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Twin Flame Healing With

Feminine Power
Guide Book

Created by Nicole Gayle to support women on their twin flame

This disclaimer is to support this guide that does not hold me or anyone else responsible should
you choose to engage in this at your own free will and choose to commit to this guide.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Welcome to the twin flame healing with
feminine power 21 day practice

It’s a deep honor to have you on this incredible journey.

Welcome to the twin flame healing with feminine

power 21 day practice. Our focus is on the spiritual
and practical aspects of feminine power that enables
us to reconnect to our feminine core, integrate our
self-love, reclaim our divine power, offer our gifts to
those around us and make an impact on our planet.

My name is Nicole Gayle and I’ve guided hundreds of women in these

feminine healing practices who’s healed and restored themselves in many
ways. My desire is to offer these practices freely and in service of my
awakening and gifts I’ve come to embody on my twin flame journey.

I’ve been on this journey about three years now from this writing and it’s
been the most deeply soul expansive journey I’ve encountered. To make
sense of it all, I got in touch with a mentor and have been in 1 on 1
mentoring for over 1 year.

Without having his support, it would have been an even more deeply
painful and confusing journey but now that I’ve been able to make sense of

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

it all, I’m desiring to serve others to through support. I’m grateful to serve
you in this way.

A brief history of my twin flame journey

I love to avoid labels. Especially if they are romantic in nature. In fact, I see
myself operating under the twin flame label as mostly a framework for
having helped me understand the journey and don’t think of it in romantic

I released most of the romantic consciousness/emotional body love from

my energy prior to meeting the man in my life – who I’ve now come to
realize is a twin flame union.

You won’t see me romanticizing this journey, because I don’t believe that is
the main purpose of it. Some may have met their twin flames but haven’t
gotten to the physical stage yet, some haven’t met in person and now
experiencing the twin flame stages (like myself) some have yet to meet their
twin flame, some have twin flame but in spirit, and others are living in
union with their twin flame.

I met my twin flame online and then in person within a few weeks of
connecting. I knew nothing of the twin flame union/dynamic or label when
I met him. I wasn’t seeking a twin flame or had any understanding of the

When I first saw him online, I was thinking he must be a player who have
tons of women throwing themselves at him and immediately I “knew” him

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

while sending messages, I could feel him at the very core of his being as
though I’m talking to him in person. When we finally met offline, he was
one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen. But I acted like he wasn’t all

Everything in my entire being knew that this was going to change my life
but I didn’t know how. After our first official date, we hugged and kissed
and that’s when my running started. Something in me felt that I could
never open more to this energy or it was going to destroy me and so the
next day, I sent a text letting him know that although I enjoyed meeting
him, I thought we could just be friends.

And he said, “No worries”

So I kept him in the friend zone for over 1 year and I was determined to go
and “date” other men and keep my options open.

But a few weeks went by and he showed up in my dream. I dreamt that he

was at my parent’s house at a party they were having. He was sitting on a
couch laughing and talking as though it was natural. So when I got up from
the dream, I was thinking, “Why is this guy showing up in my dream?
That’s weird” – the thing is, the dreams never stopped. Every few weeks,
there would be another dream. I would dream about him month after
month after month and think about him every day since meeting him. It got
me more confused because I was actually trying to “avoid” being that
intimate with him. There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by that I haven’t
thought about him and there hasn’t been a few months that’s gone by that I
don’t dream about him.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

I began being fascinated by what was happening and started chatting him
up daily without any romantic expectation or attachment. I was a curious
awake runner. I’d say things to him like, “Hey, what are you doing showing
up in my dreams all the time?”

I was drawn to talk to him, the pull stated growing so strong, and the
stronger it got, the more I was afraid of getting close. But I’d always go
back to him asking him questions, which he welcomed and enjoyed the

We spent a ton of time laughing and talking about anything and everything
and my comfort level increased with him as well as the powerful magnetic
pull that kept growing beyond what I could resist rationally. The sexual
connection was by far so out of this world, that it fired up everything inside
my being and captured me and blew me away – but I kept telling him we
should be friends and probably not a good idea to get flirty with me because
it’s really not going to turn into anything.

