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Abstract—The voltage gain accuracy of the 3-Z boost voltage due to RHP(Rigtht Half Pane)zero is the
converter is Improved by MPPT techniques with the FUZZY disadvantages.[7].
logic controller are proposed in this paper. The renewable energy
source of photovoltaic panel has low power, to boost the voltage Analysis the PID controller for closed loop operation to
level for industrial applications the mppt and fuzzy logic achieve the required output voltage .it has the large settling
controller and PID controller was analyzed by simulation. From time & low accuracy and poor response with distraction in
the comparison verify the output voltage of the proposed system output voltage[8].
about 100voltage. This problem is overcome by fuzzy controller was proposed in
this system.Here only analysis the MPPT technique with
Index Terms—Boost converter, PV panel, MPPT techniques,
FUZZY controller for boost the PV panel output and maintain
FUZZY logic controller.
the required output voltage at converter side it has the
advantage of fast accuracy & better response.
I.INTRODUCTION In this paper following are discussed.section II has
construction and operation.the proposed circuit mode of

I Nindustrial application the renewable energy source is used

to meet the power demand and to reach the required voltage
level, most of the applications required boost converter to
operation in section III & IV.The section V analysis the
simulation and experimental results.The last section VI shows
the conclusion.
boost the low level voltage of renewable energy for the
example photovoltaic panel. II.CONSTRUCTION
To increase the required voltage level,the boost converter is
connected in series with Pv panel.So it is very bulky and The proposed diagram has the photovoltaic panel,three z DC-
number of components and power losses also increase.[1],[2] DC converter, for MPPT technique voltage and current
In order to decrease the number of A template components sensing unit and fuzzy algorithm and driver circuit. The
and power losses due to the semiconductor device by multi output of PV panel is feed to dc-dc converter for boosting the
cell switch inductor z-source inverter analysis for induction voltage. P&O MPPT technique used in this system,the
motor their boosting capability and modulation ratio are voltage and current are continuosely monitoring then
increased for reduces the high component stresses.but simple calculate the change in power and change in voltage by
boost switching technique use,but not discuses any control comparing the present value with previous value,the error
algorithm.[3]. used to calculate triggering pulse.this method is easily
To achieve the high voltage gain in D.C- D.C converter 3-z implemented because two sensor used only.
source technologies are applied in existing system control The output of DC-DC converter is feed to the dspic
technique not analysis for switching the MOSFET[4].The controller for design fuzzy algorithm.The following steps are
maximum power point tracking is a technique to force the PV consider for fuzzy implementation.first step fuzzyification,the
panel for tracking the maximum power for this purpose. The process of converting crisp/classical value into fuzzy value
Incremental conduction method used for very high voltage from 0 to 1
boost converter. This system has 98% of efficiency. The main There are several methods used to convert the crisp value into
drawback of this method is to achieve highest power tracking fuzzy value. One of the method is membership function
efficiency, four sensors used to measure the voltage and ,convex fuzzy set is a membership function whose values are
current. So it requires the conversion time and most amount of monotonically decreasing and whose values are monotonically
power losses occur. [5]. The sampling and execution speed is increasing.Here triangular membership function used. It is
increased by per tub and observe(P&O) algorithm apply in denoted by u(Ai).Second step is rule formation, the both error
this proposed mechanism. The merits of this system are two and change in error are calculated by output value obtain from
sensors used and also reduce the hardware design with low the converter then these are assigned as membership
cost. [6]. functions.The last step is defuzzyification,it’s the process for
To obtain the required voltage at of converter side, control converting fuzzy value into crisp/classical value.from this
system used. Because of any variation in output voltage. value calculates the gating signal by comparing the triangular
Improve the transient response of the boost converter wave with reference signal then operate the MOSFET switch
modulated hysteretic current control with a PI controller used. through driver circuit.
But less bandwidth and more overshoot and undershoot
Fig:2(iii) Mode-3

Fig:1 Hardware Diagram of Three Z Network DC-DC

Fig:2(iv) Mode-4


In proposed system operate in two modes.1)Continuous

conduction operation and 2.) Discontinuous operation these
two modes of operation is depends on the solar energy
availability and maintain the constant voltage at output of the
converter. In continuous conduction excessive solar energy
available, in discontinuous operation solar energy variable . In Fig:2(v) Mode-5
mode-1 to mode-6 operation the load current is circulated to
load is continuing. shown in fig:2(i)-2(vi)

Fig:2(vi) Mode-6

Fig:2(i) Mode-1


In continuous conduction operation there are two
conditions discussed.shwon in fig:3)a to 3)b.

