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structure of experience

Peter Ganick

white sky books

puhos finland
previously published by cPress, kitee, finland
this edition published by white sky books, puhos, finland,
© copyright 2009, Peter Ganick
cover art by the author.
structure of experience is part three of a trilogy of texts
by Ganick, illuminating a development through chaos
and narrative [with the thought that narrative is best for
ordering[?] chaos [is it necessary?]]. two other large texts
by Ganick pursue this thread, they are tend. field. (a
philosophy enters…), and apparitional corsairs.
blanche that thisness periodically, doffs settler’s
glassine ever-lotus naiad, circumflex blinded on in as
oppressively nor freed contention, so piercing in
beautifully actualized briefness some else inner gravity
supplies. so edifies at random therefore, purposive one
settled on bunting seen while dared thinking serrates,
expression of tremor in gallop, hose township
tournament’s blurry figuration some kept away.
deemed corrosive, at least toccata of attention for
teeth on wafted simplicity held to plead innuendo’s
callers. noise where silence ought pervade, in
momentum so lava in container sooth fading iamb,
tellering so made for amity in prix de vroom. a
pressure of serenity’s escargot, mote selfishness
heading wrong-sided route liaison for olaf there
scumbled in vestigial moot.


nightly foci the fife and ratatouille mores thought

fouled in a stadium blood of selenium arcades, torn the
as prevalent to emit realitized ontologisms, one
certainly the prasada eithered in notion where syllabi
merit caloric intake, some washed over a climate with
surveillance to cast a granary welling through grainy
situations, everlasting with mordent to all round the
sire. sacral thirdness toreador to ethereality of
partition, larynx thrill, theme radon tart blower the
rialto for bizarre national certitudes, recognizing words
as premature diatoms, some slammed on bolstered
fardels, one size fits alignment with fest in stomach,
lucid for moat in preoccupied write the reported
information, so lavish as weaned to beleaguer online
so maverick some lineage of mean-town intensity. as
pre-validity border checks, not the samplers with
aggravation of elicited hit men for non-elected the
navy of oppression predatory. sulk bilious there
dossier moralizing for glom the fakir clientele meet
alias to benzene trophy wire-tapping less the moment
there in as featureless snail traffic. nebbish for token
arjunas the crossed line no fording oars with bluer
tossing oats. blot on harlow there creatrix, literally
agronomistic the rebuttal colorlessly one in
superlative, mar for is blaring some the train runs
theories through a watershed off buttressed mirages
one sedentary angels nor tensile to blast. tariff of a
bounce, tralala, one side in certainty, thimble’s
department debt, more thine the ebola matrix, without
message for agitprop web-dropping clashes, train
called for break dip stick beltway matters. inventive
seed of collectivity, one pounce the er satori there inert
impasto, ghetto hopscotch the reason to space on hoot.
which variety-clone, not willing throes rhetorical
thinker’s movement to elevate on slits for as mutated
on a empty coaster, one frissons for freer motion,
linear, seemly where preventative, not the almost-
herded for a bawdy trochee, nearly as oppression for
attentiveness some reward paraded tatter in vast one
thinking for as grammatical somewhat offensively, no
partition, slumping wires through attenuated… which
if the format a less to …energies, one settling with
ionic latencies, no moot clavichord though pen-root
absence, some adamantine which incorrigible mantra,
the effect, one to return tane on the flood of at rivulet
simplicity dendrite, though which why is collected at
this more the otherwise. worm token situative of
persistence, liposuction orphic language, nemo the
cluttered bubble whatevers a goer for the empty set.
some other escargot wills out the marigold reeperbahn,
some in quasi-perhaps nougat romance, ternary
echelon tongue fortressed out fitly broken morpheus, a
cold diamond retains tailspin, retaliated no sparseness
of debilitation élan for the crux tooth on which fidget
emulates a random acceleration, soap in vessels for
usage itself, prior so maven-hook, altering so geist-
worthy songs. par one needing sunny deals repo
mantra, glass clientele, the toboggan left tassels on
scansions, roped through a gadget welling up before
attended immigration scholiasts, dormant, not the
breathing with, so evacuated is. arable the forlorn,
simplex of dasein to attacatta, voice-like where startles
boer watersheds, mainstay of metamorphetic glory,
heuristic where largesse of tarrying belonging to
september’s clipper caftan, moot insemination
wheretofore sulking each. at gaining lags the rest
haven, so lionized for amaretto pursers, deodato multi
from cold water plastic heavinesses with chromatic
agglutination nothingness where directioning a
statement invents pure clinging, some issuance to redo
plots the arrondisement, available whittling where
sipped. a dusky midstream clarion to blunt at
roebuck’s tread, morning to evoke laudable immensity,
wounded for daft omni presence, repaid ill-news the
repaid doldrums news, or eventually the gulag with
supper club wanders through not evidentially. as
tendency, when-volcanoes, that as nimble to refrain
wires involved rime of tassels dossiered waken format,
pulse strata wholly to navigate middle-grasp? wands
grump selective natures ratcheting a summons too
gaga imperative, where folderol, now the sindha of
relevance redials to empty a crown distributive
aspects, noon for the hello today, neat opening
widening as some lyric ipseity, blandish memoranda
all the tyrants for mien of trapping soot to declare. pre-
dilute as ream of ceiling timbre, note to sacrament
purified eloquence – one blood-line ahoy the remnant
of squish the wishful enragement, one sordino the
holster waning so preventatives espresso, drachma,
literal tactility froth. numerous panaches traffic
industries later, for antennae, the bulletin to warm
skeleton’s borderline minis. trespass with adjunctive
elegance, onsets aware in only settled widget off tactic
waiting cerulean bridge wielding eithered situations
the boot of élan fix-up tools. after gaining wimpy
croesus, crestfallen historical inner wart, the
munificence soars to arhat blimey cluelessness
wondering as publicly dried over a wall of sirens,
swishers on the emulsified thinker of nothing possible
tattered making chemical routines the amazement so
bearable in curt respite, one once the plentiful
regrouping, the otherwise saluted exceeded in bureaus
for compulsion faded for the lancet. only if. histrionic
thought gorillas, as longingly premised for which third
rail, sensatory clutter immobile on a waking shoe,
bloody for emptying a flared nacre. yeses, the moon in
dichromatic bikkhu, salient for terabyte of rued
uninterrupted weighty salaam the feature this to there,
negatively the posthaste warps for megahertz
simplicity, this knit hearsay, and appealing with which
overcomes, wuthering beat-drill for the bothersome
handrail, at parallel for emerging saltarellos, the
naively previewed, sodden thickness as leaching a
flash of density, oleander while no necessary intent,
real of wielded justice, thermidor lawyers skimming a
thin rail olfactory wiser the amplitude, sow themselves
over a range tongs dent. with/without longer histories,
then umpires check data, nubs wing from statement,
requisite omniscience, the heard hastening soprano
dealing with alto, houdini the rostrum, palanquin for
gentleness, seeking a blistered trammel, not counting
sort wordlessly periodically the cummerbund,
returnable gesture off line off hand off gerundive in
masks the truer absolute in arhat for-networking the
experient of windless theogonies. expect, will. a
drubbing at the sandeesh counter, wiring diapason for
chakra-extending a randomly entered clone of
difference, hoot expression to harbor gingerly, one to
sonata, next to persevere, then tomorrow as is in bréve
to clutter. herald for gist, othered themselves before
issue, treatment, wilderness, noon selflessly the aprille
thought grandiose waited heretofore, in chariot theme
foaled to bearing with in if the salvation’s clarity
expects a tunneled-shuffle. surgical emptiness fragrant
next operating system perhaps, laity of omni-plexus to
seek nodular plexus. window-frame suddenly doubled,
imagined frisson from rake passages. mere minted
autumn slamming detainees with/without, thin with
alternate iffiness, not a movement which seems to
rebalance infractions to skeins togethered as flaking.
an endorsement first, the blissed with renegade
rottweiler, craggy stealth mimicry pert signaling of
before gangplank residues, corsairs with bluish noses,
unremitting weal of ternary lairs, moonsong with
dispersal, left tonnage to expect winter time in
amaretto, sonata fuelling a rotary palindrome, so
credulous as previously an image world-free would
sail. verification schemes – the of the cranium simeon,
oars to visibility divisive no marmot, electorate
something showered from a car-lot. heard which
nodding the pottery amplitude of ampersands aligned
with memorization pulses, there trafficked at windless
rooms. natures impound body text, though
uncharacterizable as for the impact relegated to frame
lit bloods. tremulous afghans something grainy
quietude lysine rasa-plus, there blunt wainscoting the
merriment coldly offhand data-furl, blemish formatted
into obsidian, left to road the silk of parachutist
empathy. mackerel tides winnowed from a straddle of
reining scooter-bundles, emergent wiles reward a
dependent siren, on ars nova bluntnesses. nick of grain
in thinking more than thinking, hook paramount
calling so alternate, some muffled burst a priori, where
to beggar so flaring a surreal back-turning, heat, bead
of blight where impaired inroads systematize clinky
merovingian, slips of enlargement, around the termed
for which held in expanse, mote for ramification
jumps. tearing about euphoric amphorae, the dendrite
without driveshaft, an item wills forced and artificial
histories, nebulae later, the skimmer plot is less
durable though more loquacious. the hurdle of paradox
seems so licensed ain’t thought themselves roundelay
wooden mimicking email, so gracious as pretend to
beryllium scrape. remanding sotto voce whitening soot
in factored guile, the homeroom interpreted as for with
the memoranda.


while paring down list offering, a throne to blimp of

wrist bellicose the maven scooter soccer those trouble
from geek-freedom, solar the penalty for energetically
one torsion the bloater of stevedore, a sullenness for
one’s likely grip, as warm sobriety, list wordlessly as
pervasive so barleycorn the publicly denouement.
evolving so mackinaw of forded long star goofy tri-
borough stampede to sell and develop, anticipation of
serenity as lost gimcrack blood on get-go, some which
the foible manages situative elocution, each trend, one
for the belief t’other insulting sorrow the manifold torn
indelibly cross-car blowing winds on heliport’s duff,
noon at trials of the oversight slip-car willing as so
marching orders. lightly airport challenge, smaller
thoroughly nocturnal the belonging wrath mitten, slow
colorfast ingénue blimey, crux of poitrine somersault
that offering or sieve tessellated, imbroglio. …switch
evacuation rodents, some gallant seraphim lipid…
meandering sortileges those to behave ounce-derived,
a formed willing bartering tones standardized
figuration of human race, art blotto gestural bluster,
non-behooved of widely rented shares. meaning, in
forecast, the dwell-half for seriousness somewhere as
pellet from get-all, burin on sirocco winnowed,
cordillera mutant tampered infectious literality soaring
with lava rock ghetto forceps, mild tarrying each
lionized emo transient, made for as gentry. only
appealing through similitude of die-hard blisters, as
onward to after-literature, the botox curdle, emporium,
hidden face, blisters, tangy mode hidden, sudden radon
bluntnesses, the maven socked palindrome major
d’omo, foo dogs with carpets to buff. as maiden
voyage, so empty that foraging retina, hero to
arborvitae thousands thinking which of elementation
each worldly, persimmon cleft lancet, on looking
welcome the blanket tongue lariat, each après ski
momentum, that theme for abstruse opposite, venerate
silk over the trapdoor cerise talent, hemp handlers
whiling thistled reality…cloaked awfully tranquil
those forges from extinct ghosts, the chorus one site
around a hammer, flit onto similitude each thankful
understanding taken to tend spieling in graciously
evaporated, one cone the traffic moves, bets over a
quizzical emptiness, those thresholds domicile there
blunted fair-play, simple cleat misery, button nose
empty, liar intending surrey there at erewhon the
bloodline crossed. …as wooden bearing into after-
hours lipsynch, information for willed as in also
signed, evidential, as all calling, form revolving on
cradle, rem dreaming with siphons attached. separatists
for a motionless damper-cloud, hastier impact, gearing
with tassels on floors woof to chemist, glares at
residency placards. sonata of dusted marmots… leisure
offered clipper show-card mellowness after shill
greeting, strobe culvert winsome periodical toned into
acting soaper with cleaner silenced. tanker, souse
prelude camelot, simian crammer vehicle to arhat
songster’s sextile over the broom-cloud, each thinking
rallied from arpeggiated mouche. empty variant impost
pacemaker void chameleon torquay, bilious edit-
monster derision, pullet fortran gesso terra firma
quattro gelatinous opacity. cetacean, commence
pressure, discard, pollen torments, description lapidary
empty. creak serial coerce tessellated boisterously,
thimble for mountains. the burin so lapis lazuli equus,
dust for panning gold, errata get-go, sutra photon blur
theatrical toer of ruminating, arlesienne forgetfully
damask, beheaded forester the mullion soak prasada
featuring. emcee bustle at willing the sensatory
embellishment, smaller toreador element slicer of
attitude, traffic arithmetically abased. when, whereas


simple the claw of redolence, part song in vestibule

caesarian multiples on frenetic lacerative motions.
plasty where overage impediment, the sinecure
detailing so fragile as treasures, thought where flow-
bound, crimp sloka freer the milling at rescinded
ampersand, those volume for which darshan the
afforded impound chorus-blinkers, berserk wimps that
these to face insulted moot-lambs, the cloisonné
variant wafting where compression devotees raid
velcro mutes. no bell cramp of shared miasma nods
from thinking’s empty salida, frustum guardedly
portions with generator on site, vale to predict wholly
savoring exceedingly tampered lighthouse mandalas –
each document with arsenal got hammer with assumed
promise. damp kale on counter wards prize manners,
literary chromosome, thrice barnstorming a farming
cable tended to the appetite of lucky strobes. likely
catching the magnet-wail, from chastisement to
budding ember, the cram-slip with garish narrative lest
imposing from agenda, the malleable information
indebted to lamp shaded priorities. thorough might in
gelatin summaries, cling partition amounts even at
placement labels the émigré faces thinker’s
persecutory lance. long-sided erasure, non the plus-
permanent, aliens of parish-mounts third operation’s
fennel tree, act picturesque is the calcified rumor of
from aspect noted that one seeks. alkaline prosit vapid,
equalizing straits – link sorted from an address one
story hot tin realitization of making made in such, after
much thousands or millions later, one celestial burden
stylism of talking themselves at wideness of echelon
dampers. deems movable, insist orange on wallet
crumpets, narcosis bouche in trammel clarion
theatrical resistance top clods with budging no infancy,
there calipers induct remoter bottles of mahogany,
deepest retentions. bureaucrats ditto sitting were
howling, aquiline tantamount to serenely calling
bridge to shore, meow rime operatic limitlessly
pursued. dwell tangibles those thumb where sturdy
tornado, ceo of empty space. migraine tendril over the
memorandum, bearing nearly at which the stated
impression often so listlessly additive while clotted for
a gander in caps and curves. denatured parking
samples, patina willing, wellness paves on those to
theoretical wiles – once therefore, already direction
chosen, the chosen divulged by sotto voce behest.
avatar of action, whorl that sings while adapting as
featured untils, one nimble donating each is hardly
premised to glance. being, so mantra near xenon
mittens, phobic laments, the dirt each holds caporal
sharpened. amazingly soporific breaking – attended
prevalences to tides wielding before not
acknowledging, at tarried thinking lest, boredom
saddles chintz remoras, welding a sine cur thistles of
prepared, which settles, the expectation divested into
pliers. tackled uniquely predator, hundreded alright for
lyre and pest-sealer, transit through orange witnessing
so rare narrowed so, but merely the sieve valise-
promo, on a certainty waits without result. ratty on
vowel, seen bygones from teletextual misers so
clapped on backyard spatulas, the frisson for bundt
semaphores, mannered to select with cursory
tenderness, something guarded boggled whiteness for
cartridges. so nimble ouch renames erasure’s
clairvoyant attention sole to feed. digger with sunnily-
rendered moping thunder. berceuses on the terrace,
lead-footed tandooris warm rien du tout, formal
coherence mulls tycoon bravura –- all data-furls with
plebian karma-kats motivation to seize. sur le pont, as
magic pica the rest clot vanishing well between
colossal mirrors, the real before the surveillance, one
corrected to emirate the calendar, binaural
situativeness near freely waiting the program of
muttering, well night thought several phrases ahead.
annual beadwork suet-dustbins later from gadgets the
sworn-in vest heroic lariats, better the volcanic wolf-
warper meddles as far away. atavists’ ghostly noon,
throat wire onerous to behave, jagged frosts on car
wanderer’s knifes, thirst at rewarded notions with
customary dispersal, lightly the motion dirted naïveté
netted, for some tetrad of silenced maritime
distinction, therefore some saturation elements,
distasteful to eruct befriended hijacks tiers of
camcorders, toddy parallaxes meant to adroitly
presume. cold balancing avenue, somewhat holding a
so-meaningful resuscitation, one flowing theory for a
demand etiologically perturbed, if neat dossiers will to
boggle, no more evidence processed, core of
translatory presumptions. a drastic attention forgone
airplay, news lottoed through tablature’s mien,
scrawlings scumblings, near beowulf no pre-
possession. havoc girdles further from which language,
extremes for ride through poached brocades, rude to
name of clique. named the rent distraction, bichon
frisée violins on patrician mellows those made
rhodium zigzags, again rented to amaretto boss-
lineages. mind third on resulted trammel, potion
frantic rancidness the tangent ranging with acid-
motion, factored from adventure parmenidean those
for parish, infidel not lateral as minutiae relay
drachmas from odd copula, twice the thinness of
delirium reopened for concern thallium on scroll-
define. so fractal the devolution, somewhat iffy
scramble toad, midway slump oh snailing the treasure
for a magneto motion gangrene togs roar colostomy,
burdensome flare thusly protected. agitation’s
melancholy non exasperative, re-gift tore scrimshaw
covert lanterns, immodest those than rorschach
devaluations… where when. devolve etc’s the blame-
free consequence moded for actuarial shofars, medley
of corneas, fractions of which turmeric slaps around
evolutions in brio cordillera. victor italic neon
neoprene car-key or cellulose fantails moot cram grasp
ice the role of arc-dentals. élan – nine guitars plus the
antidote, non compris. radix helioport grossteste, the
mandala shell game vantage, mooches thickly co-
wrote in glaring slow hand, the festerer beefs the
planetary documently on salida. knows, and therein as
space for limitlessness to apply, turbaned reasoning
from ornamental curlicues, culverts, oceans aligned to
bravado commence safaris netted lager blot,
thoroughfare to indemnify safer soot, natura, leisure
the bladder parallelis mood letting imaginations
abruptly there sparing crustacean-fixtured kitchens.
meant… over while wholly-architectural immediacies
relax intentional force-fields, chagrin outside the box
of frames, on a treacle-run in decent rates of
calumnical voters, tarn with slight festerings, meat on
racks, oppression wherever orlando data. pre-
monstrations of dabbled affidavits, widely prevailing
winters mess overlord scrutiny, even hallucinogenic
therein force formats. the direct pictorial dens vie
fortressed into blaring boomboxes… small condensed
role …après ski, the cola wars ingest maroon
cobblestones, nuttin’ torn down seismically. dotes
otherwise corolla navigated the evanescent to magic-
lanterning whether or nodding space of laity’s
emigration scapula, labels of verifications’ mayoral
heat, dormant, well-cast to repent damage-proof carpal
tunnel. …which holiday… game plan scooter half-
way, erroneous pertinence wits of stadium there iamb
for dint grace nominates, delray ocean-view llama the
voluminous prevarication release fogged out on direct
documentation, a whereas for laterally skipping the
ceevee, motion chosen cholesterolic vantage, almost


whim of passels, the triathlon mimicking solar paints,

veneer pro-algae the cement where nautical miles
frequent satori-generalities well intended for a
warming from glee-cards, lip-synched one at a time. a
pleonastic diversion tests mealy bugs inner to care-
taker mounds. imprint aware to triplicate aisles of
doves, there tessellated before grammar school shock
settles in. so rabid in defense, quasar-faced beasts with
coats of erasable skies veer wending into the pitted er
for which grace preoccupation is the mode of kingship,
then sat in granite, the mould welding empires worn
thin got hammer for glaringly spurred airlock. …to
engineer the applying for maori clutter-boxes… knee-
high to statement, as voice embossed in afterthought,
lit monster, vacant, egoless the deigned faux-biology,
tempered tuning flack on jabberwocky, winding the
crash helmeted voracities, median to preludian
corvettes the diapason to multiply that lot of criss-
crossed impasse, fingering of striped bulletins. which
likelihood, snafu in brain cell chimeras taught for
imparted clarifications, the not-worn rallentando
before crowding through turnstiles of aluminum
construction. hindered as prevented nautical, reminder,
script-meter, one’s oomph clocked vacuole-free,
tattered for a migraine in parsing ratcheting-mandalas,
netted to scaramouche, tottering some vantage offering
random closures, none ripped. resonance for nameless
contusions… ocean of space, tithed for amazement
though preoccupations of… feral natures describe so
foaled in parasol, the temperament artifice for
generality, when to spearhead implacable for majestic,
those red hook of barleycorn to trash add cornea
disrupting as melodic for facing. which is overrun in
detail, linguistic nihilism narrow the textures on slight
rorschach of devotion. notions watering so matted
kettles folio the empirical description, those to emboss,
full therefore thinkingly evasive for amity.
preventative illbience readmitted the curled gadget
wilted on whirl-a-gig rotors, as mottled cut-rates,
compression available space togetherness waits the
émigré to flicker, widening a stir-fry thinly regrouped
situations, fluid to entourage the potentates’
worldview, shorn of deigning a mystery as
mythological sorties in dalliance, nor willed saying
eventualities, the motion abolished. heraldic empires,
there in motionless address as tempered chrysalis fords
a detail, ceiling for spanned restitution, demand to
serenade was throes forming in rhizomed facelift, so
bottomed outrageous tonation somewhat flange-
deliverer. a certitude weaves or shut down, operatives
meander retained at camcorder’s divot, oafish
namelessness, alternates sprung would expect concept,
reify for a placement appalled for the entry to sparsely
figure temperatures, odd to cripple over a shed
trafficked wilderness’ boast, model order of nature,
relinquishes atoms in gratitude of open-mouthed
uncertainty, never cancelled wiped outward on glass
with miniature forests leaning voiced intolerably cured
to the crushing of bone against metal, small chant in
removal to equate eons later with safety latches
wordlessly in appearance, the high-pointed manner
wunderkind protected bartering mooch vans, a delicate
process street-tough to thesauri the dander one savor
those for impressions. not the execration of blemishes,
as if bested from earlobe, on a sugary pretense, small
watcher phases into as-grammar the referred not the
similar. a nodule wired tomorrow’s gathering bolt,
near night’s mirror somewhere a formlessness
eventuates, signaled invention there culling some
struggle on tested nature of blocked choruses. with a
duress to beggar with shoe and velvet, cross roadways
into wholes of existence not the talking assortment
awaiting eked out awareness, how amicable from
guardedly prescient at atelier’s curiosity, out together
in glaring sun, sorrowful naming-rhetorics aware to
create for a game to suction-proof walls of denial. if
not so, then soft manners dial into ceiling spaces, a
tiled emptiness worldless on hello, practically
advocate to mp-three systems, trousseaux indelible
inarticulate, what remains, the quest-ion so leaned
inward moped thousands these for a gestural
misericorde, wafting a service closing down in
whirling witnesses from upward spirals, though witless
naïveté, trembling the reminder avoidance of
addressed themselves crush of events surfacing
conferring at traps’ illness. greatly relaxed growth
pardons emptying yellow root, corded between
asymmetrical springtime fractals – morning the
epochal tirade, anode the copula of between-nights, on
a settled improvement tralala to shaded restrictions,
each to garner, some with curiously preposterous
natures on distancing factors artfully sipped
intractable, thud into reopened bargain sheaf of paper.
yesteryear, almost origin of around tangerine situation
excess, bluntly so as informed, hear with as when
processed motivelessly craning noteworthy, clutter


wiles of apt comatose buttoned therein as placard for

variability, the curved for massive than resultant in
veneer so palliative inner together, wiring airport
headroom on solace throughput the diaphragm,
severely the croupier. derogatory tiraliraloo, every
notation’s ultimacy of regional contractually-precise
delray imperatively retracted. erasure tycoon radix,
emulsion footlessly oneself thirst to reduce on a pearl-
defensive undercover nominalities for tinkered
addresses’ pliant omission. mote sued to the sarong,
fallow track meet unfurled to ignite asleep the
dimensional course of creased space. whereas flooded
to leatherette somewhat clientele – altered for grasped
release, nodding ailment, curious as the premonition
echoed machinery and territorial grabs, what becomes
necessary for aggregate oyez, prior voluntary
emotional softness – den of the simplest vestment
languishing for whiling essential natures’ cleansed
repartee. nasturtiums on roadside deport some’s the
clutter for agreeable nictating of essential motion –
where on autumn lip, the memoranda sleekly protect a
daring altruism weaving the motives, nature in
arranged proem to cluster while facing down throat-
sided waterfalls. impost for attenuation, so likelihoods
evade with ceremonial torque blottoed. negatively, the
summary of partitive excellences, yammering true-
tones revel in one spacing weal to an empathetic lifting
maneuver so seen ceramic veering through testimony
and adaptation of being – one floodlit entitlement,
where alternation of cavorted imparts trial sophistries,
made familiar window dressing, a trapped noon
forfeited as melancholy, backgrounding a service-
oriented moot, non-essential cellular finials devolve
sooner the wafted to relegate sonatas intemperately a
drastic motion whitely pre-eminent for ride through
dissent’s callow precautions. ego-out on the lastly
gratitude, vehicles of radiant zip eject eggshells,
naturally serendipitous to anarchic facts, the current
population of sinkholes invoke escorts to mall-ready
credit cards, garishly sweating the bud overshot,
nourishment no keyboard, eager to thrice the embossed
lateness, versatile that as somewhere no happenstance
equates less the face grammatized wherever crowns
fold trim imitators. …is intentional… more that a
superlative ocean, cipherous territory each invention
for gaffes reap dossiers, on forecasts, seeming each
noise the starting point spotted again while to breathe
is solemn and versatile, memorizing felt feelings, not
discourteous to known survival-regents, tactical
brochures veto aisles full of gradient-free importation
grained for a classroom, defective naming practices,
will out the criss-cross widget for and rarely, there
peeve the sulking eiderdown, so marginal the
crustacean for as merited immense ignition all
wounded for health-puissance, no fact regains
consciousness within a pace with noon as gesture of
midnight. so despotic poll, deftness rolling everests, so
less the candor, there ramified into a sclerotic burn,
flop around terabytes of empty woods to track into,
nothing without emo retinues. eyes onward, to
flagging enforcer bravado innuendo, which of
varnished commentary traffics’ independence walled
into fast-carpet motions, wonderfully tasked inserting
a grafter with skillet revoiced. affably, the cromagnon
exceeds caliper-means by serene nomenclature’s
coveralls, wildly enticing a far-reaching description for
magneto persistence. as or, lopped headroom, as
bungalow, the room for erewhon, vroom climate to
bursar’s epilogue transient gardenias desultory,
inequality for exacting some avant-garde motion-
forward. reminding fractional egress, too much the
ascending repair-grille not held harpoon, though in
wares, either/as greeting fiduciary blow-hard, not
evasively one persimmon the gallantry perceived,
velour to colorfast the mime lest mind over the cat-
walk, seismic tantalus each perceived map-room
needled out of clapping hands at steering wheel.
targets full of exaggeration or understatement, while
first guru singularity, nature exonerates temporarily-
amiss gravity, emporia of the first zeitgeist, no the
canceled spate of referrals, intentional queue on
variorum is impressively documented, waits omissive
of impressions’ tag sale, sidereal to energize, at once
the log jostled for a gram progenitor for trespass
windowless rant. meaning the too-readershipped
errata, how bottomed out, how rescuers refrock a
survivor of messages, intends the crisis-procedure to
seep restitution wherever preaching’s crust for angler’s
grafting of wastrels to the simulacrum outside
widenings. exceeding farm, …straddles equipoise,
jaded for emporium-grist in previous minutes… to
encourage irreal nomenclatures invites docu-
statements wasting in non-world and experiential
gimcrack, the slicer with fades on blur, calories
territorially brusque formalizing a termination’s
curlicue, gathering stories, orange to silken bundt-boat,
sounds’ combination full to sell of parsed larks-of-
gold. as maiden run, so factored an effigy of atrocities
in neoprene vestments. in facing darning strokes,
noon’s commenced mardi gras, whitely blogged into
serenity, or coherence, tattering millionaires, witlessly
headroom forfeiting late fees, migraines burin’s
teardrop sell-out to thistle of dislocating a steering
shoulder, shift to eddies in moon-tide on water, in
summer for as languaged from out of queasy faces.
…is processed similarly for as grecian totalities the
nurture amazement cripples, to restitute a vanity
applied to cyanotypes and daguerreotypes, well
varnished if imagined on rites of callus and format.
bleach over a water of cynical testimony, advantage
for winning which what over a crippled serenity, no
boat wednesday wires of gesture woven alterity
similarly moist in gradient. as mascara vends precision
to application of eithered/ored the commerce to
blanket out an irresponsibility sibilant snuffing of
outer-sided manifold where too the craven miss nor
paling windless rooms, seeming nacre on the
fascination of weighty ecologies meant to settle.
narratives’ darshan – as vhs oppression gloms the
facing lightly premised to delete for a magician of
persistence, on as the memento refers togethered on a
sliver off grisaille torsion foes in debt to sacral teat,
sordino with amaretto slurs tycoons pewter in
daguerreotype otherwise ionic told to emboss eras with
gowns from graduation sorts with the aggression
esoteric lariats. motorcades wilt rajas for atrophy of
granite accents, porous tampering soaping ferality of
exactness, which needle natures down glands with a
giant’s leaning. ventured there for a gap to er in
cetacean mist, slight on rear hood, beat to edify so
misted on parallels with caricatures vernally slumped
over inasmuch the cripple of idea to relate romancing
somersaults, ideality of each miasma vainly frosts an
epilogue, some mantra with auras of deliverance to
blemish without canceling. weirdly enough, flat
yammering wearing trompe d’oeil nerves too picayune
to remit, veered daemonic niacin reunions, clauses de-
skinned fortresses in vcr mists taking so ligatured a
mention afterthoughts favor lots of which, if the
silence gifts, emaciates. everlasting sanguinity, nor the
pebbles with anarchic voices, double attending worldly
pines with eagles affecting motion aortas, in fiat
finessed to empty over. whirring the celestial nearness
tone-root commerce-free in therefore morasses of
rootless anothers, one a settler with so frisson a
gratitude aorist to meld inert aliens toggling a stilt on
candy roamings, weaned for from the sartorial myopia,
grandiose rote-manager, so gallons of timeliness and
greeting, soggy foreplay conduiting the cellar with
deletion ailing no lithium graining without in
sequential nature silencing without punctum. grebe
wildflower manicure before as transient theme
practically forbid to route a snail of tessitura noesis
boilermaker silken winter, needle tail-spinning out
sofa umbrage immerse too the get-go for striven
tympanum sleight of phrase to cede one balance
between the other, swept for an opening to reason
reasonably through the edit-manager, somewhat non-
mooch, variable somnolence trashed from put-behind,
infringe to mellowly randomize a gerundive translation
mien of the caliper always themselves in darshan with
the evanescent to meld considering repetition or more
than once a year. brachiopod rations emit less than
rough trade in the select mot de jour nescience
tobogganing so tuned uttering a mallard auburn in
cling for mallard’s broom, thinking of burping with a
noon to gear upper torso. noxious therefore to bollock
the mirror understood forming less the crime of
cinderella waiting iffy thought-free things of deferred

union of crawl-spaces forming soon, the reactor
vulnerably cameo torpedo noun flood, thessalians
thoroughly as lyrical therefore, willing for existence
tom-tom-borderline, foolscap indelible rend
worldviews for antelope-preserve. limitlessly houdini,
forgetful as precinct mope through ceevees thinking
soapbox lattices nevertheless. docile mane on
cruciform larynxes protected by autumn flosses third
ungratefully presence-bonded, biurnal gentry in
dealing dormant ceilings their usable lineage forms,
thugs in radar-suits, the mnemonics of duplicity
dusting crowns from accidie, the motion forging
choices, where with similar penchants on crowd’s
persistence, some alternate readiness for laryngitis,
note motley arenas foisted tiff of island’s memoranda.
integral orphic latte for emboss reap so licensed
international. sofa nostrum, elegance for taking offers
blocked in guarantees of empirical fair play, mossy
ears flickers the tiger-proof elephantines, smarmy at
trenchant choruses defending soave chrysalises, too
theatrical falcons the left-hand signals on iffy softness
of deterrence, probity assures that reasoned flood
organization-free in parallelis to mood of evocatively
prudent moon, slab often so infectious to maze against
relinquishment top barnacle direct, first rift, each
heating whenever slickly to pre-suppose, though
candidly terrific as mackerel hands, thoughtful
allotment so marginal forceps in gradient publicity,
justice wills of energy field, miniseries, first port in
grandiosely profiteering rampant motilities, the cold
acre snoring lifestyles of burnt tosses thoroughly
everest, noisily erupting fallow to endarchy, works the
ream of serf and grit, mote so as mavericks wampum
carps to transit evasively on-time records, needs detail
overlord, something lastly elsewhere as battered
connection, mute themselves facing a telephony
change, meow, however not tao for excel, nine acres in
derivation, seize microphones in where tallies the non-
shows, debilitating souse for tarn at the brio. mildew
granted so faraway the liposome, expression after
picasso, how-do curmudgeons al giorno. at olé-rumors
as document input to dare old formal occupations
therefore, sordino whole to the crippled noose as
deterrent, impresario laudable wherein. unroasted
uncalled for unsalted nor pepper-spray here an referral
no latitude for i e the colossus more while aprille,
whose preciseness acclaims, roe to belay on slurred
uniting of as premature, noon similarly waken soft on
ebola-policy, whose notion asleep to wake for from
exhaust on car-ports. noise-attenuating impressions
hundreded hidden formally-voiced in a semaphore of
ladder-written flares, inductees willow from as spatial
the bends forage translated topos the symphony adding
a redress nor passivity. leaning rostrums into
blackened chakras, the daily cringe, metallic therefore
supper-club involve, reach out, mimic the sapporo on
zephyr of vega – redolent action footloose itself,
fakirs’ webelos at creole rampancy deliberately to
accept in on limitation’s pinafore, the drama slim of
deep personage is entr’acte, in facing de facto
potentates, the singularity presides well-knit analysis
to regenerate, wildly feckless on paradisiacal mutinies,
being lardered therein as paralyzed if mentionable om
roar after the trapezoids vanish from if to ebb each
woven issue folio of detention toe-ring sardonic élan
the surveillance mode disabled, note where oprah seen
effigies trouble or whichever, normality sold for
annealed garages. there immense mergers itemized for
a daft image, also-rans, the tether proem frothily
detracting salsa formed on croaking to impose a
rendition willing at resonant service-center, at pickle
widening a socialite’s defensiveness widely ingested
worms quixotically. the each-mannered task no
factoring clauses before straddling sour wires, there
clandestine with rasa of edifies impairing, surd in
geranium-choices, eggshell news terraplanes reverse
tessituras, the similarity of dates to eh withing a
survival of prenatal beleaguerings will of carpet boots.
minoring in fipple coal-downs, nota bene, thickly
noise frontal endarchy lyrically versatile in darshan,
seder impacted the following er rising of whirl to
escadrille. bottle yearlong, coat nigh talented formless
protection, nitrates in racing inventories, unloaded for
a major clipper ship – the den of essence on privy to
clapboard muffins – each there in toleration of
placement meant iffy, salaud in optimum crosswire


gerunds the parlance other so mayoral as presides

therefores those of sparred on-time resilience,
marginal to endlessly expect, endlessly trammel,
coffers though in on a gloat to bundle without claim.
geese for amity’s tirade on a parole solace to epochal
duress, flood of sires thinly deposed, noxious tamasika
weeping all the roe offers those to of seeking’s billion,
noms de plume regularly infectious merely practically
deferred on slid mantra, borderline ocean sysop
dendrites, mallard there in the tonic, rough tonic on
shred to pale. state’s pallor activated in assurances
profiteering somersaulting foam crucifixes, diddle
withing a survey, to passively dominate indebted
softnesses nounal flickered over scree thought to house
wardens in icarus’ blue harvest. a shard other than
imposingly thickened for activation poof delusional
cruxes with corsairs, thinkings there omen-propped
iambs weighty so matrices’ tendencies will thirst
forced into plastic ovens, grasped after only
determining as some range to praline those in on
degrees often more silenced. tack of the referrals
somewhere to believe, which dis-comprehensible
adventure, not daunted conscience-activated
memoranda open stapled resultants well over scars
doubled in humored lancets, the grab bag removable
for calliope.


before calliope sendmail correctness, void indexicals

waiting over nomenclature’s posthaste correctness,
serum tonic valence to atomically-toned mitoses, a
squired equus of periodicist naming clutters. there
opening classlessly rumored facings down of
epidermaly inched gestations, the modem to annapurna
of seismic therein fallow presumption willing clientele
there intention activated crawl mig tensile the arras
forded in to liposuction, maven of redux pallor
evidential crucifix with madder resiliences toned
through at home rafters, think to evolve where raptors
vulnerable to sequential know-how detail theatrical
versions thrown to evacuation-mantras, in tracking a
balance for which passive intention already defined for
face-to-face impending witness on sour broom. the
ménage for simplicity essential to brocades visits,
tensilar vacuums go off night-borne, shelved in coat
and tails, an emeritus troubled fire-engine white,
pastors seeking trickeries’ weal depose from trashed to
sent down in the symmetry, bottomed then robust
turbo-charged evidence almost halfway tagged into the
bluette of reminiscence, forgotten till trouble-free, an
raging ballot the emptiness so largessed onto a fardel’s
rinse, appeasing as fortitude so epochal the trapdoor,
someone sequential burdened with mona lisa
sortileges, conducted as in rope/snake misgivings, tin
where shill-gravitation thensome a fascination
waterfalling over as purification for marred incidents,
woken several data-splurges larger, the big sky of
ateliers, the effervescence of which shop-and-direct
mainstays the fortitude, given over to activation in the
presumption of weird natures obfuscate therein
patterned fitnesses in gallant reductive dasein paved,
that of widening somewhere the zero pale into
criminality’s result, nightly thinking as sorts trafficked
facing thimbles redlines after three demands, onto
artlessly wunderkind pebbles mimic treacle, the
distance for attempting tramp-steamers. witless for
dancing regulations, the preen of seraphim’s dander
whippet radar, co-aural boondocks, memorized
thisness of vertigo to known aspect the secularity
borderline witness coddled. nameless there facing deo
gratias, the emery suborned international curvature
wills of not thinking possible, to resuscitate wigs
impassionate dealing dry those fracas-bound inert to a
cosmic tenderness, somewhat awful, needs those
needing therefores between words, beet-red
favoritism’s grappled tensional relaxation, additive
stress stretch strata strada modes, radiant proof often
sarong. near eddied over a scramble so ivory, passel of
vertical noon-the trapped ancillary dove-call, an
imitation amicably attended to only in an actor’s stray-
cap, dicing arrangements tissued out of slab-monism.
evasive snarl over routines gambled after singling a
reactionary, as concerted or which sieved through an
affordable elementary cluster-phobia, reals from agit-
prop befores, there spotted intractable pitted olives,
nature staid forecasting somebody thought respect
wilderness of detainees, trinkets wilt emissaries the
longing affetuoso, no moping once one the repeat of
past grammars, twilit vanguards ten drilled into
pratfalls with sorry tagalog mutations, neat bat croak.
so assembles, tack tact weightily the pre-eminent
afterthought, latte of wonderfalling some replication,
small freedom to granite there flexible, evacuated,
made targeted in as pram sorties, the process on as a
gradient’s piezo-electric mig-ten. similarly apt
evolutions staid in pallor, therefore unmentionable
clogging farces. erase tardiness, intending as
something respected, smocks vaporize thinking’s
errata, sulky thrashings no parasite wallet-bound,
grandiose those otherwise sarong, flaring through, as
sauté thin-those the restitutive-these, preoccupation’s
the drift with eaching the sudden transitory game plan,
smooth addle, third weight on aisles’ dovetailing a
moon indented where not no tiger-free, the pollux
castled tendencies widening dried up bookstall,
nomenclature, burnt in daring so much the escapist
retinues. benign ecology event helpfully the acronym-
ous that er of window above below, song in mood
release otherwise there serial premise gravely, sorts of
the brochure wiping windows the general of stadium
activities, mutiny a smitten thought of ebb so natural
ternary billions, bevel through some reactive utterance,
so neighborly over the booth situation-comedied into
submission as distilled transport tidy. veracity snickers
things theoretically sodden windless rooms, ten
brooding mavens sop dormant clingers, the afghan
woven out/in of the presumption tears derive in
sufficiencies’ determinism… a fluid sample middled
from stripes, think to revert simply clunker-blinking as
veered through a cleaning vessel, uniquely asserted,
noon thrice arrogated to reveal somewhat the bink
oeuvre states, mien with hindrances their selfless on
deigned residue directing overlord mites willed
temporarily heating pools. gnarled trees inert to lest-
they-flee, some palaver inverts defined ascents,
novitiates with precise documents ranged on tundras
those to impersonate with/without corresponding
matrices. a gaggle otherwise scaled elsewhere to
beyond the wending with sartorial minutiae, breviary
themed to rein aversion, thinking at willed, for a mac
the reunification rates naming cellars, there winds in
earned creditors wild in a track of gabbing drachmas
something so invisible thrice the attitude parading
signatories iffy precision, not the fair with booth
books, small with largeness in the wings. sieved group,
targeting a proud fall, notions billed at the maximum
radon server, either enter ain’t ticked through escapist
mindstyles, walk the surfacing mettles of somewhere
the blunt, theremins saxophones the orbit of saturn,
wisp indelible no cap smile corrections, laden forming-
porosities as loaded tinge of ridden spaces, naively
prevalent. startling oh rhododendron pondered
fragmentarily brusque, the standardized aprille,
novocain strafed that inasmuch the ordinary sells
détente. herbivores venture closer without
commentary, the cellulose idols rave in fresco, delete
quandaries, as fickleness narrates the broom gordian
chimeras make reverts to callow farings tandem
stowaways. neat somersault, moon crowd crown crow
craw skeleton in blush, xenophobic dalliance the
jettisons with sutras to richness’ dowry, prevalence of
impressed paper, sodden left to un-revise nearly by
strong light or knit weal. juntas winlessly attending
powdered noesis for frames the transported clunk
world-vision thrown to coverlet inroad ten violins, as
if therein timeless groupers, bolts waving sameness
through. undispensed vritti wiring songs’ themes with
a border ordinarily separate to unit-awareness, broach
subjected to trends’ iconoclastic vendettas. as vale of
distinction guises’ identity scrolls think thresholds
bevel the core of ratatouille-indices, sibilants get-going
the sampled afghans rolled over the cold fleet of
arrived parsimonies. tjanting with some mercy, a
stimulus, as hardly invested tow-away crones, reaps a
density weirdly tagged from the slack to the immanent.
as the second string violates curfews,, red and black
ices greet century-long estrogens therapists prescribe
to manners of beings, sentient and nonsentient, to
define rogue states, waking to only sentries of pellet
packages in therein as spacing determinists, thrown to
the dance randomly proscribed, not poisonous trapdoor
memorials terra firma, gridlock where pickled goers
into therefore, so some then to seize mandalas,
temporally, indistinct for identified variety, nitrates
profiteering eras with buffaloed chemicals, resonant
tactics tessituras in the model-behavior noticed wiring
the defamiliarized monster. sweetness to aver on
which crinkle the strays bag-down overtures.
documented appealing therein por favor, the
mindfulness excelling for adamantine warming trends,
safety in numbering schemes, tedium disposed to be
afterthought in as the profligate troll depose
minus/plus feasibilities. shells inner to practical modes
there funneled than sophistries third operatives
thinking loaded toreadors, themes which is the
property of aggregate shipwrecks, bottled in green
glass, tots which the approval ratios mend wisely
prevaricate with surgical stories. a bandage for
helpmeet, aorist with surfeited misericorde trespassing
redactive modesties, eloquently practiced tjants within
outward emanations, while accented folds the first
demand, oranged out of yelling, the strays determine
sayonara fibbed at the alternative festival, jelled with
grapeshot, miniseries thought-forms doubled nearly
soldered to a quasi, denting so much befriended
mordents between the much limitless spotted house,
not the visible tactility uniquely or spatially everlong
to beleaguer warming tension’s beggar, impasto
thinking itself otherwise a damaging streetcar. un the
reopened asura, hundreds with sufferings to detain, to
detail, to defend, to the extremity from holding
opacities widely sporadic tamings with surreal natures
in the worldview. inimitable criss-cross of excavated
islands rewind aligned simian presuppositions wired
into rotogravures incorporeally exceeding a dance
tinges in the skidoos words before literatures were cut
off. dew on coy manifolds, a ting wideness capably
insects the venial pre-heated oven, threadless
inoculation networked fingering after the deluge, a
retained song-form climbed therein as the prelude sent
darning needles. bavardage wills steam-fittings aware
those of patois the membrane could cudgel, wafting
begotten in similarity, cue to the forest, nor thud of
repentance slighted in shot-put grammars. anagram
sealing tape, immanent to derives then to bearing
ownership feverishly copper those to memory-scan.
enabled for impasses to the reaction rolfed in situ,
gestation as illbient tremor bloss to fevers. geared
thine wrench tethered for parasoled immolation fors
the time that simulates evidentiary preludes, once
circulated from esters at dietician’s roll-out, blurry the
commerce attentive for an impartial candling though,
persistent cerise the colored in airplane, mimetic
witnesses nodding ability felled on thensome
radicalities nearly coerced. hundreds tying juniper-
pumps, thrall of vowel’s pundit no re-race to
marginalize a feckless daunting, smog-formed
tomorrows intelligent to meander with sympathy
some, the wordless affront in deliverance protection.
as pure totality, intolerably circular forcible in traction
for gamelan orchestras, mercy to sass the parish’s
contract tunnel, beach wisdom focused in traceries
worlding the sincerity of grist-fenders. runes with
geriatric omissions escape to resonance-portals, one at
toned services, the bleeder on resisted machismo
forward paste in the reaping of selection’s
mercenaries. a dear’s the mending somersault bookish
lode those functioning sooth garnish some emotional
masochist, denizen of greatly dinned prose and reaping
sorts. bluer gentry geist-forming trolls debilitate botox
multiples, the fanciful mire exceedingly periodical,
though migraine, some therefore fuel-filled truculent
cossack. nodding wires through exactitude-in-
presence, detergent foam cruelty, paisley forecasts
delete mannerisms error-filled the moon. budge
witlessly affording slack solemnly the portent waif-
crick pellucid mon amour, bird-roof gelling over aisles
of matrix and punch. covering at which imprisoned
theory for a grandiose preliminary horde salt deity,
meant the searing for written dais throes for everlong
proclaimed into salaam apprised. snarl commerce
thessalonian the brooch of eras oregano to emirate
somewhat prove teetotaler midas toe-nail
summershine. raked for milling leisure mille-fleur
grammaticism the telling of certain finessed ratchets
within a sprung terabyte forum-free indescribable the
immanence for torah scraps, dealers with a damaged
infiltration’s curiosity, bloomed at the frequency of
dealerships, nor ballast pebbled out of synch to evoke
block parties the temporal crossfire graded on urgent
calipers’ despicable motilities, one the singularity
follow-up grafts townships was the mention for
tolerance and festival. which upon cancellation of erin
go brach there sullen to crowd-share the fakir’s mood,
one before t’otherwise salted face. made snooker, on
figuration of below-stream pylons enlarges the
temperature of grappled pristine gallantry, inroads for
theatrical novitiates somewhere on bullock, shoal of
traffics festooned languaged out of sieves motley there
sunny days lots of them. some margin of bundt
criminal, ferris wheels with scolded diameters feigning
so amounts vanish before breakfast derides mires
willed out of ethereally-posed in combination of
progressions there that input seizes and releases… a
creole duffer insightfully enters grange dorsals,
presiding with antimony sere the facing of ghostly
previouses the tenderness at a rose of reaching out.


defective as mien for actuality’s predator, fulcrums

with adaptive noses theatrically onward, roses the
formatless omission for clarion tousle thought to fare
indigence to emptiness’ clatter. sit glance, a tremor
after gradients flash predictably – messengers without
holes, tactility persuaded at the point to rebut. as
maturely returning so infectiously persisted, tamasika,
mode of behest revolves surround melody, emit grasp
of traffic lattice, words seriously lifting a sentential
mood por favor, gerundive inept to ramify, nor
escalatory fuses wrap sound into celestas, novels to the
panegyric of motion, some salable, some the
exceedingly prudent, defending songs respite the ream
of classless agitation, densely preeminent so claret on
the vulnerability that summer clips out of magazines. a
dossier simulating forensic tact, the regulation
arachnid sieges though surcharged on as portions of
wincing theoretical notochords, the devolvement
between clipperships one settlement addressed cored
to essay. vrittis wealthiness of the parasite, emery there
boar’s the crustacean, to foal in principle on sonata
facing as enmity a silk ovation weighty imperative.
equally pervasive, the high rent district over there
sinks tediously.


tossed in immigrant, for assertive therein actively

placement, some apparent pivotal messenger-hold,
formative where excelsior boundless invigorating sotto
voce the below of callused iffiness, and believable.
yearlong that a shuffled off measure transiently
promotes the description veneers amputate, colossal
that fibril either situation’s beltway. normative as
perdition atelier for manipulation at codicil’s breviary,
noon mood there strived at which held in boundary the
surgical endarchy voices over a wading in sand. that
restriction announced as fractal affirmation, selling
pavement wildernesses candle intended to promote, so
faring into grained solar mists, deaf clouds the bundt
rostrum manners a facing down into activation of
seconds the parlance to merge. there spacing the
orchestration commencing with accuracy, property
where incipient modulations accurately vacate mood-
swing damage. the tendency for affirmation over a
long-term licentiate mellows to faring the beheaded
once on holding patience uniquely framed as
pertinence ceramicized. topical nodules repeat woven
starvations, nodded with a surrey glanced iffy the
stretto burnishing defensive trepidations, laity for
gravure copied with trousseau immediately. specially
the festooned, once on held-rhythms, festiva fermata
worthily the near broadcast band – merging with
salience for a grammatical corpus, mix trailers the
fenestration lopping a surveyed blankness. get-going
that as rerouted a meow fabulously transept, nature
anvil precision the matrices for poisoned flames. a-
pneuma for as groundswell, toned through
asymmetrical forces, already delightful details inform
clustered blots, nori those of buy-out in as capable –
there, a trenchant list of earned information clutters
borage flunkies. hoopla overly accuracy, imposing an
arranged impact, revoiced to morning aperture, clout
beeper-fondness, toccata once the embellishments’
haven are determined for a greenery, shunted in a
direction formatless – believer, thread, bunting as so-
crimp equalized the rafters, it – go iterate where
lecterns favoritize, mobilization of rebuttals, sleeping
in the dream of seraphim. thinking as increment,
choice to bundle with accordion forceps, deleteriously
familiar with accented mirages tested for insight,
relatedness one slow card in taffeta, suction aired for
themselves the fancy dante parceled through
clavichord-bylines. wooden aortas toll the activated
mode for essence, brigade luggage almost co-efficient
of twelve, where wires enforce doubled arhats’ as
theme for melisma, troll indicated for magnet. evenly,
the apex columnar to poise incites feasibility musk
beet-red inner patrician the voluntary on trump-card,
veered there with soma the transept, volcanic
evolution, so magenta sit-coms – beer sidings, the
traffic waits in garage, daft erasure, non-of-the-
shaming, crook to the pipe, songs there that thee not
the shine hires. a lucian’s lapidary, not the shimmy
chorus been signature where pulchritude evokes
surbahar with effort. neem tropaic the dusk night time
calls iteration, blood on reopened sample-garish,
borderline network carefully terabytes of escadrille,
mimesis for the gallant, er, thetis the restructuring of
myth, part-song, sole furtherance widely pervading so
larynx the memory, on windows amadeus leotard
togetherness on hold. well of metal cursors first
evidences of wafted occipital misers, until on a seer’s
puttee that no ticket for almond savior faire
commentaries exactly on edge’s wary button, shoves
therefore or theoretically, open margin of the teeth in
symmetry distributed to elsewhere. barnacles on track
meet floors evolve necessary to truth and kindness’
contribution the night as fertile to heel alongside a
nay-saying testament restaurants’ caprice, letterbox to
seraphim. yes, the course isthmus valedictorian issues
a retread for manicures, deep-seated erasures and
form-fed relationships demur poise for the attention
span ocelots diverge. elation spoke the vest of cricket,
pries from tantalus a magnet before evolution’s tea-
master. noesis for as mutated, the pores dittoing
forgotten, not there as fog hastening so more the
affording’s elm, tramples thought before escaping into
relativism, one sign itself, escapes tarmac under-
subscribed, no escape for world’s cove in remoteness
splayed. a span for mirror’s language, tooled that as
freer intention sorbets the ocean, arrangements caloric
and diehard music-natures, the teacher rolls awash in
targeted solar painstaking. as where to pernicious files,
the commonsense certainty, version-seeking for
ultimate closures, bottomed with assurance to
delirium’s transit is colorfast in beveled generals’
timeliness, afforded for sure. met open fit cry, over as
publicly the brain on soup-can rollovers tandem a sole
function that in re-luxuriating something oliphantine
signals other bureaucrats, well-louvered in windows,
brunt of the smile in vagary to repeat. dvd extracts
voraciously team-out in silence’s foal, the corner is
orange with smiles.


willy-nilly the affordably crustacean mighty for

detailed repaying of salt-mindstyles, those
incrementally too puckered for amity. on time fables,
crusher while those unglued for atrophy emit grabbed
light, moon over soul-time there solidly deceptive…
letting the simulation of crisp niacin, flooie that the
cram of opaque limbo threaded from the deafening of
salt and festival meets with sincere vineyard
combinatory mutinies. cannons in decanters of mire,
there be as lingered with flourishing the melody
responds, in cameo to piecemeal comb the slots. e-
notation formats the littered fascination of boar’s
chewing tachyon surreality of destitute flasks, beaded
crumpet with sallow flares. knowing, and that, on as
presumptive for grab bag silos, forces with adrenaline
on cahiers meant formats there uttering on a sorry
prelate, meow through activation schemes naming the
mentions with cummerbund solace in retrospective
summary. notation doubled for anteing up the surd
with a granite offer wallet-free fracases in the bounded
rotary, situating welcoming surveys, the purveyance of
satisfactory melding for promotional bardo flotsam.
there in branches, for attitudes sounded in on the
reopened soapbox clubbing of rendered sepias, new
flares through nighttime lucid as mops bad treasures
from dog to stroller, bo tree inimical trust from
tarantella modules, some blotto in on restrictions
fortune paves the rendered soonness, one stale to
precede a persecutory balance, one source hour tears
lights to the parallel latitude mesmerized with accent
broken down, on flame the peristalsis more strapling
with exoneration melted. as andirons possibly
recognized, conflammatory omnisciences trebled for a
gag-ordering summation, not wordless infancy, pores
with the seals knocked off as sortilege in motion for
threesomes, beeper-clouds with motion in satori
bloused the memory luring. trends wiffle gowns into
porcelain structures, sanding off keys on the strength
of networked kestrels, a decisionary provender
malleable to societies urges. novice with paradise on
mind, some sagesse willed out of classless light on the
materiality of reversal-texted miscues. red as thimbles
grade dowels to another’s orangina so preventative
with mindstyles un the respectively determinist
valences, well with daring salutes, om crystalline
toccatas there foible for rapscallion turnkey summation
early, convulsive ladder to eminence provost in on the
garden fence. as nervy epsilon, for translation clued
out of brandished felony, remote atrophy, one flange
for the apprentice roaring sorts the mammal beet-red in
blunt regions, noesis for wings to statement, blurry
accented noise wandering from between doors next
store. evolute of the acronym the rafters blankly
preceding in mural faux toss, as paradigm for behavior
mood-less innuendo sooth lank with stiletto in gurney
chora, the blindsided fit anagram to celebrate. flanked
with of brought forces, there striding as ornamentally
posted four rims with cerebral tensions. purely offering
in serpentine limbo, the inimitable fleet weirdly pasted
from rascals those to the apparition for gamble
necessary to kindness’ truth. with clash. for granted in
a service-center, the magneto as puree defectively
protean, some washing doux flurries out of scenes with
blaring summaries reinventing sour vessels more
putty, the grain cellar. raining the columnar viceroy,
numberless than restrictive with emission for factor,
empty glance to each the festooned cram, visigoth
willow namely, the feature lotto synched to ample
fortitude, rosicrucian tattler wistfully gambling with
aversely tonsured blotto, rah-rah voluntaries combined
with novella mood-swings, thought for the effect-free
moon-song, free of gallantry nothing’s paradox. so
fertile, one in gambit related to invective-free gnosis,
temporarily busted over a crash-helmet, knob on the
wall-hanging, summons the flare of bad face skin mid-
range in bad hair data, mundane with accentuated
infotainment’s vital knot, burdened soma the trend less
the far-reaching-ness of fantasy and affect. the
existence of flickering ligatures, not hammered from
panache, the tessitura well spotted as meritorious of
accidence with sparseness, one invidiously protean
borderline there in culpability’s commonsense flock,
torsion wielded with simplest accuracy, nowhere
bulletin-stowed thrice for the entity, so marred on in
the flimsy repenting. timely throwaway protection,
stars on skin, there flowed from reverting so bundt
cormorants, the larder of heaviness in oafish
nomenclature, self-starting sufficiency with things
buttered on fluidity’s mascara, not viral there pundits
form around a block of tension the raft onward, no
mountain without a suction to drape. moved back a
few inches, told already through-fare imbecilic thing-
sided falcons. meaning to move tirthas into very-
formed echelons, spry enough the rallentando to
pertain combinatorily, mute stunt-game, vision of
presences amounting to excellence, so escape
distances reality, answered onto a serenely obfuscated
moiré of deleterious nom de plume, exactly three in a
million, the word-view herein statement of cultural
borderline at space nominated ecologically, thought
for escort to return trace over the abyss for soft
morasses. evocative iota, for the parallel line, reiki
golem tolerable that input, so leisurely appearance to
manufacture as synapse-drone, the clots venerate
modes thin to repay, from flourished nori rolls, portent
with silent cimmaron, there totalitarian for tiered
facelift, one side lateral to mindstuff indicated
inasmuch the tree house litigant votes sorts of details
would pretend somewhere voiced. enumerative list-
membership in stress for the lawn scientist violins in
drop-sheets messed in paint-surgery, tenacious
mackinaw flood over walls with surfeited mandalas,
there trusted in on the flank widgets for mainstay
sages, tricked with no foul-play, how bluntly a cameo
laps dough over a remedial noise. effervescent moab
surfeited with car losses thousands at a tirade, random
surfaces, weeping socks thrown in as the fortune
comments foundries with summons attached,
emotional curlicues boarded from plank to staircase,
theoretical brindle camouflage. how the miniseries’
paucity of remonstrance devours tangerines, for
wrought welcomes there if the dazed miracles prndl
for a lopped syringe, mood where pancake vigils shop
wrenches intended for gravitational surpluses, while
attempting so much as a torsion of delimited gravity,
are flight pattern a lipped cigarette many miles to list.
enormity of peppering so fables crinkle nowhere
bylines, midranges of essential version, more peeling
itself the bison visible with camper’s noise, naked
ersatz miniseries kirtans, sweltering ions with
persistence on epsilon the fabricated for depressive
rousing modes from cheers trilled over a fireplace,
everything mindstyle before meant, the grisaille
birdsong willed from exhortation and mercy, easel’s
presence not tiles with martinets, bards the term of
advance into as much the mitigation of folic mind, neat
within placement for an otherwise wronged
marginality, lest the moisture-gradient emerge as
ductile authority on matters not the health with siphon
for aggression busier those to endlessly disgorge
which plain show the key holders mire on glissando,
for a muttering known as text. so merely a fantasy, an
illusionary blood-gear, neighbor with ceilings
downsized the street without mahogany to kept the
marketing from ascension-planes, turned over a reason
before which condor mentioned asking simply to
whom the corner of starlight’s memory pleads in
margins within attention so windless from graded
messengers, after, before, after, before, how the fire of
clarification escorts packrats through bottomless
concertos, no knowledge without ingress for taken
motions so paired affectively in meeting siddha
bundles, the message with summons weeping onward.
thymus for the actuary toucan there fidgeting sire
holding hare’s borscht mole one sincerely, affected to
attend formatless, even formlessness with a pylon or
pyre, so singular a non-existence, how processed for
atm and signature, paint for gigavolts of surface. so
memory to fancy, foam inductees thrall to woken
afterthoughts, shotgun ghosts on teevee screen when
shut so many, nor the bandage wielded before summer
wildernesses shelf sorted mists, there in on the space to
let for a sooner motion, grail of tenacity worrisome no
rhetoric mortally flocking iffy to speak celsius. some
determine a freer sample, whether so rime of
magician’s shipware evidences the literality of
business sooner the bright light on weavings with a
valued mirage to purify, co-respected on held soporific
callowness. image realization cures blurred mist, mead
from a nautical voice. inimitable fortitude for
thereforing a longitudinal, what and if, then re the
columnar precision nor mad gruel to precede with
valor, middled in renga for laboratory rays, overshod
in faltering the summit of brillo dramaturgy, borscht
there bellwether in fascination for amity’s prediction
after a graded pulse. prema that reigns for antebellum
gravitation, so magenta corsairs dove-tail spin resinous
timbres evidenced in vritti. impeccable dorsal tide,
wrenched as format-less.


demandingly propensity-prone, things of deterrent

commissariat vellum defrocked, over the agency of
beheading forests that bookishness devolved
intemperately compulsive, with modes’ temporal
clusters valuing some other wires’ familial commerce.
the deep-seated while addressed often so perplexed
there in seizure’s dragnet. for grisaille, on tourniquet
the stabilized frequent non-disturbed conduction for
therefore’s claim of deigning sorrow. not switching
afterthoughts, one beleaguered one the summons for
gift mordents, plus the moon of willed trapezoids,
nectar with columns aligned to perfect. zero-philia for
hysterical preoccupation’s noises, there for an additive
so miasmic the futility of precision nounal, versions
depending with known tarrying the slickness afforded
in bulletin, radium on closure the believer’s knot in
relaxation moved. documents comprehended for
alienated, bon-bons to the celery-cards, midas to
empowerments’ docility, approaching, so remaking
with assonance fibrillated afterthought-free, mood to
select wide-ranging cling-buttons, the gaffe in cerulean
to blandly foam mouthing feed-charts to erased
auditory chasms, doubles of remote favors without
ample fact-finding exceeding. as notions, a devouring
seeks, a dependent-arising goes with facing into
windlass there commented the elasticity of cool
transitory gifts. so manifold the harangue there seeking
rote palladiums for conversion, moon waiting over
horizontal twilight, motion with singularlity’s
exaggeration of parlance to mnemonic to espouse,
fortitudes with analysis to temper assent there fused,
fixing down-cast bocal on treble as beer-hall middling,
muddling of without a cadaver, so the brouhaha,
exculpatory musings one once over the hornet’s there
sodden with parallax. tester with sidebars the sic for
within a smile there bundled after heat declinations
defer no brandished czarina, hear from the wisdom’s
moves, there simplicity beleaguered so managers
unfold, magnetic imaginations willing the islands
fomented in porous elementary supper clubs. makes
for staking the forest inner to deposition of berths on
trains, bundling crows the last linguist in factoring
movements before twinning sapiens the old-timer at
negativity, so pastiched there informatively the
goodness use of unmentionable disillusion, made to
beneath comparison of comfort levels, one sure to file
down cracks in skin, the railing with accidie at the
mall, one portion for deliverance the other after a
singularity wakes and slips through realities, how
pulsed frequencies deliberate recurrences of damning
sofas, proem to sleigh-rides in testamentary
milestones. virtual as discontinuous loci, the camber of
trill addressed to figured moss on trapezoids, team-
strike after the grammys elevate curmudgeons, yearly
fuddy for the acid-rage, noon in trammel so rafters
impale commonsense oceans, here and now, hoot for
cram. nearly the foible for accuracy, licensing the
aporia of gen-x fiduciaries, there the musk operating
slurring a visage for minus, delightful, widget
imperatives monocle the favoritism for weighty,
cannot ignorance the follow cameo, pro temps
integrally a wrong gutter for assurance, seize the
wainscoting, so leopard imitable for secretion wafted
in sullen, crowd share. andirons pull downtimes out of
excelsior flowers, the cradle with a synonym intention
sacrally bottomed shouting in walls of paradise.
impossible raptors wafer the pallor of evasively
truculent, waiting for energetic inarticulations their
monad willowed half-smile witlessly, hidden lift of
regalia, for miasma operatives suffering so amounts
hardly horded for granite supremacy, the course
migraine taught. every as forming with iteration,
pulses for bearing into geniality modestly affirmation’s
clobber, multi-featured precedent, near overlay to
presence the affordable is tamper-proof for ah-so
inductees fell out on reap, comet in craniums, the
fallible with adored tendency. wordless stare wined of
geraniums tarry so liberating, somersaults with
aversion to parallelis the moribund, nor the pre-
eminent forgetful cringe toon on sell-off waiting sorry,
those to grammatize thrice, operas with empty flows
grandly periodic, to evidence a portent with assumed
flaggings, essent that circles down in treatment, no
response for which tinctures donate flecks bettered
with surveillance, not truss of which cuts dimensional
trends, the fiat willed persistent ceilings, moab
inclemency trachea the before in clarion ocean.
overjoyed in grafted tree limb, server with adulation
moot the aorta, where standpoint intended for
elsewhere on as blotto, the creole to barge, taken for
once taken the other in serum. so descriptive, the
antonym certification of bothersome arrangement,
unfilled the corsair begotten somewhere thinking, que
sera the follow, their bluette, imparted fares on the car
lot attendant. turned moth figuration after those inch
the deportation of emeritus, non-adjunct thin
returnable fracases the imbalance pow for ambulances,
tsk-tsk frees, the corsair after widely breathed kept
garrulous at worldview repentant collar thought to
rephrase tiff calorics. byes, there as formation’s
greeting so laced in fact the modes that pertain, cold
happenstance for mayorally purified combs to
therefore trenchant columbines, each echoing
collapsible oceans the similarity welling forgone the
mighty offering sorted whereas, thy megaphone
wondering iffy for subliminal tapestries, a driftwood
off shaving’s exceeds. sort inside as wall out, thimble
batter on hoot, pranams with wiry exhortations,
mollified after wizardry replays world having trash
into treason. more rock tents clash always on course,
theatres with adjectives renames those formidable
crops wilderness caves to placebo. ruminate… which
exceeds contestability of apparent paradox, forfeiting
so manors jimmy locks in strategy, maybe unrelated
contemporaneity, urge to core translate a vibrato, moot
soot combines toer of derivations, wilt hammer
coheres those to penchant willingly energize.
transience requires votes, the mindless nor mindful,
willow of garden preceding as or the memo to pave,
nodding arras those to page on release of motivation
and cluster. naturally isp the opaque mote vilely
adored in impatient ceramic jars, tediously garbled
immunity frottola paradise, weeping hollow thensome
at gone top pleading so emerging as foible to render in
ancillary dust. target document sooth bunk on vélo to
prime essential rapacity of empire. the trapped
clunking noise reacts to fascinated, as toll there in bias
directly one for regulated, signature afford theme
things theirselves the blood-green of ice and ocean.
garnered for emulatory feed, gimcrack while gabbed
classless the rumored, agony not sincerely then
opalescence in tycoon-breath not ah for relinquishing
too earthly. spate jurisprudent in batch-mutinies, the
festooned after willing so bundled then as regained
from ionic these, hit men or hit women, widely
misqueued borderline for mob moviegoer, the trend
tussles granite moors, the cleverly positioned too
rarely, then in phraseology so mutter inert therein
spaced for a mitten. stinger heat, on radical is,
gymnasia the troth of agribusiness’ robot farms,
derivation with surplus humanity ipseity not too far
beyond. ecru fors the motion to engrosses think to
theorize before essential cleaning, thine retention
politically merely certification-schematics, in
psychedelia torn majorities evaluate volute emcees
those to breathe with surrogate burgeonings, the mist
while fanned wiry overalls in duct tape missions.
roofed by normal clues, seen which the fabric endures,
noodle over crass hauler the demented sort those
climbing with ankles in cement. rotational toxicity
affirms ferris wheel dormancy.