The energy kept growing and getting intense as the days would go by to the
point where I could not ignore and many soul expansive experiences began
happening and has happened to me since then including having a major
dark night of the soul experience and a minor one because of my resistance
to the union and fight to not take a look at my inner wounds by running.
Because of his low key approach to me when I would pull close then pull
away consistently and his non-reactive way of responding, I ended up
falling DEEP in love with him after a year – the very thing I fought so hard
to avoid, caught me.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

We’ve had a series of union then separation and these 21 day practices
you’re going to go on a journey with were the practices I did BEFORE
attracting him into my life and what’s helped me heal a lot of the distorted
energy within myself that contributed to negative patterns in my life and to
the cycle between us.

There’s more I could share here but in this introductory guide. However,
our focus is on the 21 day practices. There are many different stages of the
twin flame union, however we are going to focus on a brief summary of
feminine/masculine energy, the runner/chaser – separation/union

A lack of deeply understanding these energy templates create much

confusion and emotional pain for me (even as I ran) and for many chasers
who suffer emotionally with the runner and pulling away.

I’m going to touch briefly on these three definitions:

 What is a twin flame?

 What is masculine/feminine energy?
 The runner/chaser dynamic
 Separation/Union dynamic

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

What is a twin flame?
A twin flame share the same soul energy and frequency, split in half and
individuated in the masculine and feminine quality for the purpose of soul
expansion, emanating divine love and service to the planet.

What is the masculine and feminine


(Photo credit: google)

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Both men and women have masculine and feminine energy however, the
male biological counterpart often reflects a higher degree of the masculine
energy while the female biological counterpart reflects a higher degree of
feminine energy.

These two energies are the basis for co-creation – even at the biological
level with reproduction and offspring.

In order to have the highest quality of co-existing, even in a relationship,

both energies have to be reflecting in an optimum state. For example, if a
woman is too masculine in a relationship – like taking the lead, chasing,
pushing, initiating, being too logical and lacking emotion, making all the
decisions etc., it brings her union out of balance and therefore there is no
balanced polarity between both energies.

If a man is too much in his feminine, he’s inactive, does not take the lead,
isn’t decisive, lacks drive and often seen as a weak.
We will explore further in the definition of the runner dynamic how these
energies come into play.

Often, many women have an unhealed feminine energy through negative

conditioning, past trauma and deep unhealed wounds as well as carry
around a wounded masculine (the male energy that caused trauma in her
life like abuse, rejection or abandonment.
A woman might feel like:
She’s unworthy
 She’s unloved
 She’s undeserving
 She isn’t valued or cherished

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

And may respond to life and others to try to compensate for this by:
 Trying to please others
 Over giving
 Lacking in boundaries
 Struggle with self-worth/self-love
 Self-harming/body hate/emotional eating
 Controlling/demanding
 Attracting rejection/abandonment
 Manipulating
 Shame
 Placing herself and needs last
 Loving others more than she loves herself in an attempt to gain their
love in return

And many other darker shadow energies.

When I was younger, age 5, I was abused by my cousin and therefore one of
my deepest wounding is shame and feeling as though men just use me and
not really present for me so I would attract men who took from me then
I spent years healing that and got married to a soul-mate but my shadow of
avoiding deeper intimacy, feelings of shame, and being emotionally
unavailable with him was full center while married for 9 years which
ultimately ended in divorce.

I continued to work on my inner wounds after our divorce which brought

up the darker aspects of my wounded masculine. I experienced a lot of rage
towards my ex-husband and many men I would meet.
My twin flame union brought all of these darker shadow to the surface,
triggering my fears of abandonment and being used by men and I did
EVERYTHING in my power to avoid falling for him and really being
emotionally available.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

But the powerful intense energy of the union would not let up and the pull
was beyond my own ability to fight it which showed me overtime my
wounds (the very triggers I was running from by being the runner) – and
what I thought I’d spent years healing.

