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Racism and the Body of Christ

Current Affairs # 22 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 1 Sam Soleyn December 7, 2019 We want to
handle the very divisive, controversial, and current topic of racism. Now, we are in the midst in the
world of an upsurging of racism as one of the great dividing factors of humanity. Here in the United
States there has been an upsurge of racism. Oddly enough, some are attempting to justify racism on the
basis of two mantras: one is called Western Civilization, and the other is more of an implication that
Western Civilization claims as its foundation the Christian faith— believing in Jesus Christ. And so we
have this claim—and I will not at first debunk the claim, I will just lay it out—that God favors certain
races over others. This runs so deeply in this nation that there is nowhere where this practice of the
dividing of the races is more evident than on Sunday mornings between about 9:30 and noon. That is
when this belief, which is a very deeply held and deeply rooted belief, dominates the life of American
citizens. America claims, more or less, that somewhere in the vicinity of 60-70% of the population are
believers in God, and/or some lesser percentage believers in Jesus Christ. People tune into religious
broadcasting and/or they go to church on Sundays. But on Sunday mornings, Blacks go to Black
churches, Whites go to White churches, Hispanics go to Hispanic churches. If challenged or questioned,
this is the answer that is generally given: Well, people just prefer to be with their own kind. The first
time I heard that argument was when I was a student at a Christian college here in the United States. I
had newly come up from the islands, studying Bible at a church school, and when the issue of the
oneness of the Body of Christ arose, I raised the issue. This was back in 1972, and I raised it with the
Bible professor of the particular course I was taking at the time. He sort of smiled at me in that sort of
condescending way and said, “Well, you know, there is a lot you have to learn about this country. I
understand why you would be concerned about these things, but you just need to know there is a lot
more you need to understand about this country.” Very patronizing. But I pressed him, and he said,
“Look, people prefer on Sunday mornings to escape from all the trials and hardships of life and come to
church, and they do not want any additional stress. They come to find a message that can be helpful to
them in living life.” I said, “That does not have a thing to do with the Kingdom of God. Everything you are
giving me by way of supposed answers are the answers that pertain to a people group, or a national
group, that wants what it wants. I am asking about the Kingdom of God, and I do not particularly care
how the culture of America Current Affairs # 22 | Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 1 | Sam Soleyn 2
decides what it wants. I am not interested in the culture of America. I am interested in the Kingdom of
God. That is what I was saying.” He said—and this was a White professor—“Well, you do not see any
Black people coming, trying to get into the White churches. They are just as comfortable being with
themselves as White people are with being by themselves on Sunday morning in church worshiping
God.” I realized that I was going to get nowhere with him. But it struck me that even at that time—this
was 1972, when I first came—that there was no interest whatsoever in either Whites meeting with
Blacks who were believers, or Blacks meeting with Whites. As I came to know the American landscape
more completely, I saw that all the racial groups, by and large, prefer that. But it is not just that. It is
denominations preferring their own denominations. If you want to know where racists hang out–where
do you find racists, if you want to know what part of society produces racists—the answer is they
populate the church pews every Sunday. American Christianity has, by omission, become the seedbed
for American racism. Now, I am not suggesting that this is the only country in the world where racism is
practiced. No. In the remote corners of the world, Hutus slaughtered Tutsis to the tune of a half a
million. The Rohingya in Southeast Asia are being persecuted by a majority population. The Chinese are
notorious for being racists against other groups of people, the Uighurs for example. And so on.
Throughout Africa, racism is a common thing. We have in the world a people, humanity, divided
primarily by race. Now, the American brand of it is interesting because, as I said, politicians try to explain
privilege through the legislative process by talking about Western Civilization. One fellow, I think it is
Representative King from Iowa, is fond of talking about Western Civilization. In some ways, what he has
identified is correct: Western Civilization is rooted in religious racism. I will explain. Some time ago I was
in the Ukraine, and I was engaging a Ukrainian in discussions about the New Testament Church versus
the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He was assuring me, “No, no, no. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is the
New Testament church—the church of the New Testament.” I was at an impasse, so I said to him,
looking him straight in the eye, “Can I be a member of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church?” He looked at
me, and he turned a whiter shade of pale, to quote an old song. Suddenly, with the force of a hammer
blow, it occurred to him what I was saying. No. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and orthodoxy in
general, is about the church that embraces a people group, and in order to be a member of that church,
you have to be of that race. All orthodox Current Affairs # 22 | Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 1 |
Sam Soleyn 3 churches are like that—the Russian Orthodox Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, the
Syrian Orthodox Church—because they are all the daughters of the Roman Church. When the Roman
Empire broke up, all of the member states adopted for themselves a form of that religion, that religious
hegemony, and defined their identities by the state church. Now, the state church was a political
creation. It was by no means the creation of Paul, Peter, or the early apostles. I will come to and will
define the message of Christ, concerning which there has been an attempt to conflate the message of
Christ with historical Christianity. That conflation introduced a culture that is at the heart of racism,
masquerading as and disguised as Western Civilization. The root of this supposed Western Civilization
was largely contributed to by both the Greeks and the Romans—the Greco-Roman world. The alt-right
advocates of Western Civilization would not argue that pagan Rome or pagan Greece, with the
pantheon of gods, is the foundation of Western Civilization. They will attempt to argue that Christianity,
as it emerged through the Greco-Roman world and changed the Greco-Roman world, is the foundation
of Western Civilization. So, I would like to wade into that swamp for a moment. The adoption of the
Christian faith by Constantine, and the following Council of Nicaea in 325AD, was what actually
connected the Christian faith to the political orthodoxy of empires. The Roman Empire then broke up,
and the empires of Europe emerged. Then, Charlemagne attempted to reunite the Roman Empire.
