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Biodegradation of Polyethylene Glycol-Based Polyether Urethanes

Suparna Sarkara; Piyali Basaka; Basudam Adhikaria
Materials Science Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

Online publication date: 19 January 2011

To cite this Article Sarkar, Suparna , Basak, Piyali and Adhikari, Basudam(2011) 'Biodegradation of Polyethylene Glycol-
Based Polyether Urethanes', Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 50: 1, 80 — 88
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/03602559.2010.531415


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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 50: 80–88, 2011
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0360-2559 print=1525-6111 online
DOI: 10.1080/03602559.2010.531415

Biodegradation of Polyethylene Glycol-Based Polyether

Suparna Sarkar, Piyali Basak, and Basudam Adhikari
Materials Science Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

market acceptance as a material for biomedical application.

The biodegradation of polyethylene glycol (PEG of different Chemical modification of polyurethanes via incorporation
molecular weights) based polyether urethanes were studied under soil of a biodegradable structural unit (i.e., an ester or ether
burial condition for 180 days under indoor normal hydrothermal group) into the main chain is a pragmatic approach of
conditions and by cultured bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) for imparting more susceptibility to microbial attack under
30 days at 37 C. The biodegradation was estimated from the weight
loss, tensile strength, ultimate elongation and also by FTIR spec- normal hydrothermal usage conditions.
troscopy, optical, scanning electron microscopy. The weight loss Darby and Kaplan[6] synthesized various kinds of poly-
and losses in tensile strength, elongation at break of the polymer is ether urethanes in addition to polyester urethanes and
maximum in case of PUPEG4000 and minimum in case of PUPEG200 examined their degradability. They reported that polyether
(both in case of soil burial condition and in cultured bacteria). urethanes were variably susceptible to microbial degradati-
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on depending on the diol and diisocyanate used. Jahangir

Keywords Bacteria; Biodegradation; Elongation at break; Poly- et al.[7] synthesized non-radiolabeled and radiolabeled
ether urethane; Soil; Tensile strength
polyether urethanes by toluene diisocyanate (TDI), polyte-
tramethylene oxide and ethylene diamine by two-step
INTRODUCTION prepolymer=chain extension reaction. They investigated
Recently excellent progress has been observed on general the influence of fibrinogen as a simple model of protein
biodegradable polymers, chemical synthesis of biodegrad- adsorption in order to assess the effect of cholesterol
able polymers and microbial deterioration and degradation esterase in combination with protein on polyether urethane
of various synthetic polymers[1–3]. Major focus has been on surfaces. Filip[8] reported similar results from soil bacteria.
the synthesis as well as biodegradation mechanism of some Jansen et al.[9] reported that some kinds of polyether
natural and synthetic polymers. The biodegradation in bio- urethane (Biomer and Tuftane) were degraded by
logical environments including the conditions has been Staphylococcus epidermidis strain KH11 but the degradati-
compared with other degradation processes such as photo- on by this strain progressed very slowly. Degradability of
chemical or thermal degradation of polymers[4,5]. polyethers has been studied under both oxic[10–13] and
Polymers with hydrolysable backbones, such as polysac- anoxic conditions[14–16]. Their degradability is highly
charides, proteins, polyurethanes, polyethers, polyesters, dependent on molecular weight. Polyethers with molecular
polyamides etc are susceptible to biodegradation. In other weight higher than one thousand are considered to be
words, polymers having ether, ester, amide, urethane, etc. resistant to biodegradation[10]. However, degradation
functional groups in their backbone structures become bio- of polyethylene glycols (PEG) with molecular weights up
degradable. These materials are susceptible to degradation to 20,000 has been reported[17].
by acid and=or base, which may be from chemical origin The ability of a microflora to degrade PEG molecules
or may be produced by microorganisms. The main attack- with high molecular weights is dependent primarily on the
ing agents in biodegradation are microorganisms, e.g., acti- ability of a syntrophic association of different bacteria to
nomicetes, fungi and bacteria, which are widely spread in metabolize the chemicals. For example, Flavobacterium sp.
soil, water and air. and Pseudomonas sp. can form an effective association
Synthetic polymers can be made susceptible to micro- and mineralize PEG completely. During degradation, one
organisms through incorporating a biodegradable structur- glycol unit reduces PEG molecules after each oxidation
al unit into the polymer backbone. Polyurethane has gained cycle. The central pathway of PEG degradation is the cleav-
age of an aliphatic ether linkage by bacterial attack. In a
Address correspondence to Dr. Piyali Basak, Materials Science co-culture of aerobic Flavobacterium and Pseudomonas spe-
Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721302, India. cies, PEG degradation proceeds through dehydrogenation


