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Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra

Edificamos Futuro

ESTUDIANTE: CURSO: 110__ Código:



Affirmative, negative and interrogative form.


Affirmative, negative and interrogative form.


Affirmative, negative and interrogative form.

Pass sentences form active voice to passive voice.
1. Past simple tense (be) perfect and so I ..................... (go)
to the park. And do you know who I
1.1 Complete the answers. ..................... (see) there? Jason, my
boyfriend. I ..................... (want) to say
A: Were you hungry? hello to him, but then I .....................
B: Yes, I ........................ a little bit (stop), because I ..................... (can)
hungry. see a girl coming to him. Guess what
..................... (happen). They
A: Was your sister at school? ..................... (meet) in the middle of
B: No, she ........................ at school. the road and he ..................... (kiss)
her. My Jason! Jason and I
A: Were your parents at work? ..................... (be) in the park three
B: Yes, my mum ........................ at times and he never .....................
work. But my dad ........................ at (try) to kiss me! I didn't know what to
work. He was ill. do. I just ..................... (run) away.
When I ..................... (come) back
A: Was Peter your friend? And Bill? home, I ..................... (cry). Just a
B: Peter and Bill ...................... my little bit, you know. Then I
best friends. ..................... (say) to myself: Forget
about Jason. There are plenty more
A: I think the first story was quite fish in the sea!
interesting and the second story was What do you think of him? Is he
great. worth it? Please, write back soon.
B: Really? No, the stories Love,
....................... very interesting. Bea

A: Was I often ill when I was a child? 1.3 Create a story using the past
B: Not really. You .................... much simple tense. It must have two
healthier than your brother. paragraphs. It must contain all
the structures of the past
A: Were Susan and Marion good at simple tense (affirmative,
sport? negative and interrogative
B: Well, Susan ............. quite good at form).
athletics, but Marion .........................
good at any sport.

1.2 Complete the the e-mail with the verbs

in brackets.

Dear Jane,
How are you doing? I feel miserable, I
must admit. And I'm going to tell you
why. Yesterday I ..................... (do)
my homework, ..................... (tidy) my
bedroom and ..................... (decide)
to go out. The weather .....................
2. Present perfect tense
3. Future simple tense

Complete the sentences with 14. Their suitcases are packed.

the correct form of will or They ______________
going to and the verbs in (go) on holiday.
brackets. 15. If we go to Paris, we
1. When we get home, we ____________ (take) lots of
___________ (have) dinner. pictures.
2. I know they ___________ 16. My brother thinks it
(feel) very happy if they win the ______________ (snow)
match. tomorrow.
3. They’ve already decided on 17. It’s very late! Hurry up or
their next summer holiday. we ___________ (be) late for
They ____________ (do) a tour work.
of Norway. 18. Look at that boy at the top
4. She thinks that the Take of that tree! He
That concert __________ ___________ (fall).
(be) really exciting. 19. When we go home, we
5. “What are your plans for this ____________ (watch) TV.
evening?” I ________ (meet) We don’t want to miss our
my friends and then go to a favourite programme.
birthday party. 20. I’m sure they ___________
6. If you revise for the exam, (lose) the match.
I’m sure you ________ (get) a 21. It’s very hot in here. I
good result. ___________ (open) the
7. The weather forecast is window.
good for the next few days. It 22. It’s a secret! OK I
_________ (be) very sunny. ___________ (not tell) anyone.
8. I can’t come on the march 23. My cousin ___________
tomorrow. I ___________ (look (work) in the UK for a
after) my cousins. year.
9. In the future, I think humans 24. I ___________ (love) you
___________ (wipe out) many forever.
different species. 25. I’m thirsty. I ____________
10. He is buying some butter (get) you a glass of
and eggs because he water.
_________ (make) a cake later.
11. This homework is very
easy. I know we __________
(do) it very quickly.
12. In five years time, I
_____________ (be) at
13. She wants to get her mum
a birthday present. But she
_____________ (not buy) it
4. Passive voice

Change these sentences from active to passive:

1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.


2. The Government is planning a new road near my house.


3. My grandfather built this house in 1943.


4. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.


5. The cleaner has cleaned the office.


6. He had written three books before 1867.


7. John will tell you later.


8. By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal.


9. Somebody should do the work.


10. The traffic might have delayed Jimmy.


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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.

11. Everybody loves Mr Brown.


12. They are building a new stadium near the station.


13. The wolf ate the princess.


14. At six o’clock someone was telling a story.


15. Somebody has drunk all the milk!


16. I had cleaned all the windows before the storm.


17. A workman will repair the computer tomorrow.


18. By next year the students will have studied the passive.


19. James might cook dinner.


20. Somebody must have taken my wallet.


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