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Pursuing Happiness 4 all

Awake your own happiness –

and help to heal the world
through happiness


I am writing this book and creating what I need to create,

because we now need to do what we as human beings are
ready for on a conscious level – simply to change the
world into a better place to be for us, our kids and
grandkids, the nature, the animals, and our human
followers in next lives.

As Einstein said: “You can not change problems from the

same level of consciousness you created them on”

Already so many fantastic people have written books,

singing songs, teaches, educates, coach, and comment on
the change and our consciousness readiness - and I myself
have read so many books, done so much in my old life,
gone to so many retreats, have meet so many guides – that
sometimes its all very confusing – and just recently I
found out why that is – I was simply not using it all to
make a real difference in the world – so now its enough – I
stop reading all the books, go to the seminars searching
etc – and start executing – pursuing happiness for all.

And for all of you that feel the same way – this is exactly
what this book is about – namely how you and your fellow
human beings can find your and theirs true self and
become human doings that actually change the world big
scale in to something that we all want deep in our hearts –
namely to find, give and share happiness for the
sustainability of Our Purpose, People, Planet and Profit in
that priority i.e, and that in a totally different way than
anyone of us people or perhaps only a few of us are doing

How is that going to happen – well just try to follow my


I have a happiness mission:

Happiness 4 all
(too simple – why?)

is that not what we are supposed to feel today – and every

day – what else should we be here for – well when your
soul decided to come here wasn´t that to be fulfilled and
feel happiness and have the human experiences that you
are supposed to have to be ready for next incarnation – so
that you eventually can come home to God (or whatever
you believe in) and come back for more great stuff in
another life.

So lets try again –

Happiness 4 all
– isn’t that the least life should bring, if not so then why
not? Dig deep in your heart and ask yourself why not?
– and you have already taken your first step towards this
new perception of your life.

And I assure you it is needed if we want to see another

way of living than today’s troubled world. We need to
heal ourselves to heal our world – inside out and not
continuing to try to solve problems from the same
consciousness level as they are created through the last
5000 years.

Yes I mean it – we humans have been fighting each others

for so long everyone can remember for land, power,
money, religion, beliefs, love, sex, more money, bigger
houses, bigger cars, more sex, higher salaries and bonuses,
to be popular, for bosses – and their spouses, for our own
spouses, for our children’s wellbeing and the list goes on
– but it has never been as bad as in the last 200 years
where more people have died due to our technical

So let us decide to make this decade the tipping

point for humanity and the universe – starting

As Kierkegaard wrote – “to change the world

start with your self”. – and even if you don’t get
further than changing yourself – thats a major

Who the f is this guy telling me we have to

change the world/me?
How is he going to make me reach the STARS in
a balanced way and be able to be consciously
happy everyday?

I recently read a wonderful book by Wayne Muller, "Sabbath: Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest."
(Bantam Books, April 1999) The following passage points to this important step to happiness:

"The noise of our lives made us deaf, unable to hear when we are called, or from which direction.
Henri (a friend of Muller's and a priest) said our lives have become absurd -- because in the word
absurd we find the Latin word absurdus, which means 'deaf.' In our spiritual life we need to listen to
God who constantly speaks but whom we seldom hear in our hurried defense.

On the other hand, Henri was fond of reminding me that the word obedient comes from the Latin word
audire, which means 'to listen.' Henri believed that a spiritual life was a pilgrimage from absurdity to
obedience -- from deafness to listening."

If you're living a loud life of absurdity, it's important to add in moments of peaceful rest and solitude so
you can listen and hear life call to you.

What is this book actually about?

It’s about how you can create a happy private life and a successful career - not either or but both and.

And when you're talking life, it is about the challenges you all review and happens to us. As an experienced
business man with the wisdom from a long life, it provides help to raise awareness and create opportunity from a
different angle, so that you by taking good care can avoid falling into the worst traps that life offers.

The book is intended as a working tool that you can look up in when you need it, depending on the situations you
have come in by themselves or through others, and gives you instructions to minimize unnecessary stress and
illness, and create a good life with a healthy lifestyle that gives you the basis for also creating a good career
where you have yourself the whole way and you want go all the way in a good way. The book gives you the
sense of things is to know in a simple and workable way.

