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Risalat al-Imam ar-Rida (as) fii Jawami` ash-Shari`a - tashayyu.

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Risalat al-Imam ar-Rida (as) fii Jawami` ash-Shari`a
From Tuhuf al-`Uqul

،‫ إني أحب أن تجمع لي م;;ن الح;;الل والح;;رام والف;رائض والس;;نن‬:‫روي أن المأمون بعث الفضل بن سھل ذا الرياستين إلى الرضا عليه السالم فقال له‬
:‫ اكتب‬:‫ وقال عليه السالم للفضل‬،‫ فدعا الرضا عليه السالم بدواة وقرطاس‬.‫ على خلقه ومعدن العلم‬B ‫فإنك حجة‬

It is narrated that al-Ma’mun sent al-Fadl b. Sahl, Dha ‘r-Riyasatayn (possessor of two leading positions)
to ar-Rida ‫ عليه السالم‬and he said to him: Verily I love that you summarize for me the halal and the haram,
and the fara’id and the sunan, for verily you are the Proof of Allah upon His creation and the repository
of knowledge. So ar-Rida ‫ عليه السالم‬called for an inkwell and paper, and he ‫ عليه السالم‬said to al-Fadl: Write:

‫ عالم;ا ال‬،‫ ن;ورا‬،‫ قائم;;ا باقي;ا‬،‫ قويا‬،‫ بصيرا‬،‫ سميعا‬،‫ قيوما‬،‫ لم يتخذ صاحبة وال ولدا‬،‫ أحدا صمدا‬،B ‫ الرحمن الرحيم حسبنا شھادة أن ال إله إال‬B ‫بسم‬
.‫ ال شبه له وال ضد وال ند وال كفو‬،‫ ليس كمثله شئ‬،‫ خلق كل شئ‬،‫ غنيا ال يحتاج عدال ال يجور‬،‫ قادرا ال يعجز‬،‫يجھل‬

By the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Enough for us is the testimony that there is no god but Allah, unique, absolute; He did not take a
spouse, or a child, self-subsisting, all-hearing, all-seeing, all-powerful, self-existing, everlasting, light, all-
knowing not ignorant, able, not incapable, needless, not needy, just, not oppressing. He created
everything. There is nothing like unto Him. He has no likeness, no opposite, no peer, and no equal.

‫ وأن جمي;ع‬.‫ ال نبي بع;ده وال تب;;ديل لملت;;ه وال تغي;;ير‬،‫ سيد المرسلين وخاتم النبيين وأفضل العالمين‬،‫وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله وأمينه وصفوته من خلقه‬
.‫ وأنبيائه وحججه‬B ‫ نصدق به وبجميع من مضى قبله من رسل‬،‫ عليه واله أنه ھو الحق المبين‬B ‫ما جاء به محمد صلى‬

And that Muhammad is His servant, His messenger, His trustee and His select from His creation –
master of those sent, seal of the prophets, and the best of the worlds. There is no prophet after him, no
replacement of his creed and no alteration. And that all that Muhammad ‫ عليه واله‬B ‫ صلى‬brought, verily it
is the clear truth. We believe in him and in all of those who passed prior to him from the messengers of
Allah, His prophets and His hujaj (proofs, pl. of hujjah).

‫ وأن;;ه ح;ق م;;ن‬.‫ وأن;;ه ] كتاب;;ه [ المھيم;ن عل;ى الكت;;ب كلھ;;ا‬." ‫ونصدق بكتابه الصادق " ال يأتيه الباطل من بين يديه وال من خلفه تنزيل من حكيم حمي;د‬
.‫ وناسخه ومنسوخه وأخباره ال يقدر واحد من المخلوقين أن يأتي بمثله‬.‫ ووعده ووعيده‬.‫ وخاصه وعامه‬.‫ نؤمن بمحكمه ومتشابھه‬.‫فاتحته إلى خاتمته‬

We believe in His truthful book - “falsehood does not come to it from before it nor from behind it; a
revelation from one wise, praised”. (41:42) That it [His book] is dominant over all of the books. That it is
the truth from its opening to its conclusion. We believe in its muhkam (unequivocal, whose import is
obvious) and its mutashabih (allegorical, ambiguous), its specific and its general, its promise and its
threat, its abrogating (verses) and its abrogated, and its reports. Not one of the created beings is able
to bring its like.