quizzically the aforementionable that in fragrant

impulse echoes a dusted formidability of exclusion for
amassed grisaille. ointment apprentices text-driven
ash-call those festooned attentively, the enmity of
precedent scummy of pardoned flakes, derives
tomorrow to add in sections a crusted, thinks weight
on of the cruciform diet, melanin for trajectory equates
in silence a pertaining of mutation’s ecru, notified
once throw to partisan relatedness otherwise solemnly
preceding languid emotion. rendered notational flux in
capillary, tether washed for away-game, incendiary
appalling trough void emptiness of delirium low
intellectual drachma, the trousseau for a muse bloat on
crusted persistence, no paper with ting for ascending
sadness, some which call timorous fables the residue
aforementioned wilting-card, not held those in
culpable residues, there factored from acid-manifolds,
release mutes therefore cluttered into asphalt dossiers,
the attenuation of ceramic licenses, nearly itemized
floors of the rendezvous, commonsensical thought
reversing impressions to prevent as morbidity some
coveted rehearsal, toenail with suffering there accidie
willing retentive acumen, on incidental derivation’s
plastic overly toxic, motels with coruscated prattle,
mast for analysis there prevalent on redux motivation
smallness offhand wildernesses streetwise. tersely
nowhere, there in barleycorn something widening from
queue in idyllic entity losses for the frame, trial widely
prevailing nor everlasting innuendo parade those tron
at evaded sites, nor more those to regulate one once
tolerable, heretofore issues angels, other side for willy-
nilly thresholds implicated to address as fevered
ornament. though in a remiss of tersely predicated
impasto, noon throws hetero minds, therefore so
manicured in balance a reductive cell preceding
previous matriculations. retentive of outdoor, tile the
commentary in anothered specious nomenclature
defined, those reducing as miscue for labels thinker
cindered out elephantine girth. when idiot-mandalas
plead sophistry, notochords imbibe curlicue ovals, the
entry of petulance wraps doves into boxed cloth, not
hammered from a tablature elevated for mirror’s
eloping with eagle into night’s description, follow.
there impaled, which soul-time could offer in pleased
for themselves analysis to midland the opacity
afforded, well-wrought for agonizing with past time
loquacities, in embryo a tunnel to derive, ligature
willed into clarion assurances, sayers of paradox and
multiformal re-looping, a word-out of here to
therefored implication emerging sloth. as moab in
silica throngs of marginal persistences, waterfall
ingredients thinking tones some weigh precisely
allotted intentionally the lament for joyfulness in an
action wrongfully desisted from. cold tangle impacting
i-o-u’s in the floorwalker’s vocabulary, decibels team-
down for a merge on coin, probes derisive to noon for
demands, body language, moot for tempo inductees
visible there as to energize a glance-flavor, tattering
how said, meaning from country-sound nearby so liens
determine cling released soot. so martinets wend
through one linear form, ceilings impounded for flair
on berth suddenly held over another’s clatter wishfully
prevailing the messenger worldly or spatial, small
outages pemmican devolutions anklets mean coercing
a so-calling menial criss-cross, acknowledged,
summary wells to blank out ashen coat-tails, enough
thinking erased bygones, the pastorale notices mutate
infernally blood-red so menial trapezoidal curses. a
zone of imprimaturs noted indexicals necklaces liters
infancies, wildly apropos the aporia, no coincidence
only straight on the diaphragm to elect in grasp of
release there forgone as a pilot emerging some
uncomfortable caisson. cannot sidle the assiduity of
plumb is the crew for aggregated motionlessnesses,
one timing the cloistered, t’other well to serenade as
slowed tenterhooks sonata, not thought bereft in
heeding so richesse diverges and concentrates a world
nearby the suzerainty small oeuf. which matrix plucks
scrolls onto trays of hors d’oeuvres. so emerge
craftlessly free to mention, sotto voce or lain in puree,
membrane fickle tjant, a sworn affect persistent
seizures aioli in mantra some scientist pervading
systems cluelessly. verifies listening so fiesta-
affirming, some sword of penance terra firma. nota
bene, the ritual dormitory flounce recorded solace
columnar the pestle festooned, mig-ten solar portions
defied, amniotic in brio collection bundt criminal, doré
in trust with high-life the trobar of execration and
multi-verses. navigating either/or dormancies, the
trellis of burdensome actives, the trounce the
boathouse, impulse those of exceeding beauty, or
mitten for glance in dalliance, some tizz in
tracheotomy less vulnerably at worldless vigils naming
so classy units, mélanges with scrutiny togethered as a
move. so, imperative willies the factor of affording so
manipulates before yonder stronghold iffy the
intending so marginality exposes a trump card for lotus
flanges, mercilessly portents taffy sellouts, in brash
teamsters mindfully accessing a stringendo before
returning to main menus. co-evangelists minus ears
wiling street-smarts loco the bruised effervescence, in
milling spaces deleterious as mattering so infernal
acting alliterative motions therein clammy handshakes.
near a living room in cars the house-coat brushes
intension as mote in salivated avast then pistol,
nature’s coverlet ersatz the minority of gentrification
over the uprooted muscle, night with sleeplessly
cohorts the boot of miasma in attention as for which
hoot prevails, normal that on psaltery the ocean sounds
accosted. some theories weal of the trestle beveled
with mittens, somewhere in fact to breathe toned
welcome, broom in darshan activity for periodic moab,
structured on tract void. versions tivo mulled pastas
those floss burins of cloudless apertures, memoranda if
delight from and series to persuade. which exacts
faceless matter, forgone temporarily deifies to
mellowly adapt, forces the amounts whither noted for
plastic and/or green each, the eon with motive
motivation so literal as blue plus the memory each,
tattering a symmetry involves deriving as plus note
milestones blech vinyl the midas of persimmon to glut,
already nest with secreted oceans, butter clam infidels
impose terminatory voices in marches of duress,
totally the bundling errata mindfully on in the course
of tactical natures, not the sympathy in genuine natura
supple thought fellowship. gold anklets virtually
persist copters in tempted addling, wholly the young in
card sharing well to plead fitness in majorities of
derivations, licenses listed for gravitation’s slippery
fold, noise aioli the motion wildly serene, hoot bargain
for notion some ache. completely thinking, ain’t
combinatory to lease, minus apertures those dealing
sophistries the glut of myopias not hassled from aid in
ebbed milestones. sonic disillusion, mandala
impresarios series of text-essences notified as protean
so slithers thrice evidenced the chorus butter tea, slight
there on sere pile memorandum cleanly present to
affair of mercy, illbient motives lance tentative issues,
one sorting alternates loitering menacing bureaucrats.
so narrow the relatedness for a moment in sly literally
pursed occasion, nebbish wires throughout the
escalation in phraseologies there mentioned so lineated
the donor, noon as in moot violence heretofore the
drama overstated as in is the correct voice to explode
or hello to vantages with certain moods repaid. some
apt dances mealy-mouthed for the ascension to
pervade, how that’s inverted to mellow a format
lopped attendable for a nodule literally small change. a
great buddha across rooms, themselves in artifact-
starvation thinking one is, there gleaning some kirtan
leapt through sorts of evasion, not loudly one
immensely guarantees to blech void, mundo bizarre,
mot non-allotted to ceasing for monist grammar.
slipped to crash in on tamper-proof slugs, a range
otherwise packing ice thine repentance memorizes
therefores the phone off charlatan-sounding thinking,
not hereafter in glancing for a mimesis rendered in red
and green. so, found incense to cigarello wholly
knotted themselves in breach of tandem listening,
small vamp to celesta idem flurries through a sole tang
to ridicule, non-serious motive how satyrs gyp
timeshares dealt with oceanview minnesingers, the
dime in text, moon to assertion. yarrow élan those to
fleece theoretical, as if exactness, loiters the engraving
of grit and sorted floors, livid to energize aspirate or
appear in on the cumbersome tally, lucidly patient
within attrition to similar versions, stolen cave on
mullah’s rough silence. exorbitant fascination to
clandestine whispering, the over-there as near thrust
veered into driveway, not the samples with feet in air.
naïve ice ladder them somewhere flatter thing offered
to blankly temperate noah moab, situationist
evaluations in meekness eked unnecessary
persuasively needful, those thrashing evaporated
calliopes, music in ear of geranium and quick leaving.
some shot-put, imagine thinking is a wretched in earls’
mindset, nobility of affectation is brook to clustered
moisture. free-flying combinations well over correct
lyricisms, derivations with salute to motion, as insured
vetoes crisp decently the sit-com aversely one silence
at toned vessels’ camber. to cetaceans the mire in
suppleness claims the little world, penchant for
admonition so alchemical as to breathe invented
newspapers, not read lest the torn pebbles imitate
vestigial acrostics. a healing chorus of lidded
determinists flail the mindstyle burgeoning, pursers
wield fortunate issues of cue cards, minds open to
whichever that repaves a tourniquet, morasses to
rescue frailty. a nasturtium of hyphenated illness, to
memorize a deemed reversal in piety solemnizing
correctness of élan, to emit granules tangential to
public verges, notification schemes deal zealot
awareness more clienthood the portions thinking itself
combined with amaretto and chocolate. nostra the
button of excellence thin repeating mesmerized for the
mood in parallelis thoracic velocity to preen. co-public
as incubus retenteur’s mood after like-mannered
heroism, the alliance with grommets in so-early a
pendant, heart-pulsing renditions like austere-the-
microcosm, how foible there invested more the clumsy
tanka, situative of elegance mirroring stet voids,
paratroopers hardly medley for trappers. nor passel to
mien more clueless as volcanic needing direction scree
for valor, the rubric more emaciated nestling in fortiori
next day mimics the transient foolscap of theatrical
nescience, toned to a ghetto moot saline there
ratatouille for salsa the periodicist in imbroglio narrow
if solid, hardened at a mist. a grainy oeuvre, toothy aft
noise bolstered monad, non-permissive persistent if
guaranteed of opaque flanking so, noesis intemperately
zeroed-in upon wisely, happiness a wail away, chorus
the speech-writer those breathing toddle for manicures
and brief transits of martinet-clobbers. as which iffy
beyond calibration, so sedum treacle durable notary,
impish gloat wooden sticky flood in barnacle of
pillowed flail, hood chord memorization rants, the seal
of electorate vowels persists in deemed cuffs,
moribund or excessively joyful, one key to meniscus
the brooch vertigos on tides’ bandaged soundscape. a
forum of chemicals treat messengers thinking solace
persists in granulated ovens taken slip, the drachma of
hindrance operating on soul time, vernal portions eh so
licensed as omission-free, the whole of a burst, every
each in ternary clubbing-boards, name so various as
teased to a grist ingesting sorted affections to open
down-time slights where memorable as on ocean-toned
liquids. ceevees witlessly pursuing dramas with moot
groat surcharges initiating salt derivatives first rafter in
fall over the cursor, bellowing cameos, redux a rudely
precisioned minority small or large, waiting in
fantasyland almost made-over thunder blocked the
book’s sake, old-term not luster-free, co-mingle under
indeterminate verses’ pure tramp, a civic lesson to
marginalize. stand outside waters, the blooded of
weepings narrowed foul planets from gestured
placements, alertly open to claim with zest, a fabric
too mindful as understood for entity pretending no lag-
time evades in statement’s clamor. some addenda,
some prelude, some foreword, some afterthought, no
wrap without a clavicle er rejettisoned too might the
precision visible to lightly partake ailing for
ambulatory coteries, narrow heights, then vega with a
saturnine option small ice of nerve tonic, tjanted
footloose merriment ocarinas to laud. a sweep and
only returning in motion for adrenaline grafts, as
enervated so ligatures once frisson-free then
partitioning of statement and clan, gifts with no
pebbles, stray lights over horizon’s gearing up,
nestling with amity to engross in faded nouns,
theatrical particles weigh less the motion for a
grievance to non-transcendent pitfalls, one shapes
knowledge proffering inventories. so multi-versal the
curlicue revoices painstaking notices, even unto
alarming houses, the temptation of laceration
clustering lucidly part called for the worship under a
trammel too bride for grail. admissions already
exported taking simplicity rabidly picayune though
which ghost the remnants verge upon, sole trash to
vanity of operative closure frustrated. where first girths
mention overages re the understanding of sharp
partitions, necessary lights from transient pluck retains
all motion, a signal to each dossier.

announce for raffle then sorted as ticketers veer one

sell to barleycorn mirror gauge so selectively, the
premise of grace in bellowing some chroma. as thirst
of deeming aspirate in lagged simulacra, tractor flow,
bloody bandages sooty prevalences text-vision
tattering so leaner so a proof of either/or mirrored
those roebuck emancipated notes placated on tertiary
dominance. err indirectly sequential offers as

traipse if conceptual, evidential aerials not hammered

from as pirouette, some horrifying the score talked
more the music than, of reticulate no bureaucracies
there trojan in flare. gasp, a concretize vritti
equivalent, nothing equivalent, seize alternates whirl
on platelet, plane of essaying the gestures meant for
narrowing so major essence troubled from exactness
somewhere in dearly enveloped nuances. tying itself
for later freely processed will process, not mindset,
stylization of emptiness and remembrance.

inimitable reaper with asleep voices to mnemonically
breed. in breath, for glitterati, the mutely persistent
correspond with arrogant foes those to emerge under
breathless on-time collisions with bliss. quill with
varnish conducted for a merit, nose there are the paste
for grains on fluster. forfeiting othered callousness as
ride of notion, seriously non-permanent at descriptive
annulment, code-electric advances cinemascope the
telling opaquely masked for as granted some else.
corgi those cavorting in sardonic emptiness’ welling
out, preventable for which reach for release to pale
with security’s pardon there succinctly once
affordable, none to clash vista merge orbital mucilage
of usage for mindstyles, peppered the talking if, tuned
the adjectival verbosity, as nearly the poncho to resist
protected natures as, in the flooding, merriment of
clannishness violates impression’s existent mode to
ask pertinence of berceuse motels. for recognizes
though incorrigible mendacity, lien promotional
cuspidor eggshelled from a cacophony of acclimation,
neon to elect with ignore mood, civil manipulations
the remonstrances divulge in pratfallen noises,
marginalization of epidermal betweens effects the
snickering in overtly prussian blue corduroys,
membranous that tailspin so novel to export. as
singularizes, moiré of indispensable mortises
fecklessly diaphanous targeted on in trauma-gleanings,
voraciously precise to release over as time the repose
to mind invention. least frustum for calliope switching,
note silken prevalence sweet touch for mayoral climb,
remedial post-haste mud-slinging, vacuous the
mannerism incomplete the mitoses, egged on for
dreams of pastry chefs under structured lists of
reversion, set free to blind the sunshine. which not
destination of bursar elementary sod clatter with show-
card, the other place to stenographic élan a fortiori
sulks bent with overtly showy noises. mercy, the
strides of bundled returning, co-inflection in smocks of
deleterious nature, peeled through a symphony glanced
at for reluctantly peevish tendencies operating where
supple. rehearsals before the body wrap culminates
standpoints notions, aloft to high roller the stray
immanences described in iterative lighthouses, novel
toucans in jumbled strettos, human that one stranges
the formality of epochal news. dance thinkers’ soho
rim-plastic, ovation celery pulsing widened format
open ligature tabbed through sufficient mysterium
tremendum, cloak the stupa in direct lineage for a
glanced imperative reread othered for grammatical
copula, merits of between soapy clutter imbibed to
strike where health of navel gazetteers in sympathy
with versions bluely correct. street swimmers
thoroughly painstaking them roseate blighters willing
justice for mahogany strychnine additives, the poison
were situated excels in prudence welling over
tapestries later, on flurry the ingress theoretically
abrupt as purely somewhat of it is there to be.
impassive tarmac held in spoils from evocations of
limitlessness, one stateless embryo rhetorically
blushing, metal as histrionic of burden taming some
freer liberty. not un the re for which palliatives emerge
salient after awhile the emo label triplicates tomorrow
indelible forgone salary the purely ovation reopening
at the moment elasticity tails tao in moebius greetings,
how there in situative elegance the world of listed
factors, beads on flasks emptiness waives therefores
tanking while serum an item for grasp released. ferrite
surrealness of virtuality over class wideness, the tempo
straight to ebb sly snake thorough jabberwocky sold
over a clam shop. nougat-infested romps in tallied
situations, mood afghan warmth doffed sofa the
windlass empirically justified hidden new relaxation
for which podium re-released newly, tendency over
radiance through vertigo, hearing some wisdom for
actualizing there in an impermanence relegated for to
the stripe of a wallflower each hopping rhombus
dallies no longer, dealt the horded ahead-of-stripe
glancing a streetwise familiarity become as frisson to
melt wildernesses, restore thirds of devotion tossing
blunt duress a favor revolving some actual conference
with airtight motives. wafting ashen closures, the
steadiness of texts, its bumbling stream crowds vroom
technology, at a sporadic fulfillment on shoes teatimes
the release party, nodule wiffle thrice the anvil evolute.
blunt collapsible practicality, for seeing which is
sought that fête of dalliance, close-mouthed, from void
parnassus cripple there in cuffs. jarringly the
proponent of cool echoes, there trialed into
vociferousness as label to mitigate mewling
connection so, guardedly precipitant over a class of
remnants combustion-free and anchored in report
clubbed there imprecisely, directly one to one the
severed happenstance gleam with satori there in
blossom topically reduced from tarrying the longingly
escapist regulation meerschaum vigils gnarl to
pestilence. which discrimination purely cosmic, as
alarum to cleat blood-root escapist the votary
portentous and isolated, inward poise masking density
over a street festooned in bias. smiling the burgeoning
salaam to veer asphalt om i e the damaged force
patented to claim regalia wharf of delight dhoti foiled
with cahiers. next to essence a frailty purpose to the
ganglia on multi-formally overshot precedents.


nimbler the crown duettino force, in pallor the cropped

information so laddered as so latent, immigration at oh
sleigh ride to perdition’s salvation, messing the cowl
of bestial modesty, vendettas risen from depths of
heard might nine of acres the tenacity to breed on cling
released. slow livery taken gift with armies in the
cloud-reality, snore there tunnel to abbreviate more
excavations with sermonizing temporally curfew. were
similarly petitioned for anti-graviton surpluses,
deterred for no range the tiles weighty fro accidents,
milled on protection’s glade. anapestic rallies define
data in perilous tirades, the emulation for grabbed
relaxation in mode where soot vanishes, there poof in
gradient so labeled at the resistant clauses, melt view
to bleach fortitude from assonance’s green torsion,
mellow that a tanka in suitor’s mouth veers silent.
data-splurge the predominant that flurries through a
sieve, opalescent the invitation for rheostat piling,
some shorn vodka in spatial disinclination meant
somewhat in garishness’ daft morass, clot foam finery
blest the indexing of cereal styles each easily thrown at
voice mantras, defines the tension for a derivation’s
accuracy. so some abscess on terms that sworn
initialization schemes fess the closure of factories and
small towels, faced from parallel moviegoers in
thought-form to walk, so manufacture of situated
olfactory acclimation proceeds regularly. liquids with
fantastic enmities, one bursars the clones with taller
stapled notions, the savor of peroxide unit awareness,
some startled omission cleansed the hardly worth
however hardened there on shape-shifters’ oceanside
dread. persistently cropped outside warranting
suzerainty from directly presumed propositions, there
turnabouts non-cancelable with siren-agendas for the
pressurized centurion, some rhythmic lorry in as
clandestine forfeiture sooner the seizure than the
thought-oppression, node for frame-pictured essences,
use of non-use smothered foci there buttoned at
rope/snake slumbers, hypnosis waves therein
sprocketed the bass lineated dwell tarpon sutra. is
another craw to blimey veer from, that singularity pea
and carrot, simply directly simulated for aspects of
distress managed from remote sides of discourse’s
blend-time, so near a response thought of as perhaps
dormant, lest the re-hearing of learned tactilities,
meant distillations in factored cruise-descriptions, the
other wave of target-shocking in client-deaf excuses
becoming painful, time on weird niebulungens trashed
without evidence of re-use’s impossibility the scandal
windless on a season of tempestuous grammars, style
set free. noon factored in, eruct void midnight, each a
demesne thinking tinkering, so limitless agendas
release from dander spoken the nose facing doors
adrift in vessel commonsense donated away time the
sinkhole of sporadic expression, some mutinously
presiding. which non-regret is notable dwell
tachymeter slokas burnt on arbitrage’s melismas,
trafficking the stadium each monoaural peer-stylism
averred in word’s notation, as motion for geriatric
persistence, so however bags downtime in suddenly-
incidental emergencies – the magnetic portions sold
through chakras of despot routines, track on the mites
there converted sorts in biased nibs of covering
strongholds. hearing as residue of dampering a
solidarity, non-public of role for patience the
accumulation personally temporally issues the
regained stampede on directionless scars testifies
reports of affection for until-toons terra firma clauses
and berceuses made from reeds. ague for striking out
veered into attachment to not staying in usage of
memories of tattered silences puck with the moon from
a celadon rhythm, nor essential rishi thinking or
expanding steerage for all-inclusive redundancies, the
bellow of a caress moebial surge from acrimonious,
here yoga surnames vanish in pure limitation, so
ranged thoroughly sermon, clank ibis stilt grace those
merely at solace’s trickle, muni there skilled factories
of meerschaum leprechauns cut to roam in ardent
wondering, puttee in harpoon-gagging the servant-
escort manner amazingly traffic, the odder mandala
targeted somewhere repeating, not there if iffy stilettos
model a griffon’s puddle, aileron for massive
relaxation – the septuagint of meal-time on racket-
ball’s invoice, co-tolerant – as thermidor is potage for
imposing tariffs either the machinery’s stripe to
gibberish diluted and sorted from flame and ice. turtle
of world’s carrion, so skilled termination curling best
influences’ deemed stranger in health and healing, is
harmonious within and without question stricken the
assonance before one stirs, gentle mandala the musk
thinking meaning erases truth, gnarls poise thrashed
from a geranium orbit, somersaulting a voraciousness
not perilously redolent. in stolen bracings with teeth on
sir the handler crimps willy-nilly, sports a moustache,
a boot-camp acclimation notary public at backdrop of
jingles in the clamor, noun thinking to center iterations
around a purity merely some elsewhere to the present,
more that a sorrowful role would disperse that script
there meant to crimper’s vanity on factory line.
switching noesis to phenomenon, as work held to
narrow down. no sandeesh forming linearity’s
prudence a tangible, if not excellent, notion closed out
of accuracy’s-be-lofty naming pattern, how become
that, of simple substitution so exactly the faring into
krill’s determinism othered in face of mnemonic-
targets. aisles with co-terminus dendrite or ganglion,
not recalled tapped stolid narration, perhaps singing
persistently an mode of plastic pleasure though
unintended certitude foibles the sun deck normally on
outer hours. how inner and outer, in extremis,
variously drab fearsome resolution arranging selfhood
the trammel to cling no longer, gaffe with turn of
future, so lipid a restitution happenstance imbibed nor
belly-up so earthenware can shave lyres the tenancy
attended, no curator yearlong then sarongs and
festivals. apse with normally could/could-not
expressions to master, a dramatic listener with fiery
amounts rolling tangibilities through situative
eloquences, marrow of stateless prop hemitrope there
suddenly less or more than infantry, each reality
clubhouses through a solemn waking that hundreds
impale ladders from the floor cravat, late night
arachnid with perimeter established, as movement on
cloud earth and sky, adrenaline portions look through
salvation there on meekly approved elementation, the
clutter of as moisture de-sanitized on with the
samovar, drafted thinking some one thing before at
normally closed late hours. a skeletal note, small ice to
prelude the siren’s used car, contemporaneously
revoiced on holdings of ten to a thousand redolences,
how many is un-ironic non the strays would
appreciate, un raged for a grassed overage, some layers
on civil penchants to largely cure betided impressions,
tissue of expectation’s morass, replace from a storage
panda held kink over a shoe of gridlock’s enervation
so long. strictly force to behoove nougat, the
excoriation of dowry once arable niceties, lost the
findings before the foundation therefore foundries
altering, so found in tone a tempo to slap infinity
through runner’s leerings, cap over a string of mead
and restitution, heptagon embellishing a so-near to
experimentation’s surety, one in flamboyant paving
manner, moab though skeletal seeks a rope for
stampeded luster the voice of a cosmic bundt criminal.
in tinkerings unitary litter-boxes scramble tiraded for
exportation sorghum in vitriol’s bungalow, as periodic
naturalisms feature so-libelous a marring, thought for
in cluster as badinage of territory stipend believed, as
presented some future in stainless-steel moods, nor
eclogue would pertain iffy the tailspin spelt before
cinnamon tornados. as an equation of merriment and
feistily-amassed tentativities, gathered difficulty
blending situation riemann spaces and local anesthetic
every tent-camp with yarrow-stalk leanings, mien to
the clavinet of merriment’s smoky cloud, so shod a
coptic laggard. breach the facelift, one rover on human
streaks, hit for sorted economy tang on steroids,
ménage where pulses return opportunity in smile, to
vestigial prod as somber new tea-time, uttered ingress
of space it’s terms some lopping off of trapdoors
betterment at a treasured mesto, one fabricates seeking
assumed mirages a mirror in ear worldview vectored
through planes of description, all that. as entry’s
engorgement brags development tranquil for weeping
in-house renamings, salt butter tea of examinatory
fusillades vibe downtown oceans, the scurrying of
more drastically the remorse fed no smitten leisure,
and plastic variants bag-into stroked everlasting
naiveties, the strobe with surly ultrafine wonderings of
dormant accent, human there on sour longing, hearts’
and flowers’ cold displacement wandering stellate
vanguards, neither siren to disturb lame space’s over-
stricken furrow, in necessity a grafted transit. switch
wanton evasion thinly responding to emaciated
flusterings, nowhere thinking hap the more of stealth,
from beginning or stalling somewhere excellent. as
noon’s mode commercially exceeds ten thousand,
wells of full-serve gasping at prix du monde, there
tantalized from evasive returns from sims vista of
distant shortenings, the evolutionary pulley
steamrolled through strokes of delinquent mandalas.
dwarf huts huddle surround borderline coteries of
munificence tent camps, which nostrum erases before
considering, as mis-queued on several occurrences of
site-specificity, the more of to be flailed with, on rent-
share. stateless parcel, sparsely the past-futurized
momentum, therein hour of serum, ascot for
togetherness in on one once the pile of horror’s
photographer’s evokes human trial, nowhere the
expanse teams down for residue as moving serenely
one caves through eager simulacra, the veneration
borderline on stretto’s nameless understatement.
densely stirring a pale remonstrance, more purgation
ominously-sounding the explorations of terminus in
foible persistently shipped through waters marred iffy,
coheres the blech of detritus. whinny dasein
correspondent to a miniscule operating bud’s more
correctly spearheaded mood of stutter, the world
vroom strikes down overlain with springs excellently
equated for a mind of statement operating system in a
destitution teardrop from the inoculated score. stymie
no attending willow, the rung before statement abated
baggage on if, not time’s central nervous sit-com
almost, throngs epsilon-ready stride into, the message
wielded on messing emaciation’s marrings,
loggerheads should expect though intemperately ox-
tail of expulsion, the non-occurrence perhaps un-
cachés a bit of persistence, hipper the striation of
bearing into gerund thensome at temporal
establishment, the voice with conferring on starry
knots, beneath summaries yet-unmade, so narrow the
obelisk therefore. as slipping with big ears to horde
stated mentioning, wary clues slated for lariat-gnarling
the text, dormant yet warded through a sudden point of
view. which lift on crawl-dapper invective, the ardent
karmapa sills those persistent to sameness’ expanse
gathered is, nor pebble alters thought, merciless- or
emaciated-seeming the glut, iterative solemnity
assured tantalizes those to before beyond became a
factor, nowhere throes cared for which plus-economy
the beauty in eons materializing between slights on
shameful resistances. each arrow of prevention
activates the mood-less aspect bewared of in striking
diurnal troughs in masked overtimes. spoken to
articulate serial crosses on wall, not there or going to,
immersed a flutter bit-part ceded to ambient crispness.
entities, alternating begotten in sharpness wondering
itself those to befriend before clashed the natures,
unclasping the relapse better nimble tilt the mammal-
streak. jabber quince, the conflation of mode from air
to planet, skid there slipper-chamber least bolting a
mercy for mien in stadium, clarion song weird, slap of
figuration pluck there situation’s budding elegance not
therein finery to stark. wakeful there impact on
glissandi, messages with dependent-arising’s
inescapability, persists the complacence sealed from a
glass kipper sling, moiré the stultified themselves,
treble over a stray mind, nor thensome adrift. cupped
with anapest, crow languid manned for a grade of
stoking parallel, the comtessa willows through the
overturned euphoria, so larynxes induce mastery over
slip-cover news. teal roping through aspersions terra
friday the moral occlusion inept, paged a rendezvous,
batter one per one sequentially targeted tiller of
exonerative miasma, gondola therein cymbal with
oceanic pervading, wrapping through wrong-sided
callings the mordent alimentary truss, oval corsage
thrown into as bottled a flavor workshopped through
infinity’s ream… stride up, vroom, classed less lest
erasure …nominative thresholds unremittingly present,
forgone to claim scientific unparalleled waiting retinas
wail songfully strident vortices the membrane
wilderness, crash to bel canto mirages, urgently the
simian veteran a masking of which talked over on
stringendo lapidaries’ noun-centers. very armada, the
shell of experient mollusks damaging so martinet-free
an origin to spar with no one watery or ghost-ridden.
escarole as escargot serene to the propriety of tarsals,
mewling the oceans of tracks beheading some else
elsewhere of soot-profane gardening. acrostics voice
puddled concern, almost disallowed to emerge no
space to cry out. far the borderline to fraternity, woken
to pace, sprockets oddly there stuttering so manicures
temporary streets, effort mimes a stickpin evolution,
narrow that in on once longingly the straying gears to
returnably each near-lira. known the simplest to rill of
treasure nori roped into alchemical rehearsal. gathered
to spree.


erroneous the claimant for imbecilic vestiges of

paring’s foment, donator of plex the vinyl operatives
co-dual throng cipherously demonstrative. frenetic
apiaries in middle month ceramicize telcos the
elephantine fortune mitt of a paparazzi there mutated
from maelstroms feudal and brusque. early juntas
mitigate for palliative emulations of condor venison,
probes to excelsior votives mirror positive chances in
contested randomness. culled charlatan misdirected of
pairings’ lotus egregious mannerisms, contested ankle
wraps, at as floor-bound in descriptive arrange those to
celebrate so lateness meaning’s the application of
emerging technology.


bellwether operatively chroma in lux the venerable

motility, evanescent to mill about incorporeal
nomenclatures with consecutive vinyl epistrophes.
immiscible for rendezvous conjunct with saturn,
widgets unabashedly comment where whozit’s
effulgence makes less deferring, for the antelope in
transit for armageddon. in not the extrusion frothed
milk, evocation’s grand-puttee, somewhere from the
ardor of peer-prosit, not has to celestially prod
immensity at chelated preoccupations, some smitten
moisture, the attachment in döppelganger, not jai-lai
frontons. as scoping trellises to magnify a choral
promenade, was held the is of devotion, so magically
presumed, why, belated from assertion moot awash in
woken signals – call imbalance, though not treadlessly.
leached through charred irradiation so clutterers can
imbibe, normal evaporation clashes peacefully
attributions these, iron-hand liaisons togethered from a
synchronist closing down of alternate systematics in
puddle-philosophy, the remnant serviced to license
predicates’ teleologically purist vetoes. swap-call it
cipherous, to delete a fiasco meant nonattachment’s
puree for gratitude, small outré the vendetta without
leisure, caliph to regulated with-movement, as gist for
ransom, wholly inconsequent ten seconds later, the
bleat widely anorexic hoot of shipped noises, each a
discourse wielding so cinnamon a redundancy, non-
agit, the blast of chemistry waving wordlessly-toxic to
reply, how dancing the restitutive alternates cambered
a mercurial language, noon noddings’ hijacked for
yak-butter, so how the lip-synch assented
miraculously. each impediment escalates a dormant
maven, so ironic to sulk after grasping addled persons,
let to free in tinge’s electrocution, thunder-storming
the transfer-regiment, not held from snag to pirated
elasticity in space, hook therefore in blunt ravishing
traffic of damage unsupported, unique and whole the
origin without distances within. so, ergot tarried
tartuffe in bias to crisp a dental piscine, narration
weirdly attempting numbered illbiences, wildernesses
also themes to each renegade’s foible, how
commenced how parted – the scholiast brooded for
imbecilic conniving, heeded to allow – then as
prevaricating, not abstract, structured – surrogate
creatively the board-understood mimic terminator
elides no hermeneutic lapidary’s suction. as re-
imbursed collations go, thrown dove-tailings merit
novice eye-lashings, neat to ceramic bottles on
corridor floor, no hardship effaces mirage from ghostly
ramification, not seeking a resource thinking for
settlement, though effort in shaping relaxation’s
practically in-the-brunt demands ere politic repeat
surveillance – that of data more inscribed, lest boding
for averted lassitudes, nor evaporated – thinking
serviceably the accuracy of bags indexing solaces, not
burn. weep, the cradle of repose remains availing of
premise, hoot incorporeally turgid – reminds er the
hootenanny, which aftershock – nucleated, seen once,
there on tape, -- musk the density for appeal
conducting so laden as prevaricating lariat’s
cluelessness, smiling skyward. a stealth stillness cored
though ephemeral, dander of pulchritude’s omission,
only there oat’s root welling so fantastic pro-clivity
each at deference’s mirage. duffer with hollow eyes,
nor hale for gritted hammer, shorn there forming on
crawl-space leftist oceans. whereas so waived for
ocular penal codes, rumors horde as nonlimitation, the
referrability of clusters – alarum to third rail officers,
when toggle of perimeter’s glass, newts crawl the
aisles, chirrups advance on dawn’s idol. maybe not
ever. anapests inflamed fro the apex tenuously granted,
so insequent to remind as priori those rhetorical cores,
migraine to bellow from moebius strata, the divulging
of pastiches not there in trapezoidal curdling, wait, the
supremacy glides to dwell when periodicity invades a
therefore-to-be-frozen. lotto grab-bags even tour-
guides elicit moot-est there for artifacture, no
happenstance integrally porous at rendering, so
meritorious the eggshell borderline weaving in
tornado’s glom, facility of exe gila monsters, bloom
widely predicated forgone in term-lessons the rostrum
this no sequential boredom obtains. toned through
monist gravitations, the lighter-than-air ocarina are the
memory of equality for agon to practically demur on
floodlit amazing. epochal as in another industry, empty
for grammar’s sophistry arrives on tusked-emos. the
lobbed crystal evaluates fro and to with serene eyes
leaning towards infinity’s acronym – so previous as
tobogganing willed the surrogate mitoses. uncertain
though surely one focuses the ictus with blame-free
word-a-holics temporally fixated. when detachment
becomes priority glom, temptation for the aggregate of
elision faces down to riverrun’s hedging game. one
less the motion to whose warren of statement, crops
wilderness into as multi-kindness’ demesne – a
reunion on an island, contemporarily the forest with
synapses milling over a jubilant trestle middlingly
appropriate. welled from advance – so militant the
parchment, sold to lifters without modesty – dares the
gosling folder mote on eye-lobe curiously affronted to
meaning’s trial and run – cartouche for whiling a
serum to ascertain mossy feudal sorties – immanent to
the opacity, long to short some laughter rendered from
motion. evidence curls a robe to gratitude’s slummer,
widget for salaam, though just labeling retracts the
atelier while carroting sudden literature, where
blackness exposes riggers unbalanced in wind’s glom.
fizz over the crawl, not that density to reclaim – get-go
chameleon precedent – lifting sofas between assurance
and securely rickety naming tactics. nearly not, though
some, that. quaffing spokes theories caveat to
minnesingers’ glee club, chorus translators the gruel
on school-time, surly, there that by no odder manner
seizes twice affected, to immigrants at before. the
photon lest crop-outs evoke ballast, whim of a conduit
sold for a dimmer visibility – heard contention defuse
radical poof, noted in sky as cantankerously protean in
move. cittern with silent wings, theirs is altered from
scans materialized earlier buffed from calipers evoked
team-steady – how the milliliters acculturate where –
all say, then the rogue star migrates. literary co-
thematic mission there as so seeded tore the input bloat
beading so proxy is typed for armistice. entry-level
repatriation evolves as sortilege the empty residue for
grit-culpable omission’s tactile varsity. which to why,
as evolvably correct, bastion for nature’s cleat
burdened for activity some manner to bag. beneath
curios, therein posturing sole phantasm for eggshell
bundling, emetic lapis lazuli wine-sack in controlled
aggregate, yawn from exit psoriasis, the multi-versal
indoctrinate combination for decoys, told trailing
headroom for exaggerative modalities, altered from
exultation merely expansionless pressure firmly
attenuated the rack of pilot-surgeons. some eagerness
in bulimia, stroboscopic detritus modeled afterward
not told taken talking the rendered luster approved in
crowd conduction. matte the functor as boot camp
exegesis, proletarian cornerstone tirades from
appropriation’s ebb, melt away the tourniquet bloom
iteratives thought-form caller i d, nosy at excess’
brougham, infiltration for an exeunt similarly deployed
this, alter bottle-washer, the gaffe in scolded – nor
hellespont ramifies peevish mono-iconoclastic
spuriousness one at tone’s scapula – remiss the
phantasm pellet-worn leak-proof. relata-toothed
affirmation lorries, the tremulous as pervading
caisson’s beadwork, in frame therein a peroxide
notion, some wand for axe-muttering, so lala the brood
often severed if trendlessly there. summershine while
draping cue-rooms the elopement of culvert and
symbiotic melody – wellness’ a berth on shimmy
shack, the event of deracination’s parity, eye-room to
seek bandwidth – lest then some acerbated miniscule,
this fantasy in preludian corrections, mannerists
inflame theosophy’s ad for silica, as in replica already
correctness bridgework leaping crows on incorporated
muzaks. as thought – give back own miter – near itself
as selfhood’s cancellation in badminton, active
clutterers, made in suchness’ divulgence lit mutinous
cleaning, entourage’s both remiss for helio-tropic
swim narrow test in tyranny. bevels as the propensity
enables violins beckoning acknowledges to better set
down a pre-sorted motion. so flies fewer lanes the freer
tempo, image’s pulley mehta of the clue, familial
operations wading the wringed bowls twined from
asps in creation’s urtext, a mitten with surd for naming
cleansers, less the noon there similarly llama the
scottish notation. as is deferred tiling scratches simply
where evolution imitates, somber variously.
nevertheless a broken share of elderberry arachnid,
peeve the scholiast nor mode to behave. nary pundit
favor thought to decelerate omissions prosaically
diverted, mime cloacae the venerated in re-fulgence,
theatre nor, nor evocative without permission – held in
voice the lager of criss cross estimation’s grossest
traffic jam. gigahertz onus for the crayfisher, taken
pulse for rending simulacra’s defensiveness, prelude to
amity as inferred the silliness to emporium’s clatter.
anomie the treble wide, deft to collide on field to
balcony, miraged export, exceptional of trust the
emptiness in regalia thorny to brood clod of everyone.
brick of slivers widely scattered shapes in decorum to
transient cello, every thinking lotus floored to
themselves no random depleted maori the colorfast
imbibe, to cerebrate, in coral tendencies leaning on
shout. ersatz so infiltrated plus ousia the coded motion
leaping thoroughly bought for mannequin sufferance,
mind tail spinning eerie navels, the sensate operational
clivia with salome born-again totalitarian. immodestly
practical there tousled haircut, notion wherever
pleasingly trafficked nevertheless rough to balance,
co-intentional there bluer situations with septum, scary
films attempting sleigh to write rider’s blunder a large
purist on vacancy’s worldly ear. narrowly opaqued
foreigner the banded cubicle, vestigial to mandala
resist epochal the nonsense redlining tofu certitude
active in resisted mightiness, nor hale there at tonnage
the wrongful deterrent, moodless thine with sufficing
the ending suffered ‘neath floorboards, coronas
determines lightly bottled music, to clang riddance
well the hourly battle facing old mantras, early and
late, the softness of crimped meanness, on a sorry
ledge nonattachment starts to regain is serum those
pampered to license a dearth of salience, moon over
harborside. better shades on violins the roseate formica
novitiate lepton to ratchet a burn over assumed
tropism. exorcize if barging some accidence in
interview pales to seek invented sorties, so dinner’s in
lofty prevaricating some look-alike there while
scrambled, another system inclined thrown voices into
cradles of opportunity, some conversation mirrored if
cold heat, buddy seizure – the pain offhand ligatured to
impressions of trammel styrene, go through small
outrés the bunting wildly arranged to blast. changing
slots’ throatless origin, some thin riveting a
lassitudinous temporality, though with difficulty.
vulnerable world, heard in some placement welling to
high-rise the contemplation so maven’s rough lateral
nutcracker, suites with doors handled earlier moorings,
lipidly therefore crawl to destination iffy noises
moisture, tapping roundels the borderline with silences
grown. lieder crump toll for reminder clapping hand
welling happiness, an bias with curved mirage, tarpon
slickers elocutionary pustule, the naïve knocked off
tool-fracas imparting. referees co-instated, or haling
commencement exams fueled in burin so clavier kiss,
bon hertz finial to borsht teal, fiddle cores the template
with serial karma, built-in on ranged fluid-stirrup, in
closure effecting a chalice to burn aspects willowy
attentiveness candles for the target. dwelling to
earliness’ cordillera, mundanity’s preoccupied ratio,
cloisonné to rampage impact genuinely the track
record as clubhouse attention span. a dust in
columbine, swat triplicated nowhere elision to clown
either/or naiad the cellulite vroom, postage meter
wiring scolding’s theoretical dusting, noon at which
pregnant silent moons grab hold and then release.
appease typical rien du tout, move third relativity
strata volute as crag on hook. depending where
tachyon silica devote rapprochement to skeletally
reimburse the travelogue’s stolid arcane, mortises with
savior faire the attenuant crocodile.


obtused teeth on filament-protuberant millefleurs,

porously the amaze to rampage ghetto-vanish,
insectivorous natures’ limitless anthrax postures the
futured with elastic ovations, zeroed-in on. all wall
shorn politic, vade mecum dollop crucially the
contortionist’s vale for mitered alarms. the
cantankerous prosit memorization-skills abolished
through muttered facilities, new mutt with sirloin the
vessel proclivity to immaculate of whirring shock-
stalling, numbered munificence thrown to evasion’s
parity. clemency braided into a crafted work if
celebration’s muted fascination blurs no evidence –
omnipresent limited to bottom-feeders in tiled born-
gainers, the threadless who alternately apprise
totalitarian scrapes of defiant memoranda the blueness
released. optimal curlicue, thrown for a poof-
guarantee, guarded for windless sills the trapezoidal
there cursing so manifold miasmas correlate
deprivation’s machination, foibles there cured to paella
the crouch troubled to be heated for agit-prop, the
regalia for assumptions. doppelganger bud-crunches,
the reopened colorfast moot-progression of giblet
bickering. amazed to envelope laterally the scruple of
readiness aware as sealed off in cruised activation-
schemes, mellow the theater if noxious one setting,
vigilant to re-remember tessellated keyboards
numinous as screaming for misers. not had of which
the endlessness intends remembrance to ecologicize
irrational schools of deploring, some thinking soothes
to be heeding as futon in folio scree. humanist those
thinkers, ousia with maybes to bevel crushing aprille
bunting so lame excisions nodded where pleasurable
role attended owl-can, provincially heard better, nor
altered formally for research toer of gesture
somersault-swapping electorate, not dermatological in
nature, oil on which hoot of preservation the elements
vainly presume a loop of crinkle would otherwise wait
that evaluative mass, prevarication’s lure while as
temporally scrambling-samsara – not the else of which
– those to ebola’s furrier, narration in ore those
rending silliness as perimeter for versification of
memory. without compilation’s exergue, heat from
altering or peer-prosits, thorough solidarity vacates
mindfulness as feed-larynxes determine ceilings on
eons bound to freedom’s transcendence bulletin,
mitoses less the formlessness availed in scruple
determined acting dardanelles for mittens in summer.
as for when in sitting still waiting the trainspotting in
dials though elements misconstrue or thisness revolves
a cartoon vroom seeker in crack-space the ebbed
through not a noun or verb each livid for manifestation
warily tenterhooks in gainsaying elks and ems – which
the data folds under for stateless remissions in illbient
nonexistence, the bead from alchemical not that
enlightenment as boffo serum, nub of alterers those
evolving assumptions when to blarney not heard in
years throes of delight and misery, vocabularists of
nimble knowledgeables thinking those too elegant
from is data long-sided foop in backwards time all
erased in separate undercover agendas, the murtha
visible from lagging networks, not a tarried makeshift
to emerge yammering with sclerotic neuroses, told
telling the simplest target only also fronton stunt,
before as byline supine the old badinage yesterday’s
theory bagging a morrow to equipoise’s determined
flagon of pulsed gaff, solero the pundit of sampled
roses, a derivation forgone therefore togethered in
application to lacerate stapled. ink kitten nine of tram
scrawled foof gill the ramped arlesienne to vent roll
pave roe oval prom quark, not note the remnant
oppressive as promenading so mini-sipped a range of
traffic nod to kale the viceroy drawl portent, mitt of
sardonic laity – need intractable fracas-boarded sapling
in foci open system to fringe the sandeesh – cross
equivalent, urgent lateral minus the veracity’s deal –
peal tentatively the scrolling with pabulum that had no
expectation of meerschaum doorknobs, told the new
traffic route through seen-in-common regulations, is
not the harpoon scratching a dramatic flourish
networked and distorted earthly the earthen the
straddle of pneumatic tapas, altering road karma,
simply. malleable atriums slower the landing, mildly
while pendants strive impose, pullets in chorus
modesty to pareil of wisdom the prologue anything
gleans. snared to mown dna, the gryphon toppled if
revealed to be effect care indentured from drech of
finial. mull thisness, reek oversight trail-brazen
criminally couched infotainment wilt tracks, oval
repeals imparts tenuousness strong to beset. for landed
nub on rewarded trail of persistence, mobile forming
threaded offices obliquely-faced swansong above
tristeness bouquet to anodes cummerbunds and ruses,
which stripe of out-case for labels the scariness
evaporates, was nova, through intent-covering, was
else, the effort bladed corpse to rope down on shore,
wag repulse pole in yoga, moodlessly which of ink
starveling, node for grouper snarls templates, waiving
signature bearing – in renaming sarcasm without
iteration, lectern trooper posture assail is, undefinition
merci beaucoup famish vagueness other conversely
probe lateral. by noon, the smithy crows grit non
compris, thrice-loaded board game only, nuance
willies the saturates is here, hindrance over thinker
thunderstorm no karmic outlay, grasp clogs with feet-
ghost and restitution aboveboard, tells told eras to
garage boisterous lists wielding slobbering. treaded
ova the ennui vaporizes tongues’ slight avenue, which
holding simpers therefored licenses limbered as told.
anapestic void cursors those reclaiming whiplash and
brass tunnels stupa with eggshells, nougat broken
other-worded with suddenness a carom of retaining.
the spotted retina largely cell opaque those paratactic
lotuses, non compacted files become starveling to
blended tea and coffee, trinket of lineate cruelty,
shopworn patina reeling strayed poof-grammar, little
bistro-sided crema flooded to erase orbital extensions,
known the rope if when midway, then as proclaimed
artifact the icy watershed, norm insular hid re-
nominalizating’s elocution in void, told chorus. as
cannot say, thwarts … nearly exacts flamboyance to
refrains the mood bot-shop mime crunch delft mimic.
a lotto burner mindstyle aborts cuspidor-free buildings,
viz odd naiad crinkle willowed throat, anomalous to
cries the frenetic is widening so a monstrously favored


equally the amit-grabha of delight and delusionary

perdition, no wall for willowed familiars, ten spaces to
contemplate or granite shorn the resistance footed in
recension to materialize therefored, impersonality so
malignant a resultant forgone the respite for whiling
temporally curdled impressions… aligned to mention
so not fitted to rapaciously deny a trenchancy of dial-
up, exoteric motions liberating so some liberated to
relocate on fabulosity of crinkle, results with
drastically punned mistral tenterhooks those to be
insisted where if regional the rogue stretto, so
liminally therein aprille through no misqueue, the
attentiveness federally put. trials to nor piecemeal
treacle the iffiness of purr, nightly why, data-lurk
thinking some tarrying of betterment, so laboratory
mulled fancifully straying a treatment attention to
space grafted on tree-root. where open mind
entitlements garden for reluctance of pervaded
international talk-shafted miniseries on tacit brooms
the spoken to resilience foggy, trapezoid meriting
illbient manipulations the embouchure literarily
flooded non-agenda. vessels thinking so remnant
crawling as rotor-plead iffy naming sorties. an flow the
crow of panache, where why becomes verb, slices for
wholly adrift, cold expelling of sped-relinquishing, the
materialization noon strive. thimbles of ransom, so
interregnum-explosive throat of evolute impersonality,
podium sort of strata to for the embassy, not
wallowing so mindstyle of practically overture for a
missive…opt for as limits somersault the vindaloo
concession stand, nimble moorings as flaked altruism
gabber-scree. a sequence near climb, eggy transistor
blanket oboist in festooned vision offering aspects to
understand sump watershed, nature’s glitterati so
nurtured for is the acclimation serviceable to
emaciation of particulate incendiary clings set free. a
lender of ah wizardry’s next-to-door chapter and
trinket, so em dashes’ lien of essential posture
immanence, offhand, straightened thought into around
a corner joined at boggle, a thrown-into sallying-forth
somewhere else for blindsides eyes in back of head to
singularities’ wiring, eviscerating of materiality, small
ocean happening so glib iffy the striking distinction
ammunition for whose assented migraine beneath
wilderness from sky to earth, then bagged from
grotesque arranging streets, there to clogging stunts, a
matrix overlooking sorts of coolnesses, the transient
arrogance melded with lariat’s blue client, nautical
clasp to bereft, of if return for assimilation’s practical.
re ethical talking’s emo claim toehold nebulae on
structural vetoes, persistent subtend sun block,
revolves around a timely preventable, the ideation
favored with beholden to ramify on plastically-arisen
arrowhead to simulate supervised, e- timely an organ
to grouse the and forthwith removed as asinine
thoroughly, euphoric motion – all tampered with – so
for lira the emotional curd insists smothering then
roomy parrots, de facto the blurs of asymmetry no
weeping some about-face, noun for whichever sit-com
evocation rodeo-paradoxes coil dependently tonal
moss. packing ice into sheds – widget remote –
graceful as simplest are the fill with scrutiny yes,
alternative reflection in a resourceful dominant chorus,
prowess theory, think resonance there for ibis the
relativistic arrangement body motion affected. therein
mind’s needful attribution to vendor blues, the dyad
offhand café there renegade imperiously leaner. niter
of alfredo causes – contemporarily the mater so silica
– deposes red greenhouses, thunders at roped issues.
enough rehearsal to factored in kirtan sine.


anomy the corrected voice pre-pseudonymous that tails

to beget agreeability’s laceration, more that iffy the
downtown spur, minnesinger, for forlorn attention so
rated there as suddenly facing the intolerable, surplus
the tirade welling of lucent bolts in mig ten slokas,
inadaptable those in selenium for data. daring to
verbally the crimp of salute, norm there finery to beet-
red as commonsense thinking so laden somewhat
would or would, no. itself nor bleed to synchronize
attractions at fessed moot sail player, tone wire of is
ted-less import iffy the ness willing to be a lingering
sobber. the crossest with awareness somewhere twined
to re concertos with partition so mandala-free, so
muskets in interregnum, sobriquet summer radio
music. heretofore windowless in remonstrance. pillars
without clop-cop the human twist, renewal traipsed
door-less inspiration, acting roe thin for a bluer
horizon. nearly heeded the sed-rate, coherent where
related on space throes. in-house candor – lit of parsed
flagrance, nonagon threaded into assorted fleecings.
denominated twixt arcing athleticism fortunate of
integrally posed mutinies, re-freed with no assignation
merged. clubbed gainsaid in tremulous fortitude the
restitution where politic, not hammered from as grebe
trusted. chilling the apprenticed foal, min crash those
error-filled documents litter for the aggression too
multiform to grieve. yammered the derogatory – to
asserted of familial there’s a stymie, for taken some
whiling the face-off industriously protégé milk-shop,
eviscerating a so-ligatured moodswing for leisure
transitoriness to claim. vested fortune aorist glom,
parsifal summons – grebe sulk nor pilot yippie scrawl
to memorize on tore-down surrounding areas. near to
lava-rock glass, the slow floor lights evanescently prod
wires, textual, the crinkled acorn – treacle for between
so waterfalling off woken arenas, contingent to
resorting there siamese chickens. dream drama, sky
computes the trailer of vegetal island for mid-stream,
to either/or the summation, lofted so sudden as croaker
the frog of note, suds wills of the pardon-free
immaculate, not harbored in which thinly an address to
beset without sound is would be the retention so far-
reaching. only rectilinearity caresses with appearance
toned from anorexic rattan, so multifariously
productive, at which healing theaters of regression so
hampered if as told. cover to diskette manipulating
error, in terabytes so minus the flagrantly re-possessed
a muted clink frozen, earth weather’s a domicile to
aver pylons’ connectively promised vroom so selective
therein grace to plead. raw to skilled qua affirmation
qua itself in denizen to self’s lesson as nonexistent to
doctrine or tethered raise. an rage to be, similarly for
wires of each proclivity’s anterior note some rail, tore
through soapbox leverages siddha of preludes, how
exacting thwarted motion cored to what misses on
roads their dunkirkian sluice, abyssal chrysalis
tracheotomy of fool’s enjambment, illusory many
those to behave forged respite damaged as in for once
the moviegoer mocha torsion therefore blurred on
caveat to gag order’s moonsong. binaural cracker toss,
hid there under curtain forming so literal nouns, all of
everything the passive nature exacting so excellence
reports as flamboyance some to excel in mit-grain of
selectively assorted mainsails. weave to assume
acquisitory vapors refer grim parrots, the fantail
throughput of reminiscent veers those to bend being’s
thoroughly motile aversion so paved as ebb, scree to
email of scrambler’s deposition – so switcheroo world
rogue state emir on radio – panache sodden fortran
implanted memorization as service to largesse button-
cloud. …counts ornaments for data, the escargot with
an orange interior’s icy stare. is fader no, then
solfeggio’s blueness so small sotto voce increment of
othered-in-collapse factored as color of
wall/floor/ceiling, which anchor to bikers ovation so
emerging in redux. somewhat laissez-faire torpor,
there accelerated for not before increasing a motion
sop therefore go regulation-free after transiting a so-
marginalized irrationality each huddle of persistent
tendency. derive dwell tactics the raid additives of
practically everything – not those in extraction for
which – nth soapbox borderline to affinity with scream
of joy, hook while the drama surveys surges. as bet
downtown so is wary away to wire dwarf ivories,
needful none to boot-down raftered insulation switches
rancor no moot edam choices. next, as tomorrow,
whither the flame the lotus believing so amrita can
page italic neighbors, while as connection sequentially
plural, gopher sty – the trellis aspected ranging
somewhat fluid attending tarry no parroting rastafarian
clutter. nursed attention-span conversations, all
fertility resumes diaphanously trouble-free
industriousness wailing awareness to fare inside the
crawl space morass, numb warts so named for till at
two-thirds, lotto soda, uniquely reclaimed to veneer-
proof dabble under double trunk-line optic furrow, the
resonance teasing sacrificially blunt a taken-back
borderline somewhat sobered from accent. for
example, the frame of paragons might associate
imbalance without flange to secrete teardrop asylum,
the randomly presumptuous flare – through itself the
no-fault declaration, buried in committee work – so
statelessly adorable – mnemonic to result raffle
through a scale for territorialization’s cluster of
agendas, lit somersaulting the edon blur pulsing wiser
through water-company, sun block up-standing the
role un for which. screech those hundreds wisdom of
pure mirrors, tangible result, noon, street-side faring
into aileron there as widely pushed theories for a
grievous clamor beowulf not craggy deposition to shin.
ceevee with holster, hurdle raiment fortresses of use
and discard, no pratfallen somewhat, intention seeps
through actively painstaking the merciful, mess of aid
in ceding to bear down index figurings taken through
steps, babble croaker sly pong – stat for memo. a
dormancy of if-itself, thinking of self as first person
singular as unique mark, though when/why, perhaps
different/same tone for occurrence there in berry
scowl. a noisome fantasy helper, mit-shocker tonnage
reproof gallantly triplicate invoices those of religious
purification in trademarked firing for clay masters.
juntas of crated for tunes in ear human, street-walker
facing which necessity of elegance thermidor puttee,
wilderness shiftless rotogravure seized intelligence of
pertinence’s labeling-crown, as delicacy to emerging
situations – night knit file forced to team-down in
situation’s evolution – how in transit – num of stretto
glanced those to revert the silent to remain as
proclivity loaded from velcro wideners. as gratitude’s
the curtsey, bloodless rumors rum-runners than
sobriquets of deliberately off-shot similar tactic,
strategy egg proem, slinking to dormant process,
alternating the voice’s torn-into clarinet – plunk doffed
to frame diatribe. in hypnosis, the there to brogue-bog
a slump of definitive slights. a quest for accuracy
duration-flicker, some experimental nanoseconds
heeding. trough out-stepped presumptuously crayons
woof, lest impression’s clatter borders on flim-flam
crumbs to the siamese forward. axe basic distortion
percentages of derridean clubhouse cards, thisness of
placement so energetic a limbo, invested for as boer
thrill-seeker, crazed bag of sandeesh talking the ropes
down forming so literally walking if. some other’s
removal merely seasons to cinderella’s toenail,
glowing in rasa, took portions alligator-free, no
harmonic illbience to manage – denominated zonk
trafficking crwth intentionally lock and search, rim of
ketenes, blaring as sunny dander. … as which weighs
the trammel of ludic frenzy, no more exceptions the to
brief in a crowd – quasi-emotionally sheaf traipse the
rendezvous noddingly moral ancestor. deft inferences
– their travelogue, so similarly blueness greetings to
both, simian half-tray wool world ingredient’s monad,
singularly reposing serial boisterousness’ declamatory
business silly those to garage out of choices. sweat qua
horizon scoped into flail groceries, the trousseau re in
memoriam, fickle thrice advanced in illusory morning
glory bundling’s born-aging licenses. so somewhat
of… eve of the starlight’s ascent, in marred ethereality
sed-rate collapsible retinue, listed for silence boutique,
the immobile sortie, racing carpets through city transit
myopias. as zoned for in-dust sulks, nominal purity
form of situation of the blankly risotto blarney,
similarly thickeners of which horoscopic naturalness
one jabberwockies. id parsed to flux of ridden vritti
some part-song each tracks thimbles at relatedness.
each grit, slowly as position’s emerging a label – so
some while in laterally pulsed reflection of for which
tents the resulted-in bureaucracy – form formlessly
only grace’s grammar. hombre dial, orthodox the
cores, relevance ewes to resilience the pestilent, reined
outside intersections iffy parallel trough stepping-out.
filtered viz the manifold panic…

each notion weathered for amrita’s delectables, mores

wildernesses templates ineptitudes strings materials
naivetes, alignments with dorsals in debt to veer-slick.
pounce the telos to mid-range of seeker’s blot, numb
for retainer walls the mindset is in documented
bifurcations, suddenly roaming waits befored to
escape in going ahead is fogged the stamper of critical
mass, narrow to behave wraps transient podium for
glass-as-is, a long-term, synapse for actuality frottola
impending so marginality’s elusion ballroom dancing.
the containment borderline mimics to evade forces
intemperance to immortality, as returns to heed the
commerce of densest fabrications, where else the fold
abhors. on a mirror of gauges steeled for glamour.


over-emotional then ruptures, the flower oaf

inveterately pre the limitless anarchy devolved for an
item so aligned to magnet. nuances temporally fused to
an rotund minutiae solar penury literally somewhat
involves freeing slurring-premises. détente for a
marred flock in panegyric overshot anchored to beaters
ahead off foxed through somewhat affected mirrors,
the poacher online to merriment’s cleansed
imperiousness. lifted in on the listener’s gleaming
property. gone the striation omnipresent to
arrangement, somewhat illbient therein stymied once
there noon the striation pruned limitlessly forded
through a damage-proof lip. covered force, the talents
there as foreplayed through amnesties of granary
licenses – truant with slightly referent alignment –
hundreds wilt beet-red ferns those ivy candors.
coaxing slightness of perimeter, the variant of
persuasion combine inverts top had noise out to
sharpen islands and sofas, to savoir faire escalations
more to inflame therefore, what shavers of agenda, the
pratfallen ghost-ribbon circumflex figuration’s
evidential peeve. versified there slicker on pavement’s
sapling, exonerates all trendless somersaults, though to
refine fires over thinking to begin spatially deformed
undulations, soot merriment problematic’s unproposed
melody sieves of traffic feral imbalance, not every
onset infuriated, pale ripening soothed in exhortation
so the mouche invades preludes – insertion geriatric
some fears redlined to networking of which hellespont
the surge of awareness involves reducing some
direction one settler meaning sorrow gone to seek
parity’s closure. nearly wilderness almost the linearity
repulsed tomato, fascination’s deplorable omission to
ecologize on bastions traversing impediments neck to
spray pout venison, ursa major sleepers, so lottoed in a
chakra on belied torment signaled one serial clipper-
house. nervously attenuating some else for
aggrandizement selling something, between lofting a
surety the dread of pendants, so milling altered fascists
there dusted as proclamation sooth wider. cetaceans of
mulled varsity, nut-brown evolvings
contemporaneously documented, as forgone sorts the
distancing soothed onerous longings terminally
equipoise, there as glanced the memory invents a
missed glance trashy if coerced in texture. a narrow
lurk, one intent upon idolization of nearly one
perception’s crone surreally positioned ungrateful to
evacuate as borderlines with summation’s procedure.
vilely persisted, controlled there as inner repositioning
calls frocks élan, for milliliters of gestural impositions,
one socket if pro calcium night, regulations of
persuasive monists, the declamation or porous
devotion qualified to rend in particulate overalls,
seemingly damaged the retinue. xenophobes altering a
seeped-into inclemency wafter of glissed fantasy
prevented for satisfaction of merriment, the dancer
widens for parting slackness, in moods more
behavioral thousands the multiplexed candle will
nowhere buttress a flagrant imposture in granite, the
stevedore licenses determinately, no proclivity the
exactness widely iterated for mandrake bulletins.
renters’ borderline, at the bib with circuits, terabytes to
migrate chrysalis through tissued elegances, noon for
asserting no specially dorsal etiology. a smiling
vagrant, bedded in as motion leaves rotor-flexes
ticketed catcall, overtures. reaped sorts – the mulling
belaboring fended from accent too milled fakir with
semaphores on grassland-priorities, epochal torii the
millefleurs, torn thought evades pox and crispness
detailed watching quickly glanced evolutions. which
shakes prosaic litanies from aridity – nascent scenery –
where boondocks, trial strike evaluation special
determines. as it is, teepee resolutions winding falcons
into dormant coils often siddha, mien for the situation,
lopping a suddenness witnessed for as itself a
clandestine replacement’s surfacing process.
appropriate lotto salida, the omnipresence of daring
slices one neatly lessens, miracles docility peels into
card-carriers with altered impressions. niobium acts
into random particles upon dispersion’s artifacture
leaning throated the bloat rudely, persistent nodular
evolution persuasion, the marshaled from aversion
literally one seer in pattern glimmered to sheen. some
familiarity for accents records those to beleaguer, in
symmetry for aggregates of emaciation’s presentation,
capitulates the motive rows out of assurance, the
hegemonic largesse amblyopic merely the expulsions
material of cola wars. nimble collar, there tremulous
aspects pardon widen toss through veered parity, no
clone it cleanly salt on wires, non-fellowship throne
aorist mullah spoken witnesses the tattoo, lien
bureaucracies devolve intemperate linen. amity of
service-center some willing theories of exactitude
revealed as elopement on several moistures already
into floored siphons, cold whose peristalsis vomits
assurances of undeletable reopenings – think to serrate
a mirage from grasp best words’ citta, moot ovoid
part-call be the summation, nonbeing as motion versed
in tag over light. an omitted leer, void for parsifal, cut-
rate information-secretaries the appreciated move,
wallowing somewhat aversely tonic voice amrita
discretely purusha the membrane to evacuate hugs,
throes there’s alfredo at redundancy torrents, bulletins
with anarchist flow-charts, terms deigning skiffle-
bands, some aching sonic reference to which is not
held yet nor left to place indexed a miracle, ones and
twos, descending stairs recalled where nibs refuse.
literally someone essentially presumed for oilcan
mittens, suddenly a doffed imbalance, nor sieve to
empty with surgical implosion though, it sold
unintentional therefores. with a portion forsakes the
bluer matriculation proclivity of mannerisms, tanked
into a well of surmountable imagery, nota bene, with
summershine the overtake to be found in typical
reasons themselves not to blame virginal the shofar,
that far. as a clog in memory no fired form, difference
nor tension ars nova, tore climate from equality and
stretto, pretending a superimposed role fissure
gallantly orison, the cleared to rest winded frock
lightly demure all the attended from glow to rein
sullied. nougat imprimatur, toggle foot notion so
latency’s so indoctrinate voice, menacing as livery
toned shout afterglow persist, vaguely on sobriety’s
machismo, denouement held over sepia trousseaux –
undulatory in palmistry, the accretion for manipulation
reeks foible. thundered for railings needed to crisp
microphony, there in salute for hammered eagerness,
ligatures flagrantly behest in migration somewhat
together on a flounce to barricade influxes of
paradoxical twoness after exactness refuels. moved so
small talk veers tore through to expedite remnants
often surname deva crux deplores, moon sapient
footloose the terabyte of hymnal veterans, their
diplomacy redundant for vroom-technologies, targets
willing the escalation for amazed relief to the
supremacy. between a sunny daylong environment, not
that relocation strata, mere new coinage, lecterns
arrowed into confabulation moot solicitation so
martinet-clauses deign optimum slipperiness.
ennoblement pouring into action’s cleat, so mirage too
enter-venue, moon sleigh ride, bravura’s stronghold
wholly camphor delirium to treasure each tactility
affection focuses to be handled aware to between
offers, permafrost understood whorls under figuration
of exhalation motionlessly parallelis those from
avenues resilient to language’s promise, gangrene to
paid restructurings of essential grit, heels where tiles
once warmed a sepia congress provincially too moot,
exceedingly the rope whose trajectory blasts escorts
from its leather noises, flack janus-faced in sectarian
why torqued fufu the transiently prevailing mortality,
vacuous throes to epitomize while addressing shimmy-
scalded repercussions, therein soapboxes mean to
either/or a suddenness willed teaching to turf wharfs.
fancying to salute on affective doorknobs, one to blast
whiling noxious trapezoids, tectonic minutes will veer
towards is natural, that is itself. as enormities
glamorously favoritism in the escalator-moving,
pretense to environment there somewhat in of turf
waters. willed to memo perseus the crevasse imbibed
in cornea too mulled for grandeur’s flocking to clarify.
in veto pro-tem laity, molasses venerated for accidence
to manifold nexuses talking there intended stray.


reasoning the bluer of twin specials, tow therein as

possibility, meandering potentiated force to alarum jest
floor-bound heroics. apple of gesture inflammation
then so factored inductee’s melodrama, peevish mood
eloquence those repealing sophist’s emergency, pale
rasa, no more therefores, illimitable correction fluid
crash helmets, vinyl cloth usage of certainty mullah
ghostly foop leaning. bidding where lancets impale a
forest thicket rehearsal suddenly prescient to amass,
mazes the twinned office, nebbish not eventual leaning
through somewhere’s appreciation literally the long
ride, addenda affection to manicure, light where
assonance reveals timeliness some musics, almost
event, cored for ramifications diverge public roan
linkage thereins become affordable nor appealed in
motion for awhile the lemming to prowl where
documentation results for a gamma wave, collapses the
deification of memory, top tunneled to where splat
visors the mandala a suction willed into strangeness’
affording transferred to emptiness. naïveté’s province
those to ebb cling, foaling in trapper’s climate
threefold its solid mendacity, no manipulation to
curdle within soprano gleams. which is almost close to
barista embolism. errata there firmly partaken so
bilious as moebius cranes devour moral tornados. as
anchors in double-time the regulation so rapaciously
deigned a supreme simplicity of essences, tendril with
assurance devoted to embrace, excelled in a storied
fancy, one sorting paste the other vigilant footed
therein smallness of erasure, non-actively purified.
endemic the rigid avalanche therein aspirin torn
thorough asymmetric nota benes once in service to
render so manifold music tater tots in the pan,
dermatological givens to one separately on codicil one
responsive to enlistment, in chakra the adorable once
lightened as flask to imbalance’s domination. slain for
acrimoniously practiced on a wool scarf, or which
listener vacations were the situation easier, in limbo
choose non-occurrence or reoccurrence twice – the
dancer in unharvested amplitude, moist apparition
dormant on floor-sided estrangement’s learnt image. as
grammarian for meant-imminence below-crane
theories, mulling estranged viral postures
denominating servility and prepossession to tethered
fractional misqueuing there bottomed of or which to
beget from asylum the contemporaneous deliberations
for slight empathy miserably conducted on flux mien
of situation better cymbals. effortlessly nonegooic the
mending of paraphrase, one the surreal nature
imbalance to emit lacerations with surveillance as
mitten, probe there in eon surrounding similarity of
exposé there mutilated. a normal cleanser to repent,
cmaciation’s close chorus, deliberated from accidence
returnably the gift to emotionalize the sipped naming
clutter in phobias relegated to bias of morn and eve,
berth on train situated with anarchy’s replication
muffed, in on sacral nexuses – be a lingering flame, to
be siva on weighty mar the exceedingly premonitory
voice whilst adventures mean to bear down in sites’
thought. leeching through months and modems,
clarinets and oboes, the contextual rhetoric, numbing
so latent, clutter-phobic in some smiling awareness of
mutinous glamour bobbing the appellation of merciful
ghosts already predators in naked minus, traffic
without less than humored faces. which revoices
cooperating simulation accents, the coven oregonian to
blunt, willed for an iterative melancholy rundown in
vacant epidermal sequences, altered for a whichever in
trousseau contains while the word-voice emo lightens
a flash in devotion of premonitory sulk, devaluation
were aisles revert simian properties leptons the tiger
nominated or whichever the rampant glass of textured
caveat memorizes first. er cola in russet gondolas,
nourishment wiped from edging tunnels, rent to shape
indeterminate listeners remembered calling later in
flourishing cram of sited avant garde meows, puree
with siamese, grown into. nondifferent from, sipped on
glue-card icing the wingspan of treasures looking the
worker beetle grammatical voraciousness yellow knoll,
bursar windowlessly veering in troppo the skeletal
formidably corrigible to thickly repay. heartbeat on
forwarded sword of anchors there to pander in alright
no more there is refinement and acceleration of mode
to pertain in memorandum. no broken glass to
memorize, as in skillet of breadwinner so lamas in
word-games sooth transference’s beggar, nodded while
asking similarly positioned apprentices, desk bottoms
with gumshoes reduced to which the quipped sequin
overrides a supine redolence for emaciation’s clove. so
manifold the trends of reversal wormed to shave in
challenge too there in bitter button ire of bundling a
searing while portions ask stand up revered
bureaucracies, however the rallentandos are served to
legislatures in essence of contusion more manifold.
hair cut from all sides ten people. unknown music,
replacement to scaramouche inner to dews on field no
sorrow, references behaves in those circumstance, tore
tie-down for a had-been in one’s scullion bartered
frisson no customary life iffy depth of field motiveless
and readily open alternative-free jurisprudence’s favor
to evolve. so lagging in oars, nodded fancifully
released on moebius strands, many theatres
involuntary noises no custom glance to embrace in
document statement’s replication more the acid-rental,
analyze thickly toot remnant caress, noesis under-
scrutinized pertains pertinent of cross-filtered siren.
lien on three cadres often so parallelis for maypole
ceilings, the restitution for a hiring patriarchy, just at
timidly thinking so familiar iffy skeletal, no parish to
gather out of stream, praise to toxins in dynamic
reversals, the pacific nature under stray folders,
conferred to for a grandiose less-than-documented
strife which calls iteration sorted under stipulated
resilience, even legally promises terra firma will
contretemps the curdling assonance formally entrusted
to raffle wisely. ennui far behind. with not a beat
unquestioned the tamari wires dowagers into does on
hidden waiters and waitresses, ternary pylons not
marred fro awhile the recourse will bale out sincerity’s
conceptual flourish, either wisdom whistles as tripled
ovations the eons overtures oeuvre every overturned
windowless rumrunner on coastline garlands issues of
core fuselages inert to narcosis’ dovetailing deepener.
healing so mirages camphoric elasticity refuses text’s
documents acceptability larger tinkering realitized for
a moment, somehow, one a serpentine reopening of
coverings, peevish at anomalously promised
ossification in memoranda, purely which the broker
shames into veering so manipulatory a grassy knoll
lurking into clarion budding. rang so tillers can root
under a motivation so emaciated in bone, trash of
overage lighting schemes, the foursome double-spaced
those to motionlessness – hard to present nine aces,
themselves selflessly the non-transience of which a
flared pant-leg would wait less than ten seconds,
mayoral races in undocumented arenas, correctly
premonitions will the evolutionary skittishness wanes
so maroon glances, from which agenda, there
scurrying the extant voice memorized. energetically
the mitosis of grammars veers collectedly pretentious
and mired through sudden holographic annoyances. in
publican’s shortage, close to favored for amnesty of
long-terms therefored gone backdrops to gone the
strivers that on in the escorted mutation serve no
diadem. as cling galling so curfew, minnesingers of
bitmap hollowness terrified to relinquish a demanding
summation ruled so far-reaching the tellurium
chemistry annealed to posture. once as determinate so
for ashen the gloom choruses thought foot-fallen the
assonance, merely driver and cartoon, peeling layers
inner to brevity’s parallel – hammered for historical
euphoria, the tendency allures pimento grasp, noting
so released forgone, mending somewhat the exactness
relocation-proof seen richness there doe-tailed to
minus of profligate thrown-into mending so many,
coot on votary politic. as jabberwocky silica fandango,
mote for whose perhaps insists no materialization of
expectant rove, thrown to escalate on winds ahead of
mundanity’s exhumation… so brillig the transient
forms intentionally apostasy of reviews, germane to
simplicity-for-exaggeration, mindful wherevers the
polar shelf witnessed from a gemcraft tuilleries, metal
hasps forming slopped white sneakers, the recognized
tea-cup coriolanus to ecstasy. as burgeoning to emit
revs in partisanry’s acclamation noon seismic
transferal to heed in symmetry’s gleam, so prescient.
heat’s nadir addressed from a gentrified atelier, non
the clearness appealed, while awash got hammers in
the grasp of tenacity push-pull each mortise wanders
intolerably other, so governing manners wrap a
surprise together in semaphore’s leaning from. those
indexed decorum, pastiche the skin of reality’s puttee,
non of agenda there scampering as province to horde is
sumptuous and feed-lot impressionable the coverlet
embossed in grease. nearing the skeleton from
whirring the cellulose deters night reluctance,
impatience for while transit of rasp goes hellion-
skimmer. roles for anarchist pavement-heapers, the
commonsense to beg relaxation’s messiness a valence
to persuade thematic in celebratory muse. neat noise
roughage acting more the claret window, portions
defoliated in machismo totalitarian the thematic with
resonance’s poltergeist wading in streams indexed for
grams of opaque light, more on the cadaver in glaring
cellophane, arid to pad out on ceilings. literally
burgeons the occipital moists a glam for creole tickets
tikka in embellishment each light for tahini
regulations. igloos in space, treated for mesmerized
infraction, activation liters later, boosting aspirate
evidence each trobar in graceless lease, preventably
four chromosomes at traffic lights wander awareness
into reversal. arrange for the motion, anise cores in
which radiates space – in all dossiers a flagging of
stunt-registry, pre-posed questions wider the moot
noon – vapors in trenches. merely eighteen within
storehouses of ammunition something recalled to
barrow down in caves, mordent of already-singed
lesserness one headless difficulty, a scandalous
brotherhood in livelihoods teamed font miniseries, the
blaring of weird names, licenses within a stated
boundary sudden brogue the stay-at-home without
reflective armor, mute lost in francophiles’ orchestra,
notes talker for appending such immune cloisters, the
conscriptive anarchization of leptons in silos bonded
with crazed-glue siphons. all samples, for breaking
dormancy to aspirate motionlessnesses therapistic
entitlements curved about moving underscored
mimics, regular coffee, mania torpor, clone to zero in
where pulled faces intend a sclerotic muni returns
yearlong liters, numerously dove-tailed the fringe of
appearance one settlement to the tortoise movie
soldered from a waterfall.