to form an aldehyde and a further dehydrogenation to a synthesized from a series of polyethylene glycols. These
carboxylic acid derivative[10,13]. polyether urethanes were prepared by reacting PEG 200,
It is important to note that either of the two bacteria alone PEG 400, PEG 600, PEG 1000, PEG 4000 with TDI in pres-
(Flavobacterium and Pseudomonas species) in pure culture ence of dry THF using DBTDL as catalyst. The mole ratio
cannot degrade PEG. Cellular contact between them seems of PEG and TDI was taken as 1:2 in all types of polyur-
to be essential for effective activity[10]. In the investigated Fla- ethanes prepared. The reaction was continued at room tem-
vobaterium sp. and Pseudomonas sp. system, three enzymes, perature (30 C) for 2 h with careful and controlled stirring.
viz., PEG dehydrogenase, PEG-aldehyde dehydrogenase, During polymer formation air bubbles got trapped in the
and PEG-carboxylate dehydrogenase (ether-cleaving) are viscous solution. The entrapped air was removed by apply-
involved in the complete degradation of PEG[10]. All of the ing vacuum. This air bubble free viscous solution of poly-
enzymes are found in Flavobaterium sp., while only PEG- urethane in THF was cast on flat-based glass petridish
carboxylate dehydrogenase is present in Pseudomonas sp. and allowed overnight for moisture curing at room tempera-
Using PEG 6000 as a sole substrate no degradation was ture followed by heating at 80 C for 5 h for thermal curing.
observed with either of the two bacteria alone. In addition,
the ether cleavage is extremely sensitive to the presence of gly- Soil Burial Degradation Study
coxylic acid. However, Pseudomonas sp. though not directly Preparation of Test Medium for Study of Degradation of
involved in the degradation is capable of utilizing the toxic Different Polyether Urethanes. For soil burial degradati-
metabolite that inhibits the activity of the Flavobacterium sp. on study the soil, collected from the Indian Institute of
This connection appears to be the essential link for their Technology campus, Kharagpur, India, was first dried in
closely syntrophic association in achieving complete degra- the sun for two days. The dry soil was ground to powder
dation of PEG. Biodegradable polyurethanes containing after removing the coarse aggregates and stones by sieving.
hydrophilic PEG soft segments may enhance the biodegra- The dry soil was then supplemented with biomass (6 g=kg)
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dation. Furthermore, PEG has been frequently used as to encourage the growth of an active microbial flora. The
comonomer in preparing biodegradable polymers due to soil was also supplemented with Fungal ribosome, Aspergeli
its good biocompatibility and biodegradability[10,18]. origae, Pseudomonas species (100 mg=g) and Strepto coccus
We attempted to carry out the biodegradation of PEG (150 mg=g). The processed soil was then placed on a large
based polyether urethanes by a single bacterial species such tray and 200 ml water was added slowly and the mixture
as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and by soil microorganisms in was allowed to stand for 24 h to allow the water could fully
soil burial condition. This paper describes the biodegrada- penetrate the soil. The soil was kept moist with water
tion of the polyether urethanes under soil burial condition and stored in indoor condition under ambient humidity
and biodegradation by cultured bacteria (Pseudomonas aer- (36–92%) and temperature (25–32 C)[19].
uginosa) at 37 C. The biodegradation of the polyether
urethanes was measured in terms of weight loss, change in Soil Burial Degradation Method. In a typical test, each
tensile strength and ultimate elongation. Chemical changes of the polymer films (PUPEG) to be tested for biodegradation
of the polymer during degradation were analyzed by FTIR was dried at 50 C under vacuum to constant weight. Each of
spectroscopy. The degraded morphology of the polyether the accurately weighed dry polymer films was then buried
urethanes was also studied by scanning electron microscopy. completely into the wet soil of the test medium and left for sev-
eral days. The test medium prepared as above was maintained
at ambient temperature (25–32 C) with daily addition of
water to replenish any loss on evaporation. Test samples were
Materials removed at intervals of 15, 30, 60 120 and 180 days, washed
Polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG 200), polyethylene glycol repeatedly with water to remove the soil adhered onto the sur-
400 (PEG 400), polyethylene glycol 600 (PEG 600), poly- face of the films and then dried under vacuum to constant
ethylene glycol 1000 (PEG 1000), polyethylene glycol weight. The biodegradable polyurethane samples degraded
4000 (PEG 4000), E. Merck, India; dibutyltindilaurate under soil burial condition for 15, 30, 60 120 and 180 days
(DBTDL), Fluka AG (used without purification); toluene are designated as PUPEG200, PUPEG400, PUPEG600,
diisocyanate (TDI), E. Merck, Germany (used as received); PUPEG1000, PUPEG4000, respectively. The degradation of
tetrahydrofuran (THF), E. Merck, India (dried over met- the polymer was then calculated using the formula
allic sodium); sodium hydroxide pellet, Qualigens, India;
benzene, Quest Chemicals, India.
ðW0  Wd Þ
% Degradation of polyether urethane ¼  100
Synthesis of Polyether-Based Polyurethanes. Five where W0 is the initial weight of the dry film and Wd is the
different types of polyether-based polyurethanes were weight of the degraded film under soil burial condition.