‫ أخ;وه وخليفت;ه ووص;;يه وال;ذي ك;;ان من;ه‬،‫ والن;;اطق ع;;ن الق;رآن والع;الم بأحكام;ه‬،‫وأن الدليل والحجة من بعده عل;ى الم;ؤمنين و الق;ائم ب;أمور المس;;لمين‬
‫ يعسوب المؤمنين وأفضل الوص;يين بع;د‬،‫ علي بن أبي طالب عليه السالم أمير المؤمنين وإمام المتقين وقائد الغر المحجلين‬،‫بمنزلة ھارون من موسى‬ 2010-12-10
Risalat al-Imam ar-Rida (as) fii Jawami` ash-Shari`a - Page 2 of 7

‫ ع;;ترة الرس;ول وأعلمھ;م بالكت;;اب والس;;نة وأع;دلھم بالقض;ية وأوالھ;م‬،‫ واح;دا بع;د واح;د إل;ى يومن;;ا ھ;ذا‬،‫ وبعده الحسن والحسين عليھم;ا الس;;الم‬.‫النبيين‬
‫ وأن‬.‫ االرض وم;;ن عليھ;ا وھ;;و خ;ير ال;وارثين‬B ‫باالمامة في كل عصر وزمان وأنھم العروة الوثقى وأئمة الھدى والحجة على أھل الدنيا ح;تى ي;رث‬
‫ من مات ال يعرفھم وال يتوالھم بأسمائھم‬،‫ الناطقون عن الرسول بالبيان‬،‫ وأنھم المعبرون عن القرآن‬.‫ تارك للحق والھدى‬،‫كل من خالفھم ضال مضل‬
.‫وأسماء آبائھم مات ميتة جاھلية‬

And that the evidence and the proof after him upon the believers, the one in charge of the affairs of the
Muslims, the speaker about the Qur’an and the knower of its rules, is his brother, his successor, his
legatee and the one who was to him of the station of Harun to Musa, `Ali b. Abi Talib ‫عليه السالم‬, the
commander of the believers, the Imam of the God-fearing, the leader of the ghurar al-muhajjilin (having
whiteness of the parts of wudu), the drone of the believers, and the best of the legatees after the
prophets. After him (are) al-Hasan and al-Husayn ‫عليھما السالم‬, one after the other until this day of ours,
the progeny of the Messenger, the most knowledgeable of them of the Book and the Sunna, the most
just of them in law, and the most suited of them to Imamate in every age and time. And that they are
the firmest handle, the Imams of guidance, the Proof upon the people of the world, until Allah inherits
the Earth and whoever is upon it, and He is the best of the inheritors. And that each of their antagonists
is misguided and misguiding, the abandoner of truth and guidance. And that they are ones who give
expression to the Qur’an, the spokespersons of the Messenger through elucidation. Whoever dies and
does not recognize them and does not give loyalty to them, by their names and the names of their
fathers, dies the death of Ignorance.

‫وأن من دينھم الورع والعفة والص;دق والص;الح واالجتھ;;اد وأداء االمان;;ة إل;ى ال;بر والف;اجر وط;ول الس;;جود والقي;;ام باللي;ل واجتن;اب المح;ارم وانتظ;ار‬
.‫الفرج بالصبر وحسن الصحبة وحسن الجوار وبذل المعروف وكف االذى وبسط الوجه والنصيحة والرحمة للمؤمنين‬

And that from their religion is piety, chastity, truthfulness, righteousness, diligence, the fulfillment of
trusts to the honest and the corrupt (alike), prolonging of prostration, rising by night, avoidance of the
forbidden, waiting for the relief with patience, goodness of companionship, good neighborly relations,
exertion in the good, refraining from harm, and delight of the face and advice and mercy for the

‫ في كتابه غسل الوجه واليدين ومسح الرأس والرجلين واحد فريضة واثنان إسباغ وم;;ن زاد أث;;م ول;م يوج;ر وال ينق;;ض الوض;وء‬B ‫والوضوء كما أمر‬
‫ ورس;;وله وكتاب;;ه ول;م يج;ز عن;ه وض;;وءه وذل;ك أن علي;ا علي;ه الس;;الم‬B ‫ ومن مس;ح عل;ى الخفي;;ن فق;د خ;الف‬.‫إال الريح والبول والغائط والنوم والجنابة‬
‫ قب;;ل ن;زول س;ورة المائ;;دة أو بع;دھا؟‬:‫ فقال علي علي;ه الس;;الم‬.‫ عليه واله يمسح‬B ‫ رأيت النبي صلى‬:‫ فقال له عمر‬.‫خالف القوم في المسح على الخفين‬
." ‫ عليه واله لم يمسح على خفيه مذ نزلت سورة المائدة‬B ‫ صلى‬B ‫ " لكني أدري أن رسول‬:‫ قال علي عليه السالم‬.‫قال ال أدري‬