It's about getting to the core, you all have - where you are unique, find what you have to offer and what you have
to give, but also very much what you have to be able to get the most out of it in a way you can afford to.
"People are the key. Humans are meant to grow. That leadership is also about quality of life and health. To work,
leadership, performance and cooperation are linked. In many books on management and HR, man is an
instrument - an instrument, something that can be pushed, pulled, threatened and motivated - a resource, a
human capital - something that can be purchased on labor markets and provided with incentive programs, fringe
benefits, talent management and many other different such inventions to get it to move in an inevitable direction.
"And then he writes further:" It may be good enough. But where is the respect for the individual and its core
throughout the mountain of literature, which regards people as little machines? All people have a positive core,
consisting of human qualities and potential. The kernel is the original and deepest in man and when man is in
touch with its core it is in contact with all the vivid and natural in themselves. In essence lies all human resources
and qualities - both those individuals know, and those who still only have the germ and could develop if given the
right conditions. "

What this book and the underlying process is about helping you to find the germs and everything else that can
be developed - and then give you the tools to create the conditions that you can develop it, alone or with others
so that you can have a completely different role in your life and the lives of others and the labor market, you want
to go out and make a difference in.

In short: It's about You - your awareness and how you are re-creating yourself.


The purpose of this book is to give students and other good people some of the things they lack or have been
saved for them through their study - namely the ability to distinguish between what is appropriate and not
appropriate in life and in the job.

Through your higher education you will learn many things and related to the development of your mental
intelligence (IQ) but not much about life as a nutshell, interaction with others (emotional intelligence EQ) and its
relationship to the society and the world you live in. It often means that when the students get into jobs so they
must first enter an adjustment process which can be extremely painful and often destructive, especially since
some are not really aware of the needs, talents, passion and conscience, he or she has or will develop, and
therefore tries to align themselves with the already established systems where they do not fit.

Through my work as a manager and management consultant in my country and abroad, I have seen the same
pattern of power struggles, competition, fights, insensitivity, lack of willingness to cooperate and objectives to be
pursued without regard to costs on the individual's mind, body and soul, and I have therefore developed and
implemented a 3-month program for students which allows them to see through relationships and patterns, and
their own situation in a way as to prevent the landing of those things - unless they choose it. This program I've
recorded on CD, which then have been merged and spiced with a little more of my own experiences and

Many have asked me why I do what I do and I think I can best respond to relate myself to the root causes of my
program, developed for some time and through some processes and development activities with me, some of
which are used in business within the last 15 years.

In short this book is about you – your

consciousness, and how to recreate yourself.
About The Author – and what he believes in and
stand for
I started writing this in order to create an artwork that combines what I know about consciousness evolving
activities at the correct balance for the individual allowing for a higher spirituality and higher consciousness - and

But why is it important we can start by asking ourselves - it is because the problems we have created a level of
consciousness can not be corrected with the same level of consciousness - we must therefore constantly ensure
our ability and desire to move - evolution -- if we must correct our ways and be and act on.

There is of course the higher purpose of ensuring that we - the human race - to move forward from the problems
we have created at the existing level - climate, war, incest, pedophilia, trigger-happy youth, extreme religions
and terrorism on a large degree.

Don Beck and Graves - have researched our evolutionary process and perceives that we are in a spiral-like
development with 9 levels - where we have to go through all levels, ie to say that we must constantly ensure that
the spiral is intact - and just support the process to move as quickly as possible through them so we can get to
the higher layers Tier 2 - based on the unity thinking and compassion instead of Tier 1 is based on fear.

Ken Wilber also uses this model to describe its model of holistic thinking in his AQUAL model. I, WE, IT, ITS -
and compares Beck / Graves 9 spiral levels Enneagram 9 levels of development.

Overall, everything I've read focused on us to develop ourselves through 9 levels to reach the spirituality which
ensures that we achieve unity thinking and balance - and make sure we are in the moment, acting in the moment
and making the future possibilities for action in moment v means of targeting and planning.

And not forgetting the joy of efficiency in getting our highest wish to come true and get done what we should -
Swallow the Frog by Brian Tracy gather this up quite well.

Based on the questions that are asked, this is my reply:

- Is there an ulterior motive to it from your page?