Further exploration of the masculine

The masculine energy is often the runner because the male energy doesn’t
isn’t connected to the heart and emotional world as primary but often in the
head and rational. So having to now come into very intense “feeling”
energies which has to do with being balanced in the heart space is a huge
threat to the unhealed masculine.
Personally, in my unhealed masculine wounding, I fought EVERYDAY to
not go into my heart with him, it was like this consistent inner battle. I
thought if I did, it’s weak, leaves me too vulnerable and I would be ruined
The unhealed masculine (which can be reflected in female twins) is the
opposite of the authentic masculine energy that is present and that which
keeps the space of being the provider, safety and security. When the male is
running, the number 1 thing a woman struggles with is:

 He doesn’t show up for me – he isn’t present

 I can’t trust him – he isn’t making me feel safe

In order for your union to have balance, you both must heal your wounded
masculine and feminine and the distorted energy balance between you.
When I worked with a mentor to heal my wounded inner masculine (the
runner) I was able to ground the energy enough to stay present and
eventually surrender to him. This took over 1 year of inner work.
When your masculine energy is unhealed, it might show itself in rage,
control, pushing, telling him what to do, manipulation and always taking
the lead. When your feminine isn’t healed, it might show itself in over-
Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice
giving, over functioning, lack of surrender, self-love, emotional outbursts
towards him, pushing, emotional spilling, drama, crying spells towards
him, blaming, reactive, and shaming him for his lack of being present.

When both these energies are healed, there is harmony and balance within
you. I’ve noticed that when I healed a lot of my wounded feminine prior to
meeting him, I was no longer grasping in romantic consciousness for the
sleeping beauty happily ever after story that made me feel like a man and a
relationship completes me.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Definition of the runner

The runner is often the masculine energy (even if there is a female runner)
as I was for over 1 year.

The twin flame union each generally play a divine masculine and feminine
role. When it comes to the runner/chaser dynamic, it’s a play of the shadow
energies of the masculine and feminine.

You may find that as female you may be the runner and him the chaser or it
may be you are the chaser and him the runner. However this dynamic may
also shift if you’re in one dominant energy like the chaser, eventually you
may be the runner.

When I healed my runner energy of over 1 year, the dynamic switched to

me being the chaser at least 90% of the time like often reaching out first etc.
because after healing a lot of the wounded masculine (runner) I know had
to look at my unhealed feminine lingering (even though I had done a ton of
work already). When my runner energy was more balanced, I noticed there
was a shift and his unhealed masculine came more to the forefront. He was
now mirroring a lot of my previous behaviors, come close, pull away, hot
and cold, intense then pull away, up and down when it comes to how he
responded to me.

More than likely you’re here because you’ve mostly embodied the chaser
energy – the shadow aspects of the feminine energy and may be confused
as to why a runner run. Since I’ve been in the runner energy here’s a brief
understanding of why I was running: I was in deep pain and didn’t know it

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

and the intensity of the energy between us triggered my wounds and I was
unconscious of the fact I was being triggered.

I was in deep denial and did everything to avoid integrating the shadow
aspects of my unhealed wounds into wholeness but also deeply drawn to
him at the same time. It felt as though if I got closer it would ruin my plans,
crack me open, totally destroy me, take me out, overpower me and kill
everything in my being. Runners run because of deep patterning and
unhealed wounds because really facing oneself is so traumatizing you feel
you won’t recover.