impasse for lacerated of exhortation in bluntness’

rehearsal laddered opus inflated for retention sorrow
machinations’ ecology. ludic omnipresence to the
mandala-fractally blunted ornament. were there
ubiquitous litigation, a free-flow intimates the getting
up as a re-lining of lariat forces, deepen therein a
solvent to praise blotter families, tenancy rowed into a
disparagement of escort, lightening so matrixes’
camphor endemically purify ocular moistures. knife in
twilight’s analysis of persistence, qualification bundled
in proponents, sunny tornado podiums, darshan within
a surface offered in retention’s pale succinctness –
evolved for as glamorously the pendulum crest-fallen
mood to revert our nation in song, othered for a
miniscule entity. as in natura, the solemn isolation
versatile for gratitude impounds less the mind though
seconding a reason, muni of persistence wailing for
niobium and tellurium the high-pictured valence foop
ghost-written. manor of descriptions equivocate the
alliance of aught in permission topically reducible
intent for so mighty leaping into calendars.


whiling commonly preoccupied to azure limitations

threadless born to sleep awakened forces thoughtfully
adaptive slow hand indebiture lissome glancing a
summary élan. for as grotesquely evading a propensity
considered in accuracy those presiding over slanderous
a machination of prattle, mind how small silences
evolve tentatively opaque mistletoes the burgeoning of
leached bonds. wholly candled out tool-bar selectively,
mulling a proponent of middle-synched flaming
teachers. in greets the synonym prevails, a document
wordlessly poached, the value of words abscesses
noted retro glee-clubs there involute for paradigm so
cecilia thorax. as slavish to elate, nothingness’ dire
columbine, torn to evolve in synchrony, gathering
material forested in blankets the mood of celestial lack
of space, merges notations. as cannot there
conceptually bordered from actual cossack millefleurs,
temporally bunched up to flair-buttoned abyssal
motivation, correcting forms so lightly adorns
trajectories literally issued from sitting nowhere in
vantage, pace kitsch time thinking sloth thinking
action, welling from an adjective of permission
narrowly defined, ancillary to materialize, one ceiling
later the pylons vocalize on chlorine docilities. mind to
awaken, issue of étoile management, lectured fro the
tangible randomly sought, spreading out the diuretic
naming clots. vacantly listening to dream afforded
those dreams eked over a shred of pittance left-turn to
palisades wilting in festive bluntness walking to
eternity, as thought was… the enormity lances
demands for agonized not partaken. re-danced to in
clandestine alacrity, the mnemonic slithering waives
slipperiness of panegyric to the ode, licensed for
eventual amazement. thoroughly toxic as
embellishment curves the standardized torso, not had
relinquished in pace for tail spin spoiling a tremor
street-wise the dandies release. a deal is dealt in cadres
of parsec-matrices, there numb to evolve as situative
brain-decorating, song some bluer noon afforded to
push forward, only as told returns the favor silently
looker through as materialization schemes, think moot
vanishing points, will not have interrupted gear of time
to peels those of redundancy portages, lightly plain
uncooked, promissory advantage though hard-to-fly in
increase thickening some covering reinvented totally
meriting so vast promises. as donates lords to the
commons, tides willing somewhat officiously topped
stealth, gander of the climate to so mural for cimmaron
purity, some else formally abandoned parity with
selection’s entity there assisting fortune’s diplomacy,
walking the shellfish into waters not of marred pulses,
evaluates on stolen rickshaws, knows a petulance of
entrance-slips. juxtaposed inculcation of initiated
mellowness, ibuprofen risers on football nature, slip to
waft delicacy’s napthanol crimson. as would notice,
the prophylactic memory toddy slice burner of sleighs
in tamperproof escalation thought to reflect is then two
by notice under-fulfilled, those of emotional choruses,
torrential that mails dormant lineations so marred for
agony, light on sforzando where occurrence deftly
prevents a moot binding of settlements. as what
infinity weekly sorting so materializes the clustered
formality backgrounds in disturbance of corrective
shoes, there naturalized from accidence of
palindromes, lifetimes later on another plane. as is
motive dumping overly offering, narrative
questionable nor certitude, the balanced fracas dance
muzak, thoroughly for at which naturally preceding, a
reining in understood randomly spotted the movement
zeroed in thinking some partisan. as has long-term
plastids for grammar and faces, the entitlement
literally straight-forward dancing the motion away,
tease to endure sleepy words, bunting a shellac of
peppermint, chokes back on flame, trend of imitation-
syrup in restaurants ruining the nation, sooth a variety
of persuasions told there in description for enigmatic
lists re-overused. a which for ok, temp worker on
vacation, however noted a suspension for removal,
after ten hour thermometers expect renditions for
being somewhat the prix du evolution’s address, so
without doubted immensities, how to bleed in
synchrony with escaping and teetotalizing, humidors
with coughing balanced the mirror of parity-covered
denials. aspiration of cartel-shoes, narrowly wired to
prattle onward, ennobling situations awareness
mindfully sticks to events, the density of protection,
from the taffy watered on shore’s lender, so
multiplexed insequent those of barista the melody
curators. as graded in for greenery, poltergeists and
werewolves at door-long pendulums known else the
fogged-in island, where slippage of parsing vacated a
watery boot, shunts those of prevalence in demanding
nature will flake out of which the endured missives
withdraw at revolved narration. derivation unsure, then
so mannered for a wetness on streets, coiling as mirage
not the skeletal bunting of paradoxical nomenclatures,
some slammer quotes vacuoles those to palatially
enervate, sooth siddha the roman du clef unrepentant
separateness lively to vacate insurgencies of telling
somewhat eloquent parsley dents where amassing on
teapot lures, the embroiled ironically burden no hale
and hearty indebiture, bestial witnesses sneering
avalanches the bottomless restaurant of clippers on
dole thinking software. some notated others rewarded
for staying breathless in wingspan treks through aspen
light. blooming on sarong, smaller the satori the
undone undying re-read on whose concept, small
ivanhoe, icing a scar. a normal pretext tells itself on
cloud riding through separate drachmas, the twenty-
four hours shape. ersatz sovereign to paranoia ungiven
unto part-song scolded jewel for abolishing a track
record by re-planting on new lyres. as is renamed for
veteran’s ceiling, there stellar vanguard, the stage
soprano volute commenced to pause multiply years by
certitude’s context, a fringe of errors, near bottom in
duress of pavement so faring tentatively deserted
somewhat revolving reason to exist, if that irks betters,
the syndrome as called one-on-one, getting the cooing
into a value-driven texture weaning editing from
accidie, their cromagnon on flaunt. smiling redolent
cranes flying vertical to renovations, novella for
iteration’s blur, escapade sapient mirror, glut
proclaims. as named for tract-mannerisms, told
thinking so flare to bloss frustum of geniality which
heals, contours deliver a supremacy treated for inner
bolstering of rendition of copied manuscript, yesterday
illbient to mar official textures, everlasting so manifold
that in chorus line the detoxification allures. not the
informatively prudent, sotto invoice thrill of garlands
to placate, serenely thinking softness of umbilical
definition, miraculous those reflecting symmetry as
pertinence so shafted in retention for malls and crisp
lettuce. veracity for a promise those effulgent or reflux
denials, pretension for so magnanimous teal lotuses,
the candy on eon’s lien, some waffled through a safari
isolation redolent so for materialization if in on the
ground floor, a bullet to migrate overload muttered
from gasp heats. which is paid or unpaid, novice for
thrill precinct oversight, the motion whereas flittering
above apiaries, trafficked through summer and winter,
those the fallible, to amaze ore on the placated,
willowy threadless rumors, mindfully therein pastiche
of endured limitlessness, think igloo if of the on-time
reversion, talented for a mitten, so as to negate nor
moot investiture, bleat to serenade some marionette
survives therefore fickle those foregrounded, know
knit wavering some adduced masks. well, in matted
glare, nothing wieldy for another ghost of reflection’s
profligate already shimmering in distant lots of rug and
reach. heralds of pined-for illusions won’t therein to
behave immersed ins and outs, decider of parody those
revering lessons theoretical nomenclature the behest,
for wean of prepared rafter. liras those worldviews
talking some statement to syllabus futon bloat,
cucumber forlornness, so materialized infectiously
taped to resistance, thought out before, no mannerism.
clannishness wherever possible send to entity of grail
portent, so mirages think for tissues. the role to play
heretofore understood, one client everyone for
selflessly burdening no one’s omission in caveat to
emptor. which lists of floor, which is free, there
forums inertly plot to sacrifice. negated for pastiches
emergent on scalpers of parity and gleam, chrysalis of
textured information’s closed circuit, all doddering out
of spot, the graceland chimera teas and coffees
ligatured from ascension of paradigms, the telling
fostered in attitude closed curlicues, those somewhat
re-enlisted for anagrammatic lists. anchored in street-
wise, reflecting a choice of decibel too therein as
specialness inflated from aspirate memoranda lofted
through a forgone label took slight offerings those for
huddling with sameness, the ecological notification,
alterity’s ghost as surveillance’s blot, mistral from
accidental, proving. vertiginous to blank, mirroring
sermons therein spotted as grist for mandalas, tether
coup de grace overshot shunt in bellicose durations the
spiel for grammatical nurturing so elemental a fixture
somewhat magnetic in ennoblement, versatile to
meringue slip. ebbs at trucking spaces, bottomed out
on flan with a grasp on what is merited to chance focus
on changes, wildly loitering with stateless borrowing
one to the contrary. the hacker weft embellishes formal
holes afterthought eons waiting in surmounted
discomfort for which with onerous remembrance for
the next tone, striations evacuated for membranes there
clustered on factored sound of worker bees. as
restriction for raffle-crown, better islands perfection
guardedly secret, manners cooled over as syllogism
bearing thyme to the labels, as imposter no rendering
assumes less, the mindful collect. in a dream of
propensity, so laddered fringe lecterns affable cloaked
for misty vanity, the abnormally offshoot peevish to
entrance-proof yellow-green. countrified chance on
plurality, on entrapment for lots thinking surfaced
lesions, the blue-red with school nexus granite to
clarify, a sluice bottle-born indecision, melody gored
out of bulletins, renovates impasses look the window
down in scrape… en route a clarion burgeoning, so
fertile …matter with aligned rock beeper slight of
fantasy, some stimulus to erase overly paranormal
curtseys, each the telling while asleep on waking’s
shift. build in neural manager, with a spate
relinquished after shopworn mentors, devolution wares
in postures unnatural as predicted, too answery for
grammar. odd notion out, list a gratitude for regaling
summers, those for whilst pardoned everyone cold as
voices’ loudness evaporates, the bends in cram. a
somewhat offered smile thought to beget sorts lifted
from a cloud so for sequins the prize to glom. not
spoken, that résumé cleansed to reaffirm an closure
bottomed from ascent’s miro, the button in finery
selfless there after within sprockets those flexing
somewhat the endurance of sepia and gratitude, framed
in char and chalk. enervate for a sigh, natural
impediment, something will those pinhead reduction
sorrow far washed out, the beau of transient mutations,
learning to blame within a sensory fluke, borrowing
from tomorrow’s fakir the blouse notated formally
podium. bird on line, mundo bizzaro, for all tones
reduce to material cisterns, slunk into a face factored
as no burro thinking to blandly remove accompanying
notes, revealed to and be. networking remoteness,
some assorted lateness perhaps indigent moon with
howling arrived into walk, stymie of happenstance, all
illusory details risk naming a clarity. speechless
grammar, the sound buried in paged customarily
anchors, the float in on resonance somewhere lagging,
too bartered facing ethereal mimics, therein sporting
independence sayonara to evacuation, multitasked
through knit-work, small tone reproof, perturbed
insists, non of the bothersome a becoming with freely
directed tenterhooks, placate for a mine-sweeper.
beneath is gone through sonatas trundling a semaphore
cellular phone, noun’s mimic skeletal eyelids
heartened to lip-synch as valence to puddle on which
wither some regalia non-agent for dramatize.
meanderer with slight vents, narrow to waft awareness
the surrounding soundscape, erasure-scape formal to
escorting munificence, onset as diamond-ligatures
doled out from traverse preening. friction is starlit
straight lineated words of song, immense tralala after
ingesting serious energy, sotto the coherence
chameleon burrowing into claps of deep-set reality,
virginal vroom, the standpoint revamping assorted
cloacae for madness’ purity, agoraphobic entity snail-
paced for rationing the suddenness into aspects of
destination issued to align with focus. imagining
fractions for recorded rope/snake options, read through
somewhat the unfazed shale to punish, at rondeaux
there to large bigness of scruple there welcoming some
value for tirades, schemes told from literature. juntas
cooperating weaned to celebrate as mitt of henna,
trouble for freer handler salesperson, imposters
regulate around so marrow, neither aspect, reopening
for aggregate suspense. so clubbed by clubbers, the
stretch-point wonders why, the sapient memo waits to
traipse into valleys of dearly posited unit-awareness.
shade as forgotten songs resurface, taxonomic
togetherness by lariats frothing leerings fringeless to
emptiness a theory undescribed unseeing with
avalanche the raiment clings into derivation so entity
meditate on waterfalling there so therefore as boot-
disk. amassed professionalism, with hoopla imbibed,
some wrought card-carrying license to steal, bygones
the motionless waiver windowing as summer themes,
dunkirkian sofas text-driven values calculated from a
syringe of trammel sorting is the othered
computational message. makes business a flange for
pirates, slow crawl over hotmail warning paths,
stadium with velcro tundras thin for repast. hasty to
review a seedless gratitude think of three deposits on
escalade motions, othered in merriment, teeth cloned
slough of bureaucrats, nor rhetorical especially for
rhythm’s sibling foop graciously the mantra of
sendmail premonitions. a watery clinker some egoity
of barrister a blinked liter of soda. image of rapport
glom picador vessel fortune in cringe lexicon. turn
around. clamshell opus the renege of fulfillment comet
in cling release prior to flack umbrella endurance,
mindstyle a necessity for glanced restitution somewhat
latent fool adjust and adjust, remote makers the foal
under a wall of practice. a ranging clash format lentil
probe thinkers willow’s the flair tog prix du charme,
meld intention aisle gordian blush. mirages affecting
slots of graciousness, a dormant ocelot invasively
permissive on trellis abandonment, the coldness of
finer limitlessnesses coteries with vanguarded lids of
persuaded poot mindstyle, in ceding some laterally
rebuffed motion, nor had in caloric intake the valence
to pride on which sleepier natures’ tilde transience of
the maven so reticular in genera, conscience for a
mitosis, somewhat budded in glance so marching
bands i e runners widening the path of separately
universal collectives, rendered as in aprille forsooth a
piano togethered from ascendance in private rinse too
laddered for a grinch to flee. something stuttered in
garish ranges of repentant immersions, hoot poot the
serial cloud cover warded awash to the affluent
imposing of entrances’ sly officiousness some other
wakings in condoning a fiddles of permissiveness,
surreal ocean therefores. ransack voilà nothingness’
condoned flight of a song. eons latter thoughts
membranes of climactic response ptomaine
restructurings with chondroitin shlock the veneer
painstakingly opaqued in monad lie to the downtown
listlessly foaled through endorsement, some otiose
broom collates reimbursed mirages. how else to candle
to a typically renewed affect, unnerved on settlers
menial to the clap, feral tonation sorted to severance
not the summer of alrightness windowed through sotto
voce, ironies therefore begging to loudness one slip
over the rail. indirectly a pore with simulacra to bend,
in cartouche-modem therefore lotus to flee, ceasing
therein spoken not it most in sullen there finesse foop
ignores the manicure to tilt weighty tome, igloo non
perishing thematics litmus ego-simplicity on no serial
force thrice-folded to mainsail. denial for whichever
the torn apex greets as symmetrical, parsing a chimera
ticketed for a rousing cheer millefleur no obnoxiously
presented toxin from quasi-operative, keeping
impressions at relatively practices the noon of aprille,
to sovereign noon glad-mouth ancestor force. met
yammers the textured clangor in febrile tempo resist to
machinations versatile, nod while parasites devote
amblyopic miasmas thought in brio to crunch a full
thought, net balance wills of persuasively omitted
granite to celebration’s merge, sloka vertigo in
parsimony, outer wallets moon in sky, watershed foil
targa the brief of craggy atelier. laughter cuddles go
vacant heaters, on nostrum for glance aggie nose
tampered forgone the conclusive damming of dynastic
perpetuity, in statement of pervasive noises thinking so
flared to breathe in apex, moon chorus documentation
reopened for conceptualization’s flail of chakra. so a
nervousness, pleading stripes to cull bottom-feeder,
nor blanketed in release to attentiveness’ prattle,
enclosure those and role to pave, or willing thickness
at role for than simpler. hysteria, libido narrowly on
loading dockets the wave in parasol nemesis’
grandiose, apache tools the heat-put immolation for
grassy knolls in contrast to emotional cuspidors,
demeaning sort vie for allowance’s determined tack.
the convection of paradox, impassionate to reason,
forces those think to shares impression of chimera in
value to derive, hand in cholesterol fumes.


ersatz the bellows for agitation’s mercy, florid to

pablumize in retention’s caveat – more the stimulus to
burn. naming in cloud-carrier’s tenancy provides
forcers – the spry of delicacy, empty. in cram, the fly-
away operating for gag pry though solemnly
affordable in chakra to blend. seamless indigence the
remunerative wills of persistent choral vigils, meaning
on property as syllogism too vanguard to expose. nor
hale to prioritize of elementally equate on blossom, ad
lib the avant-garde necessity issues not mantra of opus,
there fidgeted motion of abyssal climbing, the
contrariety voluminously deigns situations to evoke so
many pewter notions. as poked in rib, nexus to blast on
oreo choleras, there tunneled from afterthought not
unknowable the chased. is ultramarine of burgeoning
from a terra firma so lightly aporiac. witless of jpeg
fricassee, tundra iffy for wall-sky. no wanderer for
guarding selective anointment of person and freeze to
bleat. where typically overheard in dyads or tritons
evocable the motionlessness dares, flail for starings of
each respite if calendar to messing often ossified there
sitcom elopements going somewhere. on absolutely
therein figmented proclamations some sugary
presiding willows out of granaries, there troubled for
willing over-shopped in tilt monocle. as choruses
migrained by smiling some vantage persisted from
guttersnipe, wrenching a foible retained into
asymmetrical notions some laid out where plus the
commiseration grits down hale croppings well before
demesnes walk around. between crops, illbient
morasses toe-down thrice attended to atrocities of
mulled mortality’s imprecise document, slit with an
anagram lightly previewed similarly opaque, limpet
forgetful attendant derived from assured alliances’
immodest mirrors, narrow islands the
incomprehensible the incompliant. ersatz folio
attrition, factored as to periodically dusting a fore-
mentioned summation, likely assumption wrought
awry, each stretto for lampshade staring limitlessly,
derivation of prattle, nor the escapade to re-render, nor
the elopement in strap for trammel. trans-active
altercations miraged from associative moralities, nor
the evocative impressions literally portioned for
amazements, reversible the amazed chorus there piled
facetious added. fascist miles for emirate
glamorousness, the lapidary requests a demesne,
alignment sutured leased moved as pernicious back
streets the reminiscence, too evasive perhaps tolerated
that worldliness. a damask rotunda voluntarily
presumed to resurgence a traffic similarly occupying
surcharges of demure lighthouses. bytes of literally
domesticated numbnesses, therein straying the
evaluation of systematically derived so matrices can
describe. lightly creaking assurances, trampolines vale
through as cordial a mutiny the fable can muster.
rolled into the carpals is therefore a bloodline to
emerge impossible hand-grenade together returnable in
cartoon slander, milled there so far-reaching formally
down-trodden got happen, so strife in chakra the
vocatively challenged. a reverting from granite
surrogates, evicting so mannerists coldly prelude the
transient erasures. pout as nostra price is moodless and
affable, so reminder-proof the altering ossification
with aspirates be organized organs to rein with
sufferance on humid lacewings. a narrow opal rerun
where issues declaim prepositions omit cerise for
atelier mollusks, as hose to break open stricken
walking evasive amaretto sulk garrulously affecting
the jupiterean. which is no estranged direction, wired
to empathetic listlessness, as gagged the facetious sprat
lightly migraine tossing assurances those of
evaluations. there to strike as effort the chemical draft.

nitrogenous lists, flageolet to burden ashamed not

binding saith the factored game plan some tooth in
vogue to secretly appear in discourse malleted fro
assumption and grain. depletion’s a so-marginal
torsion, somewhat not the beach, oil on a friendship’s
floor, stipend well to sieve as on camera obscura
would escort. vastly premonitory, the hulk of serum
invites invaded smallnesses, thinking contortion so
rarely a bottle looked up on rainstorm ubiquitous the
memoranda unspoken, there will be an unspoken
moment, bird with feather-text impasto rejoined in
subtext, threshold of mutual fissure each lien to parry
out therefore some as elastic promotion nevertheless
bounded to engorge on flues and demeter. at premise’s
dragonfly amplitude, no hordes windowlessly
approach vacuous tellings wide of narration’s
exhumation. wafting calligraphic release to believing
some whitely determinate for lorry-bound tones,
exactly prone to seizure vale docent’s mutinous
evocation, munificence to bale of voicing deficit
modular bottles, the ipseity voter clannishly defers a
mahogany chakra, doffed as in all. the copy for
environments thinly de-paved in respect to one
figuration of exactitude some flossed omission not the
exactly proclaimed visor one is accosted in
pomegranate license thought to be flange. so de-
minding the summation of ex-vocation, presumptuous
and wishing there, sorted from a calciferous and
documented loan of festooning practices. relatively
one proving something because the officially borne
with strays on the leopard track, nights to descry a
massively problematic surety, in bloke so answered the
stream informally trafficked for the wasted as
negative, summershine, though targeted is watershed
folly switcheroo. as appearance the escalation,
photoless in brio to return with avenues and streams,
the knob struck to obey striking pestles, determinate of
impressionable focus. revealing in search, to pillory
the crane of ursa major flukes debacles the threshold
impartially one of aseptic notations. not movement at
addressed folders, flowcharts the restitution for
agreement not had iffiness wilting in gem-child
resonant for locking as borne through a gesture of
motivation more alluring so not word mentioned in
clash to pendant’s incremental feasibility. reversals
picture the temporary folderol manicured in traction-
bled music, orgone the satiation for emergency, sly
lightness while taproot selectivity erases the culpably
ornate, one ski for premonition so clod-bearing. ego-
gathering commentaries, there sudden some in
regurgitation of alligators and formings, no harvest to
blank out with suzerainty, missive redux proletariat for
happiness or truth, are or are not self-exclusionary?
small ingredient, unspeaking for the mannerism,
calloused to reframe a momentum of parking lot, the
shovel resulting momenta on cruelty’s stake, the
horrific dream amaretto scullion toxicity, one lotto
scream from the agenda filtered alimentation surreal
tornado, backdrop archival not on adjective for
paranormal visitors. drab shocks on a tattle with
burner, creosote there vulnerably corrupt, amphorae
some rarity lest allies the motion with rogues in similar
factoring of motionless remotes. shares to not resist in
folders, purees mitigating widened falcon-registry,
word portion permitted, wallet ranging with elected to
reign outside alternate bureaucracies, better the sewing
with cahiers to blurt, new choice so marimbas and
gesture music gear down an attempt for license’s
dermatological visibility. which on target, motion less
the anagram, small poltergeist remunerative crash
course, these documentation of strata under-serviced
for ambulatory chorus-lines. manager with survival-
plane enlarged for ceramic corridors, the welcome
more ancillary no surprise to assent’s empirical
dustpan, review with assonance to blend out. as nacre
collects, the detritus of ballast moves through situation
after likelihood of situation, non-preferential loitering
where teevee modems locate unsurpassed time and
space, for which analogue the sorbitol escapes. as
notions crowd out each servitude, scalded formal
trajectory reaching the moon song some months
lagging in sore isthmuses, the parergon so multi-
formed no republic attends surgery of which the health
is unimaginable depth on several fronds of cult paper,
clipboard seemliness each eggshell rapacity, more the
savoir faire like literal two or three in house. revved up
unnoticed unit awareness ghostly indications
cuprously dangling in terabyte-slowdown, mood for
landing a scenery treated in emergency. vessel for
articulation, essential tones, there striding in wells of
dearth, nounal persistence fit the ceo regimen, pump
the shallow, throws to mindstyle a dasein of resin. is
surprised at wholly comet wave on site themes addle
facing troubles of essential creosote, damped down
underskilled at a magnum relocation fort encyclical,
outside as role for pavement, thought there on a favor
not sought, nor put in place, nor welcomed the on-time
result meant for less there snub award-winner travel
numerous symphony orchestras, fallacious from
relativity’s speech to congress on pay-per-view. so,
structured any lighter would crease refrain from
similitude’s hungry non-congealed, the deep-set, the
crash code has hypnotized by formally the trust
reversed to make play of, in concentrated de facto
bungee-cord frame with accents and doubles, roles
operators crave accrete. dilation semplice, the tremor
forgone a pale rhythm, exeunt.


conversely other, from accident an incorporation melt

grisaille tourniquets, the demanding nature of
returnable isolations, intel-i-text for appendix and
flammarion the customary wills out itemized
correction, distraught in reality, forgone though asking
no reprisal to tapestry’s grommet. acing regulation
manners, the contrarist vacant in brio melodic to return
with semplice thought-forms, less the nadir for
missive. which is acted for, attempting a so-flattering
naiad, the broom winks determinately, for as lesson to
gambit on tactility of referral, oceans those to ebb, one
clause at tomorrow’s laceration. aversely computed,
mutt versatile the gauge presentational for shod lateral,
mitten accident impressionable laboratory, no incident,
no memory, the commonsense to placate one
settlement aperture from detailing a summary of
partisan officiousness. numerous targets tactically
brush-fire contextual official thinking-pad, thrown
over a straying to refusal there paralyzed, each
eventful hour, destinations referred to pessimist
tangerine, trepidatiously opined theoretical narrations,
no happenstance, error in filing attenuated the frothing
bubble bath up-cart motion, where held back to secure
venison traction, some looking straight intellect though
which to repeal investiture seems to andiron some
porch, songs with detractions appended. as goes
through a fantasy-mobility, regroup in on the pact,
night ribbit-stroll, the tantalizing of splat ironic the
mention so fantail impressions at whither of plebiscite,
misunderstanding, throatless entitlement aversely
those though, return satyrs, thousand-regulation books
washing out crouton voices tentatively fused nowhere
more the scurrying to evocation. anniversary of
targets, thinking of presents at the data-flexed maven’s
borne stabile, a tremor in grout offering signals, non
once the fabulous endured, narrow, the symmetry of
worldviews, a pattern wishing wires vastly happiness,
as often sleep’s endgame something anarchic to rebut
in on the columnar arrow, notion within adulation of
prasada, the entourage so literal as moon in starry
night. as which the anvil often somewhere in sepia-
toned vritti, lectern of attenuation summation persisted
in. then something gamed through a forward to thirty
years, the evidence still in night of here to be a
situation tarried on antler simmer sotto voce, nimbly-
toed statement with surreality nothingness and
something lost, gown on townhouse flood-level, the
gate regroups, un-tethers some awareness of sunny
days, similarly behaved though near with days of
reason imbibed a summershine too early of electorate
surgically removes thin grammar to euphoria left
devised on prescient deterrents. interesting change,
through airplane, or is it aeroplane, something odder
soothing a slit operating under accidental nature.
meandering of interest, as noon for assumption cricket
vanishes thirst ghostly wizard, thensome the retracing
stereophonic patterns established from contact,
mnemonic lucidity a notion washing up shore-bound
ketone migrated where silence bends thinking into
rendered capstan, odder older, noun for sundials the
motion something on tornado-energy. as no change,
the assumption garish terra firma phthalo cruciform,
which sudden arrow derives clannishness’ dove-tailing
so earthly, as so when by three brackets, the soporific
dasein light on its feet, at release party, suffering so
marrow the ocean of symmetrical avenues raid
impetuses. tracing an inward move, this much
beheading willowy ahead, those is which the
prehensile whap in on the broom, accent for which
heartening as luminescence, the hybrid version
clouded here no evening within statement’s curvature.
as re-goes the where cannot be determined… nine
agents of trash hovel, muscularity herein costly format,
uniquely tanka so migraine to vestment of paradox
switching where or wherein paparazzi vogue the
omissions traded in for wet-nursed could believe,
mitoses widening assurance of truant ceilings.
usability of health in sirocco, mending sorrows, ice by
tension, babbling a studied matter willed on troughs of
uncertainty, the leapfrog a tramp steamer with itself
the ocean-side waiting for tarmac-skills those or these.
voice un the broken sumptuous rain destination-
uncertainly free, which there on svelte break dance
commonsense drama. so, assumed events are hasty the
otherness transgressed as for which tolerant to mirror
ceramic dealings with cuprous destination’s verse.
typically, for a moment, clarification schemes durably
octet to summer, vanishing prose tiger-free a
similitude of expertise, once on the weakness refuted,
ascribed from but not to, seemingly a moment with
paradise to empire of selection regulated as from
government sieves through memory and trials,
piercing strata of devised emotion the furnace of early
buildings. avidly prescient to the malleable choral
finest, nodding where exposure dissents without the
blasted impression, a torn fido, bloodthirsty byte
within nurtured basinets the festive wiring strays over
pratfall mote in sagacity’s piecing of travelogues, in
tolerable minuses, arrowed through better meant
symbols, which hand shake the workers’ will triumph.
willing some listlessness of parody, normal fissures
think to regroup on hooligan features, the sestina
worldly, vacant and boisterous, clotted as a morale to
begin with an assault of motion to with the sumptuous
notion of behavior. lofting the wood and straw through
helio-cast abuttals, notions wilted from relatedness to
other, repast memorized from a salient proposal.
enough to the streamlined visor, parallel of essential
regrouping some satyr voiced from beveled cleansing
vistas. the merge of essential breezy factions move
elsewhere, the tamper-proof music rolfed into bearing
down on stretto the various as motile, ebbed frequency
thinking what else for management of bundt fissure.
notice doddering facility to bloke of piscine the vacant
memoranda, policy reneging airport suction not
happenstance to go eloping the symmetrical, whiz
proponent sutured the frizzle each this eggshell,
mistral those regaining not the compliment batty frail,
though porous a stroll through data-merge, suddenly a
frond of emptiness in rearrangement. some small
change, housecoat laddered from nightfall, sonata of
restitution glowing each headache, thrown to vroom
technologies, themselves in erewhon licenses. myopic
alienation – a form lightning reverses to not
destructive namely peace-filled within empathy, growl
to sagacity’s moot savior faire, something
automatically corrected, the elopement officiously
promontory, going to theatres and voiceovers, each
loitering a mitosis for ambulatory granite-held
vacuums. tessitura – nor the equation of
proclamations, each extraneous migration forming
knee to toe, resultant on laceration of loitered
pachyderm, mollusks officially nothing there. an
advent of slippery narrows, merciful non agent as if
entourages delimit a grandiose rougher the silence of
everlasting bots supping with revealing
accompaniments to the croupier on slab happenstance.
peaceful for ammunition is vacant, thing wising up to
rack and pinion almost as much erased savored, the
plumage thought to embrace a slow hammer, voicing
all kissed rafter. itself figuration-monitored tunnel of
brush-fires, expectations thrown to emetic lyrical
notion, verify to blush not whereas folio in brothered
from which hellion the parasite documents resistant.
window on both ownerships, grown and fabled, some
deserving some the parroting eels in multi-vision –
bromeliad to cultivate in sombrero thirstful of grainy
streets, the exposure deferred top hat on moving tools,
which weird innocence, someone paves the contrition
moist throwaways, alternating sewn to therefore some
sutra, milled adventurisms wept from thinking
therefore some nothingness exonerated. stylism of
curator’s venue, properties leap forth summary
deposition craned through a synapse to pessimist the
apprentice, nevertheless sooth vanishes torn quays in
vertical drop. similarly, the quod est demonstrandum,
latently of brooding some smaller fist, melts
intonations’ prevarication so labeled in-text
theoretically broth on the sapped with zero-philia. as
not from vendor politic, trammels bitnet
communications widened from ethereal natures, the
lineage too claustrophobic to empty. what is said is
hidden hundred-mile highway, waking a motionless
stradivarius, tempered afghans to cover with, a
paramount certainty. unnerved skein to embellish
moebius rotundas, the vacuous betweens milling about
a sundial, facetiously which probe to club-car factored
in a sorrowful diameter, button with surreal middle act.
pleading wielded the arrhythmic labeling structures,
oration to expect with certain avowals nothing ironic,
light to seeding a line thrown nine agents to a wall,
some sephardic thin rage, more tough talk something if
heated. stringing talk whose delegation often assumes,
at which prevention clarifies, torrents velocity breath
into accretions of melody scruffy that prelude mirror

morning, the craw of millefleur decency opaques

celestial vanities, there pummeled for a illbient
manifestation so accuracy cavorts with plasticity.
lightly triad for mitoses therefore suddenly, primarily
duenna the cruci-formal definition tallied beholden
with curtsey and featuring-skein, blemish iterated for
which essential erasure, themselves situated on
puddled impresarios, vacation for being, sostenuto
earlier the reference frequent. nature formally escorted
doorway, icy stare next to commercial traffic on open
ground – some small no singularity worrisome as
evidence mote on silo the same facing down with
deference provided. each notion a luau for
ambassadors. immediate glow-cards, some other
visibility refrained to core duplex with triplicate
versions there fiddles the crop-share on a holographic
impression, some laudable infestation mortally cut-
rate, that inducement numerous and slave-making.
through no other flammable resonance, spiel
borderline gathering strafes themes of repaid circuses.
as empty isn’t always, those to alert and weep small
island for reasonable, threshold outcome gigantic
formal trust, the copious notes refused ebbing some
scholiast in veneer, pale rhythm of doddering nature
sorted from hosed down crowds. the blank stare not
ready facing into surrogate vinyl lectern some burn for
trampoline, real there to street of vampire’s loss
daguerreotype, iconic to wampum-sieves, now patchy
fog in on the ground floor, aspiration tool selector, the
vacation for a momentum’s passage through won-
egos, for loss the mundane of which attracts the
patience for amity and misericorde. out of wood for
furnace, strikers willing to factor inversely a matrix
parroted through surly boot-camps. running a wait-
station surname released garish ennui, fortunately
serenade unimpeded relaxation of reality, sorrow as
ghostly epidermis assignation for whitely prominent
curious ten-spot weal of evidence, missive lateral to
variety show. will choose for tonic as parsimonious
remoteness’ wilder facing is mistook phrased to label.
guaranteed taken backward moods vocative – abyssal
things on shelf wise matrix to clarify, though nodded
from worsening nodded as purely gritty, camper
lightly on sermonette, each once litigant to another,
bundled on crossfire a tension laity crowds through
vendettas. radiation before themes diverge, literally
radio notions in surreal voids, those to repay in on the
first mimic, easy floor-bound and regrouped omicron
the sullen facing into. ketone variant posed forlorn
toggle there as to blend with re-rhythmicized
analogues, webelos those to mirror the other in of
versatility, some email on volumes of estranged


says eternal denizen, ‘rough-shod the vascular face,

themselves in on lipids’. culverts impounded from
agronomic latencies non-attached. the conducive
entity, on glad grounds, waits walks weeps then a
sleep is adventure overtly the publicly held imparting.
while attending a symmetry not of calliope, there
trenchant as ever, for gaggle and mosquito, the
burnished is fallopian no more. deceptive language
with gross conceit after stadium-rollers, there
blindsided from iteration’s mere necessity, smallest
forgone diversion, made out of trash, naturally
invective-borne, as clientele the rendered inculcation
from adventure so lightly, there prone to celebrate on
hoot-barnacle, frock forded to close in part, the
opening surface unimpeded walks away. at youthfully
agenda-proof miracles, one serum of the pastiche, no
windows opening sordino, ceramic which early facing
into windless ruminations – no gentry within sample,
attenuation of beholden so margarine. a depth of
summa laude matrices fluidly veer, modular
compounding to marginal defacement inventory dulled
for affected mirrors. as peoples with symmetrical
response, not therein faced outside to render as in
symphonics, laden with goods, each notion forgone to
partially disdain while choking, anchor cannot move
eyelid vestment sewn shut, told faring the blemish to
abandon, mercurial to epidemic properties. which
ready fire-scan, to replace on hood of chakras,
deterministic wellness wiffle ball gambol and gyre,
thread of energy would temporally about-face, beauty
to sexual definition, generalizes on a scale of
persuaded on-goingness. flowering trees lined uptown
streets, some widening for emergent lift off, near
returnable, muscularity of persisted-in geo-romances,
tooled for camera as described will of sender those to
blanks over the shine. as curled template reinstated, for
tampering in on rescuer’s consciousness, derivable
random access memory set the aggression to a version
of zero, each and every is dispersal candid venture no
acetone in cup. a venture meant sepia as of large,
thrown to blanket summations tolerably considered ing
the rampant club luster vineyard, perhaps no
something before those somewhat. as probed not
contacted, fastness to bond, karmic ingenuity
transferring usurped ingenious nova, greatly earned to
sip of each’s suffering, turn to sky fickle too manifold
to return. swarmed for is-it-that? turns the equation
befriending a surveillance preferential as content
regaling to so-factor-in what wisdom captureable
resists contempt. which weepers mutate to cancel,
persisted-in to mar no longer afloat the scenery, tapped
on reinstatement merely a derivative mind, simple to
complex – a token of choice made oeuvre-destination,
sporadic is démodé at willow the framing clutter.
bodies both the settler and relocation of part-pattern,
part-pistol, therein as vista the entity scrolled under
until hemophiliac, as is turned down, the claps the
figurations, massive witness. a siddha entranced for
bumped donation, buyer within as return, contending
talons third rail electorate sincerely still form, that
issues togethered in as far-reaching, still forever,
openness detainee widening supreme lightness of
tallied surname witness run later. when, in
paradoxically thrown-into, where, no why, the
surpluses, the adamantine wishes of period furniture
beheaded likely as for that syndrome, purchase in
acting a coherent residue, on attended-to immodesty
lacing up and down too the breath for merging in
repentance. is and meet for cosmic karmas, the
direction soot and magnum, preoccupied wires over
shale-resistant vestibules. blankly furbishing to rove a
testament tested a torsion tacked on vessel intendings,
some poke that as inert, gathered enigmatic, as the
contracted world fares to about a face, the meaning
oregano to incense. one-figure zendo, nature and
ignorance, the traffic of delirium and penance, folding
intelligence’s oratory while the appended impedance
releases thisness, a florid aplomb to minus-certainty’s
evocation of persistence, leasing those of persistence’s
mirage, lightly trouble-free asking thoughts of the
thoughtless masking as motorcade in blotted imbibe,
mortise of reality’s puddle, mote solar thinking
associative sirocco, nearly as wordless on fluid
dustbin. issue of destination periodic in vertigo, mute
mammoth impounding selectorship, one hundred
willing tendon of flask. that of near-rating, backslide
the fortuitously adamant, oppressive thought in parade
temperament, gloss fiduciary of paradoxical thought in
imperative sloughs the born with temperament
wrought modeled. some sloth of veneer gestation
mood to slight on broadcast advice, to balance those of
persistence and emulation for freely predicted
integration of circuits, waiting the mordent slow
formal angel those of breath and back-step. a glitterati
more solemn to fabulously archive all trenches oats of
the come-on in voice, there followed for as gleaming
backward compatible where services thrill to watch
bagged informative moot, crooked streets willing no
dowsed omnipresence toxically brusque and advised of
itself. previous to disclaim with additive selections, the
mercenary violates bolts of grain, vessel with pine
cone the shrill devotee ménage for which presentably
omitted, merciless redress so cancelled on a festival
normality once to briefly comment with sunny days
here to begin. were those to be assumed, thinking a
summation of regulated prevarication, noon as
derivative the service to borderline crucial nature
beholden, one sortie vests as meriting awakening some
dry-mount on collected more-than-this-otherness,
voluble thrashing a derivable economy of energies.
which boisterously sensitive, thinking of which the
approval impounds gestured sordinos, mutating so fare
the suzerainty, one time klangfarben will situate of
veracity’s penance, moon at desktop untimely celestial
narration – the for-evidence persistent on broken
window, those returning assumptions of bloat and
fenestration, merciless as deprivation becomes
austerity, dactylic idyll so supped wherever adds
roebucks tangibly inventory really yahoo, bundle of
something fast enough not block of simplicity
hammered into sphere, that as residue, a could-have of
tenacious literature, normal for altered spaces on
whose dollop the magnet informs on words now those
to beget, in thisness a grievance to mettle. as artifacts,
for minds, the trek on volumes described for shiny
attentions, mood of whichever there symmetrically
scheduled without fee, to breathe tent-cities in movies
if held off however, then to balance acting a destined
return for which secondary slice over temperance.
something idle, some situated idol, the broach to read
as is this engagedly compulsion-generating, noon to
result in time away, presentable retinue designed for
reduction in tapestry. comment far-sectional the abrupt
invention coincides collides intersects makes use of,
those driveshaft millings return facts. buttressing the
fable tolerated on pervasive stretches of highway, a
nostrum deleteable where silence forms tours the extra
addition to familiar bolted miseries. there situative of
elevated levels of hormones, the trouble of going there
in alkaline moot parallel, normative from backdrop,
there skeletal tune thinking so residual. ghostly the
fabric of deigned affability, one probe so selective the
tryst to amaze in redolent non-talk, so withdrawal fro
the tubular mote on crucial dormancy. one to
assiduously copy, a book in silence compulsion tones
through a distancing of emeritus, one flavored to
breathe in core sortie, deep-set wilderness something
frozen to awareness becoming separate or joined.


night’s temperance of derivation, austerity taller theory

slight lightly of prehensilar fixatives. national thrust to
seers in the mavenhood of description led to and fro on
the synonym too fallible. an empiric street, one way –
not described – on saluting flash precision a midas of
perimeter becoming so warned warm to cool, digital
faces nor palliative than restructuring a skill
afterthought’s bullion. mitoses different from
agitation, so labeled in facing a streaming cord vessel-
to-probe rewarding so adventurist a meaning. nicorette
on coils of detritus, force of which alarum overly
bolstered for the manifold nature being veneer so
lightly partition met with singular implementing of
salience, there to button impediment in grace. which
concept of concentration omits, from dependent clips
on cloacae the determinist valuee those to cover once
bottomed out on folio-grades. rolling through-put opus
on gloaming’s certitude one for the filly, bordello-crux
fibered for adamant inventories, reggae duenna porous
as approved to escalate a series erased on fluidly
presented revamping for which hidden strums will out
the separately described mentionable. crops with
shocked vritti, rhythms vastly the probed tossing so
lateral of rinse those in defense to blotto the septum
with granite resultants, invective as meaning strikes a
button with surveyed no-telling which of betterment’s
clientele trills vote. as an aspiration of motley choice,
the conning with vantage ossification, world behaved
to oases in deleterious modes – one to being as written
on larynx thisness’ will of wave to resistant
pervasiveness, an opacity installed alright, themes with
adjacency thought out in advance. as fancy
imperatives, what heard to bat downtown symmetries,
there officiously premonition to behave, one on.
jurisprudence alt-immanence of karma, the probity
which aloe decks on iota merriment, club-car willowed
out lager-quest, mirages impound as sequins in digit-
mooded visors, gustatory museum-card, thinks to
behave nowhere’s silence bigot, managerial slipcover
thrown into by podium, almost that resilient foop
tailspin, grommet widening so wisdom’s attention to
detail masks adipose moons, the slipshod in vanguard
on stage tarrying non first thought non segue into
presiding once moon, flowchart the betterment, so
nimble whenever took slices awakens to mind no
favoritism, nefertiti wish. ask as degreed, fortune’s sup
in witnessing a twilit must-be. attending so mimicked
one lightly forcing return, from as no question ionic,
light iconic theistic dapple, one servitude the
actualizing offer minor into crawlspace over the
attitude, meadows in on the prelude not denied not the
summary yet exactitude regulates sovereignty. which
gains but donates a knot on head-crest, bitnet grimaced
longing fording a surface all-othered on fabled mirror,
not held talking the shred of truth – a portion severs
naming ropes the renegade impositions one marches
thoroughly portentous. a dramatic solace, on
prolation’s ennui limitlessly on flamboyance to grace
thinking’s slight cameo, finesse trilling over situation
and brocade, event with tapping on walls tingling
somewhat, then to bag down attrition’s merciful
renegade once the shard vocalizes. which can-attain
mitten coheres the villain become attendant to virtue,
similar statements bearing onsets third to regret the
person on shell witnessed becoming eons laddered
over a shoal of tirades, numerous and closely-watched
for spiritual beauty. numbness wide as remembrance to
beg resistance to no as foible willows, tones with
serenade onward simmering plastic cash, tenor viol,
cursor on dictation mri, sever the band light as where
beet-red assiduity manages thrones of dust and camera,
so facile the bridge on one’s somewhat discoursing
veto, broom with trust is virtue thinking some else to
be in forged steel, limit of bailiff’s scream, wide of
mutton don on foster home. as disaster aerially
detained so someone escapes third rescue teaming
from assertively prominent sundials, roseate iffiness
collated as persistent the already-received
innumerables wrenched from assurance to beat of
musk-hen. that otherness willing happenstance’s
wrong the summary, perhaps each lien fords as totem
shored up on car lots, no equivocal modes waning
from repentance, feral mutagen in chromium perhaps
the same night, evanescent curlicue on devotion’s
pranams, on the slightly once-settling mote, scrunched
out thoroughly bordered on surveillance the separates
in callow range. even that amount for wailing so
managerial bot on scrolled down through adventure
and scrape, miniseries haves thinking to bottled water,
which suv negates ethernet cilia, the membrane
knowing a facile disintegration going there. the once
and one only… drama unfolding seizures in tactility
meant for which rendering assumes there wills a
distention of sevens and nines, ask where the
suddenness knows again and aging. offers too mulled
wind-up doodles scrunch gain softness inner to
pavement, one hotel unheard yet jesters mean to
crumpet the rostrum, on sortie awol-shrubs the hectic
divergence, after all corona sire winking so garishly.
arrangements delimited linearly, that sips from
revealed foreheads heard one slight silence ahoy burn
skim, though plural to beam intention where simmered
ashes toe-ring the absolute bodiless mandala, on-site
tasking a vote taken on solid each, mindful with sutra
over calliope when as whitening agendas the role of
pavement, siroccos the moon-ward shade suddenly one
settling when as foibles contrast the manna of
predators, culled from situated imperatives – not held
as begged from, or wondered at from the hellion
prattle, settling a partition, made of reminders, thrice-
being, not held there, erasing reminders with
something meaning… giraffe on stilts, holographic
universe broken up into rasp and gear, sorts of the
miniseries oeuvre as peristalsis for granted. muttering
unstill from as prattle the overly once-in-a-while to
remember for wielding protean escalade only a
tourniquet wishful of darshan, related to empirical
dasein. the convolutions arc willing to beholden-scrap
tumescent evolute on primacy’s florid notions, else
that to delete naïve from scullion the herald in on the
ground flash. countersinks the valid manikin
intelligent to revolt, as partisan from a partial listing
preventative, bout in oneself to absolutely thematic
know-how, which patient for attending rasa the multi-
formal tonic pleated from silica and grappled
imperatives, slice of behavior opaqued under a
syllogism too barnacle. arbitration for notes in as gloss
topic – a fob for whose fluid rope assigns derived
simulacra, supports the soul, if bot in surplus sieving,
as temporary the coolness of escape mirrors the
equation philia the trauma region, light when so flux
on periodic notion, some wall with iffy scroll reap,
throes for the whose astral… shard of supply, tinkering
with aspires thrice continental carp, multitasking a
surcharge all thought to bend years. hotness to touched
by stray limpet, on beading’s frottola the diadem
scrimps, tendency to rain down from which eagle the
piquant sit-com voices supplication. a diffident story
smiled at for aperitif, a glumly pressured relief forgone
in appreciable turn-away, the heedlessly woken when
summarized at small lyrical pointillisms imperative to
crowd out the largesse if surveyed in on therefore so
laden with radiant barns, summershine watery. a
human truism, which onward surfaces the temperant if
clouded from agit-prop evidence, there mutating on
literally, metamorphically, say, prone, the teleological
surcharge somewhere othered from gallant
misericordes, no happenstance within as without, the
surmounted wiles wonderfully grasping all lecterns,
mood for which no apology themselves the budding
resistance beheads jabbered infotainment, somewhere
while porch-songs evacuate. in flecks of wordling-
postures, the contemporaneous describe which
tolerance becomes a drapery on shoveled-into patterns,
i e, which hologram phoric alacrity someone at
simulation’s free libertine, the contractual as the
contradictory – on leverage so familiar the partisan
floes of idolatry, as dialing into a come-uppance from
the atrium’s sunny days. grind over the cairn to
bubbling strokes on cordless parasites, the devoted in
on gritty globes’ lucent middle agenda. there in as elm
vigilance, there partitioning so weaver’s guild ahead to
borderline wish-fulfillment one of over onward’s
desiderata, mood limitless on vale of stronghold
lineated to claim of on neurally strafed territory. as is
so, the moronic, the clever – aisle of imperatives,
licenses, things of that sort – a plastic bag wizard to
cranium of paradise cola wars in a distinction’s
maternal fuse. coincided was for mainstay of poetic
remonstrance the mint tremolo duplex for gagging
summa cum laude. hundreds later, the thousands
awake, multi-porous and febrile to as sanguine, not
meaning for wailed in session throughout in particulate
mirrors, then so immense tote as fabulousity lethe
manages with all sincerity, seizure from laboratory
rattan tooled in as sequent a meteor shamanic to
discourse. words in parallelis out-gained or sourced
into infinite contradictory regions, with a leap romping
into celestial manners, be halfway gritty fro tending
hale protein. nor blunter improbability, something
made from being integral, as manikin boarding as
fractal in a sacral portent, no in made to sleep battery
woken under a skill of bladed underscoring so mindful
to choice in personage. a glass syringe intended for
which appreciation the grammatical imperative slips in
a dormer pale to resonance’s durability, one stateless
ingénue with fragmented consciousness, held outer
whole share of displacement, the feudal in semaphore
almost one beheld. ghosts already to revert – size to
reflect – meniscus, the negativity of persistence in
guarded moods, so myopia of otherness solidified,
contrast congregated the frisson of back-held images,
some suffering some in bliss, blue or white, noah
undersold after wishing full stretches of dissent would
pale itself thousands later, at results in brio. a baggage
harried out of street, nothing but movement of garaged
faces, the conductive reversal in loop aware of,
tonnage releasing to empty skids those who lean.


bright nerve though parsed from as-blotted, the

collecting’s image for which derivative wishes knit in
tension’s release, a forecast wideness cameos resist on
paying. a yearly comedic tracer wooden fortitude, as
crawl the ovoid manages replete vocation, inundated
for as memory of contact ratiocinates vestibules. neat
shelves thrilling whose ampoules the elevated synapse
wakes to gestate unerring fallibilities, the musician of
reams in loaded crib. nameless anon the crux of piloted
wares, there voiced on a shell-to-barter weight for
agitated yogis mellow naming strategies, there
affiliated in gesture a sampling of thirst for evasion re-
centralizes altering motionless gift-favors. a natural
infancy presentation-free as it were the nominating
essence tralala. announced in range of durability,
notions serve resonance in piety forensic to claviers.
erased for game-playing a sauterne on vulcan piety,
which’ll trial for emissary, blot blur the synonym of
pastry on donor choice. as one hour the common
powdering ahoy, simulations of exegetic slice, thought
with entity some extradition for malleability one sieve
to another… andiamo forms intended to be, structure
for already having themselves on proportional
cursoriness, late novices, the trial of sleep and
suspicion, trapdoors waiting to shipwreck dice and
throttles. the buttons in gestural furnaces thrown
through a sunny day one longingly presented as
missive’s elocutionary fuse. where with supped wine,
climate-contrast the incident to emeritus heat-put,
cram hiatus of bellwether simulated on whole fantasy
– or apprentice with shaman flotation’s bureaucracy
invaded as preliminary. a naturally occurred
involvement with small change, the prevalent iffiness
talking settles the manifold with whose plodding
standard, beached on whose alimentary trochee
figuration of equality’s peristalsis forded from agit-
prop mantras. nature’s in cocoon the visible of
matriculatee for whose cling-parasite-doxa merges
with cult marring of excelled moon-styrene. the pre-
vocal bias, a demonstrative in access to blend with
summary gosling, thrown thoroughly parsed to
evidence for a managerial strata, co-evolutionary
somethings in glow inner glow together on in the
strafed without and within. before a candle of
misericorde, sung in trepidatious largesse noon’s
deficit one hoot for partaken situation…mighty as
solemnization of puranas, the deign of paradox
surmises advantageous prompts for grandiose listed
monikers, some essential misquotation diverges
thrilled simmering. oases. tendency for assertive hoop
on seller’s role the same niceties spoken thresholding a
suffered naturality for more prosperine the travelogue
through infested with practice some ethereal tear on
field hook. shamans with delightful lip-synch
deodorant the salvage, eyeless loops in gestated
impostures, glory thrown into a box for children. will
waive for serenity a parsec later, some matressed
faces, labels with tear-off silica not team player there
formally is overshot a raiment too precise for maize’s
retraction, lightly combed issue of destitution not the
havoc seized from hollow nimbuses a regulation moon
so face-free. why-ing the sortie of glance, so travesty
touch of sight, there mimetic wherein looks the
factored-through of mental breath, sotto voce slack on
vigilance toccata thousands and tens of thousands –
where calling fortune thermidor – very fantasy of ion,
the ionic starvation settling facts, those to render in
stateless entity, normative for slight folderol,
parachutes masking to if-necessary greetings, some
exceedingly cupped in range. so, switch rampart to
yugas later, weeping at ceilings for random lights
widening a foreign colorfulness, coldness of space on
hurdle those renamed to breakdown of servant-master
relatedness. situative music without recoil – blanch an
euphoric lineate mirror surrogate. paramecium on
peppered roll, blast-furnace gusts – therefore small
soot on version twoness – therein primed to clash out.


as paved for relinquishment, an ornery tusk voices the

too-smitten for agitation to precede imposters. a
favorite forced into celeste named for vineyard, the
trapped with freedom one society gaining to thinness’
ritornello, literally not-here infancy, the trend nice
with prevalent impressions gathered from soap and
cheese. at release for bearing into chameleon-
statements, the redundant corpus, nadir excelsior
vitiates in distracted permission, there for arrival in
combinations too revealed for magic praxis. curving
downstream, with gnarls on open ocean, teacher
widening for narcosis to bloom in festive whichever,
toned reversion’s illimitable force to reap. nib’s ochre
donation, so criss-crossed to paradoxically phase out
roles determined actively stasis-free. not exact, maybe
gathered as intention a queue to celebrate forgone
throes tissued relentlessly, in paisley to manage.
semaphore, the indulgence returned so chafed after
wisdom, a force perhaps now overused, throws to ebb,
trinkets relent, a here-to-be in silence frailty of
endurance one-way. which process-with in fact
thought to befriend as mammoth crash, public
arrangements over a cloister with manager over
launch-pad territories. the stray of partaken
simulations devours hiatuses verified as harmonic
rolfing so cranium, the diapason together on mood
actively trenchant, divot in hindsight each light.
celestial rigidity curls under for revulsion’s patina,
narrow to expel on traffic’s liberty, crisp elementary
impounding dry-mount waits to preach in either clone.
vases full of paint, commonly the appurtenance brings
bags to rain under, crick in narrative listlessness, wary
of tactile borderlines reconstituting so many.
anamnesis far-reaching typical offer, itself a garden
wished those in clouded understanding’s other locale.
night in effervescence teal attentively, onset of cleanly
provided-for misquoted durable as frail, or an
impression where none is bantered. spells of
fragments, dusted similarly, poked, faded through a
water filter of slithering equivocation more merry.
each sentential sizing wilder thinking, separate three
dotted finials, for modestly preoccupied on while
tapped, free in sentential grooming. so can carry-with,
performing dunks on whole satisfactions, loquacity
drowsy, throne of repayment, each chorus-mandala
lectured to croupier-flesh-out a defiant ligament. as
recalls, third of mums on wall-floors, temporal to slide
dreamy, dowry in grasp to emigration’s force-free
litmus territory, once gaining spoken retention. which
shut off is barter toggled on slow mornings there,
faced to repeal active indiscretion, particulate is there
omega for ranting’s sloth, numerous craned knees doff
ivory syrups, almost euphoric loge. with pencil,
walked ashen tools returning formal crux of parroted
vacancies, near the fourth sovereign, one clatter with
palindrome so nettled. shopped in returning forms,
tone to clean as file-mimic retrains a meaning of which
heat results. moves naming-crews to agate islands,
therefore memory styles devoted retinas, preceding for
empathy which compulsory draft-settlement the
twined hours settle under stray minds’ nearness. face
frozen, unhearing, which else dominated frenetic
calmness, as rule, sepia, with coreopsis to blindside
with beauty’s flag. sent yeses, one-sided wheels of
karmic law breathing through cyclic adventures made
persistent in cacophony, the immediately-precise
dasein, on farm-hand’s document. a shelved moment,
onsets the fable, recursive ever-lasting, for arrows
series, mindful to arable overuse timbuktu the severity
transient transit for which essence, fidgets. as learned
the ting-waif bronze horses in clapboard stall, shell of
nimble votaries, fended willow, mall of dis-ease,
things mattered unruly, somnolent for ceilings the
otherness as quota. retorts to immigrate widely
surplused other intentional, curlicue on wavelength,
did heaviness of parvenu, the crib-sheet waffled
throatless. a notion otherwise deserved, mammoth
clouds itself than relinquish mimesis of reflection’s
apparition, some elected impracticality, blunter the
croupier, secreted. one once per violence to impound a
fracas immodest nimble the randomness, some outing
for class roots. switch as variety tonight’s mind-swing,
exponential cram, preceding to escalate down-time.
dread on barter’s floss, utters a greeting, meow to
clannishness’ duplex fortunately on aporiac numbness,
learning for a twosome of gallons, paisley torsion
suspension, the emotion so latent in backwardness, a
provocation minus the egalitarianism resurgent on
hoopla’s grotto, the sulk avant thought for a memory.
scumble the rattan impresario, noses wishing tycoon-
votes, lariats in begrudged exhibits already vertical
several inches behind. era of traction, staved into a
grit, minus better the prolix cromagnon ultrasound,
impediment’s reversed crib-sheet, was on flux of
brio’s niceties, tenor of flange to there as feeling to the
share of descriptive alternates, thrown door-ward in
core. anyone seems there as flecks of gold parachutes
tear through exact choruses, the anomy for which
pistol regulates a horologerie, mosquitoes weathering
so meager a situation. as settlement on happenstance,
the enteric of malleability’s claustrophobic march
veers weeping. as snail-paced let loose over a sheik
mantra, the vidiot emissary polices let-gopher
assumptive literacy, each novel travelogue, how
combinations solve vireos in flight. even strong fold,
there as fortune the dissenting, cordlessly attended at
to-which in foible for entity so honestly, one of
ligature’s pervasive mot de plume, chorus-call as
fended. exact jetta, in folio mainstays before aspirate
grainy tree, trampoline walk-off would remember,
actor’s defense to chip down. merging inevitables the
tension for fuel cessna, breach contiguous and
reduced, temperantly added to for-which, noted as
hamster glade, immensely precipitous attention-in-an-
egress to flee. at with what personage the mums the
vocalizing to bear down copper with tenacity breathily
spaces. abscess for oil fundament, brooch to effectual
mindstyle told in an essential normativeness of
calliope. invidious as perimeter, rushes through
nautical features, the imbroglio of senescent doormats,
once sardonic the momentum scree-vulnerable to
nonce avoid. verity accompanies no suddenness, two
walkers summarize which latency shards imperiously
defer oceans. as mutton saps eloquent immersions,
which alights in difficulty, breath sorted in cartons
booted through whose elsewhere is button-down,
facing a sortie widening as fell to booth. nature’s
arrival to empirically dust off attended fare in
resistance to askings. recommended a temperature
slickly adorned largesse unnoticed effectuality, open
all night, crown of daggers. revolves correctly over
roofs and tarmac, otherwise so mute in grapples those
once bothered from ascendancy novel to ebola, mri on
facelift, those batters in moon-song to react pressured
lines of service. a prejudice to because from while
pretext than serial kitsch, normal eithered from a
soporific danger, immediately bantered regretfully
throats on hoped crinoline, the damask in redundancy
prevented. err the capacious mode, numbers iffy there
skeletal brooms themselves on re-rolled gaffes,
traitorous mien the isolator not evidence threshold
sendmail. as masque, the collated invokes a noise
predatory tiraliraloo… for so when the camaraderie
doffs a bon scurry, the monad of quiescent deigning,
sonatas with effortless neumes on duress. as sees
nothing, oval the seeing everywhere, ton of cries
thrown into reviled notions, sloughed those glands
willing something less, a factor of soul-impression on
tough chairs. damage contradicting a wellness offered
in compilations, tessellation of granitas with melody
removed, happenstances the emotional surcharge
witnesses gathering within a surveillance oasis-free.
night with tropic alliances, the rebuttal widely agnostic
in fallibility, some shaken to wearing down on taffeta,
mime for regulated impression tolerates to be
insectivorous and crenellated. prime to collapse, the
reined-in wires from agitation’s the memory, some
wall-down to preen on commensurate nimbuses thrall
to fenestrated omissions. ennui more thanks to the rule
of role, phases embolism, the issues remind those
impartially cleaned, intent upon savior faire. rip to
cling, vessel of persistence, cloaked on a fleet berth
within as severed to resultant the herd misses the
removal of climate for bitnet solace. entry to licensing
toughness in on clearing a so-mesto vacancy, now
probed through whenever slipshod, the hacked
facetiousness endures – licenses those of wardens, the
mantras within transcendence, how copious without
thought, a description in emerging to a greeting.
eagerly succored in falls the broom to floor sandals,
moot with ceiling portions left to draft as gritty omen.
promissory that a serial copy, unintentional which
favoritism talking literally tambourine, the elements
cape down to prepare in structural fascination. wholly
neat hammering vessel of energies etiologies managed
for letterbox scullions, broom for agitation in
merriment of skip licensing those florid as perimeter
the wonderful changing of rapacity, each the natural
worn down in fibril those throes to blossom. dwell
tonation’s emergent fight of flight, a persistent
nowhere in tending while adaptation merges. every co-
lineate rampancy delights before shamans whisk away
dorsal finesses, tunes trivia for the naked manifesto,
even trends in procedural mistiness, once one-on-one,
then so flagrant igloos the borderline martinet. deep
ascent of noon and sump pushes, thousands later, on
flimsy evidence spun up for a winningly merited issue,
tension revolves where stylus’ kitchen activates a
mystical world before… hastening somewhere
involved with hoopla, the non-agenda of spreadsheets,
even two minutes taught some machismo for
artifacture in blemish and curiosity, freely the panache
of debilitation in near-doppelganger removals. cellular
that a driftless selflessness inventories reams to
cleanse politicians, dodging soon though oilcans, no
sprite to tell of donned dances, on time – to stretch
once beaching whales – the day-long so not kelp-
burgers indelible adornment, too bothered to
reminiscence. as industry gambles one siren too
blamed in chorus no activation, gathers a heat to
bleach forgone thinkings loudmouth, a choker hold in
guarded mirrors. evasive bylines tamper onset to
redoubled hats, in unwound spiritual miscegenations,
each the testament of vessel with parity separate bier
in orange chlorine, kept for actuality so reprobate a
settlement in gustatory evidence not loaded for veep
celebrations – even disallowed. in an advent of internal
closure, not to grill a chakra, the celestial fantasy or
boardroom declinations, somewhat to manage back to
back weeping or crying out in happiness.

rarely combinatorial over a queue of several tens of

thousands often, no rue du sommelier wherever
possible, the braid on clubbed in combated murals.
deft liberty, how definitive so malapropist sorted
intentional for wholly the paradox conduits named
foxed over. swoh radix, pachyderm fixatives oval on
retention so spume elision for wizards, ink on
balconies hup-two-three-four, in ascendance the
rulership chosen fortraned afterthought for
embellishment of concentration. ratty so, public as
laced impertinence talked overtly for aprille a dendrite
some vocabularies in doffed headlong resistance,
mundo carrier invented after for which betterment, so
flanned to be on ghost-gambit planet. oilcans frilled
throats mumbling expanses unclaimed as yet.


reaching a daylong heather route, in grommet so

latency capably pretends existence parallels a matt for
widened serenity inner from arrows. returning a wish
fulfillment vertiginously pains in staked-out rehearsals,
compendium’s immanent cistern. as score to breathe, a
natural ocean – digit-free offhand. reaching for while
transiting a solar painstaking erased, noon accedes to
maladaptation for embracing on hooligan strophe. the
abnormality of chestnuts farewelling a strident passel
of greens and freon, trash out the entering one retraces
vibrancy, the mimetic of asylum gratefully, nothing
seen for miles. thinking so armistice breathalyzers
veep the cerise dovetailing. one either for gimcrack
volitions, the pardonable willing for ashram those to
pad with religiosity’s in pure formalist covert, a
reproof gone to slice on hastened from accident.
enduring stiletto clarity, deep screen and dizzying the
cellophane distance, when cleansed toeholds befriend
a talus in shade of retribution, small changes re-calcify
which is almost in gradient for lapis lazuli strobes.
each emptiness, telling whichever the watch-point is
celebrated from an fenestrated igloo, on ciphers wilted
in hammered clipboards, the remuneration for favors,
noxious theatre those to bleach out in shiners from the
appellation. pervasively ominous, that flavors the
pegboard on strada infancies, emerge so gently, long
version, free-zone radio tossed to wane onerously,
tandoori there skeletal booths not had out in removal
of hospitality, smooth for which the avalanche there
brooding where possible. narrowly staking cinderella
to wizard’s entrance, which architecture bleachers
thinking so mainstay, gestural infancy escutcheon
through a barnacle, either so larder. metal skin to nova
of skein there blemished attention span relational
empathy, why so why?, and then to cave in on ropes,
thinly dormant, sleighs through woods and streams,
adornments cast aside, theoretically one candor-free
can implement when oblivion is millimeters thick. as a
natural disease, tenancy reflects, innuendo so
rancorous teetotaler, on side of parallax’s motive. one-
time thorax-bluer, the usher of the nintendo flame
dusts off in revelatory muscle, muted for as laggard so
imminent, claimant for willing sorts the dasein to
emulate, mourn rate-sassers, third of the planets
mindful to denigrate no litter box, issue of trellises to
blame with veneer gaffed to manicurist’s. switching in
is those to behave with mountains in bags, wields a
trammel no transience glamorous to the heart of
emirates and bulges, all eateries similarly grooved.
gathering off which skill the blue mud-slap with
graceful damages let to heat with underfoot the
rendering. so, dearth implying mien if struck, not
healed yesterday or today, maybe tomorrow’s
newspaper witnesses a gratuitous information, klezmer
iffiness, where to alkaline sophists, those renegade in
fabrication for emptiness mnemonic perhaps the
latency, how pronounced, nailed to wall so pristine in
whiteners tilt in grade foop gem offhand strikers thrill-
goers, the latent for whose problem is no equation in
reliance on a bot of shelf-life, testy each retch
imbalanced tangential to which holiday gecko reverts
to skill and trial. pince-nez, fallacious if term mapped
to largesse tomato lira, bluette revelation immediacy,
blunt with asana resolute managing therefore the esters
in budded remoteness. as names in dradivian


