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Handout for Advanced AC Drives Module. Prof. Greg Asher. PEMC University
of Nottingham, U.K.

2.1 Introduction

It should be well understood that the standard AC induction motor equivalent circuits
(of which you should be familiar) are only applicable for steady state (steady speed)
operation. They do not describe induction motor behavior during transient operation.
Since we envisage the induction motor as part of a fast response speed control loop it is
necessary to obtain a set of transfer functions or dynamic equations for the induction
motor (IM)-


Consider the 3 phase stator windings of an induction motor. The field distribution in
the air gap, Bg, due to phase AA’ being excited is shown in Fig. 1b.,

Fig.1 Stator winding of an IM. a) Stator coils. b) Air gap field density distribution.

Fig 1a is drawn for a 2 pole machine but all the analysis is general for a p-pole machine
if we regard ALL angles and angular velocities as being in ELECTRICAL radians (or
radians/sec), i.e.  mech  ; p  no. of pole pairs. The AA’ coils are shown
‘concentrated’ ie as if they consisted of 1 turn. In a real machine they will be
distributed in such a manner so as to make the spatial field distribution as near
sinusoidal as possible as shown in Fig. 1b. The flux linking the coil AA’  as , is seen to

 /2
 as  N A  B  ds  N a  Bg   rld (1)
 / 2

This flux linkage is physically a scalar quantity. We now say two things. We first let
the cross-section of the motor be represented as an Argand diagram with the real axis
lying along the AA’ coil axis. We then say that the flux “points” in the direction of the
maximum air gap flux density. The AA’ coil flux linkage  as can this be represented
as a complex number, or “vector”,  as  j 0   as 0   as e j 0 as shown in Fig. 2a. The
magnitude of  as will of course depend on the magnitude of the current(s) giving rise
to it.

Im Im Im
Fig. 2a Fig. 2b Fig. 2c
A x C’
x B’

Re Re Re
A’ x B cs C

For the coils BB’ and CC’ displaced by 120º and 240º the flux linkages  bs ,  cs are
j 2 / 3 j 4 / 3
represented as  bs e and  bs e as shown in Figs. 2b and 2c. If we now
excite the coils with general time varying currents ia(t), ib(t), ic(t) then the resultant flux
due to the fluxes  as (t ),  bs (t ),  cs (t ) can be obtained by complex addition in the
Argand plane to yield:

 s (t )   as (t )  bs (t )e j 2 / 3  cs (t )e j 4 / 3 (2)

Note that  as (t ) etc are SCALAR magnitudes.  s (t ) is a complex number at any instant
in time. It is called the FLUX VECTOR.
Eg, if, at an instant in time,  as  2,  bs  3,  cs  3 then either from (2) or from
Fig. 3 it can be seen than  s  2.00  j1.73

Fig. 3. Total flux produced by currents in each phase

If ia(t), ib(t), ic(t) form a 3 phase sinusoidal set then  s reduces to  s e jw t

where  e
is the excitation frequency. Hence the flux vector sweeps out a circle in the complex
plane, i.e., the peak of the sinusoidally distributed air gap flux density rotates in space.
It should be understood however that (2) is general for any stator current time variation.
This is necessary as transient excitations will be applied during dynamic operation of
the motor. Often  s (t ) of (2) is termed a “space phasor”.
The complex functions of (2) describe only the spatial orientation of the coils and not
the variation of the excitations put into them.


Letting Ls be the self inductance per phase and writing  as =Lsia,  bs =Lsib,  cs =Lsic,
then (2) becomes:

 s (t )  Ls (ia (t )  ib (t )e j 2 / 3  ic (t )e j 4 / 3 ) (3)
and  s (t )  Ls i s (t ) (4)
j 2 / 3
where i s (t )  ia (t )  ib (t )e  ic (t )e j 4 / 3 ) (5)

is(t) is called the stator current vector in the Argand plane. It “points” in the same
direction as  s (t ) .