Following his death, the legacy was that all these emerging empires— the German Empire, the British
Empire, the Portuguese Empire, the Spanish Empire, etc.—by then had adopted this principle of state
church that was introduced by Constantine as the nexus between politics and religion. In this political
religion, Constantine, as the arbiter of it, was a very skillful politician. He believed that the only way to
unite the Roman Empire, which by then had stretched from the Wall of Hadrian in the north of England
all the way virtually to the Indus Valley, to unify this vast Empire it would be necessary to find cohesive
forces, as it were, the glue to hold it together. That could not be the Roman military by itself; although,
the Roman military had largely subjugated much of this territorial geography. What he discovered was
that the most common and popular and cohesive glue to the Roman Empire was the result of the work
of Paul, Peter, and the other apostles, because approximately 10% of the Roman Empire, by some
accounts, were believers in Jesus by the time of Constantine. He saw the way of giving preeminence,
giving a Current Affairs # 22 | Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 1 | Sam Soleyn 4 franchise, to the
Christian faith by making them the Empire’s religion. Now, the Empire always had its religion. It was the
religion of Vesta—the service of the Vestal Virgins in the temple of Vesta. She was the mother goddess
of Rome. Rome had orthodoxy before it had “Christian” orthodoxy. When Constantine came to power,
he decided that the thing that would work for him was to Christianize the Roman Empire as a way of
creating social and civil order, and gave the franchise of power to Constantine, who then established this
order. Charlemagne was brought in after the collapse of the original, classic Roman Empire that was
destroyed by the Germanic tribes around the early fifth century. It was then rebooted by Charlemagne,
as the Holy Roman Emperor. By the way, as a point of curiosity, if you visit the Vatican, you will see in
the main entrance hall—as you go in through the main entrance doors— if you look to your left you will
see a rider, a military warrior on a horse; and if you look to the right you will see another of these
warriors on horses. The one on the left is Constantine, and the one on the right is Charlemagne, because
the claim to the foundation or basis of power and rule— the basileuó in Greek, or the basilica in Latin—
of the Roman Church is a grant of power originally by Constantine in the fourth century, and a return
grant of authority by Charlemagne in the eighth century. They both politically elevated the church and
gave Christianity the imprimatur of the state’s church. Now, as a result, if you were in the Roman
Empire, you were expected to be a Christian; it held the franchise. When, following the death of
Charlemagne, the Empire devolved into more or less chaotic disorder, the popes emerged. The leaders
of the church franchise emerged as the political and religious leaders of the Empire. They were the ones
who attempted to hold the Roman Empire together for the benefit of the church by sending Crusades.
Over a two-hundred-fifty-year period, they sent Crusades into the Middle East and bled dry the coffers
of Europe, the European member states of the Holy Roman Empire, and essentially bankrupted it of
manhood and treasure. It was against this background that states began to move away from the Roman
hegemony. Martin Luther, the most notable of religious figures, actually did not intend to move away
from the Roman hegemony, he was just disgusted with the rapacious practice of selling indulgences and
continuing to ensure a stream of money flowing into the coffers of the papacy. When he began his
pushback against that idea, other states were emboldened—states like England—and began to break
away Current Affairs # 22 | Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 1 | Sam Soleyn 5 from this Roman
hegemony. Some states, however, remained firmly in the orbit of the Roman Church—states such as
Italy, Spain, and Portugal—and relied upon the papacy to divide and adjudicate claims as to territorial
rights in the New World. So, what is commonly thought about as Western Civilization and the spread of
the Christian faith is not that at all. But I will say this: If you plan to claim Western Civilization as the
basis of the superiority of one culture over another, then you must be careful because Western
Civilization produced the likes of Adolph Hitler, who slaughtered the Jews. Which is why people today
still deny the Holocaust; it is all part of the antiJewish sentiment and part and parcel of the preference of
Caucasian, or White people. It is a convoluted history that is based in these foundational missteps,
which are mislabeled “the Christian faith.” So, what I want to do is remove the veil of secrecy and
debunk the myth of Western Civilization, which is just code word in the alt-right for White supremacy. I
am not here to advocate that everybody get together and have “kumbaya” sessions. I want to tell you
about the true Kingdom of God, the true Body of Christ, and why the notion of one race being somehow
preferred by God is a demonic doctrine. It is a doctrine of demons. I will lay it out for you in the
Scriptures in a moment. This will obviously take more than this one session, so I intend for you to listen
to the whole of this message. Since the fall of man, since Adam separated himself from his Father, the
goal of the message of Christ has been to reconcile man to God in the Person of Christ, in the living Body
of Christ, a spiritual entity. The concession that such a thing is not possible on the grounds that God
somehow prefers one race over another... By the way, this would be equally condemning if Black people
decided that God prefers Black people over White people; it would be just as damnable a heresy if
Hispanics believed that God prefers Hispanics over everyone else. No. The entire spectrum of that form
of segregation is a demonic doctrine, because the glory of God is designed to be seen in its
phosphorescent beauty, in its most gloriously illuminated beauty—not in the people deciding to get
