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in company SECOND EDITION Pre-intermediate

Case Study: Cristal Malvern

headword pronunciation translation/notes example sentence

according to ... (adv) /ə'kɔːdɪɳ tuː/ According to company sources, the cause of the
fire is unknown.
activity (n) /æk'tɪvɪti/ The company was able to continue its commercial
activity during the period of reconstruction.
adjustment plan (n) /ə'ʤʌstmənt ˌplæn/ An adjustment plan will be needed in order to
protect as many jobs as possible.
alive (adj) /ə'laɪv/
keep sth alive Our mission is to keep the brand alive.
/kiːp ˌsʌmƟɪɳ ə'laɪv/

benefit (v) /'benəfɪt/

benefit from sth Cristal Malvern can grow, modernise and benefit
/'benəfɪt frəm ˌsʌmƟɪɳ/
from this disaster.
brand (n) /brænd/ Cristal Malvern is an established brand of mineral
business sense (n) /'bɪznəs sens/ It would not make any business sense for the
brand to disappear.
concern (n) /kən'sзːn/ The major concern is to lose as few customers as
possible while the factory is rebuilt.
connected (adj) /kə'nektəd/
be connected with sth This family has been connected with the company
/biː kə'nektəd wɪƟ ˌsʌmƟɪɳ/
for over a hundred years.
consumer product (n) /kən'sjuːmə ˌprɒdʌkt/ Mineral water is now an important consumer
control (n) /kən'trəʊl/
have control Although there are other shareholders, their family
/hæv kən'trəʊl/
still has control.

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cost (n) /kɒst/ Transporting the water to other plants is not viable
due to the costs.
cover the cost of sth The insurance money and other subsidies will
/'kʌvə ə ˌkɒst əv ˌsʌmƟɪɳ / cover most of the cost of modernising.
deal (n) /diːl/
make a deal with sb We are planning to make a deal with another
/meɪk ə 'diːl wɪƟ ˌsʌmbədi/
company which sells mineral water.
demand (n) /dɪ'mɑːnd/
meet a demand This is a good opportunity for the company to
/miːt ə dɪ'mɑːnd/
modernise its production in order to meet an
increasing demand.
desperate (adj) /'despərət/
be desperate to do sth We are desperate to reconstruct the business.
/biː 'despərət tə duː
distribute (v) /dɪ'strɪbjuːt/ Another company will distribute and sell their water
as Cristal Malvern with a slightly modified label.
distribution (n) /dɪstrɪ'bjuːʃən/ The spring water could be transported to other
bottling plants for distribution.
due to ... (adv) /'djuː tuː/ Transporting the water to other plants is not viable
due to the costs.
employee (n) /ɪm'plɔɪiː/ Most of the remaining employees agreed to be
temporarily laid off.
employer (n) /ɪm'plɔɪзː/ Cristal Malvern is one of the area's main
established (adj) /ɪ'stæblɪʃt/ Cristal Malvern is an established brand of mineral
face (v) /feɪs/ The problem facing the company is how to pay the
workforce while the factory is being rebuilt.
facilities (n pl) /fə'sɪlɪtɪz/ New production facilities are being built.
influence (n) /'ɪnfluəns/
have an influence on sth Initially the situation had a negative influence on
/hæv ən 'ɪnfluəns ɒn
initiative (n) /ɪ'nɪʃɪtɪv/
take the initiative We are all prepared to co-operate but the company
/ˌteɪk ə ɪ'nɪʃɪtɪv/
must take the initiative and it must do it quickly.

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installation (n) /ɪnstə'leɪʃən/ Eighteen months later the company has been able
to renew its activity in a new installation.
insurance (n) /ɪn'ʃʊərəns/ We are confident that we will secure the brand's
insurance money/payout future with the help of an insurance payout.
/ɪn'ʃʊərəns ˌmʌni/ˌpeɪaʊt/
investment (n) /ɪn'vestmənt/ A big investment was required to continue
lay off (phr v) /leɪ 'ɒf/
be laid off Most of the remaining employees agreed to be
/biː leɪd 'ɒf/
temporarily laid off.
locate (v) /ləʊ'keɪt/
be located The bottling plant is located next to the spring
/biː ləʊ'keɪtəd/
which gives the mineral water its name.
location (n) /ləʊ'keɪʃən/ Because of the nature of our product, we can't just
move to another location.
maintain (v) /meɪn'teɪn/ It was vital for the Insalus brand to maintain a
market presence.
management (n) /'mænɪʤmənt/ The company management will try not to make too
many workers redundant.
market (n) /'mɑːkɪt/
market leader Cristal Malvern mineral water is one of the market
/ˌmɑːkɪt 'liːdə/
market presence It was vital for the Insalus brand to maintain a
/ˌmɑːkɪt 'prezəns/ market presence.
marketer (n) /'mɑːkɪtə/ If people drink water from bottles rather than taps, it
is a triumph of marketers.
marketing (n) /'mɑːkɪtɪɳ/ Workers involved in sales and marketing continued
in their posts.
mission (n) /'mɪʃən/ Our mission is to keep the brand alive.
modernise (v) /'mɒdənaɪz/ This is a good opportunity for the company to
modernise its production in order to meet an
increasing demand.
modified (adj) /'mɒdɪfaɪd/ Another company will distribute and sell their water
as Cristal Malvern with a slightly modified label.
multinational (n) /mʌltɪ'næʃənəl/ The company may be sold to one of the big

