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Plugin Name: WP Smush Pro

Author: WPMU DEV

Tested up to: 5.3.2

Change Log:

= 3.6.1 =

- Enhance: Directory Smush image processing

- Enhance: CDN background image processing performance
- Fix: Lazy loading breaking visual editors (Oxygen, Thrive Architect, Tatsu)
- Fix: WooCommerce breaking Smush onboarding dialog
- Fix: CDN processing of background images with spaces
- Fix: REST API errors

= 3.6.0 =

- New: CDN support for images in REST API responses

- New: Media library filter to show uncompressed images
- New: Native lazy loading support
- Enhance: Image resize detection functionality
- Enhance: Allow excluding images from lazy loading with data-skip-lazy attribute
- Enhance: Improve restore backup UI
- Enhance: Bulk smush UI
- Fix: NextGEN Gallery integration
- Fix: Error detecting language error on Settings page
- Fix: "Choose directory" button disabled state after first click
- Fix: Some notices not being dismissible
- Fix: Image restore

= 3.5.1 =

- Fix: Browser console errors on pages without Backbone js scripts

- Fix: Lazy load compatibility with Beaver Builder
- Fix: Lazy load breaking videos

= 3.5.0 =

- New: Add custom post types to include/exclude filters in the lazy load module
- New: CDN support for source in the picture element
- New: Lazy loading for WebP images
- New: Lazy loading support for picture element
- Enhance: Page parsing performance
- Enhance: Media library UI
- Enhance: CDN compatibility with empty srcset and sizes image attributes
- Enhance: CDN support for background images
- Enhance: Lazy load compatibility with Envira Gallery plugin
- Enhance: Plugins page links
- Fix: CDN not detecting background images surrounded by HTML entities
- Fix: CDN not replacing srcset in some cases
- Fix: Lazy load Gravatars
- Fix: WPBakery Page Builder integration
- Fix: Typos in the lazy load module

= 3.4.2 =

- Enhance: Security
- Fix: Fatal error on WordPress 4.x
- Fix: Compatibility issue with ReCaptcha and lazy loading

= 3.4.1 =

- Fix: Upgrade from Free to Pro causing an error

= 3.4.0 =

- New: Option to ignore images from Smushing

- New: CDN support for picture element
- New: Lazy load for iframes
- New: Lazy load compatibility with Block Gallery plugin
- New: Lazy load compatibility with CoBlocks plugin
- New: smush_cdn_custom_uploads_dir filter for use with custom upload directories
in CDN
- New: CDN support for images in data-original attribute
- Enhance: Compatibility with WP Engine
- Enhance: CDN support for custom UPLOADS directories
- Enhance: Max width detection with CDN auto-resize functionality
- Enhance: Lazy loading image format detection
- Enhance: Lazy loading compatibility with AMP
- Enhance: Lazy loading compatibility with Essential Grid
- Enhance: Lazy loading compatibility with JetPack
- Enhance: Integration settings pages UI, summary meta box UI
- Enhance: Significantly increase performance on sites with large media libraries
- Enhance: Support for WordPress 4.x
- Enhance: Compatibility with Oxygen Builder
- Enhance: Accessibility in modals
- Fix: Undefined index PHP notices
- Fix: Lazy loading not properly working on Bootstrap based themes
- Fix: Lazy loading exclusion rules not working with active CDN
- Fix: Failed parsing srcset attribute value since its w descriptor is invalid
- Fix: PHP warnings for getimagesize() disabled wrapper
- Fix: UI conflict with Store Locator Plus plugin
- Fix: CDN incorrectly resizing cropped images
- Fix: Directory Smush permissions
- Fix: NextGen gallery bulk Smush functionality
- Fix: Network access control settings
- Fix: Resize threshold not resetting when auto-resize is disabled

