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TEST BoOKLET ctsr gR*,r

Roll No.
S€rbl No.
I 6 8273

TineAuowed:2 Hou^

1. This Tes Booklet co.tains 30 quesions. A1l r. w I
qtqr qR6l 30 q{{ ? | {$ Trc srtu
querions are comtulsory The Boollet is i
sR6r'ld'{d i | !n ffi
FA6 nt 6l l6t
bilingul. ln cae ofdy mb'suily in my queshoq drn i, 3iM qdElr cl4 ?r,n
Engtish venion will hold glod
t- Thc Tesl Bekler mnsisb of 32 pag6 (inclMing !. rs qF*r Pnaqr (aer)qFAt gs 4l fiif{.l t
covs sheel). court the nunber of pages dd r! irn 5l ir A tfl
rd qd t t'i ff
quelions beiore atempling ine qu*nds.
3, Blanl spae in rhe Question Bookld mv bc uscd 3. rlr sRsI t sIS sF 613crifi {$ 6r{ + 1iq

.1. Esch qe$ionG follosed by for altdotiws 4 ra* !{{ + Rq ql{ tude 1iqI.1 ir a{4 e
S.lsio y dne, shich you cmsider s ih. nosl lir$ q6 er? 6l, m qrq F{i q&d 3qgfr
rppmpriale shad. qE Elflet .iele again$ rhe liei i, iF €ftsr $ sq qli sn{-qtr q.
corcsponding qucsxon nunb.r on the oMR w{ sql + !r{qE s+ ilct Ti4n 1i 4t
Asue! Shei Selecling no€ tns o@ answd 6rqrf6( *ftqr'ftE$ qa cq + \+ i4 t
ior a qu6!ion, *en ifone oflhe se]&kn dsseN
qtoa rn1 61 qsc n{, qm 1+q tdit I + i
is conet, sodd r*ult in ih beng ftatd as m 6ii q* rn{ Fa 3t 'rcn i,
+ 6qI cftqi -
5. (a) colEr dswea vill edy murs eeh.
2 s- (6) s$ -ni I r&* + 1iq 2 ri6 Ai I
(b) wmng aNwen {i11 caq !€sarie nd*ing (s)'l{d rdd n+6 Rq (aok{*) I +
or(ninus) 4 s ndk each.
(c) Quesljons not .rtempred will cery to @k. ('i) lq{ ,{rl6r rn rd tur {qI i, 91+ tiq
qt{ 3i+ :rd Rc s\iii I
This Bookld has thre sdld : 6. .€ tRrr i d" €!3 i ,

PanA - Lanslase Prclicidcy

Pan B Teaching Aprihde filg Fftflq
PanC ReNningAbi q
Merit list be pre!.td lrcn smEs in 20 ?. tn..
sill ftR qrr Fdq * !.i, iiclt
qudtions ofLlnenase Poficiency, 30 queshm 3ift{Fdr + 30 erji 3ii{ {* qiqq t
+ 3o rln
of Tcach,ns Aplilude md l0 que$ions of i F d-+
3.'rff c{cffi? Hqdi
Reasning Abilj+
Alsvds should ONLY bc n{kel o! lhe OMR s. +dd- qq lql{ ii ct dftn 1*q 3 -!t
Answd.shet No dwer sh@ld b. nllisn on | 4T S -d{ ctn-gR*I c{ :.d
srt l{sl
sl{r rlfrc
(Erpected ANwering Time : 20 Minntet
(QuestioN I to 4)

Read the pasage given below and asws the qusrioro rbat follow.
The Galapagos lslods are in the Parific Oced, otrthe ws1em coasl ofsofhAmdi@.
They are a rocky, lonely spot. but ihey are also one of ihe nosi uusuai
in the
world. Orc eason is ihal they ae
tB homes ofsone ofrhe lot gidl tortoise! left on
eaih Weighing hudreds ofpouDds, these tonois6, or led turtles, wddd slowly
aoud the.ocks and sand olthe isiands. S[argely @ch oflhese islands has its own
paniculd ft]nd of ronoise. There e
seven ditrdot kiDds of lo.toises on the eight
nlmds, each kind beins siightly &fi'erelr fton the othd. Hundreds of years ago,
thousan& oftonoises wddered arcud these isldds. How*€r, all this cheeed when
p€ople started lmding there. WbeD people first dive.l in 1535,
their ships had no
eftceElo$. This neant lhal tesi food was always a probld tur the saitos on
boad. The gianl toioiles provtdedithe solution to this problem. Ships woutd ancnor
off the islands, and dew wolld rcyr ashore d{j seize as nany to.toises as they corld_
Once the oinals were abroad lie ihip, the sailos woutd roll fi€ ttrtoises onto iheir
backs. The tortohes wore cohplelely helpt6s once on iheir brcLT, so tley could only
liclhereln1ilused for solps dd stews. Almosll00,O00 rorloises pere c&ied

l. lhe aulhor calls the Galapagoshlands d d uuual ptace because

they e in the Pacilic O.€an.
(2) the endangered giant torroises are foud therc.
(3) they are rocla ad ionety sioots.
(4) ttrey d€ Iocated otr &e ,re$1en of south America_
LL.2IA 2
2. wl]ich of the following slatements is cod@t ?