along, or coming together occasionally to have a prayer meeting in the city and then going back to being
divided as they were just before they came. It is not about unity. Unity is a counterfeit. Oneness is the
goal. Oneness, because the glory of it is the showing oneness in spite of the work of the devil, beginning
with setting a man against his own flesh in the garden: Adam and Eve. Adam said, “the woman You gave
me.” 1 That is the result Current Affairs # 22 | Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 1 | Sam Soleyn 6 of
deception; he was blaming his wife. Then, their sons Cain and Abel experienced the next steps of this,
and that was the murder of Abel by Cain, his brother. The spirit of division is an assault against the
doctrine of oneness. But unity is a compromise, because you could appear to be unified and meet
together to do things. God is not interested in a spirit of unity. The Holy Spirit does not produce a spirit
of unity. The Holy Spirit produces oneness in the manner in which God meant for a husband and wife to
be one, in which God meant for Christ and the Father to be one, and all those who believe in Christ
would be one in that same manner.2 That is how the enemy is overcome. Not by some agreement to get
along and come together and march over some Christian position on some issue. It is really about
coming back to oneness. In the next broadcast, I will not go over this that I have done. I will delve into
the theology of oneness, with an eye toward the disclosure of the very nature of God. You cannot claim
to be a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ of any maturity and be a racist. You cannot. If you do, you have
deceived yourself. God is not mocked. Now is time for this word to come forth with absolute clarity, and
I hope to bring it in an unflinching manner. Listen to the next broadcast as I get into the theology of the
oneness of the Body of Christ. I am Sam Soleyn. Join me for that. Bye-bye. Endnotes: 1. See Genesis 3:12
BSB: “And the man answered, ‘The woman whom You gave me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and I
ate it.’” 2. See John 17:20-21 BSB: “I am not asking on behalf of them alone, but also on behalf of those
who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, as You, Father, are in Me,
and I am in You. May they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.”
Current Affairs # 23 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 2 Sam Soleyn December 8, 2019 Now, are you
ready for the second installment of this message of the Body of Christ? I have used, intentionally, the
framework of racism to address this issue, and to address it forthrightly and unblinkingly. I understand
that people will justify whatever they choose to believe. When you justify what you choose to believe,
you are self-deceived and you are not actually interested in the truth. Scriptures say people perish
because they do not love the truth. 1 These messages are not designed to affect the world. I am not
preaching these messages to groups that are fully invested in their form of racism. I am not even
speaking these messages to individuals who have convinced themselves that their murderous intents…
And I use the term “murderous” because that is the term the Bible uses. If you hate your brother
without cause, you are guilty of murder.2 I did not say that; Jesus said that. I am happy to say it because
He said it. I am not shying away from it. He is right, and let me be counted among those who come to
the truth, who stand with the truth. Just like He said, “Whoever believes in the truth will come to Me.”
He is the Truth, and that is what He said. Hatred of your brother without a cause—racism is that. You do
not need an excuse, you look at somebody and you say, without any other consideration, “I am better
than that person;” “I am this, I am that,” in a superior way regarding that person—that is racial hatred
and it is without a cause. The person has not done anything. When you do that, Jesus says you are a
murderer. Now, I stand with Jesus in this matter, and that is why I do not intend to mince words. I hope I
have not done that up to now. If I do, I repent and I will make myself plain on the matter. I do not intend
to influence or change the mindsets of people who are already perishing, both in their delusion and in
their actual conditions. These people live as though they will never have to give an account to God. They
live in the short-views of life. They talk in terms of and they act in terms of what is politically expedient,
what is socially beneficial, what is financially profitable, what brings them out of obscurity and gives
them a moment in the light of their own understanding. But none of these things has any long-term,
certainly no eternal, perspective. They may last as long as the Lord lets the earth remain before He
comes back, but these things have no future. These points of view and these economies that attend
them, they have no future when viewed from an eternal point of view. Current Affairs # 23 – Racism and
the Body of Christ, Part 2 | Sam Soleyn 2 So, I am not speaking to men and women who love darkness
rather than light, people with deep brokenness in their souls and deep insecurities within their persons,
and the worst of the lot, those who understand that such persons do exist, maybe even exist with a
significant constituency of them, and they are shameless and vulgar in the way they manipulate such
hapless souls for political, social, and financial reasons. To them, to the handlers of the masses of
people, is reserved the worst of God’s judgments, because they at least know what they are doing.
Some of these hapless folks are just trying to find an identity, and in the darkness in which they stumble
around, these are the sounds that they hear from people who are just as blind as they are. “When the
blind leads the blind, they both fall into the ditch.”3 There is no long-term, no eternal value to these
points of view, however appealing they may be to people in the present state of time. So I do not intend
to appeal to groups of people who are entrenched in these perspectives, and I do not intend to appeal
to individuals who are delusionally deranged. I intend to speak to people who can yet hear the truth.