It may seem odd to say that current is a ‘vector’ pointing in the direction of the flux
(max air gap B). The concept can be illustrated as follows: an instantaneous flux
produced by a set of 3 phase coils can also be produced by a pair of “equivalent” 2
phase coils displaced 90º in space. The flux vector in Fig. 3 can, for example, be
produced by 2 coils lying on the real and imaginery axis. This is shown in Fig. 4. The
two artificial stator coils, labelled  ,  are said to be equivalent to a 3 phase coil
system. We have:
 s   s  j s (6)
i s  is  jis (7)

Fig. 4.  s links " coil"  s links "  coil" , is , is produce same  s as original ia,
ib , ic .
Thus is , is are the two equivalent currents applied to the SPATIALLY FIXED two
coils system in order to achieve the same flux as the 3 phase coil currents. The
equivalent instantaneous currents can be found by evaluating the real and imaginary
parts of (5), i.e.:
1 1 
is (t )  ia (t )  ib (t )  ic (t ) 
2 2 
 (8)
3 3
is (t )  ib (t )  ic (t )
2 2 

This is also called a “3  to 2  transformation” and can be written in matrix form if

required. From (4) we also have  s  Ls is ,  s  Ls is


Whenever the flux vector  s due to stator currents moves relative to the rotor, rotor
currents are induced which themselves set up a flux vector  r (due to rotor currents
only). During steady operation  r will rotate relative to the rotor at slip angular
velocity sl  e  r (all in electrical rads/s) and will rotate relative to the stator at
 r   s1   e i.e. in synchronism with the stator flux vector. During transient
operation  e  r ,  sL are not constant and the angular velocity of  r relative to the
stator may be instantaneously out of synchronism with  s i.e.  r may “gain” or “fall
back” on  s .

We invent ROTOR  ,  coils which are FIXED ON THE ROTOR. In these coils will
be induced two ‘equivalent’ rotor currents ir , ir responsible for any flux created either
by cage bar currents or 3 phase wound rotor currents. (Note that for cage motors, 3
phase rotor currents are just as fictitious as ir , ir !). We therefore have

i r  ir  jir 

 (9)
 r  LR (ir  jir )  LR i r 

Note that  s , r (small suffixes) we use for flux linking the stator due to stator currents
alone and the flux linking the rotor due to rotor currents alone. Later we employ  S , R
for the total flux linking the stator and rotor.

LR is rotor  ,  coil self inductance and this will also equal the rotor self inductance
per phase in the case of a wound rotor. It should be noted that the rotor  ,  coils are
ROTATING with an instantaneous velocity of r (not necessarily steady) with respect
to the stator  ,  coils. Whe thus have two Argand planes rotating relative to each

rotor  Re(rotor)
Stator 

rotor 

Stator 
Fig. 5. Stator and reference frames.

The instantaneous position of the rotor  ,  system relative to the stator  ,  system is
denoted as  such that r  d / dt and    r t . The two Argand planes also
introduces the idea of reference frames. The rotor  ,  coils we shall call the rotor
(reference) frame which rotates at  r (instantaneous). The stator coils form the stator
frame which is fixed. In (9) above we have said that ir, and  r are defined as the rotor
current and flux set up by the rotor  ,  coils. We say that i r and  r are “in the rotor
frame”. If i r  1  j 0 ( r  LR  j 0) at a particular instant in time, then the 1+j0 is
with reference to the rotating rotor frame. We could just as easily write down this
instantaneous value of i r in the fixed stator frame. It would be cos   j sin   e j . In
fact i r in the stator frame would be just i r e j . Similarly i s  1  j 0 in the stator frame
becomes 1  j 0e  j in the rotor frame. Also, if we are in steady state then the rotor
flux rotates relative to the rotor at slip frequency  sl and we can thus write down
 r   e j t .  r in the stator frame is obtained by multiplying, as above, by e j or

e jrt viz : r   r e jslt e jrt   r e j (sl r )t   r e jslt which shows that in the stator frame it rotates
at  e .

Rule: let reference frame 1 be  ahead of reference frame 2. If a vector x is defined in

frame 1 ( x  x e j  a  jb) then frame 2 will see it “  further ahead”. Therefore it
 )
becomes xe j in frame 2 ( x e j e j  x e j ( . If x is defined in 2, it is seen as
xe  j from 1.