(l)'Ihereis one kindof tortoisefoundonseven $lands.

(2) There de eight kinds oftonoise foud on eiehl hlD.l's

G) Allrhe to oises do found on one island.

(4) There de seven kndr of tortoise fomd on eighl isldds

3. 'Ships would dchor oilthe islmd'mff

(l) slups would so otr
(2) ships would be near the shorc.
(3) ships would bo olTto mother land
(4) ships would go td dother nhnd-

4, Eow did tbe clw make tho torloises helpless ?

(l) By.trhonrg orthe islands
(2) With invenlion oirejngenlos.
{l) By rcllins the lortoises onlo their back.
(4) By seizing the lonoises nercile$ly

The following sdtelces have bM jumbled eicepl th€ fiBt wordphraso. Choose

the opho$ (i, 2, 3,4) to mak€ a conect sert€nce.

5. Es:.i!g bce!/live together/ leaming to/ India is an illust ation of /a comtry/


LL.?IA lP.T.O.
lothes- food and celebrati / ed /ofthe.ounrry / ofpeoDte /add b/

(l) cDEAB
(l) cDEBA

Cho6e the most sritabl€ sord for btaDk frob the gilctr oproos,

Tourists travelling lo India tron 43 6utris, including the US,

10 qu@e at their local consulat$ to ot'taiD viMs. Toua6
will now be able to apply o ioe dd receive rhe er@n lisht _ (S) fou days,
befoe g€ttiry then visa at d airp.rt _ (9) eival. Mosl foreigne$ hav€ to wait
for weeks _ ( l0) cettins their visa.

7. {i) to
(2) lor
(3) 6om
(,1) visiling

8, {l) fof
(3) with
(al withir

9. (l) on
(2) in

(a) after

r0. (1) on
(2) bv
(3) while

(QustioN U to 13)

The following senlences have a! eror in ore put of the sentetce Find the p.rt
(1, 2, 3, 4) which has th€ ero(

11. (l) Although he was the tiddliest ofall present (2) dd diferenr fion otheN

€) he hadn t ha$ly any iliends (4) except he

12. (1) Pleaw ask you. staff (2) if anybody ofthem (3) has seen (4) mv laprop.

13. (I ) Sb€ was able (2) to tue he$elf (3) with her debts (4) by working very hrd

Pick oul the phr6e which is closest in meaning to lhe idiom giv@ lelow

(l) To 8rve !p the sbuggle

(2) To bun *lth a.ger
Lrr To.u. oFoll escape roures

(4) To desrroy oneself

15. Ste, in }ai owa jui.e
(l) To cook slowly in a ctosed dish
(2) To be in an acitated stale ofDird
(31 To show one's crearive abiuties
(4) To suiler the consequen@s ofo'e's oM aciio$

(Q&stions 16, u md tE)

ch@se the word,/phftse lhat best conpleies the sentdcr.

16. The peace of lhe public library was

_ by rhe srri.tent ring of the .eU

17. He never speaks _ with people. Thft is no lnce ofdy bo.evolence in

(ll flawlessly

(3) happily
(4) eently

18, I lold lrin if ne Mlief,

he had remind€d I _ the paymert.
(l) wolidn't delay
(2) wouldnlhave delayed

(4) will not have delayed

LL-2IA 6
19. Choose the .omr .er rencF amonc .h( op ioN C'\ e

(1) Wlere did yo! set this b@k ?

(2) where you got this book ?

€) Wherc lnis b@k you get ?
(4) This book you get frcm where ?

20. Th€ followitre five sentences come ftom a paragraph The first dd the lasl

sentences ar€ given. Choose the riSht ordo in which the tltr€ se ences (?QR)

should appear to complete the p@gralir

Sl Bosai is o an worked wilh pl@ts grcM in a shaltow pot

35 It is dsiSned to express the bealty of nalG by all hnds of phenohem

P Bonsai, in fa4 capbrres th€ moods of natuE in a s(prisinglv limited spa@.