= 3.3.2 =

- New: Support for big images in WordPress 5.3

- Fix: WP Offload Media integration with Pro version

= 3.3.1 =

- Fix: CDN incorrect calculation for image sizes attribute

- Fix: Undefined index PHP notices

= 3.3.0 =

- New: Integration with Envira Gallery

- New: Integration with Avada Fusion Builder background images
- Enhance: Compatibility with staging environment on WPMU DEV hosting
- Enhance: SmartCrawl readability analysis compatibility
- Enhance: Allow optimizing directories in root folder
- Enhance: Error descriptions during optimization
- Enhance: Detection of image sizes when "All" option is selected in Bulk Smush
- Enhance: CDN detection of background images
- Fix: Issue with CDN auto resize and Revolution Slider
- Fix: CDN auto resize feature overwriting the correct sizes attribute
- Fix: NextGen summary meta box layout
- Fix: PHP warnings on NextGen integration
- Fix: UI layout in NextGen integration
- Fix: Lazy loading spinner layout issue
- Fix: Compatibility with RT Media

= 3.2.4 =

- Enhance: Minor user experience improvements and updates

- Fix: Bulk Smush notices and errors

= 3.2.3 =

- New: Pro page to highlight Smush Pro features

- Enhance: Minor user experience improvements and updates
- Enhance: CDN activation process
- Fix: CDN upgrade status issue
- Fix: Remove auto sizing in lazy loading
- Fix: Images with empty class not lazy loading
- Fix: Lazy loading not working on front page when a static page is selected as a

= =

- Fix: Preserve network settings after update

= 3.2.2 =

- New: Bulk restore

- New: Network access control settings
- New: Lazy loading onboarding step
- New: Lazy loading custom placeholders
- New: Lazy loading custom spinners
- New: CDN support for background images
- Enhance: Lazy loading support for ACF
- Enhance: Lazy loading page parser
- Enhance: Do not allow enabling CDN for sites that are not registered on the Hub
- Enhance: Bulk compressing images without proper meta data
- Enhance: Do not lazy load images on AMP pages
- Enhance: Translation strings
- Enhance: UI in media library
- Enhance: API calls
- Fix: Plugin texts
- Fix: PHP warning when Smush is not able to detect site language
- Fix: Excluding frontpage post type from lazy loading
- Fix: Missing icons in resize my full size images notice
- Fix: Inability to resize full size images several times
- Fix: Image count calculations during images re-check
- Fix: Directory Smush on SiteGround, GoDaddy and Bluehost

= 3.2.1 =

- New: Increase image size limit in free version from 1Mb to 5Mb
- New: Image sizes option
- New: Integration with WPBakery Page Builder
- Enhance: Move Image resize detection to the new Tools section
- Enhance: Add upgrade link to bulk smush limit message
- Enhance: Directory Smush async mode
- Enhance: Regex syntax for detecting images in content
- Enhance: Smush CDN support for 3rd party lazy loading plugins
- Enhance: Smush CDN UI
- Enhance: Smush CLI error handling
- Enhance: Update API status button functionality
- Enhance: Filter to skip image from lazy loading
- Enhance: Support for Revolution Slider
- Enhance: Notices when bulk limit is reached
- Enhance: Support for jQuery 2.x-3.x
- Fix: Errors with WP Ultimate Recipe Premium
- Fix: Inability to determine max content width with Auto Resize CDN feature
- Fix: Directory Smush not resetting errors on successful scans
- Fix: Lazy loading spinning image containers
- Fix: PHP notice on lazy loading settings page
- Fix: Subsites showing settings pages when network wide options enabled
- Fix: PHP warning on 2.x - 3.x upgrade in network installs
- Fix: CDN not processing the image tag if src does not contain a valid image
- Fix: Lazy loading URL exclude rules
- Fix: URL exclusion rules in lazy loading