Because I kept getting pulled so deeply by this energy and many intuitive
and psychic events began happening, plus a deep feeling of something I
could understand at the time, I connected with a mentor who walked me
through over 1 year of healing my runner energy and helping me
understanding my inner world and the twin flame dynamics.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Separation/Union Dynamic

This is by far the most confusing for many and it was for me in many ways.
I was very reactive to him when we first got closer, I opened up a lot of
myself to him then he went into a runner state. We’ve had many cycles of
the separation union stage and each time we come back together, it’s like
nothing happened, we pick up right where we left off BUT we somehow
have gotten much closer and want to open up even more to each other after
the separation.

I had NO idea what was going on for a long time and it was extremely
painful for me. During one of the separation stage, I fell into a dark night of
the soul experience for months on end and felt disconnected from god, my
life and purpose. I felt I had no direction for where I needed to go and it
was extremely painful feeling both of our unhealed energies (as the more
awake person) as it purged itself in in energy body. I actually got sick a few
times to the point where I was scared for my life. The first separation I
believe is the hardest, because it’s like a par to me died. It was much deeper
than a breakup, it was like a soul death. I tried my best to carry on in life
and kept seeking answers and would encounter guides along the way. But
more than that, I was pissed at god because I was very confused and
wondered why this magnetic energy was still so present in my life and I
couldn’t get rid of it no matter how hard I tried.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Reason for separation
The separation phase is for healing and integrating the new healed energy
within and when you come back into union, it’s to integrate these new
healed energies in the union. You may notice you’ll enjoy a period of peace,
connection, trust, harmony for some time, but then as you get closer again
energetically, it may trigger you or your twin flame and another cycle of
another separation will occur for greater clearing and integration.

The separation is also divinely guided and it’s divine order in order to
accomplish its intention of purifying energies in both twins. You may
separate in many ways, for example, some might still be in a
relationship/marriage, and others might run back to a relationship or start
a new one.

Because I was a runner, I actually got into a relationship in order to “get”

this magnetic pull out of my mind and system – but after 6 months, that
relationship flopped and the universe was like, “I’m sitting you down again.
So sit your behind down and stop running” – I finally left the relationship,
but of course I still ran in other ways.

Your separation is serving a purpose and the opportunity is through guides

like this, to use your feminine power to heal your negative patterns, karma,
and unhealed inner wounds.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Most resist and fight during the separation stage or stay in a lot of ego pain.
Many don’t do “anything” in the separation stage like working on their
inner wounds, clearing their energy and raising their vibration which tend
to prolong the stage and send some into years of darkness or depression.

The purpose of this guide is to support your healing process in your union
and to work with divine timing/order so that you can do the inner work to
heal your unhealed wounds (no matter if you’ve spent years working
through them) – so that you can come into the higher template of
unconditional divine love (unite with your twin flame if that’s meant to by
divine order) and reflect this in service to the planet.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Why 21 days?
Studies show that an activity performed continuously for 21 days forms a
new neural pattern in the brain. When we make a practice a habit with
consistency, the mind adopts it as a new pattern. It becomes part of the
subconscious mind.

Therefore, in order to create the shifts we desire in our lives, we commit to

forming new patterns and clear blocks plus negative energy by doing
regular practices which we define as rituals.

This requires commitment and why we are calling this an immersion

because you are intending to be accountable to yourself, the women in our
circle and your union doing the practices outlined in this manual daily for
21 days.

Sacred Intention for the next 21 days

“Intention is the starting point of every spiritual path. It is the force that
fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual
awakening, or love.

Intention generates all the activities in the universe. Everything that we can
see – and even the things we cannot – are an expression of intention’s
infinite organizing power.” - Chopra Center

1) I am committing myself to the 21 day immersion. This will consist of

taking part in all of the spiritual and practical practices to enhance
the embodiment of my feminine power.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

2) I am open to give myself permission to be gentle with myself in the
3) I am aware that blocks and limiting beliefs about my power may arise
during this process and I am committed to honor my process and stay
open to my own soul journey.
4) I am committing to actively participate our Twin Flame Healing with
Feminine Power Support Group.
5) I am committing to doing my highest to participate to the overall
group experience for the next 21 days and be support of the other
women and their journey.
6) I understand that this 21 day immersion will have a positive impact
on my life and the level of my commitment is directly correlated to
my personal results.

