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Recount Text
Kelas X

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Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.7 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan  Mengidentifikasi persamaan dan perbedaan fungsi
unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recount sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount
lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta  Menjelaskan struktur teks recount dalam memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait peristiwa yg berlangsung informasi terkait peristiwa yang berlagsung
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya  Memaparkan unsur kebahasaan dari teks recount dalam
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa yabg
4.7 Teks recount – peristiwa bersejarah  Menguraikan tentang peristiwa yang berlangsung
4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait  Menempelkan karyanya di dinding kelas dan bertanya jawab
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur dengan pembaca (siswa lain, guru) yang datang
kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis membacanya
terkait peristiwa yang berlangsung
4.7.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis,
pendek dan sederhana, terkait peristiwa yang
berlangsung, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai konteks

Activity 1
Study the following explanation
- Social function
To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Events are usually arranged in
a temporal sequence e.g. a personal letter.
- Generic (schematic) structure
 Orientation (Provide when and who are the participants)
 Events (retell events in sequences , how many events happened)
 Re-orientation (optional elements)
- Language feature
 Focus on individual participants
 Use of past tense
 Focus on a temporal sequence of events
 Use of material (or action) clauses and processes

Activity 2
Fill the blank with the correct form vocabulary, find the meaning then pronounce them loudly. You can find the
another verb to continue for no 17 - 20

No Base form Past form Meaning

1 Buy
2 Come Came
3 Dream
4 Drove
5 Eat
6 Fall
7 swim
8 Give
9 Go
10 Sing
10 Hang
11 Have
12 Hear
13 Met
14 Read
15 Run

Activity 3
Make a sentence using verbs available in Simple Past Tense Pattern
1 Fall :
2. Read :
3. Give :
4. Go :
5. Open :
6. Buy :
7. Come :
8. Dream :
9. Run :
10. Eat

Read the recount text and answer the question

Last Friday night, Mrs. Rini with her four children came to The supermarket. The supermarket manager watched
them from the service counter, his hand on his head.
Mrs. Rini smiled and pushed her cart up and down the aisles. Kelly, the youngest, sat in the cart and screamed.
Mrs. Rini did not listen. She was at the counter, picking out some chicken. Kelly cried louder and louder. She wanted
ice cream.
Marc helped his mother. He was putting food in the cart when her mother did not look. He added cookies,
potato chips, and doughnuts.
The supermarket manager talked to Tessa. He told her she couldn’t eat bananas. He took a bunch of grapes
from her, too.
One of the employees walked toward the manager. She was angry; she pulled a child with her. When he was
running, Jeff knocked over five bottles of soda. Another employee mopped the floor.
Thank goodness, Mrs. Rini was finished. She walked out of the store, pushed her cart. Her children followed
quietly behind her.
“Good-bye,” Mrs. Rini smiled at the manager. “We’ll see you next week.”

A. Individually, read the text carefully and then answer these questions in 6 minutes.

1. Why couldn’t Tessa eat bananas?

2. Why was one of the employees angry?

3. How does the supermarket manager feel when Mrs. Rini was finished?

4. She pulled a child with her. What does a child refer to?

5. Who said “Good-bye”?

B. Find out sentences in the text that express activities in the past.

C. Find out the Generic Structure of the text

a. Orientation
b. Event
c. Re orientation

A. Joint Construction of Text for Example

Answer the question to make a recount text.

1. What did you do last ……?

2. Where did it take place?
3. When did it take place ?
4. What did you do first?
5. What did you do after that?
6. What did you do then?
7. What did you finally do?
8. What do you think of your experience?

No. Questions Answers

1. What did you do last ……? I went shopping
2. Where did it take place? Supermarket
3. When did it take place ? Last night
4. What did you do first? In the evening, I prepared my motorcycle in the
5. What did you do after that? I rode to supermarket alone
6. What did you do then? When I came there I bought some vegetables and
7. What did you finally do? I rode my motorcycle back home
8. What do you think of your experience? I felt happy buying things in the supermarket because
the prices are cheaper than in the traditional market.

Put the answers in the table below as the example.

No. Name Lutfindra
1. What happened to him/her? Lutfindra went for shopping
2. Where? and When ? To the supermarket last night
Series of Events
3. What did he/she do first? At first, she prepared her motorcycle in the garage
4. What did he/she do after that? Then, she rode to supermarket alone. When she came there
she bought some vegetables and fruit. Finally, she rode her
motorcycle back home
5. What did he/she think about their She felt happy buying things in the supermarket because the
experience? prices are cheaper than in the traditional market.

When finished with note-taking discuss and write the draft. Here is the example

Shopping to Supermarket
Lastnight, Lutfindrahada motorcycle ride to the supermarket in he rtown,
Orientation Karanganyar.

First, she got into the garage to get her motorcycle ready for the ride. Then, she
got her motorcycle cleaned up and heatedup. After thats he got on the saddle and
started to runthe engine androde along the way to the supermarket carefully.
Series of Events When she arrived at the supermarket she bough some vegetables such as cauliflowers,
lettuce, cucumber. She also not forgot to buy her favourite fruits, durian. Finally
she rode back home.

She felt that it was happy to go shopping in the supermarket duet otheles sprice of
Reorientation the goods.

B. Joint Construction of Text for Students Assigment

Make your experience based on the example above, Put the answers in the table
as the example.
No. Questions Answers
1. What did you do last ……?
2. Where did it take place?
3. When did it take place ?
4. What did you do first?
5. What did you do after that?
6. What did you do then?
7. What did you finally do?
8. What do you think of your experience?
No. Name
1. What happened to him/her?
2. Where? and When ?
Series of Events
3. What did he/she do first?
4. What did he/she do after that?

5. What did he/she think about their


Series of Events


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