that all the aggregates used have grading
still adhered to the aggregate particles. values that place them within the limits for 20-mm single-sized
aggregate from Table 5.
Granite Aggregate
Natural crushed 20-mm single-sized granite aggregate that previ-
Impact Value Test „IV…
ously had been successfully employed to produce good-quality
PCC was used in the present investigation so that comparisons The impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of an
could be made with other aggregates. aggregate to sudden shock or impact. In some aggregates, this
To obtain representative samples for testing, all aggregates resistance can differ from its resistance to a slowly applied com-
were riffled in accordance with BS 812: Part 102 共BSI 1989兲. The pressive load. The impact value is found by dropping a standard
samples of aggregate were then tested to determine the type and hammer onto a sample of aggregate and measuring the weight of
amount of impurities, grading, impact value, relative density, the fines resulting from the impact; therefore, the lower the im-
water absorption, and porosity. pact value, the tougher and stronger the aggregate.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2005, 17(4): 456-464

Table 4. Sieve Analysis Results for All Coarse Aggregates
Percentage by mass passing British standard sieves for nominal sizes
Sieve size
共mm兲 Common 5-slot 3-slot 10-hole Eng B Recycled washed Recycled masonry Granite
37.5 — — — — — — — 100
20 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95.0
14 25.9 23.5 18.0 18.0 20 44 22.8 24.4
10 5.6 5.7 3.0 4.0 3.6 12 5.0 2.5
5 1.5 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.7 5 0.5 0.4
2.36 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.4 3 0.2 0.3
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The maximum allowable impact values for aggregates recom- new PCC. The best-fit equation for the relationship shown in Fig.
mended for use in concrete, as given in BS 882 共British 1992兲, are 2 is as follows:
as follows:
• 25% when the aggregate is to be used for heavy-duty concrete f hb = − 3.64共IV兲 + 155.44
flooring; 共2兲
• 30% when the aggregate is to be used for pavement wearing R2 = 0.93
surfaces; and
where IV⫽impact value 共%兲.
• 45% when the aggregate is to be used for other concretes.
The impact values were calculated by using the relevant Brit-
ish Standard BS 812: Part 112 共BSI 1990a兲 for the five different Relative Density „RD…
new brick aggregates, the two recycled aggregates, and granite The relative densities of the brick aggregates and the granite ag-
aggregate. The results for the aggregate impact test are shown in gregate were determined in accordance with BS 812: Part 2 共BSI
Table 2. 1995兲 by using the gas jar method. This method involves the
Apart from Brick Aggregates 1 and 7, the impact test results immersion of an aggregate sample in water for 24 hours in an
show that all other aggregates fall within the suitability limits for airtight vessel. The mass of the vessel containing the water and
concrete that is to be used for heavy-duty flooring and pavement aggregate was weighed 共Mass B兲, and the mass of the vessel
wearing surfaces. Table 2 also shows that the recycled aggregates, containing only water was also recorded 共Mass C兲. After the 24
in general, are not as strong as the clean crushed-brick aggregates hours of immersion, the aggregate was removed from the water
but this outcome was expected because of the presence of such and placed on a dry cloth to remove any excess water from the
impurities as mortar. However, the results show that the recycled surface of the aggregate particles. The weight of aggregate was
then recorded 共Mass A兲 in this saturated surface-dry 共SSD兲 con-
washed aggregate has an impact value of 24%, which qualifies the
dition. The relative density was then calculated by using Eq. 共3兲.
aggregate to be used for heavy-duty flooring.
The results of relative density on an SSD basis for the aggregates
Fig. 2 was plotted to show the relationship between the com-
used in this investigation are shown in Table 2.
pressive strength of parent half-brick and the impact value of the
new brick aggregate. The figure shows that as the impact value of
Mass A
brick aggregate increases, the compressive strength of the parent Relative density共RD兲 = 共3兲
brick decreases. therefore, the impact test could be used to esti- Mass A − 共Mass B − Mass C兲
mate the strength of brick units by testing brick lumps crushed The results in Table 2 indicate that, in general, stronger bricks
from the parent brick. The results would also be useful in deter- produced higher values of relative density. In addition, new brick
mining the suitability of recycled brick for use as the aggregate in aggregates and recycled aggregates have a lower relative density

Table 5. Concrete Aggregate: Grading Limits for Coarse Aggregate 关Data from BS 882 共BSI 1992兲兴
Percentage by mass passing British standard sieves for nominal sizes
Graded aggregate Single-sized aggregate
Sieve size
共mm兲 40 to 5 mm 20 to 5 mm 14 to 5 mm 40 mm 20 mm 14 mm 10 mm
50 100 — — 100 — — —
37.5 90–100 100 — 85–100 100 — —
20 35–70 90–100 100 0–25 85–100 100 —
14 — — 90–100 — — 85–100 100
10 10–40 30–60 50–85 0–5 0–25 0–50 85–100
5 0–5 0–10 0–10 — 0–5 0–10 0–25
2.36 — — — — — — 0–5