The wudu is as Allah commanded in His book: washing of the face and the arms, and wiping of the
head and the feet – once as an obligation, and twice as a proper observance. Whoever adds (to that)
has sinned and is not rewarded. Nothing breaks the wudu but (breaking of the) wind, urination,
defecation, sleep and janaba. Whoever wipes upon the khuffayn (footwear) has opposed Allah and His
Messenger and His Book, and his wudu is not summarized (i.e. completed) for him. And that is
because `Ali ‫ عليه السالم‬opposed the group in the wiping upon the khuffayn. So `Umar said to him: I saw
the Prophet ‫ عليه واله‬B ‫ صلى‬wiping. So `Ali ‫ عليه السالم‬said: Prior to the revelation of Sura al-Ma’ida or after
it? He said: I do not know. `Ali ‫ عليه السالم‬said: But I know that the Messenger of Allah ‫ عليه واله‬B ‫ صلى‬did
not wipe upon his khuffayn since Sura al-Ma’ida was revealed.

.‫ وغس;ل الزي;;ارة‬.‫ والعي;;دين ودخ;ول مك;;ة والمدين;ة‬.‫ والغس;;ل ي;وم الجمع;ة‬.‫ وغس;ل م;;ن غس;ل المي;;ت ف;رض‬،‫واالغتسال من الجنابة واالحتالم والحيض‬
.‫ وثالث وعشرين منه سنة‬.‫ وإحدى وعشرين‬.‫ وليلة تسع عشرة منه‬.‫ و أول ليلة من شھر رمضان‬.‫ ويوم عرفة‬.‫وغسل االحرام‬

Ghusl of janaba, (of) nocturnal emission, and menstruation, and the ghusl of someone who gives ghusl
to the deceased are fard (obligatory). The ghusl of the day of jum`a, of the two `eids, of entrance to
Makka and Madina, the ghusl of ziyara, the ghusl of ihram, the ghusl of the day of `Arafa, of the first
night of the month of Ramadan, of its nineteenth night, of the twenty first, and of its twenty third are
sunna. 2010-12-10
Risalat al-Imam ar-Rida (as) fii Jawami` ash-Shari`a - Page 3 of 7

‫ ف;ذلك س;بع‬،‫ والفج;;ر ركعت;;ان‬.‫ والعش;;اء اآلخ;;رة أرب;ع ركع;ات‬.‫ والمغرب ثالث ركع;ات‬.‫ والعصر أربع ركعات‬.‫ الظھر أربع ركعات‬:‫وصالة الفريضة‬
‫ تع;د‬- ‫ وركعت;;ان م;;ن جل;وس بع;د العش;;اء اآلخ;;رة‬،‫ وأرب;ع بع;د المغ;رب‬،‫ وثم;ان بع;دھا‬،‫ منھا ثمان قبل الظھر‬:‫عشرة ركعة والسنة أربع وثالثون ركعة‬
.‫ وفضل الجماعة على الف;رد ك;;ل ركع;ة ب;ألفي ركع;ة‬.‫ والصالة في أول االوقات‬.‫ والوتر ثالث ركعات وركعتان بعد الوتر‬،‫ وثمان في السحر‬- ‫بواحدة‬
،‫ بري;د ذاھب;ا وبري;د جائي;ا‬،‫ والتقص;ير ف;ي أرب;ع فراس;خ‬.‫ وال جلود السابع‬.‫ وال تصل في جلود الميتة‬.‫ وال تقتدي إال بأھل الوالية‬.‫وال تصل خلف فاجر‬
‫ في الغداة والمغرب والعتمة ويوم الجمعة وصالة الظھر وكل القنوت قبل الرك;وع و‬،‫ والقنوت في أربع صلوات‬.‫ وإذا قصرت أفطرت‬.‫اثنا عشر ميال‬
‫ والصالة على الميت خمس تكبيرات وليس في ص;الة الجن;ائز تس;;ليم الن التس;ليم ف;ي الرك;وع والس;;جود ولي;;س لص;;الة الجن;ازة رك;;وع وال‬.‫بعد القراءة‬
.‫ الرحمن الرحيم في الصالة مع فاتحة الكتاب‬B ‫سجود ويربع قبر الميت وال يسنم والجھر ببسم‬

