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Answer the following questions for reaction.

Life’s Response and Coordination system:

1. Give examples of interaction where the nervous and endocrine systems work effectively.
An example of this can be seen in a mother’s release of milk. When a baby sucks at the
nipple of its mother, the sensory cells in the nipple send out signals to the hypothalamus. The
hypothalamus then responds by releasing the hormone oxytocin from the posterior pituitary
gland. The oxytocin is released directly into the bloodstream where it moves to its target cell,
which for this example is a mammary gland. The mammary gland then responds to the signals
from the oxytocin hormone by releasing milk through the nipple. 
Someone is walking along a street at night when they spot a group of people in front of
them, all of them carrying knives and other threatening objects. Because it is night, the person’s
eyes would take some time to adjust and actually spot the group of people. When they do and
their eyes detect the group, their brain would tell them that it may harm them. The
hypothalamus in the brain, uses the autonomic nervous system to very quickly help the eyes to
adjust and to see better. It uses the brain in order to think more quickly, and your heart, lungs,
and large skeletal muscles to allow you to run faster if required or fight off the group with more
2. How do hormones influence life’s processes?
They can influence the function of the immune system, and even alter behavior. Before
birth, they guide development of the brain and reproductive system. Hormones are the reason
why your arms are the same length, why you can turn food into fuel, and why you changed
from head to toe at puberty. 
3. How do plants respond to environmental stimuli?
Like all organisms, plants detect and respond to stimuli in their environment.
Unlike animals, plants can’t run, fly, or swim toward food or away from danger. They are usually
rooted to the soil. Instead, a plant’s primary means of response is to change how it is growing.
Plants also don’t have a nervous system to control their responses. Instead, their responses are
generally controlled by hormones, which are chemical messenger molecules.
Plants also detect and respond to the daily cycle of light and darkness. or example, some
plants open their leaves during the day to collect sunlight and then close their leaves at night to
prevent water loss. They suspend growth and development in order to survive the extreme cold
and dryness of winter.
Plants don’t have immune systems, but they do respond to disease. Typically, their first
line of defense is the death of cells surrounding infected tissue. This prevents the infection from
spreading. Many plants also produce hormones and toxins to fight pathogens.
4. How do you respond to environmental stimuli?
Organisms need to detect and respond to changes in their internal and external
environment. This is because the conditions inside our body must be carefully controlled for it
to function effectively and survive. The nervous system allows an organism to respond quickly
to changes in the internal or external environment. The responses to the stimuli are short-
lasting. Receptors are groups of specialized cells. They detect a change in the environment
stimulus. In the nervous system this leads to an electrical impulse being made in response to
the stimulus. Sense organs contain groups of receptors that respond to specific stimuli.
Effectors include muscles and glands that produce a specific response to a detected stimulus.
For example, a muscle contracting to move an arm, muscle squeezing saliva from the salivary
gland, and a gland releasing a hormone into the blood

1. How can a clogged blood vessel affect the nervous and endocrine system’s abilities to
deliver signal?
Clogged blood vessels can lead to inflammation which can disrupt signals in surrounding
nervous tissue and since the endocrine system delivers hormones throughout the
bloodstream, I think it's fairly obvious how that might affect the distribution of chemical
2. What might be the reason why a person with brain injury is able to understand the
speech of others but is not able to speak?
Apraxia also referred to as apraxia of speech, verbal apraxia, or dyspraxia is a motor
speech disorder caused by damage to the parts of the nervous system related to speaking.
It is characterized by problems sequencing the sounds in syllables and words and varies in
severity depending on the nature of the nervous system damage. People with apraxia know
what words they want to say, but their brains have difficulty coordinating the muscle
movements necessary to say those words and they may say something completely
different, even nonsensical.
Life’s Support, protection and movement:
1. How does the integumentary system keep the body maintain homeostasis?
The integumentary system is essential in maintaining homeostasis, a state of stability
across factors like temperature and hydration, in the body. The integumentary
system stores water and prevents dehydration as well as producing sweat
to regulate temperature and rid the body of waste products.
2. How does the skeletal system protect your internal organs?
We already hinted at the purpose of a skeletal system. Protection and support are the
two big reasons that organisms have skeletal systems. In your body, the skeleton works very
closely with the muscular system to help you move. Without the bones of your skeleton,
you would be a blob of water-filled tissues. The bones create a framework to which your
muscles and organs can connect. Your skeleton also plays a role in protection, especially in
your head. The bones of your skull protect your all-important brain. Your ribs protect most
of your internal organs from impact as well.
3. How do muscle and bones move the body?
Only skeletal muscles work with bones and muscles keep bones in place and also play a
role in the movement of bones. To allow motion, different bones are connected by joints. A
skeletal muscle may attach a bone to another bone often across a joint or a bone to another
structure, such as skin. When the muscle contracts, one of the structures usually remains
stationary, while the other moves. When muscles contract, the pull or force, of muscle
contraction is applied to levers, such as bones, resulting in movement of those levers.

1. Why Is a third-degree burn, which destroys both epidermis and dermis of the skin,
considered a serious injury?
Third degree burns destroy all the layers of the skin including the dermis which includes
the sensory nerves and the sweat glands. Once the burn injury destroys the epidermis and
dermis, the sweat glands will not be able to function properly which is to regulate
temperature. The burned part would also cause severe and acute dehydration because of
the massive loss of fluids from the burn. The person would also not feel anything like
texture or temperature. Skin grafting could help ripping skin from your own buttock and
sticking it to the burnt part but it will not regenerate destroyed sensory nerve cells.

2. Why do bones injuries heal faster in children than they do in adults?

A child's bones heal faster than an adult's because a thicker, stronger, and more active
dense fibrous membrane periosteum covers the surface of their bones. The periosteum has
blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrition to the bone cells.
3. If you had an accident and paralyzed your biceps, what movement would you be unable
to make?
The arm cannot be raised from the side all power of flexion of the elbow is lost, as is
also supination of the forearm The resulting biceps damage is the main cause of this classic
physical position commonly called waiter's tip.
4. What is the advantage of having the ribs attached to the breastbone by the cartilage?
The cartilage allows the expansion of the chest when you breathe. Your whole chest
cavity is surrounded by muscles that put a tension around the cage that protects the organs.
When you breathe in, your chest expands and the muscle tension pulls the chest back into
the resting place. You couldn't breathe without the muscles or the cartilage in the

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