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Gender role stereotypes

The objective of the research is to understand the consumer attitude about gender roles stereotypes
and how the marketers can unstereotype them by targeting it in their advertisements.

The questions were taken from a reseach conducted by (Mills & Culbertson, 2012) & FCQ Model by
(Steptoe & Pollard, 1995)

1 Drive the car, when both the man and the woman are traveling
• (should always be done by the man
• (should usually be done by the man),
• (equal responsibility)
• (should usually be done by the woman),
• (should always be done by the woman)

2 Prepare meals

3 Propose marriage

4 Perform basic maintenance of vehicles, such as changing the oil

5 Handle financial matters, such as paying bills

6 Perform household cleaning

7 Wash, fold, and put away laundry

8 Earn most of the money to support the family

9 Wrap gifts (e.g. birthday or holiday presents)

10 Stay home with a child who is sick

Shaan Foods
Likert scale all


Is easy to prepare
Can be cooked very simply
Takes no time to prepare
Can be bought in shops close to where I live or work
Is easily available in shops and supermarkets
Is what I usually eat
Is familiar
Is like the food I ate when I was a child

Shaan products are not expensive
Shaan products are good value for money
Dishes made from shaan smells nice
Taste goods

I want my father to cook for me on special occasions

The message about gender role changes was

Pleasant, persuasive, emotional, annoying, irrelevant, unpleasant

I am likely to encourage my friends to see the Shaan Food ad because of the message.

Why do you think its important to unstereotype gender roles. (Open)

Purchase intention
I am likely to purchase Shaan products in future. Likert scale

I prefer shaan products over others

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