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Automatic Process Control Computer

Nominal Geometry

Vers. 1.36

Operating Instruction
Issued in October, 2002
2 SDG-7_2_2_engl
SDG-7_2_2_engl 3

Table Of Contents Page

1 Short Description Of The Functional Range ................................................................................ 5
2 How To Work With the Functional Range .................................................................................... 6
2.1 Starting The WinALC Program Window..................................................................................... 6
2.2 The WinALC Program Window..................................................................................................6
2.3 Menu And Symbol Overview ..................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 File ......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Editing .................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.3 Nominal Geometry ................................................................................................................. 8
2.3.4 View ....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.5 Windows................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.6 Working Mode ........................................................................................................................ 9

3 Entering A New Nominal Geometry ........................................................................................... 10

3.1 Entering Data Into Tables........................................................................................................ 11
3.1.1 Alignment And Superelevation Input..................................................................................... 13
3.1.2 Input Of Changes In Gradient............................................................................................... 20
3.2 Graphic Representation Of Nominal Geometry ....................................................................... 23
3.3 Editing Graphics ...................................................................................................................... 25
3.3.1 Modification Of A Geometrical Element ................................................................................ 25
3.3.2 Inserting A Geometrical Element Or A Synchronization Point............................................... 25
3.3.3 Entries Directly Into Graphic Windows.................................................................................. 26
3.4 Storing Geometrical Data ........................................................................................................ 26

4 Entering Displacement / Level Correction Values.............................................................. 27

4.1 The Displacement / Lifting Value Window................................................................................ 27
4.2 Input In Tables ........................................................................................................................ 28
4.2.1 Table .................................................................................................................................... 28
4.3 Graphical Representation Of Displacement And Lifting Values ............................................... 30

5 Prepare Working Mode, Working Mode ............................................................................ 31

5.1 Prepare Working Mode............................................................................................................ 31
5.2 Working Mode ......................................................................................................................... 33
5.2.1 Indications During Working Mode ......................................................................................... 33
5.2.2 Select Or Store A Track Position .......................................................................................... 35 Start Position ..................................................................................................................... 35 Store The Current Position ................................................................................................ 35
5.2.3 Synchronization:................................................................................................................... 35
4 SDG-7_2_2_engl

5.2.4 Modification Of Nominal Geometries During Working Mode: ................................................36

5.2.5 Hints For Working With External Displacements / Level Corrections ....................................36 Driving Back The Machine For Another Pass ....................................................................36

6 Fundamentals............................................................................................................................37
6.1 Desk top ..................................................................................................................................37
6.2 Mouse, Touch Pad ..................................................................................................................38
6.3 Keyboard.................................................................................................................................38
6.4 Starting A Programme .............................................................................................................38
6.5 Terminating Windows ..............................................................................................................38
6.6 A Window Or A Programme Do Not Respond Any Longer ......................................................38
6.7 General Information On Windows (The WinALC Screen) ........................................................39
6.7.1 Title Bar................................................................................................................................40
6.7.2 Menu Bar..............................................................................................................................40
6.7.3 Symbol Bar...........................................................................................................................40
6.7.4 Status Bar ............................................................................................................................40
6.7.5 Context Menu .......................................................................................................................41
6.7.6 Control Keys.........................................................................................................................41
6.7.7 View Functions .....................................................................................................................41
6.7.8 File Functions .......................................................................................................................43
6.7.9 Options In The Dialogue Window .........................................................................................44

6.7.10 Help Facilities.............................................................................................................44

6.7.11 Positioning Line ..................................................................................................................44
6.7.12 Editing Geometry Elements ................................................................................................44
SDG-7_2_2_engl 5

1 Short Description Of The Functional Range

The chapter Nominal Geometry describes how to enter geometry data, as well as the working
mode on tracks with existing track geometry data.
At the end of the chapter you will find the most important fundamentals on Windows 9X.
By clicking panels with the help of the mouse, by entering key combinations or via menues the
respective functions are invoked to the WinALC program window.
Nominal geometry data of the track to be treated, as well as possibly existing displacement and
lifting values, are entered or changed in the respective windows with the help of the keyboard.
Such data entries or changes of geometry elements may be performed in table form or,
alternatively, by selecting graphic elements.
When the nominal geometry data have been set up, they will be stored on a hard disk, a floppy or
a ZIP-disk. It is at any time possible to change these data.
During working mode these data are read in from the above mentioned data carriers and then are
After calculation of these data the required target values are transferred to the machine measuring
systems during working mode.
Any time during working mode it is possible to make alterations of the nominal geometry data
loaded for working mode. Geometry elements within the section being treated actually should not
be subject to alterations.
After having carried out an alteration the operator may determine the moment of new calculation as
well as of actualization of the output values.
As a help for entering nominal geometry data the files lz-we.0, lz-we11.12, lz-we12.14 and lz-
we14.15 contain examples which are stored on the flash drive.
An example for external displacement / level correction is given in the file with the name lz-
The chapter „measuring run and versine / longitudinal level compensation is described in the
instruction SDG-7_3_... , functional range "versine/longitudinal level compensation".
6 SDG-7_2_2_engl

2 How To Work With the Functional Range

2.1 Starting The WinALC Program Window
The WinALC program window will open automatically after having switched on the

On the desk top you may open the WinALC program window with the help of this

2.2 The WinALC Program Window

The main functions of nominal geometry may be activated via symbols, as described

Prepare working mode with existing

geometry files, work.

Edit or complete existing nominal

geometry files.

Draw up a new nominal geometry file,

assign it a file name.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 7

2.3 Menu And Symbol Overview

The submenues with their existing key combinations and symbols are represented and described
according to the main menu items.
The order of the descriptions is identical with the order of the menu items.