And I do not care, frankly, on what side of the line you are. If you are White, or you are Black, or you are
Hispanic, if you adopt these views, there is no accounting for a better position when you hold the same
views. Everyone who believes these damnable heresies are equally opposed to the truth, and the color
of your skin, or the racial background, or cultural background, as far as God is concerned, makes no
difference. Now, who do I intend to appeal to then? I intend to appeal to people who have an interest in
growing up and becoming mature—people whose lives may actually count for something, measured by
an eternal point of view. The church is overpopulated with people who do not intend to grow up. They
intend to be spoon-fed, and they do not much care what garbage they are eating, just so long as their
bellies are full of it. They will give their lives in defense of worthless, meaningless doctrines. But amongst
these people, like pearls, like gold, among these people there are those who are treasures of the earth,
and it is to them that I wish to speak. So what is true? I want to begin with the prayer of the Lord Jesus
Christ. This is John, chapter 17, and in the prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ He says, “Father, the hour has
come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, as You have given Him authority over all
flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You Current Affairs # 23 – Racism and the Body of
Christ, Part 2 | Sam Soleyn 3 have given Him. And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only
true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the
work which You have given Me to do. And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the
glory which I had with You before the world was. (John 17:1-5 NKJV) Then, He talks about how He
manifested the name of the Father to men. He goes on to say, “They were Yours, You gave them to Me,
and they have kept Your word,” (Verse 6)—speaking of the twelve. He goes on to say: “I do not pray for
them alone, but for all who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You and I
are one.” Now, I want to pick up in the reading. I just was citing around verse 20 and 21. He said, “that
they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us…” (Verse
21). Who are the “they”? All those who believe in Me through the words of the twelve—that is John
17:20. So throughout the world, irrespective of race, color, culture, social backgrounds, gender,
irrespective of that, if you are a believer in the words of the apostles that have been written down under
the auspices of the Holy Spirit and form the thing called the New Testament, if you are a believer in that,
this is Jesus’s request of the Father concerning you: “that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me,
and I in You; that they also may be one in Us…” (John 17:21a). Here is to what end: “that the world may
believe that You sent Me” (John 17:21b)—the world, the unbelievers, in seeing the manner in which all
those who believe in Christ are one. And that oneness is not unity. That is oneness. That is being a
unified whole. Here is why it is a unified whole: because all of them need to be in Christ. This is not
about having a program that we could all agree upon and meet to march, or meet to protest, or meet to
boycott. It is that you are assembled into Christ as one body. The importance of this assembly is that in
the way the assembled Body, comprised of many parts, functions as one, the world has the evidence
that Jesus came from the Father. What was said earlier in John 3:16—“For God so loved the world…”—
that message now becomes that which is demonstrated through the oneness of the Body of Christ.
Years ago, when Billy Graham would preach that the evangelical message is summarized in one
Scripture, John 3:16—“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”—John 17 is explaining what he means by
that message. And it is not the message of “give me your hand, Current Affairs # 23 – Racism and the
Body of Christ, Part 2 | Sam Soleyn 4 give God your heart, and join the church of your choice.” God gave
His Son—“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life.” Jesus now said in John 6, “The work of God is this, that you
believe on the One that has been sent.” 4 The word “belief” there, or “believing,” is the word pistis
(Strong’s G4102). It is the same word for “faith”—pistis/faith. It means to lie down without opposition to
the truth of who Christ says He is: That He is the Son of God. Now, He is the Son of God as the sent One.
God sent Him. God gave Him, and it is not just so that He would come and die on the cross. The message
of the cross is this: That God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself by His death on the cross—
that is second Corinthians. 5 The message of the cross is how, by His death on the cross, God was
reconciling the world to Himself in Christ. In the death of Christ on the cross, the purpose of that death
was to provide a means by which we may be collected up again as the people of God, within the context
of the Body of Christ. Now, how does that work exactly? Here is the message of the cross from a grown-
up perspective. This is the message of how, in the death of Jesus on the cross, He became the
propitiation for the sins of mankind. Those are big words, but do not be put off by them, because when
you see the implication of these words, when you understand what they mean, you can do nothing
except stand back in awe, with your mouth open at how glorious God is, how beyond brilliant God is. So
the problem was this: When Adam sinned—and by the way, God knew Adam would sin, because He
made provision for the salvation of Adam, for the rescue of Adam, before He made him. “The Lamb of
God was slain from the foundations of the world.”6 How did God intend that man would be reconciled
to God? What did He plan? What was His plan? Because once man sinned, there was nothing he could
do to get back into the lost state, because now he is a sinner and he does not have the right to come
back to God. There is no fellowship in the condition of sin with a sinless God. So, how is he going to get
back? When we speak of salvation, we are not primarily talking about going to heaven when you die; we
are talking about being reconciled to God. “That God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself” (cf.