Bacterial Degradation thoroughly with acetone, dried and were kept in vacuum
Preparation of the Culture Medium. The medium for desiccator for 24 h. These films were used for FTIR analysis
culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa as well as for degra- in the frequency range of 400–4000 cm1.
dation of polyether urethane samples was prepared by
dissolving 1.3 gm nutrient broth in 100 ml distilled water. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Scanning electron
This solution was then taken in 10 bacterial culture tubes microscopic analysis of the polyether urethane films
and the culture tubes containing the medium were sterilized (PUPEG200, PUPEG400, PUPEG600, PUPEG1000,
by autoclaving (15 lb=in2, 121 C for 15 min). PUPEG4000) and degraded polyether urethane films was
done using JEOL SEM, model JEOL-JSM 5800. The
Bacteria Inoculation. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (NCCS, samples were prepared and conditioned as done for FTIR
Pune, India) (100 ml=10 ml media of the each culture tube) analysis. The polymer films were gold coated before the
was inoculated in the culture tubes containing the medium study. Photographs were taken at 5000 magnifications.
as prepared above under laminar flow of sterilized
condition. Then the culture tubes were placed in the BOD Tensile Properties. Biodegradation of the polyether
incubator shaker maintained at 37 C and 140–150 rpm. urethane samples in soil burial condition and in cultured
Growth of bacteria was continued for 24 h at 37 C. bacteria was evaluated by the loss in mechanical properties
like tensile strength and elongation at break. For testing of
Degradation Study of the Polyether Urethanes in Cultured
mechanical properties both the original and degraded
Bacteria. Polyether urethane (PUPEG) samples were cut
polyether urethane film samples were kept in a vacuum
into standard dumbbell specimens and the initial weights of
desiccator overnight. Then the films were cut into standard
the specimens were measured. Each sample was sterilized
dumbbell specimens and were subjected to testing for
by boiling in water for 20 min. Then the samples were ster-
various mechanical properties like tensile strength and
ilized by 70% alcohol followed by washing with sterile
elongation at break using Hounsfield UTM tensile testing
Downloaded At: 08:30 28 January 2011