- Yes it is quite clear. We all talk about stress and how hard it is to get family and professional life back together,
and while looks are plenty of statistics about leadership levels of stress, that stress is now an epidemic and that
even very young people coming straight from training, being placed in an unfair stressful situation because we
are in business fail to ensure proper coherence between needs, expectations and outcomes at all levels. The
results are not that we become happier as people, and that we create a world in which your children can be
proud of rather the opposite. It seems that it clearly other forces driving the evolution (your evolution) - and see
systems theory is I think we are in chaos which in turn must come order. My ulterior motive is simply to ensure
that we as individuals find ourselves and strengthens our inner core, making it easier for ourselves (the new
leaders) and with others to create the new order - in a way we will all be more happy and satisfied. I focused on
young people is so with that I believe in you to create a new way must not allow ourselves to prevent the existing
systems and cultures, but be it as in a molecule affects the molecule and get to develop positively. If it then in
turn can reduce both sick leave and sick presence - and make us happier as people in a global village, then am I
happy to have contributed anything to it.
- Why is it important to you?
- I have now reached an age (call it wisdom, not age) and has achieved the objects and goals which I set before
I was 50, and through my own ongoing learning, I would now like to give something of the energy back to the
community / universe, as it has given me - and this is my passion, which is to grow people - be it as leader,
father, grandfather, or citizenship. I have always been and continues to develop business, and it can only be
done in a way - namely through people, but it must be in the right way.

- Why is it important for young people to participate in this kind?

- As a young man to standing facing a lot of choices and it is important that it not be elected to govern you, but
you govern elections. It is therefore crucial to find himself at an early age, decide where to go and how, and how
you can get it done the right way without destroying too many others (or yourself) on the road. Unfortunately, I
pierced my career nationally and internationally seen too many examples and destinies that suggest the
opposite, and sometimes with an output which I am sure that the people did not want - but they did not know
better. My background, age and experience and my continuing knowledge collection about the latest discoveries
about man's continued evolution within the body, mind, emotions and your spirituality that affects yourself, your
community and society / universe - gives me a unique opportunity to transfer knowledge to and inspire young
people so that their choices and what they create for themselves and others will be as appropriate as possible.

- Why do you think interest among young people is so great?

Look at society and feel what you see - are you satisfied? I think that young people want something different,
they have seen their parents get divorced, have a chronic psychosomatic illness, dying prematurely, or have no
joined life - there is another way - and I hope and believe that I can be with a small corner of it as needed to the
young people can change the development for themselves and for society.

- Have professionals a duty to do something like what you do here?

- It must of course be up to the individual, but I think it becomes more and more individuals are profits to help
others and not focus only on its own needs. You can all do something and many already do around the world,
the art is to find your talent and then think about it in a larger societal context. There are lots of idealists in
today's society, as if it was only for money had never been elected to the job. But we are all in our own unique
way - find the talent and use it in the right way and not only for the benefit of shareholders, stock markets etc.

- Do you see a connection between this and CSR?

Yes I do, but I would like to expand the concept. Corporate Social Responsibility - should be expanded with
Corporate Human Responsibility, Corporate Planet Responsibility, Corporate Profit Responsibility - and all things
should be based on one thing and it's sustainability (sustainability). And as a company in the global village, I
believe it is crucial that you make all things equal concern and work in a holistic sense perception, thinking and
action which not only covers CPR - Profit share, which unfortunately is still in most cases stands as the only
decisive. Fortunately, we are on track, but there is a long way, and I will spend the rest of my life to create further
inspiration and commitment around.
My intention

I have always known that there was a new crusade to be on. But I needed to

decide which one would fulfil the body mind and spirit in others and myself.

Perhaps this story will be one of the most important stories for others who are

on a similar crusade as I. These are the people who want to assist in helping

other people to find their true purpose for the benefit of mankind. They want

to create a way to help all of us have a life filled with happiness, relaxation

and meaning.

Others on a similar crusade have become obsolete business models. Their era

has not brought us fulfilment, freedom, peace harmony or acceptance of

diversity—at best, their era brought about a more stressful life for others.

And I have to admit – I was one of them.

I want to explore ways to find the Happiness Angel inside me and help others

do the same. But, you may ask, What is a Happiness Angel?

The Happiness Angel

• I Sense that each and one of us have the ability to make a unique
difference in today's troubled world, and by making that difference
you can help yourself as well as others to create more happiness.
• I envisage you raising your sights above your own ego, so that
everything you do is for the best for yourself, your relations and
ultimately all of us.
• I envisage that you are able to find your true purpose and by doing so
help other find theirs too, just by being yourself. To make this
possible I believe you have to give without expectations, to love
without conditions, and to honour every human being and everything
in the world and the universe at its own right.
• I feel we all have to become more spiritual purpose- and value
oriented and work for the higher good.
• I know that each one of us, have to take our own untraveled road to
find ourselves through good and bad times both equally important,
from unconscious ego´s to conscious wholeness and to travel the
spiral of evolution from the level of fear to the level of compassion.
• I envisage the results are that each one of us in work and life, take
our responsibility for the world in which we operate and from which
we create our wealth and happiness.
• I see myself becoming one of those happiness angels in my own
unique way, that contribute for the sustainability of Our Purpose,
Planet, People and Profit in that priority.
– Jan B. Frederiksen
I’m sure you, as the reader, have a lot of questions. Let me begin to answer

them by telling you a little about myself and how I have come to be where I

am now.

