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CHAPTER 10 Medical and Medication




There are some plants that can ease pain and cure illness. For thousands of years, they have been the
basis of medical treatment. In the 19 th century scientific discoveries improved our understanding of the
natural world, including our knowledge of medicine. Important discoveries in chemistry meant that
scientists could produce synthetic medicines in laboratories.

Most synthetic drugs are very similar to the medical parts of plants. One example is the opioid group. To
make opioid like morphine and codeine, scientist use part of real opium poppies. Other opioid, like
methadone, are synthetic – they are man-made copies of the natural drug.

Synthetic medicines have been very successful, although they can have bad side effects, and sometimes
cause patient dependence. Anesthetics, vaccines, antibiotics and contraceptives have had a huge effect
on our lives. At the same time, they have made a lot of money for drug companies.

Drugs normally have two names, a general name and a brand name. For example, the drug with the
general name Paracetamol is sold under the brand names Panadol, Calpol, and Anadin. Some drugs are
available to buy over the counter (in a shop or pharmacy). Other, usually more powerful drugs, are only
available with prescription from a doctor.

Drug companies are always working to develop new drugs, but also on new ways to administer them.
One of the most recent ways to deliver a drug is the transdermal patch, which releases minute
quantities of the drug through the skin of the patient.

Ada beberapa tanaman yang dapat meringankan rasa sakit dan menyembuhkan penyakit.
Selama ribuan tahun, mereka telah menjadi dasar perawatan medis. Dalam ke penemuan ilmiah abad-19
meningkatkan pemahaman kita tentang dunia alam, termasuk pengetahuan kita tentang obat-obatan.
Penemuan penting dalam kimia berarti bahwa para ilmuwan dapat menghasilkan obat-obatan sintetis di

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CHAPTER 10 Medical and Medication

Kebanyakan obat sintetis sangat mirip dengan bagian medis tanaman. Salah satu contohnya adalah
kelompok opioid. Untuk membuat opioid seperti morfin dan kodein, ilmuwan menggunakan bagian dari
bunga opium asli. Opioid lainnya, seperti metadon, adalah sintetis - mereka adalah salinan buatan
manusia dari obat alami.

Obat-obatan sintetik sangat berhasil, meskipun mereka dapat memiliki efek samping yang buruk, dan
kadang-kadang menyebabkan ketergantungan pasien. Anestesi, vaksin, antibiotik, dan kontrasepsi
memiliki efek besar pada kehidupan kita. Pada saat yang sama, mereka telah menghasilkan banyak uang
untuk perusahaan obat.

Obat-obatan biasanya memiliki dua nama, nama umum dan nama merek. Misalnya, obat dengan nama
umum Parasetamol dijual di bawah nama merek Panadol, Calpol, dan Anadin. Beberapa obat tersedia
untuk dibeli di atas meja (di toko atau apotek). Obat lain yang biasanya lebih kuat, hanya tersedia
dengan resep dari dokter.

Perusahaan obat selalu berusaha mengembangkan obat baru, tetapi juga cara baru untuk
mengadministrasikannya. Salah satu cara terbaru untuk memberikan obat adalah patch transdermal,
yang melepaskan jumlah menit obat melalui kulit pasien.


Decide whether sentences 1-6 are true (T) or false (F) according to the text:

Putuskan apakah kalimat 1-6 adalah benar (T) atau salah (F) sesuai dengan teks:

1. The natural world changed in the 19 th century (____T_____)

Dunia alam berubah padake abad-19
2. Medicines became scientific in the 19th century (____T_____)
Obat menjadi ilmiah padake abad-19
3. Medicinal plants are completely different from synthetic drugs (____T_____)
Tanaman obat benar-benar berbeda dari obat-obatan sintetis
4. Methadone is taken from opium poppies (____F_____)
Metadon diambil dari opium poppies
5. Panadol, Calpol, and Anadin are the same thing (____T_____)

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CHAPTER 10 Medical and Medication

Panadol, Calpol, dan Anadin adalah hal yang sama

6. The transdermal patch is a new way to deliver drugs (____T_____)
transdermal adalah cara baru untuk memberikan obat

Prescription of Medication:

1. b.d.
a. every
2. q.d.s.
b. twice a day
3. q
c. capsules
4. p.o.
5. a.c. d. four times a day

6. tab. e. three times a day

7. p.c. f. when necessary
8. 2 hrly
g. tablets
9. Caps
h. when necessary
10. t.d.s.
i. after meals
11. p.r.n.
j. before meals

k. orally

what are the directions you should tell the patient?