Q It is nor a it is comhonly believ€d, a tree nned dwaf

R It may give on€ tie impresion of t.e€s i! a forest to biSger than vour tabte

(l)RrQ (2) QRI

€) PQR (4) QPR

LL.2/A [PT.O.
TefttingAprirrde ftnrvr qfterrdr
(Expaod Aosedng Time : 40 Minulq) (3rifud fd{ Rcq : a0 ft-{a)

21. lfthe reacher is not abte ro dwe. ttE 2r. cj? frqr6 qd tdqrd+ ERr{6'tcarq
qLeshor ra.sed oy a studenr ar r{' a c qlei€ I
(l) he should rvoid respondi4c (t) }il{ A I
TR €ir qIRq I

(2) he should sive an intoinsnswer (r)in nFf<d t Est + f{c q$

ro avoid edba@ssmenl i{iftq/ +6ftn .ir *{ qFtq
(l) adnil in the clas that it,he will (3) rd66rl?r€qld*6R6qrqRq
to nnd rhe sorulioD dd give the 1*Wroorr<@6dRm
answer the lext clasr. 6t'n 3i{ o{'rd !6sn C 3n{ irfi ]
(4) pce the qustim ro &e critss ed (a)Mffi*qlq+!r?{s{3ih€
6k rhm to @me prepmd in I he :c'ld Ea{r i +cF +sr sirt + ftq

22. Basic requirem€nl of t€aching 22. cqq$ filerq *:rlqrTr sns{{fdr

.ficiercy is i
(l) bastery on leachins skills, (l) Rrsrq+llrditr4q / g$irdr I

(2) masrery over use of ditreretu (2) Rrqq 4i €Rrq ffRlq}* s+q q
tehniqu$ ofleehing. rdFnt / t;{|cfdr
(3) mslery over appropnab r$e of (3) RlqrqddEqTgirtihfi*3frn
nedia and tshroloey in ieaching s'd:r I Jrdlrnr I

(4) .ii ofth€ above. (a) 3c+*is$ |

23. 'leachels knowledg€ on sNdenfs 23 f{flSdfi3{qsrdl3n3+3{h{F+ii
needs ud inte€sls a!€ covercd bv the + qR t fiIFs * ftq ,!I'{41t 3qcf"q
(1) philosophy ofeducation (1) filqi6liriisn{' I

(2) psycholosy ofeducation (2) fiIsn4Tciiftflc I

(3) sociology ofeducation (3) RlfiFl{cls!]TqJ I

(4) polltica ofeducation. (4) fiEfl 4T {qfffdlns I

2:1. Astude in class vlll is experiencine 2a aeir 8 figqfufldf|gAE{t q{sls

swere aisodes of depHsion within A 'ift 'rl{n{ 3rd{rq 6{ {d i {si+
the pasi year, as ihe studenl sisqrdfi+isqq{cslc€q(Ai'
appoaches the sasition in Pub.rt, ss+ lilet cgd rt-a$ fin
it would be dost imPortanl lbr th€

(l) consider chdging the school (1) fus'dq f'dt + q=R C ed{'r
iFcll I

(2) develop friedships with (2) T{IldqlFlqltsMfttflq{rTffi
who have snnilar problens nS T6R S s{qn(t I
(3) €ly only on fmily mdbeB for (3) Fdlrdr+fdq-dqcftaR+IfaF]l

(4) learn ro access counselling (a) ?,'Iarq6drjqRc{q{efti+qft

LL.2/A lPT.O.
25. The pu?ose ofnew education potcy 25. Ti ftsr {fr 61 3hq i
is to
(l) tuiculua
preparc a new (t) cdi{tnFssi+ql{dlll l
(2) inprove the quality of the (2) ftrsnrqd*XqfirClsnslir I

(3) inroducerosin schools.

(3) ff.ards;lqlad{€ird6{cr I

(4) delink rhe deeEe wifi education. (+) Rfrqiftqr€ sl{, r

ze. nalq,e ffir* w i s)

{l) who pmUdrs in lomal iob: eta led (t/ Fs, q lidfud ir:Fhqi rq€.6tl
to the subjecl.
(2) who is stud€rrs
friendlywilh ffitq1*{lilga-fird{€drt
(3) who inspire dre studehrs to (3) fidlifiqiF{S qrFfierl4t{dt
dplore lheipole ials, * ftl ik$Rd 6.dr i r

(4) who is v.ry strict with the,nles. (a) FEc] 6r sd I cldq 6r?r i I

2?. A sood reacher cm bring poiitivity 2?. \rd6e{idlRrql6ffiilitl{fiErilrfdr

(1) pronotins competition belween (t) g{* +s rldrRir {d6{ r

r2l inrohingallrhesrudtrr( d"ras {2r'tr ffi {l 6e{ 6rdl

ro.k / intqaction. qRFqft6 Fal I flft€ 6{ I

(3) delesarinswoiktoaboveav€nse (3) S{|d t$q{ lra Mtr d $r{

studenrs. drt6t I

(4) delegatinsworktobelowayeEse (a) $Fdt :fti qra ffi dfi{

studenb. dJcor r

LL2/A l0
28. During lunch break, while plaving 2s cqr6 *si * a(Ic d{Ii cTq

children .nact like teachers and aeiisfdlsiffitqlfrd{Eecftaq

slndents. This forn of ledming is 6{ii lrsvaR+3{fuT qa}qrcls]nl

(l) clasicalco.dinoning rI ) trFifl{ }r{d"'ri I

(2) coenitive leaming (2) dnrqFr*oilqc I

(3) verbal (3) dG63{tum I

(4) rociall€ming. (a)sTclkd 3lfrac I

29. To develo! se lf-confidene anonger'cR'{s ffin 4{

n frrnFtd i *
sb,ddts a teache. ldtlqa ffnr6 ft] 6rll slltq
(1) srorld enco!.ase Enslish (l ) 3iis +di+i ffi( {ir l