The farida (mandatory) salat are: zhuhr – four rak`at, `asr – four rak`at, maghrib – three rak`at, the final
`isha – four rak`at, and fajr – two rak`at. So that is seventeen rak`at. The sunna is thirty four rak`at: of
them eight are before zhuhr, eight are after it, four are after maghrib, two rak`at while sitting after the
final `isha – counting as one – and eight are in the early morning, the witr – three rak`at, and two rak`at
after the witr. Salat is (preferable) at the onset of the times. The superiority of jama`a over individual
(prayer) is two thousand rak`at for every rak`at. Do not pray behind a transgressor, and do not follow
but the people of walayat. Do not pray in the hides of carrion, or the hides of predators. Shortening (i.e.
of prayers) is in four farasikh (parasangs, pl. of farsakh) – a barid (distance traversed by the vehicle or
animal being ridden) going and a barid coming (back) – twelve miles. When you shorten, you break
your fast. The qunut is in four prayers: in the morning (i.e. fajr), maghrib, the darkening (i.e. `isha), the
day of jum`a, and the salat of zhuhr. Every qunut is prior to the ruku` and after the qira’at. The prayer
upon the deceased is (with) five takbirat, and there is no taslim in the prayer of the deceased, for the
taslim is in the ruku` and sujud, and there is neither ruku` nor sujud in the funeral prayer. The grave of
the deceased is squared and not raised. Jahr (saying aloud) with bismillahi ‘r-rahmani ‘r-raheem is in
the salat with the Fatiha of the Book.

‫والزكاة المفروضة من كل مائتي درھم خمسة دراھم وال تجب في ما دون ذلك وفيما زاد في كل أربعين درھما درھم وال تجب فيم;ا دون االربعين;ات‬
‫ و الخم;س م;;ن جمي;ع الم;ال م;;رة واح;دة‬.‫ وفي كل عش;رين دين;;ارا نص;;ف دين;;ار‬.‫ وال تعطى إال أھل الوالية والمعرفة‬.‫شئ وال تجب حتى يحول الحول‬
‫ وإن‬.‫ وكل شئ يخرج من االرض من الحبوب إذا بلغت خمس;ة أوس;ق ففي;;ه العش;;ر إن ك;;ان يس;;قى س;يحا‬.‫والعشر من الحنطة والشعير والتمر والزبيب‬
‫ ال يكل;ف نفس;ا إال وس;عھا وال يكل;ف العب;;د‬B ‫ الن‬،‫ وتخ;رج م;;ن الحب;وب القبض;ة والقبض;تان‬.‫كان يسقى بالدوالي ففيه نصف العشر للمعس;ر والموس;;ر‬
‫ ھ;و تس;;عة‬:‫ والوسق ستون صاعا والصاع ستة أرطال وھو أربعة أم;داد والم;د رط;الن ورب;ع برط;;ل العراق;;ي وق;ال الص;ادق علي;ه الس;;الم‬.‫فوق طاقته‬
.‫أرطال بالعراقي وستة أرطال بالمدني‬

The mandated zakat is five dirhams in every two hundred dirhams, and it is not obligatory in what is less
than that. And in what is increased (from that) is a dirham in every forty dirhams, and nothing is
obligatory in what is less than the forties (meaning it would still be one dirham if the amount over two
hundred was anywhere between forty and seventy nine). It is not obligatory until the year has elapsed.
Do not give but (to) the people of walayat and ma`rifa. For every twenty dinars it is half a dinar. The
fifth (al-khums) is once from all of the property, and the tenth is from wheat and barley and dates and
raisins. When anything that comes out from the earth, of the grains, reaches five awsaq, then in it is the
tenth if it is irrigated by running water (e.g. rivers). And if it is irrigated by a water-wheel then in it is the
fifth (lit. half of the tenth) for the insolvent and the well-to-do (alike). A handful and two handfuls are
taken out from the grains, for Allah does not task a soul but to its ability and He does not task a servant
above his capability. The wasq is sixty sa` and the sa` is six artal (pl. of ritl/ratl) and it is four amdad (pl.
of mudd). The mudd is two rotls and a quarter, by the `Iraqi rotl. As-Sadiq ‫ عليه السالم‬said: It is nine `Iraqi
artal and six Madani artal.

‫ وال يج;وز أن تعط;;ى غ;;ير أھ;;ل‬.‫ ومن التمر والزبي;;ب ص;اع‬.‫ حر أو عبد من الحنطة نصف صاع‬،‫وزكاة الفطر فريضة على رأس كل صغير أو كبير‬
.‫ النھا فريضة‬،‫الوالية‬

The zakat of fitr is a farida upon every head, (whether) young or old, (or) free or slave – from wheat, half
a sa` and from dates and raisins, a sa`. It is not permissible to give (it) to other than the people of
wilaya, for it is a farida.

.‫ وتترك الصيام وتقضيه‬،‫ و الحائض تترك الصالة وال تقضي‬.‫ والمستحاضة تغتسل وتصلي‬.‫وأكثر الحيض عشرة أيام وأقله ثالثة أيام‬ 2010-12-10
Risalat al-Imam ar-Rida (as) fii Jawami` ash-Shari`a - Page 4 of 7

The maximum (limit) of menstruation (al-hayd) is ten days and its minimum (limit) is three days. The
mustahada does ghusl and prays. The ha’id leaves off salat and does not do qada, and leaves off
fasting and does qada of it.

