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Conquer Bravado by These Good Replacements

All of us have had food cravings often texture-related cravings as creamy or crunchy as
something. Whether we like or dislike certain foods, food textures play a large part. For instance,
even though you may not like mushy, fresh or scarcely cooked peas. It’s surprising!

Fortunately, products of all kinds of textures and flavors include healthy foods. Here are some
recommendations to meet your cravings with a range of nutritious snacks:


Instead, ice cream may first come in mind, but a range of other sweet snacks may be equally

Try this: spread fresh avocado over the whole grain pasta OR 1⁄2 avocado eaten with a spoon of
Warm 1 tablespoon of creamy peanut butter in the oven for 10 seconds. Purify some berries into
a cup of fatty yogurt, without adding any sugar.


Instead: pretzels and chips have a crunchy texture, but they can do so with lots of additional
sodium you don’t need.

Try baby carrots, 3⁄4 cup of the grain of whole grain, no added sugar Crunchy unsalted nuts
Crisp bread of whole-grain of popcorn; try different ingredients, such as cinnamon or your
favorite spice or herb, to add a certain taste.


Instead: sweet tea or soda may sound cool, but all these empty calories could take some time to
work out. A mocha fancy medium-sized coffee drink can contain 400 calories with whipped
cream, and that is before you add sugar or honey.

Try to sip: Plain iced tea produced from a lemon squeeze. Instead of a delicious mocha beverage,
choose a tiny latte made of non-fat milk and topped with cinnamon that is about one-quarter of
the calories. You can sweeten it with berries or non-caloric sprayer.


Instead, it could sound like a squish in your mouth: jelly-like candies or even children's snacks,
but other alternatives are supplemented by more nutrition.
Try it with fresh grapes; freeze them for a few minutes for a pleasant texture. Make tapioca
pudding with squishy tapioca pearls. Follow the instructions in the box and only use half the
quantity of sugar or non-caloric sweet and fat-free or low (1 percent) cherry dairy beans.


Instead: Some people may not like apples as they may be smooth and mealy or grainy; over-
cooked eggs may also be the case.

Try mushing this: choose crisp apple varieties such as Braeburn, Honey Crisp, Fuji, and Gala,
avoiding the softer choice of red bread or white potatoes; avoid russet bread high in starch that
makes it ideal for mashed pieces of bread but also makes them look "mealy or cereal".

Get always ready to hunt healthy food to maintain good health!

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