It is this ability to easily hop between one frame and another which is the principle
reason for using complex variable mathematics. In the matriz algebra approach the nx1
vector is multiplied by an nxn matrix transformation whose elements are  sin  , cos 


The total flux linking the stator coils, denote as  S , is made up of that due to stator
currents  s , and that due to rotor currents  sr (indices convention: first index is the
coil being “linked”, the second is the source of the flux). Note that  sr will be slightly
smaller than  r since not all the flux due to rotor currents will cross the air gap and
link the stator. In Fig. 5, let   o . Then by definition:
sr  Mir ; sr  Mir (10)

Where M is the mutual inductance between a rotor  ,  coil and a stator  ,  coil.
Because of mutuality we also have, for   o ,

rs  Mis ; rs  Mis (11)

Now if we advance the rotor through  radians then the rotor flux linking the stator
coils becomes

sr  Mir cos   Mir cos (90   )

 Mir cos   Mir cos sin 

sr  Mir sin   Mir sin (90   )

And (12a)
 Mir sin   Mir cos 

Where we have written it out in terms of each  ,  coil and sin  , cos  to show the
superiority of the ‘vector result’ below. We can write

 sr  sr   jsr 
 M (ir cos   ir sin   jir sin   jir cos  )
 M (ir  jir )(cos   j sin  )
 sr  Mir e j

Which we could have written down immediately: From (10) above we have
“  sr  M i r ” (true for   o) . If   0 however then we must decide on what frame
we want to be in. Since we are looking at flux linking the stator we want sr to be in
the stator frame. Therefore we want i r in the stator frame. We therefore multiply i r by
e j and instantly get (13) above. Note however that the vector i r uself is still in the
rotor frame i.e. i r  ir  ji r , the two rotor coil currents.

The net TOTAL flux linking the stator  ,  coils is:

 S   s   sr
ie  S  Ls i s  M i r e j

And this can be split into real and imaginary parts to obtain expressions for the total
flux linking the stator  ,  coils respectively
The net flux linking the rotor coils,  R can be written down immediately as:

 R  LR i r  M i s e  j (15)

We are of course in the rotor frame so that i s appears as i s e  j


The voltage across a coil at any instant is equal to the resistive drop plus the induced
emf (rate or change of the total lux linkage). For the stator  ,  coils we have:

d d
u s  Rs is  s ; u s  Rs is  s
dt dt

and introducing the stator voltage vector u s yields:

d S
u s  Rs i s  (16)

Where Rs is the resistance of the  ,  stator coils. The u s vector is related to the 3
phase stator voltage by:

u s  u sa  u sb e j 2 / 3  u sc e j 4 / 3 (17)

Eq(17) follows from (16), (2) and (5). In forming (17) we take the ‘vector-3 phase’
expresion for  sr to be indentical to (2).

For a cage rotor, or short circuit wound rotor we have u r  o at all time. But in general
for a DFIM the rotor voltage is not zero, hence we can write:

u r  Rr i r  (18)

Where u r , i R ,  R and hence (18) are in the rotor reference frame. The u r vector is
related to the 3 phase rotor voltage by:

u r  ura  urb e j 2 / 3  urc e j 4 / 3

Substituting (14) into (16) and (15) into (18) yields the stator and rotor dynamic
u s  R s i s  Ls
di s

i r e j  (19)

u r  Rr i r  LR
d ir

i se j  (20)

The following should be noted of (19), (20):

(i) u s ,i s are defined in the stator frame so that (19) represents the stator dynamics in
the fixed stator frame.