Please take a few moments to write out your sacred intention for this 21 day
journey below or in your sacred journal:

You may also use the site: to help you stay
accountable to your intention and support your 21 day journey.

Daily Intention Practice

Every day for the next 21 days, practice writing an intention daily to start
your day.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Chapter 1: What you could purchase to
support your journey
These are suggestions and aren’t mandatory. It will be helpful to release
negative energy and detox the body to hold greater vibration if you choose
to engage.

While doing these rituals, you are going to be moving a lot of toxic, stuck,
negative energy through your body. The following supplies will help the
process of greater movement and integration.

1) Lavender or ylang-ylang essential oil (be sure to purchase 100% pure

2) only)
3) Fake or real flower for your hair – you could use while at home during
your sacred dance
4) A favorite jewelry (bracelet) – to celebrate feminine
5) Chamomile herbal tea/peppermint (caffeine free)
6) Sacred Journal at dollar store
7) Organic Lemons

 If you choose to make a green smoothie daily, see below for simple
green smoothie recipe

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Chapter 2: What to consume during your
21 day immersion
You do not have to shift your diet radically and please see a doctor before
engaging in any diet related changes if you already have a present medical

Foods to avoid for 21 days:

 Sugar in all forms including desserts etc.
 Alcohol
 Caffeine

Also, practice mindful dining. Use foods as a healing tool to nurture your
body, mind and spirit.

Recommend daily supplements:

Consult a doctor or naturopath before use. Use e daily in order to deal with
conscious or unconscious emotional stressors as you change your state.
These are my recommendations to support your emotional/health support
and you are encouraged to do your research first or consult your own
doctor/natural doctor if you have any questions.

1) A time released Vitamin B complex

2) Vitamin C with Ester C
3) High quality pro biotic
4) Omega 3 with 1000mg fish oil. The Omega recommended here is for
positive mood balance and emotional health. Please only purchase
Omega 3's with a very high EPA and DHA content as it helps to
support emotional health.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Here are my recommendations:
5) Genuine Health Omega + Joy: or
6) Jamieson Omega-3 Calm: Omega-3 Calm™ 1,000 mg | Jamieson

Recommended Fluids
1) 1 cup warm lemon water upon waking. Wait at least 30 mins before
having breakfast.
2) 6-7 glasses of good water daily
3) Chamomile/peppermint herbal tea, drink 1-2 cups daily throughout
your 21 day immersion
4) 1 Cup Green smoothie (if you have time)

Simply green smoothie recipe (if you

Organic mixed greens or Organic spinach in prewashed container from
Organic banana or dates
Bunch of organic or regular Kale
Almond Milk or Water

How to Make:
¾ fluids
1 banana or 4 or 5 dates
Handful of mixed greens/spinach
1 leaf kale
Blend for 3 – 5 mins

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Chapter 3: Feminine Healing Practice
(A checklist is provided with this guide)

The purpose of each practice is to encourage our personal growth and

empower us to live the lives we truly desire. Do each practice daily and
check in with our group by posting a daily update.

When you check in, name each practice you've completed for the day and
feel free to share any thoughts/feelings around each practice. Be open to
sharing whatever comes up for you during your practice or during the day
no matter what it is. The more awareness you bring to your practice, the
more insight you will gain and support from our heart and others in the

1) 21 day meditation – once a day

2) An intention practice – once a day
3) A sacred altar practice – once a day
4) Healing my twin flame union practice –once a day
5) A blessing practice – once a day
6) Body/bliss dance movement practice – 2x per day
7) Sacred bath (optional) – once a week

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Womb Meditation: Seat of Feminine

Our meditation will consist of 7 mins for the first 7 days then on day 8, we
do 14 minutes daily until Day 21.