2 Corinthians 5:19). And just to keep the thread going in your head, I am saying that being reconciled to
God in Christ is to be assembled as parts Current Affairs # 23 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 2 |
Sam Soleyn 5 of one body. So it is not a discussion of unity to do things; it is functioning in the earth
under one Head, as one Body, and there is no place in this for racism. In fact, racism, when measured by
that metric, is a doctrine of demons. It is the thing that the enemy is able to hold onto and turn people
from the way of God. The best I could say for someone who claims he believes in Christ and is a racist is
that he is an infant, he is a child. Because, he is exhibiting the behavior of children, like in the Corinthian
church where they were divided amongst themselves, some saying “I am of Paul,” some saying “I am of
Apollos,” or “I am of Cephas,” or “I am of Christ.” 7 And they would prefer to eat in a segregated way in
their groups whenever they would come together for common fellowship. This is what the Apostle Paul
had to say to them in their state of arrested development. He said, “Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified
for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?”7 Then, when he picks it up again in the eleventh
chapter, there he is speaking about the Lord’s Supper, and he says, “Do you despise the Body of Christ
and shame those who do not have the means?”8 He talks about the division of the Body of Christ in the
harshest of terms. He says, “Because of this, because you fail to discern the Body of Christ, some are
weak, some are sick, and some die before their time.”9 I am telling you here today, when this message is
being broadcast and the standard of God’s word is being brought back, judgment will come upon those
leaders who handle the Body of Christ in such a foul and contemptible fashion, without ever addressing,
in fact encouraging the racism against their brothers. This is to lay a filthy hand on the Body of Christ.
This is to offend the nature of a holy God. Now, they may have done it ignorantly, but when this word
comes forth, ignorance will be no fig leaf behind which you can hide any longer. Why is this so? Because
the time has come for the standard of who Christ is in the earth to be raised up. This is a clarion call for
those in this battle to come alongside the King’s standard, which is being held up right where the King is.
Whoever sees the King’s standard, move from where you are and come to the standard of the King.
Jesus says, “Whoever loves the truth will come to Me.” That is the army He is raising in the earth today,
and the rest of it will fold into the godless culture of the present age and be just a harlot that plays for
the favor of political kings. This is where we are now. This is the time in which we are. “Be not deceived,
God is not mocked.” 10 This has gone on long enough, and God is drawing the line the sand here today
in this season. This putrid evil has burst Current Affairs # 23 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 2 |
Sam Soleyn 6 forth in all of its ignominy and it cannot be ignored anymore. This shameful silence on the
part of the majority of leaders today the in the evangelical church is horrifying testimony to how far
from Christ we have fallen and how obscure the standards of Christ have become to the Sunday morning
experience. So, God is in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. How is He doing that? I will unpack “the
box” in the next message, but here: the propitiation. Let me give you the lead up to it. “Propitiation” is a
term we find in the Scriptures in the book of Hebrews, and there it refers to the Ark of the Covenant. In
fact, when the Hebrews referred to the term “propitiation,” it was a reference to the Ark of the
Covenant. Jesus is that Ark of the Covenant, the golden box overlaid with hammered gold. Isn’t that a
beautiful expression? Because He was beaten with many stripes, He is the refined golden standard of
God. And in “the box” were placed the elements of a testimony and the elements of a covenant. I will
want to unpack that in greater detail, but because I am running out of time, I want to get to a certain
point with this today. And that is, that God sent Christ into the earth—for “God so loved the world that
He gave His only begotten Son.” Why did He give Him? He gave Him as this box of propitiation, this Ark
of the Covenant, because when man sinned against God, he has no more communion with God because
he cannot initiate it. God has to initiate contact with man, and God did that as He planned from the
foundations of the world to do: He came in the form of His Son, the Incarnate—“Hail, incarnate deity.”
He came as the Living God, as a gift from the Father to receive mankind who would accept Him as that
gift of reconciliation. It is not just that you accept that He died on the cross for your sins, and if you
believe that message you will go to heaven when you die. No. It is not just that. He assembles you by His
Spirit into this spiritual Corpus, this spiritual Body, so that you become a partaker of His divine nature.
Then, He begins to conform you to the exactitude of His own nature, so that when people see you, they
will see Him. Until then, God, when He looks at you, only sees the box. You are in the box. Everything
that is in the box is therefore propitiated. It means that it has an attribution from God of the
righteousness of Christ. The cross was the means by which He paid the price, and God granted Him the
right to redeem creation that would come to Him to be assembled; that is the term “belief”—pistis.
When you are assembled to Christ, you are in Him, He is in you, and the Father is in Him, and you are in
the Father—a different identity, a holy race, Current Affairs # 23 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 2
| Sam Soleyn 7 a distinctive people in the earth. Not the human race, but the sons of God. Racism does
not belong anywhere near that. I am Sam Soleyn. We will continue this. We have opened up this subject
and will pursue it. Join me for the next session. Endnotes: 1. See 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 NKJV: “The
coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,
and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of
the truth, that they might be saved. 2. See 1 John 3:15 NKJV: “Whoever hates his brother is a murderer,
and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 3. See Matthew 15:14 NKJV: “Let them
alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.” 4.