(ii) u r , i r are defined in the rotor frame so that (20) is said to represent the rotor
dynamics in the rotating rotor frame

(iii)  is a function of time so that e  j must not be taken outside the d/dt operador

(iv) Eq(19) and (20) can be split into real and imaginary parts to yield four scalar
dynamics equations. The state variables associated with the stator dynamics are is , is
and with the rotor dynamics ir , ir

Eq(19) and (20) are not however very convenient,. The equations are in different
referente frames, neither of which will prove to be very useful. Thery are also
incomplete in that they are functions of  , the rotor instantaneous position. This will be
dependent on the mechanical dynamics and therefore we require expresión of the motor


Fig. 6 shows a coil carrying I linked by an externally sourced  . The torque on the
coil is T  I sin  where  is the angle between the  and the coil axis.
I x

Fig. 6. Torque production due to current and flux

Since the current, expressed as a vector, lies along the coil axis we may consider  to
be the angle between the two vectors I and  . If I ,  are complex numbers, you
should be aware that:

I  cos   e I  *
I  sin   I m I  *

Where * denotes the complex conjugate. Let the coil in Fig 6 be such that I represents
i s . Then  represents  sr (the only ‘external’ sourced flux linking the stator coils)

Hence the torque can be written:

T  Imi s  sr *

And substituting (13) yields:

T  M Imi s i r e j * (21)

As it stands (21) is incomplete and demands some scaling:

(i) In Fig 6, the angle  used for the torque expression is in mechanical radians
Eq(21) uses  in electrical radians. Eq(21) can therefore be regarded as the
torque per pole pair. Since there are p/2 to obtain total torque.
(ii) Eq(21) must also be multiplied by 2/3. It is shown in Appendix 2 that the current
a voltage vector definitions of (5) and (16) constitute a transformation between a 3
phase and 2 phase system which does not conserve power. The instantaneous “2
phase power” is 3/2 times the “3 phase power” and since  and  r are common
to both systems, the torque calculated in the 2 phase system is 3/2 rimes too high.
In fact this discrepency is probably the most difficult (and certainly the most
annoying) aspect of Generalized Machine Theory. It only affects the torque
expression – Appendix 2 explains why.

In the light of above two scaling modifications, the final torque expression is:

2 p
 MI m i s i r e *
3 2 
 (22)

Where p is the number of pole pairs. The rotor speed in mechanical radians/sec,  rot ,
is given by:

 rot  r (23)

If TM is the net load torque including friction, windage, shaft compliance then the
mechanical dynamics is given by:
2 d r
J  T  TM (24)
p dt


 r (25)
Where J is the drive moment of inertia. Eqs (19),(20), (22), (24) and (25) form the
dynamic equation set for the induction motor drive.


EQUATIONS. This is not covered in this handout.



It is understood tht the stator and rotor dynamic equations of (2.19) and (2.20) are
defined in reference frames affixed the stator and rotor respectively. Ideally, we wish to
express the equations in a single reference frame and the choice of this frame needs to
be made carefully. For vector control what we require are, during steady operation, two
DC components of the motor input current: one responsible for the flux or field inside
the machine and one responsible for the generated torque. We know that if the input
current is alternating at  e , it sets up a rotating flux  e jet (where the cross-section of
the machine is an Argand diagram, the polar angle in electrical radians). It follows that
if we are to describe the alternating current as “dc” we should therefore describe the
rotating flux as “stationary”. A rotating quantity is only “stationary” in a rotating
reference frame. We therefore choose a reference frame which rotates at  e and thence
write down the equations of the machine in this frame.


Fig. 4.1 shows now three “Argand diagrams” the stator frame (fixed), the rotor frame
(rotating at  e ). The real axis of the stator (rotor/synchronous) frame us often called
the stator (rotor/synchronous) axis.
Im(stator) Re (synch)
or synch axis
Im(synch) Im(rotor)
or rotor axis

or stator axis
Fig. 4.1. Reference frames.
Let the vectors in the synchronous frame be denoted as `u s , ´i s , `u r , ´i r , ´ R ´ s ie :
′ u s  u sd  ju sq

′ i s  isd  ji sq etc.

note we have used the suffixes d (direct) and q (quadrature) intead of  ,  , isd is thus
the component of our current vector i s which lies on the real axis of the synchronous
(+ the absolute direction in space of the synch axis is arbitrary at the moment)

It must be understood that there is only ONE current vector. If its real and imaginery
parts are i s , i s we are measuring it from the stator frame and we denote the current
vector as i s . If its components are isd and isq we are measuring it in the synchronous
frame and we denote the current vector as ′ i s . Now it easy to write down i s as ′ i s . The
synchronous frame is instantaneausly  ahead of the stator frame so that a vector in the
stator frame will be seen to “lag” by  if measured from the synchronous frame. Thus,
from the “rule” in section 2.5 we have.

