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“If You Stop Speaking They Kill You.” kind of Freedom.

- Volume: 1
By: Todd Andrew Rohrer
Copyright 2019 Todd Andrew Rohrer
These are the three classifications of ghost people during acclimation:
(Tier 1)The most common type, feeling out of control of what was happening,
experienced the features as frightening.
(Tier 2)The second, less common type included an acute awareness of
nonexistence or of being completely alone forever in an absolute void.
(Tier 3)The third and rarest type included hellish imagery such as an ugly or
foreboding landscape; demonic beings; loud, annoying noises; frightening
animals; and other beings in extreme distress.
It appears these states are transitory and are relative to the shock the individual
just died and also the body aspects malfunctioning.
The act of necromancy occurs when a living person communicates in any way
shape or form with a ghost or ghost person. If necromancy is not acceptable to
you, stop reading now.
Ghost Person Racist: n; someone who consciously or by omission in education
does not acknowledge ghost people as a facet of the human species.
Necrophilia is when a living person has sex with a ghost person or a corpse.
Necroomada is when two or more ghost people have sex.
It has been established beyond certainty that the inhabited among the species
become very angry and displeased if a ghost Person does not speak even for 24

It is as if whatever inhabits our species can sense when a ghost person is not
speaking and it becomes very nervous and begins doing things to get the ghost
person attention to imply but never suggest it has to speak.

One note is that the definition of Necromancy is when a Ghost communicates

with anything other than other ghosts. This may be in the inhabited mind a way
to somehow get back at the ghost Person. Make the Ghost Person achieve
Necromancy in order to survive.

This harkens back to the ghost person Socrates where he finally suggested he was
finished with deal with certain variables and then they suggested he leave and he
said just feed him hemlock.

The males and females of the species are equally inhabited. Perhaps 5000 years
ago it was just “eve” that was inhabited, but today nearly every person you see on
television is fully inhabited.

These are not to be considered excuses to get out of becoming a Ghost Person.
Being a ghost person is much harder than being inhabited because a ghost person
has a conscience and the inhabited factually have no conscience at all.
This is perhaps why it was suggested to make all the children ghost people,
because you need all the ability you can muster. A living is nothing but
“worthless” against the inhabited.

If a person seeks to attempt a bright side of this they can suggest that, your
survival is certain as long as you keep on speaking. It is an implied death threat
used by the inhabited.

Ghost People may be worse than the inhabited because some of them want the
inhabited exterminated with no mercy. Some of the Ghost People pretend there is
a God and then say “God said love the inhabited.” And that kind of gives them a
mental attitude to survive.