Onn Day 21, we will ground the energy in by doing a 21 minutes meditation

The meditation practice will be the same practice daily and can be done
anytime during the day. First thing in the morning is preferred since it sets
the tone for the way your day will start. Meditations are said to be highly
effective between the hours of 4am-7am when our spirit energy is opened
the widest. However, if you're not able to do it first thing in the morning, do
it during your day or before going to bed.

7 minutes for first 7 days

14 minutes on Day 8-Day 20

21 minutes on Day 21

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

The womb is our second chakra and the source of feminine power. The
womb is the spiritual center of your feminine energy, the foundation of
your feminine power. Located 2 inches just below your navel.

1) Set your timer (you can use your iPhone) for the time allotted for the

mediation. Set approximately 2 extra mins on your timer and place it

in a location where you can hear it but it won't startle you when it

goes off. Generally 5 to 10 feet away works well

2) Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Choose a safe

space to sit in. Sit in the meditation position, crossed legged. If you

have problems with your knees, choose a chair. But make sure to

uncross your legs, back straight/spine aligned, and relax your


3) Place hand face up on legs

4) Additionally, you can place 1 hand on your womb space for grounding

and connection with your body

5) Start your timer

6) Close your eyes

7) Tilt head slightly down

8) Focus on breath

9) Take three cleansing breaths in through nose, drawing all the way

down to your yoni, then blow gently through mouth.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice
10) Keep eyes closed, and start breathing gently through your nose.

Breathe in from your abdomen. Breathe out from your nose. Focus

your attention on your breath and mentally count 21 breaths.

 After doing 21 breaths, focus your attention on your womb space (2

inches below navel) imagine the color orange (the color of the second

chakra) as light radiating from your womb space and keep breathing

in and out orange light without counting until your timer goes off.

Additional references: How to open our second chakra:

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Chapter 4: Sacred Love Letter Practice

The primary signature of feminine awakening is an attunement to her inner

world – giving personal devotion and nurturing on the aspects of who she is
at the core.

A white hot pursuit and devotion to our core helps us to embody our
feminine essence deeply.

Being in a twin flame union, most often the feminine forgets about her
inner world and the need to cultivate and embody her inner power.
Women are conditioned to seek validation through emotional energy – the
need to be loved and cherished and this is often the conditioning many
women reflect towards their twin flame union with romantic expectations
and affirmation of love from her male twin flame.

Whenever we turn away from our self-love, we often feel like lost citizens in
an unfamiliar world – simply because the feminine awaken when focused is
placed on its energy. This is why when your twin flame was focused on you
and paying attention to you, you feel as though you could conquer the

Desiring love and attention as primary from our outer world, will often lead
to pain, disappointment, blame, reactiveness, confusion, shame, apathy,
self-pity, lack of motivation, desperation or depression.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

These practices aim to unify your essence and help you return to love –
from within.

In the twin flame union, you want to “romance” yourself in order to have
that reflected back to you. The love letter practice calls us back home: to
our sanctuary, our opulence, our flow, our dance, our signature, our inner
temple. It is by going within, that we can truly enlarge the depth of who we
are and function whole.

How to do the Sacred Love Letter

Write a minimum of 1 paragraph love letter to yourself in your Sacred
Journal daily as if you were getting a letter from a man who was white hot
for you. Focus on all your positive aspects only. Do not try to process any
negative emotions during this practice. You are keeping your vibration high
and the focus on you as primary.

Do this daily for 21 Days. If you do the sacred love letter after your daily
mediation, you may find that your energy is wide open and receptive to
deeper shifts and greater union with your inner world.

 I've attached a Sacred Love letter example pdf in the files tab in our

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Chapter 5: The Blessing Practice

Often, we feel disconnect while in romantic partnerships when our men

aren't present. We may have experienced deep trauma from unpresent male
energy with unhealed masculine wounds.

The feminine tends to desire with abundant energy to love and be filled
with love.