The three z network DC-DC converter has three boosting
parts.Which consist of four inductors from L1 to L4 and two
charging Capacitors C1and C2 with diode from D1 to D9.

Fig:2(ii) Mode-2

Fig:3)a condition-1
a.)Mode-1 The diode D1,D3,D4,D5 and D6 are forward reaches a full charging value. Mode-1 will appear.
biased,so its turn on and inductor L1and L2 are charged with 2.Condition-II
right side positive and left side negative.the diode D2 and d7 First mode-1, mode-2 and mode-3 are conducted after that
are reverse biased due to the negative voltage of diode D1 and mode-5 will appear.
diode D5 the capacitor C1 is charging,when
it’s fully charged then discharging to inductor L3 and
L4.Hence inductor energy is increased.the load is charged
with capacitor C2. L1=L2=Vc1 and Vo=Vc2.b.)Mode-2 When
the capacitor C2 is fully charged, then the MOSFET switch is
off. Now the diode D1 and D3,D4,D5 and D6 are reverse
biased and diode D2,D5, D7 and D9 are forward biased.
Energy stored in the L1 and L2 is discharged to capacitor C1
and energy in the L3 & L4 is discharged to C2.Hence C2 is a Fig:4)b condition-2
continuous supply to the load. L3=L4=Vc2 and Vo=Vc2.
e.)Mode-5 Network-3 only operate in this mode.
2.Condition-II Capacitor C1 energy is discharged to L3 and L4,then L3 and
In this condition, there are three modes are discussed.The L4 energy supply to load through capacitor C2.
mode-1 and mode-2 operation is similar that of pervious Hence capacitor C1 energy decreases,when ic1 reach to zero
condition –I operation .In mode-2 operation the inductor mode-1 will appear.
energy L3 and L4 are low ,for supply the energy to load
mode-3 will appear. 3.condition-III
First mode- and mode-2 are operating.If its energy in the
inductor L3 and L4 are to meet the required level,then mode-4
is appearing for charge the energy for next condition.Now
mode-6 will be appearing.

Fig:3)b condition-2

c.)Mode-3 The mode-3 is similar to mode-2 operation,in

mode -3 operation L3 and L4 energy is raised.
Fig:4)c condition-3

IV.DISCONTINUOUS CONDUCTION OPERATION. f.)Mode-6 All the components are turned off in this mode.But
In discontinuous conduction operation four conditions C2 capacitor continuously supplies the energy to load.Hence
are discussed. shown infig 4)a to 4)d. Vo is constant.

1.Condition-I 4.Condition-IV
First mode-1 and mode-2 are conducted.if the energy supply Totally five modes operate in this condition. First
from L3 & L4 to load is not meet the required level now mode1,mode-2 and mode-3 are conducted then mode-5 is
mode-4 is appearing. appearing.Now for energy stored in the mode-3 operation is
completely discharged to the load mode-6 will be
appearing.Now all the components are turned off capacitor C2
is supply the energy to load.Hence the load current is
constant.After that mode-1 will appear.

Fig:4)a condition-1

d.)Mode-4 Network-1 only operate in this mode. Fig:4)d condition-4

Inductor L1 and L2 are charged from PV panel,then discharge
to capacitor C1.Hence current in C1 increased,when the C1
Fig:5)a. simulation diagram of Three z network converter with inverter

Fig:5)b. Simulation diagram of MPPT technique with FUZZY controller.

Fig:6)a. Input voltage of the converter with Fuzzy controller Fig:6)d.Inverter output voltage of the converter with
Fuzzy controller Vin=12volt.

Fig:6)b. Output voltage of converter with Fuzzy controller Fig:6)e.Output voltage of converter with PID
controller for
Vo=100volt and settling time =0.193sec samevoltage settling time=2.2sec

Fig:6)c. Ouput current of converter with Fuzzy controller Fig: 6)f.Output current of converter with PID controller for
Io=0.2A same value of current settling time =2.2sec.
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The proposed three Z network DC-DC converter was
implemented by the MPPT (Maximum Power Point
Tracker)technique with Fuzzy logic controller.The system is
developed and executed in MATLAB simulation software.The
voltage gain and accuracy of DC-DC converter is improved
for renewable energy source for photovoltaic(PV) panel in
industrial applications,an output voltage of 100 voltage with
input voltage of 12 voltage.This results has been compared
with PID controller.From the comparison output voltage and
accuracy of proposed system was verified.The proposed
system provide the advantage of fast accuracy and better
response for PV.

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