= =

- New: Add "Update API status" button in Settings

- Enhance: API key validation
- Fix: CDN displaying incorrect usage data

= =

- Fix: CDN upgrade link not showing when bandwidth is over limit

= 3.2.0 =

- New: Image lazy loading

- New: CDN support for mapped domains in multisite
- New: Auto update free version of the plugin to Pro if Dashboard plugin is
installed and activated
- New: Options to preserve settings and data on plugin uninstall
- New: Option to reset settings to defaults
- New: Ignore images with errors during bulk Smush
- Enhance: Performance
- Enhance: Clean up outdated and deprecated code
- Enhance: Onboarding experience
- Enhance: Skip auto resized images on CDN from highlighting in image resize
detection tab
- Enhance: Directory Smush where wp-content is placed in a custom location
- Fix: [NextGEN Gallery] bug with stats count
- Fix: Translation strings and typos
- Fix: wp_smush_skip_folder filter
- Fix: Recalculate stats when clicking 'Re-check status' button
- Fix: Illegal string offset 'file' warning in PHP

= 3.1.1 =

- Fix: Auto Smush in Gutenberg

- Fix: Image backup in Gutenberg

= 3.1.0 =

- New: Onboarding experience for new installs

- New: WP CLI support for bulk/single image Smush and bulk restore
- New: Color accessibility settings
- New: Compatibility with Beaver Builder
- Enhance: CDN image detection
- Enhance: Compatibility with Hustle
- Enhance: Add upgrade link in Plugins section for the free version
- Enhance: Remove activation tooltips
- Enhance: CSS for highlighting incorrectly sized images
- Enhance: Preserve stats during options updates
- Enhance: CDN will now only accept JPG/PNG/GIF images - no more warnings in
browser console
- Enhance: Support for Edge browser (and some older browser versions)
- Fix: Browser console errors with CDN auto resizing and webp images
- Fix: Directory Smush errors on subsites in multisite environments
- Fix: Fix CDN not enabling on subsites in multisite
- Fix: JavaScript error during bulk Smush on free version of the plugin

= 3.0.2 =

- Enhance: Support for WordPress 5.0 release and Gutenberg editor

- Fix: [WP Offload Media] integration with Pro version
- Fix: PHP warning on update from Smush version 2 to version 3

= 3.0.1 =

- Security: Remove support for Upfront theme functions

= 3.0.0 =

- New: Smush CDN

- New: Webp support with CDN
- New: Auto image resize when using CDN
- New: Plugin structure (Important: plugin globals have been removed)
- New: Show failure reason during directory Smush
- New: Settings page with language translation links
- Security: Fix XSS vulnerability
- Security: Fix phar deserialization vulnerability (thanks @ripstech)
- Enhance: Better handling of animated GIFs. Improve performance.
- Enhance: Update translation strings
- Enhance: Clean out all the leftover data on plugin uninstall
- Enhance: Directory Smush modal: support keyboard navigation
- Enhance: Directory Smush modal: navigate to next node by typing the first letters
- Enhance: [WPML] PNG to JPEG conversion in media translations
- Fix: Directory Smush resume button only working when clicked on icon
- Fix: Errors during image re-check
- Fix: Meta values are deleted when an image is skipped using wp_smush_image
- Fix: [WP Offload Media] Backward compatibility errors
- Fix: [WP Offload Media] Warnings when certain attachment sizes are excluded from
- Fix: [WP Offload Media] Errors during is_animated check with images stored on S3
- Fix: [WooCommerce] Compatibility issue with WooCommerce 3.5

= 2.9.1 =
- Fix: Errors during update from Free to Pro

= 2.9.0 =

- New: Incorrect image size detection

- New: Pointers for new installs
- New: Show a list of errors (if present) after bulk Smush
- Enhance: Remove activation redirection
- Fix: Compatibility with Enhanced Media Library
- Fix: Layout inconsistencies
- Fix: Remove duplicate queries
- Fix: User profile languages not properly applying to Smush
- Fix: Translation strings
- Fix: Smush full sized images when image dimensions are smaller than the largest
- Fix: Directory Smush will not get stuck when an image encounters an error during
- Fix: Support for the latest Gutenberg version
- Fix: Allow blog admins in network installs to manage site Smush options
- Fix: Stats not showing after Smushing in media library