2.3.1 File
Generates a new nominal geometry file

Opens an existing nominal geometry file for

Opens an existing nominal geometry file and loads
it additionally to the current file.
The kilometre data of both files must be
Saves the actual data under the file name
indicated in the title bar.
Saves the current file under a new file name.
Closes the current window with the
appertaining graphic or table window.
Copies files between hard disk, floppy, CD or
ZIP disk.
Deletes files from hard disk, floppy or ZIP
Shows information about the actual file.
Prints the actual file (geometry, displacement
and level correction, measuring run file) in
graphic or table form.
Allows to make printer-specific presettings
Allows to change program parameters.
Should be applied by experienced users only.
See technical description.
Rejects all program parameter changes made
since the program has been started.
The 10 geometry files invoked last.
The file on top is the last used!
Terminates the WinALC program.
8 SDG-7_2_2_engl

2.3.2 Editing
Undoes the last entry.
Repeats the entry just undone.
Deletes the marked text area.
Copies the marked text area.
Inserts a text at the cursor position, which has been transferred
to temporary memory by cutting it out or copying it.
Inserts an empty line before the current line of the input table.

Automatically inserts empty lines before the current line of the

input table.
Copies all entries of the previous line into the current line.
Deletes a line in the input table.

Deletes all lines of the input table

Positions the cursor at a position to be determined

2.3.3 Nominal Geometry

Changes the representation of the loaded file from
top to bottom, with descending or ascending
stationing in kilometres.
Changes from the longitudinal level table to the
alignment / superelevation table.
Changes from the alignment / superelevation
table to the longitudinal level table.
Fades out the table section „lining“. Only
superelevation values may be entered.
Fades out the table section „superelevation“.
Only lining values may be entered.

2.3.4 View
No menu entry You may select and enter the scale of length.

Incicates the symbol bar (ticked).

Indicates the status bar (ticked).
The graphic chart at the cursor position will be
shifted to the centre of the graphic window.
Expands one column (alignment,
superelevation, level) horizontally to the entire
window width. Then it is possible to shift
horizontally between the individual columns.
Represents the graphic window only.

Represents the table window only.

Dialogue window to set graphical scales for

longitudinal and geometry element
SDG-7_2_2_engl 9

2.3.5 Windows
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Divides the active windows into sections
Arranges graphic and table window below each
Closes all windows
Indicates all open windows. The window marked
with a tick is the current one.

2.3.6 Working Mode

Edit geometry Changes from current working mode to nominal geometry

entry mode.

Edit front offs./level corr. Changes from current working mode to displacement / level
correction values entry mode.
By activating „start / show working mode“ you shift back
from nominal geometry entry to the working mode.
Terminates the working mode.

When clicking this symbol, changes in the nominal geometry

file or the displacement/level correction file will be taken over
into the current working mode.
Actuate this button to deactivate the buzzer.

Synchronizes the beginning of geometry elements <= 10m.

Synchronizes the beginning of geometry elements

> 10m.
Opens the dialogue window for entry of individual displacement
/ level correction values. Having been confirmed these values
will be taken over directly into working mode.

For immediate processing of a possibly used basic lifting value

within the given ramp length.
Opens the dialogue window of the overlifting function.
For manual cursor control (machine position indication) actuate
this symbol.
Saves the current machine position.
Positions the machine position indication at a position saved
10 SDG-7_2_2_engl

3 Entering A New Nominal Geometry

to open a new input window click the respective panel.

The nominal geometry input area consists of a table window and a graphic window. After opening
the table will be active automatically (shown by the blue title bar).
By clicking the respective title bar with the mouse or by pressing Ctrl+Tab you may alternatively
select the table or the graphic window for input.
In principle, new geometry data may be entered in the table or the graphic window. It is, however,
recommended to use the table window. To modify existing data it is recommended to use the
graphic window.

graphics window

table window

For more clearness you may change from simultaneous representation to individual representation
of graphic charts or tables. When clicking the symbols , or whenever pressing the control
key F11 you will change between table and graphic representation. To return to simultaneous
representation use the control key F 12.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 11

3.1 Entering Data Into Tables

For each point of the track geometry where alignment or superelevation changes and for each
vertical transition curve or change in gradient there has to be entered a line with the relevant data.

alignment and superelevation input

longitudinal level input

 You change from alignment / superelevation input to longitudinal level input and vice
versa by clicking the desired line or by pressing the keys Alt+End resp.Alt+Pos 1.
 To confirm an entered value or a selection and to get to the next input field use the tabulator
key or the enter key. To get to the previous input field use the keys Shift + Tabulator.
 In front of the last input field of a line the cursor will go to the next line. In case of incorrect
entries this is not possible and there will open a message window indicating the possible error.
Remove the error or restore the previous correct condition by using the options below.
 Whenever clicking the Undo symbol , the last entry carried out will be undone. Whenever
clicking the Redo symbol , the previous condition will be restored. In case of errors this is a
very quick way to restore the last correct entry and to continue the entries from this point.
 Using the delete line symbol deletes the line where the cursor is.
 Using the insert line symbol inserts a line above the line with the cursor.
 Using the insert lines automatically symbol you may insert several lines above the one
with the cursor, until you click the symbol again.
12 SDG-7_2_2_engl

Track Geometry Example

The track geometry example represented below will be used on the following pages. The last bold
line going from the left to the right shows the section of the individual input.

alignment input

L=70 L=80
R = 250 m


Km 12,3007 Km 12,345 Km 12,415 Km 12,520 Km 12,600

superelevation input

L=70 L=80
Ü = 80 mm


Km 12,300 Km 12,345 Km 12,415 Km 12,520 Km 12,600

SDG-7_2_2_engl 13

3.1.1 Alignment And Superelevation Input

The table is divided into the sections position[m], alignment and superelevation, data have to
be entered as described below:

position[m] indicates the initial point of a geometric form.

Enter the point where the geometric form begins (straight line, radius etc.).
The position applies to alignment and/or superelevation, must be entered in metres and should be
in ascending kilometer marking. If necessary, the geometry data entered may be inverted later in
the window prepare working mode.
Note: when entering decimals use a dot (.). It is not allowed to use a comma (,).