' i s  i s e  j (4.1)

' u s  u s e  j (4.2)

' S   S e  j (4.3)

And it can be easily seen that:

' i r  i r e  j (   ) (4.4)

' u r  u r e  j (   )

'   e j (  ) (4.5)

Remembering that i r , R represents rotor current and total flux linking the rotor both
as measured in the rotor frame. We are now ready to transform our equations into the
synchronous frame:

4.2.1 Transforming the “stator dynamics” – Eq (2.19)

In order to get the “feel” of things, we’ll first transform Eq. (2.15):

 R  LR i r  Lo i s e  j (4.6)

Where i s is in the stator frame, i r , R in the rotor frame. We have assumed NR=NS so
that all rotor variables and parameters are referned to the stator and also Lo=M.
Multiplying (4.6) by e  j (   ) yields:

 R e j (  )  LR i r e j (  )  Lo i s e j

And observing (4.1) to (4.5) this is just:

' R  LR ' i r  Lo ' i s (4.7)

Which is the equation for total rotor flux linkage with all variables measured in the
synchronous frame. We now transform (2.19) which we repeat here:

 di 
Rs i s  Ls  s   Lo

i r e j  u s  (4.8)
 dt  dt

(with Lo=M and all that that means). We now multiply (4.8) by e  j to get:

 di   j d
u s e  j  Rs i s e  j  Ls  s e  Lo (i R e  j )e  j (4.9)
 dt  dt

Now u s e  j is ′ u s and i s e  j is ′ i s so they’re OK. To put the other two expressions

in terms of ′ i s and ′ i r we really would like to take the e  j inside the   . But
we must be careful since  is itself changing with time. If we had Ls i s e  j  we
could write this as:

 di   j
 
i s e  j  Ls  s e  j e Ls i s e  j
 (4.10)
 dt 

Differentiated by parts and noting that d / dt  e . Thus

 di   j
Ls  s  
e  Ls d i s e  j  j e Ls i s e  j

 dt  dt

 Ls  je Ls ' i s (4.11)

Lo i R e j e j  Lo d i R e j (  )   je Lo i R e j (  )
dt dt
= Lo ' i r  je Lo ' i r (4.12)

Substituting (4.11) and (4.12) into (4.9) and denoting as p we get:

´u s  Rs ´i s  Ls p' i s  je Ls ' i s  Lo p' i r  je Lo ' i r (4.13)

Which is the ‘stator dynamic’ equation with all variables measured in the synchronous
frame. Eq (4.13) can be split into real and imaginery parts to yieldl two pwely real
equations in terms of the four states isd, usq shich we must at some stage express in terms
of known inputs ua , ub, uc.

Instead of having (4.13) in terms of ´i r (which are usually quite inaccessible) it will
prove more convenient to write it in terms of ´i s and ´ R . From (4.7) we have

´ R Lo
´i R   ´i s (4.14)

And substituting this into (4.13) yields, after some manipulation:

 L L  L2o   L L  L2o  Lo Lo
´u s  Rs ´is  p´is  s R   je ´is  s R
 
 L p´ R  je ' R L (4.15)
 LR   LR  R R

it can be shown that

 Ls LR  L2o  1
   Ls ,   1 
 LR  1   s
1 R 
So that the “definitive” dynamic equation for the stator in a general synchronous frame
Lo L
' us  Rs  pLs  ' is  jeLs ' is  p' R  je o ' R (4.16)

Note this is for a general synchronously rotating frame since we have not yer aligned
the synchronous axis with anything in particular.