= 2.8.2 =

Fix: Compatibility issues with latest WP Offload Media (WP Offload S3) update

= 2.8.1 =

- New: Directory Smush UI/UX

- New: Directory Smush updated library
- New: Directory Smush ability to select multiple directories
- New: Directory Smush ability to deselect certain images in directories
- New: Integration with Gutenberg image block
- Enhance: Bulk Smush UI
- Enhance: Update GDPR policy text
- Enhance: Do not auto resize animated GIF images to preserve animation
- Enhance: Performance improvements, remove duplicate queries
- Fixed: Stats reset for Smushed directories when selecting Super-smush option
- Fixed: Pro status cached bug
- Fixed: Quick setup modal missing image dimensions for image resize option

= =

- Fixed: Smush causing media uploads to not function properly (in rare conditions)

= 2.8.0 =

- New: High-power API cluster for Smush Pro users

- New: Updated and improved UI/UX
- New: Stats meta box
- Enhance: Smush will have it's own section in the GDPR policy, instead of
appending to the end of the policy text
- Enhance: Compatibility with AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild and ACF plugins
- Enhance: Add support for image/x-png and image/x-citrix-jpeg mime types
- Fixed: File size not updated inside the attachment details modal during
Smush/restore of an image
- Fixed: Directory Smush using mobile
- Fixed: Smush progress during feature image upload
- Fixed: Image width and height converted to string in async request
- Fixed: Warnings on PHP 5.2
- Fixed: Warnings on PHP 7.1
- Fixed: Fixed wrong method name in S3 offload class. Thanks Tedy Warsitha
- Fixed: Issues when editing image attributes in the media library
- Fixed: Missing translation strings

= =

- Fixed: Critical Error: Ajax returns Error 500 on media library in WP Offload S3

= =

- Fixed: Conflict with front-end editors

= 2.7.9 =

- Update:
- Smush settings moved to separate top level page in dashboard ( Smush/Smush
Pro )
- Added Privacy Policy content for Smush in Privacy Policy Guide

- Fixed:
- Conflict with plugin Download Manager, Embed any document, Getty
- Settings link incorrect for sub sites
- Don't load smush settings in front-end
- Increase php memory limit only if lesser than required
- Display a warning if custom table isn't created
- Attachment details not being displayed when uploading image in post edit
- Compatibility with WP Offload S3 latest version
- Directory Smush skips 1 image for every iteration of 50 images ( Free version
- Nextgen Gallery Stats not updated properly ( Pro Version )
- Added instructions for Resize Image feature - It works independent of Auto
Smush, If "Automatic Smush" is off and
"Resize my full size image" is kept on, the image would be resized
- Smush button doesn not appears in Media Modal window for Ultimate Branding
- NextGen Integration: Smush stats not updated after image deletion
- Warning/Error for settings on initial setup

- Integrations:
- Updated WP Offload S3 integration to smush images with Cloudfront enabled

= 2.7.8 =

- Includes changes from update 2.7.7 and a fix for JS errors in custom posts screen
disabling post editor tabs

- Updates:
- Minor UI Changes ( Accessibility Fixes )
- PNG to JPG: Iterate over rows while URL replacement to make sure all the
occurrences are updated

- Fixed:
- Skip button doesn't skips images
- Show updated smush status in Media Grid attachment modal
- Font issue in WordPress backend for Ubuntu systems
- Fatal Error: get_current_network
- Async Smush not working for subdirectory sites
- File backups were not being created for Auto Smush if Async smush is disabled

= 2.7.6 =

- Security: Fixed path traversal vulnerability. Thanks Ricardo Sánchez(@neorichi)

for responsible disclosure.