(2) should encouage puctualitv in (2) Ecrrss ii s{qft!.l al ffid

Lhe cldsrcon 6EI
(3) sholld encourase sludetrts 1o (3) 3q{tr a-4 Tdct * 1is ffit{it
diss well. d ffi" a{ii I

(4) should encourase st!.le.ts lo (4)fu€l||dd 4l s{dl q{lqr{or

explore ti,en uique potentials sq{dldi 'it 4dli + ftq fftn

LL2IA !1 lPT.O.
30. lvhich siatenent suils most for an 30. fiqRiEd senJ I i +i qr 6eli \16
er@ti'e teachd firr* **r{ Iil ealfu* wg{d t
(l) cive lors of dsigments to the (i ) ffihldirdrftsfiqnF.dili I

(2) Inpre$ n\e studenrs wirh fluenl (2) afl d qlrly{.i eii."fr drd6{
English in $e clas. ffiqlals$f+dq.{l I
(3) Take regular clas tests in rhe (3) dvlfiqftdGqlqsnt€+ir

(4) Relate life

Ltesubjectwir,!ft€ral (a) frsq 4i sl€fdc,. d"r *
situationyexamples. qRRffi / T<rfl!fr+{lifd.iftn

31. P.osreslive educanon is feused on 31. jqffifts +fid t

(t) leahi.e.
Pa$ive (t) liBq oft'rqq{ I
(2) Acrive leamils. (2) sB-c arlirq q{ |
(3) stereot?e lemins. (r)@sfii,nq{r
(4) Todjtional lemins. (4) caqon q&lrq q{ |

32. ccEsluds for 32.dd{(CcE)t ddi

(l) Evsluarion. (l) {ff,dcEoEiai*r
Conrinuous Comll€x

r2l Cohprehenj,\e Con,inuous ,r) ccr -ri

lrl ConrinuoJq and Conprehebrv",,, {a@cqTarrail

l4l Complere r orprehon.i\e rrt qrlr Ecil qi:T{r I

LI.2/A t2
The lntegrated Child DeveloPment 33. sih srs fu6rs tsl ii{{I (cDs) t
Swicd Schene (ICDS) inchdes rflh-di
(l) suppldentary numton (r ) sTs c1qq I

(3) prc-school educatDn (rEl-ffiRrnl

(4) 3cd-fi €{t I

34. 34. a{d oEr) riiiftd I

(l) TEined Elenentary T@ches (r) lRrihd !1ift6 ftq-d a I

(2) T@ches Eligibil,ty Tst. (2) RIrq cr{dl ctsn Q I

(3) Teachd Educatos Tninitrg (3) ffRrs 3ftslF6 eFI4q t I

(4) Trainitrs and Edncatio! of (a) tftqq$ffr$dlARwn I

The te@ ledagogy rcfes to 35. ftfl$rq i qF ls t

(i) dethod .nd praclice ofte&hilg (r ) ftq"rfi Fii qi 3{qrs I

(2) srd cffi|fdl I

(3) special kind of schools (3) ffis!6n+ft:fldc I

(4) child s leaiing level (a) {t 613{fu'lq RI I

1l P.T.O.
16. cirls should be €ncomsed ro have 36.iqB?idftererqs{t+ftqeMi
educalion because 4air?rf8q€}b
(l) sirlsaregertrallyno.eiarellisent (1)dgF*qi {s$l A {-rir I €ma
thmboys. Fct 3rEq Caqc+di I
(2) snb de mo.e hard workins tnan (r) irelisi i,|sq;t 6 {nir I 3itu6
bo,s. qft'l{ idt I

(3) educaiior of girls is e iriporrrl (3) srarf6{ddrqi{A+ftqtsffi

bethod ofb.insins socialchrnse. S &srl \q qE€T4 fffu i I

(4) girls could be sood teachas. (r1 ceB*':rndfirftmr{iir+*i

37. An efecrive tqcher witt 37. \r6F y'rr* Frqr6 sfiFdd *tn
(l) conplcrion of leson. (l) InE4tTf l
(2) conpelilionanonsstuderts (r)ffi+d-seftEEi-r1
(3) fiticallhin}jns in studots. (j) fficjtsqllif{ar€6firdil
(4) conlrol over the clds. (4)6qirq(fuirq I