See John 6:29 NKJV: “Jesus answered and said to them, ‘This is the work of God, that you believe in Him
whom He sent.’” 5. See 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 NKJV: “Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to
Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in
Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us
the word of reconciliation.” 6. See Revelation 13:8 NKJV: “All who dwell on the earth will worship him,
whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the
world.” 7. See 1 Corinthians 1:12-13 NKJV: “Now I say this, that each of you says, ‘I am of Paul,’ or ‘I am
of Apollos,’ or ‘I am of Cephas,’ or ‘I am of Christ.’ Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were
you baptized in the name of Paul?” 8. See 1 Corinthians 11:20-22 NKJV: “Therefore when you come
together in one place, it is not to eat the Lord’s Supper. For in eating, each one takes his own supper
ahead of others; and one is hungry and another is drunk. What! Do you not have houses to eat and
Current Affairs # 23 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 2 | Sam Soleyn 8 drink in? Or do you despise
the church of God and shame those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in
this? I do not praise you.” 9. See 1 Corinthians 11:28-30 NKJV: “But let a man examine himself, and so let
him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and
drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick
among you, and many sleep.” 10. See Galatians 6:7 NKJV: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for
whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”
Current Affairs # 24 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 3 Sam Soleyn December 9, 2019 1 We will
continue on in the discussion, really, of the Body of Christ. I am framing it in the urgency of the topic of
racism. And I am saying that racism cannot belong in the Body of Christ because it is a doctrine of
demons meant as a last defense against the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the earth. This is not
a doctrine that has come from God. This is a way that certain unscrupulous people attempt to establish
a choreography for political, social, and economic advantage. It is the doctrine of a harlot who wishes to
justify herself and her behavior in the face of the rising of a true bride in the earth. If this is the first of
the messages you are listening to, go back and review the first two; this is session 3. We were talking
about the prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ and the focus on oneness: “Let them be one.”1 I had explained
that God gave the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate God, to bring into the earth the Spirit of reconciliation
—“that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting men’s sins against them.” 2
Before I get to that though, here is the question: What exactly did Jesus mean when He asked the
Father, “Let them be one, as You are in Me, and I am in You; let them be one in Us.”? So we need to be
one in the Father and the Son, and whatever the configuration of relationship between the Father and
the Son was, that needs to be the same relationship into which we are brought. Now, by the very terms
“Father” and “Son”—defining the relationship between God, the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, the
Son of God—we are talking, of course, about a spiritual relationship. We are not looking at or looking for
one person physically being himself in another physical being. We are talking about Spirit to Spirit
connection. In that view, how is the Son in the Father? “Let them be one in the manner in which You and
I are one. You are in Me, I am in You. Let them be one in Us.” How was the Father in the Son? The Son
provided His body—according to the book of Hebrews, “As it is written in the book of the scrolls, a body
You have prepared for Me.”3 I do not have time to open that, merely to refer to it. The point is that
Jesus provided His person to host the Spirit of the Father in Himself. That is possible Spirit to Spirit. It is
not possible body to body. That was the problem Nicodemus had: “How can a man be born when he is
old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” (John 3:4). He was thinking of
physical birth, versus what Jesus was talking about, which is Spirit to spirit birth. There are two births,
that which is born of Current Affairs # 24 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 3 | Sam Soleyn 2 flesh
and that which is born of the Spirit. 4 That which is born of the Spirit is from God, and a connection is
Spirit to spirit. Jesus’s body, the body of Jesus of Nazareth, hosted the Spirit of the Father God in Him.
That is why He could take on the title the “Everlasting Father” as was recorded in the prophecies of
Isaiah, which say: “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon
His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince
of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). So one of the names that Jesus properly carries, one of the titles, is Everlasting
Father, because the Father lived in Him. The Spirit of His Father indwelt His Spirit, to the consequential
end that He said, “I only do what I see My Father doing. The Son can do nothing of Himself.”5 That is a
posture that is described in the Scriptures as “belief.” It is the word pistis (Strong’s G4102). It has a
number of words that come out of it: words like “epistemology,” which is the foundation of your
convictions—what do you stand upon?; or the word tithémi (Strong’s G5087); the word histémi
(Strong’s G2476).  Tithémi means to lie down as one who is vulnerable. Literally, it means to offer no
resistance; to lie as if one is dead; to lie behind a stone, as it were, in the case of the shield of faith,
where the word “shield” actually means a stone that is rolled into place, like in a sepulcher; to lie down
as if one is dead  Histémi, from which we get the pharmaceutical word “histamine,” is how, in your
position of vulnerability, God stands up in you as Himself. Jesus, knowing and understanding that, said,
“the Son can do nothing of Himself.” 5 Why? Because He believed in the Father. The Father was His
epistemology, His entire raison d'être. His reason for living in the world was to give place for the hosting
of the sovereign presence of the Father in heaven. That is what it means to believe, by the way. It is not
some intellectual acquiescence to a mere fact. It is not when you say, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
and you shall be saved”—it is not acknowledging that there was an historical Jesus who died on the
cross for your sins and agreeing that you have accepted His salvation. No. It is not about accepting Jesus
as your Lord and savior. You accept Him first as your savior; and then you lie down in the fullness of
belief in all that He is, and then He becomes your Lord. God raised Him from the dead and made Him to
be both Lord and Christ. 6 Current Affairs # 24 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 3 | Sam Soleyn 3
We have a church populated by people who just want to go to heaven when they die, with no intention
of submitting all of who they are to the Lordship of Christ. Among this people, racism proliferates
because there is no theology of the oneness between the Father and the Son into which we now are
being invited. We cannot bring our junk and garbage with us into the Body of Christ. Even if we do, He
will press us. He will put the pressure on to conform us to this standard of righteousness, which is
spoken to in a single commandment. In the lead-up to John 17—from as far back as John 13—Jesus said,
“A new commandment I give you…” (John 13:34). Well, what was the old one? The old one was, “You
shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all
your mind,” and “your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). So the standard is you—love the other,
including God, the way you love yourself. That was the highest expectation of that commandment under
the law. So, the standard of the law was whatever you could do, the best that you could do. The new is
new because it has a different standard. It introduces a different measure. “A new commandment I give
you: Love one another as I have loved you.” 7 Not as you love yourself—“Love your neighbor as you love
yourself; Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength”—which is the best you can come up
with. No. This is the same standard for God as it is for man: as I have loved you. The “I” speaking is the
Living God, the incarnate Christ, or the incarnate God in the form of Christ. So the new commandment is
the same standard applicable to God and man. That is the only way it could be, because you are being
invited to come into an existing relationship between the Father and the Son. It says “Let them be one in
Us”—in the manner in which We are now one and We have always been one. And that manner is, “You
are in Me. I host Your presence. I do not have an ability to do anything of Myself. I choose to submit. I
tithémi—I lie down, as it were, in death to whatever the will of God is for My life.” It is the conclusion
that He articulates in the garden before His execution the following day, when He said, “Nevertheless
not My will, but Thine, be done.”8 That is belief. That is pistis. That is faith. That is our epistemology.
