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• Lesson 13 Assignment (worth 10 points each, 50 points total).

Write three or four sentences to

answer each of the following questions. Compose your work on your word processor and save
it; then copy it and paste it (Ctrl V) into the submit box that follows this assignment.
a. Identify the similarities among the creation myths of Southeast Asia.

Myths from Southeast Asia usually figure a powerful creator often taking the form of an animal or bird.
Serpents are also often found associated with creation myths, along with a primordial sea. This sea is
where the creators begin to craft some kind of land or mound which grows into islands. The gods then
populate the lands and create humans.

b. Define the concept of unity or oneness and its connection to reincarnation.

The concept of unity and oneness in Southeast Asia is an important part of mythology. All things and
live are closely connected and share a larger life force which connects them. All life is closely tied
together, and human spirits are related to or descended from the spirits of plants and animals. This ties
into reincarnation, where human spirits will become animals or plants after death, with the intention to
again be born into human form with each successive life.

c. Describe the movement of Japanese traditions from clan structure to a single imperial family.
What do you find unique about this story?

The story of Japan moving from clans to an imperial family echoes the myth of Amateratsu, who also
set out to conquer and rule, eventually ending in an agreement with Okuninushi, leaving her talismans
of sovereignty with his family. When Jimmu-tenno set out to rule more land, he was given a magical
sword sent by the goddess, conquered the land, and married a woman of divine ancestry, tying him
forever to the gods, and giving him divine right to rule. His rule was approved by these elements that
reinforce it based on mythology, and the stories of culture heroes slowly took over as the new myths.
An unique element to the story is that Jimmu did not have to fight other clans to rule, but was revered
by them in his fighting monsters and demons.

d. Compare the stories of Izanami to those of the Greeks Persephone and Eurydice.

The story of Izanami shares some elements with that of Persephone, but it also very different.
Izanami enters the underworld and creates death, whereas Persephone is tricked into marrying
Hades and creates winter. Izanami's husband attempts to revive her, but ends up being repelled
by her gruesome form and the couple end their marriage. Persephone's mother Demeter
attempts to get her daughter back, and refuses to let crops grow until an agreement is reached
with Hades, creating the seasons, and reuniting mother and daughter for part of the year for
spring. Both stories show how something unpleasant entered the world due to an accident or

e. Search online to find something that interests you about Japanese mythology. In a short
paragraph, explain what it is, why you think it's important, and what it adds to your knowledge
of mythology of the area. Indicate where you found the information by providing the URL.
Crows play an important role in Shinto myths as well as stories of culture heroes. The three-legged
crow, Yatagarasu, was said to have led the first emperor Jimmu into new lands when he set out to
conquer them. These crows are a symbol of the gods' divine intervention in the affairs of humans.
Various gods could take crow form, especially Amateratsu. Crows in Asia are linked to the sun cult, and
are still worshiped and revered in modern times. Crows are often seen as ill omens elsewhere in the
world, and often associated with dark tidings, death and misery to come. It's very interesting that while
crows are morose in Europe, in Japan they are revered and linked to the most important goddess, and
the life-giving of the sun.

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