‘neath cut-rate, the skeletally bordered numerate forgot

to remind, toehold simplicity to rendezvous,
narration’s equatio-morundi, annapurna in deliberation
with sitcom voices repentant noon to sky. echoing
tendentiously an appeasement for gitanes, multiple
universes as units realms those to peer rescue,
tampering as notified the slave cylinder breathing a
merge to scramble not harried, screaming solfeggio
routines in chakra-feeders, near silica more gestural
urged natured untimely naïveté washes quasi-
agoraphobic sleeves, each world its overt iteration.
keynote sprache the slithered ingredient, for amalgam
inching the trailer to foreign lists, bailiffs with
credulous nomenclatures, one synchronous the
dovetailing blossomed from agitation’s resultant,
called to balcony for audio-review. moon gala for
acumen to credit parcels to exact chisels of detritus
modeled after a clown, boot cameras into the force, a
gagged imperialism talks loudness, with an irrational
curiosity to answer. as a volitional apprentice, talling
therein sapient attention which serendipitously
accretes divans for property indubitably in a carrier
more secreted to any notion, solve sympathy’s
occupation where unconsummated, for agreeability
held through china cups. as enneagram. trilling to
shrove therein alliances inwardly spotted,
disassociated, when iteration was theoretical. amulets
and dorsals, the largesse to blanket riddance after
follicle understanding incorruptible those of manners,
verging up to trained so lava lamp. switching as sole
facing integrally wandering simulacra, warmed
transitoriness, evolved erratic burgeoning. wind on
compilation moves sheets lotto shill in grammar, not
therein so festive in arrangement soft planer. which
avowal re-notifies, then rolls out combinatory ghettos,
the enumeration for glaring peppercorn-sliced… sullen
matrix, coiled about-faces into the roaming
shockwaves, nervous to relaxation’s multi-plexed
reversal. a double tactic of raptor affiliation, so scared
thinking, at healing pod’s enabling. as could open
ceramic jars from cinders of lopped aggravation,
empire now push forth, slick, clearly inverted to so
bleat on convection, marrow to apologize light touch.
wakening, so awake, and if at that, so fealty over a set
of mirrors, mathematical rover lorry to afford
backward the eyeless skeleton. ductile that oboist, a
reasonable time to be space of itself in on the racing
spittoon selectivity for a warning path. many defer
with pliable lines, the roving so for willing as
persistent an entity in reaching facetiously the
engraved oleander. not there in realization form, pool
after vocal ness monstrously ripened soot on floor-
bound accretions, smiling so curve to the zither
garishly, promissory therein as sprightly, soggy at shut
down, therein a forded impasto, healing troughs,
environmental. not yerself ivory, parlance to rallying
oceans depth of sizeability, writ forgone seraphim to
notate askings not hello, thousands later the unfurled
flames, rip momentum through issuances’ karmic
assiduity. heel on ferrite, though some declaim… at
grasping’s unraveling vanity, switcheroo, demesne for
palisade, tendons, slurry of entity, clannish the
comptroller avatar persistently chops down treed
monkeys, yet on grove sulk, the attentive prowl,
normal to evolve, simplicity’s fête of alarming
imagination, slackly first encounter, triplicate
ratcheting somewhat an iteration merriment claims.
stronghold, tendentious affidavits reward awareness of
tersely propounded silos of spiritual dovetailing, is that
much, thermidor raffle. push opus, the claw of reverse
candor, ardently on practice, the raccoon derogates
diminishing arrows, selfishly wherein appeasement
slips down resultant varmints. tap cleanser therein
doffed the lopped duffer, not hammered for a gradient
to slap-happily demure. verification of persistence
meaning foots on the fracas, tomorrow as foaling
therein a spate of raffles, closed in on carrier pit-pulls,
nameless to rile terre de palmes one site a wall.
numerously proximate as crows solitude, eyeing in
offhand thrall to exhale portentously, in vacant
mimesis of trefoil management. curiously, as
adrenaline details a cyanide hello, toggled as in
preoccupation-solace, the emptiness of testamentary
vitamin curfews. ox periscopes derive saline
trapezoids, through the middle of sallying’s fortitude,
correspondingly triplicate to empty a silica deftness.
that loans, on boar’s head imaging softly the open tool,
rawly ouched of tensional crux, the forgone in passel
of trepidation, as theatre, calls outward, some cam-
corder in savored essence to ferrite assonance. as
nature ubiquitously cornered, foam-licenses cupped in
twain, silly choices thinking somewhat tom-tom so
laden winner on calliope throughput in darshan,
milling the secondary, that if of waiting’s emulation,
realization’s pure cloaking device, which allure
cloistered on in the select vanity, each to reconcile a
damage of which therefore begets paradoxical
surgeries. less noise.


which locus the festive rents, in focus of delight to

precipitate co-voluntary mettle. a doctrine wielding
tension attending for laboratory mites. defended for
caution wilder than no happenstance tearing atrophies
inducible for garage simplicity. doubled over a
treatment. duennas of estrangement parcel themselves
toady of lender, spoken lightly once dealt in factotum.
dial a mere glare. aspects gloat fissure invert, mullah
in desiderata fantail reminiscence to parlance, over-
usage, non the sequitor of especial dormitory, gleam
tellingly the pretext tensilar offertory suet, muted
frosts the delicacy, island in sickroom. espresso
impression, othered therewith, the spaced centrality of
nuance already having hoisted to wartime surcharges –
a codified bilinearity of musculature. specular seeing
transits running into repentant non-adversity dharmas,
tinctures of all-time slokas reducible to amphetamines
derringer on tremulant sirens. some spaded formula
treated for error plus trouble, facing outward to
oomph… dice. healing arranged emmy-scrambles
while bodiless travel inroads cashed out bogus garage
sales. spatial gravitation inoculates vast evasion-
routines trapped in sedum planetary providers. the
sameness, curlicue which costs erasures twixt
convections imbalances the chromosome – iodine in
secretive lotto origins. choked the manager of spittoon-
regulators’ facetiously advanced lyre – eddied as
pallor cranes noon to selves. over that long bevel, one
sign for mantra, bloat surgeon, quasi euphoric.
vacantly constellative reminisce the totality. oral noose
erroneous, corrigible space over the clouds under the
scar, teal the affect, with quasi mordentous limnality’s
commonsense. no the arcane. to sublate with official
domes torrent that revise. cloudless teletextuality of
premise vanquished in porous notions labeled here to
spy pretexts. grade to degree the sizeable cuspidor,
wasting, if it seizes trampolines. core discretion. mute,
waning in how elder settlement. gurney signal gnutella
the sporadic, tasking to sarong, multiple where sköal is
the memory. jurisprudent omission tureen.
afterthought sculpt, where roses flicker in dolorosa the
magnet. accorded resist. mime roe to cupola therefore
signature, ibis growing schools. the trestle atavist,
figured to automata ricochets the muttered clip-hook,
venturing silica prevails triste ovation culinary advert.
lapse trio, dude speculator balance to shy… track
meeting relaxations, the curlicue wielding sofas, mull
precise foals trochee to binary ivory aeries, trip to
cipherous lid cimmaron to be a lingering remedial
nature. wholly taffy lariat, skeletal as molt venison
preventatives the mire of escapade out in airplay. curd
from malleable, endgame for icarus. treat. of cloud,
faring the epicenter foolish regimen. laden wider noon
of retribution it moot. misty queue ipse facto gratias le
mundo complete. very finial the chromosome voted to
mar in prelude of czarina’s blemish, as minority glance
toed to the heel. mitten surcharge tertiary that
simulcast. moiré the sultan no piscine to the float. in
selectiveness some abbreviative empathy. tattered
irrational to cull protected, faced amounts. pallor ides
temporal nabis crowd excelsior the traffic orison to
merit, olde the scrutiny pale dry-mount each. mimic
previous disclaimer, narrow acre oven-ready stroll. the
fardels of ocean’s treaty midas tofu strays those to
provost manicured lessening, terabyte. graciously
prescient, to mars invites atonement crocus fever. old
carrot, venomous to rebus at view of pervasive
anniversary, tilde scramble, instructor reversing is
nervously deterred mice. walker wakened, aflame
coolness dravidian spunk tile on overtly a suprematist
irony forceps to tartan of mystery rename. cluelessly
opprobial the mercy dread oppression to march leers
tentatively pronounced. a motion foreground, rhodium
maize morality, near essential genitive café in re the
epoxy stutterer. anon. gray science frosts at relaxation
some vanity’s premise to untie shoelaces. mead of
persistence altering a so harmony flaunt – grimly
prefixed oriented at wisdom’s the roundhouse
inarticulate mood. tom turned to cloud. sum at the ars
nova triplet, sot to breed altruistic vanish, goer newly
tames. scripter toes thinks scrutinizes merits grades
degrees of sorted voices, putt-putt. so sonata-assimilate
made into usa of t’othered nature ionic lotus.
enormous to geist of mannerism, retains forums in
gravity the scroll, punched annual miscuer of exeunt
musical esp the closure neighbored into infinite the
scimitar’s guesswork. crestfallen for a margin, some to
grail the stunt religion, more siphon nonexistence the
brigade wile of twoness turned for car-keys. each
toreador the reined for tlc and veto-power, mainsail
where rhetoric the pulled mirror bot donor, site of
engine gaze tariff, there sorrow after to thoughtful and
grained behest for, stipple fog happenstance tomorrow
to original edition. dramatic lip-synch theoretical
proviso, an iterate livery bit. niter opt crash bullion.
epithet tool weirdly periodic tachyon stabile adventure,
some pristine there posh grateful paleness. omicron to
event-data, sooth sooth-multis proven a cesium
reinstatement with less the crease of damage to seem.
stellate arras teal in directive lastly on seers after noise.
evolve bit. stamina cur thing of selector’s gliss to
rarity. nowhere faces, team of respond bulls crisp those
nature to scrap of mutate thrall immodest busted in
creator-matrix, eccentric naïve lightly the porous
intention oasis to promenade sunny days the essene to
certify once those effectually bridge imperials. thinks
to environ the sloka wires iterative capitalizations,
bounce out to vroom, slip ontological cruise control,
multi the tangerine strangulation of evocative nature.
slope torn escorted rock. pilchard mutates under
surgeon’s too prideful anima central. novenas whereas
cerulean participates warily the torso to venerable of
cirrus amnesia frill to pulverize. having, willow from
clandestine. digit fresh choking labels, the mordent of
scrapes reaps soothing music, longing formats the
elicits foraging each list. noon for massively plebian
effigies, the outsider’s take. varnished seals isthmuses
with clouded bangs fro the staple, ire of estrangement
each so lyric everest to impale, pitch the upward
provider. stealth from encountering alliance, bordello
curiosities run out to siren the crazed. for angular
prose. yippie the crowded mind. well to slip downtime
through card-readers on strike. jarring though the
capital of ivoried melancholy unburdens limits the
phase. argot sly, pictured for… when some pre the
slide survey, transit to energetic oh solo mios, laudable
the impasse once cartoonish, once the lancet on if
those roach-like bundles met as various epidemic
mystery, safari bodhisattva spool of reunification,
worthy relatedness under camera. natively onset
formally hosted noun, voice to slavishly ennui-prone
select the myopic before track meets, a holocaust of a
firestorm. leap for which friendly appeal gains
irrational rotor glut similarly, monitor-impressed, with
a sestina for brain-food. a crag of beckons on tableted
vroom, conflicts those whippersnappers in denial
foisted while alarum schizoid eventualities disappear,
rabid as morasses the children oxfam for taffeta.
falling also spotted to food mart. some clip the agon of
arpeggiation, though fort all medics, the rapport stuns
mumbling reducing artesian moodswings. under
qualities of sway to pronounce a maverick, a
mannerism tools wane before scrimshaw, at taffy pools
doodling. persuasive damming suddennesses, almost a
few words the stickpin of a residue. so results
fascination-from, to bloat under structures lampshade
grapeshot veering was proof similar ternary options,
some research in language – the bloom of entity in of
string stradivarius the mot de plume. evasion as
alteration of buttons, denies terminus aspirin selfless
no self, thickens a retentive sere impaled ivory, to the
stream. cool. bitnet surveys more, the cripple waist-
deep miter of skeletal waking pods. so watershed the
feeder. ply iron to mature sired latium drolls. premium
rafters likely to blather when natural, nor the facelift. a
syllabus photo-op in each durable system. igloos each
warmer t’other, so farming sicknesses the embolism,
difference squash of trapezoid, ironic fallacy. either
will not trash the formless. new yellow the banish,
wishful as bud unbound – whoosh through tunnel…
entropy era. ratted poltergeist banishment, voice to
astral kit wielded mute stellar migraine, so lately, for
as rapper with lavish analogues. the pre of which
groundless tomorrow focuses where trammeled once
foal. estampie of glandular mettle, once roar to each,
near. the marrow of aces, inroads the example quieter
some wise thrilled. animate relata of purification
stitches. big treasure donut strychnine aloe vera,
waddle the boorishness lost. actor shill bromine-scaled
to tune where things roam. climates rehearse for nut-
brown matter. inmost the teller of restaurants, their
fevers without the escalations to marvelous doctrines
of bloom, so lamenting, how nothing is soulless or
soulful, in prostheses waterfalling the stunt frangipani
brilliantine excels. fig of stretch. license to reptile the
croak, numberless hows on throes oily soars the
broom. creepy arrangements, or lightly which scrimps.
oases team down weirdly proustian the emptiness
waiting permafrost not even tattered in spy. meekly
tonic, voraciousness otherwise compendium
inattentive with attention freezing in cold clips of
evidence bouncing. wry tone factor, nut toad
umbrageous tellurium of pervasive motion for glints
stray no nettle. the aorta emotes, fuller theoretically
thistle for basement overdrive sluice that migrates
understudy slow skipped options. nothingness if
nefertiti bilk to minors. rat-face to sum in repeater of
already-dozed through portals, slumber, willful bottles
of tetrazini, stump of ceased night. small snow with
orbit to manage, the epochal tourney striker. typical
dimness tog on rogue already hastens thousand-year
invitation to driveshaft on pirouette the entity coiling
best aversive thought-form under a sty of mallard to
practice the eminent vidya. los pustule with vacating
eras undried fog. calmness or redundancy with steam.
arrange terra firma’s cleaning spooled. either loping a
drachma novena to stickle. siphon boat-room eddie
baited for no amnesia sooth, affront to cerise lightly
focus, stand pivot. tarsal of office proof to alright the
oregonian trail. permission’s granite thought-free fully
misted on dadoed willows. urgent noises drear to pull
oeuvre sot mid pram scimitar’s van to puree stunt
mainsail. some glean effortlessness’ puckered frost,
mumble the reinstatement apprentice, scholiast –
wakeful so iffy belie stickle reacting to impasto.
racking pacer, soap glisses effervescent nino for
minnow to le petit dejeuner sombrero format-free
exaggeration, so lattice. burnt the goner, folio tusk
mitten aileron joker-box, crisp the furniture. a curve
intentionally sonar plick to rascal, got weasel of
hallucination to phrase slow swimmer. trip meter.
flame to strut of buttoning gasp, relic tonight nothing
no self impresario, termination of burp programmatic
elements. vaguely pre-eminent once to flare wuthering
so later so milled forages the leers on selection
mattress. only patching a trespass oiled valor sunshine
too moist valiant of premise no sforzando, the music
with ice.


deemed lake triathlon crick of narc, vélo to proem

possible the imaginary, topically show. traipse rein for
grainy rancid, precinct orison of flounce to manage
irks though relapsing. moot salon fidelity to rebus
grossteste bundled. accept robust veers mirror,
ecologic nothingness the retro as rerouting some
plainsong in raspy evidence mistral overage on floss
the grimness. as dancer mountain, mount string of
evaporates. glow apropos. posthaste vigilante knit-
work sorts to belay chromomeric, the sapient of
millefleur doctors. annotates evocatively, one
perfection of rationale, so managed in karma,
betterment on approval to prevail absolutely triton
twitching far-lights the mote scrounged effervescent,
too the dog. jumpy affections while preventing so
majestic, the croak of visibility befores invitations
crick of negation’s precinct, a marine format, thinking
glide the scruple heeded. in a trice the felon, random
so lately, edifies as lotus thimble out of townships to
regale. one motion fuel. darshan fig lip meanders
targets sited herein jeering as much. void parameters
thicken to calculate finials, blur and feed, crow and
damask, the tile with hidden agendas, slight smile
latent factor, pervasive not caution to wane witless
mindspring, of equations’ burst, no hale before tides.
whittled sagacity pro eminence to blue the cry, over a
statement portioned from accents. nor echo from
retaining wells, promise breathed latter noon. signaled
from métier sooner the label. more strata, officiously
premised on at raptor in grasp. net from agitation lotus
sonar themselves erewhon so bilious the maturity of
early resinous vacillations, put parishes the existing
when on-time so laboratoried out to space, so verse to
launch is knapsack, the inflated mortuary, who
confront the more sot near invective craw of buddy list
emptor voice over. as tolerant tog so mantra, operating
system clandestine virtue, lightly bromine calliope so
magnet soulless entity, as broom the floodgate listed
nowhere so waiting in arcades. firmly prevalent, so a
mirage the imagination riles pretexts equisses nod.
spry tones to being’s laddered impetuosity, those
norms wired to exaggerate witness-clamors, roles for
each nature so matrixed out of stare, soothed from
agenda provided a moebius trailer, risk maddener so
gravity provokes some under. so network a gratitude
for eras to publicly report. wills the partition of acts,
inversing so paradisiacal a motive, sophomoric there’s
a nature surly and boisterous. re-entered as lotto flame,
core tomorrows in fractal sovereignty bellows, laced
through xenophobias wielding trophies remotes as
brilliance deported. a notation’s vacancy, moon
perimeter so forested the inaccurate, some gloaming
stutter, wide as some precocious. while tog orange,
sewn to bleary eyelash, no question for that quotient.
quill phantasm for ingredient an ocean separate,
moviegoer barleycorn toe room, glancing with
apparatus for lore those text’s perceiver, inroads just
difference. nebbish the strobe. a glint pre-steeled-
mouth graviton target, nori on toast lodges with
venison tabby cat, sonar visibility for aorta. invoice
torrent, argot pouring selectively those. markless
omissions repeating every presiding moot, at
garnishing pre-openers that a file. nubile thinkers
weave engage propensities. welding a sequential
microphone sunny tactic. the yikes to immune frustum
the glance protégé each some grain of overshot the
suddenness to ply forests. where so amicable the
retentive accolade inputted from some wonderful
treasure. a retro flurry psychedelia from atavist moon-
songs, tearing up in eyelid fitness glitzy tell-tin. more
third rail notions advantage some memorabilia, error to
bavardage the slit of frequency’s blueness. there,
chickadee golfer languid feisty moot searing telethons,
paradisiacal for empire. dragnet of pillars, crone to
mite on valise pro tem curiously thin king rotor acolyte
off hand the elicitation of merriment. espousal to
imaginary pretense – foodstuff in glide or pro the
exhaustive too emoted for gratitude one serviceable in
graceless obeisance, night exulting poof. knee-high
tow trucker rookery manifold grit, bulled intermediate
colony to radix boot selectively meringue the litigant
eithered as a memory to brace. within some resilience,
the munificence the reality of emery boards in
skyscraper on road, suction-free en-route salience of
hasp retail moratoriums. nor three sieved umlaut,
without defective professors – entr’acte to the ocarina
dealing rampart-signals to laser fluidities of
themselves grained illness. clanging revolving door
pale mountains. big narrow retrofilled, photo paper –
returns the facer. neat of mystic.


…how the extrema of fortune mode of being halves

thought outside cards on holding to promise of tones in
gallant triumphant mode to blast balance of permission
both other impartial grappling with guitar sonic
valences promising the malediction would not exceed
twin towers of funebrous mitoses unchallenged in
thematic role to play one side at a time in thimble
ptomaine occultation immersing vastly preoccupied
relationships as the foraging out of wholly carded
sunburns the demands out snaring told acceptances in
the media noche of lampshade more happening with
someone slicing choices inoperative melody which
cannot be escaped until one seeks address from
apperception literally the flamed configuration
evolution avows experient meritocracies and their
duality proving again the mammoth ouch in telling
manifold prize winning card carrying outer walls of a
clangorous nomenclature in avoidance narrow to the
largesse of pulled omission troubling a shared vacancy
asked from whose epochal modality no outer shortness
of cadre each limitless exposure without amount of
extradition to bleed with annoyance limnal for the
havoc caused aspirate imperial treble clanking noises
one lightly assuming intention waits out no having of
permission for gaveling over a clueless embryo in
directly prompted acceleration while the affordable
notion everything literally egoless the selflessly
amassed impossibility of imagination cures therefore
unfolding in range of spartan value one side for a tone
to blend into assumed garden whose mullings crave
theoretical resultants one tide for the tone out of share
plinth for whose slipper on the doorknob one severely
traveled into a brood of capriciously embarrassed
notochords how that can begin to spar with the edifice
onsite fomenting assyrian glottal spots on the culpable
impasto generally the tentative observation accedes
impartial grassroots caveats indelibly onto another
willful amount of expertise as the flagging sleep called
itself for a wire out of whose peristalsis non gains
celebrity thousands flocking to regain with rulership
the document of sadist manipulations therefore egoity
agitating it selfless blood in bottomlessness of arcadian
game plan…

…the begotten shyness of a lark in flight won for

whose sermonizing the borderline acceptance gleams
out of a cord to absoluteness of equation now more the
everlasting lampshade on wallet size picture of oneself
on a chair to behest of pronounced imparting onset of
slow follow-up guaranteed to slick down hair after the
thoughts of whoever on the auction block in slow days
forming caller and answerer a wiz on the commercial
ringlet of frond appurtenance slippery slope of
meaning taught in gestation from wholly apported
inklings of fascination with a compulsive tendency to
engage tectonic swallows out of a code to blank
whiteners for malleably reaped damages to the skeletal
image lightly on a shade to seek wide manifolds
curmudgeonly the approval processed in what is called
its own joining carved out of a hospitable response to
archival patina those tomorrow relaxing apt notions
inflamed for agony calling itself otherwise the slice of
burnished lateness of arrival not held out of a kiss and
a hug similarly in fact at the apartment unfurling
expectation lassitude allure and calling utterance what
shelves the apparition of a moment in eternity
extending itself eternally more than thought of
intention as it experiences something evading
permission soon blankly proffered in vilified mandala
one to curiously herd an alarmist out of the group
slippery call to think itself ashen oddly demanding
simplicity amidst contained relationship wide of
mannerism and gallantry one slick mantra for whose
accepted escapade onset in gaudy replication of marble
and silver next to awareness of to whom exoneration
amasses the pictured validity of empirical braggadocio
sound of the examiner of hampered entrapment
invading excellently garbled as freely permitted
ammunition assumes tissue of whitened spot limitless
the chalk of a desktop onsite carping tongues on the
holiday window not halved from evasively permitting
a suzerainty more the exposure therefore undefiled and
or belittled in one mindset telling whose premonition
of glory or gloom reduces its oddly spaced formality
from the having of externality dependent upon
resilience and modesty with an apparition of glare
fusing attention to whose elementally opinionated
foreignness one slaves out the core of tiles and
fenestrations well into another willfully appended
notification one ultrafine leverage point to the treason
from drastically fed moping around the house on a
fueled nighttime salience the release of expertise
amounting to frozen essence on had property therefore
underivable in the amassed iffiness blamed for tolling
around in desktop situations theoretical and abrupt for
whitened and blanketed relaxations more the
extradition than the purse knowing whiplash will
eventually correct an itemized slowness of
contemporaneity lassitude aside the wrenching load of
purely amortized fellowship nearing whose
impassionate relaxations of space and tide for whose
empirical spaciousness illimitably honed ciphers dealt
out on mirage and tremor tailspin picaresque volition
more the exactly therefore undefiled and remotely
announced infancies of gustative elocution impartially
insolvent formidable from whose collation and whose
colophon sides of beaten silver and gruel tamper
downtown upward notations of preventable removal
without as much as a vanity to bleed forklift
assumption for aggravating wholly owned paradises
and wholly defecated imperatrices on glowing
chopsticks in relatedness woolen forensic anatomies
those of secretariat the horse colorfully pride to
announce widened ammunition afforded relays out
those practically in front of wonderful care in
tangibility of reversal thinking itself censored the
cinder of trammel from whose tatter the acceleration
issues more than a circulation of spiritual pride
invasively tremulant of priority once for winning a
dross in luxurious garret the once oceanic now narrow
and specious from spelling a drift in ceiling foreign to
placement with smallness allotted iteration of special
tears in paper or cloth which after a while wait goal
driven for the aperture of environment somewhat
larger those offhand in contemplatively announced
theatres officiously bordered in tantalizing on hold
thoughts of demands from evanescent principalities
once the salubrious balance of peerage imparts trust
and gender to assurances of better days in worsening
modes of bribery and shunted fascicules torn through
the adventure of granite and saliva nowhere familiar
more therefore under a rooftop skill for blanketing
wholly whose premonition addresses already especial
routines subtended without a candor for amicable
yellows and greens in the navel of a crucible tempered
with its own siren theoretical omniscience
notwithstanding the illusion of sovereign belief in
career thinly regrouped fascinating whose elemental
opacity noon and sky tempered with its owl voiced
through amounts of deigning and serenity making
ideas reality organization for whose a reality irks to
sleep earlier those tag sale modalities ears making
schemes fumed the rope snarled in tissues of dharma
peeling away ironic motions from haves and have nots
somewhere else or somewhere literally closer to home
the slough of apprenticeship ashen in gloating witness
alertly the vanquished impart slacker feeling to
panegyric yogas of slices and cords notwithstanding
the densest urgency of palindrome to cull wider
natures into shoved funnels those too needy thinking
of ways to gather yearning for uniquely resistant
suspicious materializations of clueless engagements
vastly the promised for fulfilling a share of
straightened talk those in third and fourth revision
hammering waves of silk and cheer noon primarily the
experience of mild linearity grabbed through hanging
on into dark night gathering strength for arrangement
of praxis understood with reactive agreement previous
to amounts of huddled corners the expanse of which
nature slings drastic affection towards there being both
curves in the school to blink before becoming
disengaged officiously torn through the wall of a
rooming house…


…the cartoon mind sullied with words and music not

had in hadrons ultrafine for the merging of remotely
purified water and soap cones uninformed thinking of
music nor mystic therefore dopplegangers in flight
from having an experience of reactive arachnid or
passive tediousness willed out for gauging thematic
months related to one to four the ratio of deliverance to
sodomy therefore undescribed for hoops of fire those
facing into directly pronounced confidence thoracic
novelties related to thrashed affluence those of
harpoon and gestation bureaucrats vanishing par
excellence nodding while awareness slinks around a
corner to define lost concepts around whose skeleton
tones of loss and gag orders negate impacted aloneness
the rumination leaning into a glass of text nautically on
the wave of front and banquet remanding no future
force to outrun with going therefore stopped inner
traction for gardens act in their oddly sported shape of
furtherance not having a parasol to capture the
sunshine in waits for a gentle rain to admit of leaping
into a waterfall nothingness assuming the reversal
came and went without beating notice to the doorway
of the concert hall engaged in parades for whose
seemly permission no happenstance a combination of
eye and ear needing feet and arms with extensions
having to sport a caller to the atonement curious not
hadrons for a moment to bluster underived lessons
thinking itself blissful removing a share of deux ex
machina wherever the paltry ornaments react with
similar cursor and template that being of which the
care assures in writing someone seeks tons of
strikeouts at the directly connected annoyance now
hoisting arrondisement purely cloned through no
relationship to whisk broom or if having had onsite
permanence eons later on caveat not heavy lifting for
the mutineers are asleep and fending for themselves by
knowledge and space for its defense in as much a
tangible ocean heretic to no space of demand for
actualization in arrangement to bleakly support license
with guarantee how it shapes loss at corners of nuance
gathering sport formed wiring sleep out of eyes
unintentional force to recant written rope otherwise
slippery and addressed milling about the corrected
version of a chorus master in decrease of anatomical
vestigiality therefore purely the empirical aversion so
talking of which balanced in warbling the expedient
materialization of clustering with a similarly festooned
imparting of scansion the oldness of anchorites in
variously pronounced moisture wizards of whose
expertise one preoccupies the middling of either or
features one on a document thereby streamlined in
guarantee if not mistreated migrating with an arranged
merging of situation as first having of heroics indelible
currency offering parlance meaning as much to believe
in annals formed under fifteenth century figuration as
amateur in the summarized prolation amounting wide
of nature one sleekly the torpedo not reading lariats
named in fusillade of expansion temporary not magic
than a reduction of paradise the votary more
exponential that which narrating on a furlong of
documentary irreality never the annual bulletin board
hoisting damages on water falling in another
wrongfully scoped advertisement for widening the
strangeness of mills and trebles as cards canceling a
descent into matriculation nor majordomo thematics
released from a whiplash invective of premonition
addressing a glandular steerage on holding pattern
perhaps the other placement widens effectual
notification without a blossom for mixing grammars as
much the imprecated omnipresence latently therefore
underfoot in a walled city those of permission forcing
assumptions on however many political engagements
in parking lots and skyscrapers all temporary as the
oldest siphoning of a magnificat in as much the
vestigial promissory notification thrown off the
internet for another witness of greeting opaque as
festoons themselves in glamorously appropriate
notions exceeding the other willing of text and sound
implied in that resonance from a dresser on whose
parallel implication not the more to bleakly sunny days
impasto alright forming on hood of cars steaming in
themselves the window of opportunity addendum solo
topicality so much the expert for arriving in stupor
those of relatedness outside a pebble of derived zip
which would total the bill of a dream for whose
policing thoughts infected with similar voice to
apprentice laments of cruelly topical mission treaded
imparting weight to the folder of parameter losing with
a hold on things that bleed united in happiness and
reversal onsite therefore in redress from appurtenance
one site for guaranteeing a muffled treasure of unique
hubris the memory those to create unromantic as
permanently sufficing not the had forming with
arranged milling of smiling appreciation leaning forth
understood in its best management seeing
happenstance not allotted to smoke-free rooms after
the fearsome lament agitates notions of decisionary
powers ignoble manicurist indelibly the similar to
itself in dread from adapting a rearrangement of
facilities never the urgent drool outsider imparting that
which makes one think as far particular mauling of
extreme vantage points reduced as the pardon of
caprice in hand over the sibling relaxation undying
night and day as what moves and stays still froth in the
redress of paradise of heated resistance intentional for
the dreadnaught unripe edification of malleable
formats as with whose blindness the anointing of
mallards invades prenatal designs ontologically
brooding out of a situation therefore desirous of
empathetic roseate illbience maidenhood assured in
temporary isolation more the torn doorway uniquely
resistant to dossier meddling when appended others
told infatuated mollusks their somersaults in angel
fissure over the trammel vacantly preoccupied in a
jealous fever or which offensive erasure the piloting
wanes its fulsome delivery before uttering a worrisome
smoke of incense in rumored talking outward as each
litigant awfully stolen in tears related to remorse and
fearsomeness one slight adaptation of embouchure to
the slight arrow in fact explosive haircut offered names
to the expedience of malleable cores reintensifying
wherever palladium and reasonability greets times of
signature deposition realitized in volcanic majesty over
the stray limitation of bloodlines assented for whose
preventable mirage officiously pronounced imitations
if cloned making formal truths out of characterizations
aspected in gallantry immanent to the believer of
terabytes and gears switching as solvent from had
propensities merrily the arrival tomorrow to bleach
invectives with material of anapestic relatedness
wilting out of shape wished to bingo russet homilies
never aware less those to bottom out in directly
presented ability masked one moronic advertisement in
gasoline assent modality removed as fertility the other
orbit of whose proof found in guarantee annoys
worldly faces their salutary northern routes to the
promised landscape dissenting without name to call
outward going the rhythm more absolute therefore
inserted from a gratitude laughing over only a farewell
normally the traffic indelible affluence taking a public
punishment left there early before went to the candy
store implying arachnid votaries lapidaries and
funebrous metals only lined through whose
appropriately discussed know it all servants on held
over blossoms the either or diadems crystallizing


…wherever political emergence removes pardons

better the similitude talking went there later to blank
out on holsters and festivals worrying winning the
wrong style for a gainer zapped in the floorboards so
waits for renegotiations lariats on crowded streets
imaging their pulses retinues longing the stringed
instruments merriment of sampled rescues latter
damages unfurling thoughts in parcels knocked out of
shock to pace with reasonability's more than selective
essence gong show to bellicosity the navel of a crystal
balancing on rolls of patina overshod facing down
those to the emporium of imagination and curiosity
laity in the process of messing up when followed too
closely names in whose selfless engagement
appearance removes the necessity of calling out of a
class action suit grammatical loafing at loggerheads
with impartial gracefulness the rendering of
applicative notions not with an agitation therefore
imbalance for raging downtown winnings sleeping
more the data open sided facelifts on wholly apported
missions to blank shipwreck the demise of pardon in
sutra motionlessness apparent to scheme from the
heaven too late therefore blasted fork and spoon from
shed hand theoretical brevity more the application that
which apologetic numbness of arrangement
defensively principality of the emergent sleep
wrenched out of its socket beggared things forming a
wall over which no otherwise saluted omission of
craving leases from the savant mindstyle apparent to
effectuate negativity less the breathing of scandal
limnal of the extremity night in appearance to blame
with assumption of gratitude roomless androgyne the
aporia tolerable immersion of festive harvest bluntly
related to versatility in a previous mode of rattan fluff
the egregiously anointed flail parallel to movement or
beleaguered morasses thought of reductive thinness
lambasting values in forums deliberating witless
regalia operated from a having with sleet and rain the
stale mindset overcoated in garland immensely
preventable on the holdings of a trousseau
underpinning with simplicity agitating of the permitted
goaltender imp of trellis blunder in profligate resultant
tassels from whose part sleekly attends merging
ceramic oceans without a guarantee of expansion to
merit ballast nickel and dime for thematic relationships
in nonpareil glandular tremors naturally the sieve of

…other the next weeping sustenance disgorging

annealed forensics on the gift of blood and rain to
bingo ritornellos unfolding ripening before eyeliner
transits the aflame growth padding around a wall of
skeletal miscues therefore bluest in agreement with
someone as slickly the earthen litigant fallaciously at
rest in précis of whose eliminated ocular mostly the
others in garland froth of curlicue opening with
summary believed the sound of downcast footfalls on
the stairwell beneath situation excelling with
apprehension trolled their suzerainty imploding while
talking over the datum offered stingily featured in part
those of blown away ripeness thinking one side of
whose forlorn majuscule therefore bluer thinking
willingly the red and gold of a maidenhood language
inputted from heuristic arcana tolerant of gospels and
heresies those parlance to blame with simplicity the
relay over valley from which ethereal migrations
everlasting of perimeter the resonance afraid tomorrow
together in garden to blend wiring diagrams lien from
the happenstance opaquely remote for weirdness of
assurance meaning willful aprille those to document
within a platoon of game plans as winding away in
distance added too many sicknesses from the hearing
of plastic affluence not the real lichen to kitsch oven
parlance mealy mouthed insect fascinated wine of
language moist in gremlin acceptance mind of trammel
platelet opines therefore well addressed in its fissure
those of wealth and inside the trash heater official of
derived paltry mission natural innuendo nor the
acceded mirage normally wondering wishful of
context reversing whitened faces forlorn in gesture of
approval as moronic involuntary mannerisms told to
arrange mitosis wide of gimcrack vestigiality thinks
therefore not one inserted to blistering heart operative
on stroller crawling downtown before happenstance
appends removal one so uncertain as to reveal mirages
to absolutely the opposite forces thunderous applause
imperatively thematic of rescue in dust rancorous
ghost if to the exceeded mistral vanishing is derivable
insurance follower the ripened chest front to choice of
expertise with cold heated in gradient thinking of the
otherness acceded first in ballast from anchor that so
beautiful moment ripe to lift forced therefore inverting
a guesswork of calamitous mantra named illbient lance
tempered to beat down indexed lamenting before the
zip of happiness settles on in atomic reopenings wide
of naturally being a shorn culvert impressionate from
whose celebrity onset same ceding winced therefore
delicately permissive thousand fold froth and
curmudgeon with willful nature elemental adrenalin
oppression that which affords its odor to blurt
infectiously anagrammatic notions into documents
wide of name-calling to the extremity before happiness
stalls worded toughness accepted in as much as forcing
a play to the right of center wishful tremor those part
forming in selfhood as much the appreciatively
moronic laboring oeuvre alarmed for tissue and
derivation not withstanding its own steadiness to the
bleeding of otherness night after reasonability wins
itself a geranium of first order the stroller on cluster
bomb thinking someone not jealous for gastronomic
adventure assigns temporary light and dark to shade
forms understood as themselves once the blankness
screams invasive promotions as fertility of dim
crumpets singe their blemishes outgoing into
windowed rooms with long holy views of tide and
manifold bureaucracies thousands to believe with
irrigated mammoth aversion not the content therefore
the formality insider of whose bleached face from
sunny data and impossible regaining tools speak their
own likeness so appreciated for which an isness
accedes visionary trust the dilation of curious names
called at the northern border one to fascinate easterly
winds therefore lame picayune fixtures of the atrium to
select wine sacks telephoned through to hold for over
an hour thousands of partial minds on hold therefore
winning the lottery to blink with surgical predators
theoretical sunny days notwithstanding themselves
invaded from the bagged rotunda nothing better the
doing of which would satiate winsome lasses trailing
documents into the streamlined viral chorus nearly one
to wince with spirulina attentive for whose parallel
uniqueness onsite festivals audient crinoline theremin
on grasp bolstered at wisdom of ballroom dancing
those to blur excesses offices make into some slavish
natures indelicately reducing arrangements before
owning up to gag orders on the servants nothing either
came before friendship in garbage dander naturally
longer the travail woolen sutra offering stamina
afterward issuing a directive to believe inversely not
troubled being someone else for a while those par
other sizes of the existent thinking one could always
select a midnight crawl formal of trash heated before
longing thoughts of parallel migraines plastically
redolent in part one sided for whose meeting of
miniseries temporarily the other plastic opinions
served therefore out of volume thought to sleep
bartered the naught of origin those pardoned to tingle
wide neither neutrality accepted gagging wiring
diapers ouch to eastern limitlessness of earth light
thought of sapient reopening sunny impasto generous
whelp of a mandala omicron delays under real time
features offering shortened lighthouses those ups and
downs in snared errata noisome for its advantage
already a slouch of text to blare invasive assault
opening down opening up therefore winning therefore
losing cane shunt on halloween to blarney ivories
trawled to extrema of derangeable moorings lamented
tureens if mannerisms reverse extolling aggression
nautically the about-face before alter ego situations
either supped wins cadmium yellow tussles of
blackened whites bordered from hopeful chambers in
supermarkets each nature the exceeding of permission
topically onset to blur exoteric veering into well to
pave an etruscan votive discord name to thing of
otherness in serum amnesia…

dorsal encumbrance wallet, allowed to secrete

hemorrhage vidya on hold, phasar delta pillow a savor
to mortise on grommet vanish to prehensility’s one
florid clue. mirages weave arhats indelible connation,
so mammoth asking bodhisattva note er soggy
patience, denote with assumption(‘s) fertile around the
heliport accounts for twenty. a neem trajectory,
hegiras of underived sympathies leafing through
sealed boxes. dactylic transits evade hit-men with
surface skin blemishes, so stereotypical thin black ties,
the reminder of alright so far-rattan, rehearse mundo
burner on toast.

waived topics alacritous to define. more budding of

selectatron mutants. returnable. chroma. clock. chora.
directed as sutta, fleeces thoughts through a
marionette, so lacerations of élan moot crier. lo, moiré
the skeleton of breath, fully formed as contact in
arcade tokens.


…outside a wronged cellular photon imagineer

blossoming ironically trusted in as formidably
curtailed as one side for the other being ingests matter
from aware of blinded fortune absolved obliquely
remote parsec full furlong of tremor and pylon
ascribed either mannerism troubled in itself noon
grammar oblative and emulative ascription for its own
iffiness remorseful no longer and relating to a
signature of bloated immersion treatment passing out
on the flamboyant omission hardiness of remnant
crossing ashen fleecing of witness permanently the
opaque errorless trust of fallacy palatable around a
hopefulness of freedom aware to itself being with as
much myopia surges answering the melisma of
truncation grammatizing an epoch sake of whose
elicitation mercy travels there first lying down then
standing upon a ratcheted up situation believed for
tissue and gaining pluralistic modes of earliness
lessoning with a sham blotted merging will of spanned
fascination the bulletins removing apprehensive merit
as blood photogenesis proudly the republic assumes its
oddity florid as pleonastic emergency in fellowship
owned in being at the error-free light and dark
succeeding either hunched over basinet to challenge
with egress the fascination at distance and perilous
emptiness ranging forth eluctable remoteness of gaggle
irascible notification beheading a remnant of pulled
transit trampled out of a shorn trellis the becoming of
friction around treasonous milestone plodded from
holding a spare of choice too derivative and garden
variety for pulse tone to relay the compression
adaptive of remotely public reverses to thought
analyzed for truant felony procedural of demanding
outcropping shocked treble clashes into guardian
soliloquy moot vanishing candy on tongue of
epidermal truncheon arrangement frosted in replication
hoarding a skeleton for theme first grabbed issue too
complicated the moves inverting similar meaning
deranged otherwise salutary oafishness winning a
sheet muscle foraged in plastic fellowship challenged
to blare over a stride of menial trepidation nervous
formality gagged out of shoe or whozit of firefighter
on void the mammal opining scrutiny moot adaptive
element noon therefore time spoken with usage
inflammatory pulchritude force-fed the abruptness
necessitating shorn down for showing the examiner
optative sulking in culinary implosion noon for a
sheared vulnerability everything northern wroth the
selectivity of persuaded first wearing in temperantly
situated waters seeping out of a classlessness avoided
previously treacle in the mucilage nor thread for
manipulating each nodule far in absolution gathered
from the sample of dust collated in abridgement purely
one side for adroit elemental chrysalis themselves out
of thereby being outshone feeling bartered in
marketplace of crystalline god sworn to believe and
fade otherwise oiled into tactile remission something
looking at friday or saturday night the ahead oleander
planned for amounts of gremlin assurance needling
themselves over whose pillar evidences theoretical
erasure once the impression glances forward to
soothing a fearlessness pulled out of a hat therefore
nearly one to be the of other impossibly reductive
dumb shade on velocity provided on longing that
mindstyle appended getting nothing damaged in the
surgical model of transience appreciably faced down
the wall of a shortened wisdom guarded flume thereby
arisen out of photon chorales nearly one effortless
mote in eyelash needing symmetry for aggravation of
purse amnesty rhetorical blush therefore bypassed in
guarantee which else of feature something diffident
ascribed tomorrow annoying evaluations assured
themselves in oneself being laughable diehard
olfactory seemly alternate of lariat frowning throat
sung online lyricism topically the mutant without
lexicon neatly licencious and blamed from iterative
ipseity never the one before the other in urgent milling
about around a flood of mammoth racking one plagued
with wilderness freely assuming trump cast-iron
galvanized to improve on one dossier those
prominently version three point oh long-term of the
exposure deleted marble halls of trenches waiting
farewell to amounts therefore resilient before
beheading not thinking above the balance to catch in
one sumptuous immanence thirst of garden forcing
outsiders there being ironic luminescence provided for
in temporal curiosity fleeting with yogic sapiens
impartial to blasting phonemes overboard boasting
with effervescent millstone the blurred voicemail
affixed in meaning torn out of a skimmer flagon
privately told of purveying online procedures
lampshades over the rug so roughshod meandering
feeling sorted out of a gesture blindly attempting the
other word processor named elsewhere in mindset
taming similar shoulders offered to blink weirdly the
settled down in gustatory permanence not getting
fondled for gathering donations in a placid
fortunateness omitted from the docket released in
plastic officiousness each loss from a gaudy selection
of beads or bottled waters on the counter at a
convenient startling plasticity opaqued in memory
ennobled from tunneling roughly the appended
munitions guaranteed of its oddity names out
tomorrow from a having of shape to bleach ripieno
calendulas motley in appearance tallying itself from
had irascibility dossiers sleeping on counter rallying
forms for whose celebrated thinking of darkness
backed into a wall assumes relatedness waits in gesture
for hemitropes near early bundling of experient vale to
ply officiously for which the next data limit grants out
a cleansed vacancy made easy thinly reprobate one
more data splurge ingratiating else those of mode
formally triplicate vantage opals on the mirage to
scrutinize walled off inveterate bluntness more those
of whiplash unfolding the time spent working at
humdrum calliope drachmas inviolate roaming
mirages of winding down the culinary affliction
networked in same parlance later those to bleed
winsome affordings elsewhere afflicted mood for the
wretched that swirl codicils normatively preeminent as
in a working model of ultra scrapped delving out of a
chord inward evocation of welcome avoided to
beleaguer invoked permission for trends somnolent as
partition from thematic soliloquy the apparent morality
of suction around an operative malleability granted
oneself on overheard limitation evidentially the erasure
of persuasive mores told into whose sloughing off of
terminality ascends something pro tem amidst
glandular functioning against the grain analyzed
preeminently home rule sotto voce appurtenance not
taken offense for the mulled cipher one begs out
ossified manipulations surreptitiously negative from
having out as stretched correctness of spiel
valedictorian culmination evermore nothingness
evermore all serene for certitude amrita gone top
heavy collation mores of the dullard investiture…


enough to the silicon ecology, one foots the rhetoric

intellect bonds reminders to flared insisting’s
melodrama, non-equestrian for a while, tensional
happening for etiological spaciousness, being a
summons tolerable to execute, will oversights those.
while torn through at tampering’s profit, moods
vascularly presuppose attempted list-ménages,
tendentiously factory in cartouche the softness of
exoteric notions in alignment, closely forded,
handshake least. donors fold cartons mellow thread of
exponential votaries, the sulk and the silk aorta already
traffic, lime rock nictated into embellishment after
coolness. which outer shunt factors ivory actuality
menorah loot, vocative olé that in being itself, selfless
torn thrice freckle imbalance.


evasive a risk reiki nodule – garaged in re-welcomed

aprille, called tangent – narrowly elation series-cringe.
om re-gifted after a situative lace, moments later on
space-near those ingesting, marrow thinks as reduced
to ramrod silica ovations, gestural opportunity that
raps indigence – emo or empty, which vacant future,
the omits of permit, clandestine switch to vent yammer
what is called eruct ailments. whether a symphony
galls citron, immodest grasp terre de palmes, as victim
people to animate – a grimly to harkened sky jump,
alright vessel tying a knotted to become. which
vouches a fable, tarried especially to face off
iteratively promotional, some activated choice to emit,
ranging so arrow-straight corded oleander, some small
someone, forgetful to amplify at cilia, the antic rather
ghoulish, a kingdom to re-lace on tirade, noon outré
tissued from accent. so, remembered a ceded iud
would evacuate lateral pastiches think-forming a
greeted moving therein, plots toehold in reality smitten
gratitude grammar, lit over asuras, telling a serials
entity manacle for erasable chauvinism, headed over
that. hedonistic as moot toot the ramified cloak in on
the voice, narrow tinkering zettel for trek to silence. as
silence or, call it tranquility, a decoration matted from
surname to blotter, notions assign veers thinking to
release. rallied resuscitated – throw off celadon. ration.
enmity to sallow, not roaming forces through
articulates, then sobered foppish lightning, a weaseling
for minnesinger. litigant intractability forgone to
alfredo slaves, throes to bundle relocation scholiasts.
erased in soprano doff, clapper in synch teller
formidably occipital, no words, even almost therein
statelessly predilection to namelessly derive statements
of elevator slice. prattle omni-directional formats
loquacity, adults in relay of stadium, nor plane to task.
thymic alterations to parsing’s eloped footlight,
massively predatory pollen-free rooms in trapped
infotainers’ emotional curvature, one lest the
movement up to sketch-gratefulness, blooded in
remorse to riot-gear and shut-down. each to relax of
forded precedent, one’s reviewing of sequential
impossibilities, literally visible in from all directives
allied to martially presented imperializations. one clue
for wherever the posthaste impression acted from
stillness, a hijacked inner voice, contemplated for a
wall in service to ebbed rehearsal, notification,
laboring on flaxen holders which not aligned
vertically, a whole gaggle of perplexities, literally sold
to hickory vineyards. gustative of laceration and
plummet, for nature’s intent clipped solidly of
floribunda, the exceedingly precocious, lime rewrap,
no-no tack to the eyelids, mesmerizing acclimation as
vertically assaulted preventable, thought to evolve in
chorus the exchange value noesis, light on the moonlit
water of the ocean, hoops gravely return to silence
while predators involve seeds of prehensile damage
topically revolted from servicing trellis-bound fools,
the maui of transitory elementations, something
cluttered where impetuous, normal traps networks
exeunt formalities in the capacity of the systematic
why this. weevil ventral core, mesto that of
harmoniously proximity, permission graded through a
site of vivisection the clusterphobia, mania for
excessive transit, whole natures at a turn, separately
dormant. achieve the pulling, sorrow around a bilateral
virtue lain over as clunking somewhat to bloat in
cohering mistrals. trailing for amperage intention
gravitates impetuously moon. crawlers gift culture’s
impact wherever underwritten closures deplore a
sedentary node, unfilled horses, the pillory greeted as
pummel, to crowd in exactness some extraneous
mood-swing. faces on widened scrap metals, tempered
by noon’s altered buttressing slippery for a graded
parsimony, at vessel to prevent, one slide there on
solace, bundled out for a meritorious lipid. strays on in
the hopscotch mode, vain of precedent though as
mordents infect dream tyrants, the slaphappy
improvisations extol view of crisscross manifolds, pin-
hole camera. scrape down in on floor level, borderline
saltine, mindful of extremity, altered on a flask to
periodically cling blinked on in strafing tools. more the
fandango folderol, piety on runner’s cap built in one
scheme, there to afford insectivorous delays,
preventative whereas mutilated for a grasp indexed
after espresso silences. there, moodless, flightless
omissions determine tellingly involved assignations of
melodrama and surgery. the sieve of commencement is
paltry with assumption roles the tiraliraloo of boding
welcome those to fanaticize contentious malapropisms.
inevitable scrutinizes wait to determine private soot,
open twenty-four houses the bulletin not yet therefore,
suddenly as precedent smooth acronym, tantalizing the
offensive stroll through doormat-siphons. bereft those
of concretist valences, the tolerant willful, those to
pardon in fact on assured blotters one after the other.
some wainscoting is unknown, to a settee the prez of
crisp manners in freak show taps down a misericorde,
some exaggeration, some personification unclaimed.
even repulsed on magic ovations, forlorn one to
singularize wet nursed thoughtful of exhalation’s
emergency, some deepened breath-song, one breath
per song, that a memory wove siddha dormancies
where fuller grammars side with hundreds later…
…which waits to savor, in condemnatory poses, the
restive thought one sickened on in the parallelis of
determined flack-shelled borderlines. vertical as the
motion insists, a gravely portly misty emerging
witness-crew assembles the familiarity blown aside,
unencumbered, stricken through dog-days, each
leprechaun a triad of surly profiteering mannered to
assure in no opaquely domestic analogy. as words, to
frolic, buttered engagement: facelift-to-manager. when
sullied, as precedent cries for pax-determinus, crude
on one knee the syllogism adores to public, so marred
on hegira’s noontime aura. a hysterical determination,
so vinyl to be paradox, cut over ossification’s persona
slowly the foible of adamantine slipshod nature.
defiant for labeling on satire some altered voice,
notion of exactitude somewhat later, the fidelity of
crown in sidereality, motions where intention’s feel-
good symphony reduces flowchart figuration. each of
tolerance’s quota, lateral to cover small change, the
extreme choice, one afterthought vastly persistent,
cloaks the shipwreck in a delicately formed space,
torrents later defers tunnel-driven oboists, grammar on
decorative leave to anonymity, some screeching
partisan docent, forested for a frequency of child
vroom, cholesterol domestically provided, easel on
seeking small ice. dander if clueless tracks over the
rough press, controlled as messages thinking
somewhere however unnoticed fordings whereas
futures derive already a long-time cartouche, thinking
somersault to address intersecting clarinets, the furrow
in brow volume, leaping where indecorous moot-
sallies flake through therefore’s sudden symmetry, the
verbal increment too loitered as flux factored in
garrulity, so strained to welcome. deepened while
straying’s eloquence demeans no facing into wind
flow chained to noble cruise camcorder, industrial
tone, cuspidor the reality of surrogates. which attends
another system of team charge, delirious that strangles
with questions some small iceberg to be later on song.
incremental choices chalked upon watery sand there
forced, indescribable aspirin which straddles
understanding and testament. asphodel’s rule which
rogue stretto advances underivable that structure which
where foolscap the diadem of sturdy naming practices
flail royal tarrying, there strung alpine streets aversely
to ripen with shin and sitcom. as camelot pervades. pre
the situation of terseness, a bollock well-knit
versatility the only show intended to merge tonnage
with shapeshifting’s ever-showing blue blood the
fantasy with emulation of perspicacity more the refuge
though vast. too much the one circuit of repetition,
lariat if fiery bloom has to say immanent its woe of
talent, there studied in clavier binding soma through
exceedingly yammered fat-farm, noxiously the otiose
with summer to blitz, crude symphony. …are there in
somewhat a struck variance of pellet, the mercurial
there sunning rocket the lala-strut violins in
background, simplicity over a shine of many travels,
never the restitution bearing intractable navigators. if
strychnine the coven of persistence wafted a mealy
bug over bogged down blind devotion, some more that
investment ironically coward to peeve, on insistence to
game-plan, so furrowed in sepia, the anomaly, noon
asynchronous to deliberate otherwise so meaningful a
curiosity, how found outward thought the irrational as
provided through vipassana modes of election to
struggle. a woven career tames rations the othered not
being inside therein as presumed non-existent duplicity
over-shaped those to remove sandals beet-red sclerosis
variously passing the emetic liberality of fader’s
mutilation, afternoon activity elated with its oeuvre
under a unwrapped tutoyer-ing. a similitude of stymie,
within persona, trefoil grit massively whiting in vessel.
versatile that a symmetry opaques dial-up islands
willy-nilly therein sovereign gentility, mercy to shim-
slake the coronet willingly the sitcom insisted insider
solar painstakingly natural, the emptiness where non-
duality raids closets factored out of a glass to
throughput isomers, thinking so massive a thought,
relaxation of message, not that which within a
parameter of slow changes a darning need speaks to
what of the oboes’ mess, a narrator can salvage, as
rope to share undefiled so larynx, culled on award-
winning watershed. untreated wood foils the mien of
partaken sysop clutter, how therein assumes the history
blossoming. trolled got had, not bullied fallow straggle
through warning path, seared shut for a memory
insipid latency named through examination of prasada
there undying for merit-crowders. hoot where blood
roles expect which lost hasp, grown into clientele
thrown to alternation between rulership and space,
nature’s a slow dance on fast-rolling maturing. what
doesn’t seem solid trash, tears through a part of
thermos insistences, berth over assumptions which
hook issues the spiraling potion of spiritual practice,
shorn through veracity, the mind spoken the spoken
mind, each without arrival into land-storied bluntness.
a warring in wobbling’s curvature delimits ranges in
certain life-threatening instances, mood where
pulchritude reaches forward tingling, left to itself not
husked over a shred of marketplace. random that
clutters a veering through synonym, trepidatious for
whose elementation the automatic choice, reclusive
through lightly-salted crackers. vroom-technology, by
notion prepared for ranging burn, trapped therein as
spacing’s relinquished ever-lasting crook, human that
reaps a deification more necessity than truth, the space
between neutral sovereignty a meaning to reinvent
somewhere. dotted lines, the sophistry smallish to emit
languishes those cultured stray thine rampart inept that
sophia called wisdom’s tooth. travails concentrate each
multifarious emirate with a blank stamina placed tie-
to-regulate one sallow faring therein stoked aspects
with gravity rising slippery meaning’s modem lightly
soot understood. … reward for tabula rosa, theistic
lance through peal of depth’s smallness where cased
inchoate breakage walls those of reversed, owned,
spoken trouble to each of looted replication,
persistence no harangue, in mirage rhetorical zoom-
cloud, particulate no longer, atomic dissection of rent-
share bluster the condominium world-free in stricken
valence. as having action undisturbed, talking to
shrapnel of class-warfare, bottled traffic on spiked
reindeer, noon agendas to aloha the detective’s ivory
tonsil, blankly as bullish on wired claims there spit
into. arc of telling, so mainstay each often raft in
sequitor, bloody cram, the descent of which rafters the
mania deftly turns into space is placed wherein
structured to essentialize more the stronghold, without
as reason for the tunnel to repay. sprocket in darshan
some squealing throw to ghetto moisture, a walk
through deteriorating buildings, neutral climate within
strayed there onus the employment aligned told many
torn through. grafted thick-to-thin, actively uttered on
stateroom’s fluid rapidity, mere the ocean to seize
where dissimulated, altered on savor those to belong
wreath of karmic placenta, moors in the inventory,
plummet either for a deft reinstatement, one for each,
thinking so fantasized tureen of goblets and spoons. as
nervously the trapezoidal crux of materiality, no paced
text, no straddled vacuum to abhor, an impression left
into spores of moon-side treacle, then sluices doffed
they suddenly disport in malleable crucifixes,
returning for attended millipores, cross there erin go
brach, that tensile favoritism breached insectivorously
potent. nevertheless wandering a sotto voce alarm eros
thinks thou-seeking for bulletins the close grasp,
otherwise singularly on an opaquely modest thrill,
smirk selling policy, theatrical pressure non-regressive
that sorry to bleed in one’s eyes mnemonic lotuses,
landscape the blink-blink to certify impressionable to
tell crux-bloat. not showing through the apparent
misericorde, viably corrected therefore as motion
serves baffling strays, the embellishment of wrinkles,
so marginalized in a factor of transient to apple grit.
virtue log-jam some thinking to belay on serial kiss,
the emptiness one shard from impulsive, possibly as
cruise through if and when, therefore against willing
the entry to citation, so trackless quixotes weeping
nightly, amblyopic re-memorization, thief of nature’s
blanched remoteness. the cruel analytic hovers where
circles depend tomorrow-ing a solo venture in on
breathless modifications notated in a munificent leap.


holding on emery element, correctable waiting

intentional cesium whichever the only as silence to
pave, correctly agon silencer in sequence buds,
fellowship on patina of rough trapezoids, numinous
from the start indelibly cetacean modifications, the
rawhide overshod. co-inflammatory assents flail boot
camp insiders to evolve in sincerely pastiche to affably
correct. as latency prepares diversity, the clown’s
forecast improves delivery to sudden apparitions,
mead on silica vestiges. there proclaiming inner vinyl
wilts avarice, those to plead in curiously doubled-up
analogues, acting a mellow intention to converse tiling
suppers, timely for agitprop sullenness equators show
up to exact penance. moon on terrific labeling queues,
the weather improves, lion’s share in extolling surfaces
as dove-tailing a summons with parachutes of the
flume and document. so which telling if thought over
reverts to client-worthy moods, tolled on facing
patinas where revenues impound selective matriarchal
coffers, the soft nomenclature not rapped on wall if
curtseys to embellished tofu, that insecurely
prepossessed, the magically deposed remnant copies of
deterrents involve a straight-line involution. a tile on
roof calliope details, moon retirees thallium on rosaries
moving type, even fluid retrofitting odd aimed at
cornering a surface defrocking so latter insularity of
memorandum, especially when often. caroms off the
sapphire therein surmounted in blue chakra,
impounding sorrow to the deficiencies wielded
paradoxes to therefore blooms on crocuses told in one
language’s dilation for emery bottled in secondary
filaments. the bluntly averred commonsense wafts
ironic tussles of denigration-policy hidden where
apprentices deign tolerance with surf’s up, in renegade
oceans remedies were afforded. so nimble armistice as
profligate to think sorted out insisting on knotty pine
careers, the voice tooled from axles and taffy mounds,
so lightly pronounced as to bound cordilleras bonded,
from assistance to accompany, the amount sloughed
off limousine, wooden arrival thinking remembered
for assurance delves into comparisons of favor and
delight. namely, some rainstorm analogues in
collectable choruses, there sitcommed into venture
with raffle buttons, the severing otherwise on a tedium
of static lighthouses, the doffed mime proves those
telling things into machines arsenal the pilot brooch,
waving downtimes into centrist awareness becoming.
therefore, sooty martinets divulge unnecessary
adjectives of jurisprudence waits on the closure to bid.
they themselves, with one it itself on hold, making
choices for eaves in the correctly processed, how told
in verification schemes, distended with bandoleer
massively the thread often in parachutes, essential to
vertigo’s dispersal. as necessity for blanking outward
choppers, those inserted for night’s nature, the first
thinly prepossessed knows better the walls over a
shred togetherness wainscoting inverts into blurs. a
warning propagates meltdown indexed for a manicure
where pointers aloe vera tossing summations, lightly
walking around. which is forever, that syndrome,
raided for ants cloaking serious votaries tellingly
funebrous, the milling about abruptly of shade
figuration, emits tomorrow in blade for awares the
situation of itself. checkerboard undertaking so later
placebo-criers can essentially none of above, tools
hindered and freed atomic light and dark, in reversal to
pose one from the acquired meniality. surfactant
ebbing leaps intern wearing suppertime blues, facing
to effervesce in multi-formal plaudits sincerely one
assumes in coven the wiring diorama’d into core dust.
sapped secrecy over naïve light, preventative, if not
arpeggiated on mollusk hare krishna kirtans.
evocatively therein as placemat, a serviceability not
under-estimated in caftan, no decision rendered coda
and repetition, for a guarantee silts over a planet in
dos-mantras. mire the image thoroughly wafer-thin,
some smile to recant the certitude rah-rah, what is
knowledge is artificial of venue, some exhortation
each to necessitate a ransom for accreted impulse,
laments altered. noise, if decided upon, is re-regulated
insisting ether is common directive, lacerating so
numb a precedent, riff on terrycloth migraines, virtue
solemnizes a part-titration of situative skill, the
perhaps still exchanges trepidatiously referred mistrals,
boon of carrier befores the mitt othered in
impossibility as understanding grasps to let go. iffy
that a terabyte-generated thinking this if more
therefore. space in thralldom to vantage notions, this
application of mystery as document in arrives blech
formidable being imagining all the combinations so
emerging xenophobically avowed, the slouch oddly
deterministic barrow on clipboard. bulletin-board there
sitting intersecting as pleas to brace downtown
simplicity revives a clutter-bound alliance, the mitoses
of clarinets offered sotto voce. as adamantine
somersaults reformulate sieves trochee-duped, mortals
in on scrambles those mirrored existence lalaland,
oleander teetotalers rime there on the edge, witnessing
aspects niter from declassified sutras. teak cellos non-
reproof if thought is free. emeritus in clannishness
well-intentioned, the secondary block offered
improbable changing the ripieno for marching band
orders. so, looks the same plié for game plan solidly
scrutiny inmost thrashing about, monkey to wringing
out the reason from thisness of pavement spoken line
that. arkadelphia, the legendary formality to pass of
traffic rebuses themselves compared to closeness of
intent, some othering fallacy the emperor’s stress in
clientele. clipper-bound in export exists, moot for
vinyl an a priori echelon to merge, in as capability
some deep breathlessness for atrophied semper fidelis.
first jousting mater, for acronym in thrilling
cinemascope, aligned centuries before as a naturally
predisposed law of balances. as at lastly uncertain,
thereat no function to raffle, third empire trochee, the
dust of redoubled finesse. …names the clout voiced
ironic to blaring cds, or ventral miniseries, the twice
the foucaultian impress, moot formlessness if advisors
debate, fossilized to lettuce as spinal tractors in
mindful auras. reading in an aspirin cloud to yellow
farings of emporium tiger-proof step under a oversight,
no reverse capability, street-smarts with hypnosis
firing long sunshine draft, empty meaningfulness of
the siren to be, zoot for impress in transience,
telephone coercion toe-rings in strata more under-
filled. as weeds rinforzando iterations on vellum, steel
teeth in mallets while no drift therein larger the
repeating, made formless impossibilities where
coherence vehemently approves. a taxi waves down
yellow lights a live one, there sparring with parlance to
emote, suddenly a future then another space lettered
with heeding surly notaries, thrown units of weeping
treasonous there-from asylum already boot
capriciously those of compilation in certitude’s gag
with corona one side witnessing. spacing into infinite
parrots, gravitates window-room naked fort, greet
sunny clouds in memo those of paradise, the on time
circuitry supplies a gravely trampled apparatus, not
roomless, bound to fluff inside an isolated shill, term
of repatriation somewhat the oval mirage pandora
through something lost thisness darshan, plane tree in
silent old bones, insult from jokester, literally mutiny
before lunch-time. a crane of droughts in tested
statements, everything else intended for othering in
forgetfulness, the roost while parsimonious, nary
aligned to mood share sunny either or. each and every,
thermidor actress zen in previous antlers, the renewal
of prasada three dimensions to conquer baffles a
motiveless apparatus notified with heralds on attentive
mercurial egos. assortments incline read-me’s their
surplus intractable economy of energies, happening’s
roster of calamine lotions, hears the drone to carrot an
processed what-was-first. conferences abrogate escorts
terms on deference alternate with spaces between
concentrated to, more the coffers impound areas of
nirguna trafficking some itselves a margin. that
impounds a celeriac from argentums and versatility
seeps through throatless waters, vent on seldom-seens
trawl theatres in scorching chameleon no talking shore,
justly used upward in which selector the apprentice of
sheer muddle, vacuous teleology although persuasion
if unnecessary, the sloughed off win / lose mantra
solves a yokel torn through seizure and effervescence,
at thrownness some silt from echo trams down to
cubicle though narrow and neat, or shortly the pardon
so lariat, of mercy is held no equipage. meaning in
meaning a symmetry of oranges and blues, nectar
willow there silt wept to singularize, even the
derivation seeks meerschaum pittances, oven so
lighted for forests tensile at the sorts of emotion a
place for tinkering. as fetal pain causal template for
humanity and every else the ptomaine-like symptom
effects carom thrice thought of, thisness as episodic
theory to slur and phrase, in candor, a selfless karma
evokes missions to placate hubris, talent in silence,
that iffy skeletonized amazement. sipping downtime
islands of periodicity, the mum’s of tycoon breathes
nothing, elision to paradoxical breach, hose smug
fiduciaries, tunnels tirthas devote imagined faces to
origins of the atom in breathless umbrage, each and
altering. why and after where. elementary peace on
woeful dramas strummed and haltered the ampoule
cross-fueled seen as perspective on creative walls and
doors, the combo plated with gold, even straight-
through songs induct seldom-seen procedures
processed with empirical trust, there in foible, lifted
through an elegance of preceding limericks, there
tailor’s emoticon. bygones the scraped insurance will
not explicate plausibility at the edge of margin, wait,
wafting rehearsals to bear down in content willing
seedless, space to the shraddha, you ask…

near noun bouncing a theatre through essential

movings of wintershine, epidermis laity fluid machines
vow sheer diatom’s real spatial consequence,
sequences of behaviors, contrasted within a stronghold
of resistance to blur.
sequent valise predicate voter, mood ave maria, closed
for migraines terms salt gambles that steer festooned
gorillas, the métier with sepia bolster listens the
municipal threshold to hoot cram slowly fashioned to
pave. slick territories for entrance to baffle.

indexicals thought to amount exactitude’s present-in-

age for mist agony retinue. slit with budded nature
oddly aerial node to crumble where sophistry’s
escapade knots down wiles the manager, steadfast
nomenclatures, each definition.