‫ وال يجوز التراويح في جماعة و صوم ثالثة أيام في ك;;ل ش;ھر س;نة م;;ن ك;;ل عش;رة أي;;ام ي;وم خمي;س م;;ن‬.‫ويصام شھر رمضان لرؤيته ويفطر لرؤيته‬
‫ " ش;عبان‬:‫ عليه وآل;ه‬B ‫ صلى‬B ‫ وصوم شعبان حسن وھو سنة وقال رسول‬.‫ والخميس من العشر اآلخر‬.‫ واالربعاء من العشر االوسط‬.‫العشر االول‬
.‫ " وإن قضيت فائت شھر رمضان متفرقا أجزءك‬B ‫شھري وشھر رمضان شھر‬

The month of Ramadan is fasted by its (i.e. the new crescent’s) sighting, and (its fast) is broken by its
sighting (i.e. `eid is celebrated by its sighting). The tarawih is not permissible in jama`a. The fast of
three days in every month is a sunna – a day in every ten days – the fifth (day) of the first ten, the fourth
(day) from the middle ten, and the fifth (day) from the last ten. The fasting of Sha`ban is good, and it is
sunna. The Messenger of Allah ‫ عليه واله‬B ‫ صلى‬said: Sha`ban is my month and the month of Ramadan is
the month of Allah. If you do the qada of the missed (fasts) of the month of Ramadan separately it is
better for you (lit. more sufficing of you) (i.e. not in the days of these recommended fasts).

‫ واالح;;رام دون‬.‫ وال يج;وز الح;;ج إال متمتع;ا وال يج;وز االف;;راد والق;ران ال;ذي تعمل;ه العام;ة‬.‫وحج البيت م;;ن اس;تطاع إلي;;ه س;بيال والس;;بيل زاد وراحل;ة‬
.‫ النه ناقص ويجوز الموجوء‬،‫ " وأتموا الحج والعمرة  " وال يجوز في النسك الخصي‬:B ‫ قال‬.‫الميقات ال يجوز‬

The hajj of the House is (an obligation on) whoever is able to (find) a way to it, and the way is provision
and a riding camel (fem.). The hajj is not permitted but as tamattu` (joined with `umra) and the ifrad and
the qiran that the `Aamma know are not permitted. The ihram apart from (donning at) the miqat is not
permitted. Allah said, “And complete the hajj and the `umra for Allah” (2:196). The castrate (i.e. as the
sacrificial animal) is not permitted in the rite, for it is deficient. The mawju’ (an animal whose testicles
have been bruised to have the same effect as castration) is permitted.

‫ ومن قاتل فقتل دون ماله ورحله ونفسه فھو شھيد وال يحل قتل أحد من الكفار في دار التقية إال قاتل أو باغ وذلك اذا ل;م تح;ذر‬.‫والجھاد مع إمام عادل‬
.‫ وال حنث على من حلف تقية يدفع بھا ظلما عن نفسه‬.‫ والتقية في دار التقية واجبة‬.‫على نفسك وال أكل أموال الناس من المخالفين وغيرھم‬

Jihad is with a just Imam. Whoever fights and is slain in defence of his property, his baggage (or,
saddle) and his self, he is a martyr. And it is not allowed to kill (any) one of the kuffar in the realm of
taqiyya except for a murderer or an aggressor and that is when you had not been fearful for your own
life (i.e. for your own safety), and (it is) not (allowed) to consume the properties of the people from the
opponents and those beside them. And taqiyya in the realm of taqiyya is obligatory. And there is no
perjury upon the one who would takes an oath in taqiyya, to repel oppression from himself thereby.

‫ عليه واله وال يكون طالق بغير سنة وكل طالق يخ;الف لكت;اب فلي;;س بط;;الق وك;;ل نك;اح‬B ‫ عزوجل وسنة نبيه صلى‬B ‫والطالق بالسنة على ماذكر‬
‫ وق;ال أمي;ر‬.‫ وإذا طلقت المرأة ث;الث م;;رات للس;;نة ل;م تح;ل ل;ه ح;تى تنك;;ح زوج;;ا غ;;يره‬.‫ وال تجمع بين أكثر من أربع حرائر‬.‫يخالف السنة فليس بنكاح‬
." ‫ " اتقوا المطلقات ثالثا فإنھن ذوات أزواج‬:‫المؤمنين عليه السالم‬

Divorce by the sunna is (only valid) as per what Allah ‫ عزوجل‬mentioned and the Sunna of His prophet
‫ علي;;ه وال;;ه‬B ‫صلى‬. Divorce is not (valid) through other than the Sunna. Every divorce that opposes the Book
is not a divorce. Every marriage that opposes the Sunna is not a marriage. More than four freewomen
are not combined. When the wife is divorced three times for (i.e. by) the Sunna, she is not allowed for
him until she marries a husband other than him. Amir al-Mu’mineen ‫ عليه السالم‬said: Beware the thrice
divorced women for verily they are married.