38, The quality of teachilg ca! be 3s, ftE1$lo|{flqT3]]Fd{ft:{rvrsrdr

a$e$ed bylh€ i
(1) rsuit in mral €xm. (t) srfr6 qt{r + cRlrrq + dr{r I
(2)anendanceofstuddis. (z)ffiiriid3qRF*Ero
(3) quliry ofintenctioD ofsildeDts (3) 6qTr iiMH A cr{{qfr6 Fqt
in the *X"r{dr+er{r I

(4) silence in the cids. (a) 6sn*lriii+EF I

LL 2/A
39. Whichof rhe following is the m6r l9. FrqtsGd I A +{
{ {n qd ?fllni 4

3r6{c {{{eli di {qif*+ cEdtF

impodet cha@t€ristic ofopen Text
Based Asessment s!5tm ? ffidri ?

(l) Students become serious

(2) lmlroves attendance rn trre (2) 4qrdq I 3qFrii I {qn riar i

(3) Reduces e*aminaiion auieiY (3) ffiid A qt$r t diiftd tu<I

(4) Cmpels stud€nts b think 1+1 ffiddei*Iele.-{rmdl

40. School €ducation .i!x at lo. ffifqqrqr:iq i

(l) harmonizing the ne€ds of the (r )
qd S :Fla!{rald f' cqrnff
qid +t fi + d'r * Fi" ttftn
clnld and deDands ofthe soctetY
for the bercfit of bolh
(2) n.kjng the child abl€ !o get job (z) a;a ai iH( qq 6d * qi'q

(3) !rela.ins the school Prcgrame (3) dEA dl 3cr4.{6 + q-{srI

aMrding to the leed ofthe cbild - ffifi+5qal+fi4nr i

(a) 3qir{ s$ r

41. Teachds plinary €spo$ibility is 41. RiF*i6{@ffi?

(l) pladi.s educalidal qpedences (1 ) ifd6 €l{s1 A +qcr a{r{ I

(2) inpldefirng Polici€s. (2) {frRl di ffi( 6{qI I

(3) kd?ing stldents Ecords (3)ffi+nse+rrsd1

(4) 3ctqi €aff I

t5 lPT.O.
Lt 2tA
42. While dealins wift indis.ipljned i2. Fflf,H * rTFdt,r fd_sL
srud€rts a teacrer ali {trc q6 firq6 6t R-{I qfiq
(l) punish rhen. (t) ffild 6l itud q.iT I
(2) lalk wiih tld ed gride and (2)F{+ ftfi fflRro 6{ll
Ern 6arT,
! hMelize rhei, pornulnus ,n
rrr .iErrq+ nlsl t TrJl
(onstncrive ways.
sqrFdBii 6l ft{l1r{R s{ir
(3) compiair to the p.incipal aSainsl (3) s{t fu-drs eqmqd a firfr/qn
6CIi I
(a) non€ ofn\e above. (a) scintt+g$Tfil
4J _- measue rhe e\rtrt of 41, jiq ,l\ fisifr?
stuilents leaming iD a givd iiffihi+ xtuaq S ql qrFdr
(l) Achievement Tests (l)rlrd6lq{srq
(2) Apritude Tsrs (r) :FDs{Fdr qilfllr
(3) Diasrostic Tsts (3) ffi6cn&rlr
(4) Readine$ Tests (4) rtr{ir ctqq
44. Effective t@ching meals
+r. *'rd fteq t arqd i
ieachq is @livebur shde4rs My (I ) firer6qB-qtq{dM{Rqa
ormay not be actjve. F+ii eft:ts Salf6it I
(2) teacher @y tr iraclive qsfrqit{'rdr
be acrive (z) fnes,sBq qr i
but stud€ s ffe active. q< fr.odqBqi r

(3) teachdis active ed studenb de (, fir{dsBqisi{fifllnqBqi I

(4) all ofthe above siruarioDs. (a) lq$n€atcft&ft-sl I

LL-2tA t6
45. Quesrionins skil in teaching is no* as' ftqrlr I
]ltq {61 sr 4lrrd {qjFI6
3q*'ff 6tdr €
(l) ensufins students' active (r)3,'fq'rq t M&ii * sBs
panicipation tn ledfg s6l{1FlnT ti {ftFna 6{i i I

tne facls bv stu'lenls (2) tr{IFld * ERI n'jt a:l qis 6{i
(2) memorizing
m.king students disciPlined (r) fflhil d qTflFrd 6rt I I

(4) preparing students ibr (a) ffiiql a:l q{fl + f€qfrqT( qit
As a teachet your main respolsibilitv 46. !F ffrars * 5q I 3rqfi !5q M<rt
(l) reach your subj@t weu
(1) qci €sq ai lrd ({€ i q6'i1 I