4.2.2 Transforming the rotor dynamics – Eq (2.20)

Eq. (2.20) is repeated here, considering u r  0 :

 
dir d
u r  RR ir  LR  Lo is e  j (4.17)
dt dt
Multiplying all through by e  j    :

 d ir   j   
' ur  RR ' ir  LR 
 dt

 Lo
 
is e  j e  j   
 

   

' ur  RR ' ir  LR

ir e  j    

 j sL LR ir e  j    
 Lo

 
is e  j  j sL Lo is e  j 

Where sL 
   Note : to obtain the last two terms, write d is e j 6
  as

is e  j e  j     and differentiate by parts with 1 o 2 as the ‘parts’ 

The rotor equation is thus:

' ur  RR ' ir  LR p' ir  jsL LR ' iR  Lo p' is  jsL Lo ' is (4.18)

Substituting for ′ir using (4.14) and collecting terms yields:

Lo R 
' ur   RR ' is   r  p ' R  jsL ' R (4.19)
 R 

Which is the transformed rotor equation in terms of ' is and ' R

You may be forgiven for feeling that (4.16) and (4.19) look no sinpler than before and
that we are still in a mathematical fog. We have in fact made significant progress since,
in steady state, all the variables in the above equations are dc quantities (eg if
3 2 3 2
' is  I s e jwet , then from (4.1), and remembering that   e t , we have ' is  Is
2 2
which of course is not a function of time). The mathematical fog will start to clear on
consideration of the torque equation in the synchronous frame.

4.2.3 Transformation of the torque equation – Eq. (2.22)

Which es repeated here as:

  Lo I m is ir e *
3 2 
 (4.20)

And we wish to put this in terms of ' i s and ' R . Replacing i s with ' i s e j and i r
j (   )
with ' i r e gives
  Lo I m 
3 2 

' is e ' ir e 
j (   ) j * 
 
    Lo I m ´is ´ir *
 3 2 

Taking the conjugate of (4.14) and substituting gives:

2P 
 R
L 
T   Lo I m ' i s ´is ´is* o 
3 2  L LR
 R 

And since ´is ´is * is a real number, this reduces to:

2 P L
T    o m ´is ´ R *
3  2  LR
  (4.21)

Writing í s  isd  jisq ; ´ R*   rd  j rq , multiplying out and taking the imaginary

past yields:

  isq Rd  isd Rq 
2  P  Lo
T (4.22)
3  2  LR

(note the suffix ´ has been dropped when considering components since the indices d
and q denote components in the synchronous frame).
Now hitherto we have not placed the real and imaginary axis of the synchronous frame
relative to the stator frame for any particular instant. i.e. although we know it travels at
e we have not defined  at, say, t=0. All the above equations are of course valid for
ANYWHERE WE LIKE. Eq. (4.22) is crying out to us to put the real axis of the
rotating frame so that it is always ALIGNED with flux linkage vector  R . I we do this,
then by definition  Rq  0 and (4.22) reduces to:
2  P  Lo
T  Kisq Rd , k   (4.23)
3  2  LR

And now we remember that isq , Rd are dc quantities in steady state. By analogy with
the torque equation of a DC motor we immediately see that:

 Rd   R  field flux of a DC machine

isq  armature current, ia, of a DC machine

Notes arising from above (you may omit this on 1st reading)
(i) in section 2.8 it was seen that the torque in a coil was directly proportional to
the current in the coil and an externally caused flux component (lying at
right angles to the coil axis or in “quadrature”). In (4.23) the current and flux
components are certainly in quadrature, but instead of  sr ie the flux
kinking the stator due to the rotor or “air gap flux” we’ve somehow got  R
ie the total flux linking the rotor. The rotor linkage  R differs from the air
gap flux by the rotor leakage. Happily this is inherent in (4.23) since
Lo 1
 ie. The coefficient in (4.23) is modified by a factor which is
LR 1   R 
dependent on rotor teakage and this is a consequence of not using the true
air gap flux in the torque expression. Aligning the synchronous axis with the
rotating vector  sr (ie. The air gap flux) would produce a simpler torque
coefficiente. However the dynamic equations-see section 4.3 below-would
not be so simple and elegant. Aligment on  R is thus nade purely for later
matemathical convenience.
(ii) We’ve defined the velocity of the synchronous frame as  e  and then
said that the real axis is always aligned with  R . We’ve also said that
 sl  e  r where  si is the slip velocity and  r the rotor velocity. Does
this mean that  travels at the motor excitation  e ? . The answer is a

