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Immature brain in adolescence

John M Court
Albert Road Clinic, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

The period of adolescence has increased over the past century • Understanding the development of some mental disorders at
with earlier onset of puberty and with recognition that brain this age and avoiding confusion with behaviour that reflects
maturation extends into the mid-20s. Initially regarded as a the immature brain,
fairly abrupt transition from childhood to adulthood on a par- • Recognising the vulnerability of the adolescent brain in
ticular birthday, currently 18, adolescence is now acknowledged response to drugs, especially cannabis and alcohol, and
as a specific and unique period of development and many of the • Acknowledging gaps in research on the effect (and lack of
problems presenting to health professionals at this age relate to effect) and potential dangers of some psychotropic drugs pre-
brain immaturity, including the management of chronic medical scribed to adolescents.
conditions such as diabetes, pervasive developmental disorders,
behaviour disturbance that may reflect immaturity or the emer-
gence of adult psychiatric disorders, and drug- and alcohol- Brain Maturation and Influence on
related psychological problems. Adolescent Behaviour
Adolescence is also a period of achievement, of learning and
There is now considerable knowledge on the development of
social development, a time for determining a career and
the brain during adolescence and the relation of this to behav-
embarking on appropriate training. It has been a period of
iour.5,6 This includes in particular the relation of prefrontal
artistic creativity, particularly in music. But society has expected
cortex and limbic development.
much more of this age group. In the past, adolescents (physi-
From the onset of puberty until the mid-20s, there is pro-
cally mature people in their late teens and 20s) were responsible
tracted development of neural circuitry, especially in the
for defending their country at war, of initiating and supporting
prefrontal cortex and limbic system structures and white
a family
matter-associated fibres. The process to achieve maturity pro-
But the cultures of youth, and the expectations held for them,
ceeds at different rates and regions of the brain, concluding in
have changed in our society. It was the very characteristics of
the dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex.
adolescent boys, the feeling of immortality, of taking risks
This process involves thinning of the grey matter of the brain
without fear of consequences that made them fearless fighters
from early puberty with concurrent growth of white matter
and hunters, and their sexual drives that committed them as
volume with synaptic proliferation, myelination and pruning.
parents. These are no longer relevant for most young people,
This is most prominent in the frontal regions and shows differ-
but may lead to risky behaviour affecting safety and health. To
ences between the sexes.
a large extent, culture determines adolescence, both in its social
The development of the prefrontal cortex involves three spe-
expression and in its duration. It is a period when sense of self
cific areas
develops and this is susceptible to peer influence.1
1 Dorso-lateral prefrontal circuit, responsible for executive
The changing culture has contributed to the problems in
behaviour and mental health that present at this age, but what
2 Orbito-frontal pre frontal region, responsible for social
is particularly relevant is understanding the immaturity of the
adolescent brain. It has become increasingly important for the
3 Medial circuit, responsible for motivation.
profession, both as paediatricians and medical practitioners in
These developments influence attentional control, the
general to recognise this.
manipulation of stored knowledge and the modulation of
Research in the psychology of adolescents and structural and
complex actions, cognition and emotional behaviour.
functional brain development at this age has advanced over the
Neurotransmitter changes, especially the dopamine pathway,
last two decades with understanding of the immaturity of the
occur in synchrony with the changes in the prefrontal cortex.
brain,2,3 together with determining the relationship between
Maturity of the limbic system occurs in conjunction with the
early experience and genetics.4
prefrontal cortex, and in each area, the influence of maturity
Understanding the immaturity of the brain long after achieve-
(and delayed maturity) is relevant to behaviour.
ment of physical maturity has wide relevance in medical prac-
The components of the limbic system include the hypotha-
tice. In particular, it is important in
lamus, which is responsible for homeostasis, and in particular
Correspondence: Dr John M Court, Albert Road Clinic, Melbourne, Vic.
for general body function with recognition of body signals,
3004, Australia. Fax: +61 9686 5157; email: endocrine function, sexuality and the circadian rhythms. It is
therefore expected that the developing maturity and vulner-
Conflict of interest: None declared.
ability imposed by change may be expressed by disordered
Accepted for publication 20 January 2013. behaviour at this age. The confusion in recognition of body

