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Chapter 1

Air properties

I. What is Air conditioning?

Air conditioning refers to the process of controlling air quality and properties such as temperature
and humidity to be able to reach the comfort air conditions of the occupants. Air conditioning can be used
on residential and commercial establishments and variations depend on the activity on the space used.
Regardless of the activity, the principles used to change the properties of air is the same, it just changes its
capacity and size.
Air conditioning uses the principles of refrigeration to be able to cool the incoming air. As shown
in Figure 1.1, the air conditioning component uses a compressor, condenser, evaporator and an expansion
valve. Additional components may be added like a humidifier to be able to alter the quality of air. But to
be able to understand what happens inside an air conditioning unit, the different air properties should be
discussed first. This will be the foundation for the loading calculations as well as understanding the
concept behind driers and cooling towers.

Figure 1.1
Chapter 1
Air properties

II. Psychrometry

Psychrometry is the study of the properties of mixtures of air and water vapour. Air conditioning
greatly relies on the condition of the atmospheric air which is a mixture of many gases plus water vapour
and a number of pollutants. Although in thermodynamic analysis, atmospheric air is considered to be
completely dry for ease of calculations, it is actually comprised of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbon
dioxide and moisture. Thus atmospheric air is actually moist air.

The composition of dry air is considered to be constant at any temperature and pressure however
its moisture content is of different matter. Dry air can only hold as much water content at given
conditions. If the air has already reached its limit, it is known to be saturated air which is a neutral
equilibrium between the moist air and the liquid or solid phases of water.

The quality of air should be calculated at different points of the air conditioning system to assure
that the comfort of the occupants are always met and it does not create damage or corrosion to the
different parts and equipment of the air conditioning unit. To be able to do this, one may use calculation
techniques or refer to charts and tables for values. The advantage of using a chart is that the data is readily
available but the values that can be obtained depends on the accuracy of the reader and it can only be used
for systems with barometric pressure of 101.325 kPa. Equations are more accurate to use even for
different barometric pressures however it involves memorizing different equations and constants to be
able to use. One may choose either method, but since most systems are low pressure applications, chart
and table reading is an easier route.

a. Basic gas laws

Before we start with the chart analysis, with any system governed by gas, some laws should be
reviewed. With moist air, the Gibbs – Dalton law or known as the law of partial pressure, for a mixture of
perfect gases, the total pressure exerted by the mixture is equal to the sum of partial pressures of the
constituent gases. Using this law, it can be imagined that each component of the gas does not interact with
one another and its pressure can be calculated separately and the resulting value is the partial pressure of
the gas at that specific volume and temperature.
Chapter 1
Air properties
Chapter 1
Air properties

n1 R u T n2 R u T n 3 Ru T ni R u T
p1 = ; p2 = ; p3 = ; … … ; p i=

p= p1 + p2 + p3 … .+ p i

where ni is the number of moles of each gas in kmol

Ru the universal gas constant 8.314 kJ/kmol – K
V is volume in m3
T is absolute temperature in K
pi is the partial pressure of gas in kPa
p is the total pressure of the moist air or the barometric pressure

Since moisture is part of the moist air composition, and water vapor will be assumed to be
behaving as perfect gas, the equation can be written as:

p= p a+ p v

where pa is the partial pressure of the dry air

pv is the partial pressure of the water vapor

b. Psychrometric properties

The different air properties that can be used to determine the air quality can be found in
psychrometric charts, as shown in Figure 1.2. Each part will be discussed to help with the familiarization
of the chart and guide us in developing our own chart for different barometric pressure.

As with any chart, it starts with the reference axes, the abscissa and ordinate. Since the most
common properties known for air is the temperature and pressure, these are the properties that will be the
reference axes for the start. The x – axis is where the dry bulb temperature is plotted while the partial
pressure of water vapor is on the y - axis. Dry bulb temperature is the temperature of the moist air
measured by standard thermometer.

Now the boundary of the chart is the saturation line or the saturated vapor pressure (psat). This is
the saturated partial pressure of water vapor at the dry bulb temperature. At this condition, when the air
reaches the saturation temperature, its water content changes from its gaseous phase to liquid phase. At
this point, the water condenses. The saturation temperature for different pressure points can be
determined using the tables of saturated water. When the air is said to be saturated it means that it has
reached its dew point temperature. The unsaturated air will reach its dew point temperature when it is
cooled at constant pressure.

One important factor to consider with air property is how much moisture content the air has. This
can be determined using the relative humidity (Φ) which is the ratio of the mole fraction of water vapor in
moist air to the mole fraction of water vapor in saturated air at the same temperature and pressure. This is
normally expressed as percentage. The higher the relative humidity, the closer it is to the saturation line.
Chapter 1
Air properties

∂ pressure of water vapor pv

∅= =
saturation pressure of pure water at same temperature p sat

Another property is the humidity ratio or specific humidity (W). It is the mass of water
associated with each kilogram of dry air.

mass of water vapor

mass of dry air

pa V p V
m a= ∧mv = v
RaT Rv T


Where Ra is the gas constant for dry air = 287 J/kg-K

Rv is the gas constant of water vapor = 461.5 J/kg-K


pv pv
W =0.622 =0.622
pa ( p− p v )

From this point that the atmospheric pressure is given, the chart that will be developed will be
unique. The ordinate from now on will be the humidity ratio since the line produced will be linear unlike
the partial pressure of water vapor which is slightly non-linear base on the equation above.

Degree of saturation (μ) is ratio of the humidity ratio to the humidity ratio of a saturated mixture
at the same temperature and pressure. This value shows how close the moisture content of the current air
to its saturated condition.