Example: beginning of a straight track at Km 12,3007 input: position[m] 12300.7

14 SDG-7_2_2_engl

Table Section „Alignment“

This section serves for input of track alignment data only. There have to be selected the form of the
geometric element and the curve direction. There have to be entered the length of the transition
curve or the curve radius.

example: beginning of a straight track at Km: 12,3007

input: geometric form straight track
curve direction l./r. no entry
length/ radius[mm] no entry

The standard version of these options contains the following geometrical forms.
[ ] no change of alignment geometry
straight track beginning of a straight track section
radius beginning of a circular curve
linear beginning of a transition curve with linear curvature
s-form, Bloss,Ruch, cos, sin these geometric forms are various forms of transition curves
with „curved“ curvature.
With the help of the mouse or the cursor keys „up/down“ the respective geometric form may be
selected. Confirm the selection by pressing the tab or the enter key.
The empty field in the first line of the geometry options is used in positions, where superelevation
geometry does not change.
This is the case, if, e. g., transition curve and superelevation ramp begin in different places. In this
case for the superelevation ramp no alignment value may be entered in the input position.
When selecting the geometric form straight track, it is not necessary to indicate the curve
direction and the length/radius, as these data will not be required.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 15

Table Section „Superelevation“

This section serves for input of superelevation data only. There have to be selected the
geometrical form and the position of the superelevated rail (l. h. / r. h.).
There has to be entered the ramp length or the maximum superelevation value.
On track sections without superelevation (straight track) there will also be used the geometric form
„superelevation“, however, there will be entered the value “0“.

example: beginning of a constant superelevation 0 at Km 12,3007

input: geometric form superelevation,
superelevation l.h./r.h. any
length[m] / superel.[mm] 0

In their standard version these options contain the following geometrical forms:
[ ] no change in superelevation geometry
superelevation beginning of a constant superelevation (straight track, curve)
linear beginning of a superelevation ramp with linear superelevation
s-form, Bloss,Ruch, cos, sin these geometrical forms are different forms of superelevation
ramps with „curved“ superelevation growth.
With the help of the mouse or the cursor keys „up/down“ the respective geometric form may be
selected. Confirm the selection by pressing the tab or the enter key.
The empty field in the first line of the geometry options is used in positions, where superelevation
geometry does not change.
This is the case, if, e. g., transition curve and superelevation ramp begin in different places. In this
case for the superelevation ramp no alignment value may be entered in the input position.

At the beginning of a section with constant superelevation (and also if superelevation = 0)

superelevation has to be selected and then confirmed with the tabulator or the enter key.
In case of a 0 superelevation the selection of the superelevated rail does not matter, it only has to
be confirmed. With the help of the space bar you shift between left and right hand side.
Subsequently, the 0 value given in the superelevation field will be confirmed and the cursor will
change to the 2nd input line.
16 SDG-7_2_2_engl

2nd Input Line:

Change the position of this geometry element by entering the correct value.

Enter form and length of the transition curve Form and length of the superelevation ramp will
radius in this line. be taken from the transition curve and only have
to be confirmed. If form and length differ, they
may be overwritten. After the last entry the
programme changes to the next input line.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 17

3rd Input Line:

The position of this geometrical element automatically results from the length values entered in the
previous line and only has to be confirmed.

Select the geometrical form radius and the Select the geometrical form „superelevation“.
curve direction. Enter the value for the radius. The superelevated rail will be selected
automatically on grounds of the data entered for
curve direction. Change in case of negative
18 SDG-7_2_2_engl

4th Input Line:

Change the position of this geometry element by entering the correct value.

Select the geometrical form linear and enter the Form and length of the superelevation ramp
respective length. will be accepted from the transition curve
and only have to be confirmed. If form and
length differ, they may be overwritten.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 19

5th Input Line

The position of this geometrical element results automatically from the length values entered in the
previous line and only has to be confirmed.

Select the geometrical form straight track. Confirm all values given.

At the end of the file input there has to be a straight track section or a circular curve (radius), the last
geometrical element will automatically have a length of 100 metres.
Should this geometrical element be longer, another entry has to be made (e.g.: straight track
section at Km 12,660)
A line entered may be duplicated by pressing F7.

Finally, the file has to be saved. In case of a large quantity of entries it is recommendable to save
them in between!
For saving use the symbol. When this symbol is invoked for the first time in a new file, there
will appear the dialogue window “file” and you have to determine the storage path and to assign
the file a name (refer to: file dialogue window).
20 SDG-7_2_2_engl

3.1.2 Input Of Changes In Gradient

By clicking the first input line or by pressing the keys Alt+End you change into the longitudinal
level table.
This table is divided into the sections position[m] and level. Except the first two columns of the
first line which must not be changed, the following data have to be entered.

position[m] Enter the position where the change in gradient begins. The position must be
entered in metres and should be in ascending kilometer marking. If necessary, the
geometry data entered may be inverted later in the window prepare working mode.
Note: when entering decimals use a dot (.). It is not allowed to use a comma (,).

Do not change the value given in the input field position[m] in the first line.
Remark: for changes in gradient with vertical transition curve the position input is
identical with the middle of the vertical transition curve.

Geometry The following options are offered:

InitialChange in gradient: this means the gradient at the beginning of the geometry entered;
this term will be automatically entered in the first input line and may not be overwritten.
Confirm with the enter key.
Change in gradient/N N means input of gradient.
This option will be used mainly for input of changes in gradient without transition curve.
Subsequently, there has to be entered the form and the value of the gradient.
In case of selection of a change in gradient with transition curve besides the gradient
there has to be entered either the transition curve radius or the tangent length (length).
Change in gradient/R R means input of radius.
This option will be used only in case of changes in gradient wit transition curve,
subsequently there must be entered the transition curve radius and the length (tangent
length), as well as the form.

vertical transition curve radius[m] enter the vertical radius in metres.

length[m] enter the tangent length in metres

form of change in gradient depending on the selected input form the corresponding
panels have to be activated.
If initial change in gradient or change in gradient/N has been selected, choose
between ascending or descending with the space bar.

If change in gradient/R has been selected, choose with the space bar between
cone or vale.

gradient [ppt] For initial gradient or change in gradient/N the gradient value has to be
entered in ‰.