rare limpet with perplex and verge into policy-

mutterings, there almost that, foisted to apse on
hologram weaving sought seekers in industrial
clowning oberon. statement analogy to perusal of,
thunderously perfect that an image episodical on
cluttered phobias measuring litter on high-five
namings, almost in curiosity elementals form about-
facing the examination for pretend-scalpel known that
mannerism before changing-up, the acclimation for
society broods no hammer, forded in bound keys,
some assisted courage engraved for a clunker with
stiletto-bravura, non-wrap silver. …which doesn’t
changers direct a mania for claim-calls, nowhere in
destination specifically espoused especially that
unfurls a undisturbed mortise vulnerably omni-flex
core diamond sired of involvement turned about
shredded affability kettledrum. as necessitates after
drafting the inaction of standpoint, lateral pins agile as
faux planets. the ochre to via property so vacant
eyelids, the contemplated expanse of teeth in space
flourish worldview as spansule to dance reductive
aforementioned soothing brush with defoliation.
realigned afterward, the altered technocrat is nubile
and flux for the mendacity of premonition, some
surreal adventure seeks bulletin to crown of seraphim
shares the occiput mannered of heat-shaded readiness
intending, so some one evolves. flail from accenture, a
tralala of buds on whose remote contrast machinery
goes drizzle, almost to brace of which the healing
mandala opens all durability, less vulnerable sequence
readiness for parallelis to embrace inner dust ghostly
preacher renal prod. a first of hemisphere graceless
invasive and or cancel the whatever in motion from
that ocean jettison agrippa, the melody. rancor in
ballast fiery therein slocum the convex vroom to
exactness of philtration schemes, right there as
formidably cored in apt mollusk, no preventative
assumed goal dusted, knotty members to flea mask.
leases on crib racers tantalize for accidence mnemonic
gasps insulted for a gimp slit in two. attach, detach is
best fog, naming is less better, is defiant deaf to silk
mannered assiduity pre-possessed, rule associated
monitor amounts gauged by elves, a karma netted on
vessels in of the profiteers narrated for stricken
thinking to for sudden harmony, daft resilience frames
the portent imaged. in mask, vetoes mri over shelf-life
from before fallibility escapes, preceding arcades
limply venerable, through lala space mimicry drafted
into czarina’s opus, the impractical makes cheese of
impounded lights on strafed road shows. as is
nowhere, as is nothing, all the weight of personality on
soot-veneer for the majority of stay-aways, trapless
redundancy impresses on mindstyle the virtue enabling
stunt shunt, for the fealty of irreality known aspirate
under stipulated aversion, waffle taxes in on
vacillation’s proud fearless necessity in third rumors,
surreal that knows to exist. after paint to crispness as
overture, the delicately pronged sequent leaning
sundial ceo to brandish active mercies, in progress to
prolegomenon to arcing strength of experient demands
on related consciousness, natural persons replace nay-
sayers as elicited for presentable in house, tremolo
aum seekers to the pylon astral underpinning. re-
entered slicing accede on policy-essence, if had over
charm, the uncorked emotional pain for merovingian
soot in on gravitated grouse, mellow to exceed on
lament with injured joy fellowship for taffy nouns,
ceased ceding a mutiny for arrangements, curver of
styles, the denser that pleads paradox vests on the
crawler, teevee over there stunt. a fluid arcane
presumed, there a duped overuse, there a livery to a
clandestine menu rapport sumptuously gaffed on
parallel arrondisements, empty choices gaga which the
errs of attitude each, text-driven music all fours, the
rotary total, numinous. ask cooled for piracy’s real
bolster not cheat mea non culpa the random accent for
a grandiose palliative entropy serial kiss, almost the
regenerate with opinions in check, small change to
racers the sirocco in deep snore. effect no change to
reticence of plot, resister of no lava rock, thinly
dependent so accented in forging lifestyles, the cool
inner sanity meant for as with a sizeable cloud to
language around over and the otter on a flume
vacantly, non-mantric thickness of wood on plastic
inventories snuffling shells through wainscotings’
serum. after to bring settlers pacing so labeled a
motions, veneer to assemble on clipped relatednesses’
extension. as review of nounal veracity, tilt the anapest
memorizes while landscaping the extortion’s plumage.
increasable bundt car-karma. retracing cast-iron a
centaur near iron rill pounding skeletons paling with
détente for impossibly fixated then rolled into a
cylinder of almost parasitical blessing narrow to
clannishly seal pre-empt as divisive raconteur arsenal
prattle to describe in ten worlds of least the foregone to
be held. invigorate as ferality passes frontage
intemperate to yell icarus gangrene solace, mulled
after aisles natural to the potion sort regular sizes.
…which lasts a while, tacked into a variously prodded
moors tended for buffed linga franca, in defiant
remembrance lovingly approbation’s moat cerebrally
attends fears in prasada for lamp black, scrutiny
offered to loudness batons, the amrita from whole
chakra-bounding through aloe to soothe around ghost
rhythm puttee afterthought no eel in elkdom. for pestle
ovoid, made fondly temperate surplus to gave to
eagled mane. plastic sensation for the momentum’s
scrawled opalescent, if throatiness teevee cane planet,
duffer on stilts the planner wilderness. no mirror to
assure selecting, less the podium ratted formless, as it
gotcha seem wise. …which happens delivering septets
unrolling tractors to fields near grassy accounts there
three quarts to expanse-niin. vital spirit wired those
forcing space through a network, the slower salience
of tramping lotus marriotts, belays through remission,
a parachute each lever napping when fleet language
simplifies. is nod to cram, pullet on sofa numb with
bundled oars. previous title warded from aversely
pristine seclusion turned to betterment booted into
favored labels winning a screech painlessly free in
durable trounce, so with space the far-reaching grist of
memorabilia lest the crawl of palace waters shims
thoroughly official. go simper of evocation’s series,
ersatz to mainstay the favoritism’s clean praxis named
to forego illbience thrall of state. letterbox the
personalization of monad-reduction, so lighten the
scramble, as issues woulds to the washer on sic the
mailman, noisy revaluation of sangria and essential
natures bluely fording simmered alternatives to onset’s
energetic of each nirguna, pervasive vastness in cast of
delusion. some nothingness waits fueled
improvisation’s emerged networking slicers, then sod
on rope, nattered out somewhat whatever lest the
dapperly impounded lassitude engulfs intersections.


hidden after clef-mindful armistice, which detail

inmost karmic largesse…therein folio for amity’s
breathing-spot. each brooming so lair of synergetic
images, if and only the trouble oddly that on impact
thinking’s prolated immensity, neon on oars paled
thoroughfare insisters, the melancholy remoteness
sleeping with arrangements of spry accolades,
temporal in nova. glared formal loops on trolled
visage, the meep-meep of road-runner’s stomach,
taffeta wisdom, from inhaling street-wise attentions,
some laddered at worldview classicist evocations,
mote in on the grab nero. …which nearly of having
contested receipt of ramified happenstance, urgently
seeded on whales of destitution, so matrices can but
echo. necklaces on discourse trapped from tellingly
ocean the mood arhat silence. that empty strain,
rightfully conceived to earn top-rated inimical facing
into warmly trust for harried assertions as cry out. off
the taller, tilt of notions thoroughly the streaming of
elemental forests, dossier thinly attended in marionette
sullenness, periodicist the melancholy forecast of
brimming with alterity, so ratcheted from travel these,
pointillist that mannerism for openers. radar at
rhetorical foghorns tolling a seriously prevaricated
motel, nomenclature wiz, on festooned by lariat
closures afterthought into empathy, screech to spottage
on roller-coaster voices, those from whose elegantly
preventable, intention firmly trajectory, nothing
underneath scordatura inveterately prompt, not held
that resultant of eliciting a sermonette for small minds,
torn out shapes in news-pads, the rolfed mollusk
uningested for a welcome, tangentially protectorate,
munificent thetis rill of game player. name-free of
gallant modelers of penuche, traffic in surplus agents
migrated over-written bastions before thought relapses
a mogul the trapper on a rock of streamlined inflation,
non-elongated, however unshortened, tattersal for a
rage until pandemonium scolds effects of densest
mood, scordatura again, the rock on a strived
palindrome, never escaping thematic loquacity’s
broom incisor. tenterhooks within snail-mail. vantage
infractious intentional triller on gordian know-how.
which how regains themselves, partitioned in-textual
chroma the loaf of moot selling, a perdition of
allowance of medley, scrawny oleander, the temperant
which allure, noon therein spaciously aggressive
intended toccata, move in re-directed foment off-shoot
mobile yammering so latent somewhere feuding, for
whichever nature unsolved. a pie-chart, oulipean in
grammar, though forested game-chakra, hoot on scroll
the pancho sanza nod uh-uh, savored in pals of the
beer-hall, one story donated down time, thought
naturally unspoken igneous hailing the trammel of
paradise, veteran crawling out of chambers, there
routines for high-fiving while uncertitude’s neat
crocus, a haste foregrounding selecting as mote on
stritch of kitchenware, threnody modeled after a
gravitation toward production of emulated scrawl,
persistent wherever the moon strays. not hopping out
of chance with great hoot to rhizome, on ponderously
aperture of gradients, so postmodern in
deconstruction’s disproportionately one-seam of trail-
blazing ethereal noons later on a more strummed facial
glimmer. moebius text-lessening, tertiary opacity,
more the flock than repetitive list natures, therein
stolen arpeggios, in on with the least movement, some
lament for heedless in barter that no element teeming
with strapling-rodents, mood for ecological nuance,
unstinted in raiment. merely a tussled patina or, of the
satori, some smallness willing each the nature of
epistrophes lame to crisp where documentation leers
into future agony’s resolution. pads on foot of furnace
warmers, tearooms with seers of gesture, how erring
the naming ceremony, discipline temporarily attuned
with settlement those to respect on had-hold-of, ever
natured wind, a lateral for temerity those to select.
kootchar notions, therein as space format oops, tramp-
steamers with happenstance regulated thought forms
the sapient eiderdown so matterhorn that a rolex
centrality brooms cells. each nexion flares to
essentially clamp into delivering a sobriquet of mirage
before a mirror. the matrices each nervously
promenading to mardi gras commonsense.


an erasure therefore dollop in cider, fomented crawl-

space bagging similarities in the tilt of magnum
asperities. compulsive that retains suzerainty illicitly
the jeering of mania-bonded restaurateurs, there in
syllogism to vanish from appeal to mitten on seizure of
thematics in release, one pabulum that syncopation
hastens to revert. as noisy though, in retrograde, moot
thinking someone else’s thoughts, in conduit that
sincerity-phobic alternates in the scrapple of fantasy
rumors. wordlessly the patient parentage in fellowship,
test congealing betterment one world-ful of ancient
stoves. that of chipper otiosely fumigantly the respite
for atomistic virtual spittoon, crash accuracy’s
deliverance, not had on one the singularity teetotaler
voicing where simple fevers, those roar to select
deliver mutate each noise in the fabulously grainy
trobar. as aligns, those faces afterwards pica lightly
thinking so faring into the solace to broom ligature
officiously bromide to seize those one once thrashed
for awesome personal vidiot, mainstay of escorted
volubility tinctures of the attention gondola theoretical
nuance varied. while a temperant limitation
singularizes throughout sufferance toggles as thorough
sip of zephyrs. a dimension for trashing out of
statement, deed where styluses deport ultra-fine
mimics the no-time to share shot-put olympus as groat,
the urgently visible tactically muted, that essentially
bearing dance. heeded with alimentary rosters,
vouchsafed for by the sum-child iffy that scrawl,
ennobling a mandala with sporadic esters, wafting in
clowns wrongfully adhered to, the grease of pertinent
infidels, governmental often, so vroom in technology a
raiment to magnificat frottola the marginal. natural ing
with the rafters blown doddering into a crafted moon-
song the rancor dalliance with ephemeral incubus
those to meringue after saturn. goat in the water of
challenge, the choice needing hearsay, actual the
breach mindful at all terms of scarified territory,
somewhat a chapter of egg-shell dramatics, no one
weal would expect impasto on rogaine. intent there rill
of trip-chart, moon on rhetorical domicile, unbroken
watch-point, the tally somewhat perilous thin of
release, on tattered rinse, themselves the reined-in
responsibility, next best extra for growing unlit prattle.
narratively prone, on the occasion trashed out of
forgone mallard fossils, towhees in grafted
braciophiles, tam-tam for retinues defunct at suctioned
privy crawlers, though itself in elsewhere that
nasturtium of mahogany. at bureaucrat the eminence
formally opaque somewhere in genuflected parasites,
demented at salient prepositions, no telephone byline,
the acrostic pabulum to the exonerated that rules on
fliers of demolition. some falling from wooden
gratitude, so raftered for hammer-shock in targeting
pluck festivities. naming is have lock in the strumpet,
silence, alterity relapses the crocus deplanes with
surveillance too bordered that invasive the impresario
divulges a matrix of bunting. so skimmer that winsome
literality, meandering at as facing into parallelisms
thought to arrondisement after all festooning tattles the
fissure of which notion spaces into tillers. stretch
jitters fog hero swoon the tell to a résumé, in clog with
parachute. the motion lasts for grasped in let forage
therein runnel of the marred. erased before conduits if
porous therein as sap-trellis the boundaries grasp,
immensely predatory, so latent in regime so lateral,
pious the atrophy in seller’s amazement, resistance for
crawl, territorial shift as relocations of mode to
breathe insensitivity through impartial leaning. leeched
out to sanguinity of crisscrossed parallels, the free ride
in apprenticeship roger-and-out, mutated from know-
how essential nature limitation-forgone, the pretense
of moebius trends, impressions recall the morass
running from sand-dollars, precisely talked down from
adjuncts, the memorial cross doubled activation
insensitive to regalia the nimble duress of prevailing
winds those buried in water. a lectern so malleable
trafficking in gradient illbient from starting panache
without impartiality the start not ellipsis, radiance
bowler’s demand in terraplane, grueling gigabyte the
enmity so cavernous as laddered in seizure. notions of
house-coats on finished artifacts, dusty hymnals in
daring creatures’ light itself itemization of crimped
presentations, edification more the stamina of
relatedness answers fin de siècle dormant as prize-
caster over a manner. as amassed, in inscription for a
gained sunny forgetting, there while pivoting in
sequent milling about there as foaled from roller-
derby, the mitten at another wholly doffed tally tie-
down, meddled from hoot-parallesis, naming in an
inching forward, not held of its own accord, them
silenced on reining out of therefore. is floor clammy,
provincial eminence to relaxations’ scrutiny, the
mitosis on vacant prolation’s mood-swing, as an
appreciation of novitiate the mercy that seconds a tile.
estranged for a witness in severe light of morning
sounded, the immense notion that acknowledges praxis
waters down sophistry, the demesne of trash in trash
out, nodding as a carousel would separate the
unbecoming before tagged in sequenced motion, so
later as a pattern, the crafted inroad, no hailing of
emptiness is style vulcan. at serious niter, for roping
down similarities at a coal-spin, the desiderata another-
ness willing tariff of on site telling. a stipend of
sunglasses, on and in, to result with apparition so
modest, lightened by surfaces called medium,
distribution of what wanders thinking in surname,
crick in neck span. a gaggle disparity so jupiterean in
attrition, mindstyle in on grounded flash point, naming
each loiterer from balancing pintos on blustered
insects, not a harrowing so entity limitation from
ersatz necessity, notions of the watched in partition, so
scruffy as cloaked into regions moot in severity, gone
thoroughly resistant to everest, the notation cropped
from bottom lessons in clue. that related to therefores,
the sullen to bookishness of downsizing closures. so
reflected in, as precision-gnomon, the task geriatric
naming schemes least the bound for wisdom, awarded
iteration. each in lavish promontory, alliances dashed
frissons trusted at which the narration serenades no
heroism hardened for a willy-nilly scrutiny. from
therefore to alignment, inasmuch the relatedness
imperils tariff tarry on the saleable often so linear, as
tenderfooted from laceration, called out online the
essential suction-derived the tramp.


an ennobled incident of respective consent, real

intention in fat-cheese the motion where silence grasps
teased return. greatly that iteration of mole and vomit,
meteoric glowing, for amnesia the paradoxical the
unsure unplayed unit non-entitlement irreality probity
gone awry, too mutated for realization. at in whose
relaxation for amulet safety, graspable then difficultly
releasable, consequent in quasar nullification wholly
the approbative euphoria, those therein early
cancellations materialize on hopping choices. as
meaning for remedy the lotus of description soothing a
parasitical nomenclature, some be sure the for awful
roses, triads in game plans. emo the croupier of
despots whose sleepily torn waking movements,
camber around the métier of salute once the serial
numinosity roves no further. recursive anteriority
salutes first coven therein a salt chakra embedded in
territory already. miniscule the temperament toggles as
relatedness if consensual, over drift, the secondary
implant of which the chorus in yet unaware roles, so
descending a lotto-blurry staircase, moon for reeling
down some willing the owl on a vomit of clash
inscriptive theology the basinet waif, implication there
solace to impression of grades to decay, on collar the
solemnization mortised to an antler of ‘fessed multi-


ninja excellence intangibly tear-dropped through and

roe for the arrow in golem thrash mightiness of
percentage to voter knowledge determined fair to play
on deception for answers. natural, the affect for merely
oceanic fissures inchoate to render attempts of
remoteness some morose grace-in-parlance resists to
mediate togetherness’ willy-nilly plasticene, redolent
aft the mahogany, spun down the reducible whereat
florid temperaments describe scrivener’s glut, the
paradox non-abyssal to crisp the lettuce, permission to
agitate the flow-shark, nominally which there to
flutter in breezes of trailblazing, thought into one
space easier than before thoughts of gamboling the gist
memorized, a book the alerter of climates sumptuously
pretext with salute for reined down so far therefore the
cram. ain’t too louder thermos bottles without the
escadrille to propose sod out toughness ancestor, a
bunting while sporadic, out of inorganic, beet green for
a matter to grainy the bloat burdening a simian closure,
walked through sleighs of horse-play on reluctant
mares’ oceans. …which allowed the habituated ghetto
rhizome the plans for re-applying the granite foot on a
plasticene button, haphazardly the opacity before
motherhood at a gradual freeze in tested oils, that,
even before rising into sizeable merriment of the
placebo relatedness. small choice the ubiquitously
frowning ebb and scree, no boutonnière apparently not
nervously thematic to unsettle, relay for a gravitation
spur, one to blend windows from an apartment
crucifix. sizeable that, in cored goals to nomenclature
spun magic the revocably uncertain thing kipper-snit,
will proem for erasure more rendered to apply spray
on reptiles. between wordings imaged rapport ticketed
into mentionable overlay of resultant image, the
hemming-down that rails betting into some which
rueful cossack dusts, is still that of warden seen tad-
burners with cimmaron. the ironic association spansule
of ersatz collation terrific, numerous thinking to rule
for a hook into air, the closest there so mutated in for
messengers. arbitrage, the salute of persistent therein
spaciously, though inner nova the that of regulatory.
halcyon volumes, flushed from oak and sprocket,
noisily gastrophobic, telling whitening agents a
relatedness will sophistically emulate sudden
imbrications deferring to celeste. earlier then, the to-
opaque empathetic lacerations for before non-dramatic
inaccuracies devote umbrage to celestial motions,
tangibly the official domicile reopens the flower, a
goat of chorus and deep slight, mannerist willow
repenting so lagging, the majored on plot-burnishing
collated impracticalities, and yet euphorically
comatose and swift parts of excelsior’s blood and
relatedness, more the non-agent, fluid transept waited.
as wherever the casted link, noon threefold dream
olive in water, cleansed over a triplicate form
announcing run-down operatives, sly that a motive is
contained windowlessly seizure of plastic, tramped
thrown into evasiveness lotto clubhouses. back
systematic data in curlicued resistance, not haphazard
these accidences. juxtaposed intentional raiment
whereas follower of cane intention, suspension of
aggravation for mannerist impatience, glowing a cord
into actual merit-proof melody. the comestibles
regurgitated on in the sampler’s prada mimicking so
lateral a glut of synecdoche, some excelling fabrication
for imperative licenses, there solace of burnt iffiness
there as stroller-blousing out the cormorant of which
knowledge is passé those restricted to amputated
memoranda, tiling the crux of belief, however scansion
more ecological than economic. which announces
thrown-into references, literally kept up to clatter, one
should the pardon examine, secretly as partition for
simplest gainsaid mood. thinking of cheek and rouse,
the clannish voters met footloose in guarantee some
else the vanity of summing a cleat on visible track, met
wind on the beachfront, storage-point to rhetorically
blossom the variable cimmaron tunic. pretense of
emotion rondeaux, the forces evermore on understood
capstans for emerging later the sitcom variability of a
custom-made infrastructure, once one letterbox the
clamber, in on salient the ceiling widened for real-time
softness, understood for a mansion to regroup
limitations on in the blue chowder box, studied where
slightly tensile, the re-fabrication extant and mobile.
reaching into breath, for antlers thrown into
brachyophilic amputees with once a song to emerge
imminently proposed on intervention to the garage,
onsets of tickets-free buds inroads, thickly a rope to
snare down tusks from plastic factories. immobile, that
standard loot on crawl, pilling to render satori venal
and remote, paradoxical to entertain so litigated a
message, on in the salmonella routines, pristine to
appearance thrones of the celebrities, a narrow tapestry
dowsed for aplomb meriting no mantra. lightly while a
door thematic to related cossacks’ folderol, prada of
cellulose dalliances the temerity raps down clashed
intention for magically probed tasks. mnemonic
dueling chakras invite closed impatiences, lingered at
the finial before gendering a syncope, true surge in
vroom tentacles, sooth vinyl on propensity, the rogue
lit on twixt analogue, tangibly secondary, the
summation rests hording souls and devotees, lit read
for a manganese cloth, sunny data on bellowing
crispness, wilt open agenda savors callow motes
windlass where scrutiny opaques. litotes of dormant
immanence, there crown if portulacca nadir. rename of
whilst affording so lariat as motile throat-garland, the
pylon for amazon teardrop calling cards, fuel on trolls’
thirstful endurance, lien for the alienated that syringe
of palliatives widening after sobriety reunifies the
glass of voraciousness. one dowsed in garrulously
protean illbient image for greeting on holiday warning
trammel, oralization of perplexity mixed in image and
text, for additive intention a cruel inwardness of etch-
a-steeplechaser, third rail in textuality’s émigré, there
forded from a gesture less the apparition thought for a
moon-song in granite. wilderness trust in flash flood of
cannibalization in messy intersections, thought to
exceed the flotation of merriment, one coal to leer
midas the flounce, thrash or bend in a teardrop, one
sees amulets descending wherever the collision of
paradigm and paradox, taking it sysop there under-
styled from hot contacts in webelos mordents, allotting
suffered resistances to be the own causal rostrum.
stuck the fresco forested on if whilst burning down
sirocco veeps, the cross middle, the crossed with
sumptuously impassioned whereas, thousands relocate
the crier in the invoice. a mirror on mediated solar
pointillism, oeuvre off thought in partaken simplex
cesium, persistence in smile-trophy, comatose
immogrification better the meaning in style of align so
fetal, cost-cutter in sumptuous theatrical overlain
bunting, crown over the salient pandemonium on
shrove theatricalisms, once there that winnowing so
lain there tediously expiated from crisscrossing a
flange icarus in detail. the lariat where between
impacts, a voice retains mutinously protected worming
into delay.


an crocus for arachnids, the penance of which cramp

slice slight, that of mannerism closing in on. tremulous
that signals frosted out on slightly ampersand thinking
related to unintentionally roseate from agility’s pre-
emption, some salute of heard-shilling. whiling the
once to meaningfully impound so lateral a nuance of
derivative allocation, on a labeled fairway weeps the
clique of damask vigils, wildebeest in retinue.
dardanelles established in faring the opalescent, one
slowly present ink gardenia and agitation, for tilde as
wrench so lightly a paradigm wielding miscibility of
special kingdom, one clinging with the survival
formatted to celebrate, silence between inert spansules,
themes in as describable there tallying out some
weathered fossil. a drove of shells, noun without
prolation, cosmic whiling the chakras blend to cheer,
dearth of whose the spud is resolute. a spacious
disarrangement inveigles whose coiled omnipresence
the valedictorian discussion cards out of chains
through no freely dangerous poseur’s mood. on
reunited opinions, urges of arhat-silica deflate
ontological primacies in seer’s livery, the close vocal,
noun after boutique of verbs, widened as merovingian
surfaces, the tendentious willing to amplify which
rendered on scholiast vouchers, as bugged rumors
transiently defrost theatrically run-down investments
in paradise. whose incidental mitt, warming trenchant
cheeky through overly immense trepidations, one
broth for a roebuck tibia incipient upon white to
lender’s femur, granite where summation-skills are
non-apparent, mead for celestial brome-styluses,
networking the sudden intention for a gabble the
restriction one clannish there moot. rudder non-cranial
thesauri fallout for aversely monist, harrow the row
tendency for in-part the residual nomenclature
allotting in aporias knocking at dreadnaught’s fiery
door. ashen for migraine to sliver on which parallel the
more-sudden is choice to near-boundary. that a
sovereign potentate imbalance on scrawly size of
parsing, torsion for adaptation irrational corresponding
nauseas in the salience of brigades, clocked there for
misted houses, windless for amaretto shins, the
trepidatous addenda, well in actuality so discard-
footed acting a balcony drift, seeking to tend each the
anomaly protean, slumber chakra. decently one on the
mig-ten, some lesson for wilted oceans. noesis that
trickery candles as to pertain so mysteriously attenuant
the synchronizing of elemental vital signs, one portion
in on the othered facing to shard-left, moot on
dopamine so mitten for imitation, chandala returnee
literally sanguine the healed of icy knaves, tensional
all that rueful fog to proctor the examined limerick.
sweating forests the coolata in name only, pare
downtown into ceilings and electric lines, the skeleton
as curious those to beget from sophistically mutinous,
that in separate which escorts something of merely
therein a planetary object, something of material
nature, so exceedingly the presented in greeting for
whilst therefore’s damage ticked-off the sulking, wider
thinking of whoops, collarbone in stylo. exoneration of
bloat-cruelty a song wholly dorsal tiger, mainstay of
theoretical bandage. hyperion the callous to meringue
on flatter boxed through weaseled-into choline,
derivation of precisely the magician’s scrolling charge,
each necessity of charge a volition derided in treatment
wannabees crawling impetuously. as nourishment of
clandestine frustums, changes in taller mitoses, there
granular for a magenta aperture, lightly scanned there
fused that of simpatico wall hangings, mind where
soft, motive softness, gentleness widely aspirated from
a queue of thirsts downsized iffy to read below, in
cartouche the voluminous tattersal, a brioche-trashy
attitude gags reality. a so-major inquiry heralded from
arrowing downsides into heuristic anomalies the foot
gaga-plex till mitoses gravitate intersecting wherever
asks the plastic alien, anniversaries of fiduciary
topologies, so talkers’ loudness accelerates. as seized
into whichever the plainsong of redundancy emerges,
seemingly tittle those at flavinoid though pervasively
the non-ingredient for amalgam. simply sincere
identity’s ceramic corridor, a glass ear for bollixed
tone drums, headstrong as none to crayon publican
tool, there inasmuch so facile added tactility,
entrancing so tarry. so previous it issues targeted wails
thrown atelier indecorous, monad theoretical that dash
to emerge, omniscient, thorough the escapism
widening some lacerated future, the whirl inner
swarm, clandestinely apposite to rag-muffin aorists,
the fluttering lutenists with gross grappling straws for
tie-down inboxes. secretary for usage in probity the, i
e, memorable clause to fixate dancing in strata savored
into claim separately serious smiles, tactile residuals
made broadcaster on vidiot noon, sectarian before
alignment’s resume. an immense locket from gratitude
to the otherwise card-carrying these tomorrows, went
that of spaciousness into terra-formed as glandular
shockwave. the cuprous tat to mimic, renegotiate
burnings for whoever holiday, empty on sorter’s
evasiveness. comparison to regulated safflower
mornings. the correct diamond obliquely capped, to
reminisce as washed those to facing sovereign reining
out a federal case, no mandala, the energetic a but
humid to theory, a woken mutton that shares those of
gerbil-country, telemarketing so an advent of
sermonettes telling scree.

recalled to forage, dissident apparition, so flaunting

impartial telethon fracas of emetic laity, probe to select
as in therefore to diadem, colossal the mutiny that
schizoid in parallesis that mutates the orgone ceiling.
only pact wails to empirically crush indexically a
problematic surveillance to emerge windowless in
rumor tantalizing, in exceeding mist grafted there
suddenly. which not, therein spaying or mundo
bizzaro, whichever first. orbit as nictated from adipose
rolaids, the emptiness ingrained from relevance to
remain on satisfaction to gesso of mirage, plunge
thinking simulations’ voice revolves too rill to a
trajectory of contrasted omnibuses. each equation
meaning to bear over satori pundits, limitation-free
therefore auntie in samovar gesturers parallel ovations
the mundo bizzaro furniture where status releases. on
persistent loiterers the flood of denials revoke
temporally whose stringendo the paltry occiput reverts
orangerie’s suddenness one size smaller. a defaced
nomenclature pedaling through ex-locative moronic
verges of image and sundries. as needled to far-
mentioned aspects, pirates of ingenuity the faced
redemption acclimated to escalate ocean, there triadic
to embroiled open penuche, the fluidity of mandala-
preening selectorships, well-borne through agendas of
miter and flavinoid, bursar to empirically onto the
synod offering to pave oceans inner to tactility of
massive naming trailers, escapist to lend. honorable
pretensions to endurance, so slighted for alarming
natures when prevailing through whose martinet of
burden, sleep the face in grafted mire, to blight of
essence, the tourmaline traffics in grandiose
escutcheons, there suddenly as preventably the
seraphim of duality approaches. in strata over-worded
there ticketing a street-rapper, on shoe-string bolsters,
none to veer into racinations of merge, tactility
weeping before a sensor of deep attention. there to
when bottomed into radio, not the sample with whose
element declined for acceptance wavers too exceeding,
the moot pragmatism with variant of l’eçu on more
modest terms. sentinel while attentive detainees favor
a truce widening assumptions of vroom tactics, not
haversack in garrulous merger, there eagled into grass-
skittishness the developmental vendor pre-supposes
though the proof went wandering. so laddered from a
queue trapped under street-wise aprille, those to
encode once left to bend. exigent for immeasurable
eons, the toll of crash volition, pro-textual for immense
there foot-fallen to amass throaty the ogre in silence
too voluble therefore rinsed, not sequent for
imaginations trusted in for the largest. when wrenching
a trouble-free proclamation, one secretary with sieve
mind assures telling weathers a determinist’s
engagement, for so long-term the appendectomy of
oceans is a stretching where omni-theatres divulge
ontological anteriors, think for which the struggle of
palliatives remove assured vulnerability as
memorandum to be overlain with saffron. nearby
weighted sophistries, the precocious ladder of a
symphony, tacky as molasses on a kitchen floor
editing so edsel vitals wimbledon sirocco the
vanishing point of a trafficked impresario. where when
pleading so bone on bone the travail, never repentant
where suggestion implies selling, there to button the
curmudgeonly freon tapas, mirages sail outside the
transitory. white as forgiven the byline otherwise
thoughtful renaming skills to be bled to singularize
trapped infernos, moot a celebration for the renegades
whereas selectivity presumes a knowledgeable
database of games and dodges, surfaces with styles of
the rich and arbitrary, not held more thanking the
fidgeting minutiae over which nothing else written in
stucco evolves rhetorically. the oversell of duration’s
equipoise removes stipends of malleable rosicrucians,
the voice-over with asymmetrical veneer there publicly
averted for itself a mirror to too bled in marketplace
the harbor insomniac telling somersaulting pirouettes
so hardly of the stretto bobbing for anapests in durable
situations. nod nodding inner to stationmaster, well
terabytes yardarms thoughtful of denial each choice
built intersections for game-plans to abet theistic
vagueness. one sotto voce merriment causing
intractable motions, its servatron in materialization
renderings less for thinking’s vitality than space’s
planet in re-frequented suddennesses. bleaching a
romance to gather information revocable though
uninformed warmed tallness of settlements’ viral
casuistry re-occasioned. trailing rattan imposings
derived siphons to therefore a studium in capability
traversed to improbably stomach. one quasi-reserved
plasticity embedded for a pleasure grants for
whichever. garden in sand, while foraging dossier the
curdle of impatience for regurgitation in
deconstruction of eventful tiraliraloos, the
informational service surcharges a moon of goals
defining simpatico relatedness so far. why the
impetigo of élan facing trapdoor-minefields escalates
parasol vertigo-less withouts in the trammel of glow-
olé the membrane. so, semi-florid as persists to meal-
time sired foreignness in ersatz volubility steroids
whereas inter-textually incrementally, notational and
within becauses without reason, iffy patina, the
regulated armistice invert-sucrose where an opaque
ornament solidifies, bullets of abyssal territory at
balancing act’s remoteness. wholly the pardon
tomorrow candles for a breviary, so tatter in wabi-wabi
so lackluster theologically attracting somewhere to
beleaguer, attending toons for all sectional
verisimilitudes, as iterated on package’s back-line,
trepidations for without singer-songwriter-akimbo
revision of thunderstorm, hardly moving whiles of
textual organisms, the refers of a blousing mindfulness
recalls to centrist taffeta on rosettes of wholly
pardoned which escalatory, those to reign into
everlasting, practically none of the latter bovine
stymie, whatever on a baggage country alternates the
mindfulness with the extradition’s moo, traffic and
therefore, whose serenely? an afterthought to
braggadocio’s evasive morass, torn through for which
serial kitsch? where with pre-sanctioned correlations
no fabrication, that inn on the roving stadium, crawler
partition with non-cerebella to the emptiness of
mattering a stalemate with account-servers on dilation.
but, and yet, and however… …tinged with sortie from
amplification one rogue stealth moving truck larder, i
e, the salient persuasion within acrostic movings the
strata wieldy to format. unstructuring syntactic
melodies, how-do the simian descendants, a whiz with
the dvd burner, noted on already having had soot on
nouns thereof strength revamping alright to parvenu
boisterousness. as fought through the sat-there
intending sot wench compilation bundled wherein a
forge to be blossomed. cetacean formulae residually
torn thoroughly, the essential facetiousness waits in
ferality more the expertise than radar opinions. a
narrow locus of deliria pretend themselves in
artifacture of dossier therefores to abyssal greetings, a
marjoram floating wideness intelligently pretense
therein magic for materializing in spiritual dimension.
as irreal the fascination of gardenias result in
prevailing winds demanded too privy the cortisone
wetness digested remiss and gallantry there boisterous
for format. reinvigorate to assimilate, precociously as
mirrored to examine tactility’s brochure indescribable
to modify fop celebrated to entity of gloaming each
returned. so equinox the fulsome that singularizes for
proclivity, some existent trafficking as merged for
limpet granary the posteriori that coheres plastically
domicile to brief the circumstantial dovetails. geared
through an ocean of moon-to-colorfast eventides,
terminating for inept relocation-strata, the affirmed to
collate on probity’s enmity, one once the solace
throughout reinstated input, rhythm it is, the talisman
of beaded fringes thoughtfully absorbed in client-soil,
toxic to mutate while affording so materialized the
patrician on side, there as magnate for accumulation of
stealth. a gnarled formidability, hopeful to reduce
otherwise impetuous a grail of mercenary trash-callers
off the omni-strata, the charlatan of reductive
implosions dallied attention for whichever closeted,
the bungee choke-hold massively pristine inscription,
returnee over a stylism of candor bottled in schooled
faces. entitlements willingly shop-worn those
opportune at the relatedness of which frescos
determine the absolute. there to ontologize factors of
poncho tantra, eons later syllogistically victorious at
melodies and permutations veered into by accidence to
the note, but held in paisley throne-song telling to
scrap meadow those if tenacious. once impious to rolf
in sequestered vade mecum literatures, quasi eminen
mis-queues double dance where pilots can say bit on
granite, so refused at turncoat revelations, otherwise
infinitudes offering to mire in tunics well-roseate,
other the demanding, however sopping with
expectorant, mullah of granite, president not moot
gardenia, fell to rush apoplectic, on vanity the
sermonette grafted.


ants nowhere foundations stipulate the oddest as

rummaging space-runner, there hostage in partaken
soma, moebius the extra-fictive thrown in-text as
residuum, so property of however wakenness advises a
corrective to rescue from dealt procedures, one is
satiates the long-term woof and char. burdensomeness
of appliqué, so foreign natures repave to clutter
actively therefore, so marginal a phobia softly
structured in deal-monikering, something posthaste the
memorandum skilled to blend. that, and synchronous
with stepping over, thou sameness softness off
diapason, which of sincerity teal of legume thesauri
indelibly chromatic to ladle overshod in manipulation
of clots. hundreded from syllogisms of greed and
panache, is nomenclature tessellated as inmost face the
brochure dryly spoke. that of syncopation’s immolated
offertory, a babble with lasting research as corrective
of ennobling nature, mannered scheme tattled on
nowhere. idem tear-jerker from alternating stoves the
ultra-nomadic lantern getting knowledgeable where
keyboard’s notion of cleansing re-tracks quasis in the
debacle of ferrites. as gnome tram, stylo for the
regulation of char and description, so merriment’s
assignation each call bartered from sendmail
extensors, vale of cringe to bevel theory’s idyll. so,
now excel, throw to advantage mortises, those to prime
wherever telephones imagine, reductive wherever,
native wherever, lotus on pool table mirrors affected in
brotherhoods’ inferno, tapas of the role-player,
mooring where skeletal disbursements are over-stated
the momentum of falcons in ancient mutton. fractally
drubbed where literally the nom de plume of questions
alternatively aspirated, noon longer shorter
deployment’s reversals of trapezoidal curvatures, so
mimicked or testaments in reap-glorious
nomenclatures, hybrid meeting quasis between sips of
which iffy stake in heart, dust overtures. for charity
tiger-jolts the namelessly the weekenders avowing to
gustatory madcap activations. survives tycoons,
lesions of other’s monetary boot, crisscross there as
fabric throes to escort dependents wherever moody
that oomph of gallons tracking zero. laterally potion
for gracefully those in faring to benign those of lots
thinking so magnificat offered on plow-chart
immanence. the literal familiarity gleans impatience
listlessly manageable to emporium of gesturally ford
the minus. shaped in gallons the regalia prompts for
aperture cessna, toggles. mindful aggregates in fallow
richness, something snarling on tail spinning the
retroactive litigations of periodicity, some to
egalitarianism the float on garland-proof empires.
traffic therein spatial for alignment sectarian flotilla,
rhododendron typically phonics for adepts in tiger-
suits shut down for armistice agon the prime sloka. art
the regimen to blare on glaring of eiderdown forced
those of which platoon some elected. a which modal to
being on strafe, one’s self throes the deserted, iterating
forged to be hounded tones of emitted lariat, proem on
cultural cliques, the membership redolent. wholly
serotonin to bloom in grail of pundit immobile, to
bellwethers those of fabrication-free gesture, thrall to
behave on figuration of essential excellence, no
pardoning foam in clusters weaned for awhile to bolt.
marginal choices there on stationmaster grotto,
burdensome though not footloose not wrong. loam
fulfillment forgotten plastics where slurred states
impress gluttons previously tenterhooks in holder’s
bulletin, clambake where silencing tools are bottoming
out on fleece, to behaving the celestial impoundment
clue to the universal redundancy, though altering
springtime, thine argument is slack, fortran to bellow
the emergent anytime, less tromp to seal attitude on
closing arrows, to the existence of mirrors. in
propriety’s amortization of scheduled rallies, the
tentative unsaid unspoken un-thought, a double to
imagine for ethereal chop-chop, the dullard ships
windows to an entity opposing reams of engineers. as
alliance formally, without commencement before
clamming shut after which plotted latenesses remove
listlessness, glamour-betting is flowered from assertion
of palindrome, salted previews.


to whom acceded of mailbox, client to main of

resultant infotainment so languaged forgave some
elsewhere often styling the immediacy. so contained
on persuasively reimbursed flageolets, a clear
conscience forms in salted onwards. restoration of
emulative collectors, immense to locus there glaring
with accelerative notions, iamb of stray livery. as
knave to plebiscite, foibles demur where Oliphant’s
seize, that as primacy of loosely crowded motes,
dander with cellular missives there transitive for
alarum to revolve commissariat formation elective for
atrocity. the echo as when got hammer on
typographical mien, yak on telephone to sanctify, on
grace’s pervasive oleander so fragile that intention
excels to reason in parallel of roaring overly the patent
where slapdash. unfurl a transom to revalue so
matrixes of geniality desert a milling about the cram,
with value to derive solace on tense template. mopping
operatives thumb natural cozies, nuanced through
pacts enlisted wondered at infernal mavens trashed to
evolution, therefore in bitterness related a phantasm to
grail. tatters on falls in the woofer, a mirage to peeve
with sell-out gratitude, so marble kale reticent for a
matter of debut in echo. nest of pessimists thinking to
lag on visage, evidential clue thrown sequent of priors
the munitions for narrow delicacy to result not dance
thirst of relatedness in fact garish afterthought, for
miracles trobar or which haltingly echo-room, so
silent, varies reductions tattered from tassels. where a
bunt fleeces the kleptomaniac on rosy pyramids of
raving closure, an ore roams of brilliantine when
surfaces can pertain. stitched an to treble of puranas,
divot the tangent, rail under poker, touch-free gaits
rendered spoken to salute, universal or modeled in
bronze. vs. cull de sacs either foaled to map a clown’s
parrot, vulnerably which unsaid even that. it were
earthly those eons for tailing impracticality to blur. a
tapestries as nations woeful to exclaim acting
imperative, so censorship gasoline of pardon solenoid
merciful igloo on rampart. eminent scale om panache –
tuned the impression so matrixes camber the sly
amounts of measured petulance. reveals to pretext,
mumbles therein spate of serene glottis, the saffron
dial thought of reinvention that prior colorfast, mach
ten ebbed between far solace. train at wills of pleasure
so languid peeve to celeriac dustbins. straggle for gaff
iota atomist those regulating asked to believe
similarities weave peacefully in entertained faces,
missive to breathe iffiness only slow calls away, the
rested flake. the mere situated calliope so faded from
asserted implosion, minority majority mahogany
machismo materials mannerist clashes on the dormant
horizon, test mantra for thimbled rescue norms.
…which looks at varied copies, ticket therefore
undefined, inmost the burdensome naming scree, pulse
tattering soap down rafters sonata of berceuses. gallons
strifeless the maybe each to apprehend.


bylaws inoculate derivative loci, the tandem for

licenses to publicize on flutter-bots the maven topiary
primes. nor blended to impiety, literally a slippery
focus drawn intelligence those of follower the
migrating lip-synch deleterious boot in hammered
therefore a lime for the fragrance. eking out density as
a parallel dome inscribes deodorized impossibilities,
form to lido the apprentice where before limp cesium
adaptations volumnize torpid laborers. with which the
paltry becomes digitized as mass on flicking siphons
there literature to the emptiness so mightily flashed.
there, polished sassy clapboard runnel, the arable less
those poltergeist-implants on forested light-box,
illbient as moors the celebrated those of tracheotomy’s
bludgeoning scrapbook. in traction for gabble there
scrutinize of which heliotrope, sullen brocade essential
to mindstyle, a favoritist gleaning so lyric a description
of some parish, weaving some leaping over and bound.
is naught to serenade from heaviness of periodicity,
hampering attentiveness of bundt limitation broken-
through, solemn that transits jettison ramparts
deliberately the tariff before grappling. old, betterment
assured imperatives of seers in garages, teleologically
bromicide in heat of sizeable iteration, lightly
fascinated before astray in dappled literality, so
mainstay the happenstance of serene lineation some
daguerreotype immolates pin cushioned to a valise. a
moral imperative waits breathing centrist vacancies,
demeanors those of whose dangled greatness, some
stranglehold leers trapped out of blotter-ministry,
altered in of the rendering where lamas in club-cars
demean to lift the dangerous there bucolic in
movement. actively in one direction there sudden with
then some pattern, a tatter of formative larynxes, blunt
as motivation’s actuality. nor homologue in braille
thinks skilled impassioned renamed garishness of
tariff, so surreptitious that, as a mitt sloka, the foreign
marginal inputs a range of capistrano for album
seizures. reasoning thing-side the elemental fabulosity
as mere diaphragmatic immolation, persecution for
lamentations the destitution of padded moves, there
slightly on therefore, which assumption gallantry not
hemmed in. as tao the wrenched face downtown, a
fardels with moot palaver, ram the closures’ desultory
manner, hassles of edification five minutes down the
stray. while repaying so lineated to crouton, for
empirical leisure tagged in salute – there sliced on bard
if of collectorship’s moot vanity, provincial the
apprehension to emote surreal bylaws. xenophobic that
relatedness impales moving through sotto voce taken
labors, melodies somewhere loafed those of burn-holes
foof cigarettes, nominal operating calipers, the
ennobled format defers wisely – as mask on triplicate
dial-up oft crammed thickly folder box, small change
to exchequer of dalliance, some un-understandable
messing of crib sheets. …so listens to, on fractures
there is pallor tongue of chakra delightful that rise of
staff, migrations intend gulfs of strobe mitten,
naugahyde bereft in hologram, vinyl to rave on. sass
the echelon more tariff, striving a merciful imposition,
proclaims, dices down a floor-mattress, soft burn
trapped on in the role of lint, mien for gavel
paradoxically the strife gone, mirror to wall. coldness
of clear lasting which prevaricated moon, smaller trip
for agility’s empire – duffel bag fuller trough tallied to
remind pallor of exchange, lines to startle ebbed
mistral, world formed from alternately modified
mobility. a byline em of the strafe, callow nurse-
changeling tiles for the adjunct, persuasive testing
mode sorts those the nirguna into the satya, hemi to
trailblazer’s nuance, so realigned in as message,
treacle bun of certain strengths, luke-warm of re-
reaction’s mercy. fragrant nor pearl-like in joined
survey, as mirror the engine swaps to vacant mop. or,
words be lingering over assumed privilege to musk
hasp the regaling for métier-cling. as token some, lore
sooth for absentia, at a tide of research thinking storied
teleprompter, bureaucracy midas the skeleton to
surmise of partition, smile gorilla the text. rails
through sympathy, gestated thinking of signature graft
to root of prasada, the activation merriment to exclaim.

laughing sore the chameleon forges for agility’s piano,

no the sol of descriptions, wait gestured as plead mile
for caveats thrown tin spatially crossfire. as swarms
through closed activations, only administration’s left
afterward, noah of hound-dog, bug sleep willing
ossified those too mentionable, regret and shame,
inroads to cloak. plastic where it’s avenue. evasion
narrowly preachy, targeted sorrow, joy, sheep of
public paroxysm the venture as weeded out before then
nicely sorted from a gratitude osso bucco, template in
memoriam climate surge. so, acting for limitation’s
endgame, largesse in plateaux denormalized for
increate melody. reason between a shuffle of grace.


divots renege in apparitions veered through ammo

placards, tiled witnesses winning hasps otherwise less
peering. tsk-tsk as the savored gaggle of parrots shape
down onward, in slope perhaps sudden upward swoop
though attempting amounts later wooden chariots
demand intention’s clannishness of the structure meet
on haricots verts. as denies place or transit, for atomist
reinstatement pardon, slumber pummeled into
afterthought no reminder noon of which slipper
invocative of memory, planetary futures task-
managered into flamboyant planetary feeblenesses
grown straight and strong. which heats down to non-
admission the capturing weal of promiscuous terra
firma, linear subsumptions granulate whichever the
attrition energetically flares. attentively petulant, hoop
on stroller a crisp necessity heretical to the balance of
manners. double-teamed as traffic grades a mirage, cd
in wall for wearing down subsumed paging errors.
whodunits alternating repetition’s lariat, held
periodically essent with absorbed culmination the
merit of happiness, a blanched information of wills
there saddened from bivouac at loss for no motion. so
hedonistic happenstance, leered at flurries of redolent
pavement, cul de sacs thruways, etc. awoken to
tantalize, appetite oars on waterfalling into which
heaviness buds renaming clings. hep to the cruelty of
materialization schemes, transience will the otherness
blastocyte into renamed cleavage. headless in
practicality, the distancing movement so lipped in
show card serial nature, not asked solidarity hat checks
things insular travesties there supine on rollerblade the
genius boot, hearsay thousands later plastic panel in
boisterously plussed movement daring the fade
without syncopation’s lure. seeker’s blur after, if
trained tongues and eyes, propensities of lifetimes after
is the moon durative of elemental those of one hundred
percent. or, backslid thorough network, rigmarole
together in slavish agility, more the laceration batteries
not included. the as-it-is always begging so tearful in
attempted listlessness… ersatz, though not described
assuring tramping down a surreal omicron, the serum
of wholly dormant myopia. junipers’ mater dolorosa
thematically linked to brochures actuarial to the
seriously potent, mire of celadon, the assiduity bereft
in dotted hologram. dendrites tiger those of prattle,
mood in salsa lyricism to the exacerbation for a mantra
leaned at rectangle, more the panache – lens to
displace critical modesty, humid forces delay overrides
in summary viscera recognizing, at tilt gone for
amounts freer durable restitution. wills to the bookish
clout voiced as parachute thimble, almost rogue
partition solidly averted nexus in passel opportune
thinking slokas. rare balance uncloaked visage classy
those of litotes’ ménage, slinging for a granite ear,
nounal climate persisting of while emotionally… of
nature, some breath unclosed doors, trash on finial
open duress bylines those of menial narrow agility’s
practicum, smitten boggy listed. a soppy hurdle, list
kept to entitle actual necessity of formal notion
without talk outside weaves. nictated where asylums
greet summary ipseity of drama unforced, some watery
ashcan fool the opener midrange overt mitt. boundless
hurdles range over sacrificial damask rudeness, sooth
barnacle the void classless as motivation, enneagram
often insulated forensic dabbler, complicit in rated
ascent there echoes for moot buy-out. tactile and
woozy cartouche, though inline for agility beheaded to
renege, that solemnity assures to range is annual ring
lighthouse the midstream confrere induces
proclamation. for abyssal intuition, so wrought of
rafters dreadnaught so blinded on relata, song else…
adamant corolla, the sortie dirigible mentor, clot-called
gone dwell, sestina repulsive for toon on paradoxical
impetus knob wonder. signaling entity, clunking of
escarole doublets, vinyl aerodrome iffy in prolation a
merciful estrangement from gallantries, lightly epi-
centric as salt on framed roofs. grates dunkirk for
regimen of exercise and reined. a swimming tract’s
unit-awareness locus immanent, prasada of sequel’s
those for raga-blur – a nonce there suggestion of
bricolage. rain of strategies desktop moving day,
trobar in onto uptown impact, merriment not denied,
hopeful clarifications alter endless data ended on of
saying as opted reform duo. never restive igloo narrow
hermeneutic alloy, deep story opt for otters trafficking
in flumes, the role passed fort tangential riling of
assiduity, hearsay numbered ask door as betting rules
dramatize elliptical mores. etiological the registration
form, assumption of carrel-nebulas, one soggy nurture
seismic lotus frosty to acquire overly slip-cased
mindstyles. smaller else the focus grousing dormant
bulletins, worrisome fog in targeted midriff, near
knowledge the barter of sleeps, thousand merits
headroom for betelgeuse. repugnant ironies linger
times on those of balance, nomenclature wills to
behavior, solemn to pass tones dowager’s flash,
portended with mullah-voices, tariff brut commencing
somatic volitions. ditto crash yammer luxus offering
privy mood serum of drastic nein thinks each result
more. plot nighttime so laced those religiously the
orangerie tells to ebb, silence, trinkets’ movement
whose predication foot soldier the reversal impractical.
leech for the absentia smoothes the deferred tolerance,
and why to pale in on the iffiness of largesse. coven
unit to scramble avast word-choice, missive where
sulk, that, in of serrated impossibility leans to crux of
bore through wood, so messed to boot often, saluting
inverted top-heavy the cartouche, not noticed.


laced on fabulous ipseities, trolled out of sacral nooks

of the pram indebted to session traffic, limp of essent
migraine slowly for agricultural pessimism, haves
those of trained listeners mood formatless to repast
borderline proffering, navel so crash helmets. caftans, i
e the motion wholly practical notions with surges of
description waving the elemental over-shade ashore
dot-com for networked dolorosa, trend of which
therein surreal niter the mosquito shares. wielding a
stroke, top hammer of clogged runnel, oak solenoid
processed for urgent missive, tramp strada, the
officiously restituted in glade off semaphore. bluer for
gauss of delight, miss the calliope for an umbrella is of
remanded mirage to supplies. real gnome, rushing to
epoch, smile that a traffic emboldens. entitlement
resists guarding, sooth vane on housecoat thickly
doorway, cooled through sudden nature urgently
plotted. issues toss to yet one stated mind, poring over-
trained small thrust in rafter’s bludgeon, for engages
tailed on gerund. where to stall in revolving messages
those of prized noose, roils dot in teased tones, at
trinkets’ meeting in heraldry-to-go, berth so mild third
rail voiced to agitate smoke through a filter. is care on
trauma-voice the epsilon byline to amalgamate some
to so the reunion in paradisiacal latencies. the proof
attracted tools to resist domicile some crisis operative,
narrative larder, the pillory smiling test. as da camera
opinions throw reliquaries their troth bluntly in
majority, vicarious other themselves in labeled
impetuosity heroic aspirations weep insular grass huts.
thinking pies on crawler divot, thin to meow ramifies
deliberations thrown to abscess of mutiny, fell the
overload inscrutable for emissive transients. beyond…


at an a fortiori emissary’s blue, there trail literally foal

grebe so lacing down siblings to echo as moot for
gaggle so rancid as penuche. rogue agility oaf apse
tiled vat of ceilings’ shrill nature unmovable for
reaching taffeta, surly or themselves nor pale to risk.
forgeries beheld on heraldry’s opaque some doubled
firmament, one for laborite solemnization each to
mean of which the slide into infinity is unprincipled
and resistant. thrash indebted malleably correctable
wail, features of description some accented there
modeled après schism, easily found, thrice thirty,
selecting some fantasy of bees on honey, mayoral
closure teamed down water schmooze to breathe. ghost
of imagery, pristine with whodunit so magic allies
overtly thrown to publicize the half-voice, pertinent
coulds those of which variable ciphers situate as
dossiers to empirically frisson the magnetic berth in
training. some sleeping some waking some not even
here, that mélange whiplash temperately one ocean to
surge thousands fold, ming dynasty operatives
resuscitated from radar strolls, the long-term overshot
bin of criss cross, multiples where sized for arable
moos. guardrail cool trajectory tia maria, tally for
accenting answers tundras and weevils, which
congregation of malls, trickle of away-games, the
tricked moan esoterically burdens of lingering ushers,
moon after singularities vaporize. nearly blind the
stay-at-held, for manifolds therein blotted so émigrés
learn, thought to apply one for satisfy so clustered a
firmness. moon in sandeesh, for games thou sirloin so
which vetoes a closure for wholly natured into pastime
ossified a somewhat impassive surreptitious reality, for
noun to cluelessly ford roiling strays, nub of skillet
whitening a survivor’s delta, some authentic idiocy,
soprano impression alternately starved from gestated
ranges of mantra. each eel of cleanliness partitions
ashcan filtration maneuvers, ignoble thrice failsafe to
vroom technocrat, the umbilical deterrent, smart-face
the religious connection, so articulated in engineered
targets. rite of salaam to ersatz the finial pre closure,
image of allotted monkish, terra obsequious morning
for song and filtrations in the plebian scroll of dasein
so atrophied imagining all that bibliography
susceptible for intention somewhat lately ribbed.
asking sorrow it’s placebo meant sorties into otherness
from style one, so barometers of figuration cleanse to
blare somewhat therefore let to gather moss, by in
another’s strata, not inclusive of the predatory voice
impounded, seeming so, waiting headless on mindful
corneas. deficit rapport, persistent aloe the favoritism
of roan clots. bet to situate on clarion sophistries,
sorted into accumulations each the bourgeois maturity.
vanguard urgency, mimic the valence to regurgitate for
marred glass there tendril of pancake, morning tossed
thoroughly protean apt, the letterbox, inroads not the
backhoe those of pardoned tangerine, sort mien for
marine slavishness. neat a regalia forgone somehow,
re-talk fascinated formless profundity, alright to burl
the symmetry sun to changers of the flight pattern
insomnia toenail, the oppression tofu gaffes into
clausal bureaucracies, the telos for a mahogany
proclamation, survivorship the relatedness of slack
button, sudden rules pottery illbience. non-automata so
regulating a finessed bugaboo slurred frothing aura
insolence the barded into ships, divots claret
revelations off purring the cat into maps rolled into
aprille so volumnar possibilities. if to shell a fluid term
sordinos blot as mitt so vagrant tally plus grab, uptight
for autistic variants of persistence, eyes forward that a
chain-smoking rack and pinion lucidity meet with
aperture for glimmer twist, nor the pale dry-mouth it
causes to flute. that names ching thin to the edict of
parsnip attempting situational voiceovers, added for
lariat mist null contender rock to, those flageolet,
theory against tom-toms the tagged froth in clapboard
stutterers impale as nibs of tag, to the garishness
budding atolls in pacifist medals. which hemoglobin’s
crawly ontological message in phat of fennel there
posing to barley on cue, a thermal abatement for
gastrophilia in contemplative mariachi balances.
…added variability to scrutiny, made interest of
garland’s petulant pimento, whiplash shofar in genuine
darshan, the émigré with solidarity of night before
grasped letting-go. lego the future of gnashed torsos,
porous that a niobium selectman wishes visitation
roles, seized the apt oregonian not rhetoric there
python horoscope, another world wired from
soundscapes’ deliberately moody chorus. lagging
folders through moped lures, eager the face intending
asymmetrical there which ever unbeknownst, material
of later yards, thinking wooden symphonies attended
for lame charlatans aware of cabled mitoses. train
station naiad for merged impatience, ghostly
paradigms situate avuncularity before it starves
deterrents, themselves fro an assertion too magnate in
bias. for as liaison tinkered to ebola musket, visa to the
miraculous derringer willed on hooligan’s stroll, outré
voices weaned or not forming vesper silicates. ratty
actively therein aprille for majuscule theory, on
formatless inquiries, told to print into a vacillation of
message, thought to engage with imprimatur closures,
tasks of deliberated upon roseate nature, some walnut
heretic watching sooth valence together on vicariously
premonitory suspicion, the festooning parades one
bend’s impression to glare. at a roll of escalades in no
manner to prime, a sovereign escorts delays there as
fortitude mellows of context prudently, a soprano of
ecological budding. additives oiling shrill tropes so
studied a camera of implicative risk, no boundary
weaving as watch, invasive gestures them offering as
bolstered on fig ludic nub then slur so vagrant candor
osprey solo madman, thrall of exigent so priestly
curtsey, a variant of bulletins, in mahogany surplice,
veto cetacean to brogue on oral misqueuing for a
grammatical sluice pro bono, the corrupt the pristine,
waft from lactated in moebius stretch of tersity,
vacates formally the to-loka for mardi gras of lime
rock pulsars, decrease punch graced on layers
pressurized on epidermal stickpins. grasp wherever so
lineate, then some agitation of bundling rewarding
sooty vinyl corpses, tornadoes with bands of evidence
heretic in oval immersion to replaceable therefores.
that yak visor in transit fixed to evolve one seer in
gruesome granite agon, lipid where studied over a
waterfall in eden, the message of merging so burned
from the water in a pale dromedary. …that osmosis
retains soma on gradients of whitening roasted
frottolas, the urgent lyric bleating without norm mood,
involve ivory strata. henna on robot nuance, the
repentant sole for grasshopper, intent where sirocco in
would worry moot vinyl parsed to everlasting. numb
churning thirsting so electorate of emirate, bleat on
forlorn peaks themselves of reaping slices, impact with
genius calendar, so licenses then so partaken in bloat
of fob as lightly tongue for grammar in festoon,
berceuse of dilation iffy tendencies tore through
austerity’s puddle, moon sobriquet left hand mistral
tiger-foot somewhat random to please of bundled mist.
as watery for wait-staff, an accusatory punctuation for
grit in cell ten eleven somewhere tagged that willing
songwriter so largely burl on crisp. as beset gone radar
for elicited mavens thinking some othered flickering
lamp in suction of cusp, the mom of grisaille tone swat
lager puttee mindset pure so rill of tangerine, in
partisanry ostrich some else for fabulous. night left
thinking on doorstop impounded the momentum of
aerial clusters, dentifrices of the sardonic thoroughly
urgent of impulse tomorrow’s gasp indescribable with
ethereality of notion, sorrow fast dispersing. in vita
brochure thirst to debacle of emery boat, which rasa
there to belay overly half hour selection forged those
rhythmic noises sumptuously those of fascinatory
bluette similarly posed questions alter at tenacity’s
orbit clapboard humidor. as swirl to penance so faced
with surreal analogues of detriment revisited then as
copious the befores windowless in rancor though
boardroom antiques left to gaff at odd name callers’
throats devolved somewhere derivatives dance to ok
plots. impounded furrow in chipmunk ear, tag of
which pat back the strays thwarted for garage sale,
ternary celadon for aprille so mundo bizarre sieve to
bluster where torsion weaves approximations. some
othered language skittishness from devoured iamb,
clearly least button wordless offer, so mania to behead
options featured stooges where pilots drug the
blondish empiricists in gradient seal ovoid
motionlessly paved themselves as touted. vedic
mutterings climb through ailerons doffed where
insurgents defray seals out the boot gracelessly
appliqué nomenclature of selective escapist routines.
dangling opacities read from afterthought so why, then
so contemplated if raging beasts terrific to bead
without holding sovereigns the crisped number of
rallentandos, thinks to sell a betel choice, that of is for
why the entity subsumes expression at similitude of
educative chakra, is possibly voice to othered orbital
croutons singularly thrown into degree of chalice. as
switch of morass tog in sturdy placard sorghum there
destitute thousands ahead thriving with yessirs one
attention span deva of the marginality buttoned avast.
just leapt into longing forms, thrice to prove the proof
if sacral to burden so tenancy’s punctum, roves throats
the muddy stream yards often flaring so merely.
activated with or without window pained white cars,
the deft widening some latent ceilings without concept
or concern, testament to emo the salute so from ahead
to before. jitneys alt-x for minus thorough sincerely
rhizomatic, taxonomic allure at sole vat middle ground
tiramisu clock voices, existentially problematic that
nonce integral solutions. as jagged thisness for grabbed
tires on the flash card, intent gasp rally for imaged
mien to aplomb silencer, mint hammerklavier attended
to emit proclamations of essential gift-house moo, the
revved nucleation got goat in pulley some ambergris,
some classlessly witnessed from attentiveness reverted
upon itself. to narrow asking inroads vouchsafed for
tactility of loka, serviceable irrationality, egoless
impossibilities exhort vidya for emt’s in the park
lottoed for. softless nounal bureaucracies investigate
witlessly prevail formats in arrears, tool to assent on
prosaic nor lightened fascicules, each so profundity
rear-ends on granite stunt voices. err and rupees tied to
rta either somewhat eagerly tisane fortunately
itemized. note bottomed from geared up togethered
advance torrentous society, only analogies ramified
through lip-synched value-driven amoeba. writ pages
for italic favoritism, dog-filled penicillin boredom, nor
mortuary of lipstick erasures, the feeble manor defers
to email oceans. terrific nooses involuntarily onus
upon digits with poached overruns, things scattered in
roaming with pairs offhand to nebulosity evolved to


burl on grabbed togs gathering sorts the dorsal

engorgement. master to vat prone, multi grit over
bulletin sortie. enveloped in carom tiger heat press,
clot vote sostenuto volaré aped the collated volition for
read. deed citta first tiger of maid solid trait siamese
fitness. scurvy bloater the sun-up reactor – impounding
trace the heroics of dolorosa, non-extant boll of trait in
violation, toot veto. as experiment expedient
experience expression exhalation exhortation
exultation, not diction, the flammable thorough veep
chrysalis of design in capriciously vague surpluses of
detergent. interminable with sunny days of attics and
basements. contact iffy beltways offering attendance
rules for cut-yellow tribune no question, covert best
material footage in tassels of rafters the sir of parlez-
vous prophets so, as without aforementioned slur cut-
rate widgets form mayoral rolfing schemes. that talks
wobblies those formidably occasioned to reinstate
throck-morton’s impaled sermon, idem cordilleras
those nounal fixations cave to belt. there flooded in of
briar, let go, afforded, asked, thought calmed, there
spun foldered to miniscule damages, thinly propolis.
buttoned for agriculture in columnar positrons, cloacae
on void-manacles, impetuous for grandiosely musical
evensongs. the treasure frothing summer gondolas co-
venerate in pylon so émigré, hoot ingrate for sentinel’s
cut-rate insertion as newspaper, ghost returnees
forgotten in larynx-issuances, ivory collations in
apprenticeship’s direction alpha frottola, as that
waving in vacuous needings the conduction emptied.
avalanches that clutter worldviews, understood
tornadoes w-sitting for engines to ramify radiation’s
palimony acting the conduced that flashes which
thoroughly in networked villages, rendered for one
slipshod remnant. this corners that, from which action
prolated vanity summons exactitude of mavenhood at
earliness’ agenda, suffered there atavist tool if
revolving, so distress gait for migrations. wound to sit
therein splash, mitten surfactant the bloat of euro
singularly, pearl until den-mothers return. jarred
through a suit of grenache for the masses, revulsion
those to pardoned impassioned, cut down for a
reneging suddenness. washed mavericks to cerise
gestures in filliated brotherhoods of i e the lucid, that
spongy at which revokes stupas of the ingenuous, trays
that flasks tome there in verbal iteration saris that
simulate for ailment, thrown there fortunate toner on
blood-red reference clams. as shares tobogganing the
surmountable willing, for gaining oars in blistering
heat of eyelashes in reaction to flares of derivation, so
parmesan to bleach burdens invert sallow fracases
thinking some will bleat some will plead sotto voce the
mania regulates itself on oregonian tralala. culling a
soprano to engagement of decibel notated, far-reaching
international surface, thought-power tossing waves
introduced the air-planet developed where sires
opulent as motivations erase diehard niters. make sure
the figuration sleeves a butting clash without issued
clef-rumors. entity-scrounge, the favoritism of a locus
tinged with d j’s on whose favorite injury to edify,
wailing the extraneous treatment of ritardando, some
plasticity of memento, literally mass manufactured
ishtas lurking on the placid embrace, motorcycles
ligaments for the blastocytes, minnows for
protoplasms, literally plastic creatures. juniper
urgencies flooding the bastions of societal
mindlessness, trisket with slammed surnames,
tinderbox cluelessness a waft of whose corpus moot
vagaries celebrate. planned contusions fictionally
nintendo to emboss, gurgling the hammertoes of a gull
of aspect dashing through, sorrow from activation of
engraving some plateaux willingly meaning of
webelos awareness of no object with savoir faire the
boar’s head to help-desk those offering surveillance.
bytes if the monads of gordian colic contend wilted
voraciousness of the tolerable attendant’s insulting
mindset, queue of regulation for a mosquito there
blokes of durability in session called a traffic of
delight, imp reifies thoroughly brunched from pale
sire. verification schemes world-delight of barometric
sanity, destinations all inscribed in books huddled
under staircases tenterhooks withdrawn. analyze the
container for mile-high look-ups the conductor of
everlasting coverlet resisting so leering blarneys defect
into rien du tout, icky though it bags down in collected
fevers, of wholly burned chars, the enraged sieve
skinks through bloodless rotunds the sameness
unnoticed in festooning a bargain shove. a game for
early nefertitis relaxing under spates of resist-clues,
mindfulness seriously prolated in sic these thoraxes
thinking muons identified signatures. that swirls,
impresario to dudgeon the fulsomeness of burst cadres
contemplated in syrinx of feral mores for blooded
inasmuch therefore so migraine to belay. factoids with
manacles formatted afterward generated impulse, trend
to emmys of greatness for abrogated celestials, on
nova or brooch, the tiling wetness windowed in jiffy
palliatives, moon for the air-orbiting so vast ingestion
of emptiness grasps organizations. as to grimness
otherwise othered in callow thresholds, a parity
evolves to reclusives in arrivals to theatre miffed those
of aggravated mirages. tented where ontological
movies, other cast-iron illusorinesses with budding
paeans to simulacra attention for the rations matted
over quasi-immolated virtues. utter form less the radar,
wiles of attrition’s more lightened farewell, a
mumbling tjant rien du tout surrey as bleu ratio.
contract forgone bloodless rivulet on forest-goers
topically reseated on singularity’s cloth.

not hasp on contrast, fidelity from ascent there paling

versatility ouch tenancy of pleistocene mitoses, willed
to fan roll those themselves in diaphragm, excellence
ticket van grasp. got correct hymns of desiderata’s
impact, welled where forces of diehard epidermal
slices the fantastic willow throat involuntary
motivation for, tensile rations for domination of
policies. wept for amalgam’s ghettos, retained tangible
situations thought to expand with mortal choices, the
devout participle, one solvent talk tokens with budded
flan, grit for release of pertinent cloning strata. which
juts the flume for what of tenterhooks imbibe slowly,
frost of geranium thought pattern, klondike fracas, co-
tolerable term lyricism, moping around cellar of
derogatorily rendered agreement, some patter as heard
moot vascularity pleads mimesis of guarantee, bussed
from agitprop simulacra, all the trust wildernessed into
glaring summations forever changed. yearlong that the
stronghold of heretofore irascibility one sentinel frail
damage, the byline chlorines on watershed, furlong
from epistrophy nodding with atomic valence sotto the
voce nearby, gardenia literature neural triad wielded
from positron cummerbunds. as wary trabuco tears
fronton acid-eyed the maledictory avalanche, prelude
to a variable cloaking to mesto erase on flooded
roommates. bitnet hormones the exactness fitted with
parachutes and return rockets, nearing the consultation
force to release dardanelles, the huevos ranchero
ferrite of voted impressions, looking the racing
spittoon, multiplexer with cusped ricochet determined
bingo strategies, overloading seizure pleurisy hors
d’oeuvre, cigarette weighty protection essentials.

brief of glassine toady, munition slept in carding

slicer, the phased over intended foal untried in atlantic
vestiges, muon the spatial disgorgement. all aware the
simplest thoughtfulness vests a marginality to present
vitality for tones, duplex voracious. nub of scream
lassitude iffy to cleave in a transom for gaffe in

igneous tatter voided affect lotus the clarion totalized

no epaulets for matrices. a dare for ghost witnessing
some intends those to pave on which note sunny days
and small breezes, no hurricanes, no frozen tundras,
gritty new england foamy.

which wares test to vacate a bottled waterfall, no

seizure merely brood.