(2) tra$fu]or Bai*r orat I

(2) evaluate the studeds
(3) prcnote all rcdd deleloPnoi or (3)ffi+n$tud'sd4driTr

(4) increase attention of students ir (a) 66r6qtffi+ rrd"lrciqfr

4?. Tlre natore of teachitrS Job is 4? . Rrqq qqqrq ff qfii i

(1) !ii{6q I

(2) adnin$tnl've (2) illlsfi-{ |

(3) serice'onenled (3) +qt-+Rd I

(4) ardslfir-d t

11 lP T.O.
,tE. While teaching in lhe cl4ss, you a8. sm d Rrsrq qtd
* qrq 3rqi iqr ft
nonced a few students aie 1!ho no1
tFfudFllRrqqiqRTfiirAt I
PaYinC atteniion. You would
(l) scold rhem fofuot,paying (1)qirfiA++ftqsast ill
(2) give a commd seekirg aliution. (2) qqii+fiiq66ir i
(3) (3) €+nl
(4) repon to &e Prilcipal. (4) eqFlsddft+J6{ir I

49, 49. srqRw ftqr 6r tdqR Fb-qi e<r

frqr ?
(l) vnoba Bhave (t) Eitdr nra
(21 Manaha ca.dhi (2) r[6r€r mi
(l) Rabindra.athTagore (3){*-dfler?ti{
(4) SdapauiRadhaloishmn (a) Fffi{lllrFBri
s0, Madburi has not b@n lcoring
sood s0. qgtr rrFld l316 3id erR {d s( cr
ndks jn bathenatics. Whar iU you rs'rc*r6ti ?tdi
(t) tell the pdents 10 give hei extra (1) ss* clnr-ft-drt s€+ftq qfrft:ft
iiqlr € aqefl + fu\ Farr
(2) find out De unde.lying rcAon (2) E{d {iiiRrd arq 6T qdr F-,rT
(3) .dvise hef Dor ro take stienc€ (3) 3n aTe t lidn lisq Rrd i +)
(a) ask her to focus hore and wo.k (a) rA €{&-s qr A si qfii qftqq

LL-21^ l8
R€sonins Ability {* qtqq
i*-,"t t't" (3rifFd tf,{ l|cq 60 i+i-')
,*.0**o ' "o "t**'
s1. rf HEALTH is writren as GSKZDG sl qiiHEAl-rlddalcsxzpqRlct
qm i d 3s +e i NoRTg a fts
tben how will NoRTtl be uritte! in
rharcode ?
v6Ri1iqlqq'rl ?
(l) oPSUI (l) oPsul
(3) !R?ML o) FRPML

(4) lusPo (4) lusPo

s2. In a cenaiD code laryuase, KAVERI 52' \'61iR(+ei XAVERIdVAKIRI
i. jiqlqrdli l3s 6Y€ iiMYSORxd'l
t, *.u"r o v,q.Ktrr. uow
? j*slrdRtft€lsrq'f ?
MYSORE wrftten intharco{te



LL-)lL !9 lPro.
sl. Six people A, B, C, D, E and I de s3. s€ qR A, B. C, D. E, 3rl F dd +
sted'og on rtre playground in q{,$l'tu 3nsri t tqi
a n-drqC i tFd"r
hexagonat s]tape.
All tie sides oflhe ae4l1q]1iqqFiEd{|l tAqR
nexaSon so formed are of sahe c+$rqr€fi, DqRcqt E
B qr
length. A is not adjacent 10BorctD +da.rr$i, B:lh cdorl, F qR
is lot adjacenr ro C or E; B a.d C Do,.tc++"Ci
de adjacenr F h iD rhe Diddte ofD

r\tich ofrhe following is nol a corect ffiGn i + qti qt \'6 FS FetS

VcrSi ?

(2) DdndF (2) D 3it F

(l) BandE (3) BiflrE
(4) Candl (4) cailrF

54. If A+B > C+D and B+C > A+D, oren 54. qRA+B > C+D 3i{ B+C > A+D ?
daqi fiFlnA ft
{r) D>B (l) D>B
(2) C> D (2) C>D
(r) A >D (3) A>D
(4) B>D (4) B>D

LL2,A 20
55. In an exmination, Josef scores 4 ss \'6ctciri+t$t+4FdTf{+ldq
4 3i6 slq qrni 3i{
qd6 T{d rtr{
narks for every corecl dswer dd
loses I ndk tbr every wrolg 6Nw€r * ftq I si6:6q qr(I i t iqft+is
lf attdpls
Josef in all 60 questioN srt 60 !{i i
di 6adr 3ik 1 30 ci6
andsecues 130nark $e nunberof sl<s.dr?Arciffie'itFd
quesdons he attmpted corecrY. ls Ttr{ feq

(i) 35 (l) 35

(2) 38
(2) 38
(r) 40 (3) 40
(4) 42 14) 42

56. In itibal village, 40% of the adulis s6.

a Ffiqdq rfu i
lqF sftfud

are iherate while are 85% of the iTdR 8s% 4€FIfirdi lqEq=ii
childr@ are litdate. lfthe ratio ofthe A g(ar i qqsl EI e-lcrd , , 3l A
adults to thar of the children is 2 : 3,
q{i@lal RiiriT tIt$n ftkn i ?