One important property of moist air is enthalpy (h). It is the sum of the enthalpy of dry air and of
the water vapor which is always based on some reference value. For dry air and water vapor, it is always
taken at 00C.

h=ha +W h g=c p t+ W (h Lv +c pw t )
Chapter 1
Air properties

where cp is the specific heat of dry air at constant pressure, kJ/kg-K

cpw is the specific heat of water vapor, kJ/kg-K

t is the dry bulb temperature of the mixture, 0C
W is the humidity ratio, kgv/kga
hg is the enthalpy of water vapor at temperature t, kJ/kg
hlv is latent heat of vaporization at 00C, kJ/kg

The value for hg can be obtained using the steam table. If it is not available, the specific heat of
water vapor can be taken as 1.88 kJ/kg-K. The line of constant enthalpy can be added to the
psychrometric chart but it is not projected completely in the chart. The line will closely coincide with the
wet bulb temperature line and will create confusion.

Another property is the specific volume which is the number of cubic meters of mixture per mass
of dry air.
ν= =
pa p− pv

To be able to establish the properties of the moist air using the chart, at least two independent
properties are given. One independent property and is easily measured is the dry bulb temperature. One
more property is the humidity ratio which is not dependent on temperature however it cannot be measured
accurately. Another independent parameter that can be used is the wet bulb temperature. The concept of
wet bulb temperature can be understood by knowing the concept straight line law from heat and mass
transfer as shown in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3

The straight line law states that when air is transferring heat and mass to or from a wetted surface,
the condition of air shown on a psychrometric chart drives toward the saturation line at the temperature of
the wetted surface. It can be explained by examining air passing above a wetted surface. At point 1 has
high pressure and temperature from the wetted surface. As it passes through, the air lowers its
temperature to be able to reach thermal equilibrium with the wetted surface and the amount of its water
Chapter 1
Air properties

vapor will also be transferred to the wetted surface thus the humidity ratio is lowered. As this continues
the air will reach the saturation temperature of the wetted surface and when can be observed that the rates
of transfer are along the straight line connecting the point 1 and the saturation point.

The concept will be applied for plotting thermodynamic wet bulb temperature. But first the value
of the thermodynamic wet bulb temperature will be gained by a thermometer immersed in the sump of a
adiabatic saturator (Figure 1.4). This device is equipment with insulated walls that allows the air to flow
and passes through a spray of water. As the air exits the device, the output is air that is equal in
temperature and vapor pressure of the spray water. Due to the evaporation process occurring, make up
water is necessary to perpetuate the process. The temperature of the make – up water is the same with that
of the sump. The energy balance can be calculated as:
h1 =h2−(W 2−W 1) hf

Where hf is the enthalpy of the saturated liquid at the thermodynamic wet bulb temperature

Figure 1.4

Using adiabatic saturator is an inconvenient device to measure the wet bulb temperature an
alternative is a thermometer with a wetted wick, known as wet bulb thermometer. Since the area of the
wetted wick is finite, the air will not reach its saturated condition. If the points will be connected, and
using the straight line law, it will eventually reach the saturation temperature of the wet bulb (Figure 1.5).
Although there will be difference between the thermodynamic and actual wet bulb temperature it can be
assumed to be negligible.
Chapter 1
Air properties

Figure 1.5

III. Psychrometer

It is an instrument capable of measuring the psychrometric state of the air. Three independent
parameters are needed to measure the psychrometric state of air, two of these are the barometric pressure
and the dry bulb temperature. The other one can be obtained using a sling psychrometer or the aspirated

A sling psychrometer, Figure 1.6 consists of two thermometers mounted side by side and fitted in
a frame with a handle for whirling the device through air. The required air circulation is approximately 3
to 5 m/s over the sensing bulbs is obtained by whirling the psychrometer for approximately 300 rpm.

Figure 1.6

In the aspirated psychrometer, the thermometers remain stationary, and a small fan, blower, or
syringe moves the air across the thermometer bulbs.

Chapter 1
Air properties

1. Calculate the specific volume of an air – vapor mixture in cubic meters per kilogram of dry air when
the following conditions prevail: t = 300C, W = 0.015 kgv/kga and p = 90 kPa (0.99 m3/kg)

2. A sample of air has a dry bulb temperature of 30 0C and a wet bulb temperature of 25 0C. The barometric
pressure is 101 kPa. Calculate a) the humidity ratio if this air is adiabatically saturated, b) the enthalpy of
the air if it is adiabatically saturated, c) the humidity ratio of the sample, d) the partial pressure of water
vapor in the sample, e) the relative humidity (0.0201 kgv/kga; 76.2 kJ/kg, 0.0180 kgv/kga, 2840 Pa, 67%)

3. An air – vapor mixture has a dry bulb temperature is 30 0C and a humidity ratio of 0.015. Calculate at
two different barometric pressures, 85 and 101 kPa, a) the enthalpy, b) the dew point temperature (68.3
kJ/kg, 17.5 and 20.30C)

4. On a particular day, the weather forecast states that the dry bulb temperature is 37 0C, while the relative
humidity is 50% and the barometric pressure is 101.325 kPa. Find the humidity ratio, dew point
temperature and enthalpy of moist air on this day. Will the air condense when it comes in contact with a
cold surface whose surface temperature is 24 0C? (3.13975 kPa, 0.01989 kgv/kga, 88.31 kJ/kga, Yes)

5. Moist air at 1 atm pressure has a dry bulb temperature of 32 0C and a wet bulb temperature of 26 0C.
Calculate a) the partial pressure of water vapour, b) humidity ratio, c) relative humidity, d) dew point
temperature, e) density of dry air in the mixture, f) density of vapor in the mixture and g) enthalpy of
moist air (2.956 kPa, 0.0187 kgv/kga, 62.16%, 23.80C, 1.1236 kga/m3, 0.021 kgv/m3, 80.05 kJ/kga)

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