.‫ عليه واله في كل المواطن عند الرياح والعطاس وغير ذلك‬B ‫والصالة على النبي صلى‬

The prayer upon the Prophet ‫ عليه واله‬B ‫ صلى‬is in every place: with winds, sneezing, and other than that. 2010-12-10
Risalat al-Imam ar-Rida (as) fii Jawami` ash-Shari`a - Page 5 of 7

.‫ وأوليائھم وبغض أعدائه والبراءة منھم ومن أئمتھم‬B ‫وحب أولياء‬

Love of the awliya (pl. of wali) of Allah and their awliya, and hatred of His enemies and bara’at from
them and from their Imams.

‫ " اش;كر ل;ي ولوال;;ديك إل;ي المص;;ير * وإن جاھ;;داك عل;ى أن‬:‫ يق;ول‬B ‫ وإن كانا مشركين فال تطعھما وصاحبھما ف;ي ال;دنيا معروف;;ا الن‬،‫وبر الوالدين‬
:‫ ث;م ق;ال‬،‫ فأط;;اعوھم‬B ‫ " ما صاموا لھم وال صلوا ولكن أمروھم بمعصية‬:‫تشرك بي ما ليس لك به علم فال تطعھما " قال أمير المؤمنين عليه السالم‬
." B ‫ عزوجل فقد كفر واتخذ إلھا من دون‬B ‫ من أطاع مخلوقا في غير طاعة‬:‫ عليه واله يقول‬B ‫ صلى‬B ‫سمعت رسول‬

Goodness towards parents. If they are mushriks, do not obey them. Befriend them in the world in a
good manner, for Allah says “Give thanks to Me and to your parents; to Me is the homecoming. But if
they strive with you to make you associate with Me that whereof you have no knowledge, then do not
obey them” (31:14-15). Amir al-Mu’mineen ‫ عليه السالم‬said: They do not fast for them nor do they pray to
them rather they commanded them to the disobedience of Allah and they obeyed them. Then he said: I
heard the Messenger of Allah ‫ عليه واله‬B ‫ صلى‬say: Whoever obeys a creation in disobedience to Allah
‫ عزوجل‬has done kufr and taken a god apart from Allah.

.‫وذكاة الجنين ذكاة امه‬

The legal slaughter of the fetus is the legal slaughter of its mother.

.‫وذنوب االنبياء صغار موھوبة لھم بالنبوة‬

The minor sins of the prophets are granted to them due to prophethood.

‫ وذو السھم أحق ممن ال سھم له وليست العص;;بة م;;ن دي;ن‬.‫ ال عول فيھا وال يرث مع الوالدين والولد أحد إال الزوج والمرأة‬B ‫والفرائض على ما أمر‬

The fara’id (apportioned inheritances) are as per what Allah commanded, there is no reduction (`awl) it,
and none inherits along with the parents and the child except for the husband and the wife. The owner
of the share has a greater right than one who has no share. And `asabah is not from the religion of

.‫ ويتصدق بوزن شعره ذھبا أو فضة يوم السابع‬.‫ ويسمى يوم السابع‬.‫ ويحلق رأسه يوم السابع‬.‫والعقيقة عن المولود الذكر واالنثى يوم السابع‬

The `aqiqa for the newborn, male and female, is on the seventh day. Its head is shaven on the seventh
day. It is named on the seventh day. And charity is given by the weight of its hair in gold or silver on the
seventh day.

‫ االبن;اء‬B ‫ وال يع;ذب‬،‫ عزوج;;ل ال;برئ بج;رم الس;;قيم‬B ‫ وال يأخ;;ذ‬،‫ وال تقل بالجبر وال ب;التفويض‬.‫ ال خلق تكوين‬،‫وأن أفعال العباد مخلوقة خلق تقدير‬
‫ عل;ى العب;;اد‬B ‫ وال يف;رض‬.‫ يغف;ر وال يظل;م‬B‫ " وأن ليس لالنسان إال ما سعى " و‬." ‫ " وال تزر وازرة وزر اخرى‬:‫واالطفال بذنوب اآلباء وإنه قال‬
.‫ وال يختار لرسالته ويصطفي من عباده من يعلم أنه يكفر ويعبد الشيطان من دونه‬.‫طاعة من يعلم أنه يظلمھم و يغويھم‬

