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Bringing it all together:

Part 1. In the following activity you will begin to construct hedged sentences.

Instructions: Complete the sentence by choosing the appropriate word from the list.

concluded / suggested / proven / estimated

1. It can be __________ that, for young adult males, the portrayal of alcohol on a television screen might
lead to increased alcohol consumption.

will / may / must

2. ..., which ______________ have been the case when they entered our laboratory setting alone.

definite / unlikely / normal

3. It is not ____________ that the characters in the movies are generally regarded as positive (McIntosh
et al., 1999), which should add to the low level priming effect of observing drinking behaviour.

should / could / may

4. When in real life, anticipation of others' reactions _________ be among the causes of imitation.

will / would / must

5. Nevertheless, from an experimental perspective, it __________ be better to a) compare a movie

without any alcohol portrayals versus a movie with many alcohol portrayals or b) to use one movie but
to do careful editing to leave out all alcohol scenes in one version.

probable / possible / definite

should / will / might

6. Furthermore, it is also _________ that besides imitation, the activation of alcohol norms appeals to
pre-existing norms and expectancies of people, which ___________lead to alcohol intake, or that
alcohol portrayals on films and in commercials function as a cue that affects craving in drinkers (Larsen
et al,. 2009)

if / whether / that

7. However, it is unknown ______ the underlying mechanisms differ for food or drink portrayals in the
cause / case / reason

could / appears / may

8. If this is the ________, the actual effect of the portrayal of alcohol ___________be even stronger.

Indications / Implications / Deductions

Might / May / Must

Appear / May / Would

9. ____________ of these findings _____________be that, if moderation of alcohol consumption in

certain groups is strived for, it _______________ be sensible to cut down on the portrayal of alcohol in
programmes aimed at these groups and the commercials shown in between.

could / should / would

10. It ___________ be interesting to test whether the effects of alcohol commercials are beverage

Part 2:
In this activity you will complete hedged expressions using vocabulary you have looked at in previous
activities. You will not be given a choice of words.

Complete the expressions using a word of your own choice. Remember to use 'cautious' language and to

1. The present results further __________ that the estimated effect of body fatness on LVM
depends largely on the particular combination of body-size and body-fatness predictors chosen
for the LVM models.

2. Although adults with higher BMI values _________to be more obese, BMI per se does not
provide information on relative amounts of FFM and fat mass, nor does it estimate the absolute
value of body fat.

3. It is _________ that after the placebo preload, participants became more wary of the task,
perhaps owing to the previous experience of having to inhibit responses suddenly after the
habit-forming in blocks 2 and 4.

4. Thus, it _________ be ____________ that in accordance with Marinkovic et al.'s (2000) data, a
moderate dose of alcohol has basic motor disinhibiting effects.
5. However, as the effects were seen on latencies not on error commission during the no-go
condition, it ____________be __________that a priming dose of alcohol may have a greater
effect on active approach systems like BAS.

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