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2005, 17(4): 456-464

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Fig. 4. Impact value versus relative density for new brick aggregate

Fig. 2. Half-brick compressive strength versus impact value for new

brick aggregate
f hb = 141.93共RD兲 − 238.23
R2 = 0.89

than the granite aggregate; therefore, concrete made from crushed where RD⫽Relative density 共SSD兲
brick aggregate can be used where concrete of low density is Fig. 4 shows a relationship between the impact value of brick
required and where self-weight is a problem. This advantage is a aggregate and its relative density. As the relative density in-
big one because in concrete construction, self-weight represents a creases, the impact value decreases at a linear rate. Tougher brick
large proportion of the total load on the structure. Therefore, con- aggregates therefore have a higher relative density.
crete of low self-weight, allows smaller sections to be used, and The best-fit equation for the relationship shown in Fig. 4 is as
the size of foundations can consequently be reduced, representing follows:
a financial saving.
IV = − 39.36共RD兲 + 109.14
Fig. 3 was plotted to show that a linear relationship exists
between the compressive strength of parent half-brick and the 共5兲
relative density of the new brick aggregate. The figure shows that R2 = 0.95
as the relative density of the brick aggregate increases, the com-
pressive strength of the half-brick increases. The relationship is
very useful, since it means that the strength of a brick can be
Water Absorption of Brick Units and Aggregates
estimated by determining the relative density of 20 mm crushed Full bricks of each brick type were sampled and tested for water
brick aggregate. By taking the impact value and the relative den- absorption in accordance with BS 3921 共BSI 1985b兲 using the 5 h
sity of a crushed brick sample together, the strength of the parent boiling method. For purposes of comparison, full bricks of each
brick can be predicted fairly accurately. By taking the two values brick type were also tested for water absorption by using a 24 h
together, determining the suitability of new or recycled brick for cold immersion. This process allows the effects of the 5 h boiling
use as the aggregate in new PCC is also possible. to be quantified. The results for the 5 h boiling and 24 h immer-
The best-fit equation for the relationship shown in Fig. 3 is as sion in cold water for brick units are given in Table 2.
follows: Crushed brick aggregates from each brick type were mixed
and riffled to achieve a representative sample. The 20 mm brick
samples were then tested for water absorption by a new 5 h boil-
ing method suggested by Khalaf and DeVenny 共2002兲. A sample
of 20 mm granite aggregate was also tested so that a comparison
could be made with the brick aggregates.
To measure the effect of boiling on the aggregates, samples of
each brick aggregate type and the granite aggregate were also
tested for water absorption in accordance with BS 812: Part 109
共BSI 1990b兲. This test is commonly used for natural concrete
aggregate and involves immersing a sample in cold water for 24 h
in a sealed container. After oven drying, the water absorption was
calculated as a percentage from the mass of water absorbed di-
vided by the dry mass of the sample. Results for the 5 h boiling
and 24 h immersion in cold water for aggregates are given in
Table 2.
The results in Table 2 show that the 5 h boiling of brick units
gave higher water absorption values than 24 h immersion in cold
water. This result suggests that the concept of boiling the bricks to
Fig. 3. Half-brick compressive strength versus relative density for expel air is effective. However, a much higher result was obtained
new brick aggregate from boiling 20 mm brick aggregates. This result suggests that the


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2005, 17(4): 456-464

5 h boiling of brick units was not sufficient to expel all the air.
Because the brick aggregates are much smaller, the air has a
shorter distance and time to escape; whereas in the whole brick
unit, the air at the center has more difficulty escaping. Also, with
brick aggregates instead of whole bricks, there is no need to wipe
the excess water from the brick perforations, which improves the
accuracy of the results.
The results in Table 2 suggest that the 5 h boiling of 20 mm
brick aggregates offers a simple and easy alternative test to the 5
h boiling of 10 full bricks in accordance with BS 3921 共BSI
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1985b兲 or 10 half-bricks in accordance with ASTM C 67 ASTM

