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Title: Compose and simulate VHDL code for the following sequential elements and circuits.
1. D flipflop
2. JK flipflop
3. 4-bit Synchronous counter with active high preset and clear.
Software: Xilinx ISE 14.7

Theory: Process Statement

Formal Definition

A process statement defines an independent sequential process representing the behavior of some
portion of the design.

Simplified Syntax

[process_label:] process [ ( sensitivity_list ) ] [ is ]




    end process [ process_label ] ;


The process statement represents the behavior of some portion of the design. It consists of the
sequential statements whose execution is made in order defined by the user.

Each process can be assigned an optional label.

The process declarative part defines local items for the process and may contain declarations of:
subprograms, types, subtypes, constants, variables, files, aliases, attributes, use clauses and group
declarations. It is not allowed to declare signals or shared variables inside processes.

The statements, which describe the behavior in a process, are executed sequentially, in the order
in which the designer specifies them. The execution of statements, however, does not terminate
with the last statement in the process, but is repeated in an infinite loop. The loop can
be suspended and resumed with wait statements. When the next statement to be executed is
a wait statement, the process suspends its execution until a condition supporting the wait
statement is met. See respective topics for details.
A process declaration may contain optional sensitivity list. The list contains identifiers of signals
to which the process is sensitive. A change of a value of any of those signals causes the
suspended process to resume. A sensitivity list is a full equivalent of a wait on
sensitivity_list statement at the end of the process. It is not allowed, however, to use wait
statements and sensitivity list in the same process. In addition, if a process with a sensitivity list
calls a procedure, then the procedure cannot contain any wait statements.


entity D_FF is
port (D,CLK : in BIT;
      Q : out BIT := '0';
      NQ : out BIT := '1' );
end entity D_FF;
architecture A_RS_FF of D_FF is
  BIN_P_RS_FF: process (CLK)
    if CLK = '1' and CLK'Event then
      Q <= D;
      NQ <= not D;
    end if;
  end process;
end architecture A_RS_FF;

The flip-flop has two input ports: D, CLK and two output ports: Q and NQ. The value of the
input signal D is assigned to the output Q when the value of the CLK changes from '0' to '1'. The
change of the signal value initiates the process BIN_P_RS_FF, because the signal CLK is on the
sensitivity list of this process. The change of the CLK value from the logical zero to the logical
one is sensed by the use of the if statement.

The first part of if statement takes place when the actual value of the signal CLK is checked. The
second part confirms that the signal CLK really changes its value (attribute 'Event is responsible
for that). In the case when the logical value of this condition is TRUE, then the two assignment
signal statement are executed.

Sensitivity List

Formal Definition

A list of signals a process is sensitive to.

Simplified Syntax

(signal_name, signal_name, . . .)

The sensitivity list is a compact way of specifying the set of signals, events on which may
resume a process. A sensitivity list is specified right after the keyword process (Example 1).

The sensitivity list is equivalent to the wait on statement, which is the last statement of the
process statement section.

Only static signal names, for which reading is permitted, may appear in the sensitivity list of a
process, i.e. no function calls are allowed in the list.


Example 1

DFF : process (CLK,RST)
  if RST = '1'
    then Q <= '0';
    elsif (CLK'event) and (CLK = '1')
     then Q <= D;
  end if;
end process DFF;

Here, the process is sensitive to the RST and CLK signals, i.e. an event on any of these signals
will cause the process to resume. This process is equivalent to the one described in the comment

If Statement


The if statement is a statement that depending on the value of one or more corresponding

conditions, selects for execution one or none of the enclosed sequences of statements,.

Simplified Syntax

if condition then


end if;

if condition then



end if;

if condition then


  elsif condition then




end if;


The if statement controls conditional execution of other sequential statements. It contains at least

one Boolean condition (specified after the if keyword). The remaining conditions are specified
with the elsif clause. The else clause is treated as elsif true then. Conditions are evaluated one
by one until any of them turns to be true or there are no more conditions to be checked for. When
a condition is true then the sequence of statements specified after the then clause is executed. If
no condition is met then the control is passed to the next statement after the if statement.

The if statement can be used in a simplified form, often called if-then statement, where

neither elsif nor else clause is supported (example 1).

In case when meeting a condition should cause some statements to be executed, but when it is
not met some other actions should be performed, the else clause is used (example 2).

The elsif clause is used when different nested conditions have to be checked (example 3). This
can be used for prioritizing conditions and signals.

The if statements can be nested (example 4).


Example 1
I1: if Status_Signal = hold
      then A1: Outputs <= 'X';
    end if I1;

The assignment will be realized only when the condition Status_Signal = hold is true. Otherwise,
the statement that follows the end if I1 will be executed.

Example 2

function AND_FUNC (x, y: in Bit) return Bit is

  I2: if x = '1' and y = '1'
        then return '1';
      else return '0';
      end if I2;

When the variables x and y are both equal to '1', then the function returns the value '1'.
Otherwise, '0' is returned.

Procedure: Write steps for creating project using Xilinx ISE14.7, create Testbench VHDL
program for source code and simulation steps. (Copy from your practical notebook)


Note: attached printout with this write up (vhdl code,RTL/Technology schematic,Testbench code
and waveforms)

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