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helly Cashman Excel 2016 | Module 1: SAM Project 1a 7.

Using the Fill Handle, copy

the formula in cell B8 into the range C8:D8. 8. Merge and center the range A10:D10.
9. Select the range B12:D16, and then apply the Accounting number format with two
decimal places and $ as the symbol. 10. The Expenses table shows all of the
company’s expenses from 2018 to 2020. Bob wants to calculate the total expenses by
adding up the total expenses from each year. In cell E16, create a formula using
the SUM function to calculate the total expenses from 2018 to 2020 ( B16:D16 ). 11.
Update the formatting of the merged range A18:D18 as described below: a. Bold the
contents of the merged range. b. Change the font to Calibri . c. Change the font
size to 13 pt . d. Change the font color to Green, Accent 6, Darker 25% (10 th
column, 5 th row of the Theme Colors palette). 12. The company’s competition and
taxes have increased through the years, and Bob will only recommend continuing to
grow the business if the pro±t increases every year. In cell B20 create a formula
without using a function that calculates the pro±t earned in 2018 by subtracting
the total expenses in 2018 (cell B16 ) from the total revenue in 2018 (cell B8 ).
Using the Fill Handle, ±ll the range C20:D20 with the formula from cell B20. 13.
Change the tab color of the Company Analysis worksheet to Orange (3 rd column, 1 st
row of the Standard Colors palette). 14. Select the clustered column chart with the
title Blooming Everywhere Delivery 2018 – 2020 Revenue. Update the chart as
described below: a. Change the chart style of the clustered column chart to Style 5
. b. Move the chart to its own chart sheet. Use 2018-2020 Revenue as the name for
the new chart sheet. 15. Switch back to the Company Analysis worksheet. Select the
non-adjacent ranges A12:A15 and D12:D15, and then create a 3-D Pie chart. Update
the chart as described below: a. In the title placeholder, enter Expenses in 2020
as the chart title. b. Change the chart style of the 3-D pie chart to Style 3 . c.
Move the chart to its own chart sheet, using 2020 Expenses as the name for the new
chart sheet. Your workbook should look like the Final Figures on the following
pages. Save your changes, close the workbook, and then exit Excel. Follow the
directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.
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Fusce icitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac
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facilisis. Pellentesque dapibu
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4. Create the Project Plan Timeline

You’ve already added all your project information to the table, now it’s time to
make the corresponding project timeline. Including a timeline in your project plan
will help set expectations and increase transparency, keeping everyone aligned
around priorities and due dates.

Add and Format Dates

On the same row as your table headers, in the next available column, enter the
two dates of your project timeline. Then, hold down Shift, select the two dates,
and drag the bottom right-hand corner across the row until you’ve reached your end
If you’d like to change the format of dates, select all the dates and right-
click. Select Format Cells.
In the pop-up box, select Date under the Category section and select the date
type you’d like.
You’ll notice that the cells are very wide. To make the timeline more compact,
select all the dates, and select a smaller font size. In this example, we’ve
selected font size 9.
Then, select all the dates again and in the Cells group, click Format. Select
Autofit Column Width to automatically adjust the column width to the dates.

3. Add Colors to Convey Project Status at a Glance

It’s easy to customize your project plan with colors and visual hierarchy. By
changing the styling and font sizes, you can highlight key information and convey
project status at a glance.

To change font color, click on the cell with the text you want to change. In
the Home tab, select the color you want from the color drop-down list.
To change the background color of one or more cells, select the cell(s) you
want to change. Click the paint bucket icon and select the fill color.
To format fonts, select one or more cells. In the Home tab, you can change the
font type, font size, and make the title bold, italicized, or underlined.

We recommend adding a background color to the main header and to each group or
phase of tasks, as well as your target completion date or launch date. You can also
change the font color of in the Status column to reflect current progress (in this
example, red represents Overdue, green represents Complete, etc)

What is a Project Plan?

A project plan is designed to deliver the intended scope of a project, facilitate

communication among stakeholders, and track planning assumptions and decisions. It
is a living document that can include a stakeholder list, a scope statement, a
project schedule, schedule and cost baselines, baseline management plans,
communication plan, and it can change over the course of a project. It is worth
noting that a project plan is not just a project timeline, although that is an
important component of the plan.

You should always create a project plan before starting a new project. Start with
what you want to achieve from the project and break it down into the things you
need to do in order to accomplish the goal. Then, once you have a high-level plan
of all the things that need to be done, you can think about timing, budget,
resources, and more.

At the very least, a project plan should answer the following questions about a

Why? - Why are we starting this project? What is the problem that this project
will address or solve?
What? - What are we working on? What are the major deliverables and goals?
Who? - Who will be involved in the project and what will be their
When? - When should the project start and end? What are the milestones?

What Is the Purpose of a Project Plan?

A project plan is one of the most important ingredients for a successful project.
It is used to document and communicate expectations, to control schedule and
delivery, and to calculate and manage risks. In general, it acts as a roadmap for
everyone involved in the project.

Here are the four biggest benefits of a project plan:

Improves communication: By outlining your whole plan for everyone to see,

stakeholders can provide feedback early in the process if things are going in the
right direction. A project plan also helps facilitate expectation management by
letting you update milestones and timelines as the project progresses.
Increases transparency: With a project plan, stakeholders and team members know
exactly where to look to get information every step of the way. Expectations and
the project timeline are clearly defined, so everyone is on the same page about
priorities and objectives.
Increases organization: Many projects have dozens of tasks, dependencies, and
milestones, and it can be hard to track how everything is progressing. A project
plan makes you think through the timing of each activity and how it affects the
rest of the project. You always know how much time to spend on each task and how
many things you can accomplish at the same time.

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