As the sacred love letter calls us inwards, the blessing practice calls us

This practice energetically calls in presence from the divine masculine

Neutralizing longing, craving, disconnect, pain, feeling unloved, and not

It also helps with overcompensating and conflict that may arise based on
our feelings of insecurity, fears, and disappointments with our men.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

How to do the Blessing Practice
In your journal, you are going to write out a blessing every day to a man you
have feelings for. This is a blessing of non-attachment. Do so without
yearning or longing.

This can be a man you're in a relationship/union with or a man you're

attracted to or have romantic interest in. It can also be broader to all men
or masculine energy in general.

You are also going to do a verbal blessing towards him during your day as
well as a blessing to the Divine Masculine and Feminine in you. If you want
to raise your vibration further, do a silent blessing to all the men you come
in contact with when you're out and about and send them divine love.

Example of blessing practice to write in your

journal daily plus say out loud daily:
“I bless you _________________(insert name), with prosperity, love,
and wholeness. I send you divine unconditional love.”

Example of blessing meditation to hold in your

thoughts daily:
“I bless the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in me and I open my
heart for Sacred Relationships to enter into my life.”

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Chapter 6: Your Sacred Altar

An altar is a place where we come to commune with the deepest parts of

who we are. We come naked, bare, we come to be seen and heard and to be
partners in co-creating our desires through invocation.

Purpose: The purpose of the Sacred Altar Practice is to set aside a sacred
space where you can establish your presence in the universe as the Divine
Sacred Feminine, amplifying your presence and making it law. By doing so,
you are going from “local” feminine to Divine/Universal Feminine – you
consciously create a space for yourself to shine. If you feel you are not
getting the results you want in life or the attention you desire, here is the
space for you to setup to help you raise your vibration and increase your
manifestation frequency.

Your altar can be anything you choose, a small table, a stool, a chair, a side
night table, anything you want. The most important thing that will make it
yours is your energy and presence. The energy you build in that space is
unique to you.

 You are what makes the altar, the altar doesn't make you.

How to set up: Find anything you choose to use as your foundation space
then add anything you feel will make it unique to you such as candles, small
rocks, etc.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Choose to add items that will increase the vibration in that area. When you
do your practice, get a bowl of water and put it on your altar and add a few
drops of lavender or ylang-ylang to your bowl of water to open your heart
and cleanse the space each time.

(Additionally, you can anoint with lavender or ylang-ylang oil. Select only pure
Essential oils. Use any of these oils to anoint your crown, forehead (the body temple
gateway of supreme spirituality - 6th chakra), heart (the body temple gateway
of compassion and divine love), womb area, palms to make everything you touch
become more sacred, and bottoms of your feet to spiritually align yourself for
stepping out in power, promise, and faith)” - from Sacred Woman, Queen Afua

Your prayer to say out loud at your altar:

When you approach, come with a sacred mindset, take 3 cleansing breaths,
anoint yourself with lavender or ylang-ylang oil and say this prayer. Place
your hand over your heart as you recite this prayer:

“Divine Creator, I stand in need of Sacred Relationships. I pray for Sacred

Relationships in my life. First, may I create a Sacred Relationship with you, Creator
(Universe/Source/Spirit) and with my parents, children sisters, brothers, friends,
associates co-workers, teachers and students, with Nature and with all other

Divine Creator, help me to attract and establish harmonious, wholesome, and healthy
relationships. Help me to unblock and release old hurt feelings, resentments, and
hostility that are trapped within my Body Temple.

Help me to have the vision and the strength to learn from all my relationships, as they
are all my reflection, each and every one. If by chance my relationships do not

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

change, may I remain unfazed and on point. May I be the one to create new links
of change and transformation for my Ancestors, my descendants, and myself, for
all healing really begins within me. I affirm that each one of my relationships has
value and in some way has forced or helped me to grow into a more sacred
relationship with myself. As I reflect on the true purpose and sacredness of
relationships, I give thanks to the Divine in me and the Divine in all others “

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Chapter 7: Healing My Twin Flame Union

Purpose of this practice: To heal your twin flame union and attract your
twin flame back to you through clearing the energy of discord or disconnect
and living in a higher vibration. You don’t need to share this decree with
your twin flame. Trust that you are shifting the energy between you when
you say it daily.