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negotiate (v) /nə'gəʊʃɪeɪt/ Some permanent redundancies will have to be
optimistic (adj) /ɒptɪ'mɪstɪk/
(opposite = pessimistic)
be optimistic about sth We are optimistic about the future.
/biː ɒptɪ'mɪstɪk əbaʊt
origin (n) /'ɒrɪʤɪn/ The origin of the spring water will be in small print.
plant (n) /plɑːnt/ A fire broke out at the Cristal Malvern bottling plant
yesterday and completely destroyed the factory.
post (n) /pəʊst/
continue in a post Workers involved in sales and marketing continued
/kən'tɪnjuː ɪn ə pəʊst/
in their posts.
process (n) /'prəʊses/ A new plant with modern processes will require
fewer workers.
product (n) /'prɒdʌkt/ Because of the nature of our product, we can't just
move to another location.
production (n) /prə'dʌkʃən/
continue production A big investment was required to continue
/kənˌtɪnjuː prə'dʌkʃən/
/stɑːt prə'dʌkʃən/
start production We won't be able to start production again for a
very long time.
public relations officer (n) /ˌpʌblɪk rɪ'leɪʃənz ofɪsə/ The public relations officer stated that the
workforce was the company's main priority.
rather than ... (adv) /'rɑːə æn/ If people drink water from bottles rather than taps,
it is a triumph of marketers.
rebuild (v) /riː'bɪld/
be rebuilt The major concern is to lose as few customers as
/biː riː'bɪlt/
possible while the factory is rebuilt.
reconstruct (v) /riːkən'strʌkt/ We are desperate to reconstruct the business.
reconstruction (n) /riːkən'strʌkʃən/ The company was able to continue its commercial
activity during the period of reconstruction.
recover (v) /rɪ'kʌvə/ Sales have quickly recovered and continue to
redundancy (n) /rɪ'dʌndənsi/ Some temporary/permanent redundancies will

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have to be negotiated.
redundancy notice The workforce was informed this morning that
/rɪ'dʌndənsi ˌnəʊtɪs/
redundancy notices will be served.
redundant (adj) /rɪ'dʌndənt/
make sb redundant The company management will try not to make too
/meɪk ˌsʌmbədi rɪ'dʌndənt/
many workers redundant.
renew (v) /rɪ'njuː/ Eighteen months later the company has been able
to renew its activity in a new installation.
responsibility (n) /rɪsˌpɒnsɪ'bɪlɪtɪ/ The Managing Director expressed a genuine
concern and responsibility for his workforce.
retirement (n) /rɪ'taɪəmənt//
early retirement We can lose some people through early
rumour (n) /'ruːmə/ I've heard a rumour about the company being
forced to close.
sales (n pl) /seɪlz/ Sales have increased over the last few years.
sales and marketing Workers involved in sales and marketing
/ˌseɪlz ənd 'mɑːkɪtɪɳ/
continued in their posts.
salvage (v) /'sælvɪʤ/ We are still waiting to see if anything can be
serve (v) /sзːv/ The workforce was informed this morning that
redundancy notices will be served.
shareholder (n) /'ʃeəhəʊldə/ Although there are other shareholders, your family
still has control.
small print (n) /'smɔːl prɪnt/
be in small print The origin of the spring water will be in small print.
/biː ɪn 'smɔːl prɪnt/
source (n) /sɔːs/ According to company sources, the cause of the
fire is unknown.
subsidy (n) /'sʌbsədi/ The insurance money and other subsidies will
cover most of the cost of modernising.
triumph (n) /'traɪʌmf/ If people drink water from bottles rather than taps, it
is a triumph of marketers.
union (n) /'juːnjən/
union A union spokesman says the fire is a tragedy for
representative/spokesman the local community.

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viable (adj) /'vaɪəbəl/ Transporting the water to other plants is not viable
due to the costs.
vital (adj) /'vaɪtəl/ It was vital for the Insalus brand to maintain a
market presence.
workforce (n) /'wзːkf ɔːs/ The workforce was informed this morning that
redundancy notices will be served.

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