That is what we stand on. Anything else is garbage. Anything else is a foundation of sand. We are
watching the collapse of things built on sand in the day that the floods have arisen, and the rains are
falling, and the winds are blowing. You will remember that, of course, as the conclusion Current Affairs #
24 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 3 | Sam Soleyn 4 of Jesus’s message fondly known as the
Sermon on the Mount, where He says, “A man is foolish who hears these sayings of Mine and does not
do them. He is like a foolish man who builds his house on the sand.” 9 Indeed, His epistemology, that is
the foundation… “Epistemology” is the term which means: foundation of belief. It tracks perfectly with
the Latin term basilica, or the Greek term basileuó (Strong’s G936), which means the foundational basis,
and there it is specific to power and rule; whereas, an epistemology is whatever you choose to believe
as the foundation of your convictions. But where it comes to the Kingdom of God, the basilica—again,
related to the term “epistemology”—is the foundation on which you stand. If your foundation is based
in popular culture—as the professor told me all those years ago when I was in Bible school, that
American culture is divided and the church, therefore, just follows the culture—that is a foundation
based on sand, because it is not the Kingdom of God. The epistemology of the Kingdom is that the Son
can do nothing of Himself; the Son believes the Father and submits to whatever the Father wants to do,
even to death on a cross, which is when and how the son then is exalted. He is raised from the dead and
seated in the position of authority. The right hand is a reference to the position of the firstborn, because
the firstborn is the standard. He is not necessarily the first in time—the first in time was Adam, Jesus
was later in time—but He is the first in rank, because He is the one to correct the deviation from the
standard. So if you are a part of the generally assembly and church of the firstborn, you must be
conformed to the preexisting standard, which standard is: the Father is in Me to will and to do the
Father’s pleasure. “Nevertheless not My will, but Thine, be done.”8 That is what is going on as He faces
the cross, and the cross is to put on display the absolute subjection of the Son to the Father. Because of
that, He could not be allowed to remain in a corrupted state of decay. That is why God raised Him from
the dead, because He was the carrier, in perfect form, of the Father’s glorious presence. That is why He
is unique in all of history. He lived to give place to the presence of the Father, that the Father living in
Him would do His work.10 That is what is meant by: You are in Me—“Your Spirit has taken dominion
over every aspect of My being.” Why? “Because I have allowed it. I have believed in You. I have believed
that in allowing You to control Me,” Jesus is saying to the Father, “that that is My best life now.” Current
Affairs # 24 – Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 3 | Sam Soleyn 5 Not this other garbage you hear,
where God takes your shopping list and fills it out because you are all that great. This is how deep the
delusion has come to be, where people actually preach about “living your best life now,” which is to the
way you want to be. There is no suffering in that best life now. There is no arbitrarily submitting the rule
of your life to His whim. We want to be in control, we want to stay in control, and we want Him to just
guarantee the outcomes for us. That is garbage theology. I cannot say a more convincing term. I would
not know what the term would be, because I am not given to vulgar speech. It is beyond nonsense. It is
rubbish. The epistemology of the Christian faith is that we are to be assembled to Christ as parts of a
spiritual Body, and in that Body we continue to submit to the rule of the Father, who lives in the Son.
Now when you live in the Son, you do not have a choice but to do what the Son is doing. WWJD—What
Would Jesus Do? Well, you do not have to speculate. It is not like He keeps reinventing the wheel. He
has already shown us what the pattern is, and the pattern does not vary. The Son will obey the Father.
The whole purpose for the Son is to carry the presence of the Father. You cannot do that, you cannot
even begin to approach how that might be done, apart from the Holy Spirit leading you moment by
moment. You do not have to try to figure out what Jesus would do in a particular situation. You have the
same Spirit who lived in Christ dwelling in you. Or have I not read Romans 8? Romans 8:11 says, “If the
Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also
give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you,” because it is the same Spirit. He will
not tell you something different than what He told Christ. We have the certainty, the guarantee. He gave
us the Holy Spirit as a down payment, guaranteeing that we would be properly assembled to Christ and
we would be told the same things that Christ was told in His day, because this is the Spirit that has come
from the Father to connect the members of the Body of Christ to the Spirit of Christ Himself. 11 You
know, that is the gospel. That is the gospel among the mature. This other—“Give me your hand, give
God your heart, and join the church of your choice” and wait until you get to heaven— that is the gospel
for children, for people who have no intention of growing up, do not even know there is such a thing as
growing up. And that is the point. The Son hosts the presence of the Father; the Father’s love for the
Son mandates that He does not leave the Son untended at any time, Current Affairs # 24 – Racism and
the Body of Christ, Part 3 | Sam Soleyn 6 because the Son has made Himself vulnerable to the Father.
