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IBEF 2016

Back To Nature

Business Administration Department (BA)

Swiss German University
Edu Town BSD City Tangerang 15339
Telp. 021 3045 0045
Fax. 021 3045 0001
International Business Entrepreneurship Festival activities (IBEF 2016) is the 6th activity of
Entrepreneurship Exhibition, organized by the International Business Administration Program of the
University of Swiss German. This activity is a form of responsibility and concern for our efforts on
the development of entrepreneurship in the country, which is based on condition that the
entrepreneur number in Indonesia is still relatively small. Estimated population by Statistic Bureau
shows us that from around 242, 3 million people , with the working age population 169.33 million,.
Indonesia only has 564.240 numbers of entrepreneurs units or about 0.24% of the total population
of Indonesia in 2013. Based on these data it can be seen that there is still lack of entrepreneurs in
Indonesia and the figure is still very much with the total number of existing population with
employment land needs.

On the other hand, with the increasing number of Indonesian population and uncontrolled
industrialization process, it leads to minimize a low carrying capacity of the environment. Many
small, medium and large are not at all a positive contribution to the environment, even contribute
to environmental degradation.

Therefore as one of the institutions of higher education and have a responsibility to promote the
welfare of the Indonesian population while maintaining the environment, The International
Business Department - Swiss German University intends to organize training activities for youth
entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competition with the theme of Back To Nature

 Increasemotivationandencouragepotentialyoung entrepreneurs in
businessplanning, not only for SGUstudentsbut also forhighschool
and Establishing an effective networking between educational institutions
with potential business partners involved.
The participantswill be:
- Swiss GermanUniversity International Business Administration
StudentsFirst &Fifth Semester
- High School and University Students
- Open for Public

 Essay Writing Competition
 Business Plan Competition
 Exhibition

The IBEF committee hereby would like to extend this proposal as an invitation for
institutions alike. This proposal represents what we stand up for as students and
teachers. The
virtues and values we honor are reflected within the proposal. Thank you for your
time, and we
look forward to your acceptance.

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