Finally, the file has to be saved . In case of a large quantity of entries it is recommendable to
save them in between!
SDG-7_2_2_engl 21

Examples For Changes In Gradient

Initial Gradient

Initial gradient= -1.5‰ NW

gradient= 2‰
Km 12,0007
Km 12.325

The values in the columns position(m) and level : geometry of the first line are given by the programme
and may not be changed. The other columns of the first line should be entered according to the respective

without vertical transition curve

Initial gradient= -1.5‰ NW

gradient= 2‰
Km 12.3 Km 12.325
22 SDG-7_2_2_engl

Change In Gradient With Vale-Shaped Vertical Transition Curve


ta= 45m
gradient = 7.294‰
gradient= 2‰
Km 12.475

Values according to the respective geometry should be entered in all columns of the following lines.

Change In Gradient With Cone-Shaped Vertical Transition Curve

Km 12.625

gradient= 7.294‰


Values according to the respective geometry should be entered in all columns of the following lines.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 23

3.2 Graphic Representation Of Nominal Geometry

By pressing Ctrl+Tab or clicking the respective window you activate either the table window or the
graphic window (shown by the blue title bar).
Whenever actuating the F11 key you change from simultaneous representation of graphic and
table windows to graphic only or table only.
To return to simultaneous representation press the F12 key. If you have closed a window by
mistake during input, you may restore this window by pressing the F12 key!

curvature superelevation change in gradient

positioning bar

synchro point change in gradient with

vertical transition curve

positioning line change in gradient without

vertical transition curve

Positioning Bar:
Position of the entered points in km according to the kilometric marking.
Synchronization points (green):
They identify those points where the distance measurement of the machine has to be agreed with
the existing kilometre marking.
A synchronization point will be set automatically at the beginning of a geometry change. If within
one measuring length of the machine there are several changes in geometry, this point will be set
at the beginning of the first change.
In the place selected by the positioning line you may lateron set or delete synchronization markers
with the help of the F8 key and the enter key. If a synchronization marker has to be set within a
change in geometry, at first there will be displayed a warning message. On after this the marker
may be set.
24 SDG-7_2_2_engl

alignment [m]
represents the curvature course.
Representations on the left hand side of the zero line (-), seen in input direction, are r. h. curves,
those on the right hand side are l. h. curves.
The transition curve length and the curve radii are given in metres.

superelevation [mm]
represents the superelevation curve course.
The superelevation ramp length is given in metres and the superelevation values in mm.
Representations on the left hand side of the zero line(-), seen in input direction, mean a
superelevated left rail, on the right hand side of the zero line – a superelevated right hand rail.
Normally, curvature and superelevation lines must have the same direction.

level [m]
represents the geometrical forms of changes in gradient. Cross lines mark changes in gradient
without vertical transition curves.
Changes in gradient with vertical transition curves are marked by the representation of the
curvature of the vertical transition curve.
Representations on the left hand side of the zero line (-), seen in input direction, are vales, and on
the right hand side of the zero line - cones.
Absolute gradient values are given in promille (ppt), "+" means ascending, "-" means descending.
The radii of the transition curves are given in metres.

positioning line (blue)

Shows the machine position referred to the front tightening trolley.
It may be moved by the mouse or the cursor keys.
The current position is shown on top of the positioning bar in red.

Shifting with the help of the mouse

Click the positioning line with the left hand side mouse button, keep the key depressed and drag
the line.
Shifting with the help of the cursor keys
with the keys up/down by 0.1 of the distance set (e.g. distance 0.5 km = 50 m)
with the keys left/right by 1 m
with the keys + / - by 0.1 m.

Further options are offered in the menu edit and the key combinations contained in it.
Alt+P – proceed to a certain position which has to be entered in the input field.
Tab, and Shift+Tab – is possible only after having activated an alignment, superelevation or
longitudinal level element by clicking it.
If a synchronization point will be activated, you will move from one synchronization point to

You may scroll up and down the display with the keys page (up/down).

display centering - move the positioning line to the desired centre of the display and press
The positioning line and the graphic chart will move to the display centre.

set scales - open program settings by pressing Ctrl+M;

enter the desired values under „scales – graphic“
SDG-7_2_2_engl 25

3.3 Editing Graphics

Geometrical elements in graphical representation can be modified, deleted and inserted.
Before editing a geometrical element it must be activated by clicking it with the right hand mouse
For edition there are available the menu edit, as well as another menu which will be opened when
clicking a geometrical element with the right hand mouse button.
Geometrical elements may also be inserted by using the geometrics symbol bar.
Modifications may be easily carried out as described below.

3.3.1 Modification Of A Geometrical Element

Doubleclick the area of the element to be modified, the input blank will be opened.

Select the input fields with the right hand

mouse button or the tab key and enter the
Alignment and superelevation input are
activated / deactivated and curve and
superelevation direction are changed by
pressing the space bar.

Deleting a geometrical element or a

synchronization point:

Activate the geometrical element or the

synchronization point to be deleted with the
left hand mouse button and press del.

3.3.2 Inserting A Geometrical Element Or A Synchronization Point

Select the input position by shifting the positioning line or by making an entry in the subsequent
Select the geometrical form to be entered by clicking it on the symbol bar, by selecting it from the
menu „edit“ (to be opened with the right hand mouse button) or by using the respective key
combination (given in the menu “edit”).
Enter the necessary parameters in the input blank and press „enter”.

An additional synchronization point may be inserted by pressing F8 and „enter“ or by clicking the
panel. The position has to be determined by moving the positioning line or by entering it in the
input field.
26 SDG-7_2_2_engl

3.3.3 Entries Directly Into Graphic Windows

Select the input position by shifting the positioning line or by entering the value in the following
input blank.
Select the geometrical form by clicking the symbol bar, enter the necessary geometry data.

3.4 Storing Geometrical Data

Finally, the file has to be saved. In case of a large quantity of entries it is recommendable to save
them in between!
For saving use the symbol or press the keys ALT+S. When this symbol is invoked for the first
time in a new file, there will appear the dialogue window “file” and you have to determine the
storage path and to assign the file a name (refer to: file dialogue window). An active symbol shows
that the data have not yet been stored. A passive symbols shows that all data entered have been
SDG-7_2_2_engl 27

4 Entering Displacement / Level Correction Values

4.1 The Displacement / Lifting Value Window

graphics window


Usually, the data will be entered into a table, but it is also possible to enter them into the graphics
28 SDG-7_2_2_engl

4.2 Input In Tables

After opening the item the table is automatically active (shown by the blue title bar).
By pressing Ctrl+Tab you may alternatively activate either the table or the graphic chart.