My History in Brief

I am a 55-year-old man, husband and father from Denmark who has learned

to be proud of my heritage and the small country I call home. People from the

cold, northern part of Europe can influence the world in ways both good and

bad. I come from a hard-working family. My father died when I was four—at

least that’s what I was told. He was a forest-worker in Sweden, and as I got

older, my mother looked at me and said I looked more and more like my

father. But she didn’t tell me I was a love-child, a fact that would have spared

me a lot of pain and suffering. My mother was a strong woman with good

values who always took care of me.

I had a school teacher that became a father-figure to me. I finished school at

age 16 and had no other opportunity available to me other than entering the

workforce—so that’s what I did. It was not until much later in life that I

began to really learn and study.

I met my first wife at the age of 16 and had two sons by the time I was 24-

years-old. We divorced later because I spent too much time building my first

company of Information Technology consultants. By the time I was 36, I was

remarried with two more sons.

I have always tried to live my life in the order of these standards: Be happy,

have fun, make a difference, be profitable. But somehow these standards

started to turn upside down, until profitability was my only focus and inner

happiness moved to the back burner. I still lived a good life and worked hard.

There was love, happiness, and materialism. Then, in 2002, it all crashed, and

I became very depressed.

I have been a leader for many years in different companies. My most recent

position was as a global partner and consultant in Deloitte. I worked with

national and international companies. From time to time, I felt ill-at-ease in

many of the situations I found myself. I was often uncertain of whether or not

I was in the right place at the right time. In most cases, I learned to accept

things as they were. But other times, I could not accept them. I sometimes

tried different routes—some where successful and others weren’t—and I

learned from these experiences.

One of these different routes took place in 2002 after a tough—and fun—

period of time when I worked for one of five large international management

consulting businesses. There were lots of downs and only a few ups.

As a result, I broke off and began my own company that would train other

leaders to use the seven habits described in Steven R. Covey’s book The

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. I brought the franchise to the

Nordic market—but I soon felt restricted by the concept. Then everything

crashed again, and events in my own life forced me to look deep into myself.

I practically had to re-invent myself and my roles as a father, husband and

business man. It took the help of doctors, psychologists, spiritual guides,

hypnosis guides, chiropractors, body therapists, old friends and others. It was

a trying period for my wife and sons and I thank them a lot for their patience.

As the saying goes, “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.”

And that’s what I did. And now I feel more at ease and more alive than I ever

have before. I can actually feel the energy level in my body for the first time

in 20 years.

After 5 years of learning and reading, a lot of pain and suffering as that is the

messages from the soul, I know I am ready for a big jump—and a new

mission—the mission of now—a result of my inner wake up call.

I have worked in many different settings with different angles. Just recently

an epiphany came to me based on an inspirational article from Danah Zohar.

I realized we all should aim for a new role model in the world, one that is
similar to the old world with all the glamour that came with it. In other

words, we should all aim to be Happiness Angels. In my world of words, this

is the best metaphor to express a win-win mindset and synergistic thinking

and doing.

I am ready for the power of now; are you?

How to find and become a Happiness Angel

The Happiness Angel concept is a new way for me to give back all of the

good things I have received from others in my life. I have been privileged

enough to get what I ask for, even though it was hard at times. I believe that

you can achieve what you want. I also believe if you don’t die you will be

strengthened—according to evolutionary theory. As Monty Python would

say, “Life is a bitch and then you die.”

I believe I am on a new crusade, and I want to invite others to join me. We

can allow our ambitions to come from within, leave our egos at the door and

set out to conquer the world as a part of the new global world of Happiness

Angels. I urge you to join us in creating a movement of networks and

organizations that will find, train, measure and celebrate these Happiness

Angels as a method of achieving a new life and work environment that

focuses on sustaining ourselves, others as well as our world.

I encourage you to accept this invitation to participate in the first inspirational

workshop where we will works to establish a “Global Impact Day” that will

take place each year. This is a day where everyone will serve as a happiness

angel in the area of their choice and help us all to create a better world both

for businesses and communities.

