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Professional Philosophy

As a future librarian, I will be a leader within the school community. I will plan,

communicate and collaborate with teachers so classroom projects have cross-curricular

connections. I will model effective, up-to-date 21st century learning practices while showcasing

inclusivity through the selection of materials. I will adapt to the changes that will come each year

while assisting all teachers and students. Media specialists are invaluable assets to the school

community. With my creativity and diligence, I know I will be seen as an indispensable member

and leader within my school.

The library is a place where learning becomes real. Inquiring minds visit the library to

learn more, interact with others, explore, problem solve, and experiment. The library should be a

safe place for students to gather, collaborate, and unite. I imagine creating a space that is

inclusive and welcoming to all. To make this a reality, my views and biases must be checked at

the door. All viewpoints must be heard, investigated, and explored. My training as a teacher has

prepared me to promote inclusivity. This inclusivity will be reflected both in my actions as a

librarian and in the overall collection.

As a 21st century librarian, it is my duty to provide equitable access for all students. Both

print and electronic materials should be selected carefully. These selections should be based on

high-quality, relevant, and up-to-date materials. As the primary selector of these materials, I will

seek reasons to include these resources within in the collection instead of using personal

judgement to censor materials. The students in my future library have the right to investigate all

topics of interest, including those that are considered controversial by adults.

My selection criteria will be transparent as I will create a Materials Selection Policy. My

selections will be balanced and diverse. The Materials Selection Policy will align with the
school’s mission and overall school policy. This will ensure that the collection reflects the ideals

of the school. It is incredibly important for all students to “see” themselves in both print and

electronic sources. The collection should reflect the student population, but also include many

diverse texts where students can learn about cultures and lifestyles different from themselves.

This diverse collection will lead to a more empathic and globally-minded student-body.

It is my mission as an educator and future librarian to prepare my students for the world

they will inherit. In order to fulfill this mission, I have to give students opportunities to

collaborate, communicate, create, and think critically. In this digital world, there are so many

digital tools that can make this possible. The library has the ability to model these 21st century

skills. Blocking websites that limit students’ exposure and experiences will not be how I lead my

library. Instead, I will make the case for compliance of CIPA mandates, but I will ensure that my

school does not over-comply and limit student access.

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