For a more comfortable input you may enlarge the table or the graphic chart by
clicking the icon maximize or with the help of the keys ALT+M.

4.2.1 Table

The table is divided into the sections No., position[m], displacement [mm], and lifting
correction values [mm].
You start the input in the first input line which is automatically selected.
The individual sections of the input line are subdivided into fields where the displacement / lifting
values may be entered.

No. Input of probably existing numberings of fixed or measuring points; these, however, need
not be entered, in this case confirm "0" by pressing the enter key.
If you principally do not want to enter numberings, you may switch it off in the menu displacement
/ level correction.
When two consecutive numbers, e. g., "0 and 1", are entered, the following entries will be
automatically numbered consecutively.

position[m] input of the position of the displacement / lifting values to be entered.

Subsequently, there will be entered the respective positions, where the next measuring points are
Afterwards, the distance selected between the 1st and the 2nd position will be added to the next
values entered, thus, automatically a constant distance of positions is obtained.
If you want to change the distance, the automatically given position has to be altered, the following
distances will change in the same way.
Usually, values will be entered according to ascending kilometre markings, if necessary, you may,
however, invert the geometry data entered for working purposes. Position values will be entered in
metres, confirm your entries by pressing the „enter“ key.
Note: for decimals a dot (.) has to be used, it is not admissible to use a comma (,).
Example: beginning of input at Km 12.3, entry: position[m] - 12300
SDG-7_2_2_engl 29

Displacements [mm] / Level Correction Values

You may deactivate the input of displacement or lifting values in the displacement/level
correction menu, afterwards, only one of these parameters needs to be entered.
The optional input may be selected in the menu file/settings/displacements.
During input you select items by clicking the panels with the left hand mouse button.

displacement input displacement direction


not active

lifting input pos. / neg. lifting value


not active

Displacement direction (to the right / left), as well as "positive/negative" level correction are
selected with the help of the space bar.

In order to ensure a suitable transition from maintained track sections to unmaintained track
sections the displacement value and the level correction value of the first and the last input
positions should be "0". Otherwise a corresponding message will appear.
Store all your entries by pressing "OK".

The storing procedure is the same as for nominal geometry data.

30 SDG-7_2_2_engl

4.3 Graphical Representation Of Displacement And Lifting


displacement lifting value

maximum displacement maximum lifting value

positioning bar

positioning line

Maximum displacement, maximum lifting value.

These lines show the preset limit for alignment and lifting.

Setting of limits open the program settings by pressing Ctrl+X

Enter the desired values for displacement.

Setting of scales- open the program settings by pressing Shift+F12.

Enter the desired values in scales - graphics.

For all other functions use the same commands as for nominal geometry graphical
SDG-7_2_2_engl 31

5 Prepare Working Mode, Working Mode

5.1 Prepare Working Mode
The dialogue window prepare work: opens when the respective symbol is clicked. By selecting
and entering data in the dialogue fields you determine the desired working mode. In particular, you
have to make the selection between working with a nominal geometry or measuring run /
compensation. Additionally, you may load two displacement / level correction files. Furthermore,
you determine whether to calculate the entire section contained in the file or only part of it. Clicking
the „overlifting“ panel you increase the lifting values by a certain percentage (overlifting). When
pressing the OK key the correction values will be calculated and then the programme will shift to
working mode.

Nominal Geometry:
Tick this square if you want to implement a nominal
File: enter the file name of the nominal geometry to
be implemented, or press the command panel
Search and search for a file on the hard disk or a
If the control square Reverse is ticked, the nominal
geometry will be implemented in reverse order to
the input direction.
Note: Ticking „nominal geometry“ excludes the
activation of „measuring run“, and vice versa..
Displacement / Level Correction:
Tick this square, if displacement / level correction
values shall be loaded for working mode. It is
possible to use up to two displacement / level
correction files simultaneously.

Note: This function may be used additionally to „nominal geometry“ or „measuring run /
The command panel search opens a dialogue window to search files on the hard disk,
floppies, Zip etc.
Start position:, End position:
Start position:
The value given corresponds with the first input position + one lining measuring system length.
The value entered as start position must not be less than the first input position!
End position:
The value given corresponds with the last input position + 100m.
Note: You may change start and end position by overwriting the values given. Only the section
determined by start and end position will be calculated and, subsequently treated.
Basic Lifting Value:
The “0“ value given means deactivation of this function.
If entering a value >0 in the „basic lifting value“ field, you activate this function. During working
mode in this case there will be set up and maintained a basic lifting value over the length to be
entered in the field „ramp length“.
Usually, it is not necessary to enter a basic lifting value.
A basic lifting value may also be used together with ext. level corrections.
32 SDG-7_2_2_engl

Clicking this command panel opens the dialogue window overlifting.
When this function is activated, all lifting values will be increased “overlifted” by the WinALC.
Overlifting value: a “0 “ percentage means that this function is not active. Entering a value >0
increases the value by this percentage. 30% is the maximum admissible overlifting value.
Minimum overlifting value, maximum overlifting value: here may be entered absolute
minimum and maximum lifting values, not depending on the value entered in percents.
Note: if „overlifting“ of the lifting values is undesirable, make sure that the value entered for
overlifting is“0“!
Working Mode:
Normal Operation:
This working mode is used when the machine is working and is therefore pre-selected.
In this mode the positioning line of the machine will move on the screen only when the distance
measuring wheel moves (i. e., when the machine actually drives). The distance covered will be
summed up when the machine drives forward and subtracted when the machine drives
Keyboard Simulation:
If this working mode is selected, you may simulate distances covered by moving the arrow keys,
while the machine is stationary.
In this operational mode the machine cannot work.
Distance Measuring Wheel Simulation:
If this mode has been selected, distance values simulating work will be automatically and
continually entered.
Note: in this operational mode the machine cannot work.
Lining System:
Selection has to be made according to the lining method used on the machine.
Depending on whether 3-point or 4-point lining has been selected, the correction values will be
calculated and used in working mode either for the 3-point or the 4-point method.
Note: Whenever working with external displacements or electronic versine compensation only
the 3-point method is admissible.
Lowering The Reference Rail:
The option “no“ is active in the default setting.
When ticking the option “yes“, superelevation ramps, referred to the track axis, will be created
by superelevation of the outer and lowering of the inner rail (reference rail). Shift between yes
and no by using the left hand / right hand arrow keys or by clicking with the mouse.
Scissors Correction
In the default setting the options are not active and „scissors correction“ is on. If necessary, the
options may be activated in the programme settings.
There are the following options:
yes for working with superelevation ramps in the countercurve, where the reference rail is
lifted and the ramp will have the form of scissors.
no for working with superelevation ramps in the countercurve, when the reference rail level
does not change.