And that the acts of the servants are created – a creation of measure (khalq taqdir), not a creation of 2010-12-10
Risalat al-Imam ar-Rida (as) fii Jawami` ash-Shari`a - Page 6 of 7

bringing into being (khalq takwin). Do not profess compulsion (al-jabr) or delegation (at-tafwid). Allah
‫ عزوج;;ل‬does not bring the innocent to account for the offense of the sick (at heart), and Allah does not
punish the sons and the children for the sins of the fathers. Verily He said, “And no bearer shall bear
the burden of another” (6:164 et al), “And that man shall not have save what he strives for” (53:40).
Allah forgives and does not wrong. Allah does not oblige obedience upon the servants towards one
who He knows will oppress them and lead them astray. He does not choose for His message or select
from His servants one who He knows will do kufr and worship the Shaytan apart from Him.

‫ وال يشرب الش;;ارب حي;ن يش;;رب الخم;ر‬.‫ ال يسرق السارق حين يسرق وھو مؤمن‬.‫ وكل مؤمن مسلم وليس كل مسلم مؤمنا‬.‫وأن االسالم غير االيمان‬
‫ ال ي;دخل الن;;ار مؤمن;ا وق;د وع;;ده‬B ‫ وأن‬.‫ وأصحاب الح;;دود ال بم;ؤمنين وال بك;افرين‬.‫ بغير الحق وھو مؤمن‬B ‫وھو مؤمن وال يقتل النفس التي حرم‬
‫ وك;;ل إث;;م‬.‫ وال تحي;;ط جھن;م إال بالك;;افرين‬.‫الجنة والخلود فيھا ومن وجبت له النار بنفاق أو فسق أو كبيرة من الكب;;ائر ل;م يبع;;ث م;;ع الم;ؤمنين وال منھ;م‬
‫ واالم;ر ب;المعروف‬.‫ والش;;فاعة ج;ائزة للمستش;فعين‬.‫ أو أت;;ى كب;يرة م;;ن الكب;;ائر‬،‫ أو ن;افق‬،‫ أو كف;;ر‬،‫ وم;;ن أش;رك‬.‫دخل صاحبه بلزوم;ه الن;;ار فھ;و فاس;;ق‬
.‫والنھي عن المنكر باللسان واجب‬

And that Islam is different from Iman. Every believer (mu’min) is a Muslim but not every Muslim is a
believer. The thief does not steal while he steals and (yet) remain a believer. The drunkard does not
drink while he is drinking wine and (yet) remain a believer. One does not kill the soul which Allah has
forbidden unjustly and (still) be a believer. The people of the hudud (legal punishments) are neither
believers nor unbelievers (kafirin). And that Allah will not make a believer enter into the Fire while He
has promised him the Garden and immortality in it. For whomsoever the Fire has been made obligatory
due to hypocrisy or corruption or a great sin from the greater sins is neither raised with the believers nor
is from among them. Hell will not encompass but the kafirin. Every sin which necessitates its master to
be made to enter the Fire then he is a fasiq (? error in print?) – whoever does shirk or kufr or commits
hypocrisy or comes with a great sin from the greater sins. Intercession is a reward for the ones seeking
intercession. Commanding to the good and prohibiting evil by the tongue is obligatory.

.‫ وااليمان ھو معرفة بالقلب وإقرار باللسان وعمل باالركان‬.‫وااليمان أداء الفرائض واجتناب المحارم‬

Faith (al-iman) is the fulfillment of the obligations and avoidance of the prohibitions. And faith is
recognition by the heart, affirmation by the tongue, and action as per the basic principles.

.‫والتكبير في االضحى خلف عشر صلوات يبتدأ من صالة الظھر من يوم النحر وفي الفطر في خمس صلوات يبتدأ بصالة المغرب من ليلة الفطر‬

Takbir in the (`eid of) adha follows after ten salawat (prayers), beginning from the salat of zhuhr of the
day of the slaughtering, and in the (`eid of) fitr after five salawat beginning with the salat of maghrib from
the eve of fitr.

.‫ ثم تغتسل وتصلي وتعمل عمل المستحاضة‬،‫والنفساء تقعد عشرين يوما ال أكثر منھا فإن طھرت قبل ذلك صلت وإال فإلى عشرين يوما‬

The nafsa’ (women undergoing nifas, i.e. post-partum bleeding, lochia) sits (i.e. refrains from salat) for
twenty days, no more than it. So if she becomes pure prior to that she prays, otherwise (she observes)
upto twenty days. Then she does ghusl and prays and acts with the act of the mustahada.