Jan B Frederiksen
I am the one who always has gone up on the barricades, fought for my team and fought for myself. And
sometimes I've had with heart - therefore Teddy bear. Other times I just pulled people down. It seems you also
have to get some knowledge about: Who are you that type? Has anything been consulted about the
Enneagram? .... (Jan tells what the Enneagram is). And I have found out that I have an 8's. And 8s have some
weaknesses - namely, that sometimes you so busy with tons Derudaf so you pass everything else. I have then
found out later in life, it was perhaps not so appropriate. But sometimes you only find out, when you are made
aware of it. So is the first step in your process that I just found out: Who am I and type? And how is it I must be
obs? I said from the outset here that it had something to do with consciousness. Consciousness is a pretty good
item to start doing something about. If you are constantly running on the unconscious and think: I can not be
changed or who am I? So is there really something. Awareness component is an extremely important part of it

(Jan tells more about her career life: Consultant throughout his life - IT, strategy, people, leaving Deloitte, a local
shipping company, Business Development, business development, international + national leadership in 25
years. Deloitte in 4 years.)

It was f ... fun but also hard. So if you want it, you just know what you're getting into. And so it is with everything.
Sometimes it takes you some choices and then you find out - unfortunately too late sometimes - what the
consequences are. So it is with every election. You may not always know in advance what you enter in.
Sometimes you just take it step - have the courage to do it and then see what happens. Not? Come on. It is not
harder than that you can always come back. Or is it? .... Do you want to resign, if you first come up? ... So what
is it you have to do? You have to be sure that you have alone with the whole way. You have to be sure that you
dare to go the whole hog. I have also been trained to take your first step A, then you also take the step B. And
unfortunately there are some people where it goes really wrong for them. It is obviously true regret and feel sorry
for them. Luckily I have not been there. But I've also been in stressful situations, I've also been in depressive
situations, so I've been all along. And that is what I hope.

My motto is about being happy, having fun, making a difference, be profitable in several dimensions, not just the
business part of it. And be myself. And unfortunately, I must say I was in a moment and be very focused on the
here and unfortunately missed some of the other things. It creates a depression. Because when you find out that
you actually sit the wrong place and doing the wrong things. Then you have to find out what you can do to make
it better. And life is not always just a road. Sometimes there is such a bib number into the middle, which just tells
one: Hey, there was something here you lost en route. Or: How do you regain it again now. And there's a
Chinese proverb that says if you are busy and very busy all the time, so it may well be that you just must stop to
get to the soul. I must admit. I'd forgotten at least for a time in my life. I hope that this is some of what you'll learn
here: Oops, stop straight up and then see what happens.

I bring wisdom, inspiration, fun and joy with this workshop. The reason for my writing this is that it's not enough
to get. It is also important to give. So - just a little when you multiply your team, so I come to tell you a little about
what you bring to this workshop. It is not just a question and give from me. It is also a question of giving the
group ....

Jan "s mission, values and objectives - updated in La Gomera 07-April 2008.

Life Purpose:

Create happiness and consciousness in the world through Love, Courage, Being, Inspiring --
Healing between people (Love)
Be a role model (Courage)
Show the Way (Being)
Grow people (INSPIRE)


Be happy by having fun and love and be profitable in Life through:

Emotions (Love and Compassion), Spirit (abundance, honesty and vulnerable), Contribution (giving), Money
(active and passive income) and Being true to myself (curious, open-minded).

IQ: Personal development / training awareness week

SQ: Ro / balance using the meditation (confidence), unconditional giving (joy), Bevidshedsudv. (Love)

PQ: economic independence and freedom, Great health / vitality (Feel healthy every day)

EQ: Fun to / from all (be a gift), Respect for the individual (openness), Life Partner (love)


1. Write bestselling book of business and people (get ready to live the life you want two live)

2. Happiness Academy (HQ Center) established and successful

A. HA in Africa
B. "D-Inside / Out and Get More Success in Work and Life" Student training - how to become a peak performer
happy - daily
Establishment Phase - Engage others, lectures, sponsors,
Profiling Phase --
Growth Phase - grow in other countries using the Angels / Knights, GNP, etc.
Chapter 1


Aspire to inspire before you expire

Ref. to Bruce Lipton´s perceptions model,

1. instinct, 2. subconscious, 3. conscious.
To change the world we live in we have to change our behaviour

Any behaviour is possible to change you just have to change your

biology (subconscious mind) by changing your perceptions/beliefs –
Bruce Lipton
Its of outmost importance to understand that our biology works from only two major things – love or
fear – first one is what we are attracted to – second what we protect ourselves from.

Fear makes us fight or flight – which build stress hormones in the body; moves blood from forebrain
and other vital parts to arms and legs which gives unintelligent readiness for what we need to do.