water 5 times. The sterilized PUPEG samples were put into

the cultured tubes, which contain the bacteria (Pseudomo-
nas aeruginosa) in nutrient broth medium. For comparison
of the bacterial action on degradation, control sets were RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
prepared, where the culture tubes contained only polymer Soil Burial Degradation
samples in the nutrient broth medium without bacteria.
The soil burial degradation of different polyether
Then both sets of cultured tubes were placed into the
urethane films was carried out for maximum 180 days under
BOD incubator shaker at 37 C maintained at 140–
indoor normal hydrothermal conditions. The degradation
150 rpm. The biodegradation of the polyether urethanes
of the polyether urethane films was evaluated mainly in
in cultured bacteria was continued up to 30 days in the
two ways: First by the loss in weight of the films and second
incubator shaker.
by the loss in tensile strength and elongation at break with
The degradation of the polymer was then calculated

ðW0  Wd Þ
% Degradation of polyether urethane ¼  100

where W0 is the initial weight of the dry film and Wd is

the weight of the degraded film in presence of cultured
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Contact Angle Measurement. To have some idea about
the hydrophilicity of the synthesized polyether urethanes
the contact angle of the polymer sheets were measured by
using Rame hart Goniometer (model 100–00-230).
FTIR Spectroscopic Analysis. FTIR spectra of the
polyether urethanes (PUPEG200, PUPEG400, PUPEG600,
PUPEG1000, PUPEG4000) and degraded polyether
urethanes were taken using Thermo Nicolet FTIR, Model FIG. 1. Weight loss of PEG based polyether urethanes as function of soil
Nexus 870. The polyether urethane films were cleaned burial time.

TABLE 1 indicate that ether groups are less prone to degradation

Surface hydrophilicity of PEG-based polyether urethanes compared to ester groups. Others[6] also noticed this aspect.
In connection with the degradation of PEG Kawai
Contact angle Work of et al.[10,13] have reported that in a co-culture of aerobic
Sample (degree) adhesion (ergs) Flavobacterium and Pseudomonas species, PEG degradati-
PUPEG200 70  1.0 97.6 on proceeds through dehydrogenation to form an aldehyde
PUPEG400 67  0.5 101.2 and a further dehydrogenation to a carboxylic acid
PUPEG600 65  1.0 103.5 derivative and stated that either of the two bacteria alone
PUPEG1000 51  1.0 118.5 (Flavobacterium and Pseudomonas species) in pure culture
PUPEG4000 44  0.5 127.7 cannot degrade PEG.
From our observation, it can be said that Pseudomonas
aeruginosa alone (in cultured condition) or in combination
with Fungal ribosome, Aspergeli origae, Pseudomonas
the progress of degradation. The results of degradation in species and Streptococcus (in soil burial condition) are able
terms of weight loss are presented in Figure 1. to degrade polyether urethane polymers containing PEG of
Although the initial weight loss of the polymer films was different molecular weights from 200 to 4000.
rapid but it became slow at the latter part in all cases. The The changes in tensile strength and elongation at break
polymer degradation occurred due to the presence of of the polyether urethane samples with the progress of
microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi in the soil. It degradation were also measured and the results are
is interesting to see from Figure 1 that the molecular weight presented in Figures 2(a) and 2(b). The same trend of loss
of polyethylene glycol has a vital role on both the rate and in tensile strength of the polyether urethane samples is evi-
extent of degradation of the polyether urethane samples. dent with the progress of degradation as is found in case of
Downloaded At: 08:30 28 January 2011