$e! what permt olthe Polulaior N

(r) 20% (t\ 20%

(2) 25% Q) 25%

(l) 50% (3) 50%
(4) 15% (4) 75%

LL2/A 2l lPT.O.
s7. A!'ertion (A) | v-accines prevent s7. 3rFt*ir{ (A) : a+ ffsl t +6qrq
d$eases. 6{i? I

Reson (R) I Vaccines inusl6e givd (R) : Fist al A+ q6r
to chiidren. "*
qrRS I

Mdk your answer as pef ihF codes *iftq'rq*s* 3nsR q{ qq}rtr{q(

prcvided below: fi{nq d,rES,
(l) Borh A and R de true and R is ( i ) A 3it R ?iii qS A den R, A 6
the corect expranation ofA. {r$qrE4li I

(2) BothAddRdertueburRisnot (2) A sit R fi€&i q{<

the coftct expldadon ofA_ {S alr@r € i I

(3) A is true bul R is f6lse. (3) Arf$lc{<R,r{di I

{4) A is false but R is rue. (a) A r|{d A ci< R €d ? |

58. A$e.tion (A) : Bab catr ay in the s8. 3rfoffI{ (A) : s4rrig IId I -s s6i
nish. i r

Reson (R) : Bars emit ulbas6nic_ a'* 6y: anr<<ra<f+*ceFfas(i

Ma.k your answer as per !h6 cods ++Aq'Iq+c+ 3flq(RqqiJtr{c{
prolided below: fi*r'rqllES,
(l) aoth A ed R m true and R i! (r ) A si{ R iii {fl i drrr R, A 6
Lhe ofA.
corecl expldation FdaRdri I

(2) BothA dd R are hue but R is nor (2) A*RaiiF{ic<R,A6

rhe cor6t expt@tion ofA. €.A qrqr {S i I

(3) A is true but R is false. (3) ATl$ivqRrrrral I

(4) A is false but R is Lrue. (a) A'Fdiq{dRFdi I

LL.UA 22
59. How qany lriaDsles @ th@ in the 5e fiEftfun 3r5ii i fr-di fftc i ?

0)6 (1) 6
(2) l0 (2) ro
(3) ll (3) 11
\4) 12
l4J 12
60. Looking into a nftd, lhe clock shoss 60. qa 3{q i ?€l q{ F3 I 9:30 6t {qq
9:30 as lhe lime. The actual ine is R€ii+drt rsiRfrdsqqi
(l) 2:30 (r) 2,30
(2) 3:30 \2) 3t3g
(3) 4:30 (3) 4;30
(4) 610 (a)6:30

6r. r'+t= I ddr+ l=t tben wnat is 6t. qRr+-- 1et
qnFrt ?

0)t (1) I
(2) I (2) -l
(3) 0 (3) 0
(4\ v2 (4\ V2

LL.2/A 23 lPT.O.
62. The picchan given below slDws the 62. *i ficr'rfl crr-qd q6 ffapff + <Rr
narks obtained by a studelnt in all sd M t qrR d+iat?{rl-fl i tqft
examrnatron. If the lolal marks rqi s11l fqsriil tF 5ao si6,]Ri+q
oblained by him itr rle exarninalion ? fr w crr-qd * 3r'qn c{ +i f( rlq
wft 540, aiswer the qlestion gilen
below bsed on this pi+ch.rt

Hor tnanymo.e narts were obrained tuerllf + Em tid 4t (fir I rF|d i

by the studenr in Marhenatics than ffi sis i,fu6 ftS rlq ?
(l) 30 (1) t0
\4 2a e) 20
(3) l0 (3) l0
(.r) 40 (4) 40
63. sel€trherelatedword aom thesiven 63. liqllq M ta ftiFld$<$i 3AS

(l) Gahan Bell (r)nr6ria
(2) landay (r) tdri
(4) J. L. Band (a) q.r{d. #

LL 2IA 24
64. ? is the brother ofQ ed R. SisRs 64. Q
P, *{
Rql qri ? I s. Rfrlil
mother, T is ?! fathet which ofthe
r. P6I ftnl lffiGdli+{sl
foltowing slat.nent ca!not be 6?r{ fiF{d 6q t {S i{f €l Eddr i