Love makes us open for everything and keeps the forebrain and other vital organs filled with blood
which creates intelligent behaviour for what we need to do.
Fear is not something we should work from constantly, as it was only meant to be in place for when the
tiger or lion arrives when hunting, however today’s society brings most of us there everyday 7/24/365 –
due to our perceptions of life and work situations. That means that most of us are in a constant
unintelligent subconscious situation, working from our habitual and biological inheritance – we
are unconscious incompetent.
However change don’t come easy – and many that have tried to change habits know how hard it can be
until you got it. Let
me share a secret with you, the only thing you need is
courage to do what you need to do, then the rest comes by itself – to
really change start moving into another environment – i.e. that is if you are a
drug addict – any great effort you do demands so much more of you in the same environment – so

Change can only happen when we are in conscious mind –

but we cannot function there all the time so the point is to
bring forward, what needs changing to the conscious mind
and reprogram your perception of it and then ritualize it,
so that our subconscious mind can take over again. And
by doing that we can become unconscious competent.

Happiness and peace academy guides you in this to bring

it forward to your conscious mind, help you to ritualize it,
and then just wait to see the consequence of it happen –
supporting you when impatience sets in.

And to day its all about Happiness – why?

Happiness is for me a question of consciously knowing,

feeling, and experiencing happiness within yourself and
with others. If its not conscious what happens to you then
you cannot learn from it – if you cannot learn from it, it
does not grow you and others around you – and whether
you like it or not that’s exactly why you are here – to
make sure that evolution is happening.
Happiness is not always about being joyful, laughing etc.
it’s the inner feeling in your heart and rest of your body
that makes you want to forgive, give without expectations,
love without conditions, fill yourself up, do not condemn,
be nice to everyone and in all connections to yourself and

Too much? Maybe, but trying doesnt hurt , and you just
wait and see what will happen in you.

Neale Walsch ref.

Be a gift to everyone you meet and allow them to be a gift

to you. (How can I do that? Easy – just start smiling and
say hallo to everyone you meet (nothing is coincidence) –
and everyone you meet 2-3 times is part of your life, so
start knowing them)

My mission:
(So, how am I going to do that – well first of all I can do
nothing alone – so I need all your help to make this

My plan is together with interested global and local

partners, and all the rest of you that want to be part of
this, to create Happiness and peace Academies all over the
world where everyone have a chance to find themselves
and their true purpose through training and sharing and
paying it forward – and the first 100 students are already
trained in Denmark.

Payments for the training/coaching and guidance will be

on the basis of perceived value and that you pay what you
can, when you can – but always continue to pay the
wisdom learned forward to other fellow beings.
The overall policy for all the Happiness and peace academies will be
based on a sharing non-profit model – whether it comes from donations
or valued pricing.

Our goals are

A new Happiness and peace academy in each region of the world every
year, with use of local partners and abundance principles of sharing,
based on co-creation, love and compassion for each other and our planet.

Everyone is welcome, but the focus of our training,

coaching and guidance will be on our children and young
people from age 4-30 no matter race, gender, situation,
religion, poor or rich etc

(yes I am sorry – but too many adults are not to save until
their crises hit them – which creates consciousness to some
but not all)
– the age 4-30 are the ones that have the vested interest
and are our new leaders in this world – and the ones that
can find the consciousness they came in to this life with
quickly as they are not too distorted – without having to
go through all life´s crises before realizing what is needed
to do.

Others have written so fantastic about this before, so

Reawaken your curiosity

"What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and
the feeble mentality of the average adult."
-- Sigmund Freud

Why is this so?

Young children possess what Zen calls ‘beginner’s mind.’ They are awed and fascinated with the
wonder of the world, open to discovering and experiencing new things. Anything is possible. Life is a
great adventure.

For almost all of us, the systems that ‘educate’ us to be adults stifle our natural joy and curiosity. We
lose touch with our innate appreciation of life. We forget how to dream.

The blessing is that with attention, patience and love, we can reawaken our sense of wonder. We can
again dance with life.

"The mind WILL be free, or it will be dead."

-- Grace Llewellyn
We guide you from where you are to who you
The basis of the training is to help you see yourself from a position of
fear and ego – guide you to become your true self and be ready to travel
the below mentioned road for a Happiness Angel.