Both the rate and extent of degradation increased with weight loss results. PUPEG4000 has shown maximum loss
the increase of molecular weight of polyethylene glycol in in T.S. (57%, Figure 2(a)). With the progress of degradati-
the polyether urethane samples. As hydrophilicity is one on up to 180 days the loss in elongation at break gradually
of the important criteria of degradation, it gradually increased in each polyether urethane (Figure 2(b)) but such
increased with the increase in molecular weight of poly- loss is minimum in case of PUPEG4000 because of its high
ethylene glycols. elongation property and elastomeric nature.
As contact angle gives a measure of their hydrophilicity, Each of the polymer films was manually checked
it is evident from contact angle data (shown in Table 1) for transparency and brittleness at various stages of degra-
that the hydrophilicity of these polyether urethane samples dation. It was observed that the films gradually developed
increased from PEG200 to PEG4000. However, in contrast brittleness and translucency with the progress of degradati-
to the higher extent of degradation of polyester urethanes, on under soil burial condition. However, the gradual devel-
the degradation of polyether urethanes is lower, which is in opment of physical embrittlement of the polymer films is
the range of 12–27% in 180 days (Figure 1). These results indicative of strong bacterial attack[20].

FIG. 2. (a) Loss of tensile strength (T.S.) and (b) loss of elongation at break (E.B.) of PEG based polyether urethanes during soil burial degradation.

control polymer samples, which have also shown some

marginal weight loss due to hydrolytic degradation in the
environment of culture medium without bacteria. Such
marginal loss in weight of the polymer samples without
the influence of bacteria remained almost same throughout
the entire period of degradation (30 days). But it is interest-
ingly observed from Figure 3 that weight loss of all the
polymer samples gradually increased by the influence of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PUPEG4000 has shown maximum
weight loss due to degradation in presence of Pseudomonas
Changes in tensile strength and elongation at break of
the polyether urethane samples with the progress of
degradation up to 30 days in presence of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa were also measured and the results are pre-
sented in Figures 4(a) and 4(b), respectively. It is seen
from the figures that loss in tensile strength for all the
polyether urethane samples gradually increased up to 30
days and the loss was maximum in case of PUPEG4000
FIG. 3. Weight loss of PEG based polyether urethanes during degradati- because it contains higher molecular weight hydrophilic
on in presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa at 37 C.
polyethylene glycol. Pseudomonas aeruginosa releases
esterase enzyme, which is responsible for degradation of
polyether urethane[21,22]. Although we could not elucidate
Downloaded At: 08:30 28 January 2011

Bacterial Degradation the exact mechanism of degradation of this polyether

The bacterial degradation of all the polyether urethane urethane in presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa but
films was carried out in cultured Pseudomonas aeruginosa Anderson et al.[23] proposed a mechanism of degradation
for maximum 30 days in BOD incubator shaker. As in case of polyether urethane (Scheme 1) by the attack of hydro-
of soil burial degradation, the degradation of the polyether peroxy radical (HOO ) produced by superoxide anion in
urethane films in presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was presence of activating factor. Attack of HOO  followed
also evaluated by loss in weight of the films with the progress by dehydration produces an ester group in the polyether
of degradation. The results of cultured bacterial degradati- backbone. Such ester group is further cleaved by esterases
on in terms of weight loss are presented in Figure 3. generated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Probable degra-
Changes in weight loss of all the polyether urethane dation products of the polyether urethanes are shown in
samples have been compared (Figure 3) with those of the Scheme 2.