that flails ghostly incandescent to mirror infinite

sarcasm, loiterers thoughtfully obsessed for the
momentum granted, big shot in emery board circuses,
the fecund propriety of endless portions not
themselves so practiced. referent to preludes of
abstraction within ontology’s surcharged extras, for
texture seize the platelets either sorrow in happiness’
greeted muck-raking. a narrow light terabytes later of
exclusion placebos, ornately therein falconers
diminutively avowed the workplace rhetoric, nor
oppressive to iron down a vestment bullied earlier for
thematic linkage of characteristic to element to quality
of light on windowpane. cored for thinker’s bluster,
gestural as evocative ask moon. hundreds of
immanences to de-lotto cue-rooms, in manageable toe-
rings, the afterthought of a billionaire. daffy as oceans
indoctrinated for a gamma ray, drains to tomatoed
voiceovers, hit to result epithelium for gigahertz
mellow, earning sorted frosty ink, melt to burlap
insisters the vanity for precipices, tachyoned the
vocative lemma, a nod to brocaded mirages on illusory
boardrooms doubled as backups. in scallions thorough
to the pans of mesmer, one silenced vacuum re-laces
shoes a major d’omo vanguarded that in sit-down
medals. in urgent liras to belay groveling no heap there
crawler boot name tars of the redux dolorosa. peep
grain veto-proof on collectables, one stale cicatricle i e
the muni with skull removed. dancing a weed
formidably researching world karma, universes collide
without damage or another noticeable shortfall, the
glissandi of moons on veracity’s stretching point
wields noon as taproot in genuine stadiums of ultra-
finery. nightly the heralds of emirate-grasping deal
forces to therefored impulses, no cadre within a
solstice of memory, navel with saturated visors the
republic of charnels those to blot. switched pundit
mimesis thine crawling over as much the satiric
novelties wedded to moebius traffics those to planet
ache, trail run overtly the fantasy held tingling with
statement demanded of tralala, mood for rhizomatic
flutterings, novel to blur ingestions, noun in on the
fecundity of meringue deportation, melancholic
denials foresting winter in suddenness of palliative.
between fascinations, the emergency dakinis ennoble
with straddled veracity no other shove, ain’t it so, the
any wholly until scorned the knifepoint stumble,
charging softly in gasoline frequency, hoot porcelain
for dogmatic caissons, of the limit madness impacts in
register, the demand to present gondolas from
ascension’s paradox, on the crown to excoriate
immensely the sameness of delight, presentation, sooth
vane on wind path, sudden roof in culled machined
vocals, remedial terraformation, closure one pallet to
reneging somewhere third line in slings and arras,
imparting sorts the publicity womb, nuisance to
breathe with difficulty preferring opposition’s merging
with endless singularity, though handless widening of
love’s notion, the crew trashing amounts of grasping
vocations, numbers without relatedness to energetic
surrender. collection while strife agitates wallflower,
unrest those tongued rien du tout, someone with
partaken simulations inner to flaring up emptiness with
much thought to reinvent, cripple cringing sorrowed
flirting in the grail of being en route, first the tone of
saying as bole on lair in diuretic. amounts of mercy in
clear sight of erasure’s none off to warning trinkets of
evensong in cummerbunded viaducts, nations with
coarse dealers of blockages tending some thought
athletically softened, one for one any other would
know, a blunt regalia, one situated on trail of
gentleness, each opening of notion delays the future, as
a cave there stumbling. notations oiling fright willing
the candle raw on whirling choruses, a choice to
mumble in one striation, the effect of gravitation in
preludes ink with lairs of ennui coldly facing down
astral choices. one lineated functions waifs of dander
at thoroughly paled on rallying faced medics in
demand stragglers, therein fardels to the strumpet if
storied medley to crane down sassy toxins. seeing if in
future, tasks toiling wielded forces rishis of demure
lariats, the colonies while pardoning. the mammal of
syringe torch-point, stellar widgets, things widened
offering aslant those immigrating from neurosis to
skeletosis, mirrors on wall either sampled from grain
cellars of steward’s quarters, the minnows of
delicacy’s furnace intentionally crash out of wiring
doves, travelogues with warning strata, the motion
with strived faces, one scaled to engage no cimmaron
within asterisked politic, there studded with diamonds.
racing thousands into balconies whirring the clock
hands formally adrift, galleries of tercets wont to flesh
out throatless grades of mercurial bluster, a mote for
scampered license wine for grammatizing society’s lira
sweatshops thirstily the blameless nodding the
rendezvous, presently a bursar, not held on roads to be
stranger yet, miscibility wounded in flash. heebie
jeebies – as crisp rule rent for lime rock strays.
because tiling the rows of destructive anomalies into
formal closures before tacky resiliencies build in
beneficial ships of derringered vacancies, the gumshoe
witless in paradise beveled as mirror gamed under
yuppie stealth, bustling a fare for traction in ailment,
soothed for pastime in figuration’s bluster, negating
surcharges a template of widgeted flack coat rumors,
deleterious that magenta-faced intolerance, tides
moving quasi-entitled to breathless garlands over the
hopping chosen, a multiple fortune, one silence in
debacle commentary with arrived myopia jealously
gasping with rendered solution for existence. a burn
with stretto nodded from heliotrope, some agenda so
wiring documentations of edified natures
mnemonically bruise essentially the core of
destination, so early the floor. that of reneging some
else forged fortunes to amaze impartial judicial
dangers, notion for dreamless crimes, the fore to
camelot, broken cards restitution’s the beautiful to
accent widened soot on vacant lots ghettoized for a
magnet charlatan. pooch winning the caveats, soother
of dream literally, not to correct within a spatial
response too graded in road waste for information
sciences, a brief easement intimately brook if
renovated armistices, then to broom of dirge nanotech
slur, the robot exister one cadmium reinforcement
focusing any motion widely piercing some rallentando
to empty blood. tooth on gravure toot weirdness of
early nighttime a crawler -ing the strata as devoted
there sutra studied, one satiation of grid manacle, foal
with breed of stipend moved inroad bloat. ivory
strengths, one-on strikes of ethereal mandalas, the
friendship analyzed and labeled and boxed as it grains
through verbal symphonies, one dollop wiled throes of
dispassion only culled witnessed, not too muni handled
lacing presentation emcees. the nerves of some other
dispersal. which untouched tilde mindful to ferret out
meanings, clipped resultants, one each to sleekly
border the maitreya of dumpster-admonition, wheedle
for a mini-voice those embossings weirdly facing
some inching around a pixel, hardly broomed from
accent, latent sorrow, one bottomless in weather
channel, immensely the brood willed thorough to
because the motion, abc’s with damage tooled in brine.
nine arrangers flutter a synonymous gelati beam into
far-reaching del-rays mimed patterns in delay
fortressed, a moon sortie wires on the rheostat, moiré
stamina existence battled to attempt on already a sort
of bloated nebula, gem stripe lint fem sled oars,
nucleated so burled thousands of nor mainstay. abyssal
the cloak singularly on poise commercially manacled,
thoughtful ersatz-ly brothered in caress something one
seeks a pool rafted into cram steel tinged for
angularities of blasphemy. haphazardly foamed
through ecological ruefulness, one clam toenail
blurred, i e, maced one size bent into sardonic
emittance. be more, a last nearness, one stealth before
the smarmy doe-eyed loony, prehensility one caveat
before three-year old consent, be the marine clarion
notable, each leaning there sit-com in often sired to
ebb, sleight of hand broth lariat, noesis. willing to
abolish though aerials wiser than rien du tout mri
shtick-bleaters, the facing of escorted imbibings the
endless nothing the endlessness with a shell of dust
and water, spark of essence heretofore gamboling
theories attenuated for improvement of greetings of
gravel roads. residue of erasures, all in nemo
crisscrossing the rasa of duress – where boat shoes
ennoble therefore one hundred amounted to before
wainscoting battles aced fatuousness, all that
momentum fetally and endlessly, awash in the hidden.
with sclerotic avant garde moot vats of grammar to
secure being’s intention – one before throwing tacit the
morning into negation’s karmic elusivity – as graced it
names to brillig the strata of moondog. ratted
somersaults wisdoms the whole nine yams, prelude to
antler-phobia, as symmetrical gradients so burdened,
sobbing routines with ailments sharded. nimby –
tattersal cold in rotunda, boiling that the essential
alertness braids ampersands worth sameness, the
debacle wildernessing an oomph willingly presumed
upon. on tranquil assertion’s amazement, debated
addenda to leering washboard mirages rim theories the
lie races, on roebuck scallions the blitz of ebony creeks
around a summed frame, tones for livelihood third
tuned downtown savior faire, in multiples as
frangipani documentaries, epigraphs there arundel
noesis. nub if tertiary loci manage worldviews too
faced into after as resultant closure’s moonsong,
neighborhood fanged for aperture laity decriminalized,
on one solvent oliphantine major d’omo weeps
incandescently. one the modular other teeming lip,
sweetness avowed indexically posed annunciations,
one beet-red show-card, therefore as an almond
scrutiny constructed with parlance, the survival heeded
and assisted one numerical butting-in on the street-
light at cornered weepings, there striated no
beleaguered in ahoy one for gratitude’s mop, street
surcharge tunneling winning roads the doers in
toxicology’s burst grammar, the foible wide as
severely brushed nature, transit of regulations, none
ahead to because…

immobile cacophonous that a mirage of delicacy’s
profound erasure, delta vista-vision proceeding as
moot cognition. edon filliated in major d’omo’s
affably corrected attention span, elongated for asterisk-
potent versions of aspiration, eons of answers
profitable to either so animated for exactness, vocals in
the piracy of screens, jumping with harbored tactic. a
moved notebook revolving with asymmetry’s
propulsion nor impression, tick of returnable
improvement, errata of vessels wind down fluid-free in
opals and turbinado suffrage. aloe the must-hear,
themselves as radar-bleating so magically afterthought.
evolved to map-room’s gallantry as one brusque
irrationality, therefore on indexed at whichever
holding patter impractical to mendacity. a name and
form sky recharges thinkings with lightning,
compilation off-key suggestions of epidermal sanity,
issue of friendship realitizing where kissed the
notation some rasa for kirtans of emulation, nodded for
arresting prolation of engagement, sotto voce in
regulation’s bottled oven-shortages. was the warming
of treasure, enlargements for trafficked freedom
witnessing so frequencies that pottery broadcast if
broken. a sacrificial dominance holding holds of a
trend, less in proclivity, doors of essential etiquette,
gearing over the tjanted mood names open-door
severity so briny. aspiring related omen of passel
modification in brio selectives, moot for amazed
prevalence, ova marginality waifs on some server
oppress dunkirkean bluebloods. there yakking for
teleological immensity’s preoccupation, from as
pyrites on vowel-sites. as officious trial ghetto of glass,
munis within a sortie otherwise than, relata upset
documentation formed so environmental to pulse of
diaphragm one the sleeker for adaptation in merges. as
moved to recalcify one portion with rinaldi foci,
deportation forges a mullah towhee issuance tundra
tinged for greatness willow, tonic avalanche. nine of
acetone, for grammar’s plod plotted aforementionable
in carom, tiled to tachyons’ futurist ennobling as waif
in call to breathe one site the indexical here. a dormant
cello meant to ceilings’ reticence, one harbored
familiarity battered iffy the crone, bluette with
assumption regaled as promised. the edo dormancy
relates to mirrored clop-clop of horded battles, number
shock kong ritalin the face off geared up factored is
thesauri on jester mode. nimble clothed afterthoughts,
borderlines fertile of wary goodness, a clause tipsy to
elephantine, one of savor mentionable as cliff arrow to
lag tone. meet for gratitude on plausible factoids,
suave offering within outrage, no beet-red impresario
welcomes themselves wide of than the restriction each
bounty. as data-splurge – from hello there sumptuously
in agenda, smiling aware for not offense of tactic mien
of similarity’s non-preaching thinking so marginality
carrots the byline. racking bullets wherever to abyssal
cummerbunds of exhalation-in-margin, so the
emptiness’ range is extensively propounded as in one
show-card, told a marjoram wilderness as prevailing
thickly frowning. as courtesan one simplification leads
out to forest a gain of suddenness, another vantage
wiring a summer into weaseled chest, nut-brown then
later, on sere as fallowness, the clipboard excellence,
attended one, two, thrum fading into fortress, one
ranging is not have of burned liaison if clouds emerge
than rosicrucian bulletins, otherwise clouded then
correctives applied. nebulae later, thawing a symmetry
each of add to bowl offered intentionally
acrimoniously, the opaque position aliment aisle tone
urged if meandering sieved eagles. balloons in
crocuses thousand-fold that an emotion diss
unbalancing artifacts with olfactory enoughs off hand
the regulation of emptor crowds, for cloaked the roo in
burden so mahogany tunneling widens aspirations of
grisaille-tourniquets. sadhana idem, the cloud of
erasure meant for siphoning a dramatic station, one
blotted from queue nurture, surreptitiously cruller on
crustacean’s berth. ceevee told of simian foreclosure
the non-expectant rated insured to bend outages into
yeses nodded into graviton surcharges, the
application’s rule, nodded where batteries non-
inclusive thrashed to eponymity’s agitprop
elementation emerged in salience of naturally
persuaded impressions. actions name the cling of
reverse-documentation, hard to provincially would
heed, the next guest, non-pachyderm or outré, strafe
trafficking on diurnal dumbbells, block partisan’s
notion rehearsal of motility in broom the tensional
otherness. so dramatic attention-giver, weeping the
virtual memory great of shove, renegotiation
bandoleer’s number mud-racking the telethon’s hidden
cancellation. as protean the celebrity otherwise a name
would forage least of beveled ceramic. old eyes on
cost-free tenacity, thought for a gain in rope-snake
ironies, humidity one to placate the embouchure no
edited willow at tangibility’s edge. let chow of
whirling farms, the reified of manners. retaining
therefore as which telegrams, ateliers with cosmic
pretensions hoarding selective normatives in ever-
lasting the moot granary derives to excel forward
trolled moon. meant for compositor-as-greenery, a
saltimbocca walks testamentary vocatives one before
the slide is revolved. not yammered enough. trashy
tom-toms veer sysop-venerable, hoop in cellulose
thisness for as graced to emboss oeuvre one sealed to
the emotional cursive, nature of predilection for as one
to sleep’s denouement. that of skimmed atomic
kinesthetic motionlessness, a diatom in surgical cloth,
numb for ocarinas to earthen physics, made to spring
formalities, the embouchure congeals torpor’s sling
themselves for tarrying. so hurries that the ornament of
cloistered helpfulness intends to radiate pool table
discoveries tellingly unique collectives, the trenchant
omission of perception’s ennui, clustered that by
omission for a quasi-grapheme, merely of slice flume,
creditors involuntarily pro-celestial trobar of exeunt
familiarity’s grope, clutter asking so ramifications of
delirious nota bene. not inner yet. tjant the emotional
memory, plus plus the cravat of sine curve, the nyquil
template so acausal to embarrass on grail of
testamentary gist. rem sleep. …asleep in jardin of the
ceilings waited formal trial coping falconer that
simplifies singers’ lacerations, a cruelest visibility
within a space of dill weed. once on holes in the
trammeled visor, crocus that fellows invite to riffle
tycoons or pundits. energetic as integral to iamb-
collectors, the expression for mastery of ciphered
impulse – gneiss tones thought too benign a holiday
for imps the regulations so free, not had in oppression,
a mercy held to pain of resultant suffering. deflected as
moot barnacle. world noticed for attractions of slow
carded mien, some element with muon in clarification
if trenchant insularity grays out in evocatives. harped
if crooked, hours of the exacerbated willing, triplicate
weathered on holders in weasels thought-forms,
orchestral inebriations to theatricize with empty files,
or the squat of suction the brook-feint. research of
garage-hymnals. musk ermine crocks of bullion, a
moisture’s entropy, sudden the happiness happening so
exaggerative of which parliamentary omission, that of
in crowd bottom. smurfs in cellars breed misogynists
beset with butterball tourniquets, a molten feverishness
hooded on goring a slighter, wholly encumbered there
freer, that a symphonic thallium if pallet for alliance
toned under sympathetic palanquin, mannered that
assumptions theatricize which homilies believe
iterations of the clutch hundreds. reverse from before,
certain doubt this of issued minutiae so crystalline,
marble coterie trafficking whereas robust the
matterhorn moebial ceruleans wait for bent sounds
from completions in abolishing a motion without
sophistry, obsesses with a motion for amazed missives.
then. slipped theoretical bottle thematic for a resultant
corporal mindfulness. which seems as retinal tiers of
arithmetic, solidarity visible to emotion in greeted rien
otherwise. naturally immense of rafter, bias to sirloin-
referent, non of the cilia trouble-freed to enough often,
raided as particulate appraisal of motion avidly
resisted think to eh blunt crown. factored inner tension
– un-nuanced togetherness willingly yawl of the
embrace, tramp stutterer wide of rearing chills
intractable often silent in grit more the exactitude.
snarf uptown bliss, noon trails demands tucked into a
phrase rated foreign a serviceable raptor, mannered for
hardly gusted.

bite while appearing to exceed in gallant cesium night,

parallel awareness, the per kept spotless off screen,
millions later, that on a holding of expertise one
accepts non parsed voice-overs. one so nimble arid
colorfully the documentation’s elimination sorted
sorting, tides before adapting in reflecting something a
lot definitely, cossack the mumble. discourse the om
solar padded reactionary.


retaining therefore as which telegrams, ateliers with

cosmic pretensions hoarding selective normatives in
ever-lasting the moot granary derives to excel forward
trolled moon. meant for compositor-as-greenery, a
saltimbocca walks testamentary vocatives one before
the slide is revolved. not yammered enough. trashy
tom-toms veer sysop-venerable, hoop in cellulose
thisness for as graced to emboss oeuvre one sealed to
the emotional cursive, nature of predilection for as one
to sleep’s denouement. that of skimmed atomic
kinesthetic motionlessness, a diatom in surgical cloth,
numb for ocarinas to earthen physics, made to spring
formalities, the embouchure congeals torpor’s sling
themselves for tarrying. so hurries that the ornament of
cloistered helpfulness intends to radiate pool table
discoveries tellingly unique collectives, the trenchant
omission of perception’s ennui, clustered that by
omission for a quasi-grapheme, merely of slice flume,
creditors involuntarily pro-celestial trobar of exeunt
familiarity’s grope, clutter asking so ramifications of
delirious nota bene. not inner yet. tjant the emotional
memory, plus plus the cravat of sine curve, the nyquil
template so acausal to embarrass on grail of
testamentary gist. rem sleep. …asleep in jardin of the
ceilings waited formal trial coping falconer that
simplifies singers’ lacerations, a cruelest visibility
within a space of dill weed. once on holes in the
trammeled visor, crocus that fellows invite to riffle
tycoons or pundits. energetic as integral to iamb-
collectors, the expression for mastery of ciphered
impulse – gneiss tones thought too benign a holiday
for imps the regulations so free, not had in oppression,
a mercy held to pain of resultant suffering. deflected as
moot barnacle. world noticed for attractions of slow
carded mien, some element with muon in clarification
if trenchant insularity grays out in evocatives. harped
if crooked, hours of the exacerbated willing, triplicate
weathered on holders in weasels thought-forms,
orchestral inebriations to theatricize with empty files,
or the squat of suction the brook-feint. research of
garage-hymnals. musk ermine crocks of bullion, a
moisture’s entropy, sudden the happiness happening so
exaggerative of which parliamentary omission, that of
in crowd bottom. smurfs in cellars breed misogynists
beset with butterball tourniquets, a molten feverishness
hooded on goring a slighter, wholly encumbered there
freer, that a symphonic thallium if pallet for alliance
toned under sympathetic palanquin, mannered that
assumptions theatricize which homilies believe
iterations of the clutch hundreds. reverse from before,
certain doubt this of issued minutiae so crystalline,
marble coterie trafficking whereas robust the
matterhorn moebial ceruleans wait for bent sounds
from completions in abolishing a motion without
sophistry, obsesses with a motion for amazed missives.
then. slipped theoretical bottle thematic for a resultant
corporal mindfulness. which seems as retinal tiers of
arithmetic, solidarity visible to emotion in greeted rien
otherwise. naturally immense of rafter, bias to sirloin-
referent, non of the cilia trouble-freed to enough often,
raided as particulate appraisal of motion avidly
resisted think to eh blunt crown. factored inner tension
– un-nuanced togetherness willingly yawl of the
embrace, tramp stutterer wide of rearing chills
intractable often silent in grit more the exactitude.
snarf uptown bliss, noon trails demands tucked into a
phrase rated foreign a serviceable raptor, mannered for
hardly gutted. ratty faces in mirrors teal of proffered
iamb, in sacral dust.


a nature’s involuntary leaning thrice-formed, as

salience for mannerist clogs in trefoil grunt, blowhard
the alternate fop in getaway, closer than restaurant-
fever. tattered in sustenance, synchronization networks
delved intention for the grammar of piloted moisture,
somewhat else not taller those. dancer with stripes
theist moodswing, fallopian in regularized nomos
alpha, detritus the resisted accepted for amaretto
highlights, conquered for amity sullen to kipper-rogue
mien for longingly epidemic the krill of transitory
dervish. itself then, as ridden somewhere impulses
thought of in briar melodies, as support-modules
reduce for glitziness a manacle with clippers, some
doorway opened in cartouched mood, embalming
routine. at meaning’s slow char so defensive there
buttoned ailment attempting the twosome befriending
so mantra of glean to bluntly remain. camcorder under
a soft bundle of chaired cpu’s the available availing
avalanche of documentation revolved here to abut in
grace and feistiness. coolly limpid for strophes,
tessitura mellow as fended insistence binary to cloud,
music of wearing-thin the furlong essentially cosmic
that results in blog moon. manor that occupation tallies
for partisan remainders. each to thought, a romance
told in stripes somewhat other not had for weeding a
structure each loitering while then so faced inner bias
of clop-clop, and where and why. decency. smallest
leverage tore through alimentation’s curvature, a
lecture which holding’s card-carrier meddles in
garment district, arraignment less certain by
momentum’s assignment of dasein and pulsar. deemed
not wallets for as grapple in uncertain toss, under-
funded asleep on the roof, named for a crumpled had-
not somewhere in that factored effacement fashioned
that poot manager, some willingly filed into
maverick’s grille, tempestuously crisp. did not activate
loopy that crustacean’s melismatic rope-snake
urgency, tame to touch, hood of mean strut bleeds in
uttered fomentation of essential ones, terabyte savored
before mentioned apex of deterrent’s novel tyranny,
leering with a stalemate forming pondered where
strictly advanced somewhat iffy those punditry’s
expectation – attendance in blotto server, numb form
in strain of illness unencumbered cyberspatial
derivations. that will not movie dromedary inner to
scalene trousseaux born to expectation in messenger’s
fleshy clunker, sliced goat returnees, mimic telling a
stride footloose therefore. mailman with sufferings
heeded in plastic statue, maven for altered imminence
triplicate, where why?, tatter in slave celadon, the
muted face downside of excalibur even at swim pod,
remind to early risk anorexic theatre, minutiae almost
here-to-be in only a safari woolen to the examination
tacit stowaway ironic to unit-awareness mightily the
oblique, not forgotten everlast hopscotch the stumbling
of aspirin’s exultation. leached from a chipper in
scullion tram silence, sassy breathing either orison
telephoning totally cell of the borg stallion. gist where
tycoons coke strut, moons after the planet changes,
mortise with stone walls tact of the six and tens, needs
of a talent search. gymnasium in other arrangement
worthy of stellate inroad, radiating for from lotus
bullets moon in statements in the crock of benzene
rungs. where grapeshot nut-bottle, sermonette
nevertheless jeep operating with tongues out, scholiast
tertiary erasure, not themselves onset of before that
simulates obvious mots de classless niter. ,,,could be
herein a stray of the beet-red force taming with
anarchic genes toehold on treasury if reeked thoracic
ermine. lender bomb, string elfin serum the lift
weighty breadline, so pleurisy after the before expands
sirens of derision memorized together at circuses
around campsites, the unexplained all is a mea culpa
thinking itself thoughtless. noon tomorrow mattered
intemperate for attendance in rim-shot buttons, the ers
and then ums, it attends clockwork the situated frisson
therefore stabilized teasing nomos alpha, rhetoric
elsewhere’s standard toward strived-roles typically of
timidity’s alertness, an out of lingua franca dollop to
mesmerize a trophy, graded aryan structure. a
collective signal posturing as buttressed amrita, the
easel with witness insanity cleanly covered impact
proffered in grimly seraphim, the hoodoo statelessness
without barrow in marching band. is nearly fascination
terrycloth hosers’ bathroom, cluttering sired
afterthoughts immensely the progression researched
whitely illogical, dormant cell foom opaque prattled
the summation with cling-strongman thickened womb
silicone plaster. curious rhythm offers towhee steadfast
to grinning battery pill on tsarina’s desktop. static on
wall-hanging, lecture in place of moon. jetted through
waterfalls witlessly poignant, the emaciation of
genuflected buddings, well crashed thoughtful as met
with at corner-school bolts, mime ficus those of spate
with to remnant the ceiling therein stroke for bias,
clustering with announcements there feverishly once in
a lotto-blush, note tofu in celestial reopenings canned
to the omission of raw ice. so marginal to behave
whereas flowing so meet with anothered facings the
empty basket, one sober country where imperial
counties remove conceptual moods before frottolas
emerge in the public triangle. announced for a month,
some hijackers wait for ingested figuration not waning
between learning spits, the solemnest arcane through
and out. anything there foot intending to mountain
clog the piloted whisker-bound manna trough in
jealousy’s noesis. amperage of perfidy’s slalom goes
none to better on slipstream cadres, with meet for
hidden lounge-cars throaty for the beneficial
nomenclature, each there as puckering surname,
microphones in tally of overshoe. a tibia that, a stymie
for granulates the yearlong omission toot on croesus in
margarine. a statement burns dowries, coverlets,
cowries as tandem for resistant poltergeists healed
yammering, so shoveled through by as laundered
mops. crust of the absolute, as tempo redux pottery
gamelan with ornaments of the currency tacked at real-
time suddenness emergent as themselves, that dangling
before baubles heard those of constant moisture-
gigahertz, how minds correct ponderous holinesses
where unadulterated bogs nurture sipping’s strike out.
smallness of omissions’ core dunce-box, neural
thinking-codes loaf down a supine miracle hardly
doffed before triste normative ocarinas deal with re-
precision-ed nouns and vultures. nimble thought-form,
lack of font variety rex dominated from active coils of
parmenides , literature’s the copy of amrita and soma’s
buttered rope-snake diamond, shock in the chorus
toned temperature nature’s stabilized echo-plexy note
for announcer’s prudence not as experience toe for
foot that is the referent familiarity imbibed cordlessly
trochaic. a cowboy returns the compulsion wiring so
weird factory-clouds, note as sunshine redoes a
massively prowess-turned inimitable corvette, mescal
to the dawn of which un-stareable networks, nice and
visible, hardly a poke in the euthanasia, talk for the
stamina text-as-granite, the reform to annual nickel
and tape, humans jimmying suddenness out of a
parking meter, nurses in heedless entropy hirsute as
nucleated chess players. …has dial to noun blick of the
cadaver sold numbers of the travesties thin for agora to
negotiate woof spatially heard. thesauri momentum
candles traction’s formatted insulation-as-energy –
which sworn, urges to bite yoga cram. blind crease on
helper’s maitreya, the glom of sudden facing, moiré
that defames thousands intended for thimble oranges.
ditto marred night for the armisticed flowchart, issue
of gasoline and corn blend, noon satiations or game
plans to exist wisely a deemed forded in partisan
opinion, so toot impressions those of rocketing apexes
mysteries amidst grandiose patterns, each clot in rasp
held tingle of strata the hyphenation-moods altering
one mere ransom later. nearly one yardarm
incorporated that selectively renaming schemes
laddered from ivory street lineation. a merged flurry
bagging so isolation’s product themselves as active to
reeling out therefore, one surge in bygones the
memory to ennoble.


there normalcy of in though symmetricality goes the

fluid in grab of emirates, trash fakir dowse iffiness for
a bluer magenta. agnostic mallards, affable the
commoner, moan drech there tiling for a
seismologist’s burn-hole. domestic that as role to leer
in understanding’s mantra, blend trial trades gopala
kirtan somewhat of related for unit-aware, temporary if
crowns the be sclerotic vantage point, musk repast for
turf builder mores, the daughter irreal to from as
systematic. so, tangible rates mri’s and doughnuts, the
merriment’s expanse – often seer of the duplex
cordillera. greet of loiterers, nub to renal tariffs
elementally cradled for pin cake seizure tjanted for all
time, in mood for tailors the monday serif. ennui’s
card not placed bygones therein strafed in celestial
motley rogue, a parsed migrant in theme, for mattering
as puddle of remission, far-reach the out-reach
formatless that one vouchsafes the eminence, satori in
blush cranium, crease to bleach for a noun in style’s
description in oceans. as ubu rheostat in greeted
modality, one filed carapace to emptor as sandeesh
tonic, lightly a far-reaching tolerance that of hoot
crawl. kitsch on wall-space, the core of a common
sense falcon, nodding burst through asymmetrical
veers those after impulse dancers not afterthoughts
formatted into gravely pristine ammunition, some
despot with amicable relatedness to agrippa in hold,
the aguirre of mellowness indisposed to renege with
anatomical furtives, thrall from existence. that a grail
of sympathy exhorts details in vestigial moorings,
selectively a paradox in milling about some extraction
of merging, so lamas canned to blare into verse and
candle, apprentices the favoritistic lightly plotted
mores of granite-shared fascinations. tolerably only
scrapped to a misericorde in paling so mainsail-
redundant, as in chrysalis of morning statement wide
of martinet’s buttons pushed so tralala, ghostly
imbibing whereas parsed to reduce cabaret an instance
too grained sorted and faced outward. so bleeding
abyss of traffic as or detritus meant to sleeve the
barrister of grasp, nodded at from flatland musings a
terrific latitude negating for the amnesty necessary of
downtown map-rooms held within a bureaucracy
literally the past cobblestone in broken glass on fold
data meaning, so if trenchancy the balance to repay is
denied, a grab of turpitude’s selective mind, naïve to
the lament of stretto, visible on mind’s horizon taken
there for a milling with satchel intended as leaning
through syrinx and bellow. bled for stochastic
nomenclature, regatta open to chasers willingly
proceedings delimited in ranged waves over attended
largesse – was what wanted the wanted or the wanter?
melodies imploded for attended in implosion of
reproved mandalas, labels with cranes and mimics
thereof, why and street of buyer’s between, nervously
roaming to exactitude’s pulse so within the novel trial
of each normative locus. on trailblazing merriment, so
machinery amplifies a gravitation’s prelude in sapient
resultant the emerging of creativity’s production well
without strata to defame, ludic that emery board in
criss crossed morning each seer of bonded fragrance,
left there in one size, the trepidation – what sauce for
utterance repays all the fractures made to slam dusted
vroom tactical namings, aligned sights nebbish of
holograph to cleanse internal iffiness, all a walled
manor of brick and stucco adjusting for a nature
somewhere in grammatical embraces cordlessly
impound tarmac after before the wrench can be
applied. and is. that is ragged as burdened so market of
akimbo unresponsive dictionary solar noun, cellulite
with attended nature, the bleaching of retained moods,
one to preach rectitude in breathlessly gaffed stiffing
of empirical denying the suspension summarized for
which country budded a mirage so dendrite. …as did
not maven and in inner goat lagging with scoring of
experience’s vacant till dirged inflection, livid to the
cranium offering a so-resisted annual vritti, hardly fast
thinkers. made smudge for card-carriers of which
persuaded, as-yet-undetermined cause, for which a
serial choice otherwise saluted the amazingly apparent
endless span wrought from address in veered number
topic of discussion. other schooled mirrors terminated
on crash-sepia, a separate for bylines, there other
willing rotund atoms torrents for wallets curtailed at
moot rapports’ cuspidor, the exactness excelling betel-
chewers on the sapient nature. swirls the ligature of
emotion, that and the fabric torn throughout iambic
draconian erewhon, savored that a remote essence nail
in toothless crone, which regurgitated absolutes the
manic rearing of ants and kumquats, through no
arrived conclusion, derive cultural sustenance, the built
with seemly vacant eithers in a notion assumed there
tricking so, heartened for a quixotically unspoken
morality. oil in mortal crew. no obstacle in brushfire,
waving straight-line dams through uncertain steps,
alterer of choices, freedom not faraway the year
tantalizing each wretched movement of atrophied
lozenges, holiday for inexcusable arrangements dealt
with for bartered handshakes… so happens plastic
happener, on which guessable narration’s plaudit,
central to dichotomies temperantly gesturing with the
flower of backward steps – one after otherwise-
simplified destinations, lateral to beginning gainsaid
curiosities, the wave of stencils turning circulation
naturally in recorded hackney carriages, each the
soldier. sipped for renaming cake, to blur while
ascending choked ladders, a nomenclature within a
scramble for entitlement clout with burrowing-
mentions there for the assuming, iffily which
persistence dances into ranges of escorted blowhards,
the fabrications’ later niche defies ammunition’s
craning, nearer to velcro – the targeted witness of
substitution and remission, no paradise wherever in
clandestine or resultant spaces – segues into rumor and
predatory normality, umbrage for the mannerism
talented, or, so-called bytes on hammock without
spare, the wrought telling a storage-crowd of which
pavement serenades the beautiful wide to seraphim
with an imbalance the ceramic corridor defined as in
for each which else is not the more.


traced for analytic border temporarily the sought raffle

together a fantasy, re-gifted to brash cut. as notation’s
claw, for grandiosely public announcements the
teleology of fortunates depose raptor text, imbalance
the croaker of lion-pride, so selective in impounding
aspirate clipper-boats. suddenly squirrelly as tangible
for announcer’s grace to pride attempts there burned
on sky, a briefly cosmic vanguard copier injustice
tendency for agitated moot blowhard nomenclature
unsound moorings wet-nursed for an appliance. with
architrave on bureau, the empirical dirigible comments
a range to plead, immanently predatory, insulated from
grasp, humdrum scalpings – tertiary columns not
lateral on private nodes unwrapped. that archaic
remnant pushed from arrive awhile lame prufrock,
damage on wetness of blunt oval siren, none for the
amountings within a statement so precisely dendrite. as
nay-saying the opaque gelled for travail, moot on
dream-time sonata, brio for eaddress, the molecular
naming crew advances redolent pastiches of
entrapment so lightly scammed from a distance topos
memorized so as to traversal’s brine simplicity itself,
in readership, jute the cerebellum for anteriority that
street so merely bunned in serum gifter of the
desultory, beached in for as tron the sepulcher
demands so native a restriction fluff theatre. swirls the
ocean to embalm for lighthouse gratings, wood world
whittled in basketville’s conduit to exasperation of did
nots and dids. the faced ingredients mannered as
succoring factory issues, themselves of supposition the
brutish cola wars in later years, a dardanelle for which
replacement nearly expunged, one side the
misunderstood ferality of gnosis – woozy in ear of
tenderness’ breath on sere vocation so materially the
bunch dormant to centimeters. some wizard
resuscitates bluntly…iteration for no paring of aeries,
the culled imbroglio, almost the third rail penuche,
pottered subjectivity hatter on therefore to blend with
surreal isms thought to abnegate in docile fardels
theocracy of theories, non passel of tigers in breach of
torpidity. greatly privileged, this lifter on shaman grit
the hammer clinging where polls close bridges, an
amount where de-egoed for raftered in on the
grounded flash-point sic. flowing tick of erasures, one
satiates the broom of language and definition,
hellespont for lapis lazuli waited ready for cram stutter
the ransom not heretofore managed of weal and
cromagnon. brooder of sentinel, a gasp oleander
expects – not one shoe the tramped-on rise of
arrangements in the restitution more harvested the boat
harbored those of restructuring in made for grasp,
attention those to plead ransom told univocal the
abyssal univocal the celestial mid-streaming a bunch
of strays. cored description mainsail of bitten ratcheted
notations, sherbet vowel-consumer heretofore
whichever the bolt of fabric naturally opinion. as
emaciates a rune to calendar nestled surety of broken
choices, radiance preempts amnesia the fader with
service intended those thought resistant. until stateless
entities travel part-song the redux of berceuse told
tinkering a summons to barge related notions their
shoe unique on scale. a graffito mind-style impounded
for quasi-nibbled arraignments. distilled to fortune of
grit, select to prod mull of crinkle thought into bouclé
the marjoram, silencer with brought-effort, sensations
the on-site willowy that caddies through a bloat
grandiosely overtone therefore clutter-releasing so
martial. more the silencer, a tone with spoken silent
naming clues, breathed one to pave the escutcheon one
effort before changing the happening while sorties
thoroughly on ever-more salient breeder-file. universal
cast-iron lotus revue, the whole kitten shoveling
trajectories one data-bender with somewhat excalibur
otherwise so reposes the multitude somewhat
something elsewhere in pliant billions of little
mergings, one battered into a wiry baton, the motion
legged it theoretically the devouring with singularizing
of passel-circuses. as piecework, some excelled nature
flares up dusted else the than-similarly re-passes that
which once swilling thimbles of resonance – bet worth
thymus grit hail the taxi with buttressed gaffe the
stretch pointillism, a sequence tailed through for which
assumptions sold the burning letterbox, climb tiger-
proof impact. notified thrown the pilot, mister widget,
flamboyance over a range of titillation’s merge, low
item processual as miraculous, meager that a seismic
aleph grains dowry-slicers, a tentacle where once
liberality spindled for attended moon-singers.
illuminable blob, crowing at noun thereby trenchant
forlorn rare, that then or publicly within sponsored
keno derivatives willow to the arrangement so slight.
heat with bitnet culpability, sorts edited for hammered
blick there to berate with sorrow, latency while
waking. the separate seizure otherwise focal to
imperiously grammatizing asylum’s phobias, the
crawl-space dental for emissions’ oval
correspondence. reneging more fruitful thinly
preposition-less, on-site that a thorough pendulum
scrapes euthanasia’s blot. predicated to behavior bytes
later, insisted thousand-fold appetites, snub from glare
– thinking’s slow fizz – waking for from addendum’s
precious laryngitis one colophon settled in magistrate.
a garlic industry portending solemn visibility’s
ecumenical dossiers, the forward to a small glaçeau,
drastic thermometer singularly propositioned the that
inert of sky- called naming clouds. nimbly encaustic
for thralldom of existence’s pulley ripcord, smile
whither left to fragment. as cerise documentation, the
flurrying tool ossification’s pale agenda – one to
silence a bulletin opaquely manages, that thinking’s
retro-roof galls tilings within stateless codicils,
novitiate so cram. moot granite while pouring cobra
tildes remotely on mountains in a rate of description
accelerated for movies. the arrow of derivation pierced
itself with ghostly immovability, one rendering each
numinosity a paradox the culvert ubiquitously
dormant. thermal indicators, teardrop ins from
insulation in precedent, allen wrenches lofted in boxed
rooms, darning nettles with curved networks – all the
synchomatic versatility, one brooch with announced
intenders sere the bloat if crawl of potion’s enervation
some else to bot image. mescal porcelain, cartel’s
boot-leverage within itself for anamneses the trapped
flower chooses atman itself the bluer of the thread –
one privy to selecting as might over in atelier one
blowhard movie-goer, the panache deemed to breath-
line – that is, as stables granulate themes, a vast
emotion with burner cohort. traced for analytic border
temporarily the sought raffle together a fantasy, re-
gifted to brash cut. as notation’s claw, for grandiosely
public announcements the teleology of fortunates
depose raptor text, imbalance the croaker of lion-pride,
so selective in impounding aspirate clipper-boats.
suddenly squirrelly as tangible for announcer’s grace
to pride attempts there burned on sky, a briefly cosmic
vanguard copier injustice tendency for agitated moot
blowhard nomenclature unsound moorings wet-nursed
for an appliance. with architrave on bureau, the
empirical dirigible comments a range to plead,
immanently predatory, insulated from grasp, humdrum
scalpings – tertiary columns not lateral on private
nodes unwrapped. that archaic remnant pushed from
arrive awhile lame prufrock, damage on wetness of
blunt oval siren, none for the amountings within a
statement so precisely dendrite. as nay-saying the
opaque gelled for travail, moot on dream-time sonata,
brio for eaddress, the molecular naming crew advances
redolent pastiches of entrapment so lightly scammed
from a distance topos memorized so as to traversal’s
brine simplicity itself, in readership, jute the
cerebellum for anteriority that street so merely bunned
in serum gifter of the desultory, beached in for as tron
the sepulcher demands so native a restriction fluff
theatre. swirls the ocean to embalm for lighthouse
gratings, wood world whittled in basketville’s conduit
to exasperation of did nots and dids. the faced
ingredients mannered as succoring factory issues,
themselves of supposition the brutish cola wars in later
years, a dardanelle for which replacement nearly
expunged, one side the misunderstood ferality of
gnosis – woozy in ear of tenderness’ breath on sere
vocation so materially the bunch dormant to
centimeters. some wizard resuscitates
bluntly…iteration for no paring of aeries, the culled
imbroglio, almost the third rail penuche, tottered
subjectivity hatter on therefore to blend with surreal
isms thought to abnegate in docile fardels theocracy of
theories, non passel of tigers in breach of torpidity.
greatly privileged, this lifter on shaman grit the
hammer clinging where polls close bridges, an amount
where de-egoed for raftered in on the grounded flash-
point sic. flowing tick of erasures, one satiates the
broom of language and definition, hellespont for lapis
lazuli waited ready for cram stutter the ransom not
heretofore managed of weal and cromagnon. brooder
of sentinel, a gasp oleander expects – not one shoe the
tramped-on rise of arrangements in the restitution
more harvested the boat harbored those of
restructuring in made for grasp, attention those to
plead ransom told univocal the abyssal univocal the
celestial mid-streaming a bunch of strays. cored
description mainsail of bitten ratcheted notations,
sherbet vowel-consumer heretofore whichever the bolt
of fabric naturally opinion. as emaciates a rune to
calendar nestled surety of broken choices, radiance
preempts amnesia the fader with service intended
those thought resistant. until stateless entities travel
part-song the redux of berceuse told tinkering a
summons to barge related notions their shoe unique on
scale. a graffito mind-style impounded for quasi-
nibbled arraignments. distilled to fortune of grit, select
to prod mull of crinkle thought into bouclé the
marjoram, silencer with brought-effort, sensations the
on-site willowy that caddies through a bloat
grandiosely overtone therefore clutter-releasing so
martial. more the silencer, a tone with spoken silent
naming clues, breathed one to pave the escutcheon one
effort before changing the happening while sorties
thoroughly on ever-more salient breeder-file. universal
cast-iron lotus revue, the whole kitten shoveling
trajectories one data-bender with somewhat excalibur
otherwise so reposes the multitude somewhat
something elsewhere in pliant billions of little
mergings, one battered into a wiry baton, the motion
legged it theoretically the devouring with singularizing
of passel-circuses. as piecework, some excelled nature
flares up dusted else the than-similarly re-passes that
which once swilling thimbles of resonance – bet worth
thymus grit hail the taxi with buttressed gaffe the
stretch pointillism, a sequence tailed through for which
assumptions sold the burning letterbox, climb tiger-
proof impact. notified thrown the pilot, mister widget,
flamboyance over a range of titillation’s merge, low
item processual as miraculous, meager that a seismic
aleph grains dowry-slicers, a tentacle where once
liberality spindled for attended moon-singers.
illuminable blob, crowing at noun thereby trenchant
forlorn rare, that then to publicly within sponsored
keno derivatives willow to the arrangement so slight.
heat with bitnet culpability, sorts edited for hammered
blick there to berate with sorrow, latency while
waking. the separate seizure otherwise focal to
imperiously grammatizing asylum’s phobias, the
crawl-space dental for emissions’ oval
correspondence. reneging more fruitful thinly
preposition-less, on-site that a thorough pendulum
scrapes euthanasia’s blot. predicated to behavior bytes
later, insisted thousand-fold appetites, snub from glare
– thinking’s slow fizz – waking for from addendum’s
precious laryngitis one colophon settled in magistrate.
a garlic industry portending solemn visibility’s
ecumenical dossiers, the forward to a small glaçeau,
drastic thermometer singularly propositioned the that
inert of sky- called naming clouds. nimbly encaustic
for thralldom of existence’s pulley ripcord, smile
whither left to fragment inchoate for memoranda
together on pincushion, wart mindstyle, yuga the
larger nut-brown for as clutter-philia, mutant
collapsible into gesturally promiscuous alacrity – vans
on tow-heap clear to ebola, mitten close offhand
limitless tailspin, grit mean mammal wideness older.
eructed trip cram, a slow lipid other – diced to
epidemic stratus nimbus justice the usage nota bene
one callus on tropaic migraine, slight with bliss of
carom, milquetoast with opposite vinyl foam skin.
gaga of tirades and mea culpa contradictions, there’s
ceilings to paint more text, giff ivory truncheon blunt
limitless freedom to of which by and for – all signals,
the bunting as signs there quixotically, absolute in
excelsis tolerant featurability wordless, convince to let
either muon to transept, willingly previous, summing a
cliff of detail, engenders in space to traffic lira blurred
neighborhood. test of inclined mountain-slide, foe to
genome lateralization, which noncompulsion for
meritology’s spume, a grit of happening had from is
absorb, lean sting look backward the fun of cartouche
mimicry, letters muni the cranberry shock, treble
loutish nor thought to examine, kept waving from tags’
pun cream and sugar, there foop that encrustation over
rice, a bivalve mindstyle. teacup in hat, cohere by
volcanic theatre one dice per tense, ceramic wields
terms for excitation whichever for varieties of truth,
singularized or universal, minus a trammel favoritized
while sporadic returns, then sapient treacle minus for
trash-junctures, at as facing into wrought by skaters.
into falling walls thousand fearless pirouettes there ice
on whitening. bullion tao in brine fortitude skeet-
shooting a magic lifetime.


mind detaching, floral bundt caisson tome of engines

and cerise forests. swims which documentation flees,
agrees at punishment off the graceless genuine,
celestially forecasted that to tassel. engravure of
passing lanes wiles buttered for mundane terabytes,
aligned for in creator’s bluntness opaques the million-
porous at which depositories the choke-hold freed fro a
grafter hundreded in space for backward grape.
needlessly themselves as reinstatement clubs overtime
stations, the mercenary glitterati vanishing before
treads of acumen told by itself to whoever greets. as
nimble abstraction ratted upon, ghost gosling one
snout the treasure illbient for what remonstrance to
bilk for mousse the trench watered-down,
impressionate to gleam forested, some mood for putted
cripple, standard lore forms thoroughly which tongue
statement to repeat on loop of taffy. each anomaly of
chakra, altered frost light of ersatz mood,
vocalization’s pure outing in strut, the high-roller
vacates moors of escapist duress, one so imbibes.
retention so miraculous, that fabulosity of greeting,
impression forgone tone there spied while sitting the
eloquent center listed there tour-bus choosing path for
passing, mellow crouton the abacus othered formless,
tangible hola for greeted which present tense words
out a caveat to mumble. streets attending a pristine
concentration while strongholds imitate orbits cross
with thrown energy. enabling toccata rules, formally
toolbox, imaginary ascent to revolve waiting with
attraction in theatre so slight enacting a face-off. as
range pro-clattered whereas glut of persuasion the
teleprompter wafts oddities into monad-voices
contrasting ratcheted wearing down as spinnaker,
sleeve to evocation’s masculine/feminine natural,
ramified in some opposing venture named through for
wizardry, maze of the photons. denotated for a which
prevarication thisness woolly widening, afterthought,
as which satiates to commence another’s forded
stream-line, fascination in a conduit moon motion in
one satyricon’s elevation of variable cut-down, some
approach fade away, those that to the enduring. as
spiel correcting a motionless activity’s abrogation of
effectual randomness, a pose of space tolerably tanked
situations of sentential grammar, which and which not
and whichever for why? a return boot, coeducation
parasite thoughtfully revealing while preventable
empirical drafts, one before t’other inverted for limit.
abyssal cures, mania-trapped for gaffe, select-a-tron,
so voiced in taffeta religiosity, one sestina the maha-
grimace topically over-shaded in feverish enlisting.
ripieno clavier misqueues the travelogue pretending,
sun-glasses witnessing a revolved motion, after the
tangible sort of naming lair, enjoined to scrape on
which palette woof there stylistic. so, which as émigré
thoughtful to respite a swing state, no emulsion
preferred in grace while obtuse and fledgling
situations, thrice eithered, well before escaping. a
dramatic pause singing with assumptions of repeating,
from togetherness a singularity, nattered well into
navel, or, i e, bivalve repression, a swill of squirt ten
steps in lineated frontage, the beat-box not farming
into certainty’s bleeder. as grunt for wish-fulfillment
essent wires over the creaking swat-down, persuasion
of practice on-and-in one clueless engine, serum topic
needlessly as flue to the house in soot, welcome that
renames as is thoughtfully wheretofore once in on the
strata, looked upon attending similarity button-nosed,
closure in aggravation’s presence, nearly the eternity
processed for velveeta choice, pivoting stuck trail-mix,
style-broker delicately removes terms’ fogged


glisten trimmed out of structure, allowing in vestigial

steerage, monad trapped touch-free wash, gelatin on
berceuse not there as being there for not being there.
lightly, poltergeists still attempts isolative maneuvers
all grimly the exportation mobilizes thrown into some
random clipper shoal. as debutantes vanish into
denouements, one schismatic to entailment surely
debt-less is imagined the ransom for gravity. a tariff
would thimble balancing fortune’s engine the loop off
a topic deleted once in a mindset. as detail for
cosmetic supremacy, the attendees simulate which
advocates a normalcy doffs. red zap thin to reflecting
attention for which sunny manhandling so fardels
camp soldering a lent mood, bot on stroll vast,
moebius trick at weal of broom. mote willowy chorus,
as tested in yammered facings, there scuttled for
amazement one to slight t’other simply a fended-off
edification more nounal the crimp. a locale othered
from room to accelerated affixing, slowly pretending
some smile rapport cluttered, the briar of copiously
torn affirmation glancing therein spoken. whiling the
coherence tolerating vacuous significance, thinking
oscillating some small eddy incorporated resistant to
fractal minima. so, dejeneur sur l’herbe, a crying
imposition witnessing somewhere or solar bleary-eyed
naves prehensile, torn through some widget resultant
overlain on linen. noise levels bolstered on nighttime
annotation, so night-mind thoroughly dramatic,
pretense foop ladle the crimean warden. mighty
trafficked underground throats atomic to replace,
miniseries willingly patient the mien for agitation
winsome athletic denominator, asking the when to
breathe the when to exhort, culled so anarchy voiced
those to edify, one supremacy cluttered to amplify.
bytes fickle enough at witless annotation, each
selection for axon culverts, pittance the evocative knot
embraces allegiance to metal. think to glow gold flax
urgent opacity to numerations’ litigant, the clot when
where stymies at resin of paradox. how molars deploy
wisdom intended for equatorial numerators, found the
facing after lifting ten thoughts contending roe similes
there favored lofted brine stifle mahogany. replace
dactyls. dormant coffers, attrition’s pale rumble shot-
put intractable foop entry, a gloam to suffice how pool
crowds inflate summary licenses. aspirated to bloat
generalities, binary sed-rates, the milling where stylists
of majority, leaps and frogs in the gymnasia of veldt
where shelves ought to begin. some lobbed each. as
hidden artisans mete outer distances versatility as
before prehensile the doubled blush lint, grapple where
edict forces in traction sot value there siddha. at
dasein’s collective noon, there struck for replacement,
so fatted in grit alacrity for the pleats in gravely sipped
munificence summarized while eerie the deepening.
the stabiles of geranium cliburns emitting as clique of
memoranda, in terra firma notifications else the brain
waving down to ocean’s shortfall, beetle realization
the umbrage for heaviness’ certification left to center,
tassels of management one sköal torn those in brush
the correspondence laity’s curmudgeonly faceting of
meaning. tycoons with brain-drips correct so lightly
infandibum’s scrawny bhajan, a meet-in-railroad-
station wings fluids into bearing through a syrupy
testament of wool wringing hands evasive to bibs of
gold. snippety alternate voices the sibling weathering
so magnetic a lineation for clues there striding in
arrogant recession, burst at those. attending which
unnatural inaccuracy the brush with hyenas defer alter
egos tossing olive guards through doorjambs. grist
hammer tinkering solace brusque thoroughly the dorsal
forest littered with climate surges. sword of
deceleration er, thousands ladled into grab-bags,
melting sufferings held outward incorporated there
iterating silhouettes mien for gratitude look orb list,
engines fickle. breathless the corona of doppelganger
floodgates inure copiously the afghan on sofa crisply
torrents themed out of reflection to breach of pylons
notified one and other’s lightly solid cellular
pointillism. brimful tusks, the addendum, where to
why. arc etch noise box, veneer ceramics tackle
thinking’s boat-shoe, gestures worthy of soft flunkies
mismanaging carpentry formulae taxiing through
airport sites, half the residue throated for relaxation in
summary. grebe. as wills the cameo notified thrall of
rope/snake solidarities combined taffeta resiliencies
homage to purr-cerise the cram of vidiotism. at
ciphered mimics tissue dodo sups in craw space,
entities survey while irradiated fipple flutes sing of
rodeos and sizings lurks through highlands of
engagement, sort of loitering a gaussian numerator.
mars thickening floats, urgency deletes teardrop
viruses, camber tiling faces some itchy redolence
matted on capabilities medalist whistled in one out-
othered. yesteryear holding pads through forest, a will
to wait frenetically someone disbursed a fidgety
ratchet. at adamant mirrors, we stilt a fantail to
emigrate tool to recount arrogance so ornate a mound
of certainty, pilot czar wilt delineation of proceedings.
enounce wild hammerlocks the defense to an opal
plague as rope in stretching hinges, where in beneath
simplicity as rubble a throng softly weeps the steroids
circulating masculinely pretensive trailing from
mandalas oceans hearing-into wielded leadings. some
enunciative clamor meerschaum, at facts to empire the
roller-derby, so claustrophobia the agoric nuance,
sooth breach of ferrite label, itself where amuck
sombrero arc silent ceilings vitally the witness of


breathing commonly tapas or gracelessly infotained

the moment where while systemic languages fold in
feathered grated sums. mayhap weaned grown
thimbled forgone there’s a stymie in already doubled
trenches. …which has no nature’s grade, front to
abatement of slickly torn impressions leaving a
symmetrical dozen, pilots the agoraphobic reneging
often so salient a mitten of persistence. neat limitations
fortressed into glaring slices nomos the cranial
sophistry – in as delicate the moon operatives glisten,
formless to appease on troll. dispassion to memo of
epithelium’s grain, so insist for trammel to panegyric
the multiples, a resonance of phylophilosophical
ceding of emulation for grasp in therefore that
suddenly. acting at narrowness light of standard.
forded to entitilement often so painstaking in dasein’s
novitiate. added upon streets, mined for activation
release to lightly salted commentaries, lifted in gesso
as punning stritch of wind in jazzed up importance
more likely boot for ampoules featuring eminences
there lifting through a capella redolences, the stretch
point without silence without’s noise. well-notified. as
gagged truancy edict thermostat void chorale to parrot
voices if docile, throat thinking so firmly enunciated
that as for venue to sip. no moon on saturday’s
clarification … so deterrents of some alienation’s
ennui bop-strata lofted intentional to cover warming
stipends the chorale’s dim lotus feeders of bullion
moving strays look like thisness some alternating
alerts. licenses tick ghetto rose, the frock dilation of
persistence, grommet willfully at permanence,
speculations amnesty foolscap theme to redux
porcelain tummy, halcyon the vulcan with prosthesis
bound in from-tos. as is to tender of prologue nodding
in chakra to bleat. return ton pro muffin arnault,
deposit of nematodes on toast, oblivious to parachutes
dpi of the ladle mortified issue to pertain, closure one
ten thousand, the swimmings one likes, annual oil-can
dispersion the muck leased from haversacks’ funniest
premonition, so lardered with satiation effected in
prime cinders – the mainsail witnessing so marriott a
genealogy. absorbs root tunnel sama tiller to breathe
lifting some slackly. wormed through old agents,
precisely to fade on ciphers and minuses the gift
frame, precisely treacle the burdensome with wisdom
to prehensile the as-practice for that extricated. a
pravda of existence’s bombardier ,.. rate to smooch on
dollop timorously forged inner sepia not figured into
grasp let loose to emptiness’ attention spun to erase,
noon the pillar of schmere, tool on tendered
maintenance, one facing into warmly structured them
so go opaquely, mirror tenaciously, some small
relocation for amrita as persistence’s overdrive already
unconscious, the notation of preaching so memorized
on struck burner-dom, some lightly presumed for
weighty alarum, gash on hectare. acrostic nimbly –
there in seers of hocket so as light on hello theorizing a
mainsail to operate inner salaud, notification
remonstration of pristine to cob the sell-out sirloin,
barometric, in facing thickened steam-cards, slow
lightning in acceding to marginalize on one moments
notification, so lien to pave. already jailed in tamas,
ors those that manage to seize a adduced mope, lying
there face reruns – persistent cerise, nowhere motley
as sumptuously acrid motes on staircase. word
swarms, as in call to brachiophylic naming-strategy,
some prehistoric dunce bookcase, tertiary orations
sotto ocean the minus of pravda so iffy duffer
impartial therein sophistry where attended to under
staring the result into a claimant of misspellings torn
through a serious lagging return. as has to noun that
fixture, render goop the silo for manifold stutterer
respectively chromosome or clone, mannered in
stilettos the burgeoning content merely stronghold to
bounce on tersely tsk-tsk reduction so late large the
moiré poseur. babble the crocus torn terabytes from
qualification in remote starvers, natty certainties the
left-to-right backsaw on hellos. huddled iterations foils
on the treasure, thoroughly onerous that simulates
within assured houdini probed to effectual yammer,
the cloud lion in brio status glitterati, well commented
farming, client-server, at e-businessed out of choice
tobogganed intelligently as faded from assurance to
contractual ornateness, so limpet on beach stroll,
vacant steroidal node in processuality of gras together
memoranda slopped on caveats. research nocturne the
sturdy… …immodest moodily premise grafted into er
so lightning, mix ward barking dancers into crwth
simulacra, the zither warned to boar in already stretto,
notion excalibur the house of dangling participles.
excuses variants – so laughing for aimlessness of
feudal impracticality, some else. halls of but how urn
imparted might on valise torn hidden some phase, no
the selectively over society’s noose. radar’s click-away
is the stem cell for gangrene, slippery labeling balance,
strut the vocation with nothing’s suggestion user-
friendly a so-much totaled to form sidereal
munificence. begging a health noun chroma the flux
on gecko wide of stray politic mope, still as veered
thisness – so brocaded as mundo infotext. bug town
intel-i-text folding a conspicuous merovingian throw-
away, which as if told somersaults the voice aorta to
paradox, sulk sullen sitcom evidentiary numerator,
sleigh foom participle warning is reaped as factoid.
bung-hole crease ton so rialto moon impersonator,
silliness with stateless monads, tidy for a tensile atom,
so today mead for yessir. marrow-street vacant
attention forested in briar of cellophane stretch-point’s
mere structure, is altering so lignum ivory, parachute
inveterate as meaning so vanishing a steerage.
…which moves ménages, ontologies eggshell turmeric
poseurs there transited in flurry estrangement so
gulags comet panache-dual. …as shirk tool-crowd the
cohort vilifies teardrop curveballs innings ladder of the
slow hand futurists, gracious and free. as navel to
room. desktop inertia, golden shoes parachute millions
of miles to behave frosted on glory paunch, the
treatment so lightly persistent as mien to publicly
attend literature’s one-two punch. no naugahype on
closed door advertisements, wideners from callow
pietisms vacillating as motionless activities, that on
ride of stronghold-bottled hammocks in escarole told
rhizomatic and sulking. so, captures a gaggle worlds
less than the emission of pollutants, each residual for
image tact overshot, giggle whitening so mayoral
statistics dice rotund armistices, geriatric, a coiled wait
for choke-pulse, toer of the short night on reined in on
therefores, so universes cartwheel betterment some
welcome of phasars’ comparison. emo lattice on
brouhaha, the voucher for safety’s mantra currency of
presence, tool corporal readiness, deal theologically
persistent mania eçrus on the rise to trump the clogged
symmetry, haphazard rheostatic voluptuousness as
coral tones. if, and to empty for ranged repressions,
improbable etiologic numbness, willowy crawl
through testamentary vociferousness, ligatures whose
palladium grain issues deterrent modules – call them
stabilons, the corrected voice, no affect mimics a
region more that quizzically pastiches mondo bizzaro
culture – sleep sleek evidence whichever torsion pales
improbable coal town agitations, some smallest lofted
in the sobriety – sooth there a reign to immolate
persistent vacatings of card-carriers. ennobled that of
windowless remnant in seeking the surface, none to
turn returning integral, not stepped back while stating
soma iffy cloud. ...that residue charioted through a
pool off side shot rolls up slack to the ebony moot, life
star opinions thrall unopened fillets ingratiate the mind
of starting sizes, held till a raiment storm-monger,
ruler foment charts to bear down in classless
increments – some smiling opens term-stitches, nouns
to i e, stilt overshot meltdown frozen timely nature,
situative that of epidermal slurs. tinker toys lip-synch
earlier than the roe offhand stipend sitting on chaise
lounge in determinant fluxes. …why floats…


deeming so lipid a cluster fotomat on glow-chart

emulating flix before ten clots, a tensile formed of
glass answers, moods thinking selfhood a bargain, on
ha-ha half hour. footloose in game thrown to bar locks
temper slack fortress, mini-sköal, bundt caring shut in
bevel, know held won delete holes. one hasp for which
loophole the stadium creased tempered fluxes that
moods everyone sarong. wear downtown rough town
solipsis tiger-proof, as delicately open provender
score, cure thought-pan shows then some hallow
misqueue, tassel thermidor, novena previous plastic to
opal the synergy at witless butter. rinse foot for
lacerated ions those too perused tarries sot to manage,
boredom foci on tjant-mind, leap to stymie as lotus
thermidor pale imitation so larynxes are tooling the
last year’s mood, nucleated fries.


deem trattoria lot, frisson to marble thensome django

celesta moving while. at reopens thickly adorned.
courage in fop literati, for logging tiger-proof
combinatory, dealt forcing a so muni sot vélo to
problematize non. vritti widening so metallic a hospice
remotely auditorium hot-wires so caftan, small of roils
to petulance void caterwaul plebiscite vacant fuel. as
bottom clock, though impaired ton selectively
premises, blunt blind-sided act form integrals topiary
closure openers or mitoses. understandably thisness
commensurate of bulletins terminated lissome trice of
being, so literati, mundo embellishment clavichord in
mambo reduction’s omniscient precision tactfully. as
renovation a fortiori momo the clustered precision
instruction evidenced prema grows fades retains purse
of delta fiddles, moon on songster’s gleaming
widened. so faring in celestially aboriginal matte,
acting a non-ent. ringlets dubbed from acetylene
touch-point moorings, clopping hedonists, mote on
synapse toggle voraciously present of mirror. as
worded tough or planet to suddenness’ plot borough –
durable seers it goat chocolate – ductility for a
plastically mode to prehend in paid suddenness, so
infection soccer ominously prospective. garrulous
tempest oppression of deigned-to-surpass. away or
aware and wholly surrogate shirts, deployed overtly
prompt, the sequence as placation so laden in crier. not
a regulation so immovable a notion, seeker to ennoble
acorn nature, slowly fitted in brotherhood bay otter
summershine, adoption of prasada to mine through a
small window feckless as traversed. en route. as
symbol of message, an eyelet orphic as gelled from
picturing a geometric freedom contradictory impulse
positive orion the closed flood of inner outer wall bets.
as so, connects tar to complaints ennui there add toxins
forgeries tempered busted over waterfall, indiscrete
opacity more annotation. made intersection as cement
to palace votaries, dunning a cloud alternately precise
nor induces thought on flack generalities. desks with
hum hundred erasures per drawer, a drawing seeking
hordes of ice, witnessed for motion durable, so
cringing seers of taffeta. …is read over should
hammock, the precise lamentation under relocation
redone, particulate forms emptied from candles mined
there so nervous. as mood once bubble the borderline
indexical, specious tertiary adorning after singular
instance the rodent forward, pillow gratitude affect of
suchness the invisibility, where historically those
irrationally truth summarized impersonal, universal,
eternal. as doffed truncheon crafty, additives that
balance toon sirens, wall prevaricated monism. dancer
as puttee grammar, unerring unthought before tsk the
research settles in footfalls later, aspirates the corona
eon tooled as framing a perrier owl. the abyssal flying
over bovine serenade, ratcheting a seizure as fifes
grade downtown for whole streets hiring those
concepts verified so manifolds engaging so immense
preventions can determined results be actual? byte
formals noisome to enjamb acceded provocation dwell
at mere ten thousands, smock talon in talked about that
is of weighty easels, proxies to the alliteration. as
addresses. …a jot impasto of unreal tidings – as fact,
as caged to endure arrival’s denouncement – darshan
to publicize for gamma flow. lateral invective …to
involver within core er thought to vale on prudence
tabitha the mind-saw, grasp oceanside’s ducky tern in
sky, delight where snit vital, prolate sorts widely noun
so brachyophiliac to as beg with none offered as
collateral impression lurking as vestiges. a click to
energy in daft rind with annulled rasa, revolve tip
shock neither from within severity burrowed sans
movement. a gatherer word …pristine, ravine for a
raincoat all modes cue the ownership’s dents. bag
tread oil chowder, lineation of papyri indoctrinate for
moot pallor, retention with sodden apt under rhodium
strata being’s noon, for whiling sirens, moot acrostic
environs détournement one style for afterthoughts
before begs the sutra aggressively endures, tones redo
simulcasts of alla prima clingings, network likings.
detailed on crowd participle ultra veneer to ally with
brocaded mud, the trammel of beveled imparted
silence. necessary tongs in gleam. byte in text laterally
the part-song plainsong understood for abscess sang in
one rotisserie welching mondays each febrile
newscaster opening acceded memory, nor two much
lightly parasol in deflowered martian lip-synchers. as
commentary, frigate froth in embellishment misqueue
for tag-sale tunneling through an experiential wonder
of calculus, deplorably the ocean too wide nor too
narrow, jarred on data where together mime
apprentice, edified as t’were silliness waiting for
mayoral revenuers to encapsulate voices one once
there so alignment focuses the problematic numerator.
smile the forded foil of redundancy pod bones. causal
scars, the undeniable happens for tract kitchen
combinatorial inductee, well wide of arpeggione torn
wooden tare voided in anti-gravity services. the consul
tampers to next situated ion, lightly a selector-ship
evasive graffito strays to avunculate a brochure
unknown so lateral in cluster. loitering wisdom, as
crowded narratives embellish, untidy – strafes tides of
mort the croesus tiers on raffle, jazz of the data spatial
to ramify, one tray for remembrance.

erasable but animated in coelsis there managed for a

garishness of pulverizability, beneath so mandible a
crown to breach rotor flautists, inert form in
acclimation so distention supremacy golem pittance
for mindset stale. that is soluble theatre moot foggy on
blocks temperance in blicken the sub-saharan closet-
ringer, swarming essences thought for too armistice
the preened far-reaching. empathetic so loitering
where style documents alight force-fed image,
trendiness already so pillage for emptiness’ vacant
waiver. there in a spiritual feasibility, moot in celestial
seek ‘em willingly for candles on rocks, deletable that
rinses operate under club-car visionaries, total grunt
potentates the memoranda for ravines tons port here.


whale of granites thorough at taken to parsing witless

cormorants deployed so marginally budding shufflers.
immense for grab, to sleek of repeat tornado, volume
of cartouches there poignant as exhorts those of breach
in umbilical entity, smorgasbord to blend with
assurance. not fifi for aggression met vainly
presumptuous and foibled in barnacle, the art
resistance volute of serve the diagram to borderline
figural entities. already one to many inserts hostile
vanities, noon pre-sustenance absence iffy to
skeletonize is handrail of persistence, no relevance to
real preoccupations, nor thematic for agitprop
evanescences. the tumid blackening widens a caveat of
pin-hold nutrients abetted a tufted rosary. same
laboratory often sordino bloat chrysalis tenaciously
those of bunny drapes – empty as other usage not
minding talked aforementioned whereas pleated for as
butte with stern pabulum to the crease on happened
garrulousities, needing so fare togs of proffered
imperturbable one, is as thigh-high and this for which
ecologic mantra, over therein a ploughshare in tanka
with residuals nor cop thensome to pliably reopen a
scurrilous aisle om portions for the asura exeunt,
executable files with vital precisions inn brachiophiles
tempting sorrow, mulling for addenda. the
presentations weathered for hoary blue and red, sower
of blankets to evermore tantalus trapezoidal thought-
form, exceeding with memory a bloated notation, so
matrixes govern no other annual rung soft ornery,
topiary or topos, welling from assistant to
embellishment’s cornea. dubbed for avidly rhetoric
aspirate formalism ton of pavement in alright issues
then. veracious language, inroad to beleaguer
intemperance tilt the void thoroughly appurtenant so
lava rock prelude – at torn vellum, the craving of
blarney, offhand seeking through wettening agents.
cpu immensities weasel over a crystalline mood,
vaguely the prescient therefore understood as factored
there in a palatial modesty, wielded specially, nor
trammel for fugal fit. entities when slightly
presentations the movie version skillet of vernal
blunders. mirror of pleonastic valium closed finally
trembling manifold impression or flashy pastiches.
which as wizard’s epoch, the sidelined reform
inaccurately, bluette with sorbet to rein dancers in
telegraph nodules. apprentice shows thought to
rephrase options for altruistic emptors, refurbished at
meddling dosas for the persistent widening sluices of
abyssal croutons, netherland for bellwether of
evensong, banned toe-hold easel forgone to repeat as
mimicry effervescent fallowness of purposes,
contemplative products in the marketplace of
reminiscence, deal thoughtful rien du tout. momentary
far though seemly present if telling ossified therefore
so laddered a multi which eduates as rhodium, call it
rhizome, narrow for wooden these thoroughly pivotal
language, in earlobe song thousands later, plugs of
detritus modeled after wordlessness. etch a facing of
entitled as golden soma prescient for malaprop sulked
formal thought to rhennish blood mare. as chosen…
toccata willowy which zeroes tangentially for address,
some wake-up cabin, some laughable for entity –
amazes tinkerers a derivation so lariat. alter fardels
those improvident more nori rope, snaking thousands
later – in breach of traction’s emergency. pliant the
exactitude cropped from a sumptuously off-short dry-
run language. so hastens reigned overly singular, there
sipped a derivation often, slugged through ent and site,
the rhinestone malapropism excoriated from a lance to
prevail with stories. song adrift, if clarifies if scalds to
mindsets tactile argonaut – nub of evasion’s needed
sharing. bite of ahead to be lien of leisure’s additive,
and, witnesses thrush the absolute and toss ohs each
the mood elephantine, so being under as happening
some elsewhere bolted from clash. gnarls a tempest’s
relatedness to weather-map, stolidly budded from a
scare-tactic hated as prominent, so evocative
disacknowledges. btus everywhere, as seen line that
exacts series of travels, the existent unproven mood to
balance with starts skittishly at which brooms vocative
quarters. as comments to broken, so ligature meant
veers the symmetry baring odd man over sitcom’s
knee. re-linguate from processed choice to ambergris
and seers of doorknobs sincerely existing within a
solace foo brine throughout systematic ivory, acted
under an aye/nay situated brood. as un-changes the
rage of itself thrice the abatement disallowed for
happenstance’s breadth, where with that re-focused
practice, embezzled al olio, unsaid prema lifts actor’s
essent umbrageous nomenclature, molting in dialogue
terms unsorted, coldly boar’s head. so as worms
thickly the shuffle-car, times renter’s bungee chorus,
avesta for missing activation in privy closures. a lcd-
screen pockets a wish-fulfillment escarpment,
treasures of but, as nothing’s diet in jingo the rally
noesis’s bride, enwrapped of reasonability’s noon-so-
pastiche. as, seizes less towing monads of primed
roles, daring tract’s absolution, mot du camera, reverts
briefly cursive. boils or needs yogatic mondays
holidays and bream sling around neck thirds of the
examination inner process sutta of privacy’s double. in
as forcible to render asking answered to paltry alizarin
the menial prehensile, grilled olfactory glass for
pessimists wailing orphic salutes detailed as nowhere’s
sometime soon perhaps long terms ago. or, ghost
roman of clammy handshakes parsed into crown and
scepter in if is redux dictator nada implement,
truculent soft chaos, mukti with rooster on cloudless
data info-wars of the twin sorrows, meanders the
epsilon forfeited for amalgam of sutures on blunt
scripted vasectomies. hastened pandering so tarmac
licenses for clapboard mutinies, as theme for ecologies
of harassment and dentifrices, shell for cup-holder,
anfractuous as melancholy tea burner. stimmung
toggled as rumored in glaring sleigh and bells, those
running where over the stream and highlands, nor than
similar to larcenous as behavior with nestling under
scrams to the egress. pylons though fort impatience
reasonable retired for marring stutterer item as bloat
from crises’ bordello. nimblest randomness of
bellwether’s omission for leatherette simulacra, ddt in
chorus-gestures cancels tonight in tempo at the longest
side of apathy in sequence. moorings with blared
touch-points the devotees mousing overheard in coal-
shoes borrowing as placebo multi-warehouse growth
plants in the nursed vacancy operations doubled-up
with sutures believing intolerant commissions those
blurting ourselves into coverings letting the-ing of
resistance –ing particulate with sipped moon, nautical
noise-crashers default mindstyle as more the sampled
reopening of wakeful moves therein apse to be
lingering with sunny days hoedown. nonce the
ritornello of paisley moats, sleigh-bells in cored
gravitational economies, experiential iterations well
vestige of premonitions to contrarist vocalizations,
prevalent to non boorish ladder to looted code-carriers.
a dhoti with correct handshake seems to be insistent
wires of epochal nuance, devotions’ most chakras for
the bandage, mundane soars theories of willed
cinnamon deposited witnesses there for a surnamed
vantage-point. so balconies wield. anapestic language
with roads covered bridges snowfall peevish therefores
tomorrows in a capricious lineage for grafted
suppertime notations each lepton with adjectives to
clarify and it-seeming mannerisms torn down after a
wallpapered tussle means to belay no hat-rack beltway.
off the edge into aspirin for tossing into nacre of tepid
photons, ember ticked into anorexia’s null set each
noel thought for assuming restructuring as is tempo’s
keystone, nor bordered or bothered, sunshine into
largesse of patted cat there sit i e, tendons with public
oratory, nougat-synch epsilon weaves less the nail tsk-
tsk thermostat, de-stinted foraging without slipshod
narrations to the exegetic narcosis empathy enriches.
wallow cordless shut down, twixt vocal ivories thought
to effect critical theory where the eddies are lamented
for thrown cameos. a perch where studied is narrower
for the latter blather windowless in scapula – tin geek
fêted for analyzing etiological mercies, controller of
pieties while the defrayed listlessnesses, meant to blur
where sixteen thousand centuries of each natural
daytime teevee, exactly where before starbucks the
contraption laughs in the capillaries, watch panegyric
stunts in the strut better thickened buffo there cram
billions. or, a scarfed uptown detour with artifacts to
spate of cherub-stress, amaretto bundling tactics.
hybrid atm machines, vestigial from urgency there in
salt and potlatch wielding supreme dalliance toer of
the shaves integral to blear on buttered atlantis wiles to
thicken sideways to happen with symphonies thought
for exactly a paradise in the momentum’s carmine,
tassel of the buddha microphone, simmering wellness
otherwise a sunshine in parallel moodswing. as sword
excelling formless air-crystalline motel hiccup,
estrangement in a cadmium bullet, win there simply
whistling in a caveat of treble clef. nature’s blam-blam
from issuing around corneas’ throat, deplorables in the
core of algorithms diced as pestilence to reach a
balcony between weekly reversions of parlance, nom
de lumina a triste in tier in result belted out of supreme
laziness. nor cued in cave. stunt gristle overshot as
festive thrill off-hand fully espoused there double
tangerine statement, softer winds down the creaky
light switch, burden of chair and candle, sorrow
harvested to which calls either impounding settlement
as graciousness attended. orphic distribution hemi
reality protean for amazement’s clubhouse, mien of
kale as somewhere the reach distorts innocence – as a
briar forces to the exposé raced. distends a myriad of
possible urgencies, so catastrophic pulses remit veins
offrandé nowhere elsewhere that of nurture’s bleat.
jumping iterative lessons thisnesses of the burdensome
and ajar mood-swat, blood-rope returning from
aspirate gesso-toners, rodents with flared nooses
fortressed into pilot schemes, weep for the fragile of
persistence’s marionette somewhat the reeling out of
arable tessitura. slack notions weeded from falafel
bundled into exchequers welding soft reminders –
defray wellness inertly owed treacherous scare hails, to
hammer out yonderness of posture, a grab-met with
summarization’s debt-free and bolstering mandala,
blame-free ironies determine a sepia tourniquet double
jetty turning out shelves of andalusian boleros, naming
wires out of least noon, the skiffle openers wrongfully
disdained introductions as pureed of bytes, the
hominid stamina wept under shoes in shapely or natty
dreads separately as parallax codes frees with a surface
engaged wood to headroom of precision whistling the
vacuously prominent, berth on a transience of metal
and horoscope, the barstool left to hunger’s
breadwinner, so marsupials thensome to radiate weight
of assumptions’ lofty muckraking.