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 49 (2013) 883–886 883

© 2013 The Author
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health © 2013 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (Royal Australasian College of Physicians)
The immature brain in adolescence JM Court

signals may be expressed in disturbed perception of body Further, it recognises experience and benefits from this. Ado-
image and lead to eating disorders. Some confusion in sexu- lescence could be regarded as a critical period for reorganisation
ality and sexual behaviour is also to be expected as the limbic of regulatory systems for behaviour.11
system develops. Altered sleep patterns are seen commonly in For some adolescents, maturation of these areas of the brain
adolescents and may relate to development of circadian may be disordered. An example is a mismatch between prefron-
rhythms at this age. tal cortical areas responsible for self-control and consideration of
The amygdala is responsible for reaction to the environment consequences of one’s actions on the one hand, with areas
with fear and anxiety as a protective response. In adolescence, influencing spontaneous behaviour directed to quick rewards
there may be a weaker sensitivity in considering harmful behav- (fun, social satisfaction) without considering the consequences,
iour.7 The hippocampus relates to memory functions and the on the other.
prefrontal cortex to reward response and to susceptibility to Problems of behaviour may arise if these areas are out of
drugs of addiction and mood, also placing the vulnerable ado- balance, or the area for control is significantly delayed in devel-
lescent at risk. opment in relation to the immediate reward-seeking area. This
The prefrontal cortex matures later the other areas, affecting leads to the notion of prefrontal development being ‘out of sync’
attention, reward evaluation and behaviour that is directed to in some adolescents.
specific goals. During adolescence, there is development of social cognition
Male and female brains differ in architecture and functional with maturity of what is referred to as the social brain.12
activity in limbic cortex and frontal cortex at this age. It is likely
that these are innate biological differences started in utero. There The Influence of Developing Brain Maturity
are differences in the neurobiology of learning.8 on Health
Male and female response to stress differs at adolescence and
there may be differences in response to selective serotonin Pervasive developmental disorders may evolve during adoles-
reuptake inhibitor antidepressants. This may also explain differ- cence. This may become apparent for example, in the presen-
ences in presentation of psychiatric disorders in males and tation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at this
females in adolescence.2,9,10 time with the demonstrable delay in development in the
prefrontal cortex. It is particularly during adolescence that
Reward-Seeking Behaviour co-morbidities of developmental disorders such as ADHD may
become apparent and influence behaviour outcomes. These
At this stage of development, there is increased drive to seek include autistic spectrum disorder, specific learning disorders,
rewarding outcomes of behaviour, especially immediate obsessive compulsive disorder and conduct disorders, and in
rewards which may include response to alcohol and recreational particular, bipolar disorders.13
drugs, sexual activity and to fast-food intake. This also relates to It is also at this time that adolescents with primary learning
the characteristic behaviour we associate with adolescents. It is disorders, including ADHD may present with secondary disor-
a critical period in the development of skills and sophisticated ders which include anxiety/depression, social disability and sub-
cognitive functioning, together with changes in emotional stance abuse.
processing. It also poses a window of vulnerability to the It is during adolescence, particularly with diminishing paren-
unhealthy environmental influences such as adverse social tal control and influence, that management of developmental
pressures, aggressive marketing, the media, the Internet, disorders and chronic physical illness such as diabetes and
alcohol, pornography, altered relationships with parents in a asthma may be influenced by difficulties in compliance. Com-
dysfunctional family or social environment. Teenagers may be pliance with medical advice and management is often poor in
well aware of risks but weigh these against the much more adolescence14 and may be due to many factors – forgetfulness,
desirable quick rewards from their impulsive behaviour. This erratic life-style routines, inability to accept future conse-
may explain the poor results of most efforts of health education quences (‘It won’t happen to me’, ‘All that’s ages away from
to influence behaviour at this age. now’), reluctance to accept responsibility or to conform, side
It is also suggested that there is increased vulnerability to effects of the medication, social embarrassment and not wanting
neurotoxic substances and possible change in response to psy- to appear different in a social setting, and a feeling of hopeless-
choactive medication drugs. ness. It may be affected by a poor relationship with a young
Behaviour driven by emotion and seeking immediate rewards person’s doctor, to poor family functioning and parental
(e.g. social, sexual, risk-taking) is influenced by biological supervision.
factors of puberty. At best, this is shown by creativity and sport- With the widespread use of cannabis in youth, it is reported
ing prowess and leadership. At worst, it leads to drug seeking, that heavy cannabis use is associated with smaller volumes of
alcohol abuse, eating disorders, inappropriate sexual activity, the hippocampus, demonstrated by three-dimensional magnetic
antisocial activity and excessive Internet commitment, espe- resonance imaging, and this persists after abstinence, at least at
cially to gaming and virtual social interaction, for example, with 6 months follow-up15 It is associated with deficits in neurocog-
hundreds of ‘friends’ on Facebook. nitive function and white matter development.16,17
These drives have both societal and personal outcomes, but It has been proposed that maturation of neural circuitries in
with maturity of the prefrontal region, there is development of the prefrontal cortical areas is vulnerable to tetrahydrocannabi-
a stronger regulatory control which inhibits impulses and leads nol18 and may relate to the association of cannabis use in ado-
to delay in gratification and allows for long-term planning. lescence and later development of schizophrenia.