1) 1 TID : ________________________________________________________
2) 2 q4h prn : ________________________________________________________
3) (applt) QD prn rash : ________________________________________________________
4) 2 gtt os TID : ________________________________________________________
5) 1 BID pc prn pain : ________________________________________________________
6) I tsp TID x 7d : ________________________________________________________

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CHAPTER 10 Medical and Medication

We all know what drugs are. There are the drugs we all _________ every day: coffee, tea,
tobacco, alcohol, and aspirin. There are the so called ‘s_________’ drugs like marijuana and then
the ‘_________’, dangerous drugs like LSD. The _________ with drugs is that they are
_________- forming. We can quickly come to _________ a drug. If we are _________, we
become _________. Drug _________ like to repeat the wonderful _________, we become
_________. Drug _________ like to repeat the wonderful _________ of being ‘_________’, but
this is usually followed _________ the feeling _________ being very ‘_________’. It is very
difficult to_________ drugs, even something harmless like a cup _________ coffee _________
the morning.

Kita semua tahu obat apa. Ada obat yang kita semua _________ setiap hari: kopi, teh,
tembakau, alkohol, dan aspirin. Ada yang disebut 's_________' obat-obatan seperti marijuana
dan kemudian '_________', obat-obatan berbahaya seperti LSD. The _________ dengan obat-
obatan adalah bahwa mereka _________- membentuk. Kita bisa cepat datang ke _________
obat. Jika kita _________, kita menjadi _________. Obat _________ suka mengulang _________
yang indah, kita menjadi _________. Obat _________ suka mengulangi _________ yang luar
biasa menjadi '_________', tetapi ini biasanya diikuti _________ perasaan _________ menjadi
sangat '_________'. Sangat sulit untuk meminum obat-obatan, bahkan sesuatu yang tidak
berbahaya seperti cangkir _________ kopi _________ pagi hari.

Problem Masalah unlucky sial high tinggi

Soft lembut of pecandu addicts
Give up menyerah habit kebiasaan depend on
Take pada by oleh in
Experience ambil of hard
Addicted low lemah


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CHAPTER 10 Medical and Medication

Explaining medication

This medicine is…

an antibiotic an anti-inflammatory
a fever reducer a diuretic
This medication is… The doctor
a steroid a cough suppressant
prescribed for
an antacid a pain reliever you
a sedative a bronchodilator
This is a prescription
stomach acid headaches
Diabetes pain
This is medicine for… Infection rashes You are supposed
to take this…
Inflammation anxiety
Sleep nausea
Allergies asthma

This is medication to stop… Pain

Prevent… Your blood pressure
Lower… Your cholesterol
Reduce… Your arthritis
Help with… Your rash
Take care of… Nausea
Blood clots


Example of conversation when a doctor gives explanation of medication to a patient:

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CHAPTER 10 Medical and Medication

Doctor : Mrs. Williams, I’m going to give you a couple prescriptions.

Patient : thank you, Doctor.

Doctor : the first medication is an anti-inflammatory. This is medicine to prevent inflammation in your

knee joints. You should take one capsule twice a day as needed.

Patient : okay. Will it help with the pain?

Doctor : yes. The second medication is a diuretic. This is medicine for your high blood pressure. You

should take one tablet once a day.

Patient : thank you. I really appreciate it


Make a conversation between a nurse and a patient like the earlier example. The conversation should
based on prescriptions of medication below.

Write three sentences about these prescriptions

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