= 2.7.5 =

- Updated:
- UI/UX has been updated for Bulk Smush page

- Fixed:
- Start from latest image while Bulk Smushing
- S3 config error if AWS keys are defined in wp-config.php
- NextGen smush page not working properly
- Do not redirect to settings page on activation if WP CLI is installed

= =

- Fixed:
- `get_current_screen()` method causing error on some sites

= 2.7.4 =

- Update: Minor UI changes

- Fixed:
- Images not being resized when image is uploaded via Mobile App
- Notices and Warnings
- S3 offload Integration - Original Image not being deleted in some cases

= =

- Fixed: Pro user unable to login to WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin when Smush is
active, Error: "Your key is invalid."
- Updated: S3 Integration, return URL for any error, 'as3cf_get_attached_file'

= 2.7.3 =

- Fixed:
- Manual Smush not working
- Bulk Smush broken for few sites

= 2.7.2 =

- Updated:
- Use JS for stats calculation while using Bulk Smush, to reduce the Ajax time
- Fixed:
- Some Images would keep appearing in the re-smush list, if "Resize original
images" is enabled
- Enable buttons in settings redirects to network smush settings page in a
subsite if networkwide settings are enabled

= 2.7.1 =

- Fixed: Progress bar not updating

= 2.7 =
- Updated:
- Faster image uploads: Set async request timeout to 0, if you're having
trouble with Auto Smush, set timeout using filter `smush_async_time_out`

- Fixed:

- Issue with WP Smush Pro membership check

- Stats: Rating message shows incorrect image count
- Stats: Include directory smush stats in media stats
- Directory Smush: UI improvement
- Directory Smush: Allow re-smushing directory images, if the lossy feature is
turned on
- Directory Smush: Fixed empty query warning if there are more than 5k images
- Site Ground Staging - Disable Async smush for staging sites, admin URL for
async request is incorrect because of the Apache module
- Image appearing in Re-Smush list even after smushing, if resize settings are
kept on.
- Performance: Updated query for smushed images count
- Added:
- WP S3 Offload - Plugin Compatibility for Remove files from server feature
( Pro Version )
- WP RSS Aggregator compatibility for Auto Smush
- WordPress mobile app Auto smush compatibility

= 2.6.3 =

- Fixed:

- Compatibility issue with WP Defender

- Image dimensions not updated after resizing in Grid view

- Added:

- Added a check to preserve smush stats on plugin deletion, You can add
`define('WP_SMUSH_PRESERVE_STATS', true );` in wp-config.php

= 2.6.2 =

- Added:
- WP All Import Compatibility

- Fixed:
- Image not being updated to S3 after resmush ( Only if remove files from
server is kept off in S3 plugin settings )
- Added check for directory smush savings
- Call `wp_update_attachment_metadata` after smushing, to allow the optimised
image to be used
- Dir Smush: Images with special symbols doesn't gets optimised
- Dir Smush: Skip .bak files
- Retina Images @2x: Do not smush if auto smush is disabled
- Backup ( Pro ): Take backup of original untouched image, improved backup and

- Updated:
- Smush Limit ( 50 Images ), do not include images with error in count

= 2.6.1 =

- Fixed:
- PHP 5.2 compatibility
- DB error: Use a smaller value for Path Index size ( Prefix Indexes )
- Updated translation function name
- UI/UX fixes for directory smush
- Improved optimisation process for directory smush
- Updated uninstall.php
- Skip sites directory from Directory Smush in a Multisite

= 2.6 =

- Fixed:
- PHP 7 warning ( ), @props: @alexis-mag
- Async Smush conflict with other plugins

- Changes:
- Moved notice JS/CSS in footer
- Bulk Smush page optimisation
- Increased timeout for Async request - Fixes Async smush not working for some
hosting services

- Added:
- Directory Smush ( Pro Feature )

= 2.5.3 =

- Fixed:
- Show a Smush progress message in Grid view for Auto Smush
( A lot of people reported it as Auto Smush not working, which works in
background though )
- Translation domain was incorrect for few strings
- Translation: Load translation domain in main plugin file
- Include image size `medium_large` in smush list
- Error: Cannot use string offset as an array
- Error in PNG to JPG conversion ( Pro Feature ), added check for
mime_content_type function
- Pro Status not recognised

= 2.5.2 =

- Added:
- Filter: `wp_smush_image`, Boolean, Whether to Smush image or not
- Async Optimisation for Auto Smush on upload ( Set WP_SMUSH_ASYNC to false to
turn off async optimisation )
- Networkwide settings option in a Multisite