共1989兲. The new test does not require a large and expensive boil-
ing tank that uses a lot of electricity while boiling the 10 full or
half-bricks for 5 h. The new test can be performed in the labora-
tory or on-site with a small portable metal container and a metal Fig. 5. Half-brick compressive strength versus porosity for new brick
mesh that lifts the sample from the base of the container to allow aggregate
the water to circulate around the lumps during boiling. The cold
immersion of 20 mm aggregates in water for 24 h also provides
between the compressive strength of the half-bricks and the po-
an accurate estimate of the water absorption of clay bricks. This
rosity of 20 mm lumps broken up from similar new brick units.
test could be used as a works control test, since performing it is
The figure indicates that the more porous brick has a lower com-
easy. Full details about the new test are given in Khalaf and
pressive strength than a brick with a low porosity that has higher
DeVenny 共2002兲.
The results in Table 2 indicate that the crushed brick aggre-
The best-fit equation for the relationship shown in Fig. 5 is as
gates adsorb more water than the granite aggregate. For that type
of aggregate to be used in concrete, it would have to be presoaked
or the mixing water would have to be adjusted; otherwise, it f hb = − 5.76共P兲 + 183.97
would absorb a large amount of the mixing water. 共6兲
R2 = 0.92
Porosity of Aggregate „P… where P⫽porosity共%兲.
Porosity is defined as the volume of the pores within a porous Fig. 6 shows a relationship between impact value and porosity
material sample, expressed as a percentage of the total volume of for the new brick aggregates. The figure shows that as the aggre-
the sample. There is no test in British or ASTM standards for gates porosity increases, the impact value of the aggregate also
concrete aggregates to measure the porosity of the material. Simi- increases. The porosity of a crushed brick aggregate can therefore
larly, there is no test in BS 3921 共BSI 1985b兲 clay brick or ASTM be estimated from the aggregate impact value, or vice versa. This
C 67 ASTM 共1989兲 building brick to measure the porosity of clay information is useful because knowing whether an aggregate is
bricks. If clay brick aggregates are to be used in concrete, a more porous is important when considering it for use in PCC.
consistent value for the porosity of the brick material is desirable, The best-fit equation for the relationship shown in Fig. 6 is as
since as the porosity of aggregate can influence how water is follows:
transported through the concrete. The structure of the pores in a IV = 1.67共P兲 − 10.08
composite material like concrete dictates the movement of water 共7兲
through it, thereby affecting the material’s resistance to freezing R2 = 0.98
and thawing and the movement of harmful chemicals contained
within the absorbed water. The degree of porosity of crushed Fig. 7 shows a relationship between relative density and po-
brick aggregates depends on the type of clay used to manufacture rosity for new brick aggregate. The figure indicates that as the
the original brick and the duration and temperature of firing. porosity of crushed brick aggregate increases, the relative density
For the present investigation, the values of porosity for the
various aggregates used were calculated using a new test proce-
dure suggested by Khalaf and DeVenny 共2002兲. This procedure
calculates the porosity for 20 mm brick lumps. As suggested by
Khalaf and DeVenny, this procedure was followed for each of the
brick aggregates and granite aggregate so that a comparison could
be made. The results of the porosity test are given in Table 2.
Table 2 shows that the new method proposed for testing brick
porosity was effective, since results from the water absorption test
for aggregates have backed up the porosity results.
The results in Table 2 for water absorption and porosity of the
new and recycled crushed brick aggregates suggest that the brick
aggregate is far more porous than the granite aggregate. Because
of their higher porosity, brick aggregates used to produce concrete
would have to be presoaked or the mixing water would have to be
increased to compensate for aggregate absorption.
Fig. 5 was plotted to show that a linear relationship exists Fig. 6. Impact value versus porosity for new brick aggregates


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2005, 17(4): 456-464

This test is more economical than boiling 10 whole bricks
because a smaller water bath is required and less energy is
consumed during the boiling process. The cold immersion of
20 mm lumps in water for 24 h also provides an accurate
estimate of water absorption, and this test could easily be
used as a works control test.
7. The two recycled aggregates have a higher porosity value
than the crushed new brick aggregates and the granite aggre-
gate. These two aggregates will therefore have a higher water
demand when used as the aggregate in PCC.
Downloaded from by National Institute of Technology - Agartala on 03/04/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

8. The results indicate that a general relationship exists between

brick compressive strength and porosity. The higher the po-
rosity of brick units, the lower the compressive strength of
the brick unit, and vice versa.
Fig. 7. Relative density versus porosity for new brick aggregates 9. When the results of the impact, relative density, and porosity
tests on brick lumps are combined, they provide a good in-
dication of the compressive strength of a new parent brick or
of the aggregate decreases. As the relative density of a brick ag- a recycled brick unit. It can be used as an alternative test to
gregate decreases, the volume of voids in the material increases, the BS and ASTM standards uniaxial compressive test of 10
causing a higher porosity value. full bricks and 5 half-bricks, respectively, that required a
The best-fit equation for the relationship shown in Fig. 7 is as high-capacity crushing machine.
RD = − 0.04共P兲 + 2.92
R2 = 0.89 Acknowledgments

The writers wish to express their appreciation and thanks to

David J. Balmer of W. H. Malcolm Ltd., Glasgow for supplying
Conclusions the materials for this investigation and to Brian Russell, William
Laing, Alan Barber, John Callaghan and Ron Hunter for their
This paper presents the results of an investigation to determine technical support.
the physical and mechanical properties of new and recycled
crushed clay brick aggregates for use in PCC. Various properties
of eight different types of aggregate were determined and com-
pared. The following conclusions were made from the work pre- References
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