You’re going to call upon your angels and guides to help you make a decree
you write out and say out loud daily for 21 days:

“In full union with my higher self and spirit, I call on my angels
and guides to witness this decree this day. I decree, I am one
with the beloved in me and I am one with my twin flame. I am
thankful for divine unconditional love that brings me in complete
physical union with my twin flame and doors are opening for us
right now in every way. And so it is.”

There will be greater energy clearing and movement with this

decree if you do a 21 breath meditation before making the
decree. This is a simple following the breath meditation you do
for 21 counts.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Chapter 8: Bliss Dance/Body Movement

The feminine is the embodiment of flow. All of the energy systems in the
feminine is about movement and your body is the container of pleasure. To
heal any discomforts and to get back in balance, activate the power of
movement in your life on a regular basis. Focus primary on the seat of your
feminine body – your womb area and hips when you move. Make it erotic,
sensual, sexy, and as wild as possible. Give your body permission to feel its
power and wake up your feminine flow on a daily basis.

Practice: Do at least 2x daily

Dance to any song of your choice and make your body move with its sexy
and sensual expressions. Circle your hips like a belly dancer. You can also
practice pelvic thrusts as you do when you are having sex. Rock your hips
back and forth, side to side and feel the power of your sexual energy.

Some more great ways to embody pleasure:

1) Make a trip to the playground during the 21 day practice and get on a
2) Let your hair down. Swing back and forth for at least 100 counts.
Smile. Glow. Flow. Rise. See yourself rising, use your imagination and
see yourself as the rising feminine.
3) Come back to the group and write about your experience or share it
with girlfriend who you can confide in. Write in your sacred journal
about your experience.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

4) If it's winter time with lots of snow, go outside and build a snow man.
Put on your winter jacket, lay down in the snow and do snow angels.
5) Schedule a massage and pamper yourself. Doing your hair and nails is
great, yet, we want a whole body experience. You want all of your
body infused and engaged with pleasure.
6) Watch a 30 mins comedy without distraction where all you do is
7) Laugh for 30 minutes. Get your whole body engaged. Laugh with your
head, heart, hands, belly, legs, and toes. Everything. Bring your whole
body in.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

Chapter 9: Sacred Bath (optional)

Candles if you'd like

Fruits if you'd like
Flower petals if you'd like
Lavender or ylang-ylang oil

Place 4 to 6 drops of lavender, or ylang-ylang oil in your bath water.

Lavender oil acts as a sedative for the nervous system. It also acts as an
anti-inflammatory and heart tonic. It is very effect in treating burns,
wounds, and sores. It promotes concentration, peace of mind, wisdom, and
devotion. It will eliminate mood swings, restlessness, fear, headaches, and
eye problems.
Ylang-ylang treats anger, rage, and nervous depression. Ylang-ylang is very
potent scent and should be applied sparingly (2 drops may suffice for ylang-

Sprinkle a few drops on a tissue or hand-kerchief and place by your pillow

to inhale while sleep; this helps to promote emotional balance due to stress,
worry, impatience, and shock. – excerpt from Sacred Woman by Queen

Note: please be careful with essential oils and never consume or

use in mouth. If you tend to have allergies, please research
before using.

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice

This brings us to the end of the guide. Should you have any questions or
concerns or would like further support on your twin flame journey through
more advanced energy clearing practices, inner child healing, healing
masculine and feminine wounds, releasing romantic consciousness that
blocks union and understanding of your twin flame dynamic, connect with
me via email at: or inbox me via FB

Blessings and love to you on your journey!

Xo Nicole

Twin Flame Healing With Feminine Power 21 Day Practice


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