There is no way for the Father to leave a Holy One to see corruption. When you are in the Son, that
promise is your hardwired promise. “You are in Me and I am in You”1—what does that mean? It means
that the Son then lives under, is protected by, and has the full immunity from the presence of the
Father. The Father hovers over the Son to preserve Him in all His ways. To the obedient Son, the Father
is His economy. He is in the Father in the sense that the authority of the Father overshadows, protects,
and supplies all and everything that is necessary for the life of the Son in the earth. The economy: the
oikonomos (Strong’s G3623)—oikos being “house,” nomos being “order”—the order of the House of
God; oikonomos is where we get the word oikonomia (Strong’s G3622), or “economy.” God’s economy
is available to the Son to protect, to supply, and to enable in all the forms that that takes place— not
just material stuff, but more the greater things. One of the reasons you are required to be faithful with
unrighteous mammon is to simply acknowledge again and again that everything you have comes from
God, and you live in Him, you move in Him, and you have your very being in His authority. Then, He gives
out the economy of His House, of the heavens, of His nature. The greatest thing He has to give is the
expression of His nature through you, and that comes supplied with everything necessary for life and
godliness. The lesser of the things is unrighteous mammon. The greater of the things of the economy of
God are wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, power, lordship, rule, and the fear of the Lord.12
So, we live in the Father. The Father is in us; we are in the Father. We live in the sphere, if I could use the
word biosphere, but that would be erroneous on many counts, but just as an erroneous and very poor
way of trying to convey a concept of how the eternal God defines the dimensions of our being and
supplies everything for both life and godliness. In that way, we are in the Father. When you are in Christ,
then you have come into the preexisting relationship between the Father and the Son, and you are
assembled as many parts of one body, one corpus. That is irrespective of whether you are—listen to this
from Paul’s letter to the Galatians, chapter 3, starting at verse 26: For you are all sons of God through
faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ [now note this is
a baptism into Christ]. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither
male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:26-28 NKJV) Current Affairs # 24 –
Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 3 | Sam Soleyn 7 Now God has given to us apostles, prophets,
evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the equipping of the saints, according to Ephesians, chapter 4,
verse 11 and following.13 But at verse 3 it says, “endeavor to keep the unanimity of the Spirit”—the
word that is translated “unity” there is the word: unanimity, or oneness—“in the bond of peace.” And
then, from verse 13: “until you reach the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God to a
mature man, to the fullness of the stature that belongs to Christ. Then, you will no longer be infants
tossed to and from by every wind of doctrine and the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful
schemings. Instead, speaking the truth in love, you will in all things grow up into the fullness of Him who
is the head.”13 So the same standard for Christ will be incarnated in you. You will be the incarnate
standard of Christ. That is what it means to be a partaker of the divine nature. Then, when you are in
Christ in that fashion, it will grow and build itself up in love as each part does its work.13 When the
world sees, in one corporate form, all the races of mankind dwelling in the beauty and harmony and
peace of the Body of Christ, having resolved all the problems that bedevil men today, they will look and
observe a phenomenon in the earth. They will see that these people are different from all the other
peoples of the earth. They will conclude: This is a holy race. These are not mere men; these are the sons
of God. That is the message, and it is the message of hope for the world. Racism is a direct assault upon
the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do not be caught up in it. Reject it utterly for what it is. It is a doctrine of
devils designed to undermine the truth of oneness in Christ. I am Sam Soleyn, and I hope that you will
review these messages and let them sink into your heart to produce life. So be it. Amen. Endnotes: 1.
See John 17:21 NKJV: “…that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also
may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” 2. See 2 Corinthians 5:19 NKJV: “[T]hat
is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and
has committed to us the word of reconciliation.” 3. See Hebrews 10:5-7 NKJV: Current Affairs # 24 –
Racism and the Body of Christ, Part 3 | Sam Soleyn 8 Therefore, when He comes into the world, He says,
GOD.’” 4. See John 3:6 NKJV: “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit
is spirit.” 5. See John 5:19 NKJV: “Then Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you,
the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also
does in like manner.’” 6. See Acts 2:36 NKJV: “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that
God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.” 7. See John 13:34 NKJV: “A new
commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one
another.” 8. See Luke 22:42 NKJV: “saying, ‘Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me;
nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.’” 9. See Matthew 7:26-27 NKJV: “But everyone who hears
these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:
and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And
great was its fall.” 10. See John 14:10 NKJV: “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father
in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in
Me does the works.” 11. See 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 NKJV: “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ
and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.”;
see also Ephesians 1:13-14 NKJV: “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel
of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were Current Affairs # 24 – Racism and the Body of
Christ, Part 3 | Sam Soleyn 9 sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our
inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory. 12. See Isaiah
11:2 NKJV: “The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the
Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. 13. See Ephesians 4:11-
16 NKJV: “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some
pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the
body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a
perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be
children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the
cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into
Him who is the head—Christ —from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint
supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the
body for the edifying of itself in love.”

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