The complexities of the situation, is not an excuse to not become a ghost person.
Abraham did not say “make your children ghost people at a young age unless the
situation is difficult.”
Ghost Person achievement Method #24: “Achieve an encounter where the mind
gives the perceived death signal and when you do just ignore it or pay no attention
to it.” - Copyright: TXu 2-037-947
February 10th is Ghost Person day. That is when a candle is lit and attempted to
stay lit for the entire day.
To understand this ability of a species to become a ghost with a pulse just look at
it like if your caution sensor says run because a bear came out of the woods when
you were on a walk, and you do run away, then the caution sensor worked
perfectly. The caution sensor gave you "run or else" signal based on perceived
sensory input.
The flaw is if you get the exact same caution sensor "run or else" signal and you
from watching a scary movie alone at night and do not run, then the caution
sensor gives the signal to the mind that you have passed and thus are a ghost with
a pulse.
That’s the flaw.
Inability of the caution sensor to do anything but consider you dead if you do not
follow its orders relative to its perceived death signals.
The paramount difference in humans and all other known creatures, is our ability
to explain to each other how becoming a ghost person is accomplished.
Because the Ghost Person achievement has been copyright written and verified to
work from various living candidates, civilizations lack of acknowledging Ghost
People is starting to cost them. Civilizations entire historical record is null and
void because it omits Ghost People from its equation. It’s starting to be expensive
to be a Ghost Person racist.
Watching a scary movie alone in the dark should be enough but you may have to
explore the spectrum all the way to say going alone to the 5th level of the
catacombs in Paris France, and that would be the extreme of getting the caution
sensor to give the death signal.
Before one becomes a ghost person they are considered the living and that’s code
word for a sorcery controlled hand puppet, due to the literacy exposure.
The Ghost Person Albert Einstein said hang around living people (stupid people)
and you will feel smart all the time. I am uncertain if you feeling one way or
another in a situation where you as a ghost person, are not even acknowledged or
deemed not worth recognizing, makes any difference.
Feel smart or feel dumb the ghost person expert determined you are not allowed
to exist even though you do exist. A ghost Person expert is a personality that
knows so much about ghost people that they decided its best they do not exist or
are not allowed to exist. If ghost people are some sort of pure evil, you should
just say so.
February 10th is Ghost People Day. This is when a Ghost Person attempts to keep
a candle lit for the entire 24 hour period.
Some Ghost People see the living as mentally retarded because the transition from
living person to ghost person happens to afford one a great boost in situational
awareness, and an intelligence boost along with it.
Not acknowledging Ghost people as a facet of the human species is not a plan, it
is an invitation.
An entity that attacks the human species would go after the offspring and females
An entity that attacked the human species went after the offspring and females
An entity that defeated the human species went after the offspring and females
An entity that attacked the human species went after the offspring and females
first and thus got the attention of the Ghosts.
Conditions of Ghost Person Pact:
1. Become a ghost person – Many examples of how in this document. Tribal
etiquette dictates the tribes not of civilization tend to make their children ghost
people at the age of 3 or 4 by putting them a distance from the camp in a group
and leaving them over night. They call this method of making ghost’s “A test of
2. Attempt to always be on your best behavior. – That’s not suggesting be
perfect. This is so that eventually parents may in fact see Ghost People and
determine they act properly even in situation of tragedy. Then they may consider
making their children a ghost person.
3. Communication with ghost people pact members periodically.
After you become a ghost person or already are, you are encouraged to send in
suggestions and any information you feel may be of value. Also keep us posted on
how you are doing and if you need anything. Because each ghost person is an
individual their assets are variable. One might be good at assessing and one might
be good at listening and one might be good at observing and one might be great at
all three. You don’t have to be like all the other ghost people.
4. After you accomplish being a ghost person, owner of the copyright on how a
person can become a ghost person entrusts you with the following owned
copyright to use as an explanation tool. You may use it in any way you see fit.
Ghost Person Achievement Method 1: "Get the mind to give them the strongest
signal it can give, the perceived death signal and when it does just ignore it or pay
no attention to it." - Copyright: TXu 2-037-947
5. Since there is no evidence that being a Ghost People is wrong or improper
reminding your-self even daily “I refuse to be ashamed of being a Ghost Person.”
may be helpful.
6. You will swear an oath to be known as ghost person regardless of
consequences, this demonstrates you are willing to accept and adapt to the
variables the universe has afford you.
Health Considerations:
1. Lots of water is required because the kidneys and many other organs in the
body no longer work so drinking perhaps four quarts of water a day is required
and also thirst and hunger is not detectable after a period of years so one can
simply lay down for a week or so and they will have renal failure and perhaps
kidney failure perhaps two weeks is the far end of no liquid intake although going
with small amounts of food even one meal a day seems to work.
2. The bowel system does not work anymore and so it’s important to try to keep
food going through the system and also if one eats some meat and waits a two
days to pass it, it will smell like raw sewage and so perhaps the intestines can
easily become ruptured especially the lower intestines and so to address that fruit
and vegetables are perhaps the best way to go and avoid meat all together.
Perhaps this has something to do with the vegan movement or perhaps that’s just
a coincidence.
3. Perception of course is much different for ghosts with a pulse and there are
many things a living may never even notice about the world around them where a
ghost with a pulse will certainly notice and this of course can lead to the
individual becoming stressed or timid and it may seem there is no obvious reason
for that relative to the living but that’s only because the living are not operating
on the same senses that the ghost with a pulse use. Perhaps saying its two
different worlds of perception is accurate. This also includes any media source ie
television and the internet and newspapers as well as normal day to day traveling
outside and in traffic and at malls and places other beings frequent.
4. Finally the various forms of what may be considered “magic” or “spirit
workings” but of course the main difference between living and ghosts with a
pulse is that the latter is aware that that is happening and the living perhaps are
not aware at all of that aspect. This of course perhaps is relative to the two worlds
of perception.
5. “The one aspect that’s is important is the fact that after the remedy is applied
there is perhaps between a two year and twenty year adjustment period depending
on the age when remedy is applied and also factors that relate to everyone being a
bit differently relative to adjustment from living to ghost with a pulse, mostly
mental aspects." - Copyright : TXu 1-993-102
If you are not a ghost person remember a living person is what all ghost people
started off as.
Ghost People are not acknowledged as an aspect of the human species at this time
and thus it is somewhat difficult to proceed on some levels but since the copyright
has been establish firmly it’s purely testing boundaries.

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