- Fixed:
- Double slash in file path causing 403 on some of the sites
- Localisation error reported by @talgat ( Thank You :) )

= 2.4.5 =

- Fixed:
- Error "No file content sent" with WP 4.6

= 2.4.4 =

- Fixed:
- Stats Calculation, Use custom query to retrieve data
- Fixed warning and notices
- PNG to JPEG conversion not working for Multisite ( Pro Users )
- thumbnails not being converted for PNG to JPEG conversion
- Removed option to convert Transparent PNGs to JPEGs ( Pro Users )
- Added check for invalid membership

= 2.4.3 =

- Fixed:
- Image resizing not working on image upload

= 2.4.2 =

- Fixed:
- PHP 5.2 compatibility

= 2.4.1 =

- Fixed:
Conflict with customizer

= 2.4 =

- Compatibility:
- WPML Media Add-on compatibility, you can smush all the images for all the
languages at once from Bulk Smush page

- Features:
- Added PNG to JPG - Lossy Conversion for higher savings ( Pro Feature )

- EXIF: Device details were left out for some images, even when opted for
stripping it

- Updated:
- Minor Tweaks on WP Smush Page ( Bulk Smush )
- Stats calculation is more accurate
- Show current image size and image size dimensions in media library after
image has been smushed
- JPEG optimisation - higher savings for JPEGs lossy optimisation ( Pro Feature

= 2.3.1 =

- Fixed:
- Stats not updated on resizing images
- CSS conflict in Media Library

= 2.3 =

- Fixed:
- Tooltip on image edit page
- Warning and Notices
- Updated:
- Improved stats calculation
- Bulk Smush page optimised for Image heavy sites
- Cleanup on uninstall
- Added:
- Image Resizing option for Media, NextGen(Pro Only) images
- Total image count on stats page
= 2.2.2 =
- Fixed: JS error causing issue with Editor on some installs, plugin conflict with
CoursePress plugin, ACF ( Clear All Caches after plugin upgrade, Cloudflare as well
- Fixed: ReSmush count for bulk smushing
- Fixed: Smush settings accessibility for Screen reader/Keyboard
- Fixed: WP Admin loading slow ( Load smush stats on required admin pages only )

= 2.2.1 =
- New: Option to resmush image if settings are changed after optimising images
- New: Added an option to preserve EXIF
- New: Remove Smush meta on image regeneration,
This allows user to manually smush them later, if auto smush is off ( WP
Image Editor support )
- New: Manual Image restore option for Media Library and NextGen Gallery, if
"Backup Original Images" was kept on while smushing ( Pro Only )
- New: Delete Backup Files (Pro Only) on attachment deletion
- Updated: Upfront Integration
- Fixed: jQuery tooltip conflict
- Code Optimisation, Updated Settings page UI

= 2.1.5 =
- Fixed: WP Media Folder Plugin compatibility
- Fixed: Warning on Plugins Page
- Updated: Settings Page styling

= 2.1.4 =
- Fixed: Preserve file permission after smushing ( Fix for Images disappearing in
Media library on some hosts )
- Fixed: Styles plugin compatibility
- Fixed: Append URL params considering the existing arguments ( WPML
Compatibility )
- Fixed: Warning: For settings link in Network admin, Warning: ( Thank you @Maks3w for suggestions )
- Fixed: Fatal error if both pro version and free version are activated
- Fixed: NextGen-Smush conflict on plugin activation on a fresh install

= 2.1.3 =
- Fixed: Compatibility with v4.0 of our Dashboard plugin, was not detecting pro

= 2.1.2 =
- Fixed: Important fix for transient issue leading to mutliple api requests