884 Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 49 (2013) 883–886

© 2013 The Author
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health © 2013 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (Royal Australasian College of Physicians)
JM Court The immature brain in adolescence

Recognition of the Evolving Maturity teenage views and widespread adult opinion, there is consid-
of the Adolescent Brain May Raise erable research on the adverse effect on the immature brain
Contraversial Questions with early cannabis use24–26 and alcohol,5,27,28 and later mental
disorders,29 including substance-induced psychosis.30
These changes in brain maturation during the extended adoles- 6 Further questions relate to whether adult psychiatric disor-
cent development from early teens to the mid-20s raise a ders may have a different presentation in early adolescence
number of questions. and may confuse diagnosis and lead to inappropriate man-
1 Are symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of mental illness in agement principles. Alternatively, we may be seeing earlier
some vulnerable adolescents really a reflection of their imma- onset of genetically determined mood disorders due to inher-
ture brain development and their culture of social disorder ent reflection of genetic expression. It is reported that over
and substance abuse, rather than evidence of an established the last century, there has been progressively earlier diagnosis
psychiatric illness? On the other hand, is there danger of and increased rate of diagnosis of unipolar and bipolar disor-
missing early signs of psychosis presenting at this age, leading der in young people.31
to delay in diagnosis and treatment? 7 Finally, it raises the question of whether we may be placing
2 This leads to the question: Are there dangers in diagnostic too much emphasis on management directed to disturbed
labelling in adolescents? This may be relevant in the diagnosis adolescents with emotional and mental health problems,
of disorders such as personality disorder and bipolar disorder. rather than addressing the broader circumstances surround-
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder is gender ing them, whether family, school, employment or social life.
neutral and may fail to identify differences in presentations Is there a risk of parents handing over responsibility of their
between the sexes. disturbed teenager to mental health professionals?
It was reported on a conference on adolescent health recently In summary, it is now increasingly realised that adolescence is
that mood deregulation in adolescents mimicking bipolar disor- an extended and unique phase of human development in rela-
der is 10 times more common than bipolar disorder itself. The tion to the maturation of the brain and the vulnerability and
headline in The Australian newspaper was ‘Moody teens get risks involved in brain immaturity. Adolescence enters the
Bipolar treatment’.19 domain of paediatricians, psychiatrists and adult physicians,
3 Are we fully aware of the long-term outcomes of mental whether in the management of medical illness, the adverse
health disorders in young people as they enter adulthood? An effects of drugs, or the manifestations of emotional and social
example may be the outcome of self-harming. In a study disordered behaviour.
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886 Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 49 (2013) 883–886

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