After having terminated the preparatory works and when the machine is located exactly in the
starting position, press the OK key to start the calculation procedure and to change to working
Note: if the lining measuring system pre-selected on the machine is not the same as activated
during preparatory works, a corresponding warning message will appear and the calculation
procedure will be interrupted.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 33

5.2 Working Mode

In working mode the programme shows two windows, depending on the working method used. The
upper window represents a table and shows the file names used for working, the current position,
the lining method on grounds of which the calculation was carried out, the reference rail selected
on the machine, as well as the output values of all channels.
The lower window, which has the form of a graphic chart, shows nominal geometry, optionally
displacement or lifting values of the files loaded and the appertaining data, including their
localization and the synchronization points.
The blue line shows the reference point of the machine referring to the geometry shown on the

If working is carried out on grounds of a measuring run, as shown on the r. h. screen below and if
versine compensation is used, the “alignment” line shows the recorded and the calculated versine
curve. The “superelevation” column shows the recorded and created superelevation. If longitudinal
level compensation is used, the “level” column shows the recorded and the calculated longitudinal
level of the reference rail.

Simultaneous representation of both windows, as well as their arrangement and size, are pre-set.
Among other options, use the control keys F11 or F12 to represent only the graphic or the table
window, as well as to restore the original size of the window or their simultaneous representation.

It is generally possible to create and edit new geometry files during working mode, even files used
in working mode may be changed if necessary. You may at any time change between working
mode and data input mode. At any time the modified file will be calculated anew and transferred to
working mode with the values having been corrected.

5.2.1 Indications During Working Mode

The table window shows the following information:
Indication is made for the machine position determined by the positioning line, taking into account
the distance offset.
Current position
Position of the front tensioning trolley, represented by the positioning line (blue cross
Lining method
Lining method used.
When working with ext. displacements or when using versine compensation the 3-point
method will be selected automatically.
Reference rail
34 SDG-7_2_2_engl

The selected reference rail is indicated.

The reference rail is the rail opposite the superelevated rail, selection is carried out by
switching the reference rail selector switch on the machine.
Versine for the 3-point lining measuring system.
When the 4-point method is used, there will be indicated the correction values.
Track displacement values.
Front Tensioning Trolley
Target superelevation at the front tensioning trolley.
Front Transducer Or DGS Comparative Measurement:
Target superelevation at the front transducer on machines with a 08 levelling system.
Target superelevation for comparative measurements with the help of a control
pendulum on machines with a 09 levelling system.
May be applied only if the respective special equipment is provided.
Working Position:
Target superelevation at the working position.
Comparative Measurement
Target superelevation for comparative measurements with the help of a control
(May be applied only if the respective special equipment is provided.)
Basic Lifting Value
Basic lifting value (only if entered).
Lowering Value
Reduction of the lifting value depending on radius and superelevation (correction value).
Depending on the type of machine this value is indicated either for the working position
or for the front transducer.
Scissors Correction
Adaptation of the lifting value in case of superelevation ramps for countercurves.
Change In Gradient
Adaptation of the lifting value on grounds of changes in gradient entered
Level Error
Adaptation of the lifting value, if the superelevated rail by mistake had been used as
reference rail.
Level Correction
Lifting values entered in an "ext. displacement / level correction" or determined during a
longitudinal level compensation
Total Lifting Value:
The total of all lifting and lifting correction values mentioned above.
Depending on the type of machine, the lowering value is not included in this total.
Ext. Displacement:
Measuring Run:
The respective fields show the file names of the geometry data files used.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 35

5.2.2 Select Or Store A Track Position Start Position
After calculation the current position is identical with the calculation position. If this is no
longer true after the machine has moved to the exact starting point, it may be changed in
the following way:
 By using the keys Alt+P or menu edit to position you may enter the desired starting
position in the window appearing subsequently.

 After having clicked the symbol: Cursor Control By Keyboard or by pressing the F10
key the starting position may be changed on the computer by manually shifting the positioning
line (cursor), with the help of the direction keys or the mouse. Before starting working this
function has to be deactivated by repeating this operation.
 menu working mode to the stored position helps to select a position stored during a
former working run as starting position. Store The Current Position

Menu working mode store current position stores the current position in case work is

5.2.3 Synchronization:
During working the positioning line will move forward according to the distance covered.
When the machine approaches a synchronization point, at a distance of 10 m before it
there will sound an audible warning signal. This is to draw the operator’s attention to the
geometric point approaching (e. g. beginning of a transition curve).
This signal may be switched off by pressing the control key F2.
When the positioning line reaches the synchronization point before the machine (front
tensioning trolley) has reached the geometric point, an audible warning signal will sound
and distance measurement will be stopped.
The signal may be switched off by pressing the F2 key.
When the machine reaches the geometric point, press the SYNC key (F3).
If the machine has reached the geometric point before the positioning line has reached
the synchronization, press the SYNC key and the positioning line will proceed to the
synchronization point.
If between the positioning line and the synchronization point there is a distance of more
than 10 m (warning not yet active), press the F4 key. The positioning line will proceed to
the next synchronization point.
When the machine is approaching a point that is 10 m off the prepared end of nominal
geometry, again a signal will sound, which may be switched off by pressing the F2 key.
The functions of the F2 - F4 key may also be carried out by clicking the respective symbols
on the symbol bar.
If the machine in working mode drives back the prepared (calculated) track section, a
respective warning signal will be given:
To continue working, confirm with enter.
36 SDG-7_2_2_engl

5.2.4 Modification Of Nominal Geometries During Working Mode:

By clicking the symbol edit nominal geometry you open the nominal geometry file for
editing it which corresponds with the current working mode. Modifications will be effective
for working at a later moment only.
If during input of nominal geometry data there have to be made entries for working mode
(e. g.: synchronization requirement), first you have to change to the working mode window.