• I Sense that each and one of us have the ability to make a unique
difference in today's troubled world, and by making that difference
you can help yourself as well as others to create more happiness.
• I envisage you raising your sights above your own ego, so that
everything you do is for the best for yourself, your relations and
ultimately all of us.
• I envisage that you are able to find your true purpose and by doing so
help other find theirs too, just by being yourself. To make this
possible I believe you have to give without expectations, to love
without conditions, and to honour every human being and everything
in the world and the universe at its own right.
• I feel we all have to become more spiritual purpose- and value
oriented and work for the higher good.
• I know that each one of us, have to take our own untraveled road to
find ourselves through good and bad times both equally important,
from unconscious ego´s to conscious wholeness and to travel the
spiral of evolution from the level of fear to the level of compassion.
• I envisage the results are that each one of us in work and life, take
our responsibility for the world in which we operate and from which
we create our wealth and happiness.
• I see myself becoming one of those happiness angels in my own
unique way, that contribute for the sustainability of Our Purpose,
Planet, People and Profit in that priority.
– Jan B. Frederiksen
Connecting the dots/Overall Purpose of Happiness and Peace Academy

The power of
Synergistic co

To Conscious
Just recently I listened to Andrew Cohen and Barbra Max-Hubbard
about “Higher we” and it just inspired me to be hitting the ground and
start doing what I have been thinking about for many years but really
seriously almost 24 months now – to inspire all of us to create a
happiness planet or planet of happiness. So as Andrew Cohen and
Barbra Max Hubbard was discussing where and who would take lead on
making communities related to the conscious evolution happen. Well
Happiness and Peace Academy is but one way to EXECUTE.

Happiness Ange
As we work from the inside out – and through the Happiness process in
our hearts goes from Fear to Compassion – and starts thinking and
acting from “I” to “US”, we will see major change anywhere – actually it
becomes a win/win or no deal for everyone. But it certainly demands
courage to change the pattern of today – and we will see serious
resistance from people, organizations etc but the evolution is inevitable –
change will happen for the best. We can take giant steps or baby steps –
from one trained Happiness Angel to a Happiness Planet through
Happiness Teams, groups and Networks to Happiness Companies and
Happiness Communities – it is all up to us to find our way.

I feel an urge to use something from A course in Miracles and Marianne

Williamsons fantastic books – “Just forgive yourself and the ones
resisting, because its in your own sub consciousness it all resides.”

But also the underlying power of the course itself gives input to this:

• Nothing real can be threatened

• Nothing unreal exist
• That is God´s peace

An whether you believe in God or not or in any god for that matter is not
the real importance – the Power is in You to change what needs to be
changed – and whatever you believe and perceive will happen – because
You and only You are the creator of your own life on earth – whether
you like it or not – and you have with you the things from past lives,
some good karma and some bad karma – but by being good you can
change the bad karma. Believe it or not.

Now I will use a phrase used in other totally different settings in Business
Life – but it really makes sense here in a slightly different form.
Things will happen to you, whether you like it or not – the
question is whether you want to be in control of it or not –
in this lays your perception of things.

OK, great but what does it give me- you might


Shortest answer – Happiness from the inside

in everything you do gives you everything you
need, as long as you can accept that enough is
The training itself gives you insight into yourself and tools to make sure
you are able to handle the change process in exactly the time you need to
do that.

We are using an overall process model which we call Quantum Leap

Happiness Cycle – which in it self gives nothing unless you put a lot of
meat on it – but when you do that and really work with yourself based
on the different tools we introduce to you in the processes and modules –
you will be able to move to where you belong.

Some of the grounding spiritual principles and understanding

underlying this process I have borrowed with thanks from other great
authors like Bill Harris, Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, Don Beck,
Marianne Williamson and others:

• Letting whatever happens be okay – The amount you suffer in life is

directly related to how much you are resisting the fact that things are
the way they are.

• Threshold – You have a personal threshold for what you can handle
coming at you from your environment, based on your personal map
of reality. All dysfunctional feelings and behaviours are really coping
methods we use in an attempt to deal with being pushed over this

• Chaos and Reorganization – Chaos is an essential part of the growth

process, and should be welcomed rather than resisted. It represents
the death of the old and birth of the new.

• The Map is Not the Territory – There is a tendency to protect our

old map of reality when we go into the initial chaos stage of growth,
because we mistakenly think we are the map.

• Responsibility as Empowerment – You are responsible for every

feeling or behaviour you have. You have either consciously chosen it,
or you are unconsciously responding based on old, unconscious
mental programming you did not choose.

• Conscious Change – It is not possible to continue a feeling,

behaviour, or way of being that does not serve you, or in some way is
not resourceful for you, and also do so consciously. Become
conscious and what does not serve you falls away.

• Witnessing – The ability to step aside and watch yourself as you feel
and act is an acquired skill that takes time and practice to develop.
But doing so will profoundly change your life. This skill is the
antidote to resistance, which means it is your primary tool to end
suffering in your life.