B ‫ والم;واالت الولي;;اء‬.‫ وال;براءة م;;ن أئم;ة الض;الل وأتب;اعھم‬.‫ والم;يزان والص;راط‬.‫ والحس;;اب‬.‫ والبعث بعد الموت‬.‫ويؤمن بعذاب القبر ومنكر ونكير‬
‫ وتح;ريم ك;;ل ذي ن;اب م;;ن‬.‫ والمضطر ال يش;;رب الخم;ر فإنھ;;ا تقتل;;ه‬.‫ وكل ما أسكر كثيره فقليله حرام‬.‫ وكل مسكر خمر‬.‫وتحريم الخمر قليلھا وكثيرھا‬
‫ وم;;ن الط;;ير م;;ا ال‬.‫ والج;;ري والط;افي والمارم;اھي والزم;ير وك;;ل ش;ئ ال يك;ون ل;ه قش;ور‬.‫ وتحريم الطحال فإنه دم‬.‫السباع وكل ذي مخلب من الطير‬
.‫تكون له قانصة ومن البيض كل ما اختلف طرفاه فحالل أكله وما استوى طرفاه فحرام أكله‬

The punishment of the grave is believed in, and Munkar and Nakir, the resurrection after death, the
accounting, the scales and the bridge, bara’at from the Imams of misguidance and their followers, giving 2010-12-10
Risalat al-Imam ar-Rida (as) fii Jawami` ash-Shari`a - Page 7 of 7

walaya to the awliya of Allah, the forbiddance of wine (al-khamr), whether a little of it or a lot, and every
intoxicant is khamr and all whose excess intoxicates, then a little of it (also) is haram, and the one who
is in a state of necessity (compelled) should not drink wine (either), for it will kill him, and the
forbiddance of every possessor of fang from the predators and every possessor of talon from the birds,
the forbiddance of the spleen for it is blood, and the catfish, the floater (i.e. a dead fish floating on
water), the moray eel, the zamir (?) and everything that does not have scales, from the birds those
which do not have a gizzard, and from the eggs all of whose ends vary, then its eating is halal and all of
whose ends are even, then its eating is haram.

،‫ وال;دم‬،‫ وأك;ل الميت;ة‬.‫ وأكل مال اليت;امى ظلم;;ا‬.‫ والفرار من الزحف‬.‫ وعقوق الوالدين‬.‫ وشرب الخمر‬،B ‫ وھي قتل النفس التي حرم‬،‫واجتناب الكبائر‬
.‫ وقذف المحص;نات‬.‫ والبخس في الميزان والمكيال‬.‫ والميسر‬.‫ وأكل الربا والسحت بعد البينة‬.‫ من غير ضرورة به‬B ‫ وما اھل به لغير‬،‫ولحم الخنزير‬
‫ واليمي;ن‬.‫ ومعاون;ة الظ;;المين والرك;ون إليھ;;م‬.B ‫ والقن;;وط م;;ن رحم;;ة‬.B ‫ واالم;ن م;;ن مك;;ر‬.B ‫ والي;;أس م;;ن روح‬.‫ والشھادات الزور‬.‫ واللواط‬.‫والزنا‬
‫ مث;ل الغن;;اء‬B ‫ والخيانة وكتمان الشھادة والمالھي التي تصد ع;;ن ذك;;ر‬.‫ والتبذير‬.‫ واالسراف‬.‫ والكفر‬.‫ والكبر‬.‫ وحبس الحقوق من غير عسر‬.‫الغموس‬
‫ واالصرار على الصغاير من الذنوب‬.‫وضرب االوتار‬

And avoidance of the major sins, and they are: killing the soul which Allah has forbidden, drinking wine,
filial impiety, fleeing from the battlefield, consuming the property of orphans unjustly, eating carrion,
blood, flesh of swine, and whatever has been consecrated in the name of other than Allah
unnecessarily, consuming usury and ill-gotten gains after the evidence, gambling, lowering in the scale
and measure (i.e. cheating), slandering the chaste women, fornication, sodomy, perjury, despairing of
(receiving) the comfort of Allah, security from the stratagem of Allah, despondency from the mercy of
Allah, aiding the oppressors and relying on them, the false oath, the repression of rights despite being in
ease, arrogance, kufr, wastefulness, extravagance, cheating/betrayal, concealment of testimony, the
amusements that indispose one from the remembrance of Allah such as singing (al-ghina) and the
striking of chords/strings (guitars etc), and persistence on the minor (ones) from the sins.

.‫ على نبيه وآله وسلم تسليما‬B ‫ والحمد  رب العالمين وصلى‬.‫فھذا اصول الدين‬

So these are the roots of religion. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may Allah bless His
Prophet and his family, and salute (him) with a becoming salutation (of peace).

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