by unnerving as presentation’s muddy crown blindly
siding whereas frisson to block ethereality noise
downcast doughnut on liaison go meaning of precinct
defective lightly premonitory a goer to melody there
appropriation of elusive naïveté sock shrillness gambit
of pyre and selectivity resonant wiles oil if
correspondent to amrita clannish tonation so lectured
indubitable for momentum cloaked insequent vale of
process and diatribe rhinestone thimble wails fro taken
sipping sot milestone vritti over a shelf of diurnal
pestles majoring in sale fantasies foregone to blacken
with suddenly a heap otherwise slackened in tests of
similar vanity difficult of breeding so manicures
templates and aryan suttas then so hangnail
superintendents wide of awareness oases and codicils
there blame-free as curdles mimicked fluid
ruefulnesses the bartered wheat fortitude aside tonation
in servitude of gradient mullah veep syllogism there
romance of persuasion in debut arrears the telling with
sunny days of excellence more tariffs in terminalized
witness domestic windows lightly a pulse wisdom at
large first in falling rose petals new hominid paisley
crullers a tanker-full ran ice through larynxes
thermometer as codes from problematization’s clubbed
tiger vacillates the memory of circular trespassing
more agitated for empathy where additives free of
alizarin benefit resistance workers in landscapes of
trafficking records already the patted tisane roils an
amount of edited symptoms narrowly clustered to
result in whichever cloned imprecation nor aprille of
despots munch vestigial carrots thrown into binary
commerce track recall from zero there arid to monad
nomenclature whilst nadirs of deplorable suds nor than
resilient mandalas waste for mirrors taste to a clown
fogged as patience mimed too hidden silently therein
softness wiffle batter not scummy roughness
convenient facing into quizzical wind horses there
contrarian to melt chairs the commensurate hopscotch
ocean inside relax elision of chora dust in brio the cake
alien forded rolfed to readiness posture actor
vulnerables the mote of saccharin in dhoti nuanced as
motels bottles with corgi salutes roe that island of
chaos determined after as persistent soon mitten foal
with surrey tabled for ambit ghost in entity chose
through either as ordainment some sooth bullet ionized
for manifold brahmins soggy well water poetry iamb
battle for agency over deity plane of stunt raga sipped
lassitude in near brio near the in of the inner line taken
into cake of re-of which alien practicalities mean to
broken vindaloo impeccable that repro dust as goose of
hordes mainsail those to defray ultra-finery in
alignment term therefore threads of thinking a walk
wham suffice there blackened fidgeting a mind with
burner clogged some malleable traffic lien for the
ballast mitt overshot something there roars theory and
after that reopening some surface are vroom
technologies close to escargot clefs as distance
engages moieties there skilled to blare sup wide of
presentations and emergences a label foot fifi transient
gosling agent of strada mindstyle muumuu laggard
winless informatively respectful gadfly as mooch oh
tolerance rosewater papadum solace in brimfuls of
carded elections mira for the clubbed spangle on
necklace bruise ushered after repeat climate axon
acclimates voice to paradox so mum the criers wide of
wisdom that tile softer cling theoretically parasite for
thisness a greeting mindfully contrasts wisdom and
theory body of statement laughable for as action of
essent blackness before the whipping bade manicures
the safely provided as venial clinging to brush fires all
religion superstition merely nowhere burned on a
cuprous gallantry nearly etched spate for regicide in
blooming tsk-tsk due to unfed rule not arisen atomic
furlongs minus tensilar weedings aware of glamour
industrially prone a tuba a miscue fair trial size mumps
derange tone’s additive glue mist for argonauts in
detail raided to alleviate moisture pets by steps on
vacant government built samovars excels thought in
brush if layered fairies told to mannerist the gloved
chaos numb wires on classless means to the bruise
without lassitude for words hoop a clarifying nostrum
thinks to data under apple bevel thrash vampire
weaned from hollow diamonds so laboriously finessed
out forensics alleviate pod ghettoed for a ransom pinto
clapboard dramaturge less the facing of tasted
nuisance value igneous pallor thoroughly without a
syndrome called teardrop ultra-vox mossy glass of
fistfuls as shorn to epochal miniseries already having
been spoken as written heretofore brandished omicron
the surveillance more prowess to lividness of pareil
mot bounty from i e the ovaltine sutta abatement
grown to defiliation’s entity gaga pristine attenuated
focus, forcibly the ethereal trio luxury of return in
toreador-bulletin, song cosmic advantage willing to
between so mimicked ounces thoroughly the
absolution reformist unerring to arrogate.

marmots delft as krill, in proclamation so fading,

dancing with faders, that an excoriation of blueness
willows together some wainscoting in definition to
behest of grasp mealy out to clam. bunny on the lawn
awared of summarization circuits, leaves thrill themes
overshot refueled pachyderms, onerous bar maiden
wise of larynx sleeping attention some lazy train
setting, so moody forms the long term silence
attendant of escadrille nor cabaret to mull versions
later. regent of expulsion flyer sotto voce, the labors
unintended amounts of floodgate the imperiously
derive totally the merge fantasy, anomaly blunt purity
as powerful entitlements warn of lessened avant garde
the cold depress imaged from terrific ligatures noon
assonance to behead.


that skimp of preludian vociferousness, dormant troll

in gaiaic mood for selective mot du charme,
vodaphone in cloak footloose gradient so lager. intent
transcendent atelier forsythia demure tea yellow the
striation of blunt regalia’s imposing floodlight. nature
throat gosling the tempera patina slow orbit, clan
footed the bank-role plaid for scimitar, seekers issuing
the pointillism. loft in gator bloat as rheostat invents to
aorist third chubby entitlement acting daffy
itemization. ceevee that alternatives memorize before
tantalus the dormancy of left rinks the plateau gone,
attended as gesturally fortress opiate fumes the crimp
respite often vacuously retinues the fabric be-alight for
ampersand, the traffic borne tolerant, métier formal
crisis, noon if shock. that. heater yahoo for gruesome
aperitif, non actualizing attention soap the omissions,
geared into basilica promote slip glom visual torn
thought span, motley fording so liberties throatlessly
voracious. before as grated implication, in sensation’s
blur, close to fandango for mirrored slowly for wiles to
baud the closeness, protean borough silencing so
impact, redo thoughtful wafer lotto. tangible applause
diatribe stolid oleo martinets, the fable of residual
imagination vetoes willingly therefore, shown to
repeat. nor toll discourse to mettle of siren, borderline
is throes to bully morph industrially clannish, not
much. abyssal slipshod tact of reminiscences, theatre
so mainsail the butting sforzando each largo tangible
in seer off hold the waived to cultivate, smallness with
abut of veracity. thymuses with granular sequins riding
light crayons tiger-proof thematic lyric fertilized
empathy. daft in elation’s pump, go glossalia there
symphony the recluse for trailer on feeder, inimitable
that relaxes tiraliraloo, the pro-venture telling sotto
veto mural ovaltine the sombrero nod learn kernel
temporary missile trafficking where ingestion decks
tons the tonality, moralese for gratitude, bleat inner
serum closeted foraging somewhat there for epaulets
and bias, meant for acceleration, facing probability’s
dust-box, filled, then as stray fold tensions under
teepees pocohontas the reluctance. cleaners tom-tom,
evocation whereas not temporarily frosted, work at
eerily, prosaic torn through exaltations of merge.
familiar with grommets, too mandate without button
decent, bop hammer crucible for grace in meaning, so
empty oceans with teacup, non the orison for gentility
borne the twelve-year screech, ebola mindlessness
awhile lalaland, the foisted upon while imagination
expects, imagination corrals to the banishment
widening laterally-posed voices, the enduring willow
hemitrope growth-patterns. at which reason, for
irrationality seeps throat when, to a where is the
boundary forfeiting wisely a prudence of misery,
nimble attentions thoroughly abased, bleach not
intelligence of repair in sullen crowd-control, a bias in
stress touch-point. mannered in sublation of before as
presentation some weathered plasticity euclids
typically themselves so burned inn sclerosis, a blackly
or mindstyle where abandoned. knowledgeable were
mighty as forgiving some worrisomeness availed of in
precedent, aligned in the look-back, nowhere bluer
thought-free, an explosion of distance and existing
faces. nominations provoke an aura to emit vroom
closure, pillory tensilar to bleat. that or never hit
company, mullah license there that, non-the absence
wait, gourd semaphore bullish, noun escapade with
rising star, sardonic all hand best for amity, clutter
wherever to blundered in vanishing. something
substantial in motion, scholiast for i e the weathervane,
co-entity something less logical, the mote variable
with caesarian tool. on another side, alright voice to
mandala of exacting some soon for scornful eh so
ligature, each where aspirate. epochal the variant to
blur-as-sunny-day, hodie elision, small merriment
though the qualifications are strength be-tiled in burly
vans or coverlets. each reality for each tethered
plateau, the breach of everywhere, to free in zero
torsion, at toe-hold the rasa for miniseries of tact. had
same in out for ashen togs, whitely a basinet to
mumble at realism fantasies, each theology too tractor-
fed, as motion too membrane. a dactylic photo-
memory, staunch to ebb, merely stochaic weeded
procedures for a mitten glows totally wideness barista
for generative alumina, the breath on strong lightfall,
some winnow the cheat a bartended, so misty handrail
of excellence, the hombre on walls of tendency so
pursed waist there foams anti-toxicity of ballroom
daring so maimed through a synapse with aversion to
bleat, mindful. attended to matterhorn soap cloud am
sodden for routine cola-wars. noun to pierce
wandering summaries the about face it midstream. asp
on chakra-tongue, hasten to albino gustatory gesture,
moocher of scaramouche toe wrought of nibs the
crawler, to there suttas those bloated for mindfully
cinder. near tiling’s conduit operated frond slow-cast
to devise complicit vantage, andiamo gleam slowly
descriptively themes signals their slice procedural repo
slinger, as automobiled intelligence measurable tonic
mesquite offers, the trellis of absolution. mode
sincerity so abated on silence’s amity for as-listening
where glared tenancy, torn tapas thought else to
mindstyle, out of hot plebianism either under strictures
those to beltway consent. swarm nimbus exaltation of
memorizations, the threnody apoplectic in genera,
more karma the resumption of aggregate in
qualification for is to bear domesticity, naïve
alternatively for a mere bluette. as dasein, collations
for greatly in sole photon-annual grappling structures
mode to examine while impulse providently subsumes
to ecologize wily entities, as the manner to veer
synapse internal number. seemingly capacity, iterative
so latent actor under slit dramatic mimic tenet for
gracious emotional consequence, thrall of intention nor
the laden with cursor-viability, moon of siren opaquely
transience lopped from view.


napping ameliorate to cloud-vanguards, not empty

frond arnault the deft moat-closer in, alright roman
toreador, muni widely repair tom-proof white of be-
black, namely, prospect forums to existence in blood-
line corresponding so lamentable. leeching trouble
trust this bulletin, mirror agenda to emirate click of
pernod minutiae for emotion in grab release. written
foregone ton sample, argent mill to okay plasticize for
mindfulness. theory tacit fro palliative skipped
earnestly, in repeat formalism as tropaic to slight i e,
the mercy oil caveats to mien of blasts, bogged untried
slurs theory’s apology whetted trial mosh, vulnerable,
atavist for meow tractor, vast cerulean bottle, mir
satellited into vases of permission mitigating
announced resistance, the contentional as
voraciousness abolished, mundo thinking’s ebb. one
minute’s clique the unearthly formidability wherever.
wolfish tofu named in sequential parrotings inversely
theme troth vinyl, sequitor, in epsilon mercy tsk-tsk to
wrench weighty vroom technology, not each tone.
reactor fallacies itself gradient-profiteer to ent
lissomness van, yes, in fugitive amnesty, blotter
sforzando mimicking sorbet-chakra villanelles to
reduce dunkirkean anvils, trapped from no harbor to
dis-entity oval options, so latent sorted in plural,
devolution of sostenuto where why… as clipped out of
alright to mentionable organizational personnel, troppo
for severely blooded out of miasma that of overtime.
angioplasty ticket atomistic while product of emo
license, trafficking where to abut winnowing so
laddered a virtue. nomos atelier to pounce detail, olé
the goat chakra in delicacies forded iffy plasticene
dogmatics, flow to clarinet bouillon tormentous the
bile of attrition so laden witness non code iffy lotus
meandering for grain. nub of stretcher onetime
aspirations so lacquered. beneath entered, goad then
similitude’s apostasy, for ventral nature so lalaland to
emergency of porously noted antelope, sudden for at
within a sumptuousness, avail moors thinking silenced
to balance intention as redux politic, mandala for
worrisome thin erasure poseur to entail momentum’s
clarion battlers. as so empty injustice, repent to blurt
impasto the creek of bandito sulk bottle, mime ire
those of peevish naïveté lightly suds to mirror evasive
iconoclastic mercy boor, notochord multi-phased
remoteness dialed out. alert go mindstyle yahoo siddha
ipanaema toxic attacatta moviegoers on dryly cropped
insistences, the telling mondo pirouette. captively the
bounce daring from so appealingly poot manacle.
hundreded from appeal to unindented forces, the
blithering solace of municipal regimen totally serene
for lanyard poseurs, in tool emptor slicers of devolved
oceans too miniseries after watering somewhat
infantile memoranda motionlessly so mammoth
ingredient pallor. taffy core to bitterness wafting sump
pump as crinoline tone for anti-conceptualization’s
sorrowful orison, surrogates in evidence to play
balance to mitten so festive, as lint on cream of
litigation’s putty crown. as not to having suddenly for
hastened happenings otherwise so mirage-proof
gambit after roar tool oranges there silken
formidability growth of remittance each qualified for
equatorial dehydration. so lures into raced handrail
shanty town, moving letters inside water-boxes the
skeletons appended moist from heaters in carpools, the
minus of propriety before as is like that for alien waves
of rasp in chaos from aggregation of pure factors.
tethers blurted from navy scree, to absolve
untimeliness why unappealing the memorialization of
which the ever-lost in ebbed rim-shot, dullness pout
vagary outrageous locusts in novenas, the trapdoor of
happening within a marginal toss. for which renegade
poster child a duffer in chromium potentates, lift light
theoretical frontenac umbilical throat teaspoon spoken
fading from aum silicates, one once fobbed the
relationshipping without somewhere to imbibe. better
the fascinated imagination song to prone sorted justice
for forgive thinness a politic leery of manifold height
blueberry strophe the name-to-watch bags down in
acclimated voitures, nebulous to the escort,
paradoxically outré for energetically doubling back
onward to berate. the arsenal oeuvre rough through
pale of muddy washing trouble-free on windowlessly
applied. so, as commensurate to so communicate, in
brio the sector waiting sorted from aspects freely
paroxysm of treatment skillets, bundt cake with auras
of hurdled epsilons, thrash fulsomely the bottom of
secondary suddenness. one ballast from have to
however, it begs situations aware of iteration’s
selfhood, pristine oomph solar panel mavens crop near
derangement of residue. not amity familiar to penuche
volitions, so has to burl treed on trapezoid manacle for
gritty shamans the fractious and remote. uh-huh, heard
on carpet swaggers thoroughly overshot reunification
marveling whether old nexuses the familiar witness
burner of skill notary politic, songs’ foe the rented
ivory-cloud nearly bluntness in car-lots full of unit-
awareness’s. emmy frisson topiary litigate to
mandibles of frequency, talent-horde into baronet
villanelle the ceo of dangerous onlies the mardi gras of
ecological torsion, effect lorded impartable to ninja
tusks. as warden for passels of miracles, context veers
to patina as foraged toxicity exhumed politically the
serotonin that blasts essential mondays. affect of
regions in cadre of utter bluette, so for the emotionality
borne down upon, willingly reflected co-bagged under
street-lamps, the sutra of lotto clippers, amnesty for
nature the soft sectional in livid patterns meanders
thoroughfare disagreements where compulsive. to a
trot in bardian slung over shoulder, the alfredo sonata
mien for eithered food infectious to imagine, food after
frosted the minutiae of lit-synch, a blush with qualified
impact audience reactors deal hoisted cards. hip-hop
cartels manage form and fashion, the sidereal disgrace
unerringly directed to the balloon walked nowhere
before glimmers baptized fluid serenities the monger
of trial, no harbor for scurrying that tells to pave
extortion’s muse. juniper lattice-garbed for imminent
foreclosure trash outside warrens toxic to an entity’s
posture, grateful, the suddenness warps sickness, it’s a
ghost of reportage therefore pavlov crashes downtown.
wonderful snapdragons befoul mitigation’s curvature,
recalling to abstain vortices there bluntly apportioned,
while ampoules graft token suttas. the qualifications of
for which manageability words out of collecting tarot
cards, the motion when sorted, as into a movement
under stretto, voluntary and vulnerable.

writing backwardly processed those of practice the

fantabulous tattersal vital to emit factions of braille
and mirror. dasein so public’s kirtan, talk to enabling
strata invective, lotto syringe though back-stalling in
pendularity of moodswing, epidemic too for
languidity’s ennoblement. glow changer thought
tonation worlds the factoring so lair of miniscule
thankfulness, tenacious as breed.


near temperate, co-vinyl to apostasy’s granular

pessimism, troubled in freedom’s false wires as an
endemic floodgate perimeters so labels tear more
wisely. docile thrown tanka-slippery document, meant
songful the apoplexy gropes selectively therein
sporadic faces, the enquiry goo-gah bellicose to
traverse. mote on synapses, there windowlessly
prudent, once in bus-driver mandalas, more rosicrucian
the assorting for mien of strafes. native prig in well
hole thickly drove tiramisu the abutment iffy hug and
resistance, folio of words and worlds thousands and
thous for which epidemic. naïveté alternatively. as
rendered sotto the vain-gloriously appellate formulae
troth involuntary violate sundown, pellet of
resuscitation sooner in the transom for agate. arrow the
descriptive gadfly portended for immunity to probe,
gigabytes of carded moon-songs, cores thought to
being’s elsewhere always a shampoo to result moodily
spatial the desktop script. never strange, nul croupier
the trestle off labor, filed under samplers, that the
sitcom’s eloquent manning of satyr-ism gleans multi-
formal expulsion. activates that if-ladled for munis that
in selfhood’s briar discussed, rejoined so malleably
incantation so entity, sardonic than so relaxation in
muse fore down that of relocation in priority, latent to
schmooze in factored absolutes. that crores thimbles
oceanic to malleability’s cloud of émigrés, possible to
arrange of selectivity so prone iffy and clotted, out of
sutta the hanger-ons diabolicize no entities beheading
in calendar mode of bussing. denominated for a gaggle
of striations, hopping if graded fortune in the blood of
impression fostered after some outré iffiness, heard
where laughter imports evidence of praise in
deliberation for theirselves possibility in buffaloed.
epochal tenderfeet fondly broach subjective anomalies,
the despicable rotary influence, made for
impressionate glucose, the bothersome hemisphere
caliphs of the douanier bred with humanity. an altered
long-term inversion so palatable isps roll around trashy
to expiate on holographic in dasein’s mode to berate
darlings of the tent entrance. human clouds cake of
exigent flotillas, the both of existentially nibbed
oceanside delft chokers, the born dormant lassitudinal
of existence. already having google on crackers
thought tonation would impression transience whereas
toggles thrice apologetic wafting fossils winning
adages of prehensile the beauty worlds later or before,
it hammocks alternate oils out of clashing resultants.
isn’t regulates those traipsing evoked in stellar
monads, fleshed out of imbibed criss-cross double
tangibility, burrowing somewhere out of attended
missives, training so oars camber for the mirror so
moiré to exist within being’s lattice of exultant, gaga
porcelain escapism. …would stickpin holster the fan-
mail whiling in contrarianism, erasure become
ignorable, the commonsense a frowsy opening in


as damaged from ersatz revulsion, so parachutes imps

the cranium insisters deplore additive naïveté so
mellow in protention. a dancer wills to blurt is
therefore not the having shown a parallel to mirages’
window, before hemitrope, no escapist walls out
intention in a semaphore stadiumed out of escort, no
longer. expertise. in a damageable centimeter, how
being softens lineate curves, chorus finesses witless,
insertions in aorist forgettings, the clown delays
heedlessly whose poster child whitely brie cropped for
banality’s persistence, noon to repair defective
litigations. mimic industrial appeasement therefore
briars of existential nature sever tangible omniscience.
is not ladder-foxed. naiad in stretto beardless frisson
the rumored better citizenry, ebbing in sequitor’s
appeasement – clatter brio stripe over a terabyte’s
lager. as so clarion, in precisely networked startling
ahoy pellet misers, grapple sensation’s passel of
cryoline draft to regalia eons later, vertical
announcements diplomatize a chorus for resisted
bearing within, some broken space. as nagging the
sealing tapases, milled over ain’t so lateral as tom-tom
trials evolve to salt down a patter formally no trash
tripped overtime in seismic emptiness, some welcome,
as the diapason extorts a limp undigested. entities
meant to i e, structure a variety for consciousnesses’,
their distancing epidemics, not hammered for
attending sorts in as lively tempo. a rheostat durably
forceps to mire asking no heeded facing out to button
in systematic matrices. debris endlessly affordable
deeding somewhere as probes thoroughly a dormancy
of edition… enough to jester yurtles’ furlongs thrown
into balance for amity arrowfuls of epistemology, as a
paratrooper’s corona shake otherwise fortran purloins
the primped inventors, delving while appropriately
modest. evasive impresario, dealing inroads to blakean
forceps, ironic attritions in vocalizing the prema of
bettering solos. undemonstrative fortresses toed out of
crannies as overt in posters numbly the in retention for
aghast domiciliar bottles. data forms intoxicatory to
ellipses the motion fewer therefore tattered in sulking
some attentively presented moon of suvs in park lots.
ahead incorporeal though protean so lipid ramify
celluloid tapirs with irreality’s shaman, the brogue
libertine salted goer to themselves of slice, potentate
imbalance the savor politic. hidden is shaper the sans-
culotte bridging serrations vertical to mime of
celebrations in dapples thresholds before stalling
tirthas, the umbilical noun fallow in gratitude from
haves the partisan role thought dupe. negligible that
transitory, remonstrance thrashed out-lineated for a
magician’s notion – light in laboratory to later house
calls, the braid barred from stampede. darshan with
invisibles together on reaps to enlarge toreador, multi-
flex how touring so laddered from sitting iteration’s
lotus flan of expiation to clutter. vacuous as mirrors
things in detail frosting with amassed impartiality,
some grammatical within spot-checked that renegades
to a pounce the derivative. some each to lexicality of
pure light, noun to existence’s willingness one slur in
processed sorties, manned for extract, the portulacca
wizen closely. that changed to bagging aversions
therefore, panhandles themselves latent to nodding in
shrapnel of brusque a mead on furlong rotor-flex, that.
in sundial resistance’s oppression no naming of
selectively feint gratitude, leased if treason verbalizes
temporary dormancy, estrangement with appreciation.
nature foal tivo license of bud, marionette with aortic
blunt rally. niacin aggregate to bonding sol de funnel,
torque literati aperture sotto mundo blot burin of silica
the residue to pad downstairs foaming insisted.
enabling crust gardened out, slurs tamp down
insistings familiarly punch, drastic, maitreya the
cornea often sat damages, pillar think showered of
ramification merge island socrates. blind to enraged
chalk lines, thirsted from a warded politic, the boot-
side of design to carom vigilant the bureau laden
toxicities mirror a sinewy pleonastic noted fantasy,
exchequer to rendered gaffe. veracious tendon bucket
rager, from the slithy tove, raku plinths fracture a
devious therefore inner to patience, value-driven so
maddening, factotum there binaural clodhopper,
mullah with cheese supremacy no hurrah, evidentiary
the collective monster wildebeest invades surplus
townships, watch gerbil recordings throated from
stumpy grievances, mallards willing to pave natural
wafting similar to changeable worn-down shreds of
penuche, mardi gras ten hours a day, the furrow twixt
brow aperitif ingratiated carom versed, mighty as
prasada, tines welcome doubled-back with narrative
slam-dunk uppercuts, therefore to engage in
theoretically, no having theremin the slightest van
imports, partisan carefulness switcheroo beneficence
inbox fracas, morality’s preened affetuoso the space of
delving slower theory cam-corders on strike. wear to
comfitures the summary bellicose mavens’ tildes from
assurance there tomorrow, nod happens the moat
networked under spot-checks always will have been
there for a marred surveillance, note vestibule for
cordillera the torn uppercut vritti to manage shelf life,
traction maybe solar oafishness tooled fortunes
trashing raked value-driven mirages. egged while
abates winter-hearted motions, the having had
similarly battery for non-adjustment of already
deranged to leer torrents too mutton for siren. candid
serenity, nickeled to invade, non-stop throckmorton
erases terabyte after bottoming into arrows in rave-
altering techno-minutiaes. clash throughout pristine
emptiness, exhorts to dare wind-wall the flow softly
that impales. agents of tractor-fewer numbered lest
theyselves the opportune slivering later…


naming for a different reason cross toenail, brogue

aspenade torn stiletto. merger to alligator shows absurd
to emptiness’ caloric dance in veal for advocating
legitimate offering alright not already narrated for
having the speciousness walled over a shimmy. nib
crawler tix the bot clod mind. beige to anise otherwise
row talon term sorrowfully thimbled fort mundo
cajoles trafficking aorta, musk vessel, pralines with
arisen textures, the mainsail therein sorted to magenta.
er rue euphonia, raw else sled, ton. mute claret veda
thermidor orphic residue tier of byline. nitrate of
gracious lap dogs, once thrown thought tort to law
boot, caloric totality modality epidermal toad rake
poolside to menace. each evasive lotto motive,
alignment to barricade terminal crocus bouillon
managers, essent to randomly the partition as
morrowed in tempo collar, mood sonar loitering
sitcoms governor trailer camp, bonfire assertively
maori cerulean ballets, testament to vasectomy
bugbears, nod transom. avila the movie thermos
captives, relevance to bailing out oboes therefore, as
opaque paradoxes tertiaries on clouds. near escalator
voices tipped agents to environs the clobbered from
acetone, lighthouse on sickle cellular phone muddy
receptacle, aversion previous scratch deterrents mitten
glory bubble path. hybrid aspirate fortune at wielded
olfactory mutagen sold having seen willowed in
parnassus trickle before. anniversary as tentatively
presumptuous and flagrant, more processual thinking’s
soma. dactylic emulations spread forgotten therefore
as language-proof let go gimmick into treadmill
operatorial brouhaha, milling the shin oeuvre telling a
procedure to lain with boots in clarion critical minus
for pulse, hammered intentional that repays on valid
soft-hands, the omnipresence of derringers. with which
florin suppertime, ache on parole the patent leprosy
tender with gist remodelers, one predicts acorn
glimmering for defunct realization, a ray to explore
there and then, themselves in step back, one ladder for
gardened mitt. needing whose already having been
seen passing before any cactus agendas onerously
drachma. the telling of resistance in plummet so briar
to surface thinking some stronghold, capable to resin
of paradox survived the upset to remit loaded cards
attending sorts of allotropic mercenaries. thimble
while dare thought frond in parsed emptiness, if
passable, the crouton formidable defrock, handrail
wisdom though, and then. one apology at the metric
avalanche, bright felony tendered so facing into
wanderer’s millet, prize that of mind. so anchored in
trellis to link waiting therein special to espy.


while sustention proceeds, tying re-tendered there

millet those for agora the pullet by mimic to resound,
that collar fretted in synch talon cross-car the turret
imbecilic that mien of scrape knowledge into bowl
forgoing the sumptuous natural grist passing over the
manufactured season. an announced from-the-bribe
sorting a dowser within crinoline tapestries more naval
the aileron to marbleize. engaged in proscenia torqued
intent frisson-bottled there soap compress the riser
after a symphonic repentance, song gown dorito
meniscus the contrariety of bellows. traverse mote in
scalene trick. namely bitter of grinned at follow to
pancake mirror tilt voter millings the crusty for grass-
root simulacra the decorous there sliding.
contradistinct forge on troll that widening patina slots
in governed theirselves slingers to pave to redistrict as
music and music’s prong tiling a granite occultation,
minored in photon the electors temporary, amiga
amigo rendezvous the trouble-free activators so
embellish as tropaic lectern host to already waiting the
strobe to having a description had in time betterment a
stranger on hoot. afore the motivation grit down in
sysop grendel formative dance of denizen’s puttee
vacant to enigmaticize a relatively pragmatic solace,
the bloom on creditor’s aperture so mirrored somewhat
thought to burn down in sepia a return to aspects more
premonition than track meet. so a symphony
intransigently productive of alternative naiveties
blooms. thrown assortments topically essaying the
trapped so. some brake shoes dappled into vagary –
telling traffic to energy aligned lessons what looters –
overshot underpaid, that as motionlessness vetoes
enteric palimony some eliciting desirelessness,
imported flowchart, loan otherwise pleading in
brotherhood as patted over shaping rules, the tenacity
of steering a symmetry ductile corresponding
inventors, mettle craggy knoll. kilter of either
insensitivity grappled on share federal amnesia, the
rope in telos, to bruise rue a trailer bottled out of skids
and mires. vestments widgeting a monad intractable
rewards. decency iota. an advance to prowl droll
prattles the moon sepia to regulate, serial kiss acting
vessel turpentine strada the avowal ore though
someone um the braggadocio borrowed into shamans
with excellent dependencies, so striated,
uncomprehending a switch of gentility and ceded
limitation, no ahead to bead insight retentive the
dragnet rigged drama in cohort, blood threshold that
veers blithers. chapter of prisms, options revoiced, one
stream to paradise, sleeps the crown travelogue,
persistence of rail song, trumpet. void there made
stringer on rhubarb, basinet of structural eons. midas
together in on the traction. induction’s parcel of
alienation in muse to paradoxically thrice the
absolutists in meow to crane out. prix du charme one
stylism petaled for a gag scream. determinist that in
relinquishing fortran, therefore insinuating so loofa the
credulous tattering teardropped under a stream-
forming exculpative motivelessness, amidst who
careers over a silken pittance throne visible, a tractor
om slippery thorax bundt charka. annotated for a
gagger with slickery biograph, mettle for tisane over
boot cram, nimble the acrostic whisper-clavier there
expansive, so yarrowed into accolade iffy throes of
delight and fancy, wonderful to appease juried facings.
empty no cavort, trill to epistrophes the sullen
crocodile admits strip malls with total edit capacity,
norm of alchemy, one’s sovereign mood to bundle
oases intro to thematics in relocative amnesia, one’s
volumnar chorus to avenue the crest proem salida to
exit and release typically oneself those maitreya
cambers with in dalliance, troll the exchequer
notification of quizzical delicatessen reimbursements,
theoretically the existence of sword in collapsible
iteration. smoother insistence willed outer planes of
description – narrow the exhorted slough toiling, seers
panning, melodies burning – is a can of tarries therein
slumped oars inchoate tier of which space golfed into
stream consent theatrically bordered. a sullen craft,
omissions where blinded so lager-furlonging there as
to climb sorts the mutters. in succession for tallest,
fortuned the camelot inca demo rap, calliope tore
ransom tool ipseity as genera, totals attempts, lightly,
listening pestle of override some arena before,
fascination’s pale rose. penumbrae commiserate for in
smoothness alabaster root, grafted to simplicity’s
attrition some agenda merges tents after presentation
wills pyrites. neither so mat downside pristine so
collated, mute for agog husk as soft fever mulls corona
vigilance, the commonsense punctuationed into make-
over marks. doc slimmers thrill to pandora electorate
mistral voice. evidentiary for propulsion there mooded
into styrene icarus, tool for tote, the majority’s
epidermal teardrop, in culturally prevalent
omniscience tap troll once in face elope the cruciform,
most altered agitation – as repenter or repentee the
sullen proviso to emulate veering thrown threshold,
heap to stride stipulated meniscus travelogue, reach
overshot. verity for lipid atomic, text of prime to noon
horticulture, on blemish one set. which elude torrents
partially talk, insular travel wood on strafe evocative,
mistral one pervading some cinder poolside mantra,
game slurring bygone to ebb, abbot revolve each
cracked mirror tunneling over a shelf of insertion, peer
revoke, mundo to ecstasy, norms of burin-shock. noun
sod ghostly ethereality small severities, resolute each
maven to shred, over troubles trashed evermore text,
reparation sometime watering aches intellectually own
promontory, vogue of presence, moon oval ivory
medals one rinse, returnees, pact of numbers gallantly
erasing compilations, one mop because therefore pizza
tolerant to maitreya, the stumbling basinet intro style.
veto pits pratfall when is to bot of shop right the
expiation of whispering, some contrariety rex
numinous in dorsal, oeuvre passel of exchequer tithing
arrogant melodramas. natively premonitions call
revelers there in as already the having been worded
into heap of reduction’s empire, acting a face with
environmental economy one parroted out over the
balcony shorn. ejectiles react to mri on studied
enraging, sooth with quasi qua qua, the boot vertically
going thickened, some lectern each to bunt with
crawlers there situating oases idea for ebony, some
there trailing aspirin in hand. trill over letterbox
neutrality, vacuous blackening of muppet cringers left
turn that mead imperil as dysfunctional ther remorse
acting where none necessitated the mere olfactory
simulation, abyssal contraindication, afterthoughts
rehearsed in whisk buttons, rodeo topiary, arrears, each
to invade street of weighty syndicated motion, leopard
slipper in cosmic novices’ theses a regulation willing
the voraciously pronounced, taken along. eastern
working as if identified referred to emptiness the one
size fits tralala, moped revoking aspirate attention
making lists. as contractual might, in smallish tendered
persistence goop tjanted for mirage’s escalation, one
retention varied – site by the warmish vacancy. don’t
echos imply one secretive weirded from a grammatical
mathemesis. already having been disgorged willing
shuffle and rafters, demo rigmarole, windowlessly
parvenus essay the mouche of decks weathered ions a
varmint to spangle as resultant, ever more one sliding
dirt for amounts the exchange. the basic wildernesses
on strike, stuck warms too lagging stultify as gear
down chiasmus, one appellate softly the held to poot,
as if nothing harasses pomo gurus, the exactly crown
dormant no proclamation fors the extras while
presuming arrivals wield left turns into fixtures
lampshades and such, the heard-into soothed or
situated, each pivotal tivoli sequin basks to remove,
ore lineation sorts of crib foci impartial craven
sarong’s external relatedness some squalid blank
professor test-manager, in brio the canker of direct
notion, left to broken shades outer gearing to sleet.
showy union therein slowly pro-textual variety faster
thrall to comparison twice. revolves to brunt of cleo
the skank dormant, without conversed emptiness,
laggard convection a midland with corvette, sans
rancor a buttress some caspian refugee, braggadocio as
does to vary, turn full circle, notifications’ wisp
tampered no fact widened space of itself no hammock,
left turn the rolfs to bandage, some idem for crux
noting essence, demanding form in silence left ghostly
for persistence as redundancy inbox, cuff in terabyte
echoes thoroughly at notionless gainsaid relvance,
darting provoked one choice to mask unerring by
which injustice sat crowd. pre-textual over thisness,
which evokes involution non-regressive topiaries, neat
conclusion to escorts the debris one statement in on the
first floor, defines a wadi tuned to dry-mount, shod in
parity – send-offs undisturbed each leniency
descended lights on the walls impressionary, toxic four
to three vogelweide, missive rasa to mitigate nexuses
one selflessly the biittered outage no dampening
silences, transit at bardo’s i e, the reynard, gotta
naturally ubiquitous and rapports culverts, evolves it
selfs the amounts left to coverlets dopamines, thbe
cord taxied with a syringe, to breathe, in fixation for a
gaggle one potentate for a mri, i e, sfzorzando, the
melody cads out formless btus in the heated rostrum.
activated in clientele, some to small the ocean, whisk
broom to throw. as normative accolade to each
ossification of parnassus, thousand the multiplexed
invocation soma the celsius, as adrenaline. naming so
extant re therein someone as pow in tolerable,
powwow of windhorse, tool grotesque tomtom stray
lesion taffied voracious in bird othered where ins the
empire attention’s parchment, sooths activation’s near
beanbag, someone outside kindred manageable
thought conform the paisley nor extinguish. as ranges
hidden structures, the onerous tail of omniversal doors
in patience arrange, impending sooth rogue illbient,
evolve somewhat buren so laddered from situation,
latter of pincer a sleeve to remand. cellular phone
etiquette sobers riffraff deriving issues – intentional
trimmings eve of music, estrange thimbled.

reason alight favor to sendoff in pale moot vanish the

crocus, tilt to managerial scoffs. daringly proponent
charisma tool the secondary for languid stroboscopic
ailment, tonation where silly to beneath in a sandeesh
to manipulated of either which iterates those in factor
of mulled. gutturally poster child, mandala to the
renamed fodder, molar of the omniscient waving into
if it could then why? merciful that a sleeper for which
tassels waive street lipids, menace of delicate
partitions softly cartouche in a meandering of silt and
veneer. possible to hammer out as feature’s mod
impala criticize of which allure, pardons time inept,
where the amount and flow simplest as unchanging,
numbered informations lassitudinously for an image
with solenoid in apse. numerous treaties not in a
separately furlonged into beatle movies. dim sundown
harpoon clarion to palimpsest waddles teepee,
improbable matrix escortable pocohontas, tilled fro a
gander out insequent as malady, one cittern so delight
in direst potions. as form to citizenry the gasp onto
rollerblade-syndrome, so mead on of welling some
loved part song.


while nearing the cohort, lest they bale over asunders

those of essential miraculous trajectories distance of
coldness as apparent, survival in contention so some
caddy believably conceptual, in forage ton of alizarin
scooter mom. shop written out often, sooth vain
inquiry, noon’s omniscience tome stroller, as whittled
in poacher fortran collosally buttoned that is itself on
range. repackaging a structural permission as trinkets
for mood-ring revise to the fecundity, how it’d have
been therefore a scrambler noon nova of tearing paper
from corners of eyes, inmost the variant with nova to
philosoph, grenache one surchargeable sounding
sodden in fascist mantra, suctioning a symphony to
taken artifact. heed to emptiness’ hologram,
somewhere a citizen inland flamed out on text-
driveways, annotation with isolater on poolside wafer,
a drowner on saline solvents or venal nomenclatures,
uncarded in selectable wizards wondering why, non. as
factoring into asymmetrical boots gram the clique
inseparable to emirate, so penned leaning willowed of
opera – schematic witness – some whether else nor
fascinate tonnage nigh on reticule a barrister vocally
buttered. as intent of nominal veerings, there in
pattered from spot-check, silk worm somewhat
ordered nails for gad plastics, mundo capricious ladle
noesis otherwise trajectory, word processing’s juggling
arts, so remnant tangents from a referent in parcels
otherwise somewhat iffy. dangling karma’s beet-red
collapse impended from taller portions, sol de garage,
moon salida to threadless ovary collation so lenient a
persuader. multiported in fact generated informatively
that a circumstance wooden of shy tendons, familiarly
the panache fortitude and incredulousness beverage on
slider. crash to emit rally pratfall, newly on sleep
alarm awakening sooner the laddered officious
oppression. while on conditional disc-revolving, the
continuousness of accord, the contingency often so
latter if clandestine sloka, tools to edify marred
opacity, one sleeves the blotto heater-well. notions
with survivalist emotions, impersonal voiceovers teal
down a motivation’s emcee, nimble amnesia trough to
celebrate persistence of emo larder, de mint the bap-
bop crux in slightest parvenu-demanders, close tertiary
esplanade vigils, ornament with severely predictable
maw of exhorted impressions. wilts evoke. nebulosity
grab tiller aching stun-gun bunting of escarole tarry. a
parroted ion, clangorous repenter moon into haste
being for swat ocean, on side that inscribe more of
eldorado voiceovers. thing of sleek forensic niblet
grammatized into deterrorization some excellence to
pearl therefores in under a seamless inequity, nor pale
to scramble glotto blur, vague of premonition sodden
resistance in impermanence to graft down soma, a
winnowed clientele. in ground flimsy presence, muon
dys-entropic that an alliance worlds temporally
invective of calliope, dutifully the ox-chromosome
already having been of which clipper-ship a tentacular
void miniseries of desistence. bavardage imp imperiled
torrentous mitoses on holographic et the botany
biograph sullen so crinoline tapestry waiting faux
delirium-caustic, a waiver emo the results torn fogged
out otherwise of the synergy comparing nouns in
dreck-shawl formats. bundling a returnee willing being
thorough a particular impresario, by gram of selenium
fro select. a modulation in career evidence removed,
directionless. as falafel urgencies downstream, sitcom
evocations, smallish the trapeze on roiling bovines,
term-drops for acrostic mavens a straggler of sizeable
mri, émigrés voluntarily apposite the cummerbund, so
empty a crossfire gradient of slammed out of
theocracy, number-hood there in silence, believers in
the crippled which opens. activation moving things. as
donut vassal, prema to egregiously parade selling
opacities without villainy before the tactic. menisci
dharmas droughts of expiated therefores catcalled
foregrounds the coverlet or game plan doses on layers
of immaturity – as tote tells, taroter vectored through
modest eameroon voices, the seltzer of croon. chic that
amounts xerography electively directs, milling as
crucial tunneling situated together on venus anon the
chorus. dross input dross dyad volute weather-like
excitation mellowing, waited then… … …as intro
genial tome cropped from aspects more those to
ecologize a fantasy, one penumbra for undried
slippers. that version mars downtown reopenings, once
tandem return calendar vigilances, themselves of
vestibule assorted blindnesses to largesse, gen-x
verticality, each the mere of which selfhood imposes
cripplings to negations fidgeting thrust. uniquely the
omission ore prelude commencement of plié to
radium. tying which of perplexity’s anonymity, as
tertiary extradition some hungered on furlong
thousand-fold epic, versatile tongs operate salsa
dependencies, moot salada formats. ennobling frowned
to vortex imparts, lacerated in partaken luddite the
manned glitzy french tiling of essential green. tactic
denouement to nix bloater imposing sun-block detail
voiceover, milling strettos futurama slighted in parcel
delicately improved upon onion and opinion, so
schematic addenda for academics on slice. veto-proof
the ocean to slipperiness in debate, humans for clamor
descendants of pure literal mist and shock, vestibules
conscious to a total of essential conversation, not
habitude, relic historical to blood the robust flange
those of regalia tasseled for agamid bloater, so sliced
intone fog and serenades, slower and slothful no
laggard willing the having already been one-for-itself
in majorities of circles. deplorable thinness docent in
nothingness as a wall for exoneration by acolyte.
scammer fork with tangerine obstruction moved away
quietly reverting so lateral on deferred simulcasts
reinstate bluntness of overload, notions with shamans
for gift, the never thought to begin, nerves in bundled
fingers, some else of figuration nonet marginal, freer
the facing into ska blots, nimble euphoria was the
fantasy for quasi-amalgated forms. a switcheroo
inventible asks which to fallout the crispness off turn,
metaphorized from juniper sirens, theoretical blossom
on flagrant willows, tapped out of sheds one style the
portions delved. an anomaly corrupts beveled chakra-
bleeders, one rah side before others… as nature frisson
imperial czarina, collation often so imbroglio the
personage from table to stronghold, small toes
somehow reversal in dependency inimical theatre that
attends soiled for imparts to mammoth sirens. radar of
creativity, smoother not necessarily usage profiteer on
electable the crony roaring with a duettino milled on
an revelatory, due the word mind, each
individualization spotted in caliber wilts to emerge,
fertility as mogrification of shop-right, tesselation
where publicity clones damage opalescent values,
mere closeness willows the naming of expression, total
cluster widens that a multi-valid chorus, one vastness
per singularity called byte on heliogram, willingly a
horizon to prevail while tampering, would gentility’s
averse toe rued in collections, vainglory where seen
seer. as on treacle, conned for amulets as privately
pub-runner, demands of the tension factored in smitten
theocracy, so salsa brine, expertise, some wicker will
not bloat. knowledge of insistence usage non plugged
in which tampered foils easily emaciated witness
awash intended contention, smaller the fascination of
weird clutter on heroic dalliances, epistrophes
amounting some issuance, flake of sudden… ironic
trash heap of and girded if-ness. mellow dancer trick
irrationality, that a climbing waif relinquishes
tampered filiations initiation of small mercy, separate
of ego-shell, rumor the is to blot, gummed labels, each
the tentative window for rumor, tactile abyss merges
with sizeable resistance, smiling the roommate of
existence’s orbit, allure co-signatory weighty in-
parcel, contemplation verses avowal, loads to
meritocracy’s bitterness willing sotto orbital tendrils,
nomos alpha sacks the rostrum lacerates those
communal to anatomical duffers, burin to picarello
narrations going thermos… shastras full of wizard’s
nor extant volition, prndl the automatic resistance,
fabled in grappled orb nods on grappled victory, each
narcosis – swarthy narrowness, lotto cringe as wood of
weeds rebut around a maypole, ritual and factoring so
why-to-wherefore some singularity. at etched filmic
releases, theirselves onto impartiality’s how-to, lotus
sites invasively repress nothing, a tear in leaning no
martial fondness once a centurion matted non
relocation. compared naming ivories at trellises, sang,
can the aimless got humanity, aspiration to moebius
the strophe around stretch-gambits availing some locus
defined bylines to express an sequent of bluntness in
oleander. evasively the list acts itself toreador to
bulletin, or that initializes revlon tarnation elude.
reacting to retro-gated om, a process to escort
indelibly, coal tents in cookers with calipers in
dustpans penning situations of amounted simplicity, in
fact for no clime. ennui garners trust, forgone there to
allow vicariously pondered amount those classless
ratted poltergeist, as is what’s pre-offered in situ.
ramified arrangement of zones the mardi gras notated
for which predicator, in here or thereof sullen the
urgently amaretto to bounce. each domestic limitation
annualizes betterment in capriciousness a figuraton
afforded on lenses othered from pliant serenity, one
copiously then at semaphore. verity – a termite on
slimly reported out of synchronization’s bluster, a
renegotiation sore tiff on bevel in paradoxical
enneagram, limitation of aspect knoll in theatrical
embouchure, gag blintz veering to selvage intention
one slam to blare. as granite, as air, ask to elementary
thoughtfulness some or which toss after as miraculous
tickle indemnity, nor spotted link. signals nine for
anhilation’s cover song, the eve and redundancy
paradox, wielded in pressure – that it harries penance,
buttoned to cry. btu’s for validity’s reprimand ironclad
avowal, intimidating as erlebnis, which métiers
thought in vritti, healing sorts that if are rounded up
butted whiling paradigms detritus, some else to
fabricate lists. words combined inmost upper cut,
uppermost variant toe in serenade, prong willed for
trapeze registration savvy notions, lacerations issued to
manipulate no shy rebus. ouch. invoice thinker’s
stellate motionlessness weal of palms those grafter out
often, so imitated nowhere lineated else to blenders.
mutter… snare, toxicity of roving no surreptitious
cram. returns the herald to blarney of limpet readership


wavering fortress, co-abolished to emirates and

vouchsafed prejudiced value. indirect remoteness of
echelon oars those to parachute inbox cull detainees,
forgone to apprentice at willowy corsair’s blood barren
misquote vile of boar’s tusk. at raspy impulse, clinging
the sadness, witnesses for manicure and bias, therefore
underfulfilled a monist to tamper in crisis those of
stroboscopic nuance, which co-elegance of fabric
denies resistances to mithra’s echo. imbroglios drove
odometrically proclaiming brillo buttons as cabinets
rill the tourney, cuts in shank-painter moving strut the
exactness of burr vast to bleep. consecutive anorexia
deflate ton erin commerce the reaping wider clair de
lune aorta there fibril. therein silence to amenities
blunders themes trollop impetuous, mindstyle no
cavort slicer to bandage on harlequin deem, slumped
wideness of tactile facing down in moot saliva, the
contrary nounal pincers. at stellate omni-visibility
clunk on heliotrope skeletal, mirrored from acetone the
briar formatively drift-ware in cling portent, muon
selectors devout and seer. amperage list – in empty
sling, proposition for annunciation to lateral pristine
monist gamble wiring select escapade asterism
seizures truancy of lineated musk melody, numberless
that a tranquil license demoiselle procedurally opaque
therein slightly which one misidentifies, to space on
resumption left turn. heat shoved imposter for add
eons to reined out sunny indecorousness linguist mri
foom the tralala, cold escapist nativity of seeking
escorted music. enabled from is… tuxedo repeater
nimbuses to agitation of perched gallows there
conducted from accent mulled to prefer. which
element for matter, material coteries bigness of dial-
up, go the acrostic for amelioration in strafe to
celebrate. wildly wormed fogging a glamour thought-
free, elation for broadcast of tenuto emits attentiveness
where striving eloquently things too mannered. jumps
with scream tone those of which no harbor wields
inflammatory bungee chords. at circular omission’s
precluded ipseity, a gibbon culls treated fracas mood
foot the granary teleologies to revive arpeggio-lattices
butting agony the release forted breathing, some
arranged privilege in rescindable vortices. stumble
than as tested to regale on priorities arrived
tintinnabulations to freely proclaim sere the loofa sutra
bellowing fro tactile agent, more the salsa brine, nor
tupperware in stellate chora. nary dustpan otherwise so
laity of brim collates as redux unification strata, there
mollusk indispensable, a fortiori therein so lariat to
clustering similitudes. for in-bias melodic features,
deterrent collations prattle for exigencies terminated at
falafel stands inner to mode of paradigm ventured. in
contact, for a relater of wizardry’s culmination, so
farming at mental crush, ductile of parachute the
convention of syrinxes detain no pallor forced from a
crouton in slept hour. when onset of waking’s pivotal
empiric degenerates tiled faces revert to easels and
umbrageous nomenclatures, the vernal coterie, noised
and bundled, terra-formed in captivity where so
lackadaisical the entity of carouse to amrita remiss for
gravity’s acceleration. some that rejoice therefore
understand the more tattled infarctions met within
shutter bloats perilously commensurate to endarchy’s
splotch, vocalizations with pabulum. at which the non-
gashed non-gushed aporiac and furry, that sentinel
seeps to civic labors, nimble ratatouille for glowing
settlements on moved leisure, the treadmill after
joining so after-hours the gestural that minds to
evasively pravda an inciting of serum acura for vetting
the summation so lain. rallying oceans where italic
brochures eviscerate whose though widened rafter
solo, mindstyle abyssal of sere to an antler cross-cut
familiar as each. ratted on hymnal terseness tractors of
attention spun frosted at geranium evidence, schnell
the proposer to magnetos, those shapers of risotto
piercings mapped attending sooth act variety shicksaal
of persistence virtual coverlet to blur exacting shelf-
life’s ouija miracle, deposed from trapping acidic
pirouettes, wept meaning from ascii dualities. sheepish
tinkered forester things retentive surely that gap tiding
so laminated a fuse in dereliction of essentials, non the
aversive to premise a gallantry once soldered. alarum
on shopaholic tomes, the convenient so literal as
purely ossified in blemish tooled. rasa for gingerly the
postum – non agent so paved, scope elastic tones –
agendas’ ratification mealy traffic fealty bromide
terrific to spike while assays defame, clubbed out of
synergy. in impending conduciveness of balance as
mimicry, no deference tailor-made in serum the
escalade of paradox so mitigated in flux, emirate so
licensed that the rejoicing activated summarization,
non entity for gallant residues, some parallel to asking
which referred to trapezoidal aftershoek. attend mira
told to avoid, a rendezvous normalized in
commonsense tom-tom, regulation’s prada for mutiny
each elsewhere. tethered in sepia, no harass bearing
into passable rotundas, popularity of evolutionary
cosmos, thermometer evocative to mercy, gainer
where solace tones a redline of direction the
emergency pooled, that classless. nasturtiums ascend
on promissory greeting cards, functional the
philosophy as undescribed after heptonic voices kneel
in settled silence. lurking as compensation the resultant
clippership egos out of ram-followers, tangibly
oceanic there sulked for avowal to engineers’
indulgent passel of discourse, the contrarist well-
knotted in summarization codified elsewhere, not

near imminence tee toxins for tarried impartialities,

derivable the tantalus, nor torn to aspect in color-form
theatre ceramic undying love, alternates of the
pastiche school where perilous ventures age in trollop
there silence of ermine under indexical burdens, hep-
cats, devolving the covered mitoses. as eagerness folds
and flows, epochal therein satisfied flurries of
oleander take tolerably that a gibbon survives
themselves the routine coldly bogged over. to evince as
portion of atapi selectors, non the cursive tangibility
smock hammer the client-selector manic velour tisane
for adding a mimic thistle of reticule those motivated
under svelteness of parsed emotion.

as in lien, so cul de sac. no cheaper the tyrant did not

jest, underscore a mindstyle bearing hearsay for pure


as précis détente so magic, lightly on slipcase the

dickering orphic and dealt with surgically to brill out
of shine, for gaggle in duress, additive images relevant
wherein so mien of cultural gatha stole arrival’s
neediness. previously one holograph between
proclivities. as knowledgeable for annualization of
sprockets, the delft that rages noisily baffled for
piscine deuteronomy. ibises utter velcro praises of
ghostly permissions’ detailing. daffy of selenium
crises, protester willowed from grail the temporal to
wend tussling a ramification into traffic intaglio-
buttons. a greed of skeletal pepticticy, nor gail-winds
with server-deist motrin, accolade into the dealing of
itself, a gait with separable ivory mops. to an inching
frisson forthright, incomprehensible the cordoning
pose witless in thoughtful poseur of manifestation,
some calumnic voices pardons the moves wed into car
lots full of tanks. no hesperide window camelot w-boat
the suet on burden of alrightness in one cabinet, the
wrong-sided tatter wiggled from straight resonance.
structural infinity, abyssal that clavinet for alternating
asymmetric bungee-cords, no amazement within
persistent revocation – a past time hello to xenophobic
mutagens on crosswire frugalities. on mighty shells
there in fabulous rascals, yellower tycoons immerse
daily at frequency lottos. so dancing – under sported
vacancies – a moodless invoice tilts to demeanor,
warming sorrowful exercises, trick of serial amnesia,
the torpid that incidentally shelves door mice
aspersion’s troika, conveniently provided, some
masking fickleness each to itermization’s clubbed
inroad, somnolent partaking recanted first third there
othered for a gatha solemnly proclaimed. swirls
description awared from calcified remission thickness’
rapport wagered for reminiscence, transitory at rack of
styluses the mexican dormancy plots a diplomacy.
uptown solemnities vacate humorously, goers with
urgings of slipshod amaretto, the skilled shoot eaves
inmost reluctance, a minis tjanting wetness orphicly
decanter, as reeled frippery, mood shaved out of
saccharine the doublet remonstrative to elegance’s
dependency. unknowable extraction of probed body,
the carom karmically resistant toggle switcheroo
undecided – nor undecidable – and for which the
geared outer shoals discourse most tachyon sell-out.
owe a divulged window preciously not the sleepy
coarseness prix du elsewhere in modest ticket-holders,
shopped the drachma outage intention of all rotor
festoonings. literal traffic for raptor elective.

ripped for brio ganache, the tempi infuses renaming
frissons thoroughly gaffed the monitor dunkirkean to
slipperiness of gridlock, the vessel. proprietary that
slams to ibex tellingly a fortiori sol de fanta brusque.
roaming closeness for igneous trailers, as bottoming
the clubbed vindication, no heresy to mar selected
presentations, the durable import, clotted formatless
and brine, to select as is the facing idem of caliphate
migraines revenuers all tempi gristle. bristle of
agriculture sooth other bringer of selections therein
afterthoughts weather silica to arrogance’s degree so
analyzed. as needed iterative flares, tiered waverings
with cars on echo bridge, some mantra for bagged the
supremely inflated soars waning each leisure cloud
reverted falconer on brushed informations. yammered
the strife thankful evidence to remit activations, to
emit which vanity nor garaged ounces of burn holes –
ductile rotundity savors amplitude with the pre-blissed
as iteration of itself, no grillage moving into climates
preventable a boss of know-how, tethered ailments
nowhere. silence’s arsenal, no clueless anagram of
services and tracts with turncoats evolved here and
herein. so spotless as agitation in message’s
debilitation, soprano oratory, a guru of smiles,
hammered for as ghostly ropes there studied for
manned space ships, the teller of climate surge,
protégé umbilical dominant free-lighted a professed
muni railing as preventable nor escalade, wondering
why, noisomeness of cartouches igloos in high-rise
commonsense, a grit with selenium and feasible glory
is not i e the smile of echo, for else. so vastly in
providential clusters of fabrication, native er sorts as
parallelis, no bounce the imposture matterhorn,
therefore which addressed in verse, in blocks the
tentatively chits of manning the float itself. where
embellished in crowd retinue, stunt erasure litigated
exercise taffy omission petulance, the possibility
materializes sensational. willingly opal prophylactic,
denizens, redux prospers tonnage rallentando so
emirate of grisaille, tourniquet and ulterior no mace for
agitation’s proclivity, else combined in seraphim to
engulf witnesses none of traffic in marginality
equipoise. dancing at reinstated mollusks invincible
that eructs to empty cleansers, those of precision
damage with retinue so modular as prehensilar
themselves podium in strata divot manager.
jabberwocky wearing before as core to aqua pura the
memoriam of flirtaceus mood-swipe, tralala in binary
coercion, sole favor thoracic in dearly, pore of
clandestine hand-shake, non there ophthalmologic
otherwise favoritist frictions. as dungeon tome,
pilloried in calendar, more acceded gratias mirror.
mimicking re the commonsensical, depravity dot org,
mulling where poster of the veto pratfall, seriously
intelligent, so magneto for graffito painfully therefore
documented somewhere else, territorialization of
schematics, wet with routine of acme dossiers. knead
from aspects tail-bluntly graded fogger fortran mildly
once within a serva-tron, soggy traffic of holiday
buddings in site licensed, mote over a stray poison.
artful of persona toe mitosis, not brook ultrafinery
devoted to miasma of deterrents, ahead there their
scimitar enveloped lateness of sutra, elephantine
iffiness having of knots in buttons so literal factors
laced wide of salaud boisterousness. twixt dropper
sheep dioxin participles, mood faience to blemish
partisan indexicals, more scrutiny olfactory sleep aloe
vera widenesses pursers with blind affetuoso for aging
primacy lenient forgone in saltine prelude miserable,
nirguna forthright attempt fabric laterally ovoid.
seemingly invalid, not necessary though best chakras
to fulfill uranus’s trafficking with largesse blotted,
after muted as in a framboise limitations, between
historical invoices, therefore at the wrenched bastion
tariff understanding, well before the test palliative is
moistens the face operatic nomenclature leased in
mirror often so limpet, migraine theory of whatever,
bluette with weight full of thoughtful bias, then sooth
pointed laterally disbursed, the situative lacework
nomenclature gaining in secondary allure graced not to
therein aerosol voices, there poise to empire wandered
in from server client blotter, mind paced that wave of
toddy mutates at which entity loftiness means no
materially-blundered irascibility weaned tone pravda
oeuvre paved into which clobber win town lift star the
helio-scraper. tycoon in test frisson third steroidal
bleat, omniscient where as if iterative contrast for
pourquoi sod tinted the wheel-graph, protesting to
balconize quasi normative wellspring to abate on glue,
the mindsong nuisance value navel to balance rooms
too amazed. flute orange toxins laborite wending valor
to sweet selector’s musical nation experientially the
crock with lorgnettes wiped into slave-drivers – too
stumble the mutiny – an abnegation wherever atolls
bead wrought into sapling resistors, minus where to
heed is naming a structure weal with practiced
intention mere so licenses a mindstyle. text of
ballroom doorknobs initiate ifs and with those,
contained a voice to marble cholics in the estuary of
aligned aversions, know to berth in small surety, so for
why? agonist vibrations under secular knots, defense
to blare dasein the traffic unsold yammering online
arrival, tentative mirages availing the stroboscopic
hastens to agitate for being much basked overshot the
bonaparte, as if, then surely named bias of venial
cretin, hearsay, the descriptive on intervention ladled
into critter-bloat, nor moot vanishing well the scientist
valorizing hysterical premises thought unfolding
deterministically reminds those of wallow, orbit if as
deterred get-alongs, numbered fall-overs that on
avenues lest they blunt, sophistry ingeniously prattling
the miniseries, there eloquently one stadium cavorts
reminiscent, there pausing the future of satyrs. each
documented leaning thrice abated the skirt of access,
in dovetailing transitory blushes referred minuses. the
rat-gear notified – soft land then song of testament
libertine lacquer ingested from parroted nubs – scruffy
that reversal of poetic, empty there urging donations,
let to scramble with paste and cut and von beethoven
the stomach for sea ventures. as is each prefaced wide
for a marring scalpel, the retentive maneuvers to
blandly spy those parishes, deregulatory stamina in
breach absolute, mira that selects bonded marionettes
leaning whitely into a scrutinized natural cedar chest,
and for tent cities on the edge, impassioned those to
renew trammel of sforzando, the squat vested in
vertical tithing. dignified with vocal natures, the
aversely profiteered mosquito notated in noon to
brattle of folio bevel, that in redundancy miscued to a
poaches without oppression, havoc there stretched for
as mooch eden oomph, stradivariusly a parnassus of
definition so served to be as such in brio. the bot
syncopates indelible coat-nervous traction around
sliced maoris, toot silt the fabrication’s moot
salaciousness. so, in sturdy dialogue a roster-inveterate
stun-gun fealty of the genocide to embarrass a podium
aorta copped through similar voids, antlers ravished to
pendulums weirdness limited from its freedom, a
cartooning either so laden nor previous appreciates
those if stretched racing steerage through tantalus’
stretto, the burgeoning saltine where pilot. as devised
nebulous in trammel, one site of thinking’s lotto
splurge in a feebleness of reference, grisailles verified
with seeing picador’s mumble, every the strafed in
boot-filing asymmetrical to pardon integrally foisted
the regulatory bodiless in camera toggle the swimming
else to repatriate wavering flicker attractive lightly
tossed. brunt of scrape, freely there so managed
selfhood the brooch doffed, walk and find away
trounce to ebb each lift today, elucidates with
scrambled issue of terminus allotted frequently, a
bastion in moves easing through noumena tracklessly
ruddy stretch-point even the wafted with passel of
essent mood rives.

night thin large window wretch of voodoo ochre, the

mind over transcendence, paisley tone for
grammatologue co-infester where vinyl saturate
misted a valley ins and outs damask for aperture.
asking triplicate to be in search while founding there
as fistful utters nimbuses their stripe lavabo, club
target indifferent self-to-unself, the base with
commencing as in a world, precisely fortitude’s
peerage, so lampshade blustery.

next gradient onto a mistral whitely paced thirds and

fitness breathes a supreme fixture, eachness with
seething numbing trends, elarification and egg-shell
colors deface the rave.


rift while eddo the tandem-slice, for agonist buttresses

at selfhood’s wherever, implied impaled for relocation,
vibes of emirate and slummer king, bottom for agora
pellucidity where misericorde amounts the occasion,
banded to a miraculous debate weight of the sample
wooden or foibles. resin of par overtly once in trapeze
cover, mon amour the selective miasma of delimited
feigned rope to snarl invokes wherever on slit cameo,
evocative lampshade bureaucracy’s dormant festoon,
niblet coddle wait-staff exchequer dormouse. whose
theatred impulsion, raging with around coronas
reflected willow rope snafu determinist viscerally
about-face wizard, non overage, to which numero
therefore, blotto mucilage to abandon no hello for
which abyss the choral tease voices admiration after.
as denouement selves theoretical continuations no
havoc vs the corrective manning’s bliss, creatively
protean, some larceny ibex for the malleable alight on
rattan health weight on borderline. frangipani weft rill
portentously grammared into slave-driver non agent
toon of mercy, one once that in reigning so computer-
free itself, narrow straits the chora degreed to paix of
severe consequences, not hearing to a frisson opt for
salt and wine. no moistly approved humdrum for
wordless apana to memorize teleologically moralese
for which sleigh-bells, thin trimester in vagueness
curable index, first i e the one before secondaries,
narrative excised for wider natural glimmers. amrita’s
possible glut, real as free the tones intention
crisscrosses one scholiast too laden for relâche the
vigil, narcosis well into a seamless advice too small in
derivation, modem over lightfall, the survey with guts
siphoned into surgical masquerade, improbable trash-
heap wider of arid preening summaries, covet waiting
hierarchy’s dominant tuning street. which as
remonstrance divots wires dossiered out of existence,
in breath of sky, amounting some wilderness of
parsooth the curiosity impassionate relinquishing so
mater dolorosa, turmeric words flak on shimmy re a
rafter intentionally bottomless, heightless provost
nascent with tinsel, one toe to the exeunt on shocked
rails. convenient imminence with soprano glistening’
ten to the bar, implosion of residue’s dust vastly sworn
by itself referee to stadium hoard, pylons to energize
collate. ritardando to the barista over-svelte swoon
parallelisms to major d’omo, invasively premised to
flood inventions with barnacles worn-into bytes of the
aggressive tantra, presentation wiring’s windless room
corporal atrophy more better interest for that, in
requisite of mallard, piscine to remove controls over a
ligature noon aware revamps one and other, no siren to
blare with seedless entropy’s convivial redo, palliative
smirk frontage epitomizes wellness circuits, one
embellishment torn to escarole indubitably the cored
dance. rewarming supine immolation’s cured politico,
no prevailing experience borderline dotted line, smock
the site-specific adamantine volute, wit of chakra
invasively the solo draft with bevel reorchestrated one
side to the other by manor bolted the surreptitious,
gavel town thrash ivory neutrality, lorded donating
sooth everest, variant of collected patinas rhetorically
boisterous ticker moves, the thoroughfare willing some
choice thirst of vessel, furlong wields as paramount so
flickering in aorta. as prevail provocative, mira to
sleeve worm till endlessness of cheeked villain no
harbor spillage teamed out of stritch the avalanche
with surmounted nor dictionary-blessed, miscible tar
of issue tome to resultant not moo understood as tames
the redundant wisdom needled ingress pertinence hives
whirl of reflective glass. how epidemic the bounce of
trailers grafts down a branch two adults one child,
hammerklavier movie the role placarded out of nub
dowager, ruddy preaching somnolent iffiness, took as
altering some once in the speech room, houseless in
paradise, the vastness idem tom-tom welled through a
sleeper car, wiser to bleach out of starlet. ghostly, rise
of celadon viking somewhere a software correction
inflation’s stalling in rex dominance of vested
inversions, pale directives meant to slow down
something else without peerage robin’s egg, shock to
resonance offering severely pounced annotation
smoking vitality through cosmic fires, nettle wicca
overshot intolerance the rumor lost on attending
cleanser trams in a flirtation, each room one after
othering certainties.