By activating the symbol show you return to working mode. After having terminated
the input you may again change to editing of nominal geometry by clicking the symbol .
With the help of these two symbols you may at any time change between working mode
and geometry input and modifications carried out will not be effective for the current
working mode.
By using the symbol load file anew the operator may determine the moment when
the modifications or inputs should become effective for working mode.

If working is carried out with an additionally loaded displacement / level correction file, you
may use the symbol edit displacement / level correction to enter changes during
the current working mode. Proceed in the same way as described above for nominal

5.2.5 Hints For Working With External Displacements / Level

For editing a lifting – displacement file a nominal geometry file must be loaded. If on a
straight track section no appertaining nominal geometry file is available, you may use
alternatively the file 0-STEIGD.geo or 0-FALLND.geo. Driving Back The Machine For Another Pass
For the next pass of the machine on the same track section the values of ext.
displacement / level correction must not be used again, as the track had been displaced
and lifted during the first run.
Confirm the appearing message (yes) with enter.
The displacement and level correction values will be diminished within a certain distance
until "0" is obtained.
If this is not desirable, confirm (No). Shift with Tab between yes/no.
If the Ext. displacement / level correction file has to be completely deleted from the
working programme, this may be obtained by starting working mode anew.
Terminate the working mode by pressing Ctrl +E, or by clicking the symbols
When the end of the geometry is reached, the current condition may be maintained or
working mode may be terminated by confirming yes.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 37

6 Fundamentals
The most important terms on the operational system Windows 9X are described in this chapter.
For more detailed information please refer to the help function of the operational system or to
corresponding specialized literature.

6.1 Desk top

Below the working surface of the operational system (Windows 9X) with icons and files arranged
on it is shown.

As default attribute on the desk top there are the icons my computer, wastepaper
basket, ALC for Windows, as well as others if necessary for operation.
The bar on the bottom of the screen is the task bar which – depending on the respective settings .
is not always visible. To activate it lead the mouse pointer to the lower screen edge until the task
bar will appear or depress the Ctrl key and keep it depressed and then hit Esc.
To select icons and operational bars use the mouse or the touchpad or the keyboard, as usual
for working with Windows 9X.
Operational System Windows 9X: programme necessary for computer control.
My computer: when doubleclicking the icon you will be shown a list of all drives, directories and
files on your computer.
Wastepaper basket: contains all deleted files and directories.
ALC for Windows: programme for automatic control of the lining, levelling and pendulum
equipment of Plasser & Theurer permanent-way machinery.
Task bar: contains the panel „Start“ with the help of which you may easily start a programme or
search a file. Furthermore, it contains quick access to the help facilities.
38 SDG-7_2_2_engl

For any open programme, file or window a panel will appear on the task bar. With the help of these
panels you may easily shift between the open windows.

6.2 Mouse, Touch Pad

mouse: when moving this pointing device an arrow shown on the screen will move. Furthermore, it
contains two buttons, the left one serves to confirm a selection made and the right hand one opens
the context menu.
Touch pad: the arrow shown on the screen may be moved by moving your finger on a surface.
Same function as the mouse.
Whenever the WinALC description mentions the mouse this refers to the touch pad.
click: selecting an object by directing the mouse pointer to the object and once depressing the left
hand mouse button.
Double click: executing a task (e. g. open a file) by directing the mouse pointer to the object and
twice depressing the left hand mouse button in short succession.

6.3 Keyboard
Input device for letters, numbers and special characters.
On the right hand side of the keyboard the touch pad is arranged, below it the appertaining keys.

6.4 Starting A Programme

By doubleclicking the symbol on the desk top or
by depressing the Ctrl key, keeping it depressed and depressing simultaneusly ESC. The start
menu will open. Select programmes with the cursor and then the respective programme, hit the
enter key.

6.5 Terminating Windows

The computer may be switched off with the help of the On/Off button only after the respective
request has appeared on the screen.
First you have to select in the start bar Start, Termination, Drive Down Windows and to confirm
it by pressing OK with the left mouse button or the enter key.

6.6 A Window Or A Programme Do Not Respond Any Longer

If a programme does not respond any more or a calculation procedure takes a long time
(> 5 min.) you should take, step by step, in the following order, the measures mentioned
below, until you will be able to terminate the programme.

1. Close the respective task.

Press the CTRL+ALT keys, keep them depressed and then press the DEL key. A
window will open where the following comment is shown:
“The task does not respond .........“ When you subsequently activate the
terminate task button, the task will be terminated.
2. Start Windows anew:
If the task does not yet respond, you should terminate Windows as usual. If even
this is impossible, press the keys CTRL+ALT twice in short succession and keep
them pressed
3. Switch off the computer.
If all the measures mentioned above are not successive, switch off the computer
and switch it on again after about 10 seconds.

After having restarted the programme you may continue working.

Do not load defective data files which have led to the programme crash. Correct probably
existing faulty inputs in programme parts.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 39

6.7 General Information On Windows (The WinALC Screen)

Title Bar

Menu Bar
Symbol Bar

Window Content

Status Bar

All programmes (such as, e. g., WinALC) or subprogrammes, as well as all other representations
on the screen are shown as windows.
Any quantity of windows may be open at the same time. For clearness it is recommendable,
however, to open only those that are really necessary.
Only one of the open windows is the active window; it is marked by a coloured title bar. All
commands carried out with the help of the keyboard refer to this active window only.
Whenever changing to another window (activating another window) the bars contained in it and
described below may change their appearance.
Commands may be selected either with the help of the mouse or the keyboard.
Such windows are almost always identical in their appearance; below we give a short explanation
for the WinALC window:

title bar first line on top of the screen

menu bar second line on top of the screen
symbol bar third line on top of the screen
window content large area in between
status bar bottom line
40 SDG-7_2_2_engl

6.7.1 Title Bar

By clicking the symbol on the left hand side of the title bar you may select various window features.