FIG. 4. (a) Loss of tensile strength (T.S.) and (b) loss of elongation at break (E.B.) of PEG based polyether urethanes during degradation in presence of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa at 37 C.

stretching and bending bands; disappearances of urethane

(-OCO-NH-) linkage, decrease of C ¼ O stretching inten-
sity of urethane linkages etc. as well as decrease of intensity
of C-O-C linkage of ether were analyzed critically.
Frequencies of those bands are summarized in Table 2.
It is observed from Table 2 that although at the initial part
of degradation there was no peak for O-H stretching of
alcohol in PUPEG200 but it appeared and its intensity
increased gradually with the progress of degradation up
to 180 days. Increase in peak intensity of O-H stretching
frequency became more prominent in polyether urethanes
containing higher molecular weight PEGs (Figure 5(b)).
Since urethane linkage also breaks during degradation,
C ¼ O stretching peak intensity of urethane linkage also
gradually diminished (Figure 5(c)). The intensity of the
peak at 1055–1087 cm1 for ether C-O-C linkage also
gradually decreased with the progress of degradation
SCH. 1. Degradation mechanism of a polyether urethane at the carbon (Figure 5(a)).
alpha to the ether bond.

Scanning Electron Microscopy

Scanning electron micrographs of the control and
FTIR Analysis degraded samples taken at 5000 magnifications are shown
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The synthesized polyether urethanes contain mainly in Figure 6. It is observed from Figure 6 that the surface
ether and urethane functional linkages in their backbone of the control sample is nearly smooth and free from any
chains. As mentioned earlier that during degradation of irregular surface features. Interestingly the degraded
polyether urethanes either in soil burial condition or in cul- sample shows numerous irregular grooves on the surface
tured Pseudomonas aeruginosaether, ether linkage (C-O-C) pointing substantial influence of bacteria on the degradati-
and urethane linkage (-O-CO-NH-) can break to form on of the sample. The scanning electron micrographs also
alcohol and amine groups. The changes in chemical struc- reveal that there is gradual change in morphology of the
tures of the polyether urethanes due to biodegradation polyether urethane films with the progress of degradation
were assessed with the help of FTIR spectroscopy. In from 15 days to 180 days. Maximum degradation is
the FTIR spectroscopic analysis appearances of O-H observed beyond 120 days of degradation.

SCH. 2. Probable degradation products of PEG based polyether urethanes.

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FTIR peak assignments for PEG-based polyether urethanes
Characteristic peak (cm1)
15 Days’ degradation 30 Days’ degradation 60 Days’ degradation 180 Days’ degradation
Polymer C=O C-O-C# O-H C=O C-O-C O-H C=O C-O-C# O-H C=O C-O-C# O-H
PUPEG200 1660, 1756 1075, 1190 – 1677, 1756 1055, 1210 3363 1679, 1750 1068, 1210 – 1660, 1756 1075, 1203 –

PUPEG400 1705, 1640 1068, 1222 3286 1705, 1634 1062, 1222 3280 1705, 1634 1068, 1210 3280 1705, 1640 1062, 1216, 3286
PUPEG600 1717, 1640 1068, 1222 3286 1717, 1634 1068, 1222 3286 1717, 1634 1068, 1222 3286 1711, 1627 1068, 1222 3286
PUPEG1000 1717, 1634 1081, 1222 3280 1717, 1634 1075, 1222 3286 1711, 1640 1068, 1222 3286 1717, 1640 1075, 1216 3280
PUPEG4000 1705, 1634, 1087, 1216 3286 1705, 1640, 1087, 1216 3280 1705, 1640 1107, 1216 3280 1705, 1640, 1081, 1210 3286
1756(s) 1756 1750 (s)

C=O stretching of –O-CO-NH-. # -C-O stretching of -C-OH.
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FIG. 5. (a) Change of C-O-C (ether) peak intensity (b) change of –OH (hydroxyl) peak intensity (c) change of C ¼ O peak intensity in FTIR spectra of
PEG based polyether urethanes during soil burial degradation.

FIG. 6. SEM photographs (5000 magnification) of PEG based polyether urethanes (a) before degradation, (b) after 15 days soil burial, (c) after 1
month soil burial, (d) after 2 months soil burial, and (e) after 6 months soil burial degradation.

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