= 2.1.1 =
- Fixed: Workaround for terrible bug in W3TC file based object caching

= 2.1 =

- Fixed: Untranslatable strings in settings

- Fixed: Increased is_pro() API timeouts
- Fixed: Remove redundant _get_api_key() cache check
- Fixed: Some PHP notices on fresh installs
- Fixed: Bulk Smush button keeps spinning after 50 images for free version
- Fixed: NextGen Bulk Smush button issue
- Fixed: Invalid header issue
- Fixed: Warnings in file functions
- Updated: Added limit on query results, for sites with higher image count, Use
filter `wp_smush_media_query_limit` to adjust values
- Added: Sortable WP Smush column in Media Library
- Added: Filters `wp_smush_media_image` for Media Gallery, `wp_smush_nextgen_image`
For NextGen gallery,
allows to skip a particular image size from smushing
- Added: NextGen Gallery support

= =

- Updated: Skip webp images ( causing ajax error for few sites )
- Fixed: Warning and Notices ( Media Library not loading )
- Fixed: Smush full size image if no other sizes are available
- Added: Detailed text for stats and settings

= =

- Fixed: Change File permission after replacing image

- Fixed: Directory path for files
- Fixed: Workaround for Auto Smush issue on Hostgator
- Fixed: Smush button doesn't works in media library dialog on post screen, when
add media is clicked
- New: Show number of images smushed in stats column
- Added: Support for WP Retina 2x Plugin
- Added: Filter `WP_SMUSH_API_TIMEOUT` to change the default time out value from
- Added: Smush original image option (Pro Only)

= =

- Use string for text domain instead of PHP Constant ( WordPress Guideline ) - 2015-05-20 - Umesh Kumar

- Updated: Max image size set to 32Mb for Pro Version

2.0.6 - 2015-05-20 - Umesh Kumar

- Fixed: Conflict with various themes while editing post and page
- Fixed: Word Count not working
- Fixed: Notice and Warnings

2.0.5 - 2015-04-17 - Aaron Edwards, Sam Najian, Umesh Kumar

- New: Allow Super-smush for existing smushed images

- Fixed: IMPORTANT - broken transient caching for is_pro
- Fixed: Fixed conflict with wp gallery link plugin in grid view
- Fixed: Other small fixes

2.0.4 - 2015-04-14 - Aaron Edwards, Umesh Kumar

- Fix: Fatal error conflict with some plugins on fronted of site

2.0.3 - 2015-04-14 - Aaron Edwards, Sam Najian and Umesh Kumar


- Complete rewrite to use WPMU DEV's new fast and reliable API service.
- New: "Super-Smush" your images with our intelligent multi-pass lossy compression.
Get >60% average compression with almost no noticeable quality loss!
- New: Keep a backup of your original un-smushed images in case you want to restore
- UX/UI updated with overall stats, progress bar.

1.1.1 - 2015-03-27 - Umesh Kumar

- Updated: Use simplified meta queries

1.1 - 2015-03-27 - Umesh Kumar

- New: New API Servers added for faster optimization
- Fixed: PHP warning for broken files - 2015-03-26 - Umesh Kumar

- New: Suggest manual smushing for smaller bulk request
- New: Allow media sorting in list view as per smush status
- Updated: Bulk smush query
- Updated: Wait time estimation

1.0.3 - 2015-02-27 - Umesh Kumar

- New: Added constant 'WPMUDEV_APIKEY', to specify WPMU membership key explicitly
- Fixed: Plugin activation issue in Multisite
- Fixed: Decode URLs received from API to remove any encoded characters

1.0.2 - 2015-02-03 - Umesh Kumar

- Fixed: Use options instead of transient to fix W3TC object caching issue
- New: Modify email address for bulk smush notification

1.0.1 - 2015-01-01 - Umesh Kumar

- New: CDN, suggestion to whitelist IP
- New: Use Ajax to check API status
- New: Limit concurrent pending single smush to 1000, to avoid hogging up of
server resources
- Fixed: Db cleanup on uninstall
- Fixed: Remove unnecessary meta on install
- Fixed: Request status for removed bulk requests
- Updated: Allowed file types (JPEF, PNG, GIF )
- Updated: Wait Time reduced

1.0 - 2014-11-24 - Saurabh Shukla, Umesh Kumar

- First release


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