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Payment issues

SPIN selling

1. Call planning
2. Strategy

High value Sales

Gathering Sales
Decision Making Process

Client Centered Selling

1. Power
a. Informal power
b. Decision taking Authority
c. Influence over Decision
d. Knowledge of the Project
e. Authority Influence Matrix
2. Personality
a. Dominant Introvert
i. Make the presentation crisp
ii. Irritated for Non-Compete business chats
iii. Loves devices
iv. Loves to actually play sports. Does not like to be a spectator.
b. Dominant Extrovert
c. Submissive Introvert
i. Low emotions and low assertiveness
ii. Generally at thr grass root level
iii. Need to show them, technical data, proof
d. Submissive Extrovert
i. Gives or makes a barrier
ii. Front desk
iii. Checks proposals
iv. Tend to stay in one position for a long time.
v. They don't like high pressure.
vi. Only way to pressure him is via his boss.
vii. Very disorganized
viii. Find it very difficult to say NO
3. Position
a. Do they themselves know the needs
b. Do we have to create a need?
c. Position Grid: Need vs Competition

Position Grid Low Competition High Competition

High Need

Low Nees

4. Priority

Decision Making Process

1. Decision based on Provide Financial Details

a. Cost effectiveness
2. Decision based on Service
a. In case of emergency
b. Certified vendor
3. Decision based on Social Political Scene
a. Individual image
b. Prestige from purchase
4. Decision based on Personal
a. Pleasure of buying from you

Call Planning
1. Who to keep long relationship
2. Who has a big ego
3. Who all to meet, after the meeting


Telephone communication medium.

1. Talk without travelling
2. Two way communication
1. You can't see the person
2. You don't know the mood
3. He can directly cut the phone
4. You cannot build any relationship
5. His concentration is low
6. He can lie
7. He was not waiting for your call
8. He does not know you
9. He knows why you are calling

In Telephone:
Never ask open question on Telephone.

Before Calling:
Clear the table

8/73 rule
1. 44% of sales men give up on the first objection
2. 22% of sales men give up on the second objection
3. 16% of sales men give up on the third objection
4. 10% of sales men give up on the forth objection

92% of all the Sales Personal, give up on the first 4 objection; Only 8% of the Sales Personal
73% of the genuine customers give at least 4 objections

1. Opening (creates attention)
a. Introduce yourself
b. Share Preliminary Plesentaries
i. Create sms talk
c. Propose an agenda
d. State the Value of the Agenda
e. Ask the permission for time
f. Please call the the decisions makes and partners
g. Put of the mobile, close the door and other distractions
h. Thank them
2. Probing (creates interest)
a. Ask sequential revelant questions
3. Supporting (creates conviction)
4. Closing (creates action)

The art of Gaining Interest by identifying the needs and circumstances of the customers.

1. SPIN Selling
2. Situation Questions
a. Tell me the present situation of your company about…?
3. Problem Question
a. What are the problems which you are facing?
4. Implication Question
a. What will happen, if this continues?
5. Need Pay-off Questions
a. What will happen if, Extinctfire solves this problem?

Types of Attitudes

1. Acceptance
2. Skepticism
a. Rephrase the Skepticism in a positive question?
b. Then, offer proof
i. Testimonials
ii. Contracts
iii. Data from articles
iv. Videos
v. Show pictures
vi. Show colour xerox
vii. Third Party Reference
viii. Site Visit
3. Indifference
a. The customer is satisfied with existing status
b. Normally comes at the starting.
c. Ask a serious of closed ended questions
d. This forces him to think
e. Don't wait for his answers
4. Stalling
a. Stalling the customer is not sure.
b. He has hidden objection
c. You have not yet evaluated the need.
d. He may does not have money.
5. Objection
a. Rephrase in a positive question
b. I don't have the money
c. You're price is too high
i. So what you are saying is that you want value for money
d. Talk about all the minor details in a fascinating manner.

Ask for the check.

Always Be Closing

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