• Good and bad Generalizations – Since whatever you believe and

focus on comes true in reality, you can create whatever life and
whatever reality you want once you learn to consciously choose what
to focus on.

• Neutral Universe – Everything in the universe is neutral. The words

of Hamlet are true: ”There is nothing either good or bad, but
thinking makes it so”.

Our Ego will fight this anytime – and that is exactly our biggest battle –
and where our consciousness in action is the silver bullit – so the best is
actually to leave your EGO outside your door before entering into this
Journey (easier said than done – I know – but try anyway physically like
leaving a shadow or dog outside, when you enter a room – or even put up
a sign saying

My EGO, dogs or my shadows stay

outside – Here MY SOUL is in action
for you .


Find your specific and unique balance between the dots in the star.
The Balance in Y
The SKY (En

The FIRE (Love) EQ

Your individual balance between these starpoints is the key to higher
consciousness and spiritual connection to the higher self.

The Pentagram and the meaning of it in this setting. 5 edges star with 4
elements and Happiness Inner Feelings and Spirit on the top.

“I”, Sky = Self, inner knowledge and wisdom from ages, always there
underlying everything that is, unconsciously or consciously

Fire = Relations, Spring, Youth, Emotional intelligence, Hearths of the

Air = Learning, Summer, Mental intelligence, Clubs of the cards.

Water = Action, Autumn, Executing with Physical and Spirituel

intelligence, Diamonds in the card deck

Earth = Wisdom, Winter, Carying the Spiritual intelligence, Spades in

the Card deck

And the below cycle might help bring you there – but your believe in
your self is the main factor

Quantum Leap Happiness Cycle:

The Modules in the process are:

• 1. Discover – Find your truth /Who am I?

• 2. Dream/Design – What´s my purpose/Where do I want to go/ and
with whom?
• 3. Deliver – Execute/How do I get there, and how do I want to
behave on the way?
• 4. Learn/re-learn – Reflective thinking

Each Module will also be the following chapters of this book.

Below you find a short description on the content of the single modules:

Discover the Truth - Who and where areYou in your life?

• Understand your expectations, needs/preferences and personal
relations needs for IQ, PQ, EQ, SQ?
• Measure how you fullfill these, and understand the result-gaps?
• Understand your behavior, views, habits, blockings on conscious
and unconscious levels?
• Understand your current mission/vision/values, and the current
• Which personal motivations /beliefs/paradigms drive you today?
• What´s productive and counter productive for your happiness?

Dream/Design the Purpose/objective - Where do You want to

go/ and with whom?
• Based on your self awareness, needs/preferences, competence, will,
motivations and paradigms, allow yourself to dream/visualize your
true north.
• Set your mission/values and objectives. Explore the potential
strategies to get there.
• Define your measures on progress and desired results? You can do
what you want, as long as you are also ready for the consequences.
• Understand your underlying motivations and need of behaviour
changes to achieve your purpose and goals – review your values,
and understand the consequences.
• Look for your potential relationships and understand how you can
support and be supported (win/win)?
• Define your journey and goals in detail, however understand the
different routes of the uncons/cons rules that work in open human
adaptive systems.
• Understand how to handle flaws in your action as they occur, and
learn to accept both success and failure as learnings on the
Deliver the Action with focus - How do You get there?
• Based on your priorities and goals lets explore how to stay focused
and execute every day. Understand the conflicts with importance
and urgency.
• Understand the power of relations if you nurture them.
Understand their needs, and how you can be fullfilling to others.
Measure how you fullfill these, and understand the desired result-
• Plan your own destiny, be focused on the important, and plan and
follow through each week. Accept changes as long as they get you
in the right direction, thats part of life.
• Create new habits in body, soul, mind, heart – that takes you to
the sweet spot of energy-levels. Blockings on conscious and
unconscious levels is mostly derived from our own lack of
• Learn to follow the flow in your body – and learn what to do in
stressful situations, before you hit the wall. Create your personal
service book – just like in your car.
• Understand your role in the whole game, know who to know,
follow also possibilities that comes to you – they have a role in
your path. Follow your own intuition – train it, love it.
• Use tools for planning and execution whenever you can, they help
you stay focused on the now.
• Create your life roadmap – The life sheet

Learn from experience – Reflective thinking and spiritual

consciousness/awareness training –
• Dialogs on open adaptive systems
• Moral and ethics in life and business
• Find your daily rhytm and balance your starpoints
• Prayer and meditation in your unique form

The grounding principles of the CYCLE are:

A Preparation for the big splash
This is the process handbook for students and other great people that want to create a life with
consciousness and happiness in whatever they choose to do in work, life and service.

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