(l) T is Q's father (1) r, Q41ftflt

(2) S is P\ nober (2) s. P*cii
(3) P is S's son (3) P, s qISti
(4) Q is r\ soD
(4) Q, r6rgti
65, Iind the wrcng numbe. in fte senes 6s. "ilgdr
I rrdd {i@r 4T qfl ijrlEq
3. 10.21, 4. 16, 64, 5,25, 125 3, 10,21, 4, 16,64,5,25' r25
0)l 3

(2) 4 \2) 4
(3) 10 (3) 1o
(4) 21 \4) 21

66. Find th€ missing Nnber 66. i:fi rirdT 6I trdl qqd
l,z. _, 12,21
(l) 3 0)3
(2) 5
(2) 5

(3) 1
(3) 7
(4) e 14) e

67, Iind the odd ore out 67. a+s 6r q.dT dqlq
(l) cos 0) c05
Q) J12 Q) r12
(3) Nl7 (3) Nl7
(4) U23 (4) U23

LL-2/A 25 IPTO.
73, Cohpare rhe krowledge ofpe6o!,s 73.
A, B. c, D!q E+{r{dgirirqil
A, B, C, D and E. A loows more than
A, E qfus sFdr i; i
E, c s{86
Ei E knows nore !ha! C; C k ows qlrii ?; c, D d 3r1!F cFdr ?j B,A
nore rhan Dj B knows more tnan A,
Ther who is best knowtslgeable ?
n 3,'fua q|{fi 1 i fiqqffud nr{qn
(1) A
(2) B (2) B
(l) c (3) C
(4) D (1) D
74. A dice fou tihes dd its lou 74. q6 cl+ 4l q{ qR +6r qrdr rF
is rhiown
I l{Si
dlFerent posiiions are given betor. qRfitqFfid{ia.dl I 2+Glqtn
Fjnd the number on the face oplosile Fdic{+rfl3i6+II ?

(r) (2) (3) (4)
(r) (2) (3) (4)
(l) 3 (1) l
o4 \2) 4
(l) 5 (3) 5
(4) 6 (4) 6

LL 2tA 28
ft42 dq
?5. Choose the allemhve 7s. *A 'IqriAsi * EdlFr4q€

resembles fte ninor diftq 6l ffff, + it{ q{ 6l

ANS43Q l2 ANS43Ql2
(l) Ah?|t9ls (1) A142|€91!
(2) Sr9r$ZtlA (2) Srqtlz14A
(r) z14A€19Sl (3) ?r.rA €19 s l
(4) tsg[€A]42 (4) rs9ltAhz
(l) I (l) I

Q)2 (2\ 2
(3) 3 (3) 3

(4) 4 ('1) 4

?6. Find out from amongsl the fou. ?6.?lrft'te:iff3Ad+sleRcTcfig{r

altemrives as to how the Pattern tql q{ t qracsff sFrs +l Td 6A
would lPPd when ln€ trmparem firi ii4l
sh@t is folded al the dotted line

x Fl__l
N Wi,
mi W:: Mi; nL.;
2 3

0) o) I
(2) 2 (2) 2
(t) 3 (3) l
(41 (4)

LL2IA 29 IP.T.O.
77. A nmber sdies i! givo withoDe r€n 77. qd {@r
'iE-fi* rd t M r$,G
n$ing. Choose the conect alteoaiive dERqrwri r*Aftq.lsE!i.dlt
that will continue tlie patteh iD ptace q-d frrd ifiq, -it eri fiE + rqn qr
ofthe question mad( lFml +r qrt rr+r
6,13,28,59,? 6,13,2E,59,?
(l) ltr (l) lll
\2) 122 (2) t22
(3) ll3
{3) 1ll
(4) ll4 (.r) l14
7E. In a row of2l boys, when Rajendn 78. zr Fc6l fr (s .iR I rq rla nir
fod pt&es towards the
was shifted by ir{ n{s qT{ prll srd &q] ,rql A {d
ngh! he become l2th fton th€ left i
srd d{s l2i rarF R A ,rql | <r{
end. What was his eartier posilior il{eq'dqR;ttr6irq+#€Rlft
ton &€ ri8ht end ofthe row ?
(l) r3th (t) 3€l
(2) r4th (2) 1aA
(3) r2rh (3) rr€l
(4) 9dr (a) eA
79. Wlat will come in pl&e of ? 79, tti fi6 + et]-{ q{ wr qr}n
4nt2lt:1521? 40 r2l ::152:?
(u 75 (tJ 75
(2) 5l
\2) 5l
(3) 77 (3) 71
(4) 53 (4) 53

LI.UA 30
qq" qt 3l x 3{F1i
figlre which satisfies the 80. sq 3rTii 6r
80. Select the
sm€ cddiuon oftle plac€dml ofdot + scF d fu€ m RIft 6l (en 4rd

0) o)




(t) I 0) I
(2) 1
(3) 3 l
{4) 4 (4)



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