resounding and very important YES. We are going to force the

instantaneous inverter frequency to be the same as the rotating  R vector. In
steady state the velocity of the i s vector is equal to that of  R . However
during a transient the  of is may be greater than  e (increasing torque) or
less (decreasing torque). The departure from  e is effected by phase control
of the inverter, not its frequency control. This note will make more sense if
read in conjunction with Fig. 4.2 and section.
(iii) It is templing to say that isd (ref Fig. 4.2) is analogous to the field current, if
of a d.c. machine. This is not strictly true. In fact there is no direct physical
analogy of if in and induction motor. Instead, we invent one: It is usually
denoted as iMrd (M:magnetising, r: rotor) and is defined by:

´ R  Lo i Mr ;  Rd  Lo iMrd ;
 rq  iMrq  0

The torque expression the becomes:

2  p  Lo
T   isq iMrd
3  2  1  R

Which is analogous to T  kia i f of a dc machine.


We have Eq. (4.16) and (4.19 defined the stator and rotor dynamics and a general
synchronous frame. When we align the synchronous axis with the rotor flux,  R , the
resulting equations are called the “dynamics in field coordinates”.

Synch axis
Ψ R= Ψ rd e (or rotor flux)

Ψ rd r
Rotor axis
i s
i isd
isq s 

  Re(stator)
or stator axis
Fig. 4.2. Current vector and d-q axis current components

These are obtained by nerely writing out the real and imaginary parts of (4.16) and
(4.19) and seeing whats left after putting  Rq  0 . In fact Eq. (4.16) is not of
immediate importance but we’ll do it now for good measure. We have:

Lo L
usd  Rs  Ls p isd  eLsisq  p Rd  e o  Rq
( 0 )


Lo L
u sq  eLs isd  ( Rs  Lp)isq  e  Rd  o p Rq ( 0) (4.25)

Which contain nothing of particular interest.

Putting Eq (4.19) into field coordinates is however quite enlightening. Writing (4.19)
out in full and equating real and imaginary parts yields.

Lo R
0 RR isd  ( R  p) Rd  sL Rq
LR LR (from Re of 4.19)

Lo R
0 RRisq  sL Rd  ( R  p) Rq
LR LR (from Im of 4.19)

And setting  Rq  0 and rearranging yields

d rd RR LR
  rd  o R isd (4.26)
dt LR LR

And  sL  isq (4.27)
LR rd
Introducing the defined relation  rd = LoiMrd and also the “rotor time constant “
R  then the above equations become:

R  iMrd  isd (4.28)

 1 
And  sL   i sq (4.29)
  R i Mrd 

Which are the fundamental equations for vector control. Considering (4.28) we see that
it is exactly the same as the dynamic equation for the field circuit of a DC motor, which
is (Fig. 4.3):

Vf  Lf  d if
 if   
Rf R  dt
 f 

Fig. 4.3. Equivalent DC machine field circuit

Thus isd is analogous to Vf/Rf OR the steady state field current if. Obviously in steady
state isd =iMrd so that isd is directly proporcional to the flux level in the induction motor.
For this reason isd is called the “field component” of the stator current. For ‘normal’ a
‘constant torque’ operation of the induction motor  ´rd is controlled constant and hence
isd=iMrd is controlled constant. In fact Eq (2.48) is only relevant in field weakening
control. During field weakening it must be remembered that inrd and hence  R lags isd
due to the significant “field” time constant  f . (RR tends to very small of course).
It is Eq (4.29) which is however the central equation of vector control in fact it is often
called “the vector control equation”and as we shall see later it will be used to force the
machine conditions so that vector control is achieved. As was seen from section 4.2.3,
isq is analogous to the armature current in the dc machine. It is called the torque current
and Eq. (4.29) shows that if iMrd is kept constant then under vector control conditions
(ie. Under transformation of the machine equations into a reference frame aligned with
rotor flux) the slip frequency is directly proportional to the torque current. We can write
 sL  K sL isq ; K sL  (4.30)
 R inrd
And KsL is often termed the slip gain.

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