6.7.2 Menu Bar

The various menus may be selected with the help of the mouse or by pressing the Alt key and
simultaneously the underlined letter.
If one of the menus is marked, you may move within the menu bar and the menus with the help of
the cursor keys.
The menus contain, additionally to the functions usual for Windows 9X, also menu items for the
application of WinALC.
The submenus of the menu bar show all functions of the respective active window. Menu items
that may be selected are shown in black, those that may not be selected – in grey.
Commands may also be carried out by using the keys or key combinations (shortcuts) shown in
the menus.

6.7.3 Symbol Bar

The symbol bar shows the most frequently used functions as symbols which may be selected with
the help of the mouse.
When directing the mouse pointer towards a symbol, for about 5 seconds the symbol name will be
As long as the mouse pointer remains on this symbol, a short description of the symbol function
will be shown on the status bar.
Symbols with grey shades may not be selected at the moment.

6.7.4 Status Bar

Status bar: it is located on the lower edge of the window and may be deactivated in the menu
On its left hand side a short description of the symbol is given at which the mouse points, or there
will be shown information on the current input position. On its right hand side among other
information the mode is shown.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 41

6.7.5 Context Menu

When clicking any element with the right hand mouse button,
the context menu will be shown. It contains frequently used
commands which you may apply to the corresponding
element. If, e. g., clicking a file with the right hand mouse
button, you may select, among others, the commands “open”,
“copy” and “delete”.

6.7.6 Control Keys

Each of the control keys has several functions. On the „template“ appertaining to WinALC the
functions of the symbols shown above the keys may be reached with the help of the corresponding
Functions of the symbols shown below a key may be selected together with the Shift key if
located left of the diagonal, and together with the Ctrl key, if located right of the diagonal.
First press the Shift or the Ctrl key, keep them pressed and then press the corresponding control

6.7.7 View Functions

In default mode there will be shown the graphical and the table windows. For more clearness you
may change from simultaneous representation to individual representation of the graphic chart or
the table. By clicking the symbols , or whenever pressing the control key F11 you will shift
between table and graphic chart. To return to simultaneous representation use the control key F12.
In the graphic window you may additionally adjust the graphic scale, changing in this way the
geometry representation on the screen.
By clicking the symbol distance scale for graphics you may select a scale of 100m –
5000m. Thus, in this example 600m will be represented on the screen.

When using the symbol optimum scale this will adapt the scale of all geometry elements in
such a way as to represent them on the screen in maximum size.

When activating the symbol scale a dialogue window will open where you may set the scale
for all geometry elements. These values will remain valid until you will change them again or until
you will use the command optimum scale.
42 SDG-7_2_2_engl

 Dialogue Window „Scale“

The scales shown on the screen may be changed by

doubleclicking the corresponding input field and subsequent
input of a value.
The values shown on the screen may be standard values.
To terminate and to accept the values for the graphic window
press the OK key.
SDG-7_2_2_engl 43

6.7.8 File Functions

The commands of the menu „File“ allow to create new files, open existing files or to add the
contents of an second file to one open file.
The commands „copy“ or „delete“ should be executed in the WinALC and not in Windows Explorer
or on the desk top, as otherwise additional files not known by the user may remain unconsidered.
The command Save saves the file under the name given in the name list. Using Save as you may

assign the file a directory and a name before saving it. When clicking the symbol Save for the
first time you also may assign a directory and a name.
For all commands mentioned above directories and file names may be assigned as described
under file dialogue window.

 Dialogue Window „File“

This field shows the Click the arrow to see in To open the directory
directories and files in the which position in the located a level higher, click
chosen directory. To open a directory hierarchy of the here on the symbol bar
directory or a file click the computer the current
corresponding name in the directory is located.

Here you enter the Shows a list of the Opens the file with Closes the
file name. existing file types. the entered name, dialogue window
When saving the file type and directory. without saving the
you may not use any modifications
question marks (?) or carried out.
asterisks (*) in the
44 SDG-7_2_2_engl

6.7.9 Options In The Dialogue Window

With Tabulator or Shift+Tabulator you select part of a dialogue window. By using the direction
keys ▲▼ ◄ ► you may select the desired function .The space bar activates or deactivates a
All functions may also be selected respectively activated or deactivated by clicking them with the

6.7.10 Help Facilities

By clicking this symbol the mouse pointer additionally shows a question mark. Direct the mouse
pointer to the place on the screen, where help is needed. This will open the help file for WINALC
with the corresponding topic.

6.7.11 Positioning Line

The positioning line is used to determine a positon during data input. During a measuring run or in
working mode the positioning line shows the reference point of the machine in the graphic chart.
To move the positioning line you may use the mouse or the direction keys.
Mouse: to move the line direct the top of the mouse pointer to the positioning line and press the
left mouse button. Keep the button pressed and slowly move the mouse up or down.
Arrows: use as described below.
1m steps forward arrow to the right
10m steps forward Ctrl + arrow to the right
10th of the distance scale forward arrow up
1m steps backward arrow to the left
10m steps backward Ctrl + arrow to the left
10th of the distance scale backward arrow down

6.7.12 Editing Geometry Elements

To insert, alter or delete elements the positioning line must be at the necessary position. For
existing elements this is indicated by a flashing.
To insert a new element or to change an existing one use the corresponding command to open the
respective window.
After having corrected the data in the window the modification is shown on the screen after the
window had been closed.
Selecting an element: by clicking an element you select it.
To select the next element, you may use the tab key, to select the previous element, use the Shift
+ Tab key.
Selected element: a flashing element on the screen shows the selected superelevation element.
Open a window: press the enter key and the window of the element selected will open.
Selecting and opening an element: by doubleclicking an element you select it and open the
target superelevation window.

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