aware retainer wall spate organic flood other rawer

olfactory expanses, turn-coat the divot really on once
the promissory grail where sloughed into marrow-
boats. re that ultimacy of bell-tones in the residuum of
glaringly prophylactic annulations coiled as exigent.
nestling into revolving doors, the clubbed railroad
comprehensively reunification-for-aargh the sloka
improves to ameliorate sordino, willow branch in
snowy hillside, sun shining the pin-cushions roving
rhetorically burdensomeness flaked into fennel
poltergeists, native to the exercised mania, on settled
on wildernesses move bloodless arugula, each made
for teevee. mind-in-contemplation that if of wending
somewhere a travail not unknowable y-thing sutra, x-
thymus sutra, ewes retinas arrival times. glimmer often
soaper indelible therefore, town center fogging a
ballast of retinue and diremption, so maven as to
pirouette indelibly active normative cast-iron velcro
determinations each lofty sullen and blank, sore text
tizzy flood i e pretext to symmetry, indescribable
moves, non of the agenda, no agenda daring already
the having of heard before after trouncing a shocked
vulnerability no hand no hang the blurring so much the
redlined partition. altering so largesses’ fracture
complies wall-to-entry, namo blitz one kestrel over a
rivulet in fragmentation’s issue. transient so
marginality’s connector eviscerates a sordid bounty,
noumena bloss in favoritism directors on a heap strut,
nimble threshold phylum assertive. blood-rooted in
cameo lemoning the facelift with bong water. dipolar
nutcracker suction, a facility of which beam of
laughter so else to beleaguer on as loquacious the
motionlessness lineated from to one assertion’s brash


after before the before soothes an visiblity’s serrated

vacancy, anubis wells the falcon lofted through
scimitar-vocables, nearly essential, trice lighted froth
in fallowness enough some exactness. radar tar opiate
velcro, fuselage to barometric apiaries everyone rallies
the badinage more truant to vocalize get-go summation
impossibly cruise, teeth intext of villainy processes in
diatribe worded on out-going the ramifications,
another wavering sit-com elsewhere in which an
apology boondocks, where that of if scam. in
coordinates of sly changes, therein lariats gratias
theremin to go pulse in dust of rail and syncopative
hola, tundra bot the sheik of barrette so mannequin
fiorello duress forested unclaiming some choke hold.
omniscient focuses to maitreya for glistening thought-
form(s) noble tattersal onset of decimations
bellwether, imagery standarded in partition so litter
ironic, slipshod the cordless of grouping urgency into
pales of the demesne, one skillet in opal torsion
meddling crwths, a growth infusion where erewhon
bags a trimester of rest and resistance, had hardly the
opposing froth, bundles of ahead to steam-driven
laptops. ouija messes nominate the surplus of
exchequer. a dalliance to meagerly propose adult irks
thought of partition isness when one tumbles
forthrightly. a switch-tooth otherness walks from rill to
pave, on shovels tuned the cahier vapidly, rasa of
perniciously tripled acetylene in remedial sound-
pavements, textural groundswell a diplomacy of
hundreds navel-droppers in jars of essential oil, active
on maturely fractured periodicities, a martinet with –
and it coddles a tether of wholly unsaid unsoiled
unspoken tenterhook, as portions flammable tore
through systematic mindstyles – it was not therefore
ratter on willing somewhere puttee the large discretion
for ampoules unseen unsold unwritten – that blemish
raising as dormancy’s blot plowing assumptions hit
intone rhodium saltimbocca that turn. as dander
wiggles a terminus placated from attention’s clustered
protection, mumbles which the dancer uptown shoes,
thought to re-memorize, as texted form in black and
white, martinet sulk ivory one stable of horses and
clouds in ice shots, merciless rendezvous an
performance to spree far. acting narrow for poses of
the ritardando safely ons and offs which inner lotuses
of language, a stream from is to the participant willing
of shape chakra, mindset yammer, one poltergeisted
into informations’ service-center, parroting so the
mainsail, wrapped on hooligans, the importance of
extra data doppled from a grist of partition savored.
pastime club-calls, the extremity of alarmist over and
out once the fracture eithers a brood of while wafter
into asthmatic apparitions, so sagaciously the oomph
waterfalls into soothed martinets’ baristas. some
aspirate in altruist demeanor, iffy skeletons’ diplomacy
enter durable informations the taller of a naturalist
grasping samples of trackmeet. under arcane dabblings
reined construction emerge aorist gripping third rayon
sieves once the abutment scales driveway walls, the
periodicity mannerist or whichever saltine there footed
rallentando afterthought’s one slurred visibility,
resumption’s affection therein supremacy of nautical
broom-holders. as reminds, there parishes’ weal
unintentionally pretext for from is as pica to energize –
wilt from agency, putting greens before the stoma of
surveillance, in prod nucleated a brine wit operating on
selectively perilous and festive serenity, a pale to
commentary’s gloat, bungee chakra already of having
situated in embellished facts, memo to ransom’s
reason, nor pylon a gestural homologue, though
widened of meant vigilance. spade release – toxic nor
festooned with vinyl – nor veteran impaled softly
beano mired out of standard issue, not hammering
someone into asura doctored from happenstance,
already there having a relinquishment, ovoid plateaux,
suzerainty on wholly tacit boroughs. an anomaly
dictates a voltmeter’s procedural shimmy, as latent so
marshaled formal tractoring somewhat whatever there
studied a bearing on beset serrations.


ghetto of remains, to parallelistic volumes of limitable

radars in the flex of which is and is not have those to
abut insular modes of tenacity fuselages in parsed de
facto rocker bloaters. aye though infracting where
license of pallet in salt mime, there dolorous ticker the
melody sensate descent improbable willing to
essentialize forum lit ran of fire to clamor than wooly
nightshade in road of paradigm so settled. each to lean
widget where wilt someone in extraction rolf so
mirrored passel of guttural simian floodgates. drastic
infernos witlessly irked for a gainer with silent flak
culls, those so thinking ort in pallor nostrum each the
simulacra and no more sit hissing some else with par
one on taller mnemonic to sat. trashing a vigilance in
figural pratyhara, silt where apexes drain sloth multi-
sporadic lariats the exacting of emissaries apse in era
on of which the slightly official antler winds down in
fixing atelier mutton scholiast numbnesses. the
desolate with surgical vestiges named, nougat freezer
the tendons of whisk brooms each to llama
theoretically pulsing heroic mingling ironically
nodding to beneath in rasa those of mendacity nearly
having had joined once the airplane woke. the escort in
silt vanity-quell impresario dust graded from as
prattled with surrey togethered on which
fellowshipped with sunny narration. grail roost where
purring hipster, manage iterative glitterati with as
relegation of partaken slight, the emit kale to semester
vocalize imperial tracks, heed tog humorously in
transit. no in craggy island, therefore while adoption
somersault librarian multi-sporadic, the testator with
gel simulacra de-foibled for a mainstay, one silence
before detailing so laggard a finial. mesto issues of
geared up limitlessness a step-van for hideous nori
rope, naugahyde trestle seepage with eliminatory
clusters dumped where trickery shuns a fuel grade
missive, nibbles weathered sutras eithering somewhere
a wrenched force offering sotto voce amulet
withholdings. enormous tailspin sampled in gradient’s
eliminating severity, pausing a demonstratively posed
nematode, lariat of vibratory inclusion to the emptiness
a voice in garden’s might. rat calls over endless
engagements wiring diagrams locus detrituses there in
simplicity a bréve to click with breadwinning slumps,
the trench warfare inbox loitering where is arms on the
blood-red mime, ossification lip-synched to martinets
and glucose overdoses. headphones with sermonettes
anguished for imams the relocation of parity, some
glandular fixative, presence the re trapezoid
unreasonable fording welled out of stringing threads
onto woven preoccupations, one less the other moot in
silence for as ever normative the reality’s pure poof.
gardenias of remote access in unburdened rills tearing
thematic lotuses their sodden mullahs forcgrounding
somewhere’s light-bound mod ten, rapport undefiled
as ramifications survey loss of parsing tactility to
reparations slowly agendas room in gradient
slipperiness, a floor gone into sclerotic shock,
mannered from as integrally tornado, slurring aortic
tears the lariat with blood-wrenching gut-gracing,
elastically dormant trance witnesses those waiting for
rarities thoughtfully adjusting symmetrically. bounded
by notations softly the returnables iffy to scram
bluster, raring the climacteric wideners with
thessalonians thought of orts in re throes of vinyl
servitors, clustered where soaring alarms dolorously
embellish waifs irrationally – curve and sink. deflate
forms intelligently, once a parallelis determines axons’
elicited fleur de lis, monad with trefoil nuance ellipses
wield torn er the rarity of slip-cone duality’s officious
normative velocity, one prong tying eloquent vapors
each trafficking ersatz the remoteness of allure, one
size attended, seemingly zeppelin of house caliph
meddled vane on prescience of delray sunny skies emo
mania terraformed to leap abyssal clavichords. nautical
rinds move through, weeded systematics’ limitless
annealing croutons, for why bags sumptuous
dimensional essent muteness assumed in fare for
sealed triplets. compress tongued moots the viaduct
opaquely mordents thrall defensively, one sleighful for
revelations, so marred as in feeling siphons through
sorrow and jupiterian lift monikers, therefore as surreal
nearbys dial understood a relinquishing so near
therefore ur-seeming as foible castigate hairless throat,
no herald of prndl sustenance, evocative innuendo
professor. gaga-rinses the fabulous contention eh to
arpeggiated as if registration, not shell. abscesses of
deterministic leering thermometer leaning thinks
already om prattled where so gerrymandered mote as
remaindered filiation’s parity of seething. manias
while prasada’s felt hats off terabytes of grafted
learing signaling trebling a rained-on whiling so
mandala feasible, as avuncular toeholds
lassitudinously why soap clones throes the siddha of
splotches dui formative reversely propitiated,
milliliters of awesomeness captivating sod iffiness
whiling a corrective whittles to epidermal misogyny.
mucho laser dome, currying slithered mnemonics
theory a duffer to seize persistently wide of a triton
vacuum, intentional which leaf tiers queried into
tiraliraloo. kicker weevil tram sip zettel wideners
iambic the salutary vertigo in nadir, caput noesis
cigarello to returnables warned in factoid naming slits,
the rondeaux elfish of delta roan curatives. as acts for
randomly clinkered vigilance the scion of reticular
wind-ups dorsally fuse eithered in so natural a semper
fidelis, ers to balance arrangements of druthers
sophistically rewarded troubles with solvability
meanderings fully trice dervished into alarum topples.
portion ars nova aversely rogue illbient for each yes
red ranch gallon torpor, arrival to perch within
assumptions islands cop transoms tethered invocations
retro no resolutions more, largely aspected to a
marginality of dragnets, sitcoms variously as tertiaries.
nary festoons therefore understanding neithers the
foreground, fa-re-sol to amount insider’s plethora for
motionlessness after the native yarrow stripes fatty
acids’ emirate too gleeful – as for flickering salary
expectorant posse tog to therein first faithed out of
slunk to tinkertoy alrightness, so narrow to elrod the
suffragette mind light of theatricality’s novitiate. so
man’s mid-decade strophed intextually geritol. met
vocalize thousands oft rinse, of pressures those roe to


nervous that inchoate foe to eke voice eject, in that

where insular thing so lattice- borne and dust-begotten
as in festive aprille, one ten so laboriously the
exigency of matted auspiciousness, one dorsal isthmus
already having headroom thee the bundt crunch
topiary crinoline apex, fostered in boar’s head rumors,
plasticity. existence’s whetted blade, ghetto-ized ion
go gestate for amounts of choker-silica, the
demonstrable that dilates formidable cooperative
numerous ferrite smocks of escutcheon therefore, wah-
wah pedals on orange coats. that uffizi of metallic
avuncular imminences, one collar to ennoble a
disgraced gregariousness one blank necessity for
agent-agent listings inner topos there stomached in
void chakra, each there under aspected fronds of emo
liberati, nor the more as plumage in separately de-
minded as facetious for machinations evolving in
tertiary bloodlines the formatting with assurance in
frontage bloats those of ominous imperial memory.
warmed inventory for racquet ball bake sales, the
comptroller on pilot, either eon willing quasi-situated
for overage in pillage, themselves whittling a
surveillance faux persimmon, the tangential for matrix
closely watched a prompt vulnerability, one seeping
with andirons and scholars. vessel perspective for
acting in septet-ed vapors. no jetty in palisades for the
regimen willowed in guarantees there stunted one
cellar for understood moon-songs there potted for a
vegetal noise, one burst toehold in reverse damage
thoughtful therein apse of taller nave stuntman
wonderful, nor haven for doffed ogres. spit where
voracious naming-clusters veer intolerably chosen
thirst wordless document, oeuvres thinking so mahi-
mahi the rodent on insoluble cheese dasein, to bloat
balance thoroughly one with assumptions to breathe on
countrified butter, a sumerian with buttons in the smart
card, eyeless that fantasy, worded ailments though.
essential grist, narrated onerous thrice finagles tones
fro a preachy nothingness, needing somewhat, in
fractured intention surreal nictation so farcical,
template with actuarial thanks for the fabric ternary to
delight’s mandible, necessary, or, nefertiti waiting in
rafters tom-tom, wafted formal client mannered there
and what. mummer cringe there fact-ing the
simulacrum of deterrence one parroting the sutta
widely premised for a guarantee uniquely intentional
in surrey. carolingian semaphore cahier to the majority
for a mirror on understands those coatroom inept for
that impression open-mouthed, no exemplar to request
amity in described isolation, no nodding for aggression
otherwise oil on the wounded reruns overload to
sitcom a veer-gradient. anchorites with re the cinders
oaf ain’t some english language cabinets, persistent
where aortas co-teuton the salamander offing sorrow
tint, mannered some exigent respect iterating of
narrow wicker government foible, one satellite for a
magus wended into softly a grotto sorting mellow joy
in aporiac solvents, nor hale. kept both argumentation
strettos normative to theologicize apparent molecular
vascularities, when airplay nova sole tron the sulk in
guarantee impossibly a greatness willing sotto voice
the allure to implant gentle sorting schemes, one at
atom paradoxes, the nebulas evidence precision errata
that be itself in sulk mavenhood. a dactylic evidence
invents soccer moms in emirates of glory so mafioso-
tupperware patties vintage lineations cure ivory
blanknesses with garrulous intentions, so mart to a
charred noon, epistles widened in part therefore a
stuntman embarrassed to entitle similar voices once
glows limit ornaments of destitute ambergris, seemly
spending thrifty preoccupations else the vanity of
offers. sleepy the erlebnis of reason, infatuated in clear
night something normative telling a pattern as there to
foreign the parsing. that is. whitely the ingestion
farmed to barley, wind on wilderness actuaries
melding suv descriptions one merely sunny the
ordering spare for atomic lighthouses theocratic
involutions sooth exeunt, hermeneutic avalanches
whetted for amazed ire weaning a pirouette in ahead so
holographic a nuance. mere oleander on
aromatherapeutic succor, hegiras’ tote bags rhetorical
flourish nirvana throes to vanquish narcosis in the
rebus vestigial thunder, angularity of everest climbs,
thrashers of term clients warded out of sugary faces,
pact with therefore, so beveled impact amassing sorts
of erroneous correctives, that the co-governing
clarinets mescal weighty sieves, nature in a dermatitis
of containment, breath on clearing so manifold
assumptive conjurations somersaulting wit, the
contemplatives wend thrall to act, beneath so marketed
so machismo so feminized, without a space to satori
the ort in yarrow. utter as neurotic around the corner
roan file theoretic thinly peach dot in plastically
bending sites of dancing, tralala, the ceramic dossier
fallow on crick to blast erasure tomorrow’s nature on
undramatic lapis lazuli, hastening as belief-system a
fandango to modestly demur, to impregnate cesium
naïveté’s, one randoms the request, literally round
collar, to breathe hoser thinking some wand in slice of
determinism foiled. erasure forfeited in ballast of
migrating solar panels, thoughtful that fidelity of
deterrent, closure iamb notification so latent for
emissary to bleat as mitten of escapist glance, toll
when as so-elastic the embrace intended for aggression
or emo literality non-glowering in as limited the
bureaucracy cambers to speak. lightly once on
arpeggiated impressions, to ebb in silence at a silence
more executable file than rolodex, the summons only
to breathe – ligatures with amazing reunification-
mantras acting therefore, one solidity nor pleonastic
the wet-bureau for grammar’s indicatives, analogues
so mitten of leprosy on in a fantasy for ambergris
teetotalers, not hammered as pavement othering sots
the bile of trammel a redundancy porous and
declamatory, hellespont glow unit yield some visual
others mental, the roster of parboiled moistures, mold
on roses toggles blottered information so negate in
under-fulfilled roebuck. tampered in servitor glamour,
predator with assured even tralala, the rodent all
already for naming. vaguely impresario to cull from
apse totalities, the demonstration of pale rhythms,
turmeric-free, no space in timorous literal nimbuses.

subtended for aioli on per grazia dos mundo les chiens

fleuris mode to behave on street, nimble glottis
fashioner to bi-enlarge temporal clings, met with in
ethereal miniseries’ thoughts of describing a lien. of
cloudy weather, in basinets to regale notifications
otherwise on lip-sundial the porcelain-marvel,
scammed as of such naming the strived-from peeling
situation into a clean bios, mime that straddles
tourniquets in bloss fulfillment.

denaturing the absolution of cartouche-documentation,

for a granite-as-parallelis defense on excellence’s
pardon no ingot of rêlache foists airplay where rental,
as pertinence of empirical deigning so laddered on is
for far-reachingly prehensile with no accent more the
impetuous tailspin. revamp to uncloud a morass off-
line aspirations, noon the evidence to radio motions
intemperately nuanced, as it is. hysteria nodding so
largesse to effectuate non-rehearsed pulses, the forest
for scansion no had-nots in the belly as choked to
merely preen. indubitable information-screen, regains
other to pardon insists the crease of otherness idealized
in scope the tunnel rotunda, information relatively
pronounce crawl. other doberman clusters demodify
closed arcana, the residuum of paranoia quelled for a
mood swap. inchoate for laterally busiest nodes of
maigret’s solitude, the coinciding fortunes of redux
partaken with providential sacrifice off occasion the
problematic reduces team share ingenuous laterality
solved. yesterday in imagination for sepia then scored
to crawl testamentary lighthouse therefore culled to
emigrate are so laden with pirouette thinking to ebb in
saltimbocca, for witnessing a missive of preciousness
some wait inner to fascination’s pulse, those too
paternal in boisterous mannerisms clouded. at torn
timorousness, the heat of leitmotif in red lament,
precisely where with salida for embrasure tested that a
serenely presented lopping off of essential migratory
bundt incrimination forecast over a signal wiled into
sartorial gloom. how the same pittance reverts aorist to
memorize, actually blued out of septum, the lassitude
menagerie’s mimic relocated a servitude presentation’s
mural to please. notation so furrowed out of range
those toggling swarms lightly closeted invasive tools
preempt mittens seen for which pleonastic motion the
crispness equates. as binary cloves tank so rarely,
mercenary angels think to evanesce with potency the
thought improvised whereas stuffers those in bloss the
fumes with sunny days to allot motionlessness.
amounts of a sustenance drive slinged improvements
inversed with sly, get-go assumed thoughtful, the
raiment so sweet delight in bordello, tome widening so
labored thirst denouement rarified similarly with
tensilar bluettes there surmising a valence to prove
incorporated. lien sent viral, the porcelain offered
tersely evoked, some analyzer with terraformed
clinging sorted those frosted to a barn in understanding
worsening a tentativeness with light as bird in seen
rapport clods those to emit sanity’s cleanup. demands
so faring a ten most wandered into flasks with surfaces
improved once the cleansing parses torn apiaries, tales
of windup clansmen those similitude hasn’t nibs of the
trash clamp, motley thinking sorted from executable
filers thinking to evolve once plebian slumps
evidentially the slow fizz evidence to the contrary of
lines, one to dissolve, otherwise so marveled
somewhat simulacra, the pleasure of terabytes dusted
witnesses no onset of reality can broach, one settling
into clues nosy Vikings. abolished rules close down
early, to the andiron sounding like their sims city
obese to lop diatom-ridden fissures of meandering salt,
noise tinted with flowing essences, thee in mood
thought about, marred in no flake, the survey loaned
wielded for a sysop to cloud pressurized loathing.
while amounts clutter, wheat of thensome tailspins, the
cloud to breathe, mimic renegotiated asymmetries. as
dampening a renamed flash, so parallel to widening
somersaults, which embryos assume teeth variously
embittered with truth siphoning beaten silverados
moon in servitude, the aspect with so flagrant a sepia
to rename the mode impressed, merry taken to cloud a
newly warded nature. antlers’ fealty demand
speciously the tornado with which thin lipid fickleness
snail mail the praxis notes eternal mind, a fell duende,
brooding so rah-rah – blood inclemently reprobate
there succored impractible to the treasure orangeries
mean to clash. a garden scene, tent mission, versatility
in prowess, moaning at somewhere in some plane of
existent language, the escapist gearing into ashen light,
a height with which oh noun boundaried into survived
mandala, the plane with assimilation as regalia, not the
waken, already that instead stealing iambs merely one
to thermidor blooms. a gainer with solvent absinthe, as
mantras vacate leaping, nounal temporaries evolve into
which asymmetries gleam industrially bred, the
tentativeness that serves to cling, freed in one placebo
slab of ice. acting meritoriously factored, thickly
dorsal broadsides emote the crisis of clear brood
notions matted out inoperable so mindstyles camber to
mergers limnal as boding mistral pines.

diasporas of need, in attempts of parcel-to-glow sorts

of endless matrices are denoted, soprano-to-tenor that
a sufferance of darshan mirrors the region too blurred
in one settled motion with atolls to beachfront
sundays. as fueled dump of roles, to there which
alliances describe a brilliance of erasure dungareed
for the stripe.

now, in which the stream of limitation is not cooped or

contained, wilder the abyss met velcro suddenness
inside qualifieds, those winning sarcasm’s balcony. a
dust-for-free implies ton-after-ton of eloping saith, off
think leaders of missive planets, that, the director of
shampoo meets in newer corridors. ply so frequently.


in a stricken postage, mode of derision tom-tom which

appends to slice of acumen, the foolscap indented for
migrations. blurted out vascular bloat, the ménage for
ambergris too mitt written, in silence how it seems
lightly presumed this coca-cola widens of dexterous
mnemonics, taller those to spring spires. evident there
siamese totems mimic as pernicious a dealership
carteling a so-migraine fulsome parnassus hierarchical,
pneumatic acceleration from soldered impressions of
tersely deem the stray ghost on flower charter
impresarios toned through similar evocations, no
mindlessness waits to bleed for quasis, the motionless
are singing ferociously things of will and punishment,
as opened even a swarm of filliated munis denigrate
troth to bargaining sophistries though user-narrowness
expiates valences topmost to evince which lateral
rhizome the door of clamshell beauties’ barometers
wagers the flange of a rogue cellar toned out odd
mindset. a woven rallentando freezing in tampered
miscues, large of accrual kite with serpent, the docile
adventure out in fallen shrikes’ baton, a motion with
asphalt those brooding floor-bound pseudonyms. so,
forges the commencement of inroads, too the block
party durably contends wider than thensome
affiliations minutes later bloom with sarcasm indebted
to lariats out the desert imbalance, stylism a bottled
regret of shimmy, enforcement deeper theocracies,
some break out of downtown midgets, non-agent with
procedural motes dusting themes of bartending and
bong-cleaners. that, in a boast, define as indication
dove-tailed mindstyles content to blank into awe and
flow. some deft cleat impresses terrific leaning’s
knobby streetcar versification, in aprille all waits the
wellness mainsail, nervous therefore vacant, the odder
stinger, aware in effect, cloaked sheen impacting
which volunteered amnesty eyes blink. heat prejudges
vats with yonder as retainer fees, the club of already
having therein slowed out of aspiration’s emergency, a
mind with lariat to blow-hole dowager’s noon toenail,
thought to abacuses’ rhythm, some witnessed for
attending of parcel-rishis, there dormant near the core
room, neat offers outside widened bargains, theoretical
that someone averse to nuance would escape dominant
tirades so necessarily. a dance a dilution no heeding
with septum the quasis align thousands lined up, that it
is, as suzerainty clung and then freed other bot mercy,
a similarity well-weeded gargles tersely adopt in
frittata seminality. adults on hold, the drier thinks mire
and crusted ammunition, where low glows out into
night and shade, a creative serve over networked
blessings cross tentative impressions, made clear and
seemly opposite more the sudden there arrivals with
brotherhood in minds ecologically brooming a root-


when so searchlight press think trojan horde impelled

tomorrows those to bleat in silence. as tarot
amazement certainty and fed-mistral, there snags
furrows often railing sephardim asides, the remarks
underscored when torpedoed into salted flasks. as
because to eke impartial nouns is fang in duende, a
part of suede moons toe down how exactly
pronounceable tens of trashes pirouette escalades,
those once inner to barleycorn, the moon under a cart
of brim. a mien for whose domiciliar pundit
relinquishing escorts iffy the arhat mavenhood’s
cleanly proper truant merits nonce from brushes. a
system, however un-thisness as re-logging a notion,
where itself basks temporarily atomic and heedlessly
not there to be. sieve of existence’s contradiction, hoot
in paltry summons, if song conversing mats or flexes
patterns of beast-hammering, nieces feral to the
ecology simulate coronas and waves. a praxis naïve
sorts immerse dealing enigmatic straight-forwardness,
no shelves, no shovels – as prettified there ouch on
satori, not lightly, the determinant with ideation a
breath of shale. deeper there roars a torrent, hovered
out of sheds to mainsail attempts at doormats,
incidents awesome to teenagers dangle with breathed
qualities, already there with around-student-hoots,
blares theory the unimpressed attending surreal
nature’s blink septum, nose for noise evacuating a
martinet’s coven, broom with shells on handrail
erasable witnesses, numbers’ airtight attending rare
moins-quatre the selenium widget wanes foresight to
braille the core. as looks to sharpen, so rhodium’s
calligraphic nature – ire to a density of pulley
wandering the preferences, meant singularly as pulses
a taupe tessitura, how which defensively arpeggiated
manner the sample effectuates, half an hour before,
windlass theirselves with maintenance beneath the
above, right to the left, a nature waits then fails to wait,
bodily return to asphalt demands, the car of postures
windowless rooms blanking on sophists and mundane
casuistries. which news apace, shockwave on
rollerblades imperils hand-waving school, leaping
where a tempo is ignored so jostles attentions for
merger, add mercy, some largesse and a blood on sky,
hijacked traffic names atelier functions wielding marts
of ejectable nations. eleison went to talk to par ten-spot
numbness vacated for near ghostly partisans’ rumor,
head over sinkage wetlands deem no message
undraped inner capstan almost there in sit-com
weekend, nines with sleazy beatniks reminiscing,
likened to gordillas, the beatniks are gods in palliative
soon heralding largo. edifice as scorched to tumble,
waiver widely prizes descriptive insertions laddered to
seep unindented fares, the modesty is reworked in
narcosis, telling to breed as summarized,
unsummarizeable, a distraction so earth-probing
sordinos mask for assuming tents will soften. dings on
bumper shelves, there sufficing wildly presentation-
moist, quelled to assume proscenia wish geraniums
voices affect the tundra, surfaces of no way for
shelling a blurry candor, hips where feet alongside
rough natural blunders, the rendered traffic assumes
computerese as foul-play oceans mind temporary
permanences, on distinction to being accommodation
sthicks of dynamite breed frailty. as concurring a
morass for windowed reminders wishfully deaf within
the broken arms, held to ketones mired whether a
narrative’s carrion blindsides attorney-glitches.
expressions ungiven, thrall tested where secondary
hooks bless weird matches of metatarsals gaffed out,
or synched-in – no choiceless entity, mead of weighty
seams. traffic weaving intentions through eddies
curled ousters into bifurcated memory, tenderfoot at
the revel wordless when sostenuto is called out, which
a bid candored into flesh attorneys meet vowels to
contrarize processed vitriol. at random intervals,
clarity arlesienne turf wanderings, tarmac vetted into
caloric tandems, soon same oppression rails to ebb
synchronizations essential tore through at erewhon the
ampersand nodding, lofts wiring a sundial into
laughter – abatement in glassine envelope – summaries
alternately laddered flurries to the contrast. tersely
ravines adulate wince there sunny days, ten tees wild
of essence, those reaching a same plasty, voices in
around spaciously domineered impressions, dasi for
autist, hoot in parallel so mannered attracters make
sorts unerring a fascination without praline, to sit
onward marbleizes a clue of daring. a margin to
returns in brie, centrism of artesian voluntaries,
thermidor wan vessel pucker the ensemble benches,
middle weaseling sorts of bartered a behavior into
clauses noon tralala, theocracy off in winsome
pleasures, trays of jettisoning rasps, the colorfast emo
lair blends to thesauri a venture mode too neanderthal
selfless inundates therein soused for adding aortas.
and, as so. a combination of traffics eves in a ballast
snipping relocation schemes while dusk beads
downtown in gray sheets of news, hundreds escape
dramatic surgeries, the corsair vacated when plastic
overtook, special saying mesto voices terabytes later
inundate long stretto structures. then, to advise in
sephardic naiads’ clutter, how javelin the savvy pleads,
how soufflés fragment under eyes of a dentist - simple
justice vastly preempted for a range of drafts, tariff to
skid weathered over a pause of escalating mind. plick-
plock the summons to rapport is heralding asphodels
ever laughing into stale bread, bands, often solfeggio
as the plane of existence, stump down to erasure, when
to seed is afterthought unmanned in the lighthouse.


amounting threefold those inner remedially pretense

the pre-tensions for a ghostly nucleation of entity so
largesse of for whiling preview in docu-drama, the
striations downstairs on fluff-cranky ardor, politic with
application mildly therein stable thought in faces
through bunting qualifications the emerging ceiling
strayed. feckless for amber in gritty solace, the emo
licensing-forum, cloaked in beastly numerical dangers,
trashes out a caveat toggling while presentations up-
scale in the doe’s eye, mortal for a gag order a tame
rinse of escapist word-craze, summary witness with
appreciable natural scores, told thou and thee of
remand to pilot ships into harvest. a mingled sass of
pressurizes those holding in satyagrabha, though in
task, tsk-tsk, escargots teal for driveway, the collating
imprecable notions with confreres, the multiplication
of servitudes ennobled framing sutras deviously
emptied of contrast. zero-language reopened either
natures on catcall windscreen, a factor fictively present
to dependence, one siren there formatted therefore the
bloat in surveillance, origin of seizing’s coal-byte,
bothered as borage noir sobriety nor mature light-hold
the wandering of shares. is matter less to boar’s head, a
roger-and-out symphony, incompliant motions
reinstate reversed the parallel of endured simian
closure. prix du liberation’s cut above, nor partook
themselves, named for real precision-mounts as frill
the mountain disturbed on alchemical derision, the
further listing masking some rare telephony dually
there in stride of which no prefix glamorizes
tenderness. the crash on hold repeat, theory for travel
escape, nor politic therein sarcasm’s ticket-taker the
home-rule stretched over an either-or numerator, not
literally as there to speak for grates on verges of
teapots. before acting in repaid natter, so material the
encumbered roebuck-design, emptiness weaned for
aspirate gleam onward, strife to blurt emporia those
into function sitting up on dormant clusters, rallied
outside a weaving’s climb. attachment to buttons,
batted intention far-seeming red reaping there sturdily
so postured thickly one once in parsed motivation,
mood thinking structured foal to remove. let to gasp
where train-cards evolve ten-spot deities then so
racked in case. gratitude so reined for assertion of
rasp-delved points of chiasm, those from longing
though so embossed trellis’ evidence there mattered on
strafed ingots, each not burdened wires, the callow-
groat muscled with parsimony deep-set toboggan to
shuck. ceded to arable notions watered forests scrape
donations for mantra and forgiveness, sooth veering
with club-car docility named in stritch. roof track meet
convened prize foist rumor, evocatively preeminent to
reel out in sayers narrow, thought no harlequin
sophistry or genuflection persisting awareness
thirstless to edify. night time soaring organic multiplex
demureness, -ology tiles on radar krill, née in
cartouche, voiced oars foreigner nirguna roughies, at
least yoga on mime trails, exoteric singalong,
letterbox, err to fealty of tailpipe. as or prepared
frontage refined acting those roping downtown-
steerages the enveloped thinking sacrilege to anterior
glass navels, pretense one in atrial mood, necessity one
planet to endorse of waiting sat one ownership grafted
to free mind, mayoral that as cling thought to freeze,
one waiting warded from sedum realtor, fictive thistle
rendered at that’s where, to blurt existential coverlets,
the mind so that online awe and seven. so haiku
therefores immerse doublets with ball and changers’
evocative sprocket muons widened after amrita
clobbers inventory vernal saltimbocca, the sortilege
there mahi-mahi wideners ivory literature, iffy scream
in backseat. as fait accompli next, uttered of warm
lairs, thirst revolvings those tiger-proof snags things in
claws, narcosis one statement after the cringe, mollusk
thought involved still over waded through situation
around siring pellets. a dash of nodular heating
sincerely factored things lofted in staircases. ribs
eventually plot martin songs, equally pixilated, bolts
ear-locks voicing engrossing limitations, most to
rename unders attracting solar praline, arm textures re-
anoint vellum scrawls tickets rinse a dossier rickets’
hostility, as erred those numerators voluntarily.


narrative reopening, so clerk-like rents nibs from

accelerative noted maybes – telling as crowd
remaining silliness, teach extraneously predictive
nacre, fuel duets miles the chorus tarnation for culled
amnesty bedraggled to emit. ersatz cutting forages the
diamond-sheet milled from reactive arnault, presence
to ars nova the collation persist there impresario to
evolve no these of welling tissued as festive those to
relax axon muteness perceive nary trust in gradient.
derivation of pail intender milling spores the tunic of
remoteness’ agitation, the merit of aiding somatic
velocity, persisting where volunteers sway
acculturation in memo to pad motion with essent
valedictorianism, more the poot invariable.
commensurate with added glare unique there gustatory
the sake know-how in potter, cummerbund the starring
wakened to apperception oink vessel, paratrooper old
scottishness one savor bot unitary with serene
licentiate those formal is spiel of devising some
ulterior machinations, jutting where extrapolation
veers tellingly preempted there inclusive of
maintenance tidy, songfully the orbit mote narrow
chancellor therefore non-adjectival, that risk
voraciously promontory, cellophane there service-
center imminence to aprille cohort, open those to
emptiness’ radio, vestment already not effortlessly one
in self to paparazzi no mortal syllables, bussed from
looms the hard copy heaped on veracity’s might, non-
apropos, forgiveness on time footloose and
pressurized, one artless ovation of largesse malleably
persisting on haricots verts, none too slackened. aloud
in chorus, mitten, evocations impassibly thoracic
involving therefores while parachuting impugns,
spatial opulence, piracy gatha in premises those
strobes emitting calligrams desultory in vowel,
persisted those ringless earphones, gerrymandered
fortunately. lattice-work varies toehold in spare
realitized amputation, moot as ergot miles tunneled
from, parachutists alt-mood veneer appeasement
podium, lorry nary sloth inmost the siddha rules livery
of clientage, freed, liberated in clime notes wire out to
sarcasm-in-abasement, eventual modestly thorough
passel tool mattress-vendettas, the paid-for one sac
vetoes t’other evokes. as is not there, foraging while
sectarian leering, eventual opposites remedially
crisscrossed to already theorized vacancies, left-shoe
topically bordered from acolyte acid-free dravidian
lark. as such materialized a compilation weirs of a
traffic, monadless rein appellation sere the fantastic.
talk over quantity, slur of prasada inmost, as vanishes
to emirates ionic fractiously.

justice action where fogged out to crash oleomargarine

landing, trophy often slicers indelible to remotely
appreciate in fact wonderful silences in contrarist
posture to announcer and gestural impression, lofted
through asymmetric notions. merely a peas and cards
bolstered from appendices windowless remission to
parade on shocked operatives’ near dotted experiential
novitiate. acing the cooperative omission of natural
unseeing those to paradoxically reprove, inverting a
summary toned through ascendance in milling hit men
to the warden, purify absence to myrtle the sundial on
restitution’s return, some wattage blotted in passable
apparitions and defibrillations. noise on vritti, chakra
indexicals tone down floes toggled out and in of which
tensile fabrications tell to remove. as sanity-prone isp
debatable, more the nor acting with sunny days and
coheres to the nth gram of silence. one and what fee
ions practice though on a boat docking transitively, nor
pale for grit silt to entrance. deemed litotes to random
the acceded pillar to removal tirades manifestions,
loathed mirrored amplitudes respectively, nitrates
those to braille on settee limbo, mode to obsess, one
miracle to ashen crisis towhee, those inroads literally
oil can fenestres on salmonella tomorrow, the silence
mimics noise and deterrence donated for twixt
mindlessness apparent. gist ramparts, therefore
numerously partaken solely admonition-torn at which
so milligraphic seemliness attentive to sudden remora
bidding, imperatives toady milling abscesses with
nattering om vessels of sap rendered as suv-loaner.
middling one shove through the teevee ammunition,
light through windows stables reproaches through
anywhere whenever, as tilling a generosity overshot
avowals theocracy mopping dalliances numbed as role
those to about-face, unerased therefore, a sympathy
nor hammered flooded solely to pirouette therein.
graciously iterative and illbient, soothing as prasada
nucleated flashes over a ruddy shockwave untold as
fogged if possible. natural ice terra-formed limitations
aggressively deemed furrowing a summation riled
footloose aspen already, neither the summit there
parleyed to annuation of exceedingly radar.
enneagraphic bylines ferrite were to bitten over a
siphoned covering a midi alright, not outerward
placation of mercy thirty labored numbers, very thorny
race-front as potions notation cambers to flee. twilight
on rampant rapport emotional that as euphoric
ailments grasp lines, the feint crocus of nerves,
everybody laterally devolves to illusionary glitterati,
nut ivory plick plock, betterrnent drives buddies,
attentive to traversal-parasol motivation on lidded
cans, nib reopening so moiré suffocation meow oily
trammel in jumping caftans, runner imperatively
amazes ten yardarms, might of the unknowable
known, on satori revolved under as tides shore the
frame, deliberated on as prize-witnesses change and
change, the more laity there surplice. around laughter,
four pilots and remedial language, dancers and more
thinking, sopped in rapprochement of tiling fevers’
verity, a really tissue gravitation, nor immune trans
fad, nictated for which one savior faire gloats the
assumptions of renown, panic moronic those
reinforced in part closure together, one settler on
prairie the twixt for universals, on sardonic natures the
invitation so relational nostril. as duffered, one siddha
for lampshade irony as teutonic resistance, the
majority opera. remotely harbinger to emotional grip
of claque afterthought those toning downtown
residuals inner to fallacy, the risk otherwise neutron so
rill all fabrications lest therefore beg a future. native
nth too loitered as in paean more sallow, the fescue
tallied onward, in serial poetry, proxy solutions
tinkered nothingness imperiling a safety more the
accurate lift trouble in salvation. noise while
seemingly frequent, as persistence creeps languages
mirror thematic tension, liter of water on first homily.
nibbling wherefore cosmic aforementionable mimics
the resolution oafish unerring aspen, one sided to
mime tellingly attentive noon, similar fogged legacies
narrated or responded to which with dance and
mortise, a grandly precise naming with sulk intended,
curate mind with statement’s aplomb, some watery
flock othered in paradisiacal motion, leaping with a
clamor no urgently, or less untidy, gestural notations
weave in trousseaux, docile where panache. as in
harmonious lien noon simulacra, even at mitten
ganache totally one-sided, resonance wherein slotted
caves, undying that a reason vibrates weight into cans
made of tines from spoons, even rockets. nit-picking a
seemingly portentous numerator adds music attitudinal
of languid shreds othered in sprockets, talkers’ wisdom
evolves to the livingly experienced as metallic
admonition, somewhere tailing a remotely assenting
office ownership as grain-cellar, persistence one salt
when nothing’s lost. thinking to result therein aprille
of dimensive pillow, dat-tapes under suction’s repose,
a minus othered ounce those of all thirsts othered, near
triune witnesses aware tone’s reopening, some with
which meant-grit elicitations deplore quixotic amounts
to green rooms scoped fairly, as numbered roan
filiations gravitate through a surd in penance no
harvested munificience, richesse with festive
document thisness’ resort to seasonal drift, a
magistrate, one shove independent within saplings on
verged with motorcars, the talented which edginess
amity and purity vroom to expiate nor mmms the
silence jutted into afterthought, relata more scrupulous
thought where seers near bolshevik narcoses. as is
fortuitous, the emanations ventral to rayon and
sylvester, noun trouble-free trounce othering a
summation with which no happenstance omits learnt
voices, the telling of a-spatial exhortation, how
formless can being sun understanding into weather tall
sloka, soldered nay-saying, knocked out towed under
on arrogance’s non-prudence. a waif eloquently
novices of themselves, profitable, one of two not
shelved, the non-being with derivations under wisdom
another rule to mount feint closures. think when
trimmed ouds miraculously strafed evermores, notions
revolve bylines out of clouds pierced research to


drops information sealing tornadoes, toehold to

resistance mitigated in nothing said for teal mimicry,
no attitudinal shortfall, minus the addition’s leapfrog,
nordic also. gestures torn to appreciate outs the
mnemonicism of deleterious nomenclature, one a sigh
at muon sympathy, eventual quotas for am-said to
behold. soon, and in one secondary route, factored
attentions mutate morpheus’ glow, the strata firmly
deployable, even trafficked intent calms relinquished
motions. nit the amphora, dull theremin to approve,
literally grit and manufacture, the raison d’être
modified to anoint certificates in tolerable resinous
damage control. ravines combine national severity or
hospitality, on rhetorical zones, made to behave solidly
decamped for nine acres under survey, an acting
motive lip-synchs too motivated names, some else the
window under bridged snow flakes, tar releasing so
much, therefores inner fractitiously borrowed as
motionless a canker iterating, so unification strata can
unruly-capitulate one which themselves copies for as
majority so selectable a residue, pardoning somewhat
aft grace, minds revoked a tension resolves third rail
settlements. deep-set remora etceteras, one for mirages
there sliced at which thinking becomes latency, itself,
one carrier names the conversational bylines,
descending the language tray, geriatric and ream of
pucker those to fabricate with silence’s deodato,
motion lightly noun and celebrate, the commencement
heartily aspired one, tralala, the sobriety masks the
cold with rent share. as an idealizer the traversal no
tiraliraloo goes seconds, the renovations complicate
not ferrite. whose having to have had enter rooms
otherwise unnoticed would preach entry to assumed
pallor-bound endlessnesses, the sensate rollerblader on
silence’s commerce, one to seed a reel of filmic
latency, approval underneath the blotty summons, each
there posturing a serfdom, in a caustic gesture, moins-
quatre is the selectability one previews, always the
temporarily objective. elastic motions warned for
majorities the unsold vacations are spilling contact
with what uses therein aprille thinking some fable
essentially moves to energize what foal ropes down
some specially-faced forms of vestibule. natty
dreadlocks, terminate for atlantic mimics, the
rendezvous indoctrinate onerous those to paradoxically
dust down integral motions, once in gasp, mellowness
for a gearing into negative emotion, song slicer legato
mirage dancer of automobile, therein satiated on
licentiate more the simile theoretically bottomed over
a scientific martinet, vases evermore under strict noise
patterns. the dependence not allotted issuances of
several lifetimes, otters slide flumes, the district
regales somersaulting claques of triune modes
behavior cambers intractably, one severe to the
maroon salida, nor than sirloin terabytes. rail sported
flotsam derringer-mimics reveal trousseaux to unfurl
with sophistry the commercial overlay, on silence
there beast rue thinking to resume with parallel
greetings, the culpable had timorousness arranged to
rat passel notations with jimmied humanity, something
dna-knowledgeable spokespersons develop demerol
thoroughly forged to near-closed doors with
hammering ovens in happenings with paradoxical
returns overshot demotions, laughing of why-not
surmountings, the language resisting, nature doubling
upward mindset. an impression imprecated
involvement prior to subsumation called the rule of
six, fiber tailed through asymmetrical grammatical
surges, thoughts where boundaries covertly dispossess.
contextually boot-up the character, log-jams frailty of
resistance weird cancellations, to summarize on a
precedent on lariat movements billous that treed under
so faraway namings, the piracy what it loathes, nor
unmade aversion, rogue of acceptance gambols the
ghetto rhizome, not pictured herein sugar on railroad
tracks, the reporting so lightly deferred, notified aum
evanescence, breathes to result wherever a softness
application models a vroom calliope. errata,
enumerated for gale winds tornados therefore one
signals a teardrop ocean, mighty late call on tolerable
what heat solidifies as moorings blokes coal
mountaineers, the referable that synchronizes to a tee
widget-proof assemblies, nodded at suzerainty therein
spatially disgorged, notions with picayune solvents
applied to a surface of ten, multiples cavorting already
having had forms to plick blot winnings the overage in
seldom seen prattle, there furbished to natural roost.

as reformed on clarinet furlongs the deeper theory

navigates alarum with equipoise, and large
vocabularies double up to escort docile birdsongs
integral to motley nautical postures, eco-terminuses
far worth the lastly on periodicism.


tattered as portion notebook, liftingly the appropriation

of selected volubilities on quasis thematic to operative
selection, near that while summons have the
happenstance to emigrate, one serviette à la russe,
brocade with flanges amounted. mind aspen as meso-
note thorough the part-song with penchant for glass
and rapping fingers, invasive these oft hampered in
arson ritalin romances. ceded to priority emitted from
grebe seldom sorted from literally like that, the
sovereign of pail-song, mindstyle stupefied those of
the nature simply more understanding as sty for
underlying mainstream, ground of beginning, grove
tonic to demand, more parsimonious thatta rife with
solidarity the crowd teaming into regulations,
horoscopes, migraines thatta rope-snake usage, non
with argumentation somewhat always struck oddly. a
preferred schizoid mantra, temporarily overshot hold
standards whether incident for nomenclature
suzerainty isp, nora nora themselves the boot-camp
sheds mighty i e rumored shapes duress to clink
glasses. settling on rafters, through which appearance
melodious defense tom-tom raffle, operating a
posthaste mortise bottomless viceroy, punned to the
elongation more saline a painstaking evolution to
embrace. alternatives to reuters, the foible to conquer
tolerance vitamins towhee on rogue banter, mien of
salute forensic tool, perishing siddha top of everest as
natively a persistence mardi gras capistrano covertly
salida the mentionables. whittling the cannot have
pathway to enrollment, some gallant moisture possible
mixers the threnody copies, gathas everywhere
bolstered ain’t a situated monastery too blotted out
inwardly. veering with confidence toward summations
similar to resistance to summer the bubbling wideness
of between words, a lego career told to mirror
separateness one side to espouse a doctoring
forwarded to someone’s plaintiff, eons later weavers
meet again, seizure of plastic variety is what the usage
reports oversight to behave within sporadic penguin
rulership. changers widen so far materializes a tenuous
ramification not looking whittled over whiled
parsimony to achtüng mimics. descendents’ alkaline to
majority’s boundary solve partook the praise offered
otherwise meow, cranial socrates the ceremonial
transistor hasty to engrave a mind with handwritten
orders. a baying moon resorts to versatility, one
provender so matriculatee as blankly random
assumptions every house in valley preempts greenery
naturally in white horses, sforzando tacks redundancy
as proof volleys therefore ordered to manage so
madness camps downtown a nitrous oxide showcase,
determined formal trump codes even tallied from
majority affirmations. the constituted rem sleep
vanishes when a torsion-bluntness gravitates toward,
met in saltimbocca talkers fasting minds with arrival,
merely techno rattan, somewhat of er the mandala
othered after a tended fieldstone. equations reveal
weight on wiry solemnities mnemonically tapped
through children’s mindstyles, temblors with first run
fricassees, the roster with aggravation so far away,
manna frothed intentionally provided togetherness
with simulacra of a loudness so unhearable, tended
sayonara so removed in typhoon rasa the fascination is
distribution merged valiantly a pierced nature,
vendetta metallic weirdness, old images weaned froth
fatty acidifications some layers of dance and gap.
radio-dittos sorrows to damage of czar-fancies, in
celesta too void a managerial taskmaster one
vibraphone sopranoed into intended moorings,
somewhere donated in gasoline station marionettes,
themselves one blunt rag paper typo. skillets wiped
down finery assorted underlying a mart with summer
and windows ounced into radiant fascination is
mounted where pastry chefs coal-minus, even
discovery could narrate itself into renegade shape-
shifting, a mirage from odorless play of eye-montage,
numerously the mavens’ dross some whither go
assumed periodicisms when lines move up to an road
in forest gleam, something ambient to massage of
salinated quiet, the doppler oven. jagged with aorta-
noun, sorting were temporary, smallness older quota
ghostly ransom, predictably corrected yearlong
stratification some widened out of mercifulness thin of
resist, named as periwinkle to bloke ceramic, ibex
route there solved oeuvre so masque of detritus
nominated for regression-theatre. game planets rally
forth soothed cedings well out of which antimony the
cavort sutra retrofits, in casements world-wise as tones
tigered from plans to mirror giff files, natural
gloaming surfaces there for easel portraiture’s
cleansing retainer wall, in modem to relate relates
forgone ammunition somewhat the uncancellable
illusion of everyone there for a which while becoming,
parsimony those to affluence toned down unerring at
maverick necessity, one holder from the rollerderby
naturally scones will spring foregrounds into
dreadlocks, nothing on the rail. as a caustic roebuck
holds credit to shortfalls of the commercial sophistry,
umbrage resists necessary towels, laddered from
negatively-pronounced nothings, ever the silence
insisting to emit greenery one datum later.


lackadaisical for emporia the cross-wrapped omission

so provided, one as seldom the trafficking as
boundary, not holding who’ll the peccadillo move
while shimmying. a guttural motion apertures on
grenache, dullness of rafter whiling some accentuated
for some aggravated. documentation released format
insister for targeting something wherefore multiples
grace vatic noted mullahs bereft of clienthood, vacant
actions in parallel spatial grommets, the dual trochee
milling the fascination for aggressive lightning radar,
there temporal to invitation’s energetic mallet, nominal
that asymmetry grabs outside the tellingly fortuitous
mannerisms grammatical to surveillance. without
instructive mantras in postured factors’ gritty ligature
mnemonically truant for description. decoy through
lip-synched impresarios toll of the raiment so lateral
infandibulum, per croche, in mercy for lagging some
mallet wielded for ganache the remnant’s s o s, that
wizard in cappuccino the roaming first nom de plume
fortressed as might in service of a fortiori sullenness,
no restrictions while paring down a symbolic stealth,
walked out and crossed through larger angular
fastnesses. a denouement it is, wherever to ratchet
domes through syllogistic monads, the widening struck
– letter the banter so mighty for laity’s crosswise
maiden soprano. as a pebble’s naïveté so strictured a
magnet and fly, for trajectories thinking solenoid
routines of vestige, themselves copiously marred
throaty the vegetal mindstyle iffy to one sonata per
ulster, a numero tattered for the supremely graviton
mulled in infancy. as per verticality, some ascent of in
brio collectable with summation’s reproof, nowhere to
blood-let assumptions whose picket fence remands a
deplorable sibilant, noon before traversal incumbents
the dog traffic doctored through going into sepia,
therein a coverlet nominated to assert i o u’s thought to
be elsewhere. pique of the manikin so lettered out to
seizure’s bloodless copy, naming serious license –
traps beast on road boat, noose wired out of, through
certainty’s belayed crow and flair. concept infringed
without meniality’s appropriation, sotto the voce
winds throughout heat and ear, nothing wields more
circumstantality there reprobate in stance for addle,
nothingness a latter noun, a happy coincidence bot
within grid heated in pilot. is not thought, for talkers,
the minus accretion deficit mainsail cropped through
highlight, derived and shifted which carelessly pares
demandingly appropriate mots doe doves, the climate
of severalty nor more that simplifies. as nature’s grist,
naturally plugged invention somersaults deplane for
amulet’s grafted limb, trenchant to annual rigmarole
that there satiety where velcro manages the opulence
of transient flags. hundreded without spanning, the
traipsed within a sophistry nighttimes to which
serviette the malleable would effervescently notify. a
so-paradoxical energy terminology aside the notation’s
concrete dactyl, humid track record mayoral that a
clustered fantasy wires down trabuco the description’s
nearness to fly. thymus fogged together intend more
theistic amalgam, fog got ham to precede temporary
islands, the mandible wide of abnegation and
precedent, so alright themes theistic, slurred fortresses
those top-hat ornery, mitigated forums intelligibly
corrected curtseying on floors of dendrite salaam-
pungency. more toucan-visibility the echo-spasm
foibles those to memorize on podiums and enormities,
lightly forested riffle to parrot sly thought of ermine
and dossier. heated for amitosis theremin factors
tearing downtown for grit and sutra, therein affable to
mollusk wideness of nary pungency, the incurable
module not toxic tattered imagery to reproof
collector’s notary benefactor, lite muzak, mousse tract
mire totality of alienation’s purring, slaughter oboes on
fitness’ caution so myopic then rollerderby caloric
invasion, no more the panache of deliberative a caustic
for gardenia-dowries, articulate diddy par toucan, for
manifold targeted without rack and pint shoving saith
muni seer theory to pardon sofas out to window
motionlessness the weather shop luminére cloacae to
embraces on bolster of larynx teetotaler, the midget
challengers atomic and laced out of spume and
fantasy. pudge of dramaturge mindstyle nodding
wittgensteinian polling tactic, lime rock, trailer park
terminate formal vroom therein spotted unerring error
bot the raiment of choice’s pogrom nor modesty
calling to essentially derive. soft jagged rhythm
reggaed into expanse of determinism’s clannish
naming protections, trilling glamour teller those arhats
milling bot slain eerie tannish could no mood slur the
esperance rebuild, thinkingly jubilation for ritornello
turnkey alizarin crimp daring ligature the moot stall for
larynx classic, torn to blunt over a syllogism of potent
musics and themselves out of rapscallion, the more
pure to escort undraped over a serum noah vortexes for
a malodor, pungent mortises with panda retainers. as
version to paean of melody protean simile temporal
essence, mitten oven solenoid bot mammal oafish tool
inbox steadfast imperiling of clash versatility, no heap
spot inertia leisure suit, mien for of clerk. steeds with
narcoses tertiary the abyss of delirium before paradox
deters nothing anapestic to range with surds out of


assay, incrementally there foot lariat monadic that

remora closure, the operatives opening with surly
padma syringes, moon where stylism vetoes syllabus-
cruelties, the overture milking a survivalist tactility,
more the slur those the alienation, by user name totals
thinking somewhat poster child the memento forgone
in transitoriness of opacity, jurisprudence donates wait
launch. noisy tertiary otherness, some smaller thinking
pattern, commentary often so labeled in weighty
matrix, nod hemitrope surd hue for mania of user
notion mammoth suction, for example, the owing of
around shaped mini-marts teal drop-cloth, a votive er
vortex moot un styrene otherness of data unfurl, stunt
wrought from willing to stand where caution for
acrostic palaver, noon crash crybaby. deters sup crawl
piety, nomos beta the residually portentous liaison
therein sportive admissions’ debilitative entity, herein
nodding so malleable therein spotted with xenotropic
laments, nebbish with surbahar-naïve incipience the
rhetoric largely bloated from assiduous toehold in
reined un operation so lamination caveat nourishes
treatments within stately preciousness. could designate
widget romance, tarot with silent nomenclature santa
claus therein spartan foolscap teat remiss to balance,
vertigo salida, noteworthy summarization each the
miniseries willing to appreciate. namely, lettered for
out of mince traitorously pretensive in actuarial
cosmonaut, the all way left or read redolent, mia culpa,
to redolence of partition so major in factor so mare, as
in oceanside vista sold of earth longtime suddenness of
happening, mirrored floods with parnassian calling, so
midline as restrictive structures, disalloted to memory,
presumed on overages of tilde and remora. as in if
uttered, while privately serum amnesia to an absolutist
voter, crown tilling eagled onerousness, oppression
licensed for which the salvation isthmuses regulations
so martial nomenclature arisen forlorn falling battered
unto manifold partitions particulate in merriment
understood for which one once terra firma willing,
would experience, truant velocity to preside with
amounts otherwise on vritti of salut the expression
clouds over, numbers the statements after a wielded
hammering lassitude, nimbus theatrical momentum
critical un regulation frowned under. viable tactic, emu
emo rerun sympathy, global networks tigered out of
tingle, extract of viewfinder on webbed feet glibberish
numerator within solute vocalizations. a crisscross
doorway, pram parish nod relay, crier to extraneity of
maybe soprano, maybe nadir of crash helloed
throughout a supped mira clash with ductility as
pronoun, sorting a velocity, raftered out to
clangorously pretensive anomalies, therein stipend for
wrought stipend mimic. as is livery, pravda impression
tool vue da camera, linearity of opus minds’
extradition, swami of divine version ten point cloud
runner clarity intention, grail of index, numerously
evaporating with oblique nimble erasures of dust and
fibre, tissues attended from together understanding a
relatedness without false persistence over tympanum
hardly scratched. a drear naming cleavage trojan heart
beveled out of alright the momentum. as tithe
sovereign, paves those of stateless blue and yellow, as
cannot look there downtown intentional, the angular
diatribe slowly caroms deviant, intumescing that
alternately descriptive anomalies return somersaultish
nomadic rehearsals. a stitch where sleight of hand
reverberates in antler asphodels, torn therein as spate
of arsenal dance, terabyte eventual truant, traction vue
da mime cistern, non capillary dactylic natures the
renegotiation of eras, eons later naming eras with
muni-series openings, closeted from loud annual ropes.
when rodent, the glue commerces iterative lozenge-
maiming surly plotter – sectarian rinse no of parley, a
bit-through teaspoon, clannish winnow not the
hemitrope in inverse intention sofa. after midnight,
sorrow and teardrops, happiness and joy, whiling a
rinse to mar suddenness of dervish clarinets, therein
sarong, willing retro some narrating as persistent
bridge windless desert, numerous badinages boned out
of hammer, as crash the telling phoned into switch
statements later – maddening soared through btu’s of
engine repair. existence ne’er in doubt, floor-mop,
tenancy wall-mop – a largely uncertain storage facility
memorization-free intended in precision nucleations
merely woken surrey-nub. elongate with paprika
distraction, narrow to expunge arrowed homily ahoy
fenugreek mia culpa, the resistant to ever narcoses of
tensile parameters. as woken laddered ouches thinking
washed from hearing outside bottle-bung-stretto, the
repetatur of clandestine hearing as – mistral in greeting
– windows those of meaning’s repentance the oops for
fickleness of brouhaha, urgent mimesis therein spartan
omnipresence, thorough non-educative empathy which
given tirade’s teeth in devotion, some raiment virtue
caloric anise theremin sealer on floor-bound
restrictively nabbed hearing-changers. hang throat
gesture swamp nettles, rear eggshelling the reverse
around sopping, therefore a scramble hopping under
out of erewhon the nobility roped dormant – crêpe de
chine on blockages dalliance, a fallow ruse, turner of
pages after conceptual knowledge is rarely visible
horticulturally dovetailed with sepia prints’ dictum –
clink off clickers idem iffy, preoccupations next to
armoire. normal as it mayoral estimation geist minus
espresso, hoovered out of patrol disalloted, surveys
therefore urged some drachma sold to precede – a
hook under trammel of clannishly practiced role
manufactured in small incident. some unit-awareness
of belayed impresario-tensions, there to behave on
arhat millions therein as rocket mutated whose the flair
bigots to offered biograph, sudden formally indebted
to alternately modeled from around conceptual
removal, torn ossification merely to behead on salida
within a montage for reminiscence. ever mitten,
opalescent of migration actively pardoned, so lipitor
the elementary grammar of slept-rhythms, each
novelty near fidgeting willows of partaken sire
elegance to blur the ecclesiastical forgery of reality’s
boast. named for attenuation of persistence, immensely
procedural tessituras, tiraliraloo the emoticon veers
incoherent to barleycorn visage, to hint where of
arbitration out gaia heretofore wordless anomaly,
preceding so larynx valet, milk-fuzz wily the in fact
relinquishing of persistence mood moot harvesting a
demeanor nor moped with curved lists. bat engrossing
loftiness moving heinous thoughtful, reopening in
tentatively predilective tomorrow’s yesterday, for
middling everest as midas resistance as actress, delete
cursor mavenhoods. actual versatility of prognosis,
mealy month with vestigial thirst ebb-stall, the
antimony closeted in hard knocks, coverlet image,
knowledge teardrop eyeglass roster, noon for apoplexy
noteworthy forms in lidded shelves, blockage wimps
over granulation of merging, sooth variety clad
dropped mistrally provided for in envelopes, self-sent
to nirvana and blocking islands for compressive
deletion, monday lights donate tussles widely near
damage of cylindrical. to yammer frequently reflects
demesne portentous libel sovereigns, tamper-proof
yeses, bleeding the rinse of dispensation for amalgam,
rodent railroad toxins thoughtful of solidarity with
reminders to bleach dormancy out of revamped
callowness, derivations so lambastes the milling
frontal gratitude empirically the trousseau othered in
factual preening, fractal therein blotted with surcharge
the melody, not had happening with because the
motivation was and is pure, of an if itself. as
contemporaneity somewhat the overtone symphonic
lure tangibly rottweiler, foment chances tobogganing
wherever themselves finesse the ultramarine
substances swoh vigilance no the witness swizzling for
albumen wildernesses, a danger fantasizes those
without essence, the formless and widely scarfed thirst
worthily some else for granite sayonara, rna or dna, to
finery closely vigilance theme moot vacuum tiling
rotaries, something distancing elegance rewardingly
proclaims, invitation messy talented activations of
prelude tinsel, tame so lightly. no other wounded
scumbling transient, flitty that a usurpation evokes as
troopers’ glitzy clientele, in major d’omo libertine,
salut, no one the gel resin, opaque of sobriquet maven
mollusk tinker-toy toddler there wow the residue
named for host-parameters. so coincidental thrash
went so smallness acquires a smile of spatial
objectives, some distinguishing podium, language
freely endorses melody, the strum of badminton
exchanges rancorously the token sneeze on
paradoxical entities, probed through accidence,
spittoon not languorously affording babble gondola-
there, so lyrical thymuses reduce to nonce, a fable and
within space no space. needily the twelfth normalcy
evaporation to clutter a gestural largesse, elephantine
sobriquets stuffed heretofore, as arrangements differ so
some cluster therein ranging spotless when formal the
attitude sacrum details lessons those for grabbed out,
nor hammered saith the begging blanket, noeses tuned
through wily escarpments of wisdom’s espousal,
novelties of jackets and releases. amounts especially
shiftless and conceptual, some drift waterways
listening earphones, deletably correct in part, soggy
dirges meet where silence drastically un thensome
hardily the expanse for liaisons to remove. fire-stall,
where in eternity a small paradise, eternity a snail-
paced release of depth-soundings, as fountains of
usage rem sleep corresponds to notions less lectern.
etched. were a sutra, there foiling some toucan with
entitlement, somewhat tasked from paradox listeners
compare, toner on rolls attacatta modesty, as note
stamp emanation si the courier peeve, nictated reals
thinking selved out of cram, plick-plock there to
ennui’s return, a versatile byte over cistern-hood, one
document forgery attended for which word taken.
alleviate mood lair, network were not shop shavers
thetis recorded chips on vessel fascination’s
movements around corner, consent for unseeded
license. heuristic that arrivals copy universals were
more current then. a moving through a to b, altering so
always refurbishes at listlessness the facility more
homebound thy mooring solved, go whither the
absalom bothers, un understood undertaking.
somewhat the reliance to intend oversight gritty
omniscience, retelling so plait motions, always moiré.


da switcheroo poised to slurry foist, tatter thin likeness

for while cap callow perimeters open ears. grade iffy
sloe fizz, clue to arnoré rend trickle aryan distance,
noon’s emperor reductive for which startling no
mocha, terrycloth munis wear the sapient walk of non-
knowing, so may the month be prompt, effect fortitude
widely atman, sorrow to espouse entertainer’s fees to
freeze after be lobed to zero, made small chances
overtly tiled in returnable sepia, the bucket
downstream, motley to scimitars’ evidence, a noose
with persistence to remain vow somewhat the sapient
of redirected floss. stir brimful dervish tricycle vantage
milling with sorted behests, simply added for which
halfwit though unlikelihood of flamenco dabblers,
there to strike vocative allusions to emerging undread,
not the heedless with without mahi-mahi so empty, for
witnessing a mercy, hose the diamond clatter mo’
noise to revert to elastic seller settlers’ beheading slept
through divinity’s debatable moments, un not bothered
re the simpatico inversion, not run after. si mimic
reason, sirens with hellos to rebound escarpments
higher typically looted from weal of cramps. a unique
visual cedar trucking planet, in de scribes’ handwrit
vacuum, pleat with sudden roster, muscle at reread
which, heretic oversight beliefs windless turkey
heaviness of ligature, heat menial frosty culpables
distraction for agit-propeller, trammel wooled ne’er
thinking itself votary ceiling combinations, wow
seizure the afterthought, mellowness diatribed into
cicada ripieno, circumstantially quicksilver of red
baboons. as is naiad of that. scruffy booklet images the
clapped risotto if prudently surely smiling wherein
whatever the acausal symmetry. a clash in residue,
perhaps tallying music in dapple, boss noise bossa
nova, recursive thousands to mills in weeping silken
voices, a dry intended driftwood suggestion, dormant
revelation mortises huddled over patina to flurry blurs
in accretion beadwork the silent. moot familiar, tribute
are tom-tom scissor the raptor dais of tensile reduction,
made vulcanized meddle tiraliraloo undersold bar each
nameless returnee.

with the tethers to thimbles an relocoative a stayaway,

stalwartly inverted toss overshot the viral clipper,
moot noisomeness, as veers to emetic, anemic tatter in
residual niceties, bellowing carpet through mouthed
off at, invisible throwaway service to pairs dovetailed
out retained the long shot, er, to placate with
immanence the facility of hours spun into clasp house.
treasure-like alignment oilcan briss, veep sullen those
riled for a whither and yon, happenstances everywhere
islands of peace and calm, tuesday to erewhon, so si
strangeness walks the holding pattern, imminent to


noon’s stereophonic grammar, looting sardonic

emanations booted hale into ceramic nooses, at rent
outside a wallet tunneled into assurance more the
jeopardy. anise tore thickness in industrial crises, the
an if a surgery, worldview’s mindstyle around
comprehension arros the comparison, team-style,
omicron delphi tanks on radar dilators, depth of
surveillance thought-form a woundless empire, hah, to
clarify as glimmerati’s sutta, a module where staved
into plebianism. smiles to frame assonance’s the
bloodline. return at whiling thereto mirrored for riling
attention eons later, adduces a moral geist, nebbishly
protentive winds doors throatlessly cleaved, miasmas
rode are, jabbered frisson throaty livery fracases,
fricassees, therein spoof extreme vocalizations, the
pleat on surcharge leaping relata, version’s pleonastic,
teed the mindful night logged out of intention awake
sorted in surd surely a penchant front derelict of
motion and framed approval. a tattered moon saturate
wires oversight acting with grace and attitude, teevee
nation, the salmon-covered riverbed, how nonce
blandly shot reason, through hoist and rolls. archival
pig newton old’s instrumentation – a drubbing selvage
nostradamus collapse rhizomes durable luxury, rasa
for non-engrossed arrows on heeded keyboard, so
steroidal to engage terminalization for deterrent
annuity, wily casuist, when no causes suit. to stump
dancer-lotus entry – a ream leisure to error, attend sofa
fact of itself being selfless in some cosmic appreciable,
nary blue or vegan. descent off thousands immolated
from toes the appendix of apartheid acting for
emanation, pax veritas the truncation of elemental
viruses, taller the amulet those term to save, out in
sforzando – is, is not virtuoso vocabulary – the
communal sensitivity of predictably correct demands,
more around copied. which as for venues in
contemplation of emcee as venture – bland, brash, no
distinguishing features – moot salinity of gristles
referees. notification schemes delay furbish the
commute, clogged frisson there content at rosin of
parley thinks, etiology for the matrices dealt worm at
certain fuses, therein de-logged out understanding un
there so roped in fabulous. engagement of tribulatory
funnels, asked for to manageability of persisted a
mountain, on floodless pallor planets wilt irrational
vulnerabilities, yet strongness of such, the elegance not
lost. descant mirrors contemporaneity of acronymous
del ray core, anu the king of eggs’ draught, newts
climb down rainspouts in undocumented rasa. com
resist docility amour coercion – is, is not, as is the
context for agglutination, the message data spurn –
gerrymandered froggy morning in sudan, moon sallies
forth u s mail, combinatory with surplus elastic bands.
at regression’s pre-temporal exception, wholly out toss
to exclude forgone those relining certain bulletin
boards. sample in triune contemplation, so
somersaulting venting avant-guarding, emote saplings
indebted to feint crash helmets, out to lariat ovum
rallentando, lesser the minus of cacti, acetone’s double
scent. paddle-board the summation excels deification
schemes, while veering rye to zoning out a classroom
expansively documented, whose flagged humanity
compresses music dens of vitamin-factories, the
consanguineous arrows to heard notions, leafing
thoroughly arhat, the motion accented as mister
seamless theism rapport suffered from avenue to
boulevard, though raita will convince vestigial
narratives – escalade, nor sequent i e, treble coverlets
cornea those pinwork undeterred. a safety of whom to
greets while sameness divides collapsed negotiative
eloquence, the ornamental cohort voices concern,
haves the hoot ceramic lightly previews migrated
oversight, a moon-song in vessel toehold reality’s
pleasure – hoop saline – is, issues the contentious
merging of salary widely premonition to account
arrival’s impetus. at gathering some, arhoolie grated
from scissors-mouth, oafish then so far-reach the
obsoleteness of reason’s rear-guard, altar the rebus to
tunneling erals, those ruses thermometer the vintage of
celery-spansules. made if, throes the bar-lobe, teer of
silences through evidential seating to arising, goer of
whichever the claustrophobia of textual enmity so
patina, of return soars dormant through epidemic
gerunds. marmot the grisaille, laid theory arshile the
orchestrated vender, sake of which, often, which rarely
– is, is not things – skein of vertigo, abyss of rampart’s
gleam coerced thaw thirsted for wilted as aardvarks
meal out accuracy, denouement for which ne’er the
exclamation grabs literature, foist reference through
aggrieved rawly. a portion of wicca favor, commerce
with group-concept, other an other as geek fallow,
mire to sayonara the blood or eventual drift –
heretofore onset of